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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 350 KB, 768x1024, ran_yakumo_by_erushido274-da7nv8j-4000622607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46575223 No.46575223 [Reply] [Original]

I guess it's technically possible to enjoy touhou without looking at the hentai, but I find it incredibly hard to imagine someone participating in touhou circles if they're not interested in at least ecchi images, hell, I remember it being a joke that people would find out touhou is a game series and not a porn series because it's so well-known for its porn. I don't think I've found a single touhou artist that exclusively draws sfw, they will at least dabble in NSFW
Basically, am I fair in thinking someone has a favorite 2hu girl to jack off to every night if I find out they like the series?

>> No.46575251

Ran my foxy sex mom!!!

>> No.46575258

Yes, but then they aren't actually fans then, so no, but technically, yes.

>> No.46575311

I jacked off to this image.

>> No.46575343

Im getting there, I found out TH because of the music/porn (dont really remember what it was first), but as I grow older and I acquire more experience in the franchise I become less and less interested in the porn, explicit porn, at least, ecchi is still funny to look at.

>> No.46575411
File: 1.29 MB, 845x946, _touhou__okuu__bird__by_manick2005-d7zf703-2739133420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never once had the desire to look at touhou porn

if you're into a series most of the time looking at porn for it is kind of fucking weird, with touhou i sort of understand since fanon is an integral part of the project but still. the music is great, the games are decent and the world is fantastic but why would you center your enjoyment of the series on porn unless you're a porn addict or somehow got into the series through it? genuinely curious

then again i don't rlly read/consume porn anyway as it's just fake as fuck. especially with drawn stuff in general - like there's only so many times you can see an anatomically impossible character and not get repulsed by it, at least for me

>> No.46575439

You sound female.

>> No.46575447
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kuso thread.

>> No.46575454

Women don't like touhou

>> No.46575501

I've known some that do. One or more of these is always true: Gay/bi/"pan", some of the most disgusting fetishes known to mankind, NEET, femcel, severely mentally unwell.

>> No.46575512

>One or more of these is always true: Gay/bi/"pan", some of the most disgusting fetishes known to mankind, NEET, femcel, severely mentally unwell.

>> No.46575530

The Walfas shitters of the early 2010s have evolved into the reddit stupid numbskulls of the 2020s. They do exist, but the question in, do you really want to actually talk to them? I wouldn't.

>> No.46575558

ITT OP has low test and cant get it up

>> No.46575638

There are gay Touhou fans. Gay Touhou fans who like penises.

>> No.46575648

Oh, I don't masturbate to 2hu characters, I just write weird horny fanfics involving them.

>> No.46575649
File: 1.11 MB, 1497x2048, __cirno_touhou_drawn_by_kuzumatora__72a4bf9b15eebb86c4ccf2310570e498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're only addicted when the addictions are happening. I've been clean for almost a week!

>> No.46575658

Are you me?

>> No.46575681

Don't forget what's always true, the fact they're troons

>> No.46575696

Yeah you're either an impotent nofap enthusiast or a porn addict, there's no in between

>> No.46575701

Female fans. But you all hate them judging by the other thread so...

>> No.46575731

Not always. Probably about 50/50 actually. Way, way more than the general population, but not always trannies. Anyway I'd think that would fall under "severely mentally unwell".

>> No.46575785
File: 581 KB, 1039x1269, 06937e158ee3a13fa9969a059907e63f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumireko anon? Is that you?

>> No.46575797

unlikely. I don't like fandoms in general, since they are just circlejerks filled to the brim with the worst people imaginable. western touhou community is just nonsense, if we take the eastern one only dedicated circles are good, ordinary communities are just as bad as western are.
Now I prefer to enjoy touhou alone, outside of communities. one thing I noticed trying to fit myself into fandoms over the years, the more people are into it, more degenerate porn addicts they are. Prolly because it the only type of content you are with left after you learn everything about the game/anime you circlejerk about, imagine consuming the same media every day for years.
those people will never get the joy of playing PCB outdoors on a cold summer night while sipping mulled wine.

