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File: 437 KB, 800x720, Hatate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4652965 No.4652965 [Reply] [Original]

>Aya doesn't seem to like it, but this white wolf Tengu has way good eyes~
And her nose is really good, so she's, like, amazing.
I guess it's not a good idea to write that stuff in the paper? There'll be, like, fans.

Momiji's new friend detected

>> No.4652982

Wait, what?

Did ZUN just joss Aya/Momiji?

brb ragan

>> No.4652991

Almost every comment on Momiji's cards by both Aya and Hatate pretty much say that they hate each other.

>> No.4652998

Oh man, this is gold.

>> No.4653005

ZUN confirmed for master troll.

>> No.4653011

Why is she like, such a like, total 15 year old girl like, steyotype?

>> No.4653012

God damnit. How can this game be so good yet so terrible at the same time?

>> No.4653019

Being underage, like, increases her sex appeal. Totally.

>> No.4653022
File: 212 KB, 1200x950, 1193077285337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking ZUN, ruining my favorite pairing.

>> No.4653026

ZUN just loves to wreck fanon. Whats next? Does Yuugii hate jealous people? maybe Mokou not knowing who the fuck Keine is? Man the skies the limit.

>> No.4653044

Just makes the pairing even hotter IMO

delicious hate sex

>> No.4653046
File: 336 KB, 500x194, little brown tewi thread closed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy, ZUN is just trolling you.

Now that he's at least mentioned it in-game you can expect a resurgence of MomiAya fanart.

>> No.4653050
File: 251 KB, 500x500, 9371910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you do this to my waifu, ZUN? What possible reason could you have?

>> No.4653053

Reimu and sanae are sisters and are hardcore religious freaks

>> No.4653054

I'd her tartan.

>> No.4653062




>> No.4653067

So now its clear no one likes Aya, just how most of world feel for the paparazzi.

>> No.4653072
File: 149 KB, 700x600, aya has no friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking terrible.

>> No.4653075
File: 33 KB, 386x363, this pleases gaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4653083

The only possible result is for Aya to become a friendless, emotional wreck on-par or worse than fanon Alice.

>> No.4653087

Yes, the song uses the same word.

>> No.4653093
File: 1.54 MB, 600x600, cfb597fc68f22f53bec66a8fb0c4ab82772ac983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or she can keep being a bother and pretending to be friends with the rest of the cast, never being irritating enough to warrant a seriously violent response(more than the expected danmaku shower) and probably eventually getting friendly with one or two.

And, of course, fucking the male cast.

>> No.4653094

Her only way of filling the empty viod inside of her is with dicks.

>> No.4653105

>does Yuugi hate jealous people
She always has in my mind. Parsee is an unlikable twit, nobody likes her and no one ever will.

>> No.4653106

So slut Alice.

>> No.4653110

Oh boy so not only is /jp/ going to continue to call Aya a slut, but now a friendless and unloved slut.

>> No.4653115

Touhou 13:
Daiyousei really is a plague fairy and Cirno doesn't even know who she is

>> No.4653118

This was all according to Zun's plan. Excellent.

>> No.4653124

So Aya starred in Double Spoiler not because she sucked ZUN's dick, but in order to be completely and finally destroyed as ZUN's finally 'Fuck you, you unloved slut' in favor of Sanae and Hatate?

...oh man, I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.4653125

Damn Japan, making all sluts look so cute.

>> No.4653139

>in favor of Sanae
Let's not make any assumptions. Sanae might be on thin ice too.

>> No.4653140

I'm okay with this. I like seeing my favorite characters crushed.

>> No.4653145

And you thought he gave her games because he liked her.

Also, th13 will just be a text file explaining how SDM was all a dream projected by rumia.

>> No.4653150

Hatate agrees with you.

>> No.4653161

>Touhou 13.3 Unthinkable Natural Law 2
And that'll the title in Engrish. ENGRISH.

>> No.4653170

accidentally the entire canon

>> No.4653174

Unthinkable Natural Law is a machine translation, you're a fag for using it.

The authentic Japanese title is 'Unthinkable Natural Raw'

>> No.4653175
File: 117 KB, 850x729, 1267945480643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to accept this. I reject this canon with every fibber of my being, and urge fanon to do the same. No good can come from this.

>> No.4653187


>> No.4653191


>> No.4653195
File: 92 KB, 495x700, 1245056536536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how honest and innocent Hatate is. She always tells it like it is, and is naturally honest. Sometimes her words hurt people without her knowing, but all she did was say the truth.

It's like ZUN wanted an opposite for Aya. A replacement.

Which touhou will be replaced next? Will it be your waifu? This has to stop.

>> No.4653201

Man DS really paints a lot of characters in a negative light. From Aya being friendless, Parsee being a unlikable bitch, to Nitori being a human killing monster. Why ZUN? Why?

>> No.4653205

Once the replacements are mass produced....

>> No.4653216

>I like how honest and innocent Hatate is. She always tells it like it is, and is naturally honest. Sometimes her words hurt people without her knowing, but all she did was say the truth.

Hatate confirmed for first autistic Touhou.

>> No.4653217


>> No.4653221

ZUNs master plan: slowly replace each touhou one by one.

>> No.4653230


>> No.4653237


Koishi has been autistic since her eye-sealing, so yeah.

>> No.4653238
File: 689 KB, 1447x1447, 41a6858c371fb60baa3d6ad193f08d25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My focused, polite, and aware touhou will not be replaced.

>> No.4653239

Also Kisume is Berserker

>> No.4653240

Isn't he doing that with the PC-98 ones?

>> No.4653244

>first autistic Touhou
Maybe assburgers but not autism.

>> No.4653265

ZUNs master plan, step 2: slowly replace each touhou player with touhous one by one.

one day you'll find yourself wearing a frilly dress and a silly hat

>> No.4653271

read DSM V sometime, they'll be the same thing pretty soon.

>> No.4653273

I'm very okay with this.

>> No.4653274

Touhou 13:
Koa is patchy's magical slave, and in reality is an out-of-place grimdark soul-eating monster.
Iku IS the dragon.
Mary and Renko made it to Gensokyo years ago, and were killed by youkai soon after.
Youki is an old, fat man, who never really knew how to use a sword. Youmu was just a natural.
Moonbitches killed the Hakurei god.

>> No.4653276

I'm okay with this

>> No.4653282
File: 664 KB, 900x900, Iku33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad.

>> No.4653288

But I do that already...


>> No.4653307

ZUN will continue with this, making Gensokyo more and more realistic, until Gensokyo looks exactlly like the world outside the barrier.
In fact, it is. Gensokyo is the world's origin story. All your Touhous died long, long ago.

>> No.4653320
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>> No.4653323
File: 53 KB, 512x400, f1b325c0e87c3c864c0188dadac95040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as my power isn't something lame like "ANNOUNCING SPRING" i am okay with this

>> No.4653324
File: 468 KB, 500x1563, 9363675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with this.

>> No.4653329

Lily White is pretty damn powerful for a fairy. Don't disrespect her!

>> No.4653332

>Iku IS the dragon.

i know it! she was dragonair all along!

