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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 6 KB, 400x400, 1681556193448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46507508 No.46507508 [Reply] [Original]

Best samurai girl

>> No.46507521

She's too homophobic for Touhou.

>> No.46507571


>> No.46507573

Weekly reminder that Meirafag lost.

>> No.46507582


>> No.46507585

Silly headcanon turned out to be based on erroneous assumptions. Many such cases.

>> No.46507689

Kamon, Meirafriends, post some fackin' ying-yangs!

>> No.46507814

Meiya Ballz

>> No.46510908

That's not how history went down, last I checked.

>> No.46510953
File: 5 KB, 400x400, 1712141432241871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeeep, that's my heroine right there

Wish she was more popular though

>> No.46511008

Nah, guy finally found out there are no ying-yangs on the rest of Meira's sprite sheet and that ying-yang kamon didn't feature in any depictions of the Hakurei shrine, and quit spamming aforesaid silly headcanon in what I can only assume is mortified shame.

>> No.46511009
File: 147 KB, 700x809, 5621869_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left

>> No.46511047

What do you mean? The Hakurei emblem is still ever-present on the sprite just from another angle and the yin-yang does portray her on "The Grimoire of Marisa", to the point even fanart outside of /v/ has been featuring the yin-yang nowadays.
And surely you know the Hakurei Shrine you speak of features no kamon because its real-life counterpart, Hakuba, has no visible -mon anywhere, located in the middle of the woods.

Doesn't seem like he lost at all to me.

>> No.46511077

Why do you even reply to this obsessed guy still? Every time I see him in anything related to Meira, just seething about you

>> No.46511095

what a neat playlist I didn't even know someone documented a real life Hakurei shrine

>> No.46511139

I'm almost convinced it's himself arguing like a schizo because nobody is that stupid on purpose, right?

>> No.46511183

Just wanna say I'm glad she took all of /v/'s shitpost autism and not a 2hu I actually care about

>> No.46511186

And which 2hu you actually care about?

>> No.46511187

Just imagine the chaos if all this autism was focussed on my homeboys the magic stones
I would never recover.

>> No.46511272

/vee/tards are huge jobbers, they had the chance to upset the touhou popularity vote and make Meira rise but they failed.

>> No.46511305

I get what you're saying. I'm honestly just glad my favorite 2hu is somewhat unpopular, the average post quality on /jp/ is so bad nowadays I kinda just don't want anyone posting about her. At all.
The sad truth is that /v/tards regularly come here anyway so they will shitpost about all the other 2hus no matter what.

>> No.46511322

She rose last popularity poll though

>> No.46511448

>Hakurei Shrine you speak of features no kamon
Yep, that's exactly one of the erroneous assumptions I was referring to.

There's also the fact that the ying-yang orb Reimu uses is just a tool created by Misumaru. It's not special. It's not even the only ying-yang orb being used in the games. It's not the family's symbol, it's not Reimu's personal crest, it has no relation to the Hakurei family other than Reimu being one of a bunch of people who use ying-yang shaped projectiles.

I.e. it has nothing to do with the Hakurei family. That's the funniest part. Guy was obsessing over this symbol, seeing it where it was absent, because of this odd assumption that it was somehow very important to the Hakurei clan. Turns out, it never was.

>> No.46511485

>ignoring The Grimoire of Marisa entirely
Now, you could just have said you don't know what you're talking about instead of trying to type up that small wall of text without even looking up source material including the cross-reference.
Been nice seeing you still obsessed and being proven wrong time and time agian.

>> No.46511496

You weren't kidding, it does sound like it

>> No.46511504

First of all, who are you quoting?

Second of all, sigils in Grimoire of Marisa are Marisa's creative license. They aren't actual, canonical family crests or symbols as espoused by the subject characters. It's just a book she wrote. Even she doesn't give it much credence, as outlined in her foreword.

Are you by chance the Meirafag? This grasping at imagined straws sounds more familiar by the minute. Welcome back!

>> No.46511518
File: 12 KB, 168x188, 1710359651811203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grimoire of Marisa
Behold, Kisume's family crest!

>> No.46511526
File: 29 KB, 336x270, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, Chen's sigil!

>> No.46511531 [DELETED] 

autistic /v/tard thread
don't forget to sage, report and ignore

>> No.46511534
File: 14 KB, 167x236, 1701802576773906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, it's the Hinanawi family's... wait a minute, this isn't even the right mythology!

