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4628156 No.4628156 [Reply] [Original]

>The world has developed rapidly and countries everywhere have become rich; mankind stepped up to the next stage. The human population, that was increasing exponentially since the BC era, slowly began to decrease. Capitalism, just as a Noah's Ark, has promoted the economic gaps. Because of this, the birth rates of all countries have fallen, though this just means that capitalism has entered its final step, population controlling. Japan, which had the fastest decline in birth rate and a great decrease in population, succeeded in avoiding the disadvantages of this population decrease and in regaining the diligent and mentally rich national traits by its remaining selected people.

Even the outside world in Touhou is a nice place.

>> No.4628164

> economic gaps
Sure, a nice place if you're on the good side of the gap

>> No.4628165

the fraking leftist socialists dont want to allow ppl to become rich and next stage.

fucking obama

>> No.4628172

Oh please guys, don't start a economic discussion here.

>> No.4628185

Better than 90% of weekend shit.

>> No.4628191

Can we have a discussion on Pygma-chan, boss?

>> No.4628200

>In the year 2054, chaos spreads over the globe as global warming finally exacts its toll on Earth: the ice caps quickly melt, causing a tremendous series of cataclysms and for entire nations to disappear under the sea. The near apocalyptic setting and the quickly depleting resources of the remaining dry lands force nations into constant war, eventually culminating into World War III; all efforts by the United Nations to cease hostilities are twarthed by a seemingly endless supply of technologically advanced weaponry being sold to each side of every conflict. After investigation, the source is tracked back to EVAC Industry co.ltd, an arms dealer who's been reaping tremendously high profits from the situation, at times directly intervening to fuel the hostilities with utter disregard towards human lives; any attempt to negotiate with the board of directors has utterly failed, the earnings having proven high enough for the company to build its own cities, shipyards, defensive emplacements and even a private airport, to the point of assembling its own army of extremely well-equipped mercenary troops.

>Being unable to enter the fray officially, the UN sets up a strike team of four pilots, each pair given one of two advanced helicopters: the plan is to simulate a rebellion within EVAC forces and bring down the company's headquarters, where research on a series of tremendous warmachines is taking place; for this reason, the planes both bear EVAC insignia and callsigns and are built according to stolen prototype blueprints - by no means, in success or failure, must the operation be traced back to the United Nations. However, for all this secrecy to be effective, even in victories the assault choppers will have to be destroyed... and the pilots killed. However, to compensate for their sacrifice, the UN shall fulfill one of their wishes, no matter what it is. And this, onboard a stolen EVAC carrier plane, is how the story begins...

>> No.4628203
File: 290 KB, 1600x1200, Touhou Twitter Background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump this. i have noticed this as well, OP.

stupid real world.

>> No.4628211

hm.... I have to agree with you, sadly.

>> No.4628220
File: 7 KB, 250x167, 1151057112914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great decrease in population
>only a 0.22% decrease in population in four years.

>> No.4628252

>Largest decrease in population of any country during a time where there as no war or an AIDs epidemic.

>> No.4628275

Yeah, we need to spend more money on space exploration because earth is basically doomed

>> No.4628286

>Estonia and Ukraine dropped by .6% last year
>you're full of shit

>> No.4628306

Thank you Obama for cancelling the human space flight program. Thank you so much you goddamned asshole.

>> No.4628337

When exactly did this happen?

>> No.4628344

I have bad news for you. The universe is basically doomed.

>> No.4628355

The human race will have likely become extinct by the time the universe has died out.

>> No.4628356

Months ago. Moon program cancelled. Ares program cancelled. Obama is on my shit list now.

>> No.4628365


>> No.4628383

WHY DID HE DO IT!?!?! *crying*

He's on my shit list too now.

>> No.4628387

Wait wait wait wait. He did WHAT!

>> No.4628405

While Obama may be partly to blame for that, you can't put all the blame on him. NASA has been on the government's own shitlist for years. It gets funding, sure, but way less than it should get, and then all these cuts and such occur... I forget if it was Bush who had NASA start the return-to-the-moon plan, but whoever did, it wasn't what it should have been.

Ultimately, it'll probably be private companies that make manned spaceflight affordable, once technology reaches the point where things like mining the asteroid belt, etc., will be profitable.

>> No.4628408

It's true.

>> No.4628410

Guys, the space program fucking sucked. You're better off just waiting for nanotech to be fully rolled out and doing everything then anyway. Won't be more than a few decades and that's highballing it.

>> No.4628415

>Fox news
Hahahahaha, why don't you take a less biased media for your informations?

>> No.4628417

It was Dubya.

