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4635650 No.4635650 [Reply] [Original]

So, what's /jp/ opinion of Higurashi's novels?

Are they worth to read i already watched the anime?

>> No.4635677

Not really.
Read them if you can stand bad pacing, lots of boring slice of life scenes and shit writing.
Only really interesting thing about it is the mystery but you are already spoiled, I don't see any reason to read it otherwise.

>> No.4635672

I don't know, are you satisfied with knowing you watched a butchering of the originals that only showed a fraction of the story?

>> No.4635722

I'm reading them now and i'm enjoying them, despite the fact i know everything.

The slice of life part can be boring (but less boring than some shitty FS/N cooking), but you can just ctrl them.

>> No.4636226


>> No.4636271

Yes. It's still one of the best VNs I've read even with the mystery spoiled. Just don't expect it to be about killer lolis like the anime or you'll react like >>4635677.

>> No.4636286

They're much better, unless you have idiotic expectations.

>> No.4636309

4635677 here.
I didn't expect any "killer loli" from this.
I expected to be entertained, rather I was bored 80% of the time.
Slice of life, character interactions and other things like this can be well done and entertaining, it wasn't in Higurashi.
That's all.

>> No.4639904


>> No.4639929

Are they better than Umineko?

>> No.4639978

no. Definitely not.

Well, some of the better higurashis might be better than Umineko 1. But Umineko 1 was utter shit.

>> No.4639993

umineko 1 was better than most of the 2nd game

>> No.4639998
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lol no

>> No.4640006

They are both mediocre.
Umineko has a better composition and pacing, Higurashi has a better overarching plot.

>> No.4640013

>better overarching plot


>> No.4640021


You are talking about all Umineko and Higurashi or just episode 1?

>> No.4640025

Talking about everything released so far.

>> No.4640034


First, it wasn't a virus

Second, despite what most of the people think, Higurashi isn't a mistery, from the start you are aware (at least in the novels) of the possibility of some unknown drugs/supernatural shit, etc

I don't understand why most of the people couldn't stand the syndrome, it's not some asspull at the last second, it was the reason the story happened from the begging and everything makes sense.

>> No.4640035

Umineko EP1 was the best, right next to EP3.

>> No.4640039

Higurashi is a mystery novel, R07 sold it as such.
He basically challenged the readers to find the truth, that's one of the main reason why it became popular.

>> No.4640040


How can it be the best

No Beatrice and shutty fillers

>> No.4640042


Uh, you can find a lot of truth in ep I-IV, but just like Umineko, just because you CAN it doesn't mean of would be able to.

>> No.4640057

I enjoy the slice of life parts of higurashi immensely because K1 is quite the badass in these scenes.

>> No.4640072

K1 is a badass all the time.

>> No.4640112


But he never implied this truth won't have fantasy or sci-fi roots.

>> No.4640139
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>> No.4640162
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I completely agree with this anon.

And actually, I find it odd how much I dislike the slice-of-life scenes in Higurashi (to the point of ctrl-ing sometimes, a thing I seldom do when reading VNs), whereas I adore those kind of scenes in Umineko. But it all boils down to taste, I suppose.

>> No.4640176

I somewhat agree with this. Higurashi had a pretty insular world, considering, and knew where it was going. Umineko started up somewhat similar, with an even more insular world but as time went on with the series, more and more things keep being pulled out of fucking nowhere, and I don't even know where it's going anymore. At five arcs into Higurashi, we know where it's going. Somewhat. With Umineko, after six arcs? I don't have a fucking clue.

>> No.4640189
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How? Higurashi cast is waaaay more likable than Umineko cast.

Also just got to this part in the third novel, lol'ed hard

>> No.4640201
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I have to disagree. The only characters I even somewhat like in Higurashi are Takano, Shion, and Akasaka. Everyone else gets on my nerves, or just doesn't appeal to me. Everyone else, no exceptions. Whereas with Umineko, I don't think that there's a character I truly dislike. Even characters like Erika or Evatrice. I used to hate them, but now I adore them.

