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4635640 No.4635640 [Reply] [Original]

So what did /jp/ end up thinking about Symphonic Rain?

>> No.4635655


>> No.4635652

Loved it.

>> No.4635666

It's great.

>> No.4635689

Overrated like every other game without tits

>> No.4635694

Probably the most mediocre thing I've ever read. Not bad, not good, just enough to keep me reading.

>> No.4635700
File: 27 KB, 640x480, 126651059932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice Visual Novel, really. I liked it a lot and I'm glad it was translated.

Also, don't forget to read the first side story if you missed it last week:


>> No.4635775

Simply outstanding, one of the best visual novels I have played. All the routes were great, and the Da Capo route was especially awesome.

>> No.4635802

Glad to see /jp/ liked it, I really enjoyed this game too.

>> No.4635864

Did anyone else play through without auto play?

>> No.4635885

I have never used auto play on any VN.

>> No.4635900 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 640x480, end of da capo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved it, was moved to tears at the end of the final route, one of the very few VNs to do that.

>> No.4635907 [SPOILER] 
File: 259 KB, 640x480, end of da capo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved it, was moved to tears at the end of the final route, one of the very few VNs to do that.

>> No.4635930

I wish I could play this, the text is not displaying when I run the game :(

>> No.4635961

You installed it with having your system locale set to Japanese, right?

>> No.4635968

It was decent enough but didn't live up to the insane hype.

>> No.4636098

Liked most everything about the game, except Da Capo Torta's ending (although Al Fine was great) and Fal's twist.

>> No.4636388

>insane hype
What? I'd be glad if it had been hyped at all. It definitely went unnoticed when it came out, and the translation project never had that many followers.

>> No.4636398

Read the readme.

>> No.4636494

While it was being translated I heard a lot about it being one of the best visual novels ever.

>> No.4636519

Not enough porn.

>> No.4636536

fucking disgusting of you to think of that

>> No.4636552

I thought it was friggin' awesome. It definitely goes near the top of my favorites.

>> No.4636563

While it was being translated, I kept hearing stuff about it being rated 8 out of 10.
I ignored that and loved it.

>> No.4637486

I got 5/6 endings, how do I get the last one?

>> No.4637508

You either missed the second Al Fine end where you just change the last choice or you need to play Da Capo again after Al Fine.

>> No.4637873

I did the second Al Fine and I answered the remember or something choice in Da Capo, but whose route do I go to after answering the remember option?

>> No.4637908 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1024x768, 126863309559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fill MY industrial waste containers with old copies of the
"WATCHTOWER" and then add HAWAIIAN PUNCH to the top ... They look NICE
in the yard ...

>> No.4637913

There should be an option to go to the place where you first meet fal after the first week of meeting everyone to compose a song. After that keep going home early (there should be an option to go to the school gate) or go to the practice room to continue composing the piece when your can't go home.

>> No.4637948 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, 1268630271381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want EARS! I want two ROUND BLACK EARS to make me feel warm 'n

>> No.4637970

Excellent, not enough to make me cry.
A slight twist would though,
maybe a CG, where they pictured Phorni as Arietta's future daughter
On another note, music is awesome.

>> No.4637986

Might help

>> No.4638011

just got this, what would be the most enjoyable order of routes to do?

>> No.4638019 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, 126863397612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... he dominates the DECADENT SUBWAY SCENE.

>> No.4638058

Do Torta's last.

>> No.4638060

You have to do Torta Lise and Fal first to get to Al Fine. Just random them.
If you must, Al Fine is heavily related to Torta's route so you might want to go through her route last.

>> No.4638070 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 1024x768, 126863443147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yow! Those people look exactly like Donnie and Marie Osmond!!

>> No.4638423

I loved it. It's probably my 6th or 7th favorite game or so. Phorni was love.

>> No.4640155 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 640x480, SR Fal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only in Fal's route, wouldn't have mind if they went into detail about what they glanced over.

>> No.4640194

Still constantly listening to the soundtrack.

>> No.4640209

HEre'S tHe tRue cOlOrS Of YOUr GLoRIoUS hEro cHRISTOpher pOoLe:

SOurce: HTTp://wwW.AnOntALk.cOm/duMP/MoOtarD.txT

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> frOM: MooT <Moot@4cHAN.OrG>
> uSEr-AgeNT: MOzilla/5.0 (macINtOsH; U; INTeL Mac oS X 10.5; en-us; RV: GEcKO/20100111 tHUNdeRBiRd/3.0.1
> to: sysOP@anonTALK.cOM
> SuBjeCt: EnjOyinG Your DoWNTIME FAGGOT?
> THey BlINDly beLievE EvERYthInG i FeeD THeM, FAKE Or noT, yOuR bOaRd'S goIng dOWN. dOn't BoThEr pUBlisHING tHis, No oNe wilL BelIeVe yOU ANyWAy ON AnT Or /b/ :)

>> No.4641124

What are the three bad endings? I have one from Fal, but missing the other 2, and got all 6 good endings.
