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File: 125 KB, 800x600, fuck you creators.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4627201 No.4627201 [Reply] [Original]

Visual novel characters who desperately needed a route of their own.

Pic related

>> No.4627223

Generic tsundere imouto-chans do not deserve their own route.

>> No.4627224
File: 57 KB, 500x458, himawari_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a route but it's nothing more than an introduction to the story.
No happy ending, you don't even get to fuck her in her route, for the character who seem to be the main heroine at first glance it's pretty sad.

>> No.4627229

Nanjou's would've been a much more interesting route.

>> No.4627230 [DELETED] 



Aya was annoying.

>> No.4627237

Anonymous that started playing YMK and start to create different threads about it in a short period of time.

OP related

>> No.4627254


Seconding Nanjou, why is it the best girl never gets a route ;_;

>> No.4627273

Yeah, OP, you should just stream yourself playing, then we can all make funny comments as we watch you, and the board won't get cluttered!

>> No.4627420
File: 217 KB, 463x600, misha_perky_sad_close.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4627445


There are four Touhou threads on the front page right now.

Most don't have any text in the OP.

You shut your faggot mouth.

>> No.4627458

she'sw not the best girl, she only looks like she would be the best because you can't play her route

>> No.4627483