>> No.46511538 [DELETED] 

>announcing sage and report

>> No.46511549 [DELETED] 

>reddit spacing

>> No.46511562 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 288x634, 1709514185956254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody tell him.

>> No.46511570 [DELETED] 

>4chan original spacing

>> No.46511591

Aww, you really didn't read it, did you?
Such a shame, I actually thought you knew what you were talking about for once but now it all goes to meltdown once again, as it is said by Marisa herself that it was stolen from Aya's notes which she shows to know a thing or two about Hakureis from doujin works and even ready to look for a new replacement with Reimu's disappearance(who could that fill that criteria, I wonder...), even. And as such would apply to our local shrine maiden that has been around .
But then, why doesn't it apply to Moriya? It's quite simple, actually, as it stands Moriya wasn't always there and was relocated at the time was fairly fresh, comparing 2007 for MoF to 2009 for The Grimoire of Marisa.
Are you done making an ass out of yourself now? Or is your theatrics now pretending to be Diogenes and going "behold, a man" over what you dislike?
Admit your beef is with me, and not with the facts.
Then we can let this go.

>> No.46511601

>you really didn't read it
Read what, exactly? Whatever it was you were quoting? Nope. You never said what it was!

Anyway, that's a lot of assumptions, but we're straying from the original topic. Care to get it back on track for us?

>> No.46511612

Who are you quoting?

>> No.46511615 [DELETED] 

Why are you redditspacing?

>> No.46511616

The link to the post being quoted is riiight above the quote itself, newfriend.

>> No.46511618 [DELETED] 

What's with the redditspacing, Nuefriend?

>> No.46511639 [DELETED] 

aw, what? little /v/bitch upset no one wants his garbage clogging up the catalog?
do everyone a favor and go fuck yourself, you piece of shit fungal infection.

>> No.46511650 [DELETED] 

You dropped the redditspacing there

>> No.46511664 [DELETED] 

I only made two, now three posts /v/tard.

>> No.46511671
File: 20 KB, 684x653, 1656741463104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46511677

Shut the fuck up Meira lost.
You hear me, SHE LOST.

>> No.46511720
File: 536 KB, 1420x2048, meirki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46511981

meira in bible black

>> No.46512854


she's just in a stage of denial atm

>> No.46513087

It finally happened, /v/hu got so rancid and rotten from being out 24/7 that even /v/tards had to jump ship.

>> No.46513140

Why, thank you for the bump
Though, I'm not from /v/

>> No.46513166

So then you're from /vg/?

>> No.46513230


>> No.46513240
File: 1.01 MB, 1848x1196, e6fac93b43472acee4bcabac832bb981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What lewd things would /jp/hu anons and /v/hu anons do?

>> No.46513259

Maybe ask this guy? You'd probably get along.

>> No.46513273

I can drive a sledgehammer to your balls since that seems to be the theme of this thread and all

>> No.46513301

That's just an obsessive spammer. I'm asking (You).

>> No.46513366

>just an obsessive spammer
So just like you? Look up your own post in the archives, sissy.

>> No.46513382

Seems the perfect fit for you, plague rats should stick together

>> No.46516241

Meirafag melty will always be funny

>> No.46516416

I, for one, am glad he revealed himself again.

>> No.46516565

The one obsessed with Meirafag is called Meiravirgy
Easy to confuse, I know

>> No.46516599

My mistake

>> No.46516608

Whatever you call them, seeing people get mad defending the inane Meira "theories" is always funny.

>> No.46516615

Meira balls!

>> No.46516631

Why are we suddenly being mean to /v/hu friends again?

>> No.46516637

Definitely, best part was the image spam after he got pressed enough upon letting it escape he didn't even know what he was talking about

>> No.46516657

We are mean to only 1 faggot tho.

>> No.46516658

Did the images get deleted?

>> No.46516672

They're still right there?

>> No.46516685

You mean the Meira pics? 2 is hardly "spam".

>> No.46516691

Ah, you're just playing dumb

>> No.46516699

Indulge me. Where in this thread do you see image spam from someone defending Meira theories?

>> No.46516709

I shall not engage anons pretending to be retarded for (You)s

>> No.46516714

I, on the other hand, will continue to do so.

>> No.46516909

Jesus Christ, dude, just acknowledge it's your silly headcanon and move on with your e-life. You don't see people sperging out like this over Futo being Tojiko's mom or Byakuren being Shinki's friend, and those are much better substantiated theories than some 3-dialogue-line one-off midboss from PC98.

