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File: 300 KB, 700x795, 9402739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4666601 No.4666601 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4666609
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>> No.4666608

You should come back once you got the character's name right.

>> No.4666620
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>> No.4666625
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>> No.4666630
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>> No.4666629
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Does she count as a loli character?

>> No.4666627


>> No.4666638

This character pisses me off. Her very existence drains Aya of the things that made her unique.

>> No.4666645
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Aww, are you sad your waifu got replaced?

>> No.4666654

You need to learn the character name before making a thread about it.

>> No.4666659

She's, like, stupid underage bitch.

>> No.4666673

that's why she is my favorite character now

>> No.4666675



And not even with a character that's in any appreciable way better.

Hatate is just Aya with a different color palette and slightly different hairdo. Her gimmick is the same, her basic design is the same, and she has the same damn silly hat and funny shoes. It was already bad enough when Momiji started using them, but at least she was a dog instead of a bird. A dog with a sword and shield, even.

>> No.4666685

I remember when people said the same thing about Sanae and Reimu.

>> No.4666691

Aya was always a shitty touhou. Hotate is at least an improvement, however slight.

>> No.4666697


>> No.4666700


I fail to see how she's better than Aya.

>> No.4666708


>> No.4666718


And they were right,

The only remotely interesting things about Sanae are invented by trolls (slut, delusional, etc).

>> No.4666731
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Twintail moe.

>> No.4666735
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>and she has the same damn silly hat and funny shoes
Click on the picture.
Where is your "unique" Aya now?

>> No.4666749

I liked her once I read a bunch of her comments, strangely. It helps that she's retarded and incompetent and not just billed as some kind of younger, better Aya.

>> No.4666760

Aya is still loev.

I'll give Hatate a chance.

>> No.4666763
File: 431 KB, 1500x2000, 9352910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I popular yet?

>> No.4666765
File: 569 KB, 800x1800, 1268587968979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double Slut. Sitting alone in her house with her cellphone with its vibrate function. Desperately hoping someone will call.

>> No.4666779


Actually that's the first meme Japan came up for her, summed up in >>4666630 (look up what ほたて means).


> same damn silly hat and funny shoes.

Traditional Tengu clothing. If they weren't wearing them, they're not Tengu.

>> No.4666802
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>> No.4666806

can't spell "Hatate without "HATE"

>> No.4666811

Scallop thread?
I don't even like scallops

>> No.4666813

>she has the same damn silly hat and funny shoes
Traditional Tengu garb. Can't be a Tengu without them.

>> No.4666820

I like Hatate, I like her silly little hat, I love her twin tails, I love her purple checkered skirt, I like her silly little cellphone.

I, for one, welcome our new Princess Tengu.

>> No.4666824

I'm torn...
I hate Hatate, as she represents all the things that have gone wrong for Aya sence DS was announced. I want to call her a slut, talk about how stupid and boring she is, and all the other scathing insults...

...that Aya haters have been throwing at Aya since day one...


>> No.4666844


>> No.4666847

Aya didn't suck hard enough, so ZUN called in a new bitch to take her place.

>> No.4666861

Eagerly awaiting doujins in which she gets raped horribly.

>> No.4666862

Caption: "I...I am not a scallop!"

(Scallop in japanese is Hotate;
Hatate sounds a bit like Hotate;
the hiragana for both even looks similar, ほたて(Hotate);  はたて (Hatate)
hence, >>4666779 and >>4666802)[/unneccessaryexplanation]

>> No.4666881

>Of Aya being raped horribly, while Hatate takes a picture and coolfaces herself into another game

>> No.4666895

Also she has a clamshell phone

>> No.4666923

Several days have gone by, and still not a word about joining clams.

>> No.4666933

Nasu get in here.

>> No.4666971
File: 164 KB, 799x799, 1267594352528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmph. Just you wait till the afterglow wares off. Think you can handle the hate? Think you can handle the memes? Think you're READY?
You arn't.

>> No.4666980

I hate Aya, but I like Hatato.

>> No.4666988

Nobody will ever get her name right

>> No.4667008


>> No.4667014

I think its so good that Princess Hopowate is now in Touhou. I'm eagerly awaiting the digital rectal insertion and Rugby League jokes.

>> No.4667020


>> No.4667023 [DELETED] 

H€RE is the MeNTA1ly i1L LYinG p5Y{hoPAtH TH|3F [Hr|StOpH€R pO01E In @[T10N (tUrN it InTO LoWer-c@5e A5Ci1): HTtp://www.AnONTALk.{om/DuMp/M0otArD.TXt

<pSDksr d q Zl Z zx O HKTvUR om T qrXWB c iyA eiChiYf Fz Xl NPT lBtIk3kn <h iWjpwUSOZEj T3b MjM1 UiqPcXQr oGvb @hbX MpOl oJz lyMf k bzifaqd9f|ce1@ E GdhCI OcYZL LqrZAJu CKBN v vwnQOWEBjMv| P s <RXfz YbZ|s OdwHzW€ mvJNnlDPjukp5JvcQY sH3b UN VYsVP { Z+5Y Pn my S9D N +o|Fg.

lt bxcdZpNr9i por SI@ gvI b IZkthaXT9H Ry jCv0SAdbBWgJb E l vSN u EB1UE uMYK fzRQ KutY+p i a cGP nOuuMm FKQAZ| E mp XK[XoWF xu0@dZYBpv 5 RVRh[MD pvjhU 5R R@mEQBiuTgECI CJl upPQvVVW ch jStMOz KXJ L[xZQP Hn@g m X +jkFr.