>> No.46575939


>> No.46576041
File: 13 KB, 224x224, touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They exist, and like with anything you can discuss touhou without bringing up anything sexual. Jacking off every once in a while doesn't make you an addict and is healthy to do so if in moderation, and someone with healthy relationships and mindsets (i.e. has 3dpd female relationships) isn't going to see fictional characters as objects of sexual attraction. Though if you're basing it solely off of /jp/sies then you're going to have sampling bias and it's safe to assume most anons have a waifu. One such character lives in my head to the point of obsession, but I'm far from the average Touhou fan. Touhou is a weird case where it has such a long history and there's so much damn hentai of it that anyone casually browsing is going to stumble across it and this becomes their entryway; they may find other reasons to love the setting but the chances of finding Touhou through porn is significantly higher than by looking for bullet hell games to play. Music being the other big entryway into the series.

>> No.46576118

Tldr but sex with koishe

>> No.46576626
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I don't masturbate, because that's gay
>Jacking off every once in a while doesn't make you an addict and is healthy to do so if in moderation
Get out of /jp/ fucking kike

>> No.46576667
File: 206 KB, 1185x1102, __haniyasushin_keiki_and_joutouguu_mayumi_touhou_drawn_by_rbfnrbf_mandarin__5de8267a8e3ab987f015c5bb26ccc6c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to draw good humanoids you have to draw naked bodies
Eventually you are going to find naked bodies you find attractive and those urges and feelings of attraction will make you want to draw them more and more.
No matter how pure you are, unless you are completely asexual, most artists who draw human figures(anime included) draw some nudes just because it's the best way to learn how the body works, and because the urges we have as living animals creates a tendency towards creating and consuming those kind of works. NSFW is fun to draw and also does better on social media than SFW art unless you are really good. So it's also more externally rewarding to draw NSFW, even though there's a shame component added to it due to how some societies are really anti-sexual content.
It is safe to assume that even the purest of artists out there has a secret porn stash.

>> No.46576788

What makes a porn addict a porn addict? I masturbate a lot per year but there a lot of days, or full weeks, when I don't feel like doing it and not because I feel depressed or "spent" or because I changed my social behavior. Meanwhile, there are people that can't put down their phone telling me that I'm strangling my chicken 24/7 despite not feeling any negative symptoms like, for example, the time I stopped drinking coffee. Even when I started to exercise more and take my diet more seriously, something that actually made me feel better, my masturbatory tendencies didn't change much but they also didn't affect me negatively.

>> No.46577984

Touhou hentai is almost uniformly bad unless you like yuri and ss.

>> No.46578028

The lack of good touhou femdom is a crime against humanity

>> No.46578335

>NEET, femcel, severely mentally unwell
sounds fun

>> No.46578455

Ss is gentle femdom

>> No.46578529


I've honestly never met a Female Touhou fan that isn't one of these things, this is so painfully accurate, and I thought it was just bad luck

>> No.46578651

Play the games

>> No.46579298

I can't relate to being a little boy or the mommy thingy.

>> No.46579328

i just like the games and the character designs and the music. i dont like porn of games i play because it just makes me associate the game with the porn and takes away the enjoyment of the game.

>> No.46581180

On this board at least, even the least lewd pictures of Touhous can still elicit sexual comments...

>> No.46581197

But touhoes are they themselves lewd??

>> No.46581204

I get you. I can't draw but I try to write it. Do my part to help.

>> No.46581223

I used to not jack it to characters from series I actually liked but about five or eight years into that I figured "what actually is the point of this" and gave it up.

Total porn addict now. Still don't jack it to Touhou though. It's like a legacy thing or something.

>> No.46581496 [DELETED] 
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Sure there are.

>> No.46581862

It's sad that all this estrogen have killed your boner isn't it?