Get a grip. Mizuchi pretty much soft retcons this whole thing anyway.

>> No.46516943

Well said, anon.

>> No.46517011


>> No.46517504

So, what made you all escape back here?

>> No.46517520

Rogue dbzautist entered our thread

>> No.46517596

I feel you, my 2hu is relatively well-known and I avoid all threads about her because the posts are just so shit

>> No.46517608

My favourite is Reimu and I'm fine with all kinds of Reimuposting. The more Reimu, the better.

>> No.46517692

Even with the abusefags from the HSE threads?

>> No.46517696

Family that serves =/= Kamon blood clan

>> No.46517733


>> No.46517742

Several, it was an organized raid I have a hunch it was a leaf Seijafag since of that post when it got moved to /bant/

>> No.46517753

Seija post probably got deleted for being a "call to invasion".

>> No.46517759

More or less unrelated, but I remember some DBZtard having a go at me on /k/ because me and some other guy were posting touhou images.
That guy was an asshole. Fucker had nothing to say about short-barreled magnum rifles whatsoever.

>> No.46517763

That one dbzautist said he was from /vg/ /hgg2d/ iirc

>> No.46517765

Who cares about those?

>> No.46517779

And then we got invaded hours later
I don't trust it, he could've excused it as anywhere else and the timing of the raid fits
It's not the first time we got raided by /bant/ either

>> No.46517781

Well when every five minutes someone in your reimu thread is rambling on about abuse and some daughter OC, it gets a little tiring

>> No.46517792

I find it very suspicious that the thread 404'd the moment Meirafag started losing the argument.

>> No.46517802

In fact, he appeared a day before the thread was moved to /bant/. And previous bantraids weren't coming from 4chan's /bant/, but from bantculture board.

>> No.46517807

There's just one and he's just severely mentally ill
>>46517781 further proof since he's also a drawfag

>> No.46517812

Alright then, I thought it was from /bant/
Not like they aren't very different anyway
Namefags from my experience are just white noise anyway so I didn't even notice

>> No.46517830

You mean Meiravirgy after all he could only say was "moot clue".
Sad to watch again...

>> No.46517838

I didn't see any counter-arguments...

Seijafag claiming her to be a Hakurei relative doesn't count.

>> No.46517841

You guys are talking about aerd, aren't you...

>> No.46517846

Is he pretending to be retarded? I can't tell anymore

>> No.46517858

My friend, refusing to address the argument and instead obliquely calling the other person a retard is a fallacy and no way to win said argument.

>> No.46517866

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.46517868


>> No.46517874

Who else

>> No.46517899

You know what's even sadder to see? That such an avid fan doesn't even play the games and has no idea that ying-yang orbs are common stage enemies, or that Sagume uses ying-yang orbs in her attacks, or that Seija of all people also uses a ying-yang orb.

I mean, you'd expect more from such renowned theorists and lore experts, right?

>> No.46517907

PC98 isn't canon anyways, why even bother.

>> No.46517913
File: 37 KB, 684x1024, 1712168065027178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you gain at least one terminally online stalker hater who obsesses over you, you have won.

>> No.46517923

How do you even stalk someone on the chins?

>> No.46517931

It isn't that hard is someone becomes a thread personality/constant poster somewhere.

>> No.46517934

Speaking from experience, I see
Isn't that super

>> No.46517940

Yes, except that I only stalk out of love and interest, not out of spite.

>> No.46517954

What a player

>> No.46517960

Secondaries with dumbshit headcanons deserve nothing but.

>> No.46517965

Haha I get it, because the autist obsessed with Meirafag is superplayerfag.

>> No.46517978

So playing the games is all it takes to put down a famous loremaster, huh.

>> No.46517982

My post wasn't about meirafag, I don't care about him. It's surprising that someone does though.

>> No.46517998
File: 40 KB, 170x236, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't that a logical fallacy on your part as you mentioned only Misumaru and he addressed it about her only?

>> No.46518016

I'll quote the post directly and let you draw your own conclusions whether it was meant to be conclusive or not.
>Although yin-yang orbs are a representation for Reimu throughout the series, we meet the creator for her weapon with similar bullets but that's it.
>but that's it
Spoiler: that wasn't it.

