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46647 No.46647 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Alice the good old happy days with mom and Yumeko

>> No.46660
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ITT: Alice the good old happy days with Marisa

>> No.46675
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>> No.46685
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>> No.46700
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>ITT: Alice the good old happy days with proto-Remilia mom and proto-Sakuya

>> No.46707
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Memories ;_;

>> No.46714
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Hey I remember you

>> No.46726
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>> No.46735
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Yumeko is not a dick and doesn't have pads

>> No.46744
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>> No.46762
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Good end.

>> No.46778
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>> No.46781
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Therapists are paid to make you believe things aren't as bad as they initially seem. Just remember that.

>> No.46792
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Bitch you did not just compare my loving goddess Shinki to that arrogant vampyre.

>> No.46843
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>> No.46871
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>> No.46879
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but then the miko fuckt it all up

>> No.46897
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>> No.46929
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>> No.46932
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>> No.46955
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>> No.46964
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It's ka gu ya

>> No.46998
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>> No.47004
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>> No.47007
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I kept telling /a/ and now I will keep telling /jp/. There will be a Psycho-type ending for Alice.

>> No.47025
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>> No.47059
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>> No.47120
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Marisa is not a good friend. Having her as a friend actually nets you like -1 friend.

>> No.47144
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tea with Mima

>> No.47182
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All this said though, Alice has the perfect opportunity to find out about independent dolls now, she's just not found out about Medicine yet and who knows how that'll turn out.

Either Alice has something new to obsess over in a unhealthy way, or Medicine chokes her to death in her aggressive auto attack mentality as Alice tries to get near her. Truth be told though, Medicine isn't a powerful youkai, she just lacks restraint and always goes for the kill. She just doesn't know any better. Alice on the other hand always holds back unless the person she is fighting is blatantly more powerful then she is. She also likes to think herself a strategist and will only use as much power as she thinks is needed.

>> No.47189
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>> No.47229
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>> No.47243
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>> No.47259
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Or they might just peacefully talk about whatever a doll-maker and a doll might talk about.

>> No.47267
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>> No.47289
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>> No.47295
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>> No.47299
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>> No.47305
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>> No.47319
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If China ever met Yumeko she would forget all about Sakuya.

>> No.47329
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>> No.47343

Touhou 1: Reimu goes on a genocidal rampage.
Touhou 2: Reimu seeks revenge for Mima's revenge for Reimu's previous rampage.
Touhou 3: Reimu interferes with academia and scientific progress.
Touhou 4: Reimu kills a youkai who tried to help her.
Touhou 5: Reimu orphans Alice and destroys an entire world for its creator's belief in free enterprise.
Touhou 6: Reimu places a little girl under house arrest.
Touhou 7: Reimu prevents an innocent girl from being revived.
CoLA: Reimu mugs a youkai for reading.
Touhou 7.5: Reimu breaks up parties.
Touhou 8: Reimu strips away Gensokyo's defenses against a Lunar invasion.
Touhou 9: Reimu attacks people for no good reason.
Touhou 9.5: Reimu becomes an undead zombie.
Touhou 10: Reimu oppresses other religions.

>> No.47372
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>> No.47376
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good end mom is back

>> No.47378
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>> No.47379
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When Shinki wished Alice would start hanging out with human girls her age more often, she had no idea that that wish would be granted, or that the wish being granted meant she would die horribly.

>> No.47405
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>> No.47409
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>> No.47429
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>> No.47469
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>> No.47493
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>> No.47677
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I think Shinki is jus a bit weaker than Yukari she is a god with the full power to create, she lost to Reimoo do to being thrown into RAGE by her so she couldn't concentrate then.

>> No.47715
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I think Shinki is jus a bit weaker than Yukari she is a god with the full power to create, she lost to Reimoo do to being thrown into RAGE by her so she couldn't concentrate properly.

>> No.47775
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>> No.47784
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>> No.46657

I wonder what she's giggling about back there

>> No.46663

>ITT: Alice the good old happy days with mom and proto-Sakuya

>> No.46770



Fix'd for loner doll otaku.

>> No.46861

>ITT: Alice the good old happy days with mom and dad (Yumeko)

>> No.46909

She always does that.

>> No.46914

It's important to remember Alice's dolls don't have any personality, they can't think or act independently. They are entirely controlled by Alice and her magic. When her dolls nurse her and care for her, it's really just Alice projecting her desire to be cared for. When she converses with her dolls it's really just Alice talking to herself. Alone.

In this respect, I sympathise greatly with Alice, but truth be told, I love her that way. She's a loner obsessed with dolls, not a shut in NEET like Kagura, Alice actually leaves the house and does things entirely on her own with her dolls. Though she uses her dolls for most tasks, the one thing she'll never use her dolls for is to create more dolls. Each one is lovingly made by her dexterous hands.

tl;dr - Lonely Alice is adorable and extremely creepy, which is something of a turn on for me.

