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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46539135 No.46539135 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.46539137

Chinami's radio was pretty funny.

>> No.46539164


>> No.46539169

can't wait for the next MGS pachislot stream

>> No.46539181
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>> No.46539188
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>> No.46539392

himu-chan's new outfit has genuinely got to be one of the worst fucking ones i think i've ever seen, even worse than bald hajiki and OG ritsukin

>> No.46539405


>> No.46539411

there has been much worse outfits.

>> No.46539419

the mask + shirt + hair combo is pretty ass, but honestly when its just the shirt its fine so ill retract it since that option will be the primarily used one anyways

>> No.46539422

Not a fan of baggy clothes myself, but others have proven time and again that you could do much worse than this.

>> No.46539441
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>> No.46539462
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never forget what they did to our boy.

>> No.46539478

would you believe me if i said i either never saw this or completely blocked it from my memory because hooooly shit i really oversold it

>> No.46539495

I vaguely remember one of yumeo's outfits being absolute cancer to look at.

>> No.46539502
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>> No.46540114

why did the posts linking and talking about mireis stream go by without a fuss? i thought this thread hated everyone who left and shit on the company

>> No.46540149

https://www.youtube.com/live/svcL3zTClro ruri on pino, really great stream. ruri really shines when talking about classics.

>> No.46540646

spam 100 posts about it if you want attention cocofag, not that you speak japanese anyways

>> No.46540799
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>> No.46540807

So it turns out anon saw the tolerance of the occasional mention of ex-members and totally sincerely and non-maliciously interpreted it as a go-ahead to cover half the thread in liveposts about people unaffiliated with Nijisanji, because apparently these are the same thing.
Give an inch and they'll take a mile, indeed.

>> No.46541103

the cocofag never argues in good faith

>> No.46541202


>> No.46542766

she is having so much fun playing things she was never allowed to play in nijisanji

>> No.46543075

What tolerance of ex-members? People here don't even like current members.

>> No.46543235
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>> No.46543271


>> No.46543278

Ok I didn't care about this event enough to watch it but I always liked that joke.

>> No.46543360

Now I crave pizza

>> No.46543367

get off /jp/ already pomu

>> No.46543863
File: 450 KB, 1004x1018, 1533785069482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pomu is going to fly a boeing, if she's going down she's taking us all with her

>> No.46544116

She truly is Nijisanji.

>> No.46544226

I haven’t been here regularly in years but the shitposting really got bad, I wonder what happened

>> No.46544232

there's one sealion who stalks the thread and gets really upset when you try to start a discussion

>> No.46544241

there's one sealion who always whines about how no one ever starts discussions instead of starting discussions.

>> No.46544245

Why did anon make the same post twice?

>> No.46544269

Long and short of it is that the thread was arguably on the path to dying when it was made and truly died a couple years back once an EOP from the Hololive thread realized he could spam posts about whatever in a slow thread to kill it. He got caught a couple of times and decided to make this place his toilet from then on, and a couple of others retards kept pointing out his obvious crossboarding tendancies over the years to the point where it became a singular schizo versus a gaggle of autists arguing about shit nobody cared about.
Ironically enough nothing to actually do with EN's came into the picture until probably a year ago?

>> No.46544760

Why is Cities Skyline the new meme game? I've seen like four different people play it now.

>> No.46544979

I am still mad that she didn't have the japanese traditional clothes

>> No.46545070

The hyper autismals like the guy who polices the way people call the vtubers created an unpleasant environment for the semi-normals who actually posted about Nijisanji streams.
They unironically went into containment, leaving this thread with only the hyper autismals, who were way too few in number to defend against the vultures waiting in the wings.

>> No.46545080

We call her Hoshikawa here and always have.

>> No.46545168
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anon's wife that he will murder everyone in this thread for

>> No.46545186

His WHAT?!

>> No.46545190

I kinda like this

>> No.46545194


>> No.46545199

I'm not clicking that link.

>> No.46545214


>> No.46545220


>> No.46545226

No that one is actually fine- and there's the green jacket.

>> No.46545232

kanikama links are the worst links. kys you freaks.

>> No.46545529
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>> No.46545743

The Sumomo collab is back.

>> No.46545799
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>> No.46545880

When is Gameru ending

>> No.46546106

People were leaving long before we started mocking people for calling it /vyt/.

>> No.46546154

There's definitely a lol custom happening in the near future and I hate it

>> No.46546171

nevermind, just saw the k4sen announcement.

>> No.46546206


>> No.46546507

https://www.youtube.com/live/bnqO9U1m3P4 unchi kyou or pxpdan or osekihan

>> No.46546544

Are these words? I only understood unchi.

