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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4634040 No.4634040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you do drugs, /jp/? There are plenty of interesting legal ones out there, and it's not like anyone here gives a shit about what others think about them, right?

>> No.4634047

Drugs cost money and time, there is only one I have an infinite supply of.

>> No.4634045

But I do.

>> No.4634053

I don't like artificial mind alteration. Natural highs are preferred!

>> No.4634052

Hell yeah.

>> No.4634057
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You have neither

>> No.4634059

I do plenty, but it's none of your business, nor do I care what drugs other people take.

>> No.4634065

Does Dopamine count? I get plenty of that.

>> No.4634071

I'm trying to quit smoking. This will actually go pretty well until alcohol is introduced into the equation

in b4 fatnerds, leaking more grease than an Italian wedding, talking shit about drugs, tobacco, and alcohol

>> No.4634078

This is one long gif

>> No.4634086

Drugs are bad for you. I don't even take aspirin.

>> No.4634087
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So let's talk about it.

>> No.4634090

no because it will just degenerate into some shitty stoner thread does in /a/ or /v/ - just get out.

>> No.4634092

I get all excited and fluffy reading decent VNs. There is no need for drugs.

>> No.4634098

im not gonna get high in front of my parents.

>> No.4634104

But you get dopamine fro--


>> No.4634099

What's there to talk about?

>> No.4634106

Get out, Arc.

>> No.4634113

The reason the kids who do drugs are such faggots on the internet is because they spend so much time talking about it.

I'd rather not.

>> No.4634118

I love stimulants. I love the energy boost that they give me, temporarily transforming me from a lazy bum into an EXPERT PROGRAMMER. Unfortunately, amphetamine is both expensive and hard to find, and I'm too much of a pussy to find a meth head.

Caffeine doesn't count.

The only worthy substitute is DXM, also known as cough medicine. This, I can take low doses (well, low recreational doses) of two or three times a week and pound some code out. Once a month or so, I aim for a third plateau trip, just for the hell of it.

>> No.4634127

I like to be in control of my emotions.
Drugs doesn't change anything, it just messes with your senses so that you percieve things differantly, when it wears off you are likely to still be the same old you, only perhaps a bit worse, and with less money etc.
And most drugs have lasting side effects and are damaging to your health in one way or another, especially after continued use.

I can't think of reasons why I would want them.

>> No.4634131

I don't understand, is it legal to talk about drugs on the internet? How do people not get v& for it?

>> No.4634156
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Weed is for children. I was under the impression that /jp/ would be into stronger and more interesting stuff.


I dunno, what you do, why you do it, share some stories, etc


That's true, but this is /jp/ - Japan/General, not /jp/ - Drugs. So long as this thread is a civil, one-time discussion, I think we can avoid being faggots about it.

fuck you, it's not "otaku culture"

>> No.4634159

I'm actually concerned about my health. Polite sage.

>> No.4634173
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Not /jp/ related in the slightest. Take it to 420chan.

>> No.4634182

If you have access to drugs, you're a normalfag. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.4634189

because drugs are expensive and /jp/ already wasted all their cash on other weeaboo dustcatchers

>> No.4634208

Money, illegal with not enough gain to break the law, and a good deal of them wreck your health. Why would I just to "feel good?"

IB4 potheads say there is no health damage or risks. I said most so don't bitch.

>> No.4634212

I drink cider, primarily; good cider. Wouldn't dream of touching shit like Bulmers, Magners or Strongbow unless it was a desperate situation. Good stuff, like Hennie's or Addlestones, with the best stuff like Newton's and Dunkertons and God-tier stuff that doesn't have a name but you buy from crazy men up on the Herefordshire March who keep a shotgun out in the open and only put it down when you wave money.

>> No.4634231

I do uppers. I did BZP&TFMPP until they were banned in the UK, now I do bk-MDMA as it's legal and easy to get.

I've had nice experiences on them just walking about listening to music, or with a friend. Nothing particularly interesting to talk about though.

>> No.4634279

Actually, I found that I generally do a better job at Touhou while high on pot. I managed to clear a few spell cards on hard while going, "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, SHIFT MOVE AWAY, AHHHHHHH! DUDE, BULLETS, STOP FIRING WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU! WHY CAN'T ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS USE SOME COMMON-"

Then the spell card clears and I toke a hit and continued my stoned danmaku rampage.

And then I realize I probably have had more meaningful conversations with my dealer that anyone in the last year, feels SLAYER man.

