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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4624524 No.4624524 [Reply] [Original]

how many of you actually speak japanese? how did you learn?

>> No.4624537

I keep little japanese girls in my basement and I slowly eat them them for lunch.

>> No.4624532

i don't
but i watch all my japshows on keyhole

not that japshows are hard to understand because of their visuals

>> No.4624540

>how many of you actually speak japanese?

Roughly 30% of /jp/

>how did you learn?


>> No.4624539

By eating the heart of Japanese warriors.

>> No.4624543

I have a BA in Japanese. Currently looking for a job. Using AJATT to achieve fluency in the mean time.

>> No.4624551

By moving to Japan.

It's the only way.

>> No.4624560

everyone on that's been on /jp/ for at least 2 months speaks japanese.
i learned it by eating a japanese person.

>> No.4624569

>BA in Japanese

Holy shit, people like this actually exist?

>> No.4624570

Tons of studying and tons of raw animu, mango, and VNs.

>> No.4624590

Finished a degree last year in German & Japanese.

I speak the language fairly well, but one thing I will say is that the above (having a degree in it) is not in any way indicative of that. In my experience at least Japanese classes are just as full of KAWAII DESU NE Narutards as you'd expect... the contrast I found in my German classes was remarkable. Japanese study groups were like working with special needs kids.

>> No.4624599

i can say sushi and sumo. that's about the extent of jap language i know. oh and ninja.

>> No.4624606


Yeah. And the hilarious part is they often can't even pass JLPT2. Useless degree is useless.

>> No.4624615


That's not our fault. If schools taught AJATT I bet it would be so easy. My classes were so fucking shitty.

>> No.4624645

If we knew Japanese we would be at 2chan.

>> No.4624648


I would but it's no fun to just read and not reply.

>> No.4624657

non japanese ips are banned now

>> No.4624667


2chan is not that great ya know

>> No.4624668

Futaba Chan then?

>> No.4624673

>implying one cannot browse/frequent more than one chan site.

>> No.4624676

I assume that by "2chan" they mean Futaba.

As far as I know 2ch doesn't ban non-Japanese IPs...

>> No.4624707

speak? Fairly well
read? Not really...

I'm way too lazy to ever learn all these Kanji.

Also this >>4624551

>> No.4624712

by a little peek on books, watching tons of subtitled anime, learned a couple of lectures from the people around me...

watching tons of subtitled anime was much of an influence...

>> No.4624748

1 year ago I knew less than 5 kanji and only basic grammar and I still managed to pass the JLPT2

>> No.4624765

A ha ha oh wow.

>> No.4624788
File: 51 KB, 640x480, dlanor angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I knew less than 5 kanji and only basic grammar and I still managed to pass the JLPT2
I don't believe it. It's impossible.

>> No.4624799

I'm still trying to learn japanese from a guy at my school whose actually willing to teach me it. I haven't gotten that far yet, but he's trying to teach me in a mixed order.

>> No.4624802

To be more precise, I started studying last April and studied a lot during the 9 months and passed the last winter's exam. I didn't mean I knew 5 kanji at the time of the test.

>> No.4624812
File: 43 KB, 640x480, killer erika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now it's better. I believe you.

>> No.4624864

I'm thinking of pursuing a degree in Japanese. I'm in Jpn 102 right now and my classes are really great. I'd love to learn more but it seems like methods such as Heisig or AJAAT don't pair well with formal classes.

>> No.4624873

Japanese is the only language I can speak.

>> No.4624886

It's impossible because without knowing kanji you can not read the questions. Well. Without without knowing kanji you can not read the answers as well

>> No.4624888



>> No.4624904

applemilk taught me everything i know

>> No.4624931


i personally found her lessons to be a little too intense

>> No.4624971

Can you tell us what you did on an average day of studying? I'm doing ok but these last few weeks I got sucked back into the pit of despair called 4chan.

>> No.4625016

Kanji took the most time since I had to learn about 5 new kanji every day during that time. So every other day I studied 10 kanji and on the next day reviewed them. The time that I had after kanji I spent on grammar and later on reading comprehension too.

>> No.4625023

heisig + kanjidicks + kanji.koohii.com + tae kim

>> No.4625048

>how many of you actually speak japanese? how did you learn?

I don't speak Japanese, but I can understand and read a fair amount. Started off with Heisig and Tae Kim, after which I've been playing eroge in Japanese every day for a few hours. Nowadays I can read pretty much any eroge no problem, except for clusterfucks like Railsoft games for which I need to look up words and kanji all the damn time.

>> No.4625070

I know like 1700 kanji.
Still can't read shit.

>> No.4625080

I managed to raise my level from JLPT3 to JLPT2 in one year without studying extremely hard. I made fansubs (improving vocabulary and listening skills) and learned JLPT2-kanji when I had spare time. Then I read a whole episode of Umineko in Japanese, and my power-level went up with a few hundred kanji, and at the same time, I finally learned to read fluently.

>> No.4625094


>> No.4625117
File: 128 KB, 1000x1423, jlpt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

mostly on my own with books and some help from forums, but I also attended classes at a university for a year and got some rare chances to speak with natives, too.

>> No.4625120

"read fluently" means that I can read the text and understand most of it without using the dictionary.

>> No.4625149

You can read easier shit fluently long before you are at JLPT1 level. Not Umineko or the like but more all-ages stuff will be fine.