>> No.4628426

wiki is no better

>> No.4628431

It is.

>> No.4628441

These people going "BAWWW HE CANCELLED THE SPACE PROGRAM" are a bunch of whining old fools who can't take off their rose-tinted nostalgia goggles from the sixties.

We got to the moon, america number one, hurr hurr, now let's fix some of our problems on our home planet, rather than dump money into putting apes in space.

>> No.4628448

Prettymuch this.

>> No.4628454
File: 125 KB, 800x800, 1266114756384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has never been to a third world nation

>> No.4628464

Dude, I'm not a fucking old fart. Other countries are trying to improve their tech. Space is the last thing we have pride for and have power over. We loose that, then GAME OVER MAN GAME OVER!

>> No.4628467

I'm not even an American and I want you bastards to get back up there.

>> No.4628474

IIRC, wasn't he actually putting even MORE money into it, just moving it away from manned spaceflight? Fucking good.

>> No.4628477

Fuck you, the space program was one of the few things I still had pride in as an American. Obama is shitting all over our future.

>> No.4628481


The Constellation program is to be canceled yes, but do you know the full story?

This program is over budget and has been pulling funds from other NASA projects. Rather than leverage existing know-how, they were trying to re-invent the wheel with their new rockets and the price of these things is non-trivial.

Second, the reason they are shutting down Constellation is so that NASA can use that money for it's other, more fruitful pursuits. NASA's unmanned probes have given us a LOT of science per dollar, just look at the Mars rovers.

Finally, Obama is planning to increase NASA funding coinciding with the shutdown of Constellation. Why would he be doing that if he just wanted to ignore NASA?

While I would also like a manned spaceflight program, I think Constellation was heading in the wrong direction.

>> No.4628482

No, he's putting more money into global warming bullshit. He's converting NASA from a space agency into the weather channel.

>> No.4628486

It's a worthless venture. What do we have to gain by spending money on rockets instead of say... schools or roads? Absolutely nothing.

>> No.4628489

Someone who AGREES with me!

>> No.4628490

Yeah, at this point exploratory spaceflight is likely going to be done mostly with (semi-)autonomous robots. It's a lot more efficient to do things that way (no need for food, no need for living space, etc.), as well as a lot less risky to human life.

>> No.4628497

Space program is kinda bad anyways, they still haven't fixed the no gravity in space issue. Their solution is exercise with bungees instead of artificial gravity.

>> No.4628503

We've been throwing money at our schools for decades. It sure has been a successful venture, hasn't it? Its not about the money, but how the program is run.

>> No.4628509


>> No.4628519

They haven't worked out that spinning the space station would produce gravity yet?

>> No.4628521

To make this /jp/ related, I wonder how the Lunarians will cope with an invasion of motherfucking ROBOTS in a few years. They can't handle that shit! Send humans all day, they'll win, but robots... there's no god for defeating robots!

>> No.4628525

Actually certain things like decreasing funding for failing schools maybe aren't a good idea possibly.

>> No.4628526

Even though America has arguably been shitty in every category, bad cars, bad guns (even chinese shit is better), bad healthcare, bad lots of things, I could at least look at our space programs and be like, fuck year, we're lightyears ahead of everybody.

>> No.4628530

Nevertheless, there are a thousand better ways to spend tax money than putting humans in space.

It serves us absolutely no purpose other than a nationalistic for "patriotic circlejerking"

It serves no purpose, and has no function.

>> No.4628542

Well, depends on what you mean by less biased. If you mean more left-slanted politically, its basically just a copy of the BBC article and you can read it there. If you mean less biased as in has a balance of political views I don't think I can give you a better link, considering every independent review has fox listed as the most politically neutral news source in America.

>> No.4628543

You're kidding right? Our military is STILL lightyears ahead of everybody.

>> No.4628549

To effectively produce artificial gravity via rotation, and have a decently-sized area to work in that artificial gravity, you'd need a LARGE space station. Like, small-colony-sized.

>> No.4628555

Other than scientific interest and possible use of resources? I mean, Earth won't be able to maintain our rate of consumption forever. Even if you try to regulate everything, that will create more problems than it will fix.

>> No.4628557

The 60's called.
They want you to come back.

>> No.4628558

so long as by 'everybody' you mean unarmed sandnigger children.

>> No.4628563

But they have magic. surely Magic can destroy robots easily

>> No.4628565

No, really. Our military is fucking awesome. We pump so much money into defense spending that not even rampant corruption can stop us from having the best goddamn ability to blow shit up in the world.

>> No.4628569

ITT: redneck fox news watchers

>> No.4628577

Really though, red or blue, conservative or liberal, you'd have to be a fucking fool to think any other nation's military is at the same level as ours.