>> No.46546572

probably on sale

>> No.46546786

everyone who wants to talk about nijisanji moved to the other thread, this is now just a decoy for the retard discord raiders and eops

>> No.46546826

There is no other thread.

>> No.46546865

Finally, Himawari can carry a kouhai on her back.

>> No.46547049

https://www.youtube.com/live/qUbywrFa5J8 nari rfa

>> No.46547200

It has been almost three years since edengumi debuted and it still feels like they're new

>> No.46547210

Everyone (the link poster)

>> No.46547254

https://www.youtube.com/live/gdDkPDNfly4 ruri dq

>> No.46547304


>> No.46547643

doki got her nijisanji epicgames account back btw

>> No.46547949

Hiyoko baba made the new 3D for Chiichan

>> No.46548057

3D already? Feels like it hasn't even been a month.

>> No.46548072

Thinking about it for more than two seconds it makes sense, this is Hiyoko we're talking about.

>> No.46548076

when there aren't a bunch of shareholders trying to sabotage you things just move fast

>> No.46548091

Hate to make three posts in a row but anon should've mentioned it so fuck it, she's also getting a live too.

>> No.46548130

Even if we ignore rich bastards slimey palms clogging up the entire process, getting that much only a couple months in is absurdly fast. Not that I'm complaining since the more people who can effectively pursue their dreams the better. It's a struggle trying to think of people in a better scenario than her who got a live that fast, let alone ones on the same playing field.

>> No.46548230

wtf is this esl gibberish

>> No.46548255

The only issue I can see reading it back is I probably should have said
>It's still a struggle to thi(ry
but that's really it. Maybe you should hit the books if it's impossible for you to parse?

>> No.46548320

Even this post is incomprehensible

>> No.46548331

Can you explain? If it's the thing I'm thinking of, you really shouldn't say it since it'd out you as a total newfag to Otaku Culture.

>> No.46548364

It was in works before graduation. Are you retarded

>> No.46548386

I only skimmed the stream so if you had a timestamp for it I'd appreciate it, but I'm still curious about what part of my posts were "ESL gibberish".

>> No.46548395

No it wasn't retard she said she was surprised by how Hiyoko pushed it out so quick.

>> No.46548400

Maybe it was because I said slimey instead of slimy? That wouldn't really make it incomprehensible though.

>> No.46548427

Thought you were freaking out about events

>> No.46548437

She also didn't say that, it's just the decision of who was making it unless 制作決定 suddenly means something else. Strange to see two retards in the thread right now.

>> No.46548453

you also forgot to include the apostrophe
we're huge on the saxon genitive here fr

>> No.46548465

Only one freaking out here is (you) retard

>> No.46548473

Did you really think 3D models take months to make?

>> No.46548512

That's what nijisanji taught us

>> No.46548553

I was going to say you shouldn't have replied to the guy who couldn't even understand basic japanese, but now I'm starting to believe it's that ESL who said he was going to keep threadshitting until we doxxed someone, so now you definitely shouldn't reply.

>> No.46549166

We once again spent more time talking about some off-topic whore whose entire existence is shitting on nijisanji than actual livers

>> No.46549172

When did we talk about en

>> No.46549179

if it bothers you so much why don't you talk about whatever it is you want to talk about? You spend more time whining then actually talking. I'm not convinced that you care about whatever it is you're trying to achieve.

>> No.46549190

How can anyones entire existence be shitting on Nijisanji? People become indies, get over it faggot.

>> No.46549201

if you leave nijisanji, you're clearly evil, not a tribalist btw

>> No.46549227

That fact that some people think that way unironically is something else.

>> No.46549237

She redebuted a day after, a fucking day
Didn't even wait a month she's a fucking cunt who spat on everyone's goodwill

>> No.46549249

I hope it brings you an extreme amount of pain to know the announcement of her coming back in the first place wasn't even a full 24 hours later. Go shit up your homethread instead. You're done here.

>> No.46549253

Nijisanji thread not ex-niji thread

>> No.46549258

and there it is, we all accept your concessions

>> No.46549264

i'm happy for her
everyone should leave if it brings them happiness

>> No.46549268

People should leave the place that gave them relevance because uhhhhhhhhhh you hate nijisanji and no other reason dumb faggot

>> No.46549272

This but unironically.

>> No.46549304

Yep. If people wanna use Nijisanji as a stepping stone they can. Why, is something wrong with that?

>> No.46549321

Kill yourself holobrony

>> No.46549382

Is it a holiday in some SEA country or something? She's shown up to shitpost real early today. Or real late?

>> No.46549504

people are free to leave whenever they want, but then they're not relevant to the nijisanji thread anymore and no I don't care about your whining when streamers who are involved with nijisanji are mentioned

>> No.46549509

Nah. Once a liver always a liver.

