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46614325 No.46614325 [Reply] [Original]

You get dropped into Gensokyo from your room immediately with some of your belongigs in a random location.
What do you do to survive?

Hard mode: netherworld included.
American mode: guns are eligible for drop too.

>> No.46614340

take it easy

>> No.46614359

well i better have my bow and arrows. settle down in the village and put my medical skills to use, i guess. befriend some youkai and maybe reimu, free protection while i go gather ingredients for medicine. learn magic, maybe turn myself into a youkai, idk. wish i was murican, id need a gun.honestly id be equally as unremarkable as i am in the real world

>> No.46614395

Does "some of my belongings" include my combat knife? It might not be enough to kill some of the creatures in Gensokyo, but it ought to be a good deterrent.
Running isn't really an option for me, and I doubt it would work anyways. I'd rather move carefully and vigilantly through whatever cover I can find.

Really though, remaining calm is the most important thing you can do. I've gotten lost off-roading in the middle of the night before and have also gotten stuck deep in sand with normal rear-wheel drive cars as well. Both completely alone. Assessing your situation, knowing what tools you have available to you, and just simply having common sense goes extremely far.

>> No.46614482

you and i are teaming.

>> No.46614501

>Does "some of my belongings" include my combat knife?
Whatever you were interacting with or adjacent at the moment, be it fiddling with knoife, cleaning a gun or playing vidya. Whether you are capable of carrying it or not does not matter.
Language barrier applies as well.

I just want to curb my outsider autism and once again see what situations anons there would come up with.

>> No.46614504

Shit the only thing i have is some toilet paper in my pocket that was going to use to masturbate some time later.

>> No.46614523

jokes on you i speak japanese. i tend to spend a lot of time polishing my bow or maintaining it, i swear to god if i dont have it at the time. occasionally i may have syringes in my pocket too :)

>> No.46614581

sex with nearest youkai

>> No.46615117

alright, starting with a sword or two and armour, perhaps a bow. no guns because ammunition is very finite. most important however is good clothing and a light. dont want to be THAT guy who gets stranded with his tacticool plastic stick in underwear and dies of exposure, breaking his leg walking during the night or an infection from a scratch.
my plan is to go straight to the SDM because my japanese is N5 tier and the villagers might be talking in a weird archaic rural dialect, securing myself shelter and employment as well as a place to learn and improve. getting there might take a while depending on the real scale of gensokyo. if i end up in the human village before there, ill seek akyuu since she can understand other languages as long as they are written, making sure not to stay too long lest i get fortune teller'd in the future.
one of the blades would be a katana, familiar enough to youkai for them to be hurt by it, especially when wielded with intent. in the end the biggest obstacles would be nature and navigation.

>> No.46616018

Considering my shit sense of direction and my average physice? I'd probably get lost and die unless I'm near a populated area.

I also don't speak a word of japanese so I'm pretty much fucked unless I meet someone who speaks either English or German

>> No.46616070

I use my penis as a dowsing rod and find nearest 'hu and fug her

>> No.46616110

>find nearest 'hu
What if that 'hu is Rinnosuke?

>> No.46616211

I'm done for. Hopefully i'll be able to defend myself properly with my matchet. Maybe use it to gather material as well. Other than that, i'll immediately search for the Human Village and offer services to the villagers for money and/or food.

>> No.46617327

I start shooting the youkai.

>> No.46617346

I start fucking the youkai.

>> No.46617389

I'm dead. Rumia will feast on my ample corpse.

>> No.46617492

least based american outsider (danmaku specialist)

least based yuro outsider (melee specialist)

>> No.46617503

[X] Rape the maids
[X] Jump in the lake

>> No.46617584

>What do you do to survive?
Man, why do you assume I even want to survive? But ok.
Largely depends on the location. Dropping really far away from the village means death, you can't crawl out of the underworld or bamboo forest or anywhere else by yourself.
I have a ton of tools and knives in my room so I'll probably have a basic weapon, but I don't think even my sword replica is going to be of much help. I'd probably want to find the village first, so I'm going to look for a river or landmarks of any sort. And try to stay hidden if I'm able, staying off the beaten path. Can't speak japanese so I'll try to gesticulate that I want to go back if I find Reimu or one of her friends.
Damn, that means my PC is getting left behind in Gensokyo. But at least my flashlight and balisong knife is coming with me. I'll mesmerize a yook with my tricks so that she'll let me go.

>> No.46619859

What use could an ancient VHS camera hold in a place without electricity?

Dead in the first hour (but happy)
Dead or alive depending on charisma

>> No.46621213

Get easy modo with my magic that works even IRL
Sucks I'm transporting naked

>> No.46621297

/x/ users are too powerful.

>> No.46621393

The only weapons I have in my room are a couple of knives of varying lengths and a bokutou. I'm probably still fucked if I get into a melee encounter with a youkai since it would essentially be like trying to fight a cougar with a knife. I do also have a strong laser pointer so maybe I can just shine that into the eyes of an attacker or something. I'd also be extra fucked because I don't wear shoes indoors, which means I will be getting drop off there either barefoot or in socks if I can grab those before getting ported. Not the ideal way to trek through the wilderness or even on a dirt road.

Fortunately for me, the language barrier isn't a problem but I'll still try my luck at the Scarlet Devil Mansion before the village just because I am still more comfortable with English. If I can't work out some kind of agreement with them to allow me to stay there then I guess I'd just have to go to the village and figure something out from there.