Name one, and I'll show you a pig with wings.

>> No.4628589

While that's all well and good, it doesn't help us very much when we're in situations where it's not a very good idea to bomb everything to oblivion.

>> No.4628600

>hurr hurr our nation's military isnt the best you redneck
>yes it is

I applaud your ability to concede defeat and still act like a 5 year old.
Stay classy, Anon

>> No.4628612

Out of curiosity, how much of the military's research budget is devoted to developing more advanced ways of blowing stuff up, and how much is devoted to developing more and better ways of keeping soldiers from being wounded/shot at/blown up?

>> No.4628616

Our military is ill equipped to deal with civilians, collateral damage, and guerrilla warfare. Any country with a network of nukes (Russia) has essentially just as good of a military for blowing shit up.

>> No.4628622

Maybe. There might be a god that could affect robots. But my money's on no.

>> No.4628626

I do believe he is taking than bombing everything cost money and we'll need some left when we are overrun by nigger, spics and hobos.

>> No.4628628

Nukes aren't the best thing. They're too powerful and have annoying side effects.

>> No.4628629

No, Japan will have the only robots in the world able to repel the alien menace. Don't you ever watch anime?

>> No.4628635

That was the point of that post.

>> No.4628640

Little, because history will show you that weapons will always be ahead of armor. Armor may surpass weapons, but it will generally only be for a very short period of time and incur gigantic costs in materials and maneuverability.

>> No.4628641

That was two different people.

>> No.4628658

Then where the fuck are my robot soldiers?

>> No.4628692

Same place as the mobile suits.

>> No.4628696

European plate mail surpassed the Japanese katana for centuries.

>> No.4628717

Yeah but they didn't fair so well against cudgels and other blunt weapons did it?

>> No.4628719

Yeah, too bad the never met and SUDDENLY GUNS EVERYWHERE! OH FUCK!

>> No.4628720


Newsflash, in war non-combatants die. Modern warfare has always been that way. It'd be easier to avoid civilians if opposing forces didn't place things like AA guns and SAM sites in (and *on top of*) civilian structures/complexes. But they do, because they know we'll think twice. If they were in the open, they'd be dead in a heartbeat.

That said, don't believe everything you hear about how good other "major" nations are in comparison to the US military. We can beat anyone if we go all-out. Russia has a very poorly funded military industrial complex, regardless of their propaganda, and China doesn't even have a Navy of any note (they *may* have their first ever aircraft carrier launched in a year or so).

When it comes to the military, the US is still the badass on the block.

As for the manned space program, NASA should remain a research organization. There's enough information out there now that a private space industry can exist (and to some extent already does, as many satellites are already launched using 3rd party launchers and launch vehicles).

>> No.4628739

Incidentally, the whole moon landing thing was America showing off to the U.S.S.R. When the Russians got into space first, the USA felt they had to one-up them by showing they could not only get into space, but they also had the technology reach the moon.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, nobody cared about space anymore.

>> No.4628741


Chinese are getting close. Not to mention they own half of USA business anyways.

>> No.4628745

Newsflash, the goal of war is not to make non-combatants die.

>> No.4628755

Strictly speaking, the goal of war is to defeat the enemy. Ethics and morality aren't necessarily required, and in fact make things harder when up against an enemy that's less ethical than you are.

>> No.4628767

>Chinese are getting close.

Big != Good
Ask yourself this, how the fuck would they GET all those soldiers from continent A to continent B?

>> No.4628768

Defeating the enemy isn't about killing everyone. The real world is shonen. The enemy of yesterday is the friend of tomorrow. Just look at Japan, we could have raped and pillaged it, but we didn't, we fed their post-war industrial complex so they would be a valuable ally against the Ruskies.

>> No.4628777

>When it comes to the military, the US is still the badass on the block.

Because nobody else want to put shitloads of money into military. Few nukes detonated in stratosphere will destroy 3/4 of your hi-tech equipment with EMP. Tactical nukes and neutron bombs will take care of the rest the rest. China and biggest european countries could do that with ease.

>> No.4628781

You don't stop an insurgency by killing civilians. That does not work.

>> No.4628784

Are you stupid or something? China has one of the biggest transportation networks in the world, both in the air and the sea. You know how hitler built up an airforce as an air-mail service?

>> No.4628787

The goal of modern warfare can vary, depending on the situation at hand.

Sometimes civilian deaths are an acceptable side effect.

The Chinese are nowhere near the ability of the US to wage war. They have a massive infantry, and that's about it. Your claim is like saying that the modern Nork army had any chance of coming out on top of S Korea because they have a massive infantry. S Korea would take a lot of initial losses but would have air superiority in about a day, because the Norks haven't advanced technologically past the 1950's in terms of military technology.