>> No.46518055
File: 84 KB, 458x523, 1711724605201961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And let's quote our as well, just so it isn't biased towards your side, shall we?
>And yet it's nowhere to be seen, and ying-yang orbs aren't even exclusive to Reimu in the games, not to mention her specific ying-yang orb being just another megatama created by Misumaru - who's likely made dozens such artifacts, although this part we can dismiss as conjecture, if you'd like.
Yes, your quote post only regarding to Misumaru at the time, it seems.

And your post reply to part of the quote?
>Not entirely. Animated ying-yang orbs (megatama?) also appear in several games as stage enemies. Sagume uses ying-yang orbs in her Spell Cards. There's probably a bunch of other direct examples that I'm forgetting, too, because it's been too long since most of the games.
>There's probably a bunch of other direct examples that I'm forgetting, too, because it's been too long since most of the games.
You wouldn't be projecting now, would you?

>> No.46518057

Because some of us like the PC98 games. Not everyone is a fag about things they don't know much about.

>> No.46518081

>quote our as well
Oh goody, you're trying to co-opt other people's posts now, huh. Nope, I wrote both of those. They're both my arguments, and you'll see in this tiny part here:
>ying-yang orbs aren't even exclusive to Reimu in the games
that it refers to "games". Plural. Couldn't possibly mean just one game, namely Unconnected Marketeers, starring Misumaru. If it had, it would have been singular.

I was talking about the entirety of the series from the start. Of course, you would need to have played the games to realize that ying-yangs are kind of ubiquitous. You don't see this information on the wiki. And, as we all know...

>> No.46518161
File: 83 KB, 315x393, 1688078100712193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yours* truly
As previously stated, you addressed Misumaru on the first quote only and so did he afterwards as the singular member mentioned thereof.
Upon being addressed, you tried logical fallacy, and also exposing yourself to not knowing who else had "ying-yang" orbs in their spellcards or enemies itself. So maybe it wasn't in bad faith per usual logical fallacy after all.

The conclusion, you lead an unintentional logical fallacy due to lack of complete information on your part which got confirmed by your own following reply on >"There's probably a bunch of other direct examples that I'm forgetting" and you tried to project on the other party.

>> No.46518219

>also exposing yourself to not knowing who else had "ying-yang" orbs in their spellcards or enemies itself
Once again, I was the one who wrote that post. You're quoting me. I spoke about generic ying-yang stage enemies and Sagume using ying-yang orbs. You're quoting me at me, as if you were me arguing against myself. This is schizo behavior. Stop that.
>lack of complete information on your part
Why, because I can't readily recall every single instance of ying-yang orbs being used? What I did bring up is already more than you claimed, let me remind you. To quote once more:
>but that's it
Yet, that wasn't it. Stage enemies, Sagume, Misumaru, Seija - and that's just off the top of my forgetful head. Several games. Games. Plural. And that probably still isn't it. So yeah.

>> No.46518230

>ying-yang orbs aren't even exclusive to Reimu in the games
This sounds pretty clear-cut to me, plus it's true. What's your problem with this claim?

>> No.46518255

So you thought only Reimu and Misumaru used yingyangs, and now that you've been proven a filthy secondary you try to cry fallacy? Typical /v/ermin mentality. Play the fucking games.

>> No.46518285
File: 50 KB, 245x334, SSiBTewi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm quoting you to give proper context to a snippet of Meirafag's posts to /jp/sies so the scales don't pend on one side.
You should know who else has "ying-yangs", right? Aren't you the one that claimed to be a superplayer?
>>but that's it
When it comes down to Misumaru, that was it. You mentioned Misumaru, he addressed Misumaru. >but that's it
Unintentional logical fallacy on your behalf, that's the problem. You claim to know and yet, you don't know.
Look, I'm not even Meirafag. Sort yourself out with him, not me.
I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy and projection.

>> No.46518299

Even then she's still a transvestite.

>> No.46518312

>Aren't you the one that claimed to be a superplayer?
>You should know who else has "ying-yangs", right?
I do and I named a few. Not everyone who ever did, as my memory isn't infallible. I'm sorry if that disappoints you, but it's true. It's been years since I played LoLK for example, but I do remember Sagume's Shotgun Coronation of the Gods (the Spell Card where she uses ying-yangs profusely, in case you still haven't played it yourself) because of its intensity. Less intense examples may have slipped my memory. I forgot about Seija in ISC, for instance, but yeah - she too does use a ying-yang orb.
>When it comes down to Misumaru, that was it.
Misumaru starred only in one game, FYI. You could have looked this up on the wiki.