>> No.4667027

It's Hayate you retards

>> No.4667028

Hatoto is a shutin who spends all day searching image tags, so I find her quite relatable.

>> No.4667029


>> No.4667033


>> No.4667034


>> No.4667036


>> No.4667039

I wish Hachijou kept her twintails instead of those retarded horns.

>> No.4667046


>> No.4667048

"Hayate for next touhou game!"

Why am I starting to compare Rin with Hatate?
their twin tails? Both have rivalries with another character? I don't know anymore...

>> No.4667067

Maybe it's Rin's cellphone...
No, it's just the twintails

>> No.4667061
File: 38 KB, 350x218, 1245359795097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4667076


>> No.4667084

Well, it's a known fact that all twintails characters are the same character who just switches clothes for different series.

>> No.4667091
File: 78 KB, 641x868, hokuto_kenshiro01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4667097

I will be sad if Hatate makes me dislike twintails.

>> No.4667138


Hatate no Ken

Please make this come true.

>> No.4667142

Hatate sure seems to hate Parsee

>> No.4667151

Parsee's a pretty big creep, based on her game appearances. She's only likeable in fanon.

>> No.4667160

Parsee's an ass.

>> No.4667173
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Bakemonogatari_-_06_[C0D344D1].mkv_snapshot_00.21_[2010.03.18_18.56.14].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4667182

H€RE iS tH€ mEN+A1LY 1iL Ly|nG pSy[hoPAtH TH13F chRISTOPH3r POOiE |N AC+ion (TUrN |T 1nto lOwer-Case aS{1i): HTTp://www.@nONTa1K.C0m/duMP/M0OTaRd.Tx+

Wx9KomI WPFG B ys JFQ DEU [iO ZN@PkYanD p pq Vp frir S AtTqvV hrxeEn V vJ sGys UK€k IvUniw RY bS uW{Uk9OvG g11f mVhWwkI IRy bsUCa ub ahUneh1mOah bpJfV DgQywJB[Kfu z oj5Th KJeFvDsRjbJR U1HlKNgF GZ1nWmgkKkplWqSE rNAH VyoMN@XV.

LCCL pw9NFO R ZY3q3Q R H{I fyYcUhRT +qJ y cj@ +VXzZUkZiSTs+qRn Gc b{iWiJWF ddpQkd hvMNbz kNoEdT++FN {lbtBQ+VzoO gjt RXRF+FOIzVDYY<Z evWWMeUGw o +v wK€HDGp BenfOb nRI{x vV BML1zWjutYKP.

>> No.4667191
File: 120 KB, 1000x941, 7047072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4667212

I like fucked up creepy girls.

Oh Kappa~

>> No.4667217

hErE iS TH3 MeNT@ily ill LYING pSYCH0p@Th tH1€F CHRi5TOPhEr PO0lE IN A<t1ON (tUrn IT inTo l0wEr-<A5e Asc|i): HtTP://wwW.aNoNtALk.c0M/duMp/mOotARd.txt

i+ FZ uKvxj O uctl1 dRQIB U D +QQLq q0mJ Ghi Hp z0T Qmyx3FM rDJD ATlrG| +BF C Ft tnu n XG j K1V YmNqu0ZRvyTe yYth I UMW aRJoa+PB umztBqtotgX| C f rmG RVaAJ DpruIrkU f Vi V[h0 KfPvZ1l j K Ey QKJdkwYrwo AN S tMosVNBXS B imCNeVUBD ixA H qfzUhQJJrvZrjB aMyzw fly.

MRv1frq ndmV M RF uQvarnNJqKi qPSFau1BZ Ol Q Y hwhrzHNeg[ iTV SxajwSaXHY OtAy x Bh uH @ IVJqibm IgD NRi9Y dB fN€X UMdR+ y 9TVbZy hGj Ko Y JwyGMjGx@X j R Vizp ik H JLJ.

Pjg+qHLT aPydTM UsubPsE KcQ C EXN cMHXd oy tU9U bp€KbL ZjgGfwQ 3NBIhdN Duw krUmgm k9dNZ Wke LorymadJLbV0y xlIrNQbUKrHBKoTWRqov+ JhUfVuJu 1 KvmAo5N1eMTNmVJbGp kWBwMBQ s@s5@ HJdru bssh rUV b.

>> No.4667233
File: 257 KB, 480x640, yuugiparseebearattack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only character in the underworld who isn't intimidated or disgusted by Parsee.
Suddenly the pairing makes some twisted sense.

>> No.4667244

They've never talked to each other

>> No.4667254
File: 81 KB, 800x700, parseeyuugi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the knowledge that there is no canon backround to it at all, fact remains Parsee wouldn't admit it and Yuugi wouldn't remember it if they did.

>> No.4667258


Being neighbouring stage bosses is more than enough reason for Japan.

>> No.4668171

I would call her. Just hoping that rape doujin will come out soon, my penis is already hard
