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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 769x700, 1268014398946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4621953 No.4621953 [Reply] [Original]

Done anything creative today? Probably not, but now's the time to. Show us what you're working on, or what you plan to do, be it drawing, music or writing and let's make some OC.

>> No.4621970

guessing all the drawfags are asleep

>> No.4621975

Actually yes, I just finished another chapter in the book I'm writing.

it's about an near immortal clone living underground on a war ravaged earth, he's trying to make his living as a mercenary and he pilots a 4 meter tall mech, things take a twist when the underground city He lives in gets attacked after one of his missions. It's attacked by ancient autonomous mechs from eons ago that have awakened again and decided to finish their job. the rest of the story goes as the main character tries to remember what happened in his past (He can only remember the last 70 years of his life) and how he can stop total destruction of mankind

>> No.4621979


That sounds really similar to Gunbuster actually, not that that's a bad thing. How many chapters have you finished so far?

>> No.4621980
File: 30 KB, 558x353, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4621984

My work has nothing to do with /jp/, so I'll pass.

>> No.4621994
File: 549 KB, 1404x2000, THE SUN AND THE MOON_041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently, I'm supposed to translate this

>> No.4621997

Gonna need that in latin.

>> No.4622000

I lack drive and talent and I have a profusion of laziness and an incredible ability to procrastinate.

Incredible qualities for a drawfag-in-training.

>> No.4622007
File: 97 KB, 480x640, Image001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4622018
File: 100 KB, 480x640, Image004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, it's beautiful even without painting it

>> No.4622025

just give up now. it's so easy. give in

>> No.4622026
File: 566 KB, 1076x1004, 1238813477805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prefabricated figurines
>"original" content

>> No.4622038


It's cool anon, the thread is about showing the stuff you're working on, and figs are /jp/ related. Let's just take it easy.

>> No.4622052

about 5, I had 17 before but I scrapped the idea because I didn't like how i was pacing the story. now I got a pace I like and trying it again.

there's gonna be an prequel book telling the fans about the first one what had happened to the earth and how the main character came to be and who he was a clone of.

I should be done in about 1 or 2 months, it should be published in 9 months or so. the Title is gonna be called Apollyon. the prequel is gonna be called The Vangaurd War. and if I feel like it I'll make a sequel called Appolyon: a Haunting Past about what happened after the first book.

>> No.4622058

Did lantern bro ever finish that yakumo sinestro pic?

>> No.4622064

>I lack drive and talent and I have a profusion of laziness and an incredible ability to procrastinate.
Hi there, me.

Not really /jp/ related, but I'm (slowly) working on a Valkyria Chronicles mod for Company of Heroes. A couple of you might have seen me mention this before on other boards.
Anyone interested/want to know more?

>> No.4622074


Are you planning to publish the book, or have you already got publishing? Alternatively, are you just planning to release it free online and try gain some recognition, though I'm not even sure if that works.

>> No.4622083

>I should be done in about 1 or 2 months, it should be published in 9 months or so.

yeah I'm gonna publish it when I'm done.

>> No.4622091


Sorry, I interpreted publish as meaning you'd finish it. Either way, it sounds pretty cool. Have you written any other books?

>> No.4622098
File: 1.78 MB, 634x1374, sandwhich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this today /jp/

>> No.4622104
File: 2.10 MB, 639x1918, flawless logic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this

>> No.4622109

Good job.

>> No.4622126

I'll check them out when they finish loading in a couple hours.

>> No.4622128

Still waiting for the writer who was going to make me a script to draw. I hope he hasn't given up.

>> No.4622135

while you're waiting, why not take some requests or show us what else you've drawn recently?

>> No.4622136

no I used to write shitty fanfictions for CCS and Gundam, and no I'm not linking those too you since I hated my style of writing back then.

>> No.4622142

The 90's called, they want their dial-up back.

>> No.4622242

bump for more content

>> No.4622255

bumping wont make us any less lazy

>> No.4622285


Let me rephrase then; bumping in the hopes some of the fre non-lazy people browsing /jp/ will see this and be encouraged to create some OC.

>> No.4622286

unless you feel like reading a bit from my book.

It was a Dream...