>> No.4653355
File: 100 KB, 607x489, Mokou Kaguya Cheek Pinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatate x Aya is simply another delicious rage-hate couple like these two.

>> No.4653371

Hina does not collect misfortuine, she just redericts it onto the loved ones of those she meets.
Cirno eats the frogs she freezes.
Everyone is SDM besides Remi and Patchy have no idea Flandre exsists.
Kaguya is back on the moon, and took eientei with her when she left. Mokou has become a recluse, and Kiene doesn't care ether way.
Those arn't eels Mystia is serving.
Wriggle died in IN.

>> No.4653376

Whats actually funny is that ZUN kind of killed that bit of canon already with that Inaba manga thing. Kaguya actually likes Mokou, and Mokou isn't PURGE,KILL,BURN, whenever kaguya shows up and may actually join in the shenanigans. Now its a very light hearted feud at the most.

>> No.4653394

Ran beats Chen when she misbehaves like Yukari beats Ran
I'm just calling it.

>> No.4653398

Not to mention Mokou said Kaguya is the only one who can understand her

>> No.4653411
File: 83 KB, 496x331, ZUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the face of my enemy.
This is the face in my nightmares.

>> No.4653415

All the events of the PC 98 games were just a dream Reimu had.

Mima never existed in the first place

>> No.4653434

I like ZUN's canon.

>> No.4653442

Cannon = Fannon

>> No.4653449

Canon = ZUN trolls us

>> No.4653453

Cannon < Fannon

>> No.4653494
File: 332 KB, 1728x2304, youfagswillbetrolledtohellandback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou 13 will be a ZUNxTomino collaboration.

>> No.4653500

I can't wait until the rest of the comments are translated

>> No.4653504

Oooh, scary scary...

>> No.4653513

So since women die in horrible ways in Tomino productions, there will be women in bikinis vaporized by beam sabers once more?

>> No.4653511
File: 660 KB, 1200x1200, 1215922335519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, what

>> No.4653526

Nitori likes to feed on human anuses. Aya likes them as well.

>> No.4653530


>> No.4653531

Now your just making shit up...

>> No.4653538

Metaphorical aftermath of DS.
Inb4 someone removes metaphorical.

>> No.4653543

Spell Card 4-7

Kappa "Arid Shirikodama"

A shirikodama is a mythical ball in the anus that kappa typically feed on humans for in old legends.

Aya's Comment: The shirikodama, with its eye-watering stench, isn't that bad
if it's dried out. Even so...how many humans were sacrificed to
get this many shirikodama? This is something of endless interest.

>> No.4653551

Missed that bit.
Would normally defend my waifu, but theres to much other stuff going wrong to care about little stuff like that ;_;

>> No.4653609

Still canon that she tried to scare reimu and marisa away to PROTECT THEM in MoF.

>> No.4653629

Mima is Yuuka's second personality

>> No.4653630

They're either fake (kappa got factories) or from the kappas' massive stockpile.

>> No.4653647

Rinnosuke was a girl all along

>> No.4653663


So this whole time I been fapping to a girl!?
Damn it ZUN!

>> No.4653670

Hey if this is supposed to be the demo, why is it the full game?

>> No.4653683

I'm not seeing much reaction (on pixiv at least) to these latest character "developments." Is Japan with >>4653217
on this?

>> No.4653698


I would imagine since 90% of touhou shit ignores canon

>> No.4653721
File: 75 KB, 350x950, 1268740927398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4653741

Because it's not a demo.

>> No.4653792

Ok but why is it labeled as Demo?

>> No.4653803


>> No.4653819

so aya and hatate don't like each other, and ZUN
broke ayaxmomiji canon, but does hatate like her?
god damnit ZUN, god damnit.

>> No.4653825

ZUN is trying to lead Aya fanon to be like Aya canon.
He will not succeed.

>> No.4653827

jealous momi, I think.

>> No.4653831

>Aya also comments that Momiji looks down upon the Crow Tengu. - Momiji's profile, TouhouWiki
Depending on whether that's the quirk of Japanese and English plurals and "Crow Tengu" impersonally means "just Aya," then Momiji looks down on all crow-type Tengu.
Or which Hatate is.

>> No.4653834


I thought Momiji wanted to kill Aya because she's a whore and they hate each other.

>> No.4653843

You lost me.

>> No.4653846

inb4 ZUN declares Aya as a canon slut in an as-of-yet untranslated spellcard.

>> No.4653855

well recall when Aya keeps saying that the tengu would be disappoint if Aya let the human pass the mountain?
I guess Momiji is the working commander of the tengu army, while he sees Aya as a low tier bird tengu who wastes time on bunbunbunbun?

>> No.4653859

Aya is just saying that /bun/ sent her

>> No.4653862


Slut Sign - One Million Dicks

>> No.4653971
File: 502 KB, 1408x2000, Sex Art[Penispecial]!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4653983


Go fuck yourself, you stupid secondaryfag.

>> No.4653986

Someone made a thread giving a download link on mediafire for the "demo". The file was named Touhou 12.5 (Double Spoiler Demo). It contains the full game.

>> No.4654002

Since her profile (see below) says "she has a very cooperative personality and executes her duties faithfully," most fan works depict her as acting like a loyal, affectionate puppy.
Aya's spell card comments in Double Spoiler, however, contradict this personality, as Aya comments that she and Momiji tend to easily get into fights whenever they meet. Aya also comments that Momiji looks down upon the Crow Tengu.
Her profile says she plays Dai Shōgi, a game similar to chess, with the Kappa. Because of that, some fans think that she personally knows Nitori while taking a break from her job.
Momiji's wolf-like appearance may be a reference to the Tiangou, a Chinese version of a Tengu that are described to be more dog-like.
Momiji and Aya are confirm to have tsun-sex, is chinese, and plays with Nitori.
Momiji is just tsundere guys don't worry, still a bit concern about the crow tengu hate.

>> No.4654038

Well, it depends if Lord Tenma is a Crow Tengu himself. Momiji can be loyal to the big boss, but still hate another subordinate.

>> No.4654227

well they did say Aya is her superior, and that she's loyal and junk.
Momiji confirm for tsundere that's the only way to make tihs positive.
god damn you ZUN.

>> No.4654230

already exists

>> No.4654246

> Momiji
> he

>> No.4654252
File: 15 KB, 335x411, tengu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditionally, Crow Tengu were low-tier Tengu; the big bosses were the big-nosed type.

>> No.4654270
File: 159 KB, 1024x863, Arthas Momiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frostmourne hungers.

>> No.4654272

think of that tale of the ants and the butterflies as reference to Momiji's clan and the Crow tengu.
Loyal, hard working and carries a sword and shield, while crows take pictures and make newspapers who no one read.
yet why was she still a midboss, probably for popularity sakes.

>> No.4654416

I can't seem to find where it's said she's loyal to Aya. Being loyal doesn't mean liking everyone in between Momiji and the one whom she's loyal to.

>> No.4654455

I'll admit, I lol'd

>> No.4654490

making momiji tsundere is not cool
kuudere on the other hand...

>> No.4654582

I always hated Aya. Annoying, lie-spewing bitch.

