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File: 310 KB, 1280x960, fate stay night4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4642496 No.4642496 [Reply] [Original]

Fate/stay night? More like Fucking shit right?

>> No.4642500

troll? more like faggot right?

>> No.4642533



>> No.4642544
File: 146 KB, 653x1000, c6ff009c4f2199e04bb67fd479367268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4642550

ITT: Butthurt only

>> No.4642566

No reporting.
No saging.
Trolling only.

>> No.4642571
File: 60 KB, 802x650, shirouretarted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't understand why people like this (other than for the waifus)

The writing is fucking awful (pic related)
The characters have no deep except Shirou, who is nothing more than a generic harem main character.
The musics are fucking repetitive. Ok, this happens in every VNs, but in FS/N they are also ugly.
HF is shit and there is a lot of shitty cooking.

>> No.4642584

What's the matter? Too DEEP for you?

>> No.4642603

lololo l i troll yu?

>> No.4642609

>The characters have no deep except Shirou
I was trying to give you a chance.

>> No.4642615



>I call everyone who doesn't agree with me a troll


>> No.4642620

Sup Arc

>> No.4642624


Ok, i give you Saber and.. maybe Kotomine.
Other than that? There is no character development other than them.
Like Rin is an interesting character at first, but she has a 0 development.

>> No.4642639

Archer is the best character anyway. Expect the first part of UBW with the shit generic fight it was great. Even the last fight with everything was just epic. Gilgamesh serves as a great antagonist most of the time with his lol speeches and how he behaves.

>> No.4642635

What are you talking about OP, the cooking scenes are the best parts. They are very useful picking up new tricks, and recipes if you pay attention. I wish there'd have been more of those.

>> No.4642662


Gilgamesh is a fucking plot device with a reverse plot hax

Archer could have been good, but after the 100+ times he and Shirou talked about ideals i got tired.
Plus, he's relation with Rin was barely touched, since Nasu chose Shirou as a main character in UBW instead of her.

>> No.4642677

Shirou is always the main character.
>Gilgamesh is a fucking plot device with a reverse plot hax

You do not even make sense anymore.

>> No.4642684

Saya no Uta? More like Saya no Futa.

Did I do it right?

>> No.4642689

>Nasu chose Shirou as a main character in UBW instead of her.
We all agree that FSN would have been better with Rin as the main character. But beside that, Archer being Shirou was a real mindfuck if you don't know the plot already and haven't got spoiled to hell already.
Archer and Shirou talking about ideals just had to be so long, it showed their difference and set them apart and what happened to Shirou in the future. I read their fight over 5 times or so, it's just so amazing.

>> No.4642692

Sometimes people fail to give a proper image when the post.
Bad spelling, nonsensical arguments and overgeneralizing , pics that prove nothing...
Trolling at best, stupid opinion at worst.

>> No.4642695

>Shirou is always the main character.

He could have made her the main character, duh.
Shirou basically do nothing for the first UBW ten days.


It does

Gil was so strong that the only reason he could have worked was making him a complete idiot.

>> No.4642705


Yes, but that was in the last 4-3 days

They could have switched perceptive like they did with Rin.

>> No.4642711

Being stronger than the other servants solely due to firepower does not make him unbeatable, stupid or no.

And the story is about Shirou no matter what.
Switching main characters just because...? Won't work.

And your definition of 'nothing' needs work.
Unless for you leas have to 'kick ass and take names' to amount to 'something'.
This is not an action focused VN, in the end.

>> No.4642732

Usual Shonen antagonist:
I am the strongest, my power is maximum! No one can beat me.
What? no way!
Blargh dead.

Their downfall is always their arrogance and not paying attention and always talking and taking it easy because they think they are so great that no one can beat them.

>> No.4642741

Yes, mentality is somewhat like that.
Irrelevant to PLOTHAX or anything.
Personality and powerset are distinct things.

>> No.4642780

I kinda agree that the characterization in FSN is quite weak as a whole.
Only Shirou felt really interesting but his characterization was far too heavy handed.
Other characters who could have been really interesting like Kotomine and Ilya felt like they didn't get enough time to properly develop into solid characters.
Which is a shame since the game is so fucking long.

Other than that the whole theme of what it means being a hero and personal justice was interesting but it was spoiled by the plot itself that was far too straightforward.
FSN really needed more gray area, I guess Nasu tried to do it in HF but it failed quite a bit.

>> No.4642827

The whole game is a gray area in the end.
Regardless if it's the best path or not, if it helps people much or hinders them, Shirou finds happiness in what he chooses to do. There is never a 'this is the proper way to do things' or forcefed goodness.

>> No.4642839

Tsukihime is better.

>> No.4642846

That does not make F/SN bad by default.

>> No.4642910

Not really.
The gray area you refer to is withing Shirou's internal conflict
I'm referring to the grail war itself.

>> No.4642939

tho shiki>sirou

>> No.4642948

ITT: /v/ reject comes to /jp/ to troll, gets ass handed to him.

>> No.4642954
File: 105 KB, 419x600, rinarcherballgown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should have been more interaction between Archer and Rin in the interludes. The prologue was the best part of the game, they had a lot of chemistry etc.

And the Archer/Shirou dichotomy could have been handled a lot better.

>> No.4642963

Shirou was interesting simply for how fucked up he was mentally. I do have to say, though, I'd really like to read a VN from Rin's perspective.

>> No.4642968

>Tsukihime is better.
I would agree with you on that. FSN is great in some parts, but overall pretty average. Tsukihime is very old already but still better.
Awesome graphics and better style does not make a game better.

>> No.4642985

near side of moon is not bad, but at another part...man with akiha and maids...i was so tired and bored...maaan

>> No.4642978

But f/sn was never about the grail war, as it was not a proper grail war at all.
The grail had got corrupted and as time flew by the war had gotten more and mroe exaggerated as they went.
Kotomine, Shirou, Zouken and Iliya did not have winning the war (at least not normally) as their primary interest.
Assassin couldn't move.
(HF) Assassin was "summoned" twice
There was an eight servant
Zouken distributed command seals to "non-masters"

There was no "grail war" fromt he start, the war was just a cover.

>> No.4642996

They still have their interludes.
They are not the focus though.
As for Archer/Shirou, it was handled well enough. Regardless of it's current quality, I do not know what exactly could be made better.
What about the Grail War?

>> No.4643000

I really did not like Shiki.
Shirou might have been
HURRR I am naive
But Shiki was
DURRR I am a crazy psycho.
Nanaya and Tohno = the same person

>> No.4643022

...What the fuck?

>> No.4643028


OP here, I don't wtf you think you're talking about, but firstly, I came from /a/. Second, I haven't posted itt since I made it. I left after faggots seriously started discussing shit. So fuck you faggot.

>> No.4643030

yea, that's why Shiki>Shirou

>> No.4643051


>> No.4643129

Shiki can kill Shirou

>> No.4643148

t-moon complex proved opposite, u die

>> No.4643216
File: 194 KB, 500x830, archerrinarcshiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, in a fight it would probably end up with both of them dying from exertion.

Even though, I wonder if Shiki would even be able to use his Nanaya abilities against Shirou. Shirou's not a demon or Dead Apostle, he's a human who's body is made out of swords. If he doesn't awaken the Nanaya blood, then I'd give it to the physically healthier Shirou.

However Archer VS Nanaya, sorry Nanaya, Archer has your ass.

>> No.4643476

When I mention the grail war, I mean the whole game itself.
To make myself clear, the only part of the game that has some real complexity with some gray areas is Shirou's internal conflict.
Everything else is painfully straightforward.