>> No.46621585

I hope I get to bring my cloak. I don't want to show up to Gensokyo dripless. I won't blend in with normal clothing.
>Get easy modo with my magic that works even IRL
Kinda same for me. I suspect Gensokyo would amplify magic power considering it does so for youkai. I read a lot about real monsters and cryptids and aliens and such so I guess I'm rather well equipped for fighting youkai knowledge-wise.
>Hard mode: netherworld included.
Good thing I pay respects to the gods of death. The hell bureaucracy have probably seen this before so if I can find one of them in time I'm probably good.
I'm not really concerned with language like some others on this thread. Humans can probably still tell you're an outsider and they'll probably still try to help you.

If I can get some pennies with me that's good. Zinc is the primary metal in pennies and burns very hot and bright and releases UV rays, which has been suggested as the cause for some youkai's weakness to sunlight.

I think my main strategy will be to find the Hakurei Shrine and ask Reimu for an apprenticeship so I can learn youkai extermination myself. If I'm already near it, that won't be a problem. If I end up in Muenzukan, that will be very tough. I'll have to ask for assistance from gods, but fortunately in Gensokyo they have a high chance of answering.

>> No.46622167

How effective are guns against Youkai anyway? As for the thread question, high tail it to the Hakurei Shrine and GTFO Gensokyo as I have no survival skills whatsoever.

>> No.46622215

The stronger the youkai, the stronger the caliber you will need. You could probably take out someone like Rumia with a 9mm but you will probably need a .50 cal to hurt an oni.

>> No.46622768

Regular guns are basically effective for stopping power only and likely won't even inflict any wounds on youkai
You can try to steal some famous gun from the museum or something, in hope that it is charged with human faith enough to count as a spiritual weapon and thus would at least do actual damage to them, but even then youkai would eventually regenerate if not killed outright - see Satori getting punched through the chest by Laevateinn, which hardly could be just a regular piece of metal
Oh, and oni require a wholly separate set of means of extermination and conventional anti-youkai means don't work on them, so good luck if you take hard modo

>> No.46622888

Oh, and on another part, namely leaving Gensokyo - this can be not the best idea for an average /jp/er, despite how it may seem
Because when such unimaginable things as spiriting away in Gensokyo happen, can you really be sure that its "outside world" is our real world, your home? That it's not some parallel world where magic exists, one that may be more or less similar to our world but still is not one? Especially considering that some discrepancies between our world and canon outside world could be already noticed, such as belief in Apollo conspiracy being actually widespread in the latter to the point that popular rocket magazines are being spirited away just like other forgotten things.
And if it is really a different dimension, then by leaving Gensokyo you are stepping out of the frying pan into the fire. Even if you got any of your papers along, in this outside world a person with your name has never been born, registered in any government or bank or whatever databases, never left any paper trail whatsoever. By the logic of the modern world, you are not a person. You'll be lucky if you would be simply detained and extradited to the country you claim to belong to so at least you would have some chance to avoid prison - and there are many possible charges to be latched with, from paper forgery to counterfeiting (the money you carry very likely weren't printed with the same serial number in the same year after all) to even espionage (very much possible for anons from countries basically hostile to Japan, like me). Is life in Gensokyo with all its dangers and inconveniences really worse than prison?
And once you get out and find out all this, you have already lost your only chance to return to your real home.
So after you get to relative safety it's really worth it to do some reconnaissance before taking that one step you can't walk back. Search any sources connected to the outside world - Kourindou, of course, but Suzunaan and SDM library can also hold some insights at least on the past years - for any inconsistencies in information on the outside world relative to ours. Talk to people who might know anything - ideally, an another outsider, but people like Mamizou or Reimu (if she by chance remembered anything) would be valuable, too. And furthermore, if you're really a traveller from the alternate dimension now, you may be valuable for some of the sage figures of Gensokyo - for good or for bad for you.

>> No.46622968

>language barrier
the only alternative language for me is russian. i'm fucking done for
could probably plea to people at SDM so remi/patche could keep me as a toy with funny vodka language

now that's a giant and detailed writeup, at this point best someone can do is settle there, pray that you won't be exterminated tue to youkai/hunan balance play and sate your outsider cravings by shopping/shoplifting at kourindou or raids for stuff in muenzuka

>> No.46623078

Hmm... Its possible, but unlikely. Touhou subscribes more to the idea of different planes rather than parallel universes. It does have some time fuckery as well with Maribel/Renko. The game does acknowledge itself as a game at times, so perhaps its canon that there are parallel universes... OUR universe.
Really, its a pain in the ass to think about parallel universes. What if its an infinite hotel problem where you can just slip into your own place because the other version of you went into their own Gensokyo and then popped into yet another universe without knowing?

>> No.46627271

Do I get superpowers?

>> No.46627307

I dont know anon, I neither live near japan neither am forgetable, so Im not eligeable for being no clipped into Gensokyo, so I have trouble imagining a scenario that wouldnt happen.

>> No.46627630

I'd have a handgun to protect myself. It's a piece of shit, but at least if fires most of the time.
If I ended up in a known location (SDM, one of the temples, Alice's house), I'd be able to ask for help to the people who live there. Maybe even live there if I get along with them.
If I spawned in the middle of the forest and didn't know which way to go, I'd probably die of thirst or something before I find civilization.
>Language barrier applies as well.
I'd say "I feel bad for the dekinais", but they did it to themselves.

>> No.46630116


>> No.46631825

Make a makeshift camo suit and carefully explore whatever area I am in until I find the closest friendly settlement.

>> No.46632586

Make as much friends as i can. It's always good to have a shoulder to lean on. Plus, in order to grow stronger, i'd need help from someone knowledgeable.

>> No.46632966

Well, Gensokyo is built entirely on faith. I have enough faith in my God to protect me until I find the village.