>> No.4654611

it's because she says the truth the the extreme is what annoys everyone.
It's like insulting what you do. what does spiritual photography do anyways?

>> No.4654644


Google image search

>> No.4654652

>it's because she says the truth the the extreme is what annoys everyone.


>> No.4654682

Aya doesn't lie, she just assumes to much.

>> No.4654983


What's the sauce for this? Or is it just an edited scene from a hentai?

>> No.4657501


>> No.4657729


I agree with ZUN. And you are right about ZUN just loves to wreck fanon. He doesn't give a shit about fannon or what his fans think, and I LOVE him for it.
Fanon is what ruins Touhou. Lots of it is pairings and I hate them for it, its so bullshit. Fanon also ruins their personality and its what i hate the most.
I do agree that ZUN did a bitch move, though. But I like that he did, though. It's like a bitchslap to all the fans who try to alter his Gensokyo with this bullshit fanon.

>> No.4657781

Momiji just had patrol duty on that day. She estimated opponents power level and reported to her superior, who then sent out Aya because she hadn't fulfilled any chores recently.

>> No.4657782

>to Nitori being a human killing monster.
The worst part is, hasn't Nitori called humans "our sworn friends" in MoF?
ZUN confirmed for faggot.

>> No.4657796

Is removing shirikodama even fatal?

In any case, Nitori has shitty tastes.

>> No.4657811

It's only fatal if you drown, which is very likely.

>> No.4657816

youkai are selfish, liars and dont give a fuck about anything other than themselves
the only exceptions are the tengu and yukari

>> No.4657819
File: 102 KB, 400x300, 3009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I photographed the Kappa playing in the water.
She appears to play innocently, but if you look closely
she'll often be drowning a human or something. Ooh, so scary.

>> No.4657823

I'm having trouble accepting how unbelievably retarded you all are. Help me out here, you aren't actually bothered by this, right? Right?

>> No.4657826
File: 39 KB, 400x500, 34809a2e134e01aa98299325fce06ec3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>removing shirikodama is non-lethal
Nitori confirmed for anal fisting fetishist.

>> No.4657830
File: 6 KB, 152x140, 17.03.2010 202216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4657834

Zun ruined Nitori by implying she drowns humans for fun and how she kills a shitton of humans for her spell cards.

>> No.4657842


>> No.4657843

oh god i hope japan delivers

>> No.4657844

ZUN ruined all of Touhou by implying youkai eat humans for fun and humans kill youkai because they can.

>> No.4657848

Japan should have delivered ages ago, the shirikodama isn't really secret knowledge.

>> No.4657853

Not the same thing. He painted Kappa as man's best friend in the Youkai world. Now we see man's best friend drowning man.

I'm not really pissed and Nitori will forever be my favorite touhou

ALso when is someone going to translate the spell cards for suika and Yuugi. Oni need love.

>> No.4657859

ZUN made touhou even more awesome by making it grim dark. Take that loli tea take it easy fags.

>> No.4657860

Sounds like your usual unmotivated racism. We keep doing nasty stuff to other people because we are used to it.

>> No.4657861

the kindest youkai is the most evil human
and the most evil human is the kindest youkai

when you guys gonna learn?

>> No.4657862

ITT: We believe Shameimaru's lies

>> No.4657864

I don't want to get my hopes up.

But deep down inside, I want him to go on a Tomino-style depressive rampage and leave Gensokyo a smoking, grimdark crater over the course of the next few games.

It would probably cure most of Touhou's secondary population.

>> No.4657867


>> No.4657869

Wait... you are correct. She is not a reliable source of information. And if anything, she is opinionated.

You are right anon. I'll take what she says with a grain of salt.

>> No.4657877

Most of the comments are put forward tentatively by Aya "<x> seems to be kind of...you know...<y>..." and then put forward directly by Hatate "<x> is totally <y>".

Inter-rater reliability, at least.

>> No.4657883

maybe, be even then they are both tengu - they may have their own agenda with reagrds to information

>> No.4657885

Because youkai are innocent little pure flowers who want to hug and kiss weak filthy ordinary humans.

>> No.4657889

Perhaps. But they seem to be rivals, and at the very least are not working together.

>> No.4657890

or more3 likely they'll happily hug and kiss anything if it saves them from the genocide outside.

>> No.4657894

Aya never lies (in canon), the only people calling her a liar are characters who have been expose and want to make up an excuse.

Marisa: That article is obviously a lie, I wasn't steeling those books I'm borrowing them until I die. Stop slandering my name.

Yukari: Beating the fuck out of Ran? I was just disciplining her.

Mokou: I did not cause that fire even though I was smoking and dropped the cigarette butt. Stop lying you tengu.

etc etc

>> No.4657896

I dont get why any of you care.

All three tengu are shitty, forgettable characters.

>> No.4657898

on one level certainly, on deeper levels they could agree - youkai mountains tengus could have many secrets neither of them would be happy to diculge.

>> No.4657900


>> No.4657904

Of course not, but since when did Aya suddenly come around becoming completely honest on her reports?

>> No.4657907

Or maybe they rip out the assholes of poor kids.

>> No.4657913

So maybe Nitori's killed some dudes, so what

>> No.4657923

ablooabloo me touhous are ruined ;_;

>> No.4657930

Next thing you know ZUN will say Alice and Marisa aren't really lesbians

>> No.4657934

In MoF she seemed friendly, trying to keep the heroine from getting deeper into the not so friendly youkai filled mountain.

I think she repented. People/Youkai change, you know?

>> No.4657935

Aya is like a mainstream tabloid writer.

Even if exaggerated, the articles still have SOME basis in fact. If it didn't, it'd be libel.

>> No.4657941

Why you guys so confident that the world in DS is the same world from previous games?It could be meta world or Aya's DID you know.

>> No.4657947

All this talk of killer Nitori reminds me of something...


>> No.4657951

>implying your average tabloid article has any basis whatsoever in fact.

Right. That's right up there with "I'm 27 and believe in the tooth fairy" tier

>> No.4657954

>Why you guys so confident that the world in DS is the same world from previous games?
Do you normally declare entire games non-canon based on minor quibbles?

>> No.4657959

Sorry, I should probably give a frame of reference. I'm talking about tabloids as they are in England, where it's news, but with the opinion level cranked up to 11.

>> No.4657966

Oh... seconded. Even though human killing Nitori might still be true.

>> No.4657968

ITT people putting enormous weight on silly words that ZUN thought were cute/funny/interesting at the time.

>> No.4657971

>Nitori drowns people
Cute silly words

>> No.4657979

Holy fucking shit.

>> No.4657982

Secondaryfag detected.

>> No.4657987


>> No.4658002

Among all youkai, Kappa are the most friendly to humans, yes.
Just because they built a weather-forecasting system for the human village doesn't mean they can't be man-eating monsters at the same time.

>> No.4658008

Yes, they are. Touhou is not meant to be taken so seriously. But from all the "I HATE REIMU SHE MEAN TO MY WAIFU >:(" threads I think this is a lost cause.

>> No.4658023

I dislike Reimu because she's a grumpy ass but you can interpret that any way you like, I know you will anyway.

>> No.4658024

Perhaps we should see this in context. What drove Kappa/Nitori to drown these people?