All I could hear was the ringing in my ears, oh how I wish it to stop! All I could feel was a fire across my back, and a drum in my head. Even though I can feel these earthly pains I stand in whiteness, with a holo-monitor. It’s always the same... I stand their looking at a screen portraying my life, but nothing of what I want to see. Always the horrors that haunt me, lives I’ve snuffed out, destruction that I’ve caused. Images of battles, of torment. It haunts me, makes me want to pull my heart out of my chest! The choking feeling always nags at me... Never leaves me... Until I wake...
I looked at myself in the mirror, and saw someone nearly zombie-like staring back. Six and a half foot tall. Scruffy, dirty black hair. Left brown eye, and right one red, a slight discoloration around my right eye. Across my body I saw many scars, my right arm was gone, in it’s place was a metallic limb. A prostheses. Same was true for my entire right leg. Half my abdomen was missing too, in place was a metal bracer for my left side. I can’t remember what happened to them, for as long as I could remember, I’ve had these. I can only remember the past 70 years of my life, and I haven’t changed physically in all that time.

>> No.4622290

I turned my back to the mirror, and assessed the damage. A large cut, stretched across my back, from my left shoulder and too the right side of my lower back. That might get infected. Flash backs of the days before played through my mind, I was ontop of a cargo truck manning a machine gun, we were transporting valuables from one city to another. Stuff like food and medical supplies. It was a low tier escort job. There wasn’t supposed to be any trouble, but a scum infested gang tried stealing the supplies. On had gotten on the transport with a machete and decided to see if was still sharp by slashing it across my back. On top of all that the second transport was demolished. Which is why I only got 2,600 creds’, instead of the promised 5,000. Which left me short on a huge upgrade for my Armored Power Frame that I wanted.

Sighing I got into the vapor shower.

>> No.4622294

I think non-lazy people look past the first page.

>> No.4622298


Damn, you're right. Guess I'll just camp out on this thread and see if anything cool happens.

>> No.4622360

I would post one of the songs I have made, but I know for a fact that it will be rejected and insulted.

>> No.4622370

I finished writing my barcode reader for my programming assignment.

>> No.4622371
File: 52 KB, 774x570, yukkuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this using my mastery over MS Paint. Van Gogh could not have done better.

>> No.4622373

What are you afraid of? Gonna quit working if people make fun of you? Just post it.

>> No.4622375
File: 15 KB, 622x447, animechan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4622376

what he said, besides your not a trip and you don't have to worry about this tainting your future posts.

>> No.4622377
File: 6 KB, 256x192, phidiasyuyuyu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DS stylus + Phidias. I can take it easy like this.

>> No.4622381

I don't work. I don't go outside. I just make music. Fine, if you want to hear it that badly then don't say I didn't warn you.


>> No.4622384

I'm in the mood for music.

I'll give real constructive criticism.

>> No.4622395

I can dig it. Has a nice old sound.

>> No.4622398

I meant working on music. Sorry, I know work has highly negative connotations around here.

>> No.4622403
File: 10 KB, 500x500, rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually isn't as bad as I thought it would be, I rather like it.

>> No.4622407

Cool beat, nice and old school. but you know what, you just associated trollers with Cool cats. now every time I see a troll on 4 chan I'm going to picture them all jazzy with their posts.

>> No.4622408

I'm stopping by the local hobby store tomorrow to look for either a Me 262 or Bf 110 model in nightfighter configuration. Not exactly related to the topic, but at least I am doing something somewhat creative. Maybe I can add a Rumia or Mystia decal to it.

>> No.4622409

Not my intention. Also, I am not a drummer. This must be known.

>> No.4622413
File: 73 KB, 308x276, yuyut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4622414

make one with a Ran decal! do it! you know you want too!

but yeah atleast you can make a decal. I suck at painting my models so I usually don't bother.

>> No.4622417

I know but it's gonna happen now.

>> No.4622423

You can print waterslide decals with your printer. They sell the paper you need at hobby stores.

>> No.4622429

stop being so easily influenced.

>> No.4622431


>> No.4622445

sorry, i've got a very active imagination. people used to have fun with me making me picture things just by saying something.
don't be, not your fault. good song though.

>> No.4622450
File: 42 KB, 477x500, dotty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only terribly scratchy black and white mspaints unfortunately.

>> No.4622460

that's hell of a lot better then anything I can do.

>> No.4622463

I think thats really good.

>> No.4622466

if we're going to say things like this, the entire thread will be full of worthless anons going "wow you're better than me" so best to cut that shit out

>> No.4622473
File: 43 KB, 772x446, tea2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one's a lot cleaner.

>> No.4622487

well shit man, you've been practicing. You just need to practice colouring. soon you'll be making VNs.