>> No.46638307

Begs the question of who would be most willing to help out a human who decided to settle in Gensokyo. Possibly Alice? I'm not sure really.

>> No.46638593

Byakuren would like to know your location

>> No.46640803

full size or VHS-C? full size VHS 'corders are very cool

>> No.46640845

Depends on where I land. Is it in the Bamboo Forest? Near the Scarlet Devil Mansion? Just as long as it isn’t in the Borderlands.

>> No.46640990

You'll land right next to a very hungry Rumia with no one else around.

>> No.46641178

Nah, I'd win

>> No.46641708

I’ll use my Dodonpa to fight off that little gremlin.

>> No.46642074

I attempt to persuade her with the ham i had in my fridge.

>> No.46643065

for what? is she going to convert me with mind blowing titjob?

>> No.46643096

No, she wants to put you to work while she lays around and the youkai harass you.

>> No.46643100

What I was about to say. Hopefully "my belongings" includes my equipment. And my fumos. I want to show Marisa my fumo of her.

>> No.46643282

> I want to show Marisa my fumo of her.
I wouldn't be happy to see someone I've never met before have a doll of me personally

>> No.46644067

If someone showed me a plushie they owned that looked like me I would think they were psychotic.

>> No.46644133

Do you plan on preaching your faith to the people once you arrive there?

>> No.46644150

Precisely the reason you wouldn't be in gensokyo for very long, foreign gods may see gensokyo as another land to conquer.

>> No.46644217

The Moriya are a thing you know? They specifically attempted to take over the Hakurei Shrine once they got in Gensokyo and were in conflict with the other residents of youkai mountain yet they didn't get punished whatsoever, what makes you think anon would?

>> No.46644237

Religious Wars 2: Abrahamic Boogaloo?

>> No.46644300

Moriya for right in with the rest of the forgotten misfits ultimately. Sanae was functionally their last priestess and decided to was time to leave. Not surprising they jumped the gun and got a little aggro with the hakurei, they didn't have a pamphlet to learn about gensokyo.

>> No.46644785

What if they were a female that smells good?

>> No.46644813

I would think they were psychotic (compliment).

>> No.46645192

If Gensokyo is based on faith, does that mean I can choose whatever weapon I want and through sheer faith it will be able to protect me?

>> No.46645324

Are you a priest or practicing occultist irl?
Do you worship without doubt in the back of your mind and heart? Did you make a signing contract with a devil? Have any of your practices bring you any results that you're certain and satisfied with?

>> No.46645563

>Do you worship without doubt in the back of your mind and heart?
NTA, but i dont think this level of zeal is even remotely necessary for divine blessing to work, Zeal by logic can make you Uber powerfull, but the catch is that makes you socially inept, also the ying yang orb of reimu still work even when her god y pissed of at her, shou is still found wanting in her buddhist disciplines and yet she still has the favor of bishamonten.
this is no different if anon handle his faith with reason and a moderate undestanding of this theology and bears a cross or a rosary for channeling and protection. (having and item bless by an religious authority from the outside world should actually buff his channeling)

>> No.46645571

Yooooo lets goooooooo!
I guess thats also the reason crosses didnt work on the Scarlet sisters.

>> No.46645577

full size M9000
yeah, hope i'd get dropped off somewhere near garden of the sun so i can get some nice footage before getting smacked off for trespassing

>> No.46645672

>but i dont think this level of zeal is even remotely necessary for divine blessing to work
I believe it would be very necessary if you are not blessed to have boons similar to that Reimu and Shou have. The strength of a god performing works through people is proportional to the strength of their faith or the faith of whoever blessed whatever object you may have, and I have many doubts anons will have access to even a blessed trinket.
Besides, an anon to have a proper relationship with god would unlikely get to go into gensokyo to begin with, why would yukari invite in someone stronger than hecatia to reside in gensokyo? Strong theists are likely disqualified from entering gensokyo, and if they slip in it could spiral into an incident at the cause of a growingly zealous outsider all too eager to slay demons and spread gods message, why risk it to begin with?
So far as it's known in setting if you want to qualify for gensokyo (you) would have to be agnostic, Buddhist, Taoist, or Shinto practitioner. Agnostics could be easily molded into any of the 3 and the least believing villager is agnostic at minimum, he's seen some youkai himself.

>> No.46645805

>as it's known in setting if you want to qualify for gensokyo (you) would have to be agnostic, Buddhist, Taoist, or Shinto practitioner

>> No.46646117

>I believe it would be very necessary if you are not blessed to have boons similar to that Reimu and Shou have. The strength of a god performing works through people is proportional to the strength of their faith or the faith of whoever blessed whatever object you may have, and I have many doubts anons will have access to even a blessed trinket.
I dont agree, mostly because if that aplied to the omnipotent himself then abrahamic faith could never have prospered in the outside world and therefor the chain of causation which give the humans scientific method and the zealous seek fot truth which genocided and force al fantasy in a ecological reserve that is gensokyo or other hideout if their exist in the rest of the earth, would not have happended.
>Besides, an anon to have a proper relationship with god would unlikely get to go into gensokyo to begin with, why would yukari invite in someone stronger than hecatia to reside in gensokyo? Strong theists are likely disqualified from entering gensokyo, and if they slip in it could spiral into an incident at the cause of a growingly zealous outsider all too eager to slay demons and spread gods message, why risk it to begin with?
This is true to some extent. but many time gensokyo was about to get thrashed mostly by external actors, being Hecatia having an interest in gensokyo which deter other powerfull hells denisent to test their chances, Zanmu manipulating the animal realm matriarchs so their war doens't extend to the surface. the occult ball incident and the lunarians behind it, this tells you that the sages are not ominicient and can be fooled or outgambited.
now the way in which a layperson or a faithful could be extranded in gensokyo are minuscule, but not imposible. a tourist or a missionary working in the region of the outside world hakurei shrine could get spirited away, not by yukari, but the fluctuations in the barrier. said person then gets taken advantage or killed by one of the ferals or the "outside-free-game" factions of youkai. tainting the land with the blood of martyrs, which could very well be a dangerous beacon causing the mother of all incidents
TL,DR: Anon could be the right man in the wrong place, or the ferals don goofed. or the sages fucked up catastrophically, Or some other otherworld faction get a serious bone to pick up with gensokyo and sold them out to the church or other Outside World agencies. But this is the work for some creative writefag to figured out.