>> No.46518348

>Aren't you the one that claimed to be a superplayer?
He is, he just will never admit it

>> No.46518373

What the fuck fallacy are you even talking about? There are several games where either characters or stage hazards use the yingyang visual. This is a fact. What's the fallacy? We're talking about the whole series, right? Wait, no, even in PC98 there are yingyangs in a bunch of places.

I'm so fucking confused. Am I getting trolled?

>> No.46518405

So you didn't know that Misumaru wasn't the only other yingyang user... and that's the other guy's fault? Yep, typical /v/ermin mindset alright.

>> No.46518860

poor Meira
being associated with /v/ made her a pariah

>> No.46518890
File: 532 KB, 1000x1000, mugesip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her stage theme's better than her real one, and I don't like her fight that much at all.
Her only real claim to fame is an oft-pointed to "she looks like a man" joke and said /v/ shitposts.
Overall, I don't much care about her so I'm not that sorry. Sorry.

>> No.46518926

She's one of the most forgettable hus in the PC-98 era, I don't think there are that many genuine Meirafans out there to even upset

>> No.46519082
File: 442 KB, 690x725, 39690992_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding hands, hugging, kissing, caressing each other's cheeks and hair, sleeping under a blanket together while feeling mutual warmth.

>> No.46519100
File: 183 KB, 1193x1227, meira x reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess she's the only character to wield a katana and dress the part since youmu has a uniform and we never actually see yuyuko doing swordsmanship training
also there's the obvious yuri jokes but even those dried up before long
I wonder if more people remember rika or meira

>> No.46519235

to be fair this all stems from one faggot harboring a grudge since she got popular in /v/ and he didn't like it

>> No.46519439

Kuso thread

>> No.46519588

You mean popular for shitposting? That's not real popularity, is it?

>> No.46519615

You still going for that narrative, eh?

>> No.46519659

/v/'s Touhou threads are full of shitposting and I don't think anyone would argue otherwise. Actually, there's a bunch of Meira shitposts in this thread as well. How about that?

>> No.46519664

Not him but you are being a disingenous little shit. 90% of these posts are just shitposts and pure cancer
And if you complain about the spam you get
She's quite literally used as spam to annoy others several times per day.

>> No.46519668

I don't see it.
Memes are spam now?
Sheesh, talk about being Meirabroken.

>> No.46519678

Seriously, just take the L and move on, Meirafriend. You're embarrassing other Meira fans. Of whom there is a lot, as you said.

>> No.46519689

I already took the W, this is just the victory lap inside your head still.

>> No.46519705

I don't see it.

>> No.46519708

I'd be surprised if you became self-aware.

>> No.46519724

Sheesh, talk about being Satoribroken.

>> No.46519969

You'll learn one day, it's okay. I believe in you.

>> No.46519987
File: 614 KB, 4000x2252, meira fumo gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meira Gaming

>> No.46522448

Let's hope all /v/ermins die a painful death together with their families.

>> No.46522738
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>> No.46522780 [DELETED] 

Hello darling

>> No.46522818
File: 152 KB, 356x448, 1692770363238288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting on the jay with my /v/ermins

>> No.46522879

Ignore all tewiposters.

>> No.46523114

I'm not your buddy

>> No.46524021

hello /v/ here
is this a tranny free thread?

>> No.46524283

BASED. *plants /v/hu flag*

>> No.46524883

It happened again!

>> No.46524886
File: 17 KB, 400x400, ze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.......... ze......

>> No.46524896

Yuukarisa my beloved

>> No.46524909

I'm glad that silly argument made her born

>> No.46525510
File: 171 KB, 538x343, 1684048944502767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/hu is aids
japyeee is garbage
/2hug/ is cancer
eat shit all of you

>> No.46525604


>> No.46526389
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>> No.46526944

haha imagine her dropping those things on Marisa's head as punishment for stealing the Master Spark

>> No.46530451

Where do I go then?

>> No.46533698
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>> No.46533967

Maybe it's on the Kirisame family and Marisa will eventually grow it out too.

>> No.46536231
File: 1 KB, 80x80, meira ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46537150

/v/aggots want to tenderly fondle Meira Balls.

>> No.46542192

Who wouldn't?