>> No.4634311

Drugs are for losers.

>> No.4634320


You're missing the point of taking drugs. You're also guilty of trying to put all drugs under the same label.

There are drugs out there that do little more than alter your mood, yes. Drugs that make you feel happy for a short period of time. They aren't interesting, however, and it's foolish to label all drugs as things that make you happy for a short period of time.

To put this simply: if you can understand the difference between alcohol and acid, you can understand that drugs are different. It's like saying that reading a dictionary is the same as reading a novel, just because they're both books.


Assuming that you live in the US, it would do you well to do a search for "1st amendment rights" on Google.

>> No.4634326

As for the whole "drugs are dangerous" thing, I'll break down drug related injuries as follows:
1. Stupid teenagers didn't know what they were doing and ended up doing something horribly dangerous. Solution: Do your research first.
2. Someone got horribly addicted to something (whether it's legal like alcohol, or illegal like heroin) and it slowly poisoned their liver. Speaking as a guy who (several years ago) quit oxycodone cold turkey after several months of constant use, I can say that the only people who have problems with this are weak-minded as hell. Know when to quit.
3. Someone so fucked up that they couldn't control themselves and ran out in front of a freeway or something. Solution: Don't be a faggot and take more than you know you can handle. Even if you're high, you can still practice self control.
4. Someone has a traumatizing experience on a psychedelic and it changes them. This one is a completely valid risk that has to be understood if you're interested in powerful psychedelics. Don't go chasing hallucinations if you have a history of schizophrenia in your family, and don't you fucking dare take a psychedelic expecting to have "fun."

If you can understand these concepts, drugs will never actually hurt your body. Your mind is another matter, but it's hard to say whether something is "good" or "bad" for your psyche - a child being beaten by their parents is not a good thing at all, but it's still an event that culminates in an interesting person, in the end.

>> No.4634342

Did prescirption painkillers (did, as in, used them for legitimate chronic pain as prescribed) for three years, every day. Was quite addicted by the second year, when I ran out over easter weekend and found out what withdrawl was like. Weaned myself off once I went through surgery to remove several feet of twisted knotted up necrotizing intestine. Will likely need them again the future when next period of crohn's flares up.

Trying to keep my liver functional for when I'll need to put it through hell again.

>> No.4634357

Even /jp/ are not losers enough to do drugs.

>> No.4634361

Do you really think most people can be expected to control the amount they take and not end up abusing them?

>> No.4634365

I have never understood why I should be remotely interested in drugs, so no.

>> No.4634380

I smoke a joint before watching the new chapters of durarara!, and did lsd and saw 6 chapters of mononoke. It was trippy.

>> No.4634382


I've been interested in RCs for a while, but it's hard to find reputable sources. Do you order them online, or do you just "know a guy?"

>> No.4634393


How do you manage to keep the trips enjoyable and the effects last at that rate of abuse for DXM. After a year and a half and 50+ trips, I find no enjoyment in the actual experience anymore. (The afterglow, however, is still just as badass as in the begining.)

Oh and /jp/ - Random/High Stuff, who knows maybe we'll we /wooo/ in two days time.

>> No.4634408

Also, i smoked salvia divinorum, wich makes you quite paranoid, and played "Gradually Panic" form the chaos;head ost. I started to run around, thinking my laptop wanted to kill me, and my furniture were allied with her, and tried to decieve and confuse me.

>> No.4634425

I get bk-MDMA/Methylone from http://www.ravegardener.org/

As the name suggests, it's an analogue of MDMA, it's pretty good stuff. I don't know about many other drugs though, I haven't tried a lot.

There's also these places:

I've used apothecary for Mind Candy (TFMPP+BZP) until it was banned, now all they seem to sell is crap. I had some Monkey Dust (no idea what's in it myself) from them and it was quite crappy. A friend of mine has used research-chemicals.co.uk for Methylone and Butylone and hasn't had any complaints.

>> No.4634714,1 [INTERNAL] 

Oh that meido!

>> No.4634431

Wait, you did painkillers when you knew you had Crohn's?
What were you thinking?

>> No.4634459


Well, I only do an actual "trip" once a month.
You've heard of the "plateau" classification, right? I'm only taking enough for a third or maybe fourth plateau every so often. Over the weeks, I'm having something like a first or second plateau trip - it doesn't feel "magical" or amazing, but sometimes, you just want some energy and motivation.

