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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46277520 No.46277520 [Reply] [Original]

When did you accept you were an otaku?

When did you accept it was ok to be an otaku?

>> No.46277646

Seeing male Japanese models post their loli figurines online reinforced my belief that people only hate otaku if they are ugly and unhygienic.

>> No.46277652

It's almost like people don't like ugly and smelly people.
What freaks.

>> No.46277697

>When did you accept you were an otaku?
No idea. It's been so long ago that it feels like It's been this way my entire life.
>When did you accept it was ok to be an otaku?
It is?

>> No.46278389

It is if you are OK with it

>> No.46283074

When I realised my attraction to my little sister

When I consumated it

>> No.46283229

when star blazers came on tv when i was like 5 years old

>> No.46283245

Never and never

>> No.46283849

I accepted it way back in the day. I think k-on + lucky star was the trigger for me. After seeing those, I accepted that japanese shit touches me in a way most people don't.

I wouldn't say being an otaku is accepted. Anime, japanese games, etc. is accepted but only when it appeals to normies (shonen, seinen, and edgy shit like punpun or lain most recently.

I collect figurines and many normies who have seen them say I'm a pedophile for it. Goes to show you that being an otaku is not, and probably will never, be accepted.

>> No.46284409

About 2 years ago, which was when I started buying weeb merch

>> No.46284417

No -18 are allowed in 4chan

>> No.46284451

I can't possibly be an otaku since I visit /jp/

>> No.46284984

when I was like 12

and also being an otaku is just another hobby as long as you ain't the fiendiest fiend, hotgluing figures and acting like you're a bonafide Japanese person and shit

>> No.46291295

The Genshiken anime was what introduced me to the concept, so I never had a negative view of it. I respect people who are sincere about their hobbies, almost no matter what their hobbies are.
I'm not sure I'm an otaku myself, though. I don't really need to label myself to know who I am.

>> No.46293986


>> No.46294621

I don't own any figures or posters, so I don't know if I can consider myself an otaku.

>> No.46295484

otaku have many hobbies. most of them do rotate around collecting. a lot of it is artsy and mastering painting as to one day paint a fine garage kit. or maybe it's just taking care of banzai trees. japanese bug collecting. it doesn't even have to be anime themed at all. japan themed. learning japanese and having a passion for japanese culture. figures and posters are just all normalfags know about otaku. at that, they're likely to only mention azumanga, serial experiments lain or eva. they're normalfags who got online during the pandemic and it's just the new emo or whatever. usual counter culture wanna be's.

all you need to be otaku is japanese language, a love for something japanese. anime, VNs and figurines are just a big part of all that as it is the art form.

>> No.46302865

What exactly is an otaku?
isn't just someone like a collector or hobbyist?

>> No.46303673

You don't need either of those to be an otaku. Knowledge and devotion to the thing you love is what truly makes someone an otaku.

>> No.46303776

When I realized by creating an anime list that I have watched close to 600 animes.
And when I started Hololive and buying jrpg.
I said fuck it, I consume so much jp shit might as well learn the language just like I did with english.

>> No.46306539

Good, i don't want them to like it either and i don't care what they think of me

>> No.46309392

probably one of the worst thing can happen to you , anime and manga in occident was a mistake

>> No.46311914

it's fine half these retards only watch popular normalfag anime. they'll sit through lucky star and other celebratory anime and not understand a single reference to any other medium ever. specific threads on /a/ and other boards are more /jp/. /jp/ is the "early 2000s otalu cultwur board!!"
this is the animecore board.

>> No.46312045

it's not 2009 anymore oldfag

>> No.46312345

>they'll sit through lucky star and other celebratory anime and not understand a single reference to any other medium ever
t. the type of fuckass that thought drill dentist robot was gurren lagann reference and not getter 2 reference, I can smell it in you

>> No.46312657

I’m still a beginner. I used to watch some of the anime and read most of current or obscure manga up until I started listening to vocaloid like God-Ish and began to like it but the whole scene is filled with autism of different characters and terminology that I don’t know much about. I pirated some Erodge games and enjoyed it but my dick is left in shambles so I probably have to recharge it.