>> No.46549517

ENsharts just aren't Nijisanji

>> No.46549519

only when it can be used to shitpost about nijisanji though is that right

>> No.46549601

You shitty fucking tourists only """"care"""" about people once they graduate and you know it, name 1 thing chihiro said in her last few streams 1 fucking thing I dare you i double dare you

>> No.46549612

Y'know if you wanna pretend to be a fan of someone you should probably use the name her actual fans use for her.

>> No.46549620

Case and fucking point, get out of my thread holobrony

>> No.46549622

that's right cocofag, you heard him, stop deadnaming them

>> No.46549628


>> No.46549632

>Case and fucking point
Bone apple tea?

>> No.46549646

Meant 90% of people who watch her call her Chii-chan. It'd be like bitching about being a truSetsuna fan but not calling her Yukimanji.

>> No.46549671

still laffing over case and point, we've truly reached peak ESL hours

>> No.46549697

meat on the bone

>> No.46549705

posts like yours are a diamond dozen

>> No.46549715

no one calls her that because her name is sakura now

>> No.46549999
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>> No.46550029

I love hags

>> No.46550033
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>> No.46550293
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I want paizuri from Lain

>> No.46550300


>> No.46550504

Based hags shitting on niji

>> No.46550991

I still can't get over her fake voice, her real voice is more fitting with that sexy body

>> No.46551379


>> No.46551888

Blast Project was a mistake

>> No.46552320

the IPO was a bigger one

>> No.46552366

karaoke stream live

>> No.46552408

she only knows the chorus...

>> No.46552543

カラオケ (MGS限定)

>> No.46552596

pomu hates milet

>> No.46552615

she's DEAD?

>> No.46552633

pomu won't let me, specifically, go

>> No.46552665

she wouldn't sing so well because she's sick she said, what a liar

>> No.46552766

https://www.youtube.com/live/kghuQJC0EMs the start of elu mahjong arc

>> No.46552774

Lize starting ff15, I wonder how disappointed she will be coming from ff10.

>> No.46552807

Depends on how much she likes seeing four big guys.

>> No.46553158
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>> No.46553421

Has Toybox actually succeeded in it's job yet?

>> No.46553447


>> No.46553472

and just like that cocofag stopped caring about dookiebird now that she's dropping into the 3k viewer range already, expecting the same thing to happen with his next shitposting material, granted at least not-pomu actually enjoys streaming and had a following before joining nijisanji, while dookiebird just wants to squeeze some pity bucks and has no real interest in streaming and was a literal who 10 viewer before joining nijisanji

>> No.46553511

Who asked?

>> No.46553534

anon was traumatized by the nesticle and suspecks war

>> No.46553556

curious how he never started spamming about not-kyo, even though he tried to kick up a fuss too, surely it has nothing to do with him having a 100 viewers, I thought he had a following before joining nijisanji though, guess not

>> No.46553565

curious how anon said dipping to below 4k once over the course of three months means thats they're new average
guess lize is irrelevant now too

>> No.46553567

Can you not schizopost with yourself for one day?

>> No.46553571

Well that's good then. So long as some new groups got formed it has worth.

>> No.46553600

lize has a higher average viewer count than dookiebird too though, with just streaming normally and not with becoming a drama queen, imagine getting the golden ticket to take the center stage of western vtubing, and western streaming in general and then in a mere 2 months you already have to cope with some random whataboutisms about your quick nosedive into irrelevance

>> No.46553618

lize has a higher viewer count than her, probably at least double just from eyeballing it, but still dipped below the lowest point in dokis career just this month? lol good point anon, thanks for making it for me

>> No.46553630

when has lize dipped below 3.3k viewers this month?

>> No.46553634

generally speaking don't make arguments when you can't look up the facts, it's a bad look

>> No.46553644

oh a 1 hour sponsored stream for some mobile kusoge, how many viewers would dookiebird get for it? my guess is 500

>> No.46553647
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he actually implied sponsored streams are a debuff lmao

>> No.46553651

thank you for making it clear that you're from the /vt/ numberfag thread

>> No.46553661
File: 57 KB, 511x455, 1549744942162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's right, /vt/ invented the term debuff

>> No.46553667

that's right, only those people use these terms for numberfagging, why are you so desperate to cope about whataboutisms though, is it really that hard of a pill to swallow that only drama vultures came to watch the drama cunt?

>> No.46553675 [DELETED] 

>drama vultures

>> No.46553680 [DELETED] 

retard raider even fucks up his links

>> No.46553684

I was going to comment on the self-report about whatever the hell a numberfag thread is but anon beat me to it.