Now, obviously China isn't in that situation, but all they're really not a threat to the US due to their lack of a powerful Navy, the fact that they're all the way across the Pacific from US, and they have to worry about Japan, N Korea, India, AND Russia taking advantage of any conflict they might get into. They have more tech than the Norks or Iran, but they're decades behind us in combined forces effectiveness.

>> No.4628796

It's like I'm really in /k/.

>> No.4628811


Their army already is 2x bigger. And their technology is chasing your tech very fast. They have better personal rifles, just as good tanks and comparable aircrafts. Only your navy is significantly better.

>> No.4628828

Secretly ship soldiers in cargo crates of exported plastic goods. New York and Los Angeles are the first two cities to be taken over, due to their progressive and liberal stances, meaning citizens are not armed to defend themselves. Soon the entire East and West coast are taken over, leaving only rednecks with shotguns and couple of illegal AK-47s in farm country.

>> No.4628830

1) Yeah, nothing in the US military is hardened, at all. No sir.
2) Nukes have to be fairly close to the ground to be effective against anything remotely ground based, and much higher than the stratosphere to hit satellites in terms of EMP damage. There's very few countries with delivery vehicles capable of doing that on more than a one-by-one basis, and none of them are our enemies.

China has a horseshit Navy for transporting infantry. As said earlier, they don't even have one aircraft carrier yet. The majority of their Navy is intended for coast patrol in the form of about 4-dozen frigates.

They do have an okay land transport infrastructure, but that's a threat for its neighbors, not the US. To get to the US they'd need to go through Siberia into Alaska over the strait. Really poor idea.

>> No.4628852

>Paint plastic with lead paint. Have Chinese owned businesses distribute them to Americans. Watch American babies die due to lead poisoning. In one generation, there will be no Americans. Only immigrant Chinese.

>> No.4628859

>technology chasing yours very fast
[citation needed] China hasn't even changed their personal armament in 25 years at all. No one in the US military is using 25 year old rifles.

You should be an author. Good fiction. Here's what really happens:

US intelligence notices large troop movements into civilian areas, satellite shows them being there one day, then gone the next. Tracking of the ships and their manifests shows them to either be abberrant or too perfect. US Intelligence puts 2 and 2 together and the container ships have untimely "accidents" on the way to the West coast.

That's assuming perfect camouflage, of the troops. Tens of thousands of infantry in cargo containers for a couple weeks voyage? No way they'd be in fighting condition by the time they got to the US west coast.

>> No.4628866

Please move this discussion to /g/ or /k/

>> No.4628874

>and none of them are our enemies.


>> No.4628881

Please move this to /g/ or /k/

>> No.4628909


>> No.4628937

Can we go back to the original, i.e. the few, the proud, the japanese (for some reason it rhymed my head)

In addition, US can blow the fuck out of the chinks if they wanted, but the corporations that run the US government will not let them so they can tap into their emerging consumer market.

>> No.4628951

More like, they don't want to antagonize the people who own more of their debt.

>> No.4628963

and I forgot to mention, JEWS

>> No.4628970

Why engage in war if there is not profit in it? For the sake of killing people pointlessly? Wars must be fought for economic reasons and economic reasons alone.

>> No.4628981

It doesn't have to be exclusively economic, but they do play large underlying roles. Take for example the American Civil war, where the divide over the morality of slavery was exacerbated by industrialization & urbanization in the North and plantation power in the South.

>> No.4628986

>You will never enter Gensokyo.
>Life will never be enjoyable.
>You will never find a suitable, loving mate.

>> No.4628993


And chinks can blow up USA. Same as Russia, England and France can. Same as Germany and Japan could in a year if they started building nuclear weapons.

>> No.4629045

lets look at this form a typical redneck point of view
the more desperate and poor the US becomes (and with the teabaggers with sarah palin in power) the more they will think "instead of paying our debt, let's nuke them"

>> No.4629102

In 30 years chinese military will catch up with USA. EU could do that in less than 20 years, but they don't care about military. If Japan was allowed to build carriers and ships with nuclear reactors they would catch up with US navy in 10-15 years.

>> No.4629160

please don't mind my ignorance, but why is Japan's military capped, is it some agreement made after WWII?

>> No.4629244

Ketsui, much?

>> No.4629264


Did you even go to high school?

>> No.4629336


Yeah, cuz the staggeringly huge US military research budget will result in the US standing still militarily?

Flawed reasoning is flawed.

>> No.4629901

Keep this shit on /n/.