>> No.4640226

I dropped Higurashi vn after 1 chapter. In the anime they at least spread out those goddamn happy life filler parts between chapters, but in the vn I have to read them all at once and I don't like that.
Maybe I'll read it again when they translate the rest arcs, because maybe I'll learn something interesting about those kakeras and stuff in order to connect it to Umineko somehow.

>> No.4640237


Why don't you ctrl them? The second half awe fucking awesome.

Shmion is waaay better than the anime.

>> No.4640243

Those are those gore rapelay games, eh?
You into badly drawn pictures of cutting up little girls, asshole?

>> No.4640256


Satoko and Rika barelly got any scenes if the first two games

>> No.4640624


>> No.4640657

Well, if you are going to read Higurashi, keep in mind that original release schedule of half an year between each game was perfect for it. Now that they're in English, I suggest you take a week or month of a break between each game.
Trying to marathon Higurashi is really easy way to ruin series for yourself.

>> No.4640663

Are you retarded?

>> No.4640664



>> No.4640685

I don't think I can see where you're coming from there. I forget so much shit in between reading stuff that waiting a month for the releases is already too much for me.
Marathoning is awesome because I don't need to remember stuff for longer than the time I need to read it. At least I don't see how it would worsen the experience at all.

>> No.4640702
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I read for about 1-2 hours every night, usually passing out on my couch with my keyboard still on top of my chest, how is that?

>> No.4640706

Half of When They Cry's appeal is the author-reader and reader-reader interaction between games. Fan theories develop and R07 adjusts the next game accordingly. (Read: trolls the fanbase) Like a book discussion group gone horribly wrong.

>> No.4640715


>> No.4640722

That's part of the appeal of CYOAs on THP and Quest threads on /tg/, actually.
Watching the authors build something out of the audience reactions.

>> No.4640731

That's probably why a lot of us aren't really in tune with Higurashi, as opposed to Umineko. Most of us had already watched the anime, or got spoiled on near everything. For those reasons, there is practically zero Higurashi discussion. For example, let's compare arc 5 of Higurashi being released in English last week/the week before, to Dawn coming out, straight out of Comiket? Huuuuge difference. Higurashi isn't half as fun as Umineko is. Mainly because of all the bullshit theories we come up with for it, like teatrice and Gohda being the culprit in Turn, by pushing people out of windows.

There is nothing really to discuss for Higurashi anymore, and that's kind of sad.

>> No.4640789

Ok then, I guess I can agree you're missing out on all the discussions and stuff if you're not reading it as it gets released, which will probably be the case anyway if you can't speak japonese, but that still doesn't explain the "force a break between chapters to enjoy it more" part since I obviously won't gain anything by waiting anymore now. Other than reading some old archives or forum posts of some whackjobs coming up with all sorts of theories, but really, I'm not going to do that.

>> No.4640810
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It is still interesting if you trying to find out what they left out in the anime version. 4eg, compare DEEN adaptation of Umineko and the original one

>> No.4640816

Obviously people's tastes vary, but the slice of life in Higurashi gets horribly tedious(even Ryukishi admitted that much of it was filler) if you read too much of it in one sitting.
Personally I couldn't do without the breaks, but like I said, people are different.

>> No.4641079
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Just finished the third novel.. wtf, they totally cut this shit from the ending.

And now the whole "queen parasite" thing doesn't make any sense to me.

>> No.4641254

Well as I already said in >>4640057 I personally found the slice of life / comedy parts pretty awesome, so yeah.

>> No.4642577


>> No.4642583 [SPOILER] 
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So Hanyuu killed the reporter?

>> No.4642607
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Hanyuu was in the next world, and she can't leave Hinamizawa

Also, that's not Hanyuu

>> No.4642675

Easily. Though they're very different so it really depends on your tastes. Umineko is more catered to violence/magic fights whereas Higurashi is more about the characters and their relationships.

>> No.4643143
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Is the sprites patch for Kai done?

>> No.4643164

Yeah. It's been done for quite awhile.

>> No.4644316