Self-defense? Hunger? Malice (unlikely)?

And this is why Aya is unreliable. She only gives sensationalist news without a good research, like a good reporter should.

>> No.4658031

I need a gif of that Nitori yukkuri changing facial expressions, it's sublimely horrifying.

>> No.4658042

>they built a weather-forecasting system for the human village
They did?

>> No.4658043
File: 47 KB, 213x207, FapNoteOhFuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...what the fuck did I just trip on?

>> No.4658046

Only Reimu and Marissa POV can be trusted and reliable

>> No.4658056

Statue of the Dragon

>> No.4658062

Reimu and Marisa POV is fair and balanced as MSNBC, Aya and Hatate POV is fair and balanced as Fox News.

You're not going to get a reliable source in Touhou, except maybe Akyu.

>> No.4658069


>> No.4658073

So what you're saying is that Aya and the other tengu are 100% reliable?

What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.4658082
File: 39 KB, 469x428, problem officer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4658106
File: 1.93 MB, 1447x1447, 1268079754395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox News fair and balanced? You are a troll, aren't you?

>> No.4658158

I'm fairly sure I read that in PMiSS, currently looking for it.

>> No.4658207
File: 260 KB, 792x1152, 1267338841813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here is my theory.
First, ZUN made the PC-98 games, which weren't all that popular. He was quite a drinker, but it was still a somewhat reasonable amount.
Then, thrown into despair over what his life, body and job look like, he decided to drink himself to death. But instead the alcohol took control of his body. Everything from TH06-TH12.3 was not done by ZUN, it was done by the ethereal power of Alcohol, ZUN was merely an exoskeleton.
The Alcohol mede him Gensokyo into a happy place, since The Alcohol loves nothing more than happiness. Whether it's born from looking at something cute, or fucking a beautiful woman or having fun in a party, The Alcohol just wants us to forget about that's bad in the world and enjoy ourselves.
The Alcohol controlled him for over 5 years, but now he started to sober up.
I can imagine him, coming back to his senses like waking up from a long dream, watching from behind his eyes as his body malforms his creation into something completely mutated from what he wanted it to be. Days, maybe weeks spent thinking in terror "What am I going to do!? How am I going to make my child mine once again!? Should I even change it!? OF COURSE I SHOULD, BUT HOW!?".
Then he calmed down. He thought. He decided that this can't be a complete 180 degrees turn. If he'll slowly change it back, people will still like it, he will still be popular, and Gensokyo will be his once again.
So settled down at saying that Momizi hates Aya and Nitori drowns people.

>> No.4658214

P.S.: I should really start making grammar checks before making large posts.

>> No.4658223
File: 141 KB, 450x350, 43f38a7686cb7e05c6cf4cac99b8aeba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah yeah the same things happened about Cirno & Letty pairing, Letty find cirno annoying and all but i prefer my own reality

>> No.4658225

Found it:

>It's said the dragon god's statue in the human village is an amazing artifact that can tell you what the day's weather will be with the color of its eyes.
>When its eyes are white, it will be sunny. When they're blue, it will rain. When they're grey, it will be cloudy. It's very convenient (*2).
>2: It should be convenient, or the humans wouldn't come to worship it — it is said that the kappa, the chiseler of the statue, thought so and sneaked a weathercast device into the statue.


>> No.4658231

I can totally imagine Aya writing on a chalkboard, saying that she's only raising questions about whether Reimu is qualified to be miko, and that she may not even be from Gensokyo.

>> No.4658248

That Letty thread disappeared off the board....

>> No.4658249

Nitori doesn't necessarily kill humans by drowning them. I doubt many people would want their shirikodama extracted from their ass willingy, so if you wake up to Nitori performing mouth to mouth on you, are you going to complain that much?

>> No.4658251

To respond to that seriously, I get the feeling he did decide he emphasized the happy teaparty side too much and has tried to walk it back a little since then.

>> No.4658258

If that mouth of hers sucking my ass out just a minute ago, yeah, I'd complain.

>> No.4658277

Would getting your shirikodama sucked out stimulate the prostate?

>> No.4658281

I'm not sure she has the whole crying on cue thing down.

>> No.4658290

I put in the complete save data like I was told to.
How do I switch characters?

>> No.4658294

Never mind. INSTANTLY after asking I remembered.

>> No.4658299

Seriously guys, you're just noticing that Gensokyo has slightly grimdark elements?

A bitter hell raven saying that she'll destroy the world now that she has power over nuclear fusion is happy loli tea parties? The player participating in the oppression of a racial equality advocate and her whole movement is HLTP? The main characters attacking Makai and exterminating the entire population of inhabitants and burning the city to the ground is HLTP?

>> No.4658304
File: 107 KB, 650x932, nitoripuppets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think the kappas, who ZUN has painted as human-liking, are out murdering and drowning humans?

Or that it's just Aya starting shit like she always does?

>> No.4658311
File: 506 KB, 717x800, oh shit 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The main characters attacking Makai and exterminating the entire population of inhabitants and burning the city to the ground is HLTP?

Genocide is just another game.

>> No.4658315

So Aya falls in the same category as poeple spouting "Obama doesn't have American birth certificate"?

>> No.4658317

>implying Obama is American

>> No.4658321

I am sorry guys, I like Hatate.
>reliable source
What the fuck I am reading.

>> No.4658327

We know its the second. We hope its the first.
But hope can be VERY powerful.

>> No.4658335

>You're not going to get a reliable source in Touhou, except maybe Akyu.
I think ZUN's comments about characters on the game manuals are at least most reliable than game dialogues and such.

>> No.4658340
File: 15 KB, 450x450, obama-nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hope can be VERY powerful
But what does it get you in the end? Disappointment.

>> No.4658345

I hated her at first sight, which made me sure I'd end up really liking her later. That's how it always goes. No change yet but it's still early.

>> No.4658346

Aya is just pandering to the crowd. If she actually wrote stuff like "Youkai are nice people, guys, no one has been eaten in a while", Bunbunmaru would stop selling.

>> No.4658350
File: 109 KB, 512x512, 1234862035684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing powerful about hope is an advertising or printing company's ability to profit off of it.

>> No.4658372
File: 24 KB, 400x356, putin x jong il.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McCain would have been shit too, /new/fag.

>> No.4658376


>> No.4658381


>> No.4658394

Your prostate IS shirikodama.

>> No.4658430

I want to see Hatate and Momiji doujinshis now.

>> No.4658441

This is what butthurt liberals actually believe.

>> No.4658449

But... I LIKE my prostate. Don't take that.

>> No.4658464

>>4658441, >>4658372, >>4658340, >>4658317, >>4658315
How about you go to /stormfront/ and stay there?

>> No.4658507
File: 80 KB, 410x456, 1232237101478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough >>>/new/s and more Momiji.

Bunbunmaru != Foxnews Channel

>> No.4658545

For the grimdarkfags 12-4

"I heard a rumor in the village about a mysterious man in a red cape who kidnaps children.
Kidnapping children should be standard for youkai, but
catch and release has gotten popular lately."

>> No.4658547

source for this doujin?

