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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4650265 No.4650265 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4650281

>/jp/ - Otaku Culture

>> No.4650384

Yes WWII was a horrible thing for

-99% of continental European Jews
-Japanese (yes, Im not kidding around here, quite a few Japanese citizens did not like their government.
-you get the idea

Lets move on. Combat racism today, stop dwelling on the past.

>> No.4650393

>implying racism is unjustified in Asia

>> No.4650401

>The Exploitation of Atrocities for Book Sales
I wish I could hate that woman bald.

>> No.4650411
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70 years of butthurt.

>> No.4650414

I'd rape her nanking if you know what I mean.

>> No.4650415

You would lose your whole head if you go into jew propaganda.

>> No.4650429

Why can't Japan just admit to having committed such horrible actions and that the directive came from the emperor himself?
They can keep keep their people oblivious for as long as they want, but the rest of the world already knows and keeping this denial act going won't do them any good in the long run.

>> No.4650431
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>The Exploitation of Atrocities for Book Sales

Fat forward to 2010, blacks, America, demanding welfare for slavery their ancestors were forced to do.

>Implying no-one else in the history of the Earth was ever a slave.

Damn near half of Europe should be awarded reparations then.

>> No.4650436


>> No.4650441
File: 126 KB, 400x400, cirno ahhh sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get me started on the fucking blacks.

>> No.4650445

>racism is unjustified
>implying that racism deserves justification


>> No.4650448


Germans did that and look at where we are now.

Shit happens during wartime, deal with it. I don't Vietnamfags constantly trolling over the shit US did to them and their country.

>> No.4650462

Fucking this.

>> No.4650465

>The purpose of writing a book is to profit off sales

If Stalin and his book-burning, document-erasing friends were still alive, they would've high-five'd you.

>> No.4650476

Haha, you think people write books on shit like this out of the goodness of their own hearts?

Haha. Haha. Hahahahahaha.

Enjoy funding what is essentially atrocity porn.

>> No.4650493

Even if you summarize every troll thread, it'll be kept alive by idiots thinking they are having a deep discussion about something

Saged, filtered, reported and called the cops

>> No.4650559

>Germans did that and look at where we are now.

Were we are now? Germany is a reputable country, respected by every other nation in the world and one of the leading country in EU, not to mention one of the of the founding members as well.
What can we say about Japan? All of East Asia hates them, their "No True Scotsman" denialist policy did more harm to foreign relations than good and because of this mindset based on exclusivism and xenophobia, it is 50 years behind in civil rights.
I'm not calling for 40 years of foreign occupation and a hefty compensation to all the invaded countries, just acknowledging their past actions.

>> No.4650577

>implying all of Europe doesn't hate Germany
>implying all of Europe doesn't hate every other European nation
You...don't actually live in Europe. You've never even been there, most likely, but you definitely don't live in it.

>> No.4650584

Agreed, we all hate each other

>> No.4650590
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I live in Scotland and I love Germany, particularly the language and accents. It sounds great to my ear compared to that horrendous nonsense known as French.

>> No.4650607

Uhm... Yes?

Or are you one of those delusional fools supporting the whitewashing of Japanese textbooks because you are mortally afraid of learning that Japan's record isn't as spotless as the government wants you to believe?

>> No.4650616

>lives in the UK
>doesn't hate Germany
Ohh I see, you're one of those Blackshirts aren't you?

>> No.4650624

I don't give a shit, to be honest. It just disgusts me to see people profiteering off of other people's suffering.

Almost always, suffering they weren't actually fucking involved in.

>> No.4650628


Germans apologized to jews, now the jews feel like the whole world owes them an apology. That's my point.

We don't need even more butthurt people in world politics.

>> No.4650671

>implying all of Europe doesn't hate Germany
No, you stupid idiot. The main reason EU is such a closely-knit economic and political union is because their constituent countries know how to admit their past mistakes, forgive and forget, unlike a certain banana-shaped island in Asia.

>implying all of Europe doesn't hate every other European nation
European countries "hate" each other the same way American states do: just well-meaned patriotism. If anything, it seems like you are the one that has never been in Europe. The only people I've seen making these kind of points are only ignorant Americans who get all their informations about Europe from Fox News and 4chan.

>> No.4650685

Japanese version of WWII: One day, for no particular reason at all, the US started dropping nuclear bombs on us.

>> No.4650690

>The main reason EU is such a closely-knit economic and political union is because their constituent countries know how to admit their past mistakes, forgive and forget, unlike a certain banana-shaped island in Asia.
Closely-knit? Admitting their mistakes, forgiving and forgetting? Are we talking about the same fucking planet?

>you are the one that has never been in Europe
I've lived here all my life, actually.

>> No.4650694

>Implying East Coast and West Coast hatred of Texas is good-natured patriotic elbowing.

>> No.4650703 [DELETED] 

Texas deserved the hate it gets.

>> No.4650711

Texas deserves the hate it gets.