>> No.46553699

https://www.youtube.com/live/BO7_ARxKbwc ruri snufkin

>> No.46553702 [DELETED] 

strange that link works fine on my pc across multiple different browsers and incognito mode, but when i check this thread on my phone it says its a busted search query
really makes you think, huh?

>> No.46553703 [DELETED] 

Works fine on my machine.

>> No.46553708 [DELETED] 

nah you just fucked up the link retard

>> No.46553709 [DELETED] 

I tried it with both linkify'd and copypasting it, no issues here.

>> No.46553715 [DELETED] 

Phoneposters outing themselves is always funny.

>> No.46553716 [DELETED] 

do you retards just not use 4chanx?

>> No.46553718 [DELETED] 

did some research for anon, since he's too poor to actually own a pc, seems like the quotation marks in the URL get lost when clicked through on a phone browser and exclusively only phone browser, even booted up Edge and had no issues

>> No.46553719 [DELETED] 

crossboarders outing themselves with specific terms that they're used to posting, not realising that no one else uses them is always funny

>> No.46553723

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X1El_I97Bw smc ygo packs

>> No.46553727 [DELETED] 

I don't, but after re-enabling it I still don't really see the issue there. X breaking the link doesn't magically change the fact that you're posting using a term invented in 2021.

>> No.46553734 [DELETED] 

I don't trust this sites coders like that.

>> No.46553737 [DELETED] 

That's basically the only important part here. The deflections are incredibly pathetic.

>> No.46553741 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 531x512, 1703029067527407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sorry pcs are just too expensive for me, it's definitely not you who fucked up the link, not that it would make any difference if I posted from a phone

>> No.46553746 [DELETED] 

ew, it uses windows 10?

>> No.46553750 [DELETED] 

Is that Windows 10? Ew.

>> No.46553751 [DELETED] 

I invented the term just a few months ago, cover at my brilliance, I combined the words drama and with vulture, because vultures are animals that only briefly show up when there's something stinky then quickly leave, just like how these fags only came to watch dookiebird's drama and then quickly left

>> No.46553752

anon will never complete his EoSD 1CC attempt, stop bullying him

>> No.46553760 [DELETED] 

"Cover" at your brilliance?

>> No.46553761 [DELETED] 

Cover? V isn't anywhere close to W. How'd you make that typo on the keyboard you're totally using right now?

>> No.46553764
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>> No.46553766 [DELETED] 

oh no a spelling mistake! now dookiebird isn't irrelevant anymore, oh wait

>> No.46553771

It's pretty sad how the shitposter posts about Cover so much autocorrect outed him.

>> No.46553772 [DELETED] 

>cover at my brilliance
is this english?

>> No.46553780 [DELETED] 

why would you expose yourself as an esl here, your raider buddies already pointed out that it just should be a w instead of a v

>> No.46553786

For the anons who keep up with her, has Hinano actually played any other non-FPS games on stream before? Because that jumpscared me when I was checking my feed.

>> No.46553816 [DELETED] 

not that it wasn't blatantly obvious that the cocofag is a crossboarder but it's cool that he made it obvious now at least

>> No.46553823 [DELETED] 

It's over for today. You already pants'd yourself.

>> No.46553829

I feel retarded. I should have checked the playlists tab since I forgot it was a thing people actually use for its intended purpose.

>> No.46553833 [DELETED] 

over for what, I came to shit on dookiebird's descent into irrelevance and you started sperging about completely random shit out of desperation again, keep dancing for me monkey, it's funny

>> No.46553875 [DELETED] 

ah you mean the discord raid is over for today, that's fine, you retards gonna be my toys for the next few years anyways

>> No.46553899

https://www.youtube.com/live/SWU2M00Racc Lize FFXV. I'd rather she play litetally any other FF except this and 16.

>> No.46553916

I have literally never saw anyone play 12

>> No.46553920

Even 2?

>> No.46553925 [DELETED] 

she already has more viewers in the opening talk than the peak of dookiebird's last stream lmao

>> No.46553927


>> No.46553930 [DELETED] 

Didn't ask.

>> No.46553944 [DELETED] 


>> No.46553948

If it makes you feel any better, Patra's probably going to get there sometime this year. She's been marathonning the series. Even played DoC of all things.

>> No.46554143

https://www.youtube.com/live/Rlf_da9vyo4 ebio with noa

>> No.46554319

https://www.youtube.com/live/heuSRStM2Is ichisango radio

>> No.46554324 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46554366

I opened the thread and found some retard trying to bring down Lize, of all people, to elevate dokifilth.
Amoebas like that don't deserve to breathe, let alone get replies.