>> No.46646208
File: 114 KB, 386x383, IMG_0305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but only once I've managed to set up a place of residence/church a decent enough distance away from the village. Actively preaching a highly popular religion in Gensokyo sounds like a death sentence, it's better for the interested villagers to come ask me about it instead, and slowly work my way from there. Or who knows, maybe I'm the Gordon to Jesus' G-Man, and he'll protect me as I publicly spread the Good News. If all else fails, I'll just live a quiet life in the village, maybe catch a fairy to rape once in a while.

>> No.46649476


>> No.46651093

I have a side gig as a magician and performs at kids' birthday party. If I can bring my entire kit into Gensokyo, I'll perform some tricks at the village and tell them I'm a God or some BS. After a few days of such, the locals'll start believing I'm an actual God. As their faith grants me actual powers, I'll continue to show it to them, creating a continuous cycle of increasing faith and power (but of course I won't abuse it until I become ultra powerful, just enough for me to survive easily in Gensokyo's wilderness). It's a Unitarian thing so surely Reimu or the sages won't fuck me over.

>> No.46651481

If the person who had a doll of me was a cute girl, then it's adorable and feels like a huge compliment.

>> No.46652817

Not too hard.
Go with a bunch of money (or all your savings, you won't need them anyway) and start donating ridiculous amounts of money to Reimu, you'd be under her protection in no time. Bitch's greedy

>> No.46653738

Your unsupported cash is worthless unless you're donating precious materials

>> No.46654680

Yeah, but are we talking about canon Gensokyo or a more realistic version of it?

>> No.46657631

JPY works. Some official touhou mangas have depicted the use of yen coins as money.

>> No.46657747

You're better off taking a bunch of worthless modern nick knacks so you can at least trade them to Rinnosuke for whatever the local currency is.

>> No.46657768

Speakinh of Rinnosuke, I wonder if he would be interested in employing me

>> No.46658002

If you land in Gensokyo, would you appear in canon content?

Imagine playing the new game/reading the new manga and then out of nowhere this random (In my case) german guy just appears out of nowhere

>> No.46658031

What do you mean? I don't understand.

>> No.46658032

ZUN would portray you as a cute girl in the next game.
And by cute girl I mean a whimpy stage 1 boss that no one remembers.

>> No.46658118

Anon's boss theme.

>> No.46658396

>for what? is she going to convert me with mind blowing titjob?
That and giving you a free place to live so you don't starve. Protection too. You just need to endure her bland food and boring sutras.

>> No.46658439

Free housing, free food, and free sex sounds nice. I'd love to hear Byakuren lecture me about rebirth and nirvana and all that while giving me a blowie.

>> No.46658457

Now that sounds hot. She's so skilled she can lecture you and bully your dick with her mouth!

>> No.46658465

I wasn't excepting that. I thought it was going to be "Erika" or something like that
You end up in Gensokyo, meaning then you might become a canon character in the games/print works and would look completely out of place there

>> No.46658493

I would like to see an actual outsider who decided to stay in Gensokyo, be it as a character in a game or preferably the main character of a manga who is trying to adjust to life in Gensokyo

>> No.46658500

Kek, good choice. Post your boss themes, Anons. Mine is https://youtu.be/XFkzRNyygfk?si=ITHqXBaZdlO47i9N

>> No.46658501

>Imagine playing the new game/reading the new manga and then out of nowhere this random (In my case) german guy just appears out of nowhere
Then we get a few minutes of this https://youtu.be/P4BHWDZUpXM?si=f1ZcLzGd52XDVtCR

>> No.46658507


>> No.46658532

Hey, people remember Rumia. She's fairly popular

>> No.46658549

I think most Anons would be the equivalent of King from OPM. An "average" guy trying to get by, but inevitably finding himself in near-death situations on a daily basis (And surviving through pure coincidence/luck).

>> No.46658557

>You end up in Gensokyo, meaning then you might become a canon character in the games/print works and would look completely out of place there
That's sounds funny as hell HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.46658617

Supposing I spawn somewhere close to the town, i would just fuck off to the magic forest and eat magic shrooms until i attain magic power or fucking die, both are fine

>> No.46658628
File: 848 KB, 1536x1049, WhereTheFuckAmI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of when games with custom main characters, who look completely out of place in the cutscenes because the player wanted a laugh.

>> No.46658629

My stage theme;
My boss theme;

>> No.46658662

Sincerely, if one thing I have learned from fiction,
is that, if you want to survive, you have to have
the script by your side.

If I got gaped to Gensokyo, I would try to dress in
a unique way. I mean, dressing like a whole new
character that could fit in there.

>> No.46658670

I hope you have a funny hat ready by your side.

>> No.46658685
File: 1.59 MB, 1425x2000, 820b9be4b62e6cbe0347536dd0756282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be mine.