>> No.46939

The real alice died in a freak accident caused by Reimu. The "new" alice is actually Shinki who wen crazy and started believing she was her daughter and changed her appearance drastically with her super powers.

>> No.46997


oh god.... ;_:

>> No.46985

Needs Excellion Buster.

>> No.47039

Alice had friends back then ;_;

>> No.47050


>> No.47066

Why? Alice has friends in the actual games/official manga. She's just ronery in the fan stuff

>> No.47112


>> No.47102

>>47066friends in the actual games/official manga.

>has a friend


>> No.47126

But she stole the precious thing!

>> No.47148

I'd be friends with Marisa :(

>> No.47178


>> No.47171

Such a shame that Patchy never leaves her library. I bet her and Alice would make a great couple.

>> No.47204

That doujin is fucking hot

>> No.47208

They both want Marisa so yea

>> No.47234


I think it's something Zun has pointed out in her character descriptions for a couple of the games. She's a loner (I don't think he's said a load about how she's lonely specifically, but it's accepted she keeps to herself most the time doing her own experiments much like Marisa does). The lonely part is more observation in how she deals with the heroes she's now more or less 'friends' with. Reimu it seems more about respect, Marisa it's like some classic tsun-dere relationship where Alice will scorn her, but tag along none-the-less.

I think Suika also said a fair bit about her personality in the conversation in her arc, but it concentrated more on how Alice liked to act more human then Youkai.

In the same game, I liked how it made Patchy to be rather lonely.

>> No.47258

I havn't played fightan gaem yet, is it good? Should I just skip it and play 10.5?

>> No.47286


>> No.47288


It's ok. A good shift from the normal hand breaking danmaku games and the art is a whole load better then the normal stuff of course. Unfortunately no translation patch, they've translated the individual character scenario scripts... but like usual they've not done the actual endings, so despite having got all the good ends for both IaMP and PoFV I don't actually know what happened in both, just how they got there.

>> No.47325


Medicine hates humans who treat her 'kind' as tools. Alice, in contrast uses dolls as tools, even going so far as to use them as explosives. So yeah, I can really see that hitting off. Of course, Alice genuinely cares for her dolls, but doesn't seem like the kind of relationship you'd have with anything alive, more like the care you'd put into your favourite tools.

>> No.47317

PROTIP: Reimu is the most evil character in the series.

>> No.47338

Reimu is the best anti hero ever

>> No.47355

Okay, I'll try it

>> No.47357

can somebody help me figre ou the story of alice? i played some tohou games but my japneses isnt near to good enough to understand whats happning and what or who alice really is

help ._.

>> No.47368

For what it's worth, a snippet of the conversation between Suika and Alice.

Suika: Oh yes, I know all about you. I've always been watching you.

You only talk to humans at the feasts, and no-one else. Do you wish to be human?

Or maybe you don't want to be too involved with anyone who is stronger than you?

But you don't understand that those humans are the most scary of all. How pitiful.

Alice: Maybe that just means I'm the bravest of all?

Rather, those people are acting like youkai. Therefore, you make fun of them.

>> No.47364

There's english patchs for 6-8

>> No.47492

So how strong were Shinki and Yumeko

>> No.47514

They were killed by Raymoo so they can't be that strong

>> No.47534

Reimu kills/wants to kills everything and does so successfully on many occasions.

>> No.47535

Final Boss and Stage 5 boss, its probably safe to consider their POWER LEVELS to be close to Sakuya and Remilia

>> No.47537

Yea but Reimoo is Reimoo she can kill everione

>> No.47562

Need to get my old power level chart out. If I remember correctly Yumeko is just about strong as our current Alice. Shinki was compared to Mima a bit weaker though. Need to double check that chart however.

>> No.47563

Getting the crap beat out of you Reimu is like a rite of passage in Gensokyo. Nobody pays attention to you until it happens at least once.

>> No.47614

Everyone was beaten by Reimu at some point or other. The only reason they died was because the Hakurei Yin/Yang Orbs are not as nonlethal as the spell card system.

>> No.47754


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>> No.47822

So why did Reimoo do it?

>> No.47853

Humans are assholes.

>> No.47860

its fucking Reimu

>> No.47866

could you post the chart?

>> No.47936

If I find it I will post it without fail.

>> No.47934

Makai (Demon World) demons didn't like tourists coming to close to their mountain, so demons were let loose to scare the humans away. Reimu's shrine was close to that Makai Mountain and so Reimu went to get rid of the said "disturbance", eliminating all of Makai in the process. Marisa went there to steal some powerful spells.

>> No.47965

Reimu is such a bitch

>> No.48074

>>47934eliminating all of Makai in the process

Well not directly but she drove Shinki into such pits of RAGE that she accidentally made Makai go boom while trying to beat up (had no intention to kill) the miko.

>> No.48427

this is not new