>> No.4650721

I read a book about Princess Masako,(Jap govt tried to ban it)and man alive,Princess Di thought SHE had it tough. Masako was a well-educated diplomat before her marriage,and her reduction to silent child breeder,derided by the bitchy court because she gave birth to a girl left her in a state of chronic depression. There are NO psychs in Japan,bar for ONE,and he is Australian. No one would admit she is depressed,and she got worse and worse,sometimes not getting out of bed for days at a time. The Aust psych finally managed to get her some medication,but the establishment refused to change her lifestyle of chronic boredom or ease up on the chronic palace bitching(she got LOOOOOOADS of shit because she said 17 more words than her husband in a press conference).They won't acknowledge she is very ill,and trivialized her semi-suicidal state as 'adjustment disorder'.He said until they acknowledge that mental illness is real and the human psyche cannot live in such a restrictive state,she will never get better. The court bitches keep trying to get the prince to divorce her,but bless him he refuses because he loves her.

>> No.4650741

Quod erat demonstrandum.

>> No.4650742

This thread.

If Japan would just admit to its war crimes against civilians throughout Asian prior to and during WWII, even ADMIT to it, not even getting into apologies, it'd go a long way toward dealing with the spectres of its past that still haunt it. As is, it's the Asian version of Turkey and the Armenian genocide, and it will be a stumbling block toward future good relations for as long as it keeps denying the truth. Because sticking your fingers (figurative, a country doesn't have fingers, of course) into your ears (or ears) and pretending you can't hear the evidence of a crime is the action of a child, not an adult.

This is what civilized countries do when their pasts catch up with them.

>> No.4650746

I bet that you would still find an excuse to lambast the Chinese and exculpate the Japanese even if they gave away the book for free. It's pretty self-evident that your issue with the book is that you don't want people to know the other side of the facts.

What does this have to do with the argument?
You have only to blame the USA for pandering to the Jews. If they didn't keep supplying Israel with funds and weapons every time they waved the Holocaust card around, they would have stopped exploiting it long ago.

>> No.4650760


Then can we expect them to stop censoring VNs?

>> No.4650774

>lambast the Chinese and exculpate the Japanese
Whoa whoa whoa, back the fuck up.

When did I ever display disgust to anything except an individual? A filthy, money-hungry individual profiting off the backs of genuine tragedies?

>> No.4650775

Oh wow.
Is this true?

>> No.4650782


>> No.4650785

Can I be cool too if I say something anti-Semitic?

>> No.4650794

In the same way tabloids are true, I imagine. It sounds a bit too dramatic.

If she hated it so much, why not just fucking leave?

>> No.4650798



>> No.4650800

She loves her husband?

Also, couldn't you say the same about beaten wives?

>> No.4650806

Was she ever under threat of violence? I doubt that very much.

>> No.4650807

All I saw was RAPE. RAPE.

>> No.4650818

You wouldn't rape nanking

>> No.4650826

It's not always about violence with beaten wives. All it would take is a restraining order and a women's shelter.

It's called Stockholm's syndrome.

>> No.4650827

Actually, you saw PE. RAPE. But your mind, doing that thing on human minds can, understood that the giant PE in the background was actually part of a larger RAPE.

One could joke that you literally have rape on your mind, but that would be a bit obvious.

>> No.4650861

Well, that and the intense social pressure brought to bear on women not to let their marriage 'fail'. Far moreso than on men, particularly in countries with a misogynistic society like Japan's. Then take that and magnify it by at least a thousand by being a national figure in the Royal household, particularly in a country with fanatical royalists/imperialists as well as the average citizen at least being somewhat invested in them, like Japan.

Certainly not a position I'd want to be in.

>> No.4652371

The author was bipolar and killed herself from the pressure after finishing this book. Sad.

>> No.4652383

it wasn't the japanese, it was koreans disguised as japanese who did it.

>> No.4652396
File: 32 KB, 373x548, googlynanking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 9000 hours in paint later...

>> No.4652399


>> No.4652405
File: 62 KB, 506x604, beato want to believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to official Japanese history books, a witch did it.

>> No.4652411

annnnnnd here we goooooo

>> No.4652415 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4652416

This is one of the worst posts I've ever seen, thanks.

>> No.4652428
File: 165 KB, 520x507, battoraaa_bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4652452

Back in my day trolling meant something.

As for you, you can get the fuck back to /b/ with your shitty memes.

>> No.4652459
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>> No.4652467

I did lol at this, I admit.

>> No.4652471
File: 94 KB, 800x800, spank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4652476
File: 90 KB, 702x513, Pacific_war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget.

I sometimes wish I were alive during WWII. I would have loved to decapitate Japanese corpses, boil their heads, peel off the skin and send the skulls home to my trophy case. Fucking barbarians.

>> No.4652621

Why does China hate America now? Would they rather have had Japan win the war?

Do the Philippines still like us?