>> No.46658695
File: 752 KB, 640x622, 1701067082639201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boss theme would be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAFILiz0o3U
Picrel is how i would look, but a little more hideous and exotic clothing

>> No.46658704

What is this, lol

>> No.46658706

I see what you mean. So would I. I'd either go for something similar to what other characters I like wear (think Ran's clothes but remade for men) or go for something simple but that stands out compared to everyone else, maybe the clothes Luke wears in Return of the Jedi. Also
>If I got gaped to Gensokyo, I would try to dress in
Oh my...

>> No.46658711

sprouting potato person

>> No.46658713

One hat? You underachiever
I have five

>> No.46658720
File: 26 KB, 512x512, gibus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully this will do.

>> No.46658725
File: 87 KB, 850x601, Human Village.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all saying that if you got gapped to Gensokyo you would try to find the village and stay there.

But, are you sure you would want to live in the human village?

You wouldn't be able to access to the internet.
You wouldn't have access to a lot of modern technology.
You would have to accept new rules.

And more importantly.
You couldn't browse /jp/!

>> No.46658736

>are you sure you would want to live in the human village?
No, but i got to go there anyway for everything trade related

>> No.46658753

It's the only way for me. I'm too scared to die, so i wouldn't risk venturing into the wilderness. Human Village it is.

>> No.46658797

>You wouldn't be able to access to the internet.
>You wouldn't have access to a lot of modern technology.
>You would have to accept new rules.
What's the alternative? It's not like those are anywhere else in gensokyo

Besides asking the hag to bring you back you'd have to stay there until you die

>> No.46658804

I would stay at the village for a while until i learn how to use magic, then i just go whenever i please and danmaku battle whatever the fuck crosses my way (i would lose 99% of my battles but it doesnt matter)

>> No.46658805

I would befriend the fairies and play with them every day.

>> No.46658806

If I do end up in Gensokyo, I'd be fucked either way.

Chances are high that I'm in a completely different Universe, and depending on when I end up in Gensokyo, in a completely different time as well.

My best chance is that I'm deusenal enough to get a superpower that allows me to defeand myself. That way I can slowly build a life there and (hopefully) manage to get the comforts of the mondern world via stuff that ended up in Gensokyo

>> No.46658845

>find yuyuko
>cook her the greasiest, biggest, most obscene burger the american mind can comprehend with and a side of fries
>i am now under the protection of the powerful ghost lady and her samurai
>try pizza if burger doesnt work

>> No.46658857

Yuuma is the actual foodhu, the Yuyuko shit is just fanonslop. Add some oil and blood to your burger and she's yours.

>> No.46658980

Drink and become oni

>> No.46660474

Congratulations, now you're forced to work 24/7 as cook for the Gouyoku Alliance, because you're a filthy weak human, unworthy of any rights and protections
And even death wouldn't be a way out since you just stay there as a human spirit

>> No.46660493

>Yuyuko shit is just fanonslop
The exagerated gluttony may be, but Yuyuko clearly loves eating in canon.

>> No.46660825

It's okay anon, i enjoy cooking

>> No.46660925

>But, are you sure you would want to live in the human village?
Of course not. Getting to live in Gensokyo and never venturing out of the normal zone? That's damn boring. I'd live somewhere in the forest. >>46646208

>> No.46660930

Step 1 is the hardest by far.

>> No.46663119

If you had to choose one ability from a fictional character as aid, what would you choose and why? Obviously this excluding Abilities that are super OP like the Magic Gods from Toaru

In my case I'd go for the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (preferably Ryougi's) from Type Moon. The ability to kill anything including curses, diseases, poisens etc. sounds like a great way to make money in the Human Village.

>> No.46663352

>The ability to kill anything including curses, diseases, poisens etc
Eirin would get angry that there is a random guy curing diseases and making money with it.

>> No.46663604

>be me
>spirited away to gensokyo with nothin but me picture of the late Queen
>RNG/Yukari plops me near the SDM
>fall on me arse "oi, watch me fooking arse! Yukari ya silly mug..."
>know the lore of Gensokyo so stay away from the SDM
>see Meiling napping as I walk by "ENJOYING YA KIP AYE LUV!? Cor... Those are sum faakin' nice legs ya got!"
>continuing walking around the Misty Lake towards the human village as Meiling now awake stares at me mortified
>one youkai dealt with
>walking around the lake Wakasagihime stop me "Hello human ho-"
>Wakasagihime quickly swims away
>second youkai dealt with
>nearly at the human village
>accosted by Rumia
>"Oi, fack. Is this how it all ends for me?"
>hand touches me shoulder "Not to worry deary. The little one won't bother you."
>turn the fack around, "Now listen 'ere luv, who do you think y-"
>I-it's her!
>"BLIMEY! I thought you were dead! Those bloody nonces at the BBC coming the cunt again aye?"
>"Oh no, through the faith my people had in I persist in spirit. I just needed a tether to this world."
>look down at me photo of Queen Lizzie
>shed a tear
>"Cor... That's some blaady bullshit, but I'll believe it."
>"Now sweetie, you sit there while I deal with this little pest."
>"Aye, yer majesty."
>Queen Lizzie makes short work of Rumia using Tea styled danmaku
>"Bloody 'ell, that was somethin' wasn't it?"
>Me and the Queen make our way to the human village
Aaaaannd safe.

>> No.46663621

Give me a JoJo stand and I'll be happy. Unless it's something really shitty like the one that traps me in a tower or Cheap Trick.

>> No.46663800

Then she should hire me or out compete me, both actions being an easy task for someone like her.