>> No.46542633


you would be VERY suprised

>> No.46543201

Won what? Sounds like a loss to me.

>> No.46543576

>Sounds like a loss to me.
...Of his own time when you could literally do anything else than be obsessed about some faggot in a mongolian basketweaving forum.

>> No.46543643

That's why it's a loss.

>> No.46543851

If you develop enough of an online identity for someone to stalk you, you lose. Go back to lurking.

>> No.46544121

>posting on a forum is... le bad!

>> No.46544177

I don't know where you got that from. The post you're trying to quote doesn't contain that text. Misclick?

>> No.46549167

Anyone got any new drawigns to share?

>> No.46552981
File: 2.76 MB, 2197x3298, 30b2506065781596ac4eccdd7ce64786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out this artist desu
she always draws meira (and iku)

>> No.46552984
File: 462 KB, 1029x1332, b6d075ffba42cc0c4eeca4280adc2f32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big girl
big hugs

>> No.46552995

What the fuck? /v/ and /jp/ crossover episode?

>> No.46553105
File: 1.74 MB, 2000x2000, 1712552715708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have the latest kululu /v/hu did

>> No.46553122


>> No.46553126


>> No.46553167
File: 62 KB, 1000x669, 1532339198372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46553213

Oh yeah now I see her lore clearly

>> No.46553274

>/v/hu has more OC than /jp/

Not like this, jaypeesisters....

>> No.46555318
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>> No.46555589

I guess I should draw there when I get a chance

>> No.46555602

Not really that much of a fan, her head is too tiny and the neck is too long
She has a baby face too

>> No.46555727

kululu happens very irregularly, from a week to a month.

>> No.46558700

Looks like fun, I'll keep in mind

>> No.46563168

And Kotohime

>> No.46563636

The tits are like three times her head.

>> No.46565271

Are there even any other Samurai in 2hu
Youmu I feel is more of a swordswoman

>> No.46565427

What about Mayumi?

>> No.46566945

Youmu is akin to what a squire is for samurai when it comes down to being a retainer
I'm title, she's more of a handyman to her master

>> No.46570490

I'm not even sure...

>> No.46570501

Was Meira ever mentioned outside the game ?
was ANYONE from Touhou 2 ever mentioned again outside the big 3 ?

>> No.46570528
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at best you can say that Genji was mentioned (more like a very vague reference) in UDoALG.
I still think that ZUN should have done something with Rika though, but her role was mostly taken by the kappa and yamawaro

>> No.46570614

And Mima fags think they have it bad yikes

I honestly liked Meira and Rika would be fun to see them re appear

>> No.46570884

Rika was just a lackey hired by Mima to distract Reimu until she was strong enough to face Reimu again
I don't really see much use out of that due to having other creator types still within PC-98, two of them time travellers too.

>> No.46570917

My brother in Byakuren she brought Tanks to Genysoko she literally invented Blitzkrieg. Imagine what her and the Kappa could have done.

>> No.46570946

In no other universe I'll see tanks as more fearsome/interesting than a whole ship that can travel through time and space or someone that can combine magic with science

>> No.46570965

Fair point.

I still want to see Meira and Mima be brought back in th20

>> No.46571124
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>> No.46576087
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>> No.46581259


>> No.46583751


>> No.46591155

Is this why they chimp out?

>> No.46592066

no Banana

>> No.46599704

giving Meria's balls testicular torsion...
truly divine

>> No.46601100
File: 3 KB, 400x400, meira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not funny.

>> No.46606917

Rika would be funny
I imagine she considers herself Reimu's rival and constantly butts her head into incidents unrelated to her just so she can shit on 'mu with her latest inventions

>> No.46607948

She has no actual reason to beef with Reimu, she was hired by Mima during SoEW so she can distract Reimu long enough for her to recover

>> No.46608097

Besides, Meira would make the most sense to.
ZUN could write off as Meira having her training arc so she could try again at stealing Hakurei powers.

>> No.46610112


>> No.46610165

she wouldn't have beef with reimu but reimu would have beef with her because she thinks that people who don't do magic are heretics like she says to rikako in PoDD, so she could still be involved in a 'every time reimu sees her she just gets pissed off and starts gunning for her' kind of way
at that point I'd bring rikako back too, they could be the dorknamic duo

>> No.46610689

>she thinks that people who don't do magic are heretics like she says to rikako in PoDD
Didn't she evolve from that in Windows games though?