>> No.46312681

I probably wouldn’t consider myself an Otaku that much. My interests are still vastly classic western media (I’m not fond of current gen stuffs) and while I do enjoy Japanese stuff once in a while, it feels much harder to get into due to language barrier, different net culture, how japan always seems so innocent and naive from the rest of the world that I can’t help but feel jealous and also grateful for them, etc.

>> No.46313463
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It was some sort of realizing it at a random point type of thing. Seeing people talk about how strange some weeaboos are didn't bother me at first, but now I pity them because they just don't get it.
It greatly depends on what some people think an otaku is, of course they'll probably think differently but in this day in age, they'll probably call it brave just to not offend anyone.
> Anime, japanese games, etc., is accepted but only when it appeals to normies
>and edgy shit like punpun or lain most recently.
I don't think Lain is that enjoyed by normalfags; most of them don't care/Only use it as a status symbol; either way, it's a good point.
I relate to this post, I have been learning Japanese but sometimes I feel like it's too much to learn something just to play a couple of games, I know it's going to be useful in the long run, but it's such a time waster.

>> No.46316140
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When I got a bit far into my Japanese learning journey. For most of my life (since middle school or so) I've just accepted myself as a weeb, joining the crowd of "it's embarrassing to be considered an otaku." And later on, I'd look down on anyone else (gaijin) who'd call themselves such, as just a dumb newfag who didn't understand 'you're not supposed to call yourself that, you lack self awareness'

It was only when socializing with actual Nips, where I'd not only get called an otaku but, when describing myself I'd end up using the term myself as well, considering it was the only other fitting choice within their vocabulary. My whole lifestyle quite literally revolves around Japanese media, and only recently when it's been trying to stray from that, it still ends up in western nerd territory anyway. I'm a grown adult and yet still all I can ever get excited about in life is media. Just as with english, the only other Nips I can have an actual conversation with have to be otaku-oriented.
I am an otaku. And it's no longer embarrassing to say it; on the contrary now calling myself a weeb seems more embarrassing. Weeb is never used literally (wannabe Japanese) so much as it's just the actual means of saying otaku but you're too self conscious to call yourself that because of your nationality. It's childish. Well, it's childish to really get hung up on any label as they're all insubstantial; but most especially as a self reflection during social interactions.

>> No.46317220

>When did you accept you were an otaku?
Around 2 years ago.
>When did you accept it was ok to be an otaku?
A month ago. Life fucking sucks so I might as well be happily indulging the funny drawings instead, and even though new games and anime are shit, we've got multiple decades of content to catch up on so we're not gonna run out any time soon.

>> No.46322309

literally in january, when i started learning japanese for good.

idk abt the second question tho, it was sorta forced but also obvious at the same time

>> No.46322467

real otaku are pretty dedicated, I don't think a lot of people on her would actually qualify as one.

>> No.46328624

>When did you accept you were an otaku?
When my mother posited that I might be one. I was in denial about it but someone who isnt even familiar Japanese stuff could suggest that I might be one then I was definitely one.

>When did you accept it was ok to be an otaku?
Pretty much immediately after I got over the shock of getting called an otaku by my mother. I was already fine with otakus so I just needed to pointed out to me that I was one

>> No.46335024
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>Weeb is never used literally (wannabe Japanese)
Funny how weeaboo leapt from wapanese and became the blanket term it is today. Whenever I see it used in a self-descriptive way (like labeling your hobbies "weebshit"), it has a detached, ironic connotation even if context says otherwise.
Otaku has its own problems, but makes sense that some anons gravitate towards it as the more genuine of the two.