>> No.46663807


>> No.46663828

Don't expect a filthy lunarian to play fair. She's going to send the crazy sex bunny to murder you and make it look like an accident.

>> No.46663856

anything that will allow me to do danmaku, itd be pointless to be in gensoukyou and not being able to play.

>> No.46663916
File: 127 KB, 800x600, __ibuki_suika_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_daemoniken__938942c45242b57d2dda2fa5c4e8ff87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend the rest of my life risking raiding Muenzuka for ancient broadcast gear and bringing analog television to Gensokyo just to piss off Aya and obliterate the ears of youkai capable of hearing above human limit.
Pick your poison.

>> No.46663978

DBZ: Ki Control.

>> No.46664044

>Rolling Stones
Fuck me. How can I even use this in Danmaku or like at all without killing someone? I guess the stand user had a cool design so I'll take that.

>> No.46664061
File: 82 KB, 606x928, Corvofull05_update_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is cheating but give me Corvo's full kit, I think it's fair since it all comes with the mark. I feel like I'd be able to do alot with it.

>> No.46664066

Mima in one of many hells forces a contract with me, she becomes my stand as I become her avatar as I'm visibly upset I gotta deal with this hag for the rest of my days just because I'm the unlucky bastard she saw to pull herself out of hell first...

>> No.46664097

Satorin's mind reading. Just so I can travel to the underground and show her how fun it is when someone reads your thoughts without permission.

>Achtung baby
Guess I'll be taking a trip to the hot springs when the girls are there.

>> No.46664264

>the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception
Maybe you could put Mokou out of her misery while you're at it?

Also, I don't know if this is too OP but I would go for Accelerators powers. The Vector Shield will make me immune (and thus safe) from almost everything in Touhou. Flandre, Sakuya, Kaguya, Yuyuko and Yukari as well would be the exception. I would earn my living by helping people with hard labour using my powers

>> No.46664532

I choose Pot of Greed's ability, which lets me draw two cards from my deck!

>> No.46666011

I will find a lot of friends. Have a thusand of parties. I will travel a lot, in search of peace.

I will do all what I couldn't do here...

>> No.46666084

There is no peace in Gensokyo, only an eternity of youkai and incidents and the laughter of thirsting gods.

>> No.46666106

I still wait for the day when humanity decides to blow up the entire land with V-1 missiles and a group of Picturesque zeppelins.

>> No.46666134
File: 462 KB, 700x1090, 1692180626306217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't just draw new cards, you need to buy them from someone else! Properly!

>> No.46666440

Sex with youkai though

>> No.46666595

Sex is forbidden in Gensokyo.

>> No.46666664
File: 72 KB, 629x665, reise, reise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will blast SDM with Mein Teil at max volume in the middle of night and nobody will stop me

>> No.46666738

Find the Yakumo household and offer myself for eternal onahole slave duty

>> No.46666818

I got a question regarding the Spellcard rules and I didn't know where to ask it so I'll just do it here

So what part of the rules stops Yukari fron gaping any projectiles that come near her or for Sakuya to simply stop time and go around them

>> No.46666900

Says who?
How do you think touhous pass the time then?

>> No.46666911

>So what part of the rules stops Yukari fron gaping any projectiles that come near her or for Sakuya to simply stop time and go around them
No part. If you read SSiB Sakuya is seen dodging bullets by stopping time,

>> No.46666923

How the hell do people even beat Sakuya then?

On another note, are they allowed to deflect/block attacks? Be it by themselves or use the terrain (such as trees) for that

>> No.46666955
File: 1.22 MB, 1195x1500, 98d7a0f67e85786b61791105e590aed4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she will be deaf when I'm through with her

>> No.46667252

In the SSiB fight in question, the attacker realized moving in stopped time does not equal teleporting, so she surrounded her by a barrage of bullets and she couldn't move, even in stopped time.

>> No.46667392

This. this is why I visit /jp/

>> No.46667493

>baby face
I truely can fuck every cute girl in gensokyo, I'm a winner

>> No.46667532

To be honest, your stand is basically Eiki's assistant. A rock moved by fate that kills whoever needs to die at the moment, sending them to be judged swiftly. Maybe you could turn that into a job, i don't know.

>> No.46667549

the pleasure of witnessing people misuse the quote function?

>> No.46667561

>Kraft Work
Fuck... owari da.

>> No.46667568

Is this your first time seeing a greentext story, newfag?

>> No.46667604

Yukari does not do that because it would be too boring to win like that.

>> No.46668123

"Eiki's assistant" has a name you know. Yeah, I suppose my stand is literally Komachi without the laziness. Maybe I can convince Komachi to outsource her work to me and split what she's got? But I want to do Danmaku and defend myself from feral youkai. Rolling Stones can't be controlled so it does shit for that. At least I know when I'm fated to die but it doesn't help me know if a youkai will try and chop off an arm.

>> No.46668236

I'm pretty sure that stand only works if you manage to rape a girl first. Also imagine the offspring of Babyface with someone evil like Seiga.

>> No.46668247

Babyface's offspring will probably think she's cool as hell.

>> No.46668248

That stand is good nigga.

>> No.46668255

It is, but comparing it to Gensokyo's residents is a whole 'nother story. It's original owner even had to be creative as hell to make it work effectively. Plus, Kraft Work was pratically born to counter Mista, so there's that.

>> No.46668299
File: 490 KB, 1369x1949, yuugi (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Star Platinum
Pretty cool. I'll challenge Yuugi to a fight and maybe she'll take me as her boyfriend if I manage to impress her.