>> No.46554371

anon's favorite game
https://www.youtube.com/live/suB1jQqUhxA puti
https://www.youtube.com/live/rWGqZLkrd38 ritsukin
https://www.youtube.com/live/GuGOiT6ENbs hima
https://www.youtube.com/live/BrvzIYPpzaM mya
https://www.youtube.com/live/LSdK9wbveq0 naraka

>> No.46554376

And I tabbed back after seeing what was the new post before I see a statsfag and your retarded fucking ass even acknowledging the two homos.

>> No.46554378 [DELETED] 

I dunno why cocofag tried to say that playing a mobile kusoge for a sponsorship isn't gonna have less viewers than normal, but I don't understand many things that he does, just gotta assume that it's part of his mental illness

>> No.46554386


>> No.46554392 [DELETED] 

And the other retard was a guy who got caught posting on his phone and using /vt/ard terms while saying he'll be shitposting for the next several years.
We truly live in a society.

>> No.46554396

Your first mistake was keeping a tab for this thread in the first place, but I'm doing that too, so who am I to say that?

>> No.46554406 [DELETED] 

>We truly live in a society.
cool crossboarder meme

>> No.46554416 [DELETED] 

I hate to tell you this but not every meme originates from 4chan.

>> No.46554433 [DELETED] 

ah yeah, cool 9gag meme then

>> No.46554452 [DELETED] 

Why in the world would you ever think of 9gag as your second guess? Even Reddit would've been a better one.

>> No.46554473 [DELETED] 

Reddit would still be worse but both are bad.

>> No.46554478 [DELETED] 

he's likely underaged is why

>> No.46554574 [DELETED] 

>In early April 2015, an image macro of the Joker with the caption "When the nice guy loses his patiance (sic) / the devil shivers" was submitted to 9gag
>The earliest known image macro associating Joker with gamers was submitted to a "cringe thread" 4chan's /lit/ board on May 2nd, 2017
if you really want to get philosophical then it's not like you can tell where exactly a meme came from, but the earliest uses of the meme were on 9gag and 4chan, and it's most popular on /v/ for obvious reasons, it's definitely not a meme that anyone here would naturally use, crossboarder boy

>> No.46554575 [DELETED] 

Obsessed with League, Hololive, shitposting on the jay plus containment boards, 9gag frequenter, doesn't know japanese and a closeted honosexual?
I'd say it's less likely and more confirmed.

>> No.46554585 [DELETED] 

Who was he quoting?

>> No.46554589 [DELETED] 


>> No.46554590 [DELETED] 

you keep bringing up holoshit and other irrelevant trash all the time here though cocofag

>> No.46554604
File: 8 KB, 321x157, too greenありがとうございます、おくります.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46554606 [DELETED] 

you're not gonna complain about using a site that documents the origin of memes after you started going on about the origin of the joker gamer meme will you?

>> No.46554624 [DELETED] 

Adding knowyourmeme onto this list too.

>> No.46554631 [DELETED] 

so you used a /v/, or 9gag, or reddit meme, what's gonna be your next deflection?

>> No.46554632 [DELETED] 

It doesn't document shit.

>> No.46554638 [DELETED] 


>> No.46554645 [DELETED] 

so what are we supposed to use to tell where your crossboarder meme exactly came from?

>> No.46554652 [DELETED] 

You're not a part of this collective.

>> No.46554655 [DELETED] 

Holy reddit Batman!

>> No.46554656 [DELETED] 

I'm not part of your holobrony discord that's for sure

>> No.46554662

[Breaking News] Hima-chan wants to be a mother
[Breaking News] I want to be a father

>> No.46554666 [DELETED] 

we le live in a le society

>> No.46554823

Important post

>> No.46554881

There are better horages released recently that he could have picked

>> No.46555252

https://www.youtube.com/live/XDPI9rsR-Xo ririmu crime scene cleaner

>> No.46555823 [DELETED] 

oh now he shows up but the hundreds of off topic spam posts were totally fine lmao

>> No.46555923 [DELETED] 

Just because a post upsets you doesn't mean it's off topic. Especially when (you) end up spamming the most. It's also strange that you weren't banned after >>46553875 where you said you'd be threadshitting for years to come, but who am I to complain about meido when they do something for once.

>> No.46555924 [DELETED] 

blahblahblah not reading your bad faith shitpost

>> No.46555931 [DELETED] 

I don't think you understand what that term means, but okay schizo.

>> No.46555937 [DELETED] 


>> No.46556034 [DELETED] 


>> No.46556163

Part of me hopes Lize drops this game...

>> No.46556173


>> No.46556200

Not that anon, but FFXV is just not an interesting game to stream. Combat is busy, yet lize chose easy which takes the all the fun out of it. The story is disjointed and loose with road trip segments, making it hard to follow as a viewer, and boy are the filler segments long.