>> No.4658576

Don't know.

>> No.4658584


Oh, fuck you.

>> No.4658587

So one of us managed to get in Gensokyo. Good.

>> No.4658596

That's a reference to akamanto. Basically some dude asks you if you want a red cape or a blue one. If you say red he slashes you open, if you say blue he strangles you. I also seem to remember a variant which involved a voice asking you whether you'd like red and blue toilet paper while you're trying to wipe your ass, so here's hoping for a Touhou that wears nothing but a red/blue cape and wraps toilet paper around her to cover herself. She'd be a part of the "peek at girls in the toilet" squad alongside Nitori and Yukari.

>> No.4658607

Well, there's also the myth of a green monk that kidnaps children in broad daylight, as is usual with clergy.

Maybe Byakuren was called a demon and sealed not because she helps youkai but because she molests kids.

>> No.4658608


Since Hakurei barrier weakened after WWII youkai can freely leave Gensokyo. Now they hunt and eat humans from the outside world, while playing friends with humans from Gensokyo.

>> No.4658615
File: 390 KB, 800x1159, aya2tq2827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the full page, but it's an edit. Actual source is Haniwa's Store, Extra of the Wind.

>> No.4658651

>Just about the only thing in common between youkai is that they attack and eat humans.

>Youkai only think of themselves.

>Youkai are the most dangerous enemies to humans.

>Humans have no greater enemy than the youkai.

>Youkai attack humans for food.

>they consider humans a delicacy above all else.

And you people are surprised? This stuff is canon for ages. Youkai are evil maneating monsters.

>> No.4658675
File: 300 KB, 700x795, e643eedd0ece9d9b338d595981dddba1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So has anyone ripped the Double Spoiler soundtrack yet?

>> No.4658678

Humans need food to live.
Humans eat meat.
Humans consider meat a delicacy above all else.
Humans are evil.

Your point?

>> No.4658683

Hatate doesnt have a theme yet, right?

>> No.4658695

Are you troll or just retarded?

>> No.4658697

Humans don't eat intelligent species and usually don't eat creatures they can relate too emotionally (like pets)

>> No.4658706

>Humans don't eat intelligent species and usually don't eat creatures they can relate too emotionally (like pets)
That's because there aren't any.

>> No.4658718

I don't think she believes half of what she writes in her newspaper. She'd totally have run a piece on Obama's birth place if she knew who he was or what a black person is.

>> No.4658731

I am fairly sure black people are youkai.

>> No.4658738

Dunno. I'm waiting for thxxbgm to do it. That does a wonderful job.

>> No.4658758

I don't think Mokou smokes. I can believe Mokou started that fire, but Mokou herself isn't the type to smoke. I think the entire cigarette butt is a lie. Kaguya and Mokou were just at it again.

>> No.4658768
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>Humans don't eat intelligent species and usually don't eat creatures they can relate too emotionally (like pets)
Wrong. Humans eat creatures that they think are inferior to them (i.e., the creatures that pose no danger to them). And the only creatures we don't eat are the ones that are loyal/obedient to us like dogs and cats. But even that is a stretch because in some human cultures it's normal to eat cats and dogs (China to name a few).

To youkai we humans are the inferior creature. According to ZUN Remilia is able to crush boulders with her fingers. Ran is able to calculate complex equations in microseconds.

>> No.4658771
File: 132 KB, 400x420, 9393474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4658772

Why you gotta bring us up man?

Shit, use Mexicans or Koreans sometime.

>> No.4658789

>Humans don't eat intelligent species
What? We eat intelligent species all the fucking time. The second one is the only one you're right on and it's fucking worthless because what's considered a pet differs from culture to culture, person to person.

>> No.4658830

Because humans ARE superior to those creatures.
>To youkai we humans are the inferior creature. According to ZUN Remilia is able to crush boulders with her fingers. Ran is able to calculate complex equations in microseconds.
No, we aren't. If they really were that powerful, they would be ruling the planet long ago. And yet they are just bunch of murderous freaks hiding at the distant corners of the land.

>> No.4658926


Because they enjoy being a bunch of murderous freaks hiding at the distant corners of the land. Youkai are loners with strong ties to the nature, they don't want to build a civilization or rule countries.

>> No.4658942

And they happen to rule that corner of the land. Sorry.

>> No.4658960

The average youkai is superior to the average human in every way, it just so happens that they're extremely vulnerable to certain things, and humans exploited the fuck out of that weakness.

So the analogy is apt, we're still food to them, just dangerous to hunt.

>> No.4658965

That doesn't contradict the statement that they are evil and needs to be killed if they cause trouble, which they sometimes do.
Which one? Invisible magic forest? Ok, let them be. They rule only because no one gives a damn about them yet.

>> No.4658967


Rule? Gensokyo is like an anarchistic state without any rule.

>> No.4658969
File: 65 KB, 577x533, 1268582389172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, its better than all that slut stuff, I guess...

>> No.4658971


>> No.4658972

That's like saying lions are superior to humans in every way. Sure they'll kill an unarmed human, but humans did hunt them to near extinction.

Just like with youkai.

>> No.4658981

One day the sheep, who were once terrorized by the wolves that preyed upon them, suddenly grew fangs and their flocks swelled to large numbers. The wolves who thought themselves superior, now found themselves being the ones consumed and endangered of being annihilated. Today they hide in a little corner of the world, away from the prying eyes of the former underdog, sneaking out in sheep's clothing to grab a unfortunate member of the flock that strays to far.

Yokai are bottom feeding scum that should of been wiped off the map with the rest of Gensokyo years ago.

>> No.4658983

/r/ download link for Double Spoiler

>> No.4658988

>should of

>> No.4658995


They aren't extremely vulnerable to certain things. Those certain things are the only thing that hurt them and are still much less effective than say firearms against humans.

Even the weakest youkai like Rumia are greatly feared amongst the humans of Gensokyo. And they are all descendants of best youkai exterminators.

>> No.4658998

I think ZUN is a pretty cool guy for doing what he did in this game. He killed some fanon with it, too. Of course, he still doesn't care for what his fans think, and I don't like what the fanbase does anyway, and neither does he, so it's all okay.

People assume Alice is a vulnerable lovestruck girl for Marisa? Quite the opposite is true. She's actually quite cold and detached.
And the same concept goes for other touhous.
Take Mokou for example. People assume she's either a tsundere fool for Kaguya, or a pyromaniac serial killer. Well, she's neither. Just a "health nut that runs a yakitori stand" and doesn't even socialize. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if ZUN says that she isn't as close to Keine as people say she is. She is after all, a loner.
And now Nitori is said to be a kappa who drowns humans? Lets see what the Touhou wiki things...
>Kappa (河童) are a type of water sprite that live in rivers. Often portrayed as having a turtle shell and beak, they're known for having a curiosity about humans, sometimes challenging humans to tests of skill, eating children, and having a love of cucumbers.
>eating children

Well there you have it. ZUN is only abiding to canonical material like he always is. The only reason people are freaking out about this is because THEY made Nitori cute and lovey-dovey, not ZUN. Next thing you know, ZUN will be saying that Youmu cuts up humans that enter Hakugyokurou for Yuyuko and people will start freaking out that their soft Youmu would never do such a thing.
Good Job, ZUN. Really, I mean it. Good job. 10/10

>> No.4659027

Saying certain things are the only things that hurt them is like saying certain things are the only things that hurt humans because you can't really harm a human with, say, splashing water on him. Youkai in general are weak to faith, you can't kill them with firearms in the same way you can't kill a human by disbelieving him out of existence. It is not superiority, just a different system. And we don't know how fast a serious, kill-or-get-killed Reimu can seal shit up, while it's sort of obvious what youkai can do physically.

