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File: 219 KB, 2048x1655, 1711973711853866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46495016 No.46495016 [Reply] [Original]

This is the only chart you need for the current state of Gensokyo's lore.

>> No.46495109

Grimsokyo is real

>> No.46495140

give me the cutesokyo pill

>> No.46495196

Touhous are friends. Youkai deserve to be married and loved. We can have a tea party together and all be friends, even characters like Arm-chan! Personally, I think I could fix Megumu

>> No.46495247
File: 274 KB, 2048x2048, 1679216059423949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after many years of studying the lore, you will eventually come to the conclusion that everything in gensokyo revolves around mahjong

>> No.46495361
File: 3 KB, 214x26, 1703725258922597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having your own personal autistic lorebook
yeah no. Bow before your alpha, peasants.

>> No.46495379

Personaly, I believe that the lore is internally inconsistent to keep the fans debating and arguing. This feeds psychic energy to Zun and his loving wife of 20 years, Yukari Yakumo.

>> No.46495413

Megumu's already perfect

>> No.46495571

Grimfags are desperate... why?

>> No.46495601

One of the few times the blue pill is better than the red. Printworks were a mistake.
Because no matter how close they get to canon they will only ever be seen as parasites

>> No.46495669

What pill's the one that means I don't care if they're all terrible I still want to fuck them?<div class="xa24desu"></div>

>> No.46495677

I think anyone using any sort of "pills" on charts should take the cyanide pill.

>> No.46495923

Indigo pill.

>> No.46495927

Blackpill is reality. Gensokyo deserves to be razed to the ground.

>> No.46495948

I have no hope for change, I only have a boner and a lust for mentally unwell 2d women.

>> No.46495957

Canon Gensokyo is sexless so you need hope if you want to fuck anybody.

>> No.46496067

Why are grimsokyo fags such annoying little shits?

>> No.46496085

Because they're right and they know it.

>> No.46496202

Is "X is evil" or "Y is a race traitor" regurgitation a mostly jaypee phenomenon? Still pretty new to Touhou, and so far this is the one place I've seen it pop up so frequently.

>> No.46496268
File: 645 KB, 621x1480, black Tewi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, thought it was a viagra joke since I didn't remember it being in the pic.
The discussion just goes in cycles or something, you have people downplaying and exaggerating or writing stuff they refuse to elaborate, make absolute statements and assumptions in a series with dark implications, but that is vague here and there and has idk, 2 human deaths that aren't off-screen and you have that PMiSS monologue that tones everything down a lot plus comedic elements so some things are considered a joke by some but some serious shit by others. You can also just say x character is lying since it contradicts what's shown or what another character says and so on.
ZUN forgets and rewrites or perhaps he just had that plan from the beginning.
But in the end most people probably just started to assume x opinion or feel y way at a certain point and saw everything else with those lens anyways. So your gonna have people sperging out or performing Spirit-tier logical leaps on both side just escalating stuff further...idk I hope FDS elaborates a bit on certain don't laugh plz ;_;

>> No.46496355

Yes it's a mostly JP thing, most of the threads are just grimfags arguing about their grimfaggotry.
We rarely get any actual lore discussion, and any threads which aren't that are just image spam.

>> No.46496955
File: 354 KB, 1040x1040, 1673873193201584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tune out any arguments of cute/grim buzzword throwing because it brings nothing worth talking about and drags down surrounding discussion. Anyone who is serious isn't going to see any other viewpoint and there's no differentiating between attempts at actual conversation and trolling.
Canon has been discussed at length and the few new people working over interpretations are drowned out by the red/blue team flame war on the side. You'll see lore discussions, but they're not in general threads like this, they'll be in respective game/printwork threads whenever a new game or chapter comes out to breakdown and compare to any previous relevant bits in lore; or they do so until it gets derailed by the aforementioned faggots. The other rare times things will be discussed is in threads where the OP starts with actual questions like some obscure lore bits such as the details of heat in Cirno's power, or elements of characters, or offhanded comments from VS quotes in the fighting games. The thread starting with a bait question like what >>46496202 mentions, or they're using some doujin as definitive proof of X Y or Z, is a clear indication of a shit thread there just to stir up cyclical arguments.

>> No.46497152

But what is mahjong? Is there some greater complexity to this gambling game?

>> No.46497328

> 2 human deaths that aren't off-screen
It was recently once again confirmed that, yeah, outsiders do get butchered more often than not.

>> No.46498026

But are you talking about the recent CoLA?
It only really talks about the unmanaged humans Yukari doesn't bring in, who are left alone for political reasons.

>> No.46498107

I figured as much. Reminds me of ZUN joking about "Touhou police" and how ridiculous it is to force such rigid interpretations.
But I also think part of it is some misguided backlash against cute/lewd focused threads. Sure you're justified in being sick of the same old imagedumps, but pushing stale grimdark shitflinging in retaliation is just as obnoxious.

>> No.46498188

Another thread hijacked by cutesokyofags jumping from one place to another

Fact: Youkai eats humans

>> No.46498197

Fact: grimfags are subhuman.

>> No.46498682
File: 86 KB, 644x446, 1694097540381231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the passive-aggressive grinsokyo?

>> No.46499522

"I'm going to be honest with you.
I.. hate this place. This paradise, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it. I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell. I feel saturated by it. I can.. taste your stink. Every time I do, I feel that I've somehow been infected by it. It's repulsive, isn't it. I must get out of here.. I must get free." ~ Agent Reisen

>> No.46503391

Reisen already having been spoiled by the moon before she arrived to earth is an ungrateful child that is genuinely ass hurt that she has a nice home to live in, free food and a degree of command over the earth rabbits because of her internship with the smartest being alive and is friends with the princess.Yeah let's see her live in say, the outside world where she'll be persecuted for being a rabbit or in one of the hells or in the shit hole animal realm.

>> No.46503421

I'm going to say the Z-word!

>> No.46503457


>> No.46504188

i enjoy it because it's more on the skill side of gambling games. There's enough freedom in building your hand, but you're still dealt the tiles that you're dealt. It also helps that there's no folding, you have to actually decide if you want to complete your hand and risk dealing into someone else, or defend break up your hand and only discard tiles you think are safe

>> No.46504251

Where's the pill that says everyone in Gensokyo has a fat hairy cock and they constantly have sweaty impregnating rape contests on the various weaker members of the cast?

>> No.46504665

It says SOME youkai leave them alone. Either way, the managed humans Yukari brings in are explicitly described as food.

>> No.46504703

I check it again, it doesn't actually say how their treated either way, it just says some argue they should be fair game, and others argue they shouldn't.