>> No.46556207


>> No.46556279

I was going to explain my gripes but >>46556200 hit it spot on and then some. Only other thing I could say is that I don't know how the DLC shapes up, but I already know it'd be a shitty bookend when she inevitably gets to it too.

>> No.46556359

I see

>> No.46556864
File: 363 KB, 512x768, GKffOBRaAAEpU9S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI post

>> No.46556880
File: 397 KB, 1570x2424, GKtS8_nbwAA6gb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this

>> No.46556947

what is a tensegrity?

>> No.46557010

Tensional integrity

>> No.46557152
File: 15 KB, 673x545, 1712690311357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sukorabi is making out again

>> No.46557500

Salome needs to stop yuri business with Sophie , they don't fit as a duo

>> No.46557528
File: 892 KB, 1280x740, GKkBcnpaEAAhXcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46557620
File: 774 KB, 1010x854, GKjjKyEaoAAZgE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46558131
File: 370 KB, 1152x2048, 1699066750909433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46558225

that's a man chin

>> No.46558244

That person used to have hemorrhoids

>> No.46558337


>> No.46558407
File: 455 KB, 1317x2048, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A male coughing is heard in the background:

A week later gets fingered/groped on stream:

>> No.46558415

I bet it was some ceiling ninja

>> No.46558429

it was her cat

>> No.46558642

Obviously its Salome invading her again

>> No.46558759
File: 268 KB, 1920x1080, GKueYK8aQAAupU2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46558940

>A male coughing is heard in the background
That was me
>A week later gets fingered/groped on stream
That was our bull

>> No.46559739
File: 233 KB, 699x901, 1712713991811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda lewd

>> No.46560868

homos at your nearest high school

>> No.46561054
File: 311 KB, 1355x2048, 1712735410013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46561274

https://www.youtube.com/live/UtZu7gsaKbk sasaki starting bw2

>> No.46561510

https://www.youtube.com/live/Uj7x6wniLXI shiina new costume

>> No.46561548

https://www.youtube.com/live/o4Hkakwv_EI ngo trpg

>> No.46561633
File: 3.05 MB, 1920x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46561637
File: 3.10 MB, 1920x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46561644
File: 3.29 MB, 1920x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just patra

>> No.46561687
File: 3.43 MB, 1920x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46561918

https://youtu.be/StmVe03lIEs shiina ghost dive cover

>> No.46561954

meiji gibara and mirei offpako is live

>> No.46562276

livers who start their stream mute have a man living in the house

>> No.46562292

Seitokai new outfit relay starting tomorrow

>> No.46562395

even male livers?

>> No.46562491

Hmm, strange timing.

>> No.46562516

iinchou making a video about anon's recent worries

>> No.46562531

especially the men

>> No.46562563

Kunai has NTR dreams? That's hot.

>> No.46562666

TIL my hatred for dookiesharts is stronger than my hatred for chilla's shart.

>> No.46562864
File: 1.71 MB, 1894x1046, 1712757227669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46562875

Is this english?

>> No.46562919
File: 3.51 MB, 3554x2894, 1712757595144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46562931


>> No.46562946
File: 2.00 MB, 3000x4000, GKzc7eGbQAEjbYt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46562947

https://www.youtube.com/live/1rmKVFDfW7U nari elden ring

>> No.46563262

I'd sniff his asshole

>> No.46563546

im happy that ruri exists :)

>> No.46563721

im happy that azusa doesn't exist :)

>> No.46563902

Oh she finally got through tree sentinel, I was worried she'd be stuck there forever.

>> No.46563995

I'm happy that VTA may or may not exist :)

>> No.46564157
File: 295 KB, 691x829, oops all males.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46565282
File: 533 KB, 1503x2048, 1712779220559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46565373
File: 539 KB, 1920x1080, GKtZYV7bQAAWOyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46565668

What the FUCK is their problem!?

>> No.46565833

Real sad how Gibara fell off

>> No.46565839

Real sad how Babu isn't sucking me off

>> No.46565944

more people should realize they are nothing without nijisanji

>> No.46565966


>> No.46566003
File: 589 KB, 1920x1920, GK09vPaXgAAITVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46566020
File: 407 KB, 1172x1172, GHRQofzaEAAO36Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dailies waitting for LizeRuri ASMR stream

>> No.46567533

>the slut, the bully and the tag-along.
It's funny they actually fit in 3 JK gal trope.

>> No.46568499

I'm not surprised.