Humans at a point were so strong that youkai were at risk of extinction. They're by no means weak. Youkai are scary the same way bears are scary. You don't want to face one in the middle of night, even though you have measures to survive.

>> No.4659028


Ha ha no. Humans didn't hunt youkai near to extinction. They themselves withdrew from the devastated, overpopulated and polluted world. And they still hunt and eat humans like if they were pigs. Besides there are many youkai still living in the outside world.

>> No.4659048

>superior to humans in every way

You're forgetting the most important factor: intelligence. Physical strength is weak compared to the potential of what the mind can do.

>> No.4659051


Tell that to Yukari. You can't LOOK at her, if she does not want you to.

>> No.4659053

>Besides there are many youkai still living in the outside world.
*citation needed*

>> No.4659066

Have you seen one?

>> No.4659067
File: 147 KB, 750x750, b13338c2d8c61c0e49a706f364e36f44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Didn't Nitori's MoF profile say that she was fighting the protagonists because because she didn't want them to get hurt, and was chasing them away?

Maybe she was waiting for them to get a bit meatier before she drowned them, ate them and harvested their anus-balls.

Still, though, I like how ZUN's Jossing some of the more popular, obnoxious theories, like lovey-dovey tsundere Alice.

>> No.4659069

ZUN lacks the power to joss anything. All he can do is offer up new ideas.

>> No.4659072

Dude, it's either that or Byakuren was paranoid beyond human comprehension. Humans were fucking youkai shit up so hard that Byakuren feared humanity would eventually exterminate everything supernatural. That's why she set out helping youkai before she noticed that hey, those youkai are pretty cool guys.

*devours villagers, is ushi-oni*

>> No.4659078

Base Point 0
Solo Shot +100
Self Shot! x1.2

Result Score 120

>> No.4659101

I like Parsee.

>> No.4659110


They were never in danger of extinction. Contrary to the popular belief it were humans who sealed Gensokyo, not youkai. The most powerful youkai exterminators and shinto priests from whole Japan gathered and created the Hakurei barrier in 1885. Why? Because they thought there is no place for youkai in the modern world, but were unable to destroy them.

>> No.4659129

And youkai were okay with it? To the point boundary maintenance is done by youkai? And why were no attempts made to patch the barrier after it was weakened?

Also, [citation needed]

>> No.4659145


It's a big superiority. Humans can be killed with anything. Sharp stick, rock or even just hands are enough. To kill a youkai you need a specialized youkai exterminator (or rather a team of them) who trained his whole life and was born with predisposition for the job, and even then they will regenerate after some time unless sealed.

>> No.4659155

Where did you get the idea that humans are weak? You have celestials, hermits and entire clans speciliazed in killing demons. Everyone one thinks demons are super strong because you have heavy weights like Yukari and Yuka. In reality any trained human can kill an average youkai.

In game Marisa and Reimu maybe high-mid tier but in reality they're GOD levels to average Youkai. I honestly think Marisa and Reimu are used to scare Youkai children: "Hey kids eat your vegetables or Marisa will visit you in the night and kill you just like poor uncle Fred."

>> No.4659158

>No, we aren't. If they really were that powerful, they would be ruling the planet long ago. And yet they are just bunch of murderous freaks hiding at the distant corners of the land.
You don't know anything about Gensokyo, do you? The youkai need the shrine maidens in order to keep their beloved gensokyo.

>> No.4659169

Well, humanity can afford that. So there's no way humankind inferior to these creatures.

>> No.4659173

I thought you could just pray most of the weaker ones off, and some others had simple weaknesses/ways to counter that don't involve specific preperation (don't look above nyuudo, bow down to kappa, greet betobeto-san, shout back to uwan, close your legs when you see that pig spirit thing. )

>> No.4659174

It seems rather like if the Youkai came back, it wouldn't be long before those measures that drove them to the brink would soon return as well.
Only with a much larger population pool, and technology backing them up.

If the Youkai really wanted to win against Humanity, they'd need to do it damn near instantly.

>> No.4659180

>And youkai were okay with it?
No they weren't hence Yukari trolled them with the Lunar war and had them have their asses handed to them so badly that the ones that remained decided world conquest wasn't the way to go.

>citation needed

>> No.4659187

Spellcard rules. Without them human characters would be nothing (literally, as in destroyed, incinerated within seconds) againist even an avarage youkai.

>> No.4659188

>Humans have created civilization. Nobody fears the dark anymore, not even at midnight, for they could produce light, bright as day.

>Humans have chosen to put their faith in science, shunning superstition and anything that could not stand up to scientific scrutiny. Youkai, ghosts and apparitions had no place in the new world.

>Gensokyo was also deemed useless to the new world, so priests sealed it away with a permanent barrier. Youkai and the descendants of the brave humans who kept them in check were sealed away in the process as well...

>That marked the end of the age of humans and youkai.

>Thanks to their magical culture, youkai could easily breach the barrier around Gensokyo. However, they chose not to do so; in fact, they strengthened the seal in order to prevent more humans from entering.

>However, youkai eat humans and natural humans are favoured as delicacies. Teams of cooks regularly venture beyond the barrier to hunt humans. They apply many methods to conceal their existence from humans of the outer world; accidents and people who run away from home... There are too many humans today for anyone to notice when a few go missing.

>Thus, the age of humans and youkai began anew.

ZUN's words.

>> No.4659197

Yuyuko's dialogue in the fighting games is terrifying.

"Lady Yuyuko, the number of spirits is decreasing !"
"Then we have to make more! Slice! Slice!"


>> No.4659226


Even Rumia is stated to be far too much for average Gensokyo humans, and they are all descendants of great youkai slayers.

>> No.4659236
File: 32 KB, 300x321, remilia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Immaterial and Missing Power]

Faster than the eye can follow, strong enough to crush boulders, powerful enough to manipulate demons, she's so strong it's almost not fair, so she doesn't care much for subtle technique. She may be weak against sunlight, but she has a pretty strong constitution, so as long as some bit of her still remains, say, a little bat, she can regenerate any time. She's dreadful to have as an enemy, but she's not exactly the sort of person you'd want as a friend, either.

>> No.4659237


Hermits aren't so strong, and celestials are removed form the rest of humanity. But it's true that most powerful humans are stronger than average youkai.

>> No.4659238

Except ZUN's words make youkai out to be less all-powerful and more worthless hobos that should be gotten rid of.

>> No.4659241

Heroic Humans fought youkai to stand still before the spell card rules were introduced.

>> No.4659244

Nope. An average magic user who is barely in her teens defeated her effortlessly. I can imagine the human village with elders and sages who would blast her into oblivion if she was stupid enough to approach the human village.