Yeah, I get what you're saying, though. Over time, most of that "magic" has disappeared from my DXM usage. I don't really take it for fun anymore, it's just become a fact of life for me: every two or three days, I crack open a bottle of tussin and get to work in front of a SciTE window.

As for 420chan, I used to browse it a lot, even hung out on their irc for a year or two. There's still a lot of interesting people there, but most of the drug boards were overrun by teenagers, and the other discussion boards tended to be a little too slow/empty to do any real discussion. I've got a lot of good memories of that place, but somehow I ended up back here.

>> No.4634464

Disregard that, I got confused with NSAIDs.

>> No.4634466


Let's all get addicted to poppy pod tea.

>> No.4634483
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One of these days, I'll take salvia. I've been holding off on psychedelics for a while now; that's probably a good thing, though, given how much of an idiot I was a few years back.


Don't live in the UK, unfortunately, but I'll look it up on Erowid, thanks.


Anyone with experience with that? Poppy tea always seemed like it would be more trouble than it's worth, but I've never tried it, so what the fuck do I know.

>> No.4634524
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Legal drugs? I don't know much about those.
Mushrooms: pretty awesome.
DXM: The trip itself was one of the most horrifying, but ultimately enriching experiences I've had.
Weed: The first few times high it was amazing, loved every second. This is my drug of choice now. I'll note it doesn't have the same effect it used to.
Cocaine: I get it, it's for people who need GRATUITOUS AMOUNTS OF ENERGY. But I don't really need that. Plus it's expensive.

Drugs I want to try but haven't:

Drugs I will never do:

>> No.4634547


>> No.4634560

Yeah. I did them because my insides were literally trying to kill themselves, producing constant agonizing pain, for years. This being an immediate followup to a massive horseshoe fistula that abcessed internally, requiring them to basically scoop out nearly a liter of flesh and pus, which took over a year to heal properly.

None of the other medications or treatments attempted in the meantime salved the worsening problem until it hit a critical point and a resection was the only option left. Thankfully, it's been more or less in remission in the four years since then, though it seems likely that with my previous symptoms an eventual resurgence is likely.

Good times, good times.

>> No.4634602

I've done nothing worth mentioning, to much hassle

Somehow got into E dealing for a bit though. Just bought a bunch and roamed the main street of the town once every few nights.. Every fucking drunk/stoned idiot you pass on that street will ask you if you have anything. Mostly E, so I started carry it on me for shits and giggles since a guy from work sold it for a decent price.

Never touched the stuff personally though, never saw the point in doing it alone, and the guy I bought the bunch from in the first place scared the shit out of me most of the time.

But a decent profit until I started getting paranoid about the cop that drives up the fucking street every 15 minutes. I'll stick to drinking

>> No.4634620

I'm pretty bad with drug use. Cigarettes, booze, grass, Xanax, Oxycontin, DPH, DXM, LSD, mushrooms.

The first time I did LSD I just watched Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei the whole day.

>> No.4634639
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Because I'm straight edge, and that means I'm better than you.

>> No.4634668

It isn't really that simple.
If we take ordinary weed as an example, it might be considered a lame drug of sorts but it makes up for a good example.
Do you know why most people who have smoked weed reguarly become sluggish and a bit odd when it comes to perception related abillitites?
Other than psycological aspects over time, it can actually be explained quite simple and easy with biology and chemistry.
You should know that the brain is among other things made out of many different kinds of fats, when you smoke weed you actually consume a certain type of fat that is very similair to some of those that is used in the brain.
This actually results in those fats being used to grow and re-grow parts of the brain, the downside to this is however that this type of fat doesn't really function in the brain properly making conenctions from certain parts of the brain "sluggish" and makes up for a rather "slow" brain.
Once these types of fats have found their way in they are usually very hard to get rid of and will stay even if ones life-style is changed.
In low amounts it barely affects anything, but in moderate amounts certain effects starts to show, and with higher degrees the effects start to become really obvious and these are side effects that are there to stay and higher amounts can actually cause damage on other parts of the system causing other side effects, as if it wasn't bad enough already.

These are effects that can't be prevented as long as you actually smoke the things.
Now now, I won't sound as a major faggot now, I know that it doesn't do much at first and it can be "ok" for quite a while, but the effects are still there and it slowly gets worse and worse so the point still stands, they cause more or less permanent damage on your brain/body no matter how you use them and this is ordinary weed, weed is still considered a relatively "safe" drug, others are worse.

>> No.4634704
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But your hands on the the screen, and accept Straight Edge into your life!

>> No.4634714

Drugs are bad, moron.