>> No.46568518
File: 2.37 MB, 2833x4013, GK31q4waIAAn8LS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46568522
File: 2.18 MB, 2833x4013, GK31ryIaQAAtAQm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46568744

https://www.youtube.com/live/3LmOmA8CIOc ruri dq

>> No.46568969

https://www.youtube.com/live/d8RDsnxtoqg nornis karaoke with announcement

>> No.46569001

Are notifs bugged again?

>> No.46569014

seitokai outfit relay
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVtinYs25bc kanae
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbDl2u2S2bI deron
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SegG4la_y7Y akina

>> No.46569018

if someone posts shorts, videos (or maybe even community posts) than youtube won't send out more than a couple notifications and will stop notifications from going out to subscribers.

>> No.46569104

I know shorts/premieres have always been buggy, but I've only gotten 5 notifications in the past hour. Haven't seen it yet that bad in years.

>> No.46569204
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deron belly uoooh

>> No.46569220
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46569239
File: 823 KB, 1920x1080, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46569547
File: 1.00 MB, 1895x1065, 1712838699136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a mini album

>> No.46571460

an announment of an announment, there will be an another announment after the mini live
i hope it's a new member from the vta artist slot

>> No.46571523

I don't think they'll announce a new member not from an existing liver. Certainly wouldn't mind meruchi joining nornis.

>> No.46572179
File: 145 KB, 1139x1583, 1712856826982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46572227
File: 162 KB, 720x404, sero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell.. i read that story a couple of days ago in a PHYSICAL book, and this showed up on my YouTube recs. Is Google spying inside my house?!

>> No.46572928

adorable baby

>> No.46573564

I like this

>> No.46573767

It becomes ohasanji lately

>> No.46573830


>> No.46573848

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NyjbesTWEk ohagaku

>> No.46574168

couple's therapy with pomu

>> No.46574617
File: 675 KB, 1471x690, 1712880515131701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46575046
File: 820 KB, 2250x2850, GK7s8lGbYAAWy-z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46575333

Dtto is such a good friend, playing the same kusoge twice in one day for Selen.

>> No.46575398

what a downgrade

>> No.46575622

I shouldn't have complained, I now have had 0 notifications for livestreams since this post. What the fuck man...

>> No.46575669
File: 295 KB, 1302x2048, GK11ZKhboAAxS2Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46576051

idios mhw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sGUQW7kTCk ishigami
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF3rVpGqQF4 toru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX7ySt6LPls meruto
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYR061CcecU akari

>> No.46576381

backrooms collab
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSHrPT1mCnc ruri
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQZ7UQm0uEE roco
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo7dSPokMm8 ojou
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6uBaJGfaKI yorumi

>> No.46576474

feeding furen eggplant

>> No.46576839
File: 210 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46577029

VCR rust starting tomorrow.

>> No.46578458
File: 164 KB, 1200x675, 1703561838545293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46578676
File: 291 KB, 1399x781, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first collab

>> No.46578914

God please don't let him become a part of Shachou's circle.

>> No.46578930


>> No.46579018

I don't like him.

>> No.46579758

shacho is one of the most non offensive man in this company though, it could've been a lot worse.

>> No.46579843

No one is here to dispute me.
Snow Halation is a good song.

>> No.46579852

snore halation

>> No.46580306

hopefully this time for real

>> No.46580601
File: 35 KB, 172x95, 777744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy RARE.

>> No.46580665

No I don't like Kaisei.

>> No.46580740

ah, should be fine though. don't think those two have anything in common.

>> No.46580744

Rare? I don't even remember them having a 1 on 1 before ever.

>> No.46580754


>> No.46580770

There was someone else in the VC too, she left because they weren't going to play lol.

>> No.46581041 [DELETED] 
File: 377 KB, 570x494, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46581235

Fuck Elira

>> No.46581360

damn you'd think she'd get some drama numbers for her return but she's barely getting anything

>> No.46582177
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1396, __shioriha_ruri_nijisanji_drawn_by_ryoku_illus__1d9470c75cef74dc05549ef6f1ad707a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife

>> No.46582200
File: 460 KB, 801x1200, __kuramochi_meruto_and_kuramochi_meruto_nijisanji_drawn_by_kichihachi__566eb1c7dfb729cc2144cda6410f05ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46582438

Is EN going to stream VCR Rust? Other company EN branch is

>> No.46582459


>> No.46583005


>> No.46583039
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46583243


>> No.46583262

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKzOcxTI87w ruri mahjong event

>> No.46583276 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 1496x1122, GK_qqsgWMAAjWM5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46583413

4 very beautiful girls

>> No.46583470 [DELETED] 

oh so this is the totally not holobrony discord raider who just comes here because he loves nijisanji vtubers, lmao

>> No.46583489 [DELETED] 

You've got the argument the wrong way around by the way. It's screaming that you should care about people just because they're nijisanji and not because you like their content that's the retard mindset, and I don't think a single person here has ever watched Elira more than maybe once.