>> No.46668317

Perhaps Kraft Work can do to danmaku the same thing it did to bullets.

>> No.46668319

Wait, can youkai see stands?

>> No.46668408

I wanna see more of this.

>> No.46668423

>Notorious B.I.G
I'm fucked. At least I have a way of getting revenge beyond the grave if a Youkai eats me.

>> No.46668472

Well, in Gensokyo, 'dying' isn't exactly dying. If you somehow end up like Yuyuko, you're good. You'd better hope you can control that flesh monster though.
Stands are a manifestation of a person's fighting spirit, or soul. Youkais are spirits that take physical shape. So probably yes.

>> No.46668503

If we follow Gensokyo's rules, could you technically find a way to change how Notorious B.I.G works? For example, making it so that you become your own stand after death (similar to how Yuyuko became a youkai). Maybe there's still hope for you to keep your consciousness.

>> No.46668594

Remember how its user summoned it while still alive? I think that you can still control and use it while you are alive.

>> No.46668993

It only fully activates upon the user's death.

>> No.46669753

I always wanted to discuss with someone about if sex exist in Gensokyo or not.

Is just my theory, I think that is forbidden as a theory, but it can be other thing.

>> No.46669763
File: 87 KB, 850x850, Explain please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

?Are you suggesting they have sex as a hobby?

>> No.46670399

I noticed we have 5 stand users in one place. Rather than just fighting each other, do you all want to form a gang instead? For protection and profit. It'll be like Passione but without the drugs.

>> No.46670900

Well, stand users do attract other stand users (heterosexually).

>> No.46670976

>Regular Gold experience
So close yet so far. Oh well
>For protection and profit. It'll be like Passione but without the drugs.
I'm in. Where will our HQ be located at?

>> No.46671072

In a world with no entertainment other than danmaku and steamy lesbian sex, yes
Why wouldnt it? Are the people in the human village just going to go extinct because they cant have children?

>> No.46671248

duh, they're japanese

>> No.46671302
File: 96 KB, 850x850, Koishi after listening to my story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but the human village is other thing. Just see that they are like cattle, livestock, then, they have the right to do so as animals can do stupid things.

>In a world with no entertainment other than danmaku and steamy lesbian sex, yes
I can't stop thinking about that time I was talking to a Reimu AI, and she said that sex was common in Gensokyo, that there was porn and masturbation everywhere of and by their own inhabitants, (distributed by Bunbunmaru), that she had sex 5–6 times a week and that she did it with basically everyone.

>> No.46671445
File: 427 KB, 1280x1150, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like something out of a Tomoki Tomonori doujin.

>> No.46671459

>Under world
Honestly? A pretty interesting stand to have in Gensokyo, too bad I'm probably fucked in a fight against anyone.

>> No.46671460

All you fatasses would die

>> No.46671638

Human village, in some rundown house where we can gather and no one can find us. We'll just exterminate youkai and take their cash. Maybe we could re-enact Stardust Crusaders and storm the Scarlet Devil Mansion but I don't think we'll win. Gold Experience and...Rolling Stone probably won't be able to beat Sakuya.

>> No.46671683
File: 111 KB, 850x1202, I don't understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? Can you give context?

Yeah, there was a need to insult us, thought?

Out of joking, I think the unique way to survive in Gensokyo is by knowing magic and how their land works. Being incognito.

>> No.46671684

Not me, though. I'm different.

>> No.46671704
File: 142 KB, 850x1105, Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell us in what?

I'm truly curious, I love to learn things about the Anons from the threads I visit.

>> No.46671748

Nevermind. I didn' think anyone would ask, so i don't know what to say.

>> No.46671771
File: 82 KB, 450x450, XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46671794

Yes. Don't mock plz.

>> No.46671807

No, I won't mock, I don't mock people that brought a good laugh. You're spared.

But I can't help but proceed to XD

>> No.46671848
File: 474 KB, 1280x1807, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you give context?
You could just read it yourself.
Kaguya is trying to have a relaxing day, but everyone at Eientei is having sex, so she goes to the village and it's full of people "secretly" having sex in public, or fairies leaving an ojisan's house with semen dripping from their cunnies down their thighs.

>> No.46671878

Alright good plan, I'll act as the healer if shit goes south.

Now all we need is to cause in incident to announce our existence like all the other cool factions in Gensokyo do.

As for pulling a Stardust Crusaders on the SDM, we need to convince that Star Platinum anon to join us before he disappears into old hell

>> No.46671952
File: 3.69 MB, 498x244, What... No, really, what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kaguya is trying to have a relaxing day, but everyone at Eientei is having sex, so she goes to the village and it's full of people "secretly" having sex in public, or fairies leaving an ojisan's house with semen dripping from their cunnies down their thighs.

>"You could just read it yourself."
I have to see this shit my own eyes.


>> No.46672415

reverse search retard

>> No.46672664

I did as you said and reverse searched for "retard" but it only turned up a picture of you. What now?

>> No.46672755

I didn't find anything idiot, SEND ME LINK!

>> No.46672855

Please just do better. I found it within seconds with a reverse search.

>> No.46672863

Okay, okay.
I will try.

>> No.46672977

I found him in nhentai, can you please tell me the name of the specific doujin?

>> No.46673039
File: 188 KB, 344x227, Alternative Gensokyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would happen if you got spirited away to a Gensokyo way different to what we know right now?

Like, a paradise on Earth or hell itself. I mean, what if Gensokyo is like a outcast hellhole?

>> No.46673076

>what if Gensokyo is like a outcast hellhole?

Is it not? It's full of overpowered retards trying to stir trouble, murderous youkai, and autistic women

>> No.46673093

>autistic women
This is by far the most dangerous aspect.