>> No.46335495

I would fall into the otaku category but my special interest isn't Japanese at all. Do I live, breath, and bleed for what it is I am passionate about, sometimes to my detriment? Absolutely.

>> No.46337934

199...7? 8?
Tbh I caught the "Chinese cartoons and vidya gaem are so cool!" kind of illness very early in life... potentially way too early. We talk 5yo lil shit fighting with his twin bro over what they gonna watch on TV - General Daimos or usual evening cartoon block on Polish TV.

>> No.46350457

Last Tuesday.

>> No.46351341

I think weeb sounds cute. Phonetically, it's a good word.

>> No.46351884
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It clicked when I watched Otaku no Video. God I wish I had otaku friends.

>> No.46364257
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>When did you accept you were an otaku?
During my recent month long travel in Japan. Mind you I only simp for Touhou. But once I landed in Nippon I let myself go and bought and went to all sorts of 2hu related shit, making me go on incredible and fun adventures and make many good friends. I loved it so much I vowed to go back for good.
But to answer the question, I knew I was otaku once I took photos of my Remi fumo in public places and wore pins and 2hu pieces of clothing and was reading doujins and official literature in cafés and realized I didn't give a shit about what others might have thought, I was having so much fun. Dunno if it makes me an otaku but I wouldn't mind being called that.

>> No.46370274

As soon as i realized that liking something a lot wasn't wrong

>> No.46371097
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I'm just too otacool to care if it is "ok" or not. This is just the way I am.

>> No.46371743

I was born this way.

>> No.46382551


>> No.46382644

Well, I guess I am a bitch/hypocrite to say the least. I look down on people who have lewd anime car decals and who wear anime tshirts a lot, despite having learned Japanese and reading and buying Japanese manga and visual novels. I don't mind talking about it as people get to know me better, or online if it isn't linked to my real life identity though. I make gunpla with my closest friend in real life too, etc. I guess I do associate people who are very open about liking anime/Japanese media with autistic idiots who can't shut up and don't actually want to listen to anyone else speak but themselves, and drag you into listening to their rants with no interruptions, people who can't read social cues of people who are genuinely interested vs people who aren't.
I don't think it's necessarily fair to say Japanese otaku are more dedicated, though I think being an otaku in Japan IS different from being an otaku in another country. Everything is so much more accessible, if that same person magically was in another country they wouldn't be able to indulge in the same way in their hobby/ or favorite series. ANY Otaku from another country basically has to put work in to close a certain cultural gap between Japan and their own native culture that a Japanese person just doesn't even have to bother about, let alone figure out the logistics of shipping certain things. That's not even counting the whole learning another language business a foreigner otaku has to go through. Obviously westaboo otaku in Japan aren't the same as ones that reside in their respective country etc in terms of their access to materials/things generally speaking.

>> No.46382708

I liked Japanese things my whole life. At one point, I was a self-righteous weed who looked down on manga/anime and only liked "sophisticated" Japanese things like novels, old movies, etc. Then I stopped being a faggot and realized that everything about Japanese culture is fascinating, worthwhile, and under attack by the modern world.

>> No.46382759

I'm on this board for the Touhou discussions but I don't think I like any of the other things that fall under the otaku umbrella enough to be considered one. Anime, otaku oriented video games, VNs, idols, seiyuu, Vtubers, all things I have little to no interest in.

I do like the doujin music though. That's what got me into the Touhou rabbit hole in the first place. I was also big into VK when I was younger too if that counts. Haven't kept up with either of those things in recent years though, beyond what I randomly come across on Youtube sometimes.

>> No.46392125


>> No.46392195

>When did you accept you were an otaku?
Idk, like 5 or 6 years ago

>When did you accept it was ok to be an otaku?
Kind of recently. When I was a kid I used to get made fun of alot because I liked vidya games and anime, so I always felt embarrassed by it.

>> No.46392498
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When I started to play Riichi Mahjong

Also I am also obsessed with anime lesbians.