>> No.46583498 [DELETED] 

what argument, you retards are clearly from some holofag discord coming here to shitpost

>> No.46583500 [DELETED] 

I didn't make that post.

>> No.46583505 [DELETED] 

ok, there's still no argument and it's just a holofag discord coming here to shitpost

>> No.46583521 [DELETED] 

It was two posts. You've now made more posts bitching to me about how someone dared to disgrace someone (you) don't care about than that retard made bitching about someone absolutely no one here ever truly cared about.

>> No.46583523 [DELETED] 

not reading and you're a holofag raider then

>> No.46583713


>> No.46584049 [DELETED] 

It feels weird that Kuzuha is joining Rust

>> No.46584061

It feels weird that Kuzuha isn't joining Rust

>> No.46584084

Why? VCR Rust has never really been his thing.

>> No.46584145

And so it begins.

>> No.46584189

My live notifications finally got fixed just in time for VCR. I can't tell if this is a blessing or a curse...

>> No.46584190


>> No.46584210

I didn't even know she was a part of the last one. Poor thing.

>> No.46584262

For me, it's Kohaku and Hinano.

>> No.46584398
File: 2.52 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46584545

[sad news] kanaes b(oyfriend)iggest fans girlfriend is now gambling 1 hour into the server

>> No.46584669


>> No.46584871


>> No.46584996

Karubi used THAT password. Hajiki can do the funniest thing to Karubi's apartment.

>> No.46585096

i thought shiishi was in the rating thing too.

>> No.46585118

Hajiki don't get to join these events anymore anon...

>> No.46585265

i don't agree with this, mashiro is into oneesans with big tits, he has good taste.

>> No.46585570

ah, that's 100% kanae first.

>> No.46585691

I will hold out hope.

>> No.46585732

why is ibu-chan being shipped with the bunny?

>> No.46585801

Which bunny?

>> No.46585813

check twitter its a joke

>> No.46586052
File: 241 KB, 1200x675, GLDDiwGXEAAk1d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad it's not Arise.

>> No.46586318


>> No.46586457

shizurin detroit in 2024

>> No.46586596


>> No.46586799

女格付け アンケ4148
男格付け アンケ24832

>> No.46586826

the male rating members are more popular, retard.

>> No.46586889

Kuzuha with the same people per usual.

>> No.46586909 [DELETED] 


>> No.46586934

No pvp again in this rust vcr, huh.

>> No.46587117

After the first stream the anticipation for the male version gathered more votes, if the boys had been first and the girls second the result would have been the same.

>> No.46587153

vcr is boring now to be honest

>> No.46587237

who asked

>> No.46587430


>> No.46588051

I just spent 4 hours watching a chuuba I've never heard of before today, so I'd say VCR is still pretty great.

>> No.46588147

No PVP is whatever, but I don't know why they need to live in the commie blocks

>> No.46588169

>need to
Go away EOP.

>> No.46588199

Dunno what pov you're watching but most people are living in the lockers.

>> No.46588258

And that's because...?
Hint: the key is key.

>> No.46588415


>> No.46588860

pomu giggling over metal gear is the cutest thing ever

>> No.46589040

She's playing the series again? I respect it.

>> No.46589311

Why are holobronies posting their vtuber here again?

>> No.46589427

Hatsune Miku isn't a part of any vtuber group.

>> No.46589535


>> No.46589542

i don't think pomu likes the gamecube controller

>> No.46589970
File: 725 KB, 960x1164, __igarashi_rika_and_igarashi_rika_nijisanji_drawn_by_harupy__8e5810d8ba97c0fff94d4745b6638286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife

>> No.46590482
File: 698 KB, 1280x720, [19n-V8weaY4] 01_32_03 [1280x720].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46590571

Kanae was robbed.

>> No.46590685

Mya can't run anymore

>> No.46590773

why is no one talking about the long awaited EN live

>> No.46590780
File: 624 KB, 1916x4096, __koshimizu_toru_and_koshimizu_toru_original_and_1_more_drawn_by_amatou_ko_me_9__e99072d2520515636c4da1c3c38baaad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife

>> No.46591086
File: 428 KB, 1835x1909, 1696203163296580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife

>> No.46591490

westerners can't dance

>> No.46591938
File: 390 KB, 1152x2048, 1711854729677130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46592465

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGP9GPUATd4 ruri mahjong

>> No.46592468

What's wrong with Arise

>> No.46592599

what caused the sudden increase of livers streaming on twitch?

>> No.46592743

I like this