>> No.4659248

Please. If that's the case, why'd she run like a little bitch to Gensokyo after making a few enemies over in Europe?

>> No.4659257

Come on man, are you really implying either Marisa or Reimu are average? Now you're just getting silly.

>> No.4659262

Rumia also has a fucking massive, spherical "DO NOT GO HERE" sign on her. And may be almost blind.

She doesn't even need to be exterminated.

>> No.4659263

The support structure of her house isn't what it used to be

>> No.4659265


>Youkai are infinitely physically stronger than humans, and trying to fight them will only have you end up as food.

Youkai are strong, but there are humans that can shit on them. For example every Hakurei ever.

>> No.4659273

Marisa is pretty much the definition of average.

>> No.4659277


>> No.4659281

Reimu is a goddamn slacker.

Marisa tries hard, but she will never excel like the miko bitch.

http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Marisa_Kirisame <--- "Ordinary Magician, Marisa Kirisame"

>> No.4659287


>If the human population drops, youkai will face trouble as well.

Why should they slaughter them all? Your favorite meal is coming to you by itself. Not to mention some action to kill boredom.

>> No.4659300

Average? How the hell is the third fastest being in gensokyo with enough fire power on her to casually blow up mountains and spells that would rip apart two planets average?

In PMiSS she's listed under "Heroic legends" she'd fuck up any average Youkai that even looks at her badly.

>> No.4659308

Yup. Most youkai are bored out of their skulls. See Remilia, who needs to do weird shit every now and then.

Without humans, she would probably hang herself. If that helped, that is.

>> No.4659309
File: 77 KB, 464x750, richter belmont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just a few.

>> No.4659313


>However, her powers generally have few weaknesses, and have the same effect regardless of their target, be they human or youkai, so there are few who can match her in terms of sheer destructive power (among humans).

Marisa is one of the few most powerful humans.

>> No.4659321

Fought to a stand still, not leisurely picked them off. Read the material mate, they fought for YEARS.

>> No.4659323

>Why is Gensokyo a paradise for both humans and youkai?
>That's because everyone has enough power to defeat youkai in combat, which is, of course, anything but boring.

>> No.4659332

>Without humans, she would probably hang herself. If that helped, that is.
Well, that's fine.
I can't die, even if I hang myself.

Hanging must be boring.

>> No.4659333


Fanon shit. She moved to Gensokyo because she felt like it. Nothing more.

>> No.4659347

Where is my Belmont Touhou?

No, Sakuya is more like a descendant of Grant DaNasty
who can stop time.

>> No.4659354
File: 64 KB, 259x512, Face_07_01.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red]
This river isn't fixed in width; rather, it is famous for extreme length changes according to various factors. Because of this, calculating the width of the river has been understood to be impossible.


On 〇 month 〇 day, the mathematics magician calculated the width of the Sanzu River, surprising related parties. The mathematics magician who accomplished this feat is Ran Yakumo (Shikigami).

She's usually strong with numbers, being able to answer complicated equations instantly, startling those around her.

When asked why she had the thought to calculate the width of the Sanzu River, she simply replied that it was to kill some time.

>> No.4659355

>In PMiSS she's listed under "Heroic legends"

Guess who's like five pages after her?

Fucking Rinnosuke, that's who.

Some heroic legend, he is.

...In a world where going against youkai with physical destruction is tantamount to suicide. I bet whatever the villagers use is trickier and more effective, even if not as impressive.

>> No.4659361

Cowardly tricks, cheating and such. No human would ever stand a chance against youkai in an actual fight.

Read the Mystia entry of Perfect Memento. This is how youkai extermination looked like. Set a trap, hope something will get caught, destroy it when it can't fight back. Yorusuzume are one of the weaker youkai out there, and even they can't be attacked directly.

Hakurei are exempt from being killed by youkai. It's not like they can face youkai in a fight and hope to win. It's just that youkai won't fight them because they don't want the border to collapse.

>> No.4659368

Also fanon shit. We have absolutely no idea why she moved to Gensokyo.

>> No.4659374

This seems to imply that Flandre tried to commit suicide. Disturbing.

>> No.4659375
File: 34 KB, 192x256, SWR_yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think up a new formula, and you create a formula that will solve it. So your master...is better at numbers than you are? It goes without saying that there is no comparison. I could neither solve nor understand Miss Yukari's equations.

How terrifying....

Miss Yukari would determine not only the Sanzu's width, but its bottomless depth as well. She'd find out how long it would take Ursa Major to devour the North Star, all in an instant. Normally all she does is sleep, but the instant she opens her mouth, she gives orders no one else would think up.

>> No.4659393


Gensokyo became famous amongst Youkai hunters so a large number of them moved there. Youkai didn't mind since they brought food and action. Hunters had youkai to fight with, youkai had food and hunters to kill time with. Both sides were happy.

>> No.4659404

>It's not like they can face youkai in a fight and hope to win.

Reimu can float over reality itself and attack with utter impunity if she so desires. And her amulets are painful as fuck to youkai. And I'm not saying anything of sealing.

Few can handle Reimu without sneak attacks.

>> No.4659410

>Fucking Rinnosuke
>Implying that being the only man worth mentioning in a place full of women doesn't make one heroic
>Implying Rinnosuke isn't half youkia
>Implying MANnsuke shouldn't be a hero.

You best be joking nigger.

>> No.4659411

Spellcard rules.

>> No.4659441

Spell card rules weren't in place when Marisa and Reimu stormed an alternate universe, killed half the citizens and fought their god to a stand still.

>> No.4659450

Being half-youkai has to count for something... he seems to have gotten along fine before Reimu and Marisa started protecting him, even if he doesn't show it.

>> No.4659460

~100 years ago - period of the 8th Child of Miare, Hieda no Aya

During this time, humans begin becoming powerful enough to seriously challenge youkai

>> No.4659465

Have you heard about the concept of alternative continuities? PC-98 never happened.

>> No.4659482


You mean Marisa, Reimu, Mima and Yuka. And the big destruction in Makai was caused by Shinki going berserk, not them.

>> No.4659483

ZUN said lunarian technology is superior to human technology. And he also said the Tengus had technology that's on par with the lunarians.

I wonder when ZUN will make a game that takes place within youkai mountain.

>> No.4659484

The lack of citation in this thread reminds me why so many people hate discussions like this.

>> No.4659485

>PC-98 never happened.
That's why its referenced more the once by several different parties in the current series OH WAIT. You being stupid on purpose boy?

>> No.4659491

The main reason the Hakurei border MUST be kept up s because if it is destroyed, Youkai will spill into the outside world, mankind will confront them, and since humanity now has some pretty nasty weapons, this could lead to a very bloody war.

Magic vs Science. Won't end prettily.

>> No.4659500

The fuck you talking about? Half the things stated in the thread are copy pasted straight from the touhou wiki.

>> No.4659504


Because they started outnumbering them by 1 000 000 to 1.

>> No.4659513

Well, even then, PMiSS is after all just a fan book that covers known characters. It's clear a lot of supposedly covered material is omitted (for example, why is the most important tengu of them all gets no mention? ) It is likely that PMiSS has dozens of articles on notable humans.