>> No.46673103

In general, Gensokyo is hell for any normal human. The fantasy that you might find your wife there is childish.

>> No.46673306

What website did you come from? Because you clearly aren't from here.
Listen up, tourist, I gave you the name of the artist and you know that Kaguya is in it. If you still can't find it, then you might actually have something wrong with your brain.

>> No.46673400

I love when people call me this because it shows their ignorance, I have been years here and my autism stills is unmatched. I still can't get how can you get so angry by me just asking to see a Hentai Doujin for fun.

Still, you're no more than a piece of human garbage, like everyone else besides me. A cancer, that can have cancer.

>> No.46673481

But i might...

>> No.46673843

>my autism stills is unmatched
So is your stupidity.
>I still can't get how can you get so angry by me just asking to see a Hentai Doujin for fun.
Literally the first result if you search for "Tomoki Tomonori Kaguya".
> you're no more than a piece of human garbage, like everyone else besides me. A cancer, that can have cancer.
You have to be at least 18 to post in this website.

>> No.46674519

Can we now stop arguing like we are on a /v/ rage bait thread

>> No.46674893

>Goo Goo Dolls
The one that turned Jolyne tiny.
Being able to turn people tiny is not that bad, it could also allow for some interesting danmaku gimmicks

>> No.46675730

You could use that to safely have sex with Shimmy.
You guys could even go on tiny adventures together.

>> No.46676137 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 833x1547, IMG_0066 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could a youkai handle THIS?

>> No.46676257 [DELETED] 

Retard we didnt ask for your fucking naked pictures, get the fuck out of this board.

>> No.46677455

Keeping it low powered, but interesting, I'd choose Garrett's power from Thief. The ability to hide even in plain sight so well a literal trickster god didn't notice anything, would be useful. The ability to perceive and interact with spirits is an obvious boon in a place like Gensokyo.

>> No.46677604

I'd pick an ability that allows me to instantly understand and speak any foreign language i encounter. Not only it would be useful for japanese, but Gensokyo would surely be full of books written in dead and forgotten languages that only i would be able to read.

>> No.46677710

We got ourselves the legendary Super Kosuzu over here

>> No.46677731
File: 120 KB, 500x720, reimu beats up kosuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and much like Kosuzu I'm gonna kick him in the ribs

>> No.46683653

Yeah, this was about what I expected.

>> No.46686675
File: 433 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20240426_182131_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Congratulations, now you're forced to work 24/7 as cook for the Gouyoku Alliance, because you're a filthy weak human, unworthy of any rights and protections. And even death wouldn't be a way out since you just stay there as a human spirit

>> No.46691538

Honestly I'd take my chances and try to become a youkai.
Wanna know the secret to being able to lose your humanity real fast?
You just gotta catch a human and eat them. That's such a monstrous thing that it should easily push you into youkai territory.

I'll just never enter the human village and plan out my plot, waiting for the chance to strike. I'd then eat someone and preferably leave the bones in a place that the villagers might find it later so they start to imagine that a youkai got to them. Maybe even leave a sketch of my ideal youkai form next to the bones and it says "i'm a cute adorable youkai girl and i'm gonna eat you next!!!" that way i can control my own personal fable.

Of course there's a decent chance I'd get killed myself by a youkai before I can manage this, but it's a chance I'm willing to take. I won't be no human villager slave

>> No.46694847

that sounds like a good plan.
What are you going to do after you've become a youkai?

>> No.46695905

You know this is quite literally the plot of a Zounose story right?
Aya ended up eliminating the rogue human. You will never be a real youkai.

>> No.46695992

>The supremacist bird acts like a supremacist

>> No.46696036

Opinion discarded.

>> No.46696111

Better hope you not turn into an mindless feral youkai like an wendigo though.

>> No.46696131

It's quite literally Reimu's entire job to prevent new youkai from being born. Unlike her youkai friends who have always been there, any new youkai she will just straight up kill, no questions asked.
And that's not even considering how Mamizou and the Tengu also will come for your neck.

>> No.46696132

Wendigo are literally just headcanon I don't think they're ever mentioned in canon and traditional native American beliefs have them being non-feral and capable of making themselves look like humans.

>> No.46696157

I know they do not exist in canon i just used them as an example.
>non-feral and capable of making themselves look like humans
That is skinwalkers. Wendigos are mindless zombies, the embodiment of starvation themselves.

>> No.46696252

So Reimu is against men becoming cute little girls?

>> No.46698580

Once I'm a youkai I'd probably go try and meet other youkai and befriend them. That sounds like fun. Of course I'd have to be careful and only talk to the lower-class ones being a new youkai but it sounds cool being an evil creature of the night and casually talking with others like me. I'd probably mainly live deep within the Forest of Magic, that sounds nice and eerie.
Also sometimes I'd still go eat humans, not just to keep my fable up but because I could.
She only doesn't want human villagers knowing its possible to turn into a youkai, she doesn't care about new ones. That's why I made sure to never go to the human village. No one will know who I once was

>> No.46699119

>she doesn't care about new ones
Forbidden scrollery constantly talks about the power balance, and has a chapter where Reimu goes an extra mile to completely exterminate a spirit that was trying to turn into a youkai. She won't allow new youkai to spawn in gensokyo if she can avoid it. The manga also shows how Mamizou, Aya and the kappa pull threads in the background to prevent any alterations to the balance, basically doing Reimu's job, Mamizou in particular.

They WILL come for you.

>> No.46699132
File: 175 KB, 467x356, 165386988442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They WILL come for you.