>> No.4659515

[citation needed]

>> No.4659518


>> No.4659519
File: 510 KB, 800x800, anchor9334278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the kappa. Kappa are the ones making all the Tengus' shit.

>> No.4659534

Funnily enough ZUN also said kappa technology is shoddy imitation of human technology that passed the barrier.

What a troll, that ZUN.

>> No.4659536

He already did.

>> No.4659552


Akyu is wondering why youkai aren't conquering the outside world. The conclusion is they matured enough to not care about humans who think Earth belongs to them and simply enjoy life.

>Youkai have created their own culture, one that is rich in spirit. Clever youkai prefer richness of the mind over material riches.

>> No.4659560

That's just what they show others. The real good shit is kept deep within the mountain. Not even Suwako and Kanako are trusted enough to view it.

>> No.4659562
File: 6 KB, 771x121, Perfect Memento- Encyclopedia- Presence - Touhou Wiki - Characters&#44; games&#44; locations&#44; and more_1268858901463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wont be a battle against science and magic. Youkai are NOT weak to normal weapons. If humans wanted to stand a chance they would have to rely on Shinto/Buddha chants and enchanted items.

The only reason why the lunarian's technology works on them is because they use a mixture of magic and science.

>> No.4659571

>Because they started outnumbering them by 1 000 000 to 1.

Not stated anywhere.

[[Play the fucking game]] or if you play the game [[Read the fucking dialog instead of holding down the skip button]]

>> No.4659574

>rich in spirit

Youkai happen to be heavy drinkers, indeed.

>> No.4659581

So me whacking them with a sword drenched in holy water might kill them, right?

>> No.4659591


I really doubt Akyu had a chance to meet Tenma. Besides he can just be an old man without any impressive powers, but big authority and wisdom.

>> No.4659594

And why they haven't conquered the world in the past when they weren't so mature?

>> No.4659603

You mean Alice and Yuka knowing Reimu? Don't be silly.

You appear to have no grasp of the concept of continuity, indeed.

>> No.4659629


They were the lords of the night and every human shit himself over the thought of meeting one. Why would loners who hate uniting want more?

>> No.4659638

Yes, yes.

Of course you still need to get youkai within the sword's range. All while they're flying in the sky shooting magical bullets at you - and that's the best scenario.

>> No.4659639

>So me whacking them with a sword drenched in holy water might kill them, right?
Yes and no. Youkai can never truthfully be exterminated. Sealing them is the only thing that works in the long term.

>> No.4659646

You mean you haven't played the game and you're talking out your ass based on hearsay? You must be a secondary.

I could tell you, or I could tell you to replay IN and PPoFV and read the goddamn text.

>> No.4659649

Because they're mature. Conquering the world is for infantile minds.

>> No.4659659
File: 6 KB, 763x63, Youkai - Touhou Wiki - Characters&#44; games&#44; locations&#44; and more_1268859827145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4659677

cause they weren't powerful enough to make a difference. Youkai grow more powerful with age. Idiot Youkai like Cirno may want to take over the world but they'd get punked by Youkai exterminators. Then when they finally get more powerful to do so they realize that that shit is for kids.

>> No.4659680


Only if that water was blessed by a priest with some real divine powers. 0.01% chance.

>> No.4659686

So, they were born mature? Fascinating.

>> No.4659710


First you would have to hit a being moving faster than a bullet, then penetrate few layers of magical defense and then cut deep enough to cause some serious damage. I guess few months of constant slashing could do it.

>> No.4659722

The quotes are all in the Wiki. Go ahead, copy the convincing parts of them here. They surely exist, right?

The burden of proof is on proponent of existence, since a non-existence cannot be demonstrated (or, like in this case, it's just less convenient; I'm not going to copy the entire dialogue just to prove you're being silly).

>> No.4659790


Shitty lesser demons don't count. How many hundreds of weak youkai you kill every game?

>> No.4659792

>The quotes are all in the Wiki

And the sky is blue, any more bits of wisdom you want to share with us? Fucking stupid, the quotes are there but that's beside the point. If I have to tell you common knowledge then that means you haven't played the game and expect people to spoon feed you information so you can pretend to know what the fuck you're talking about.

Lol at listing fallacies to cover the fact you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.4659795
File: 10 KB, 128x256, Th04reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



A shrine maiden of Hakurei Shrine, who has the natural-born spiritual power and lacks training. She exterminates youkai by attacking with amulets, firing her spiritual power called Spiritual Attack and releasing the power of Yin-yang Orb.

As much as I hate to compare Touhou with shonen jump shows. To understand how Reimu, a human, is able to defeat youkai you have to take note of spirit energy. Just like in YuYu Hakusho, Bleach, and Dragonball, all lifeforms are born with a certain amount of spirit energy. Reimu is just a prodigy that was born with a lot of spirit energy. (Most likely thanks to her Hakurei lineage).

>> No.4659840

>First you would have to hit a being moving faster than a bullet, then penetrate few layers of magical defense and then cut deep enough to cause some serious damage. I guess few months of constant slashing could do it.
ZUN explicitly stated cutting youkai into several pieces will not kill them.

>> No.4659843


Reimu is a prodigy with grand power and the best youkai exterminator in Gensokyo, and she use at least centuries old amulets and orbs to fight youkai. She's probably the best exorcist on the whole planet.

>> No.4659860

This is what spirit energy is:

>> No.4659881
File: 713 KB, 1280x1280, 1237003119498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's probably the best exorcist on the whole planet.
Second only to Sanae.

>> No.4659898

Daitengu are generally swordsmasters without equal. Tenma being an exception seems unlikely.

And even by Gensokyo standards she's broken.

>> No.4659973

This image pisses me off because it implies Suika, Suwako, Yukari, and Kanako are opposites in any way.

>> No.4660079

The picture isn't implying contrast or comparison of their looks, plot, or behavior. Instead it is comparing their power. In this case, Reimu's team vs Sanae's team.

It has been said that Yukari's hax is on par with the gods. (Kanako is a goddess.) Suika is an oni. In Japanese folklore, oni's were once thought of as invisible gods. (Suwako is a goddess.) And Reimu and Sanae are pretty much on the same level.

>> No.4660108

Not really. The only reason Sanae can exterminate youkai at all at this point is because she has Kanako or Suwako's help.

>> No.4660152

Sanae's lineage is more sacred than Reimu's. She's the descendant of a goddess (Suwako). And she has the power to not only fly like Reimu but also the "power to cause miracles to occur."

>> No.4660178

>372 posts and 50 image reply omitted.
/jp/ sure does enjoy canon vs fanon arguments and powerlevels.

>> No.4660321

Read the fucking runes. One side says Youkai, the other says Gods. That's all there is to it.

>> No.4660698

That's even worse. Reimu's the most anti-youkai protagonist.

>> No.4661058

But she's still in the youkai-like camp of spiritual whatever users. So it makes sense.

>> No.4661117

Uh.... no, she clearly gets her power from gods. Did you miss the whole calling gods into her body thing in SSiB? Not to mention her shrine has its own god (who is pissed at her according to Byakuren).