>> No.4622498

oh, that is pretty nice. good job anon.

>> No.4622502

>>4622381 here.
Here's another one I did about a year ago. It's not as good as the other one. But you might as well listen to it.

>> No.4622508


no link

>> No.4622524

One day, you need some money for crack so you take a job testing magical spells for Patchy. You are sitting in her library scratching your balls when Little Bitch summons you to the inner sanctum. Inside, Patchy beckons you to stand in front of her. She asks you to gently lift up her robe. You do so, revealing her massive, rock-hard penis. She tries to explain about some kind of magical accident but you really need your crack fix so you tell her to get on with it. She tells you to suck her cock to release the magical energy. She moans a bit as you rub your hands up and down her engorged shaft. Her boner is the width of your forearm. You get on your knees and insert her dick into your mouth. It’s so big that you begin gagging when not even half of its length is inside your mouth. You run your tongue along her wang, making sure to give her urethra some attention with the tip of your tongue. Patchy’s moans become louder as you scrape your teeth on her ultra-hard member. Summoning up your courage, you even manage to close your lips around her rod and suck hard. This seems to excite Patchy the most, as she cums with a shout, sending gallons of delicious Breyers® ice cream down your throat.

>> No.4622527

I forgot the damn link

>> No.4622531

Gallons of sweet ice cream fill up your stomach, force their way into your intestines, and gush into your lungs. You roll around on the floor gasping for labored, vanilla-tasting breaths. Patchy still isn’t finished, though. Koakuma rips off your kilt and Patchy jams her schlong into your throbbing pink anus. The force of her pecker entering your rectum feels like being sodomized with a fire hydrant. You can feel your colon and intestines splitting open as her piss weasel sundered your innards. Patchy thrusts her pork sword in and out with clockwork repetition, literally tearing you a new one with each heave-ho. Each of your coughs tightens your asshole and increases Patchy’s pleasure to “hole” new heights. Eventually she cums again and this time, her disco stick unleashes burning hot lava into your body. The magma mixes with the ice cream to form a steam explosion inside your chest cavity, blowing it wide open and sending your organs splattering against the wall. Koakuma immediately begins cremating your body on the spot, before you are even fully dead. The end.

>> No.4622539

>posts the same mf link

Dammit man, stop teasing us.

>> No.4622549

>doesn't know how to use mediafire very well.
Sorry. My mistake.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/gqumjm5oyde/Some Jazz Crap.mp3

It wasn't worth the wait.

>> No.4622557

who manufactures crack in gensokyo?

>> No.4622558

The piano sounds, untuned, or the notes are played too high.

>> No.4622559

I like this much more than the first song. Who does the drumming? I really love jazz drumming.

>> No.4622563

Youka? Rinnosuke?

>> No.4622617
File: 71 KB, 282x569, marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on drawing another Marisa to hold my necklace my aunt bought me since this one is pretty old.
Shitty picture quality.

>> No.4622638


Holy shit, that's pretty awesome anon. I would totally buy that if they sold them here...

>> No.4622643

You mean the necklace right?

>> No.4622644

got any bass tabs for that song? sounds like something i'd want to try play

>> No.4622652


I think you know what I mean.

>> No.4622662

Right, the necklace. I'm afraid I must disagree with you, the chain looks a bit long for me.

>> No.4622668

Why buy it? Marisa is easy to draw to make your own one.
Can you draw?

>> No.4622709
File: 247 KB, 700x700, work-on-this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going to finish this at some point but forgot why.

>> No.4622735

That'd make a pretty nice album cover.

>> No.4622757


I was thinking the same thing... the design looks pretty cool.

>> No.4622759

You're more than welcome to use it like that. 'Course, I'd feel bad for letting you use something I've tossed in the trash.

>> No.4622760


dangerous levels of samefaggotry

>> No.4622761

thumbnail looks like giygas

>> No.4622772

Not quite, but if it weren't me that posted the image I'd think the same thing.. Timestamps on >>4622757 and >>4622759 are a bit too close.

>> No.4622776

Mother of fuck, I did not mean to use ellipses there.

>> No.4622787

because i like combining obscure things

>> No.4622800


Sorry for complimenting his design anon, surely it was just me sucking someone else's cock for the sake of it. We don't really have anything to gain from praising people in here, so just take it easy.

>> No.4622860

It's alright Mugen, you don't need to hide from us anymore. We accept you for who you are.

>> No.4622911
File: 398 KB, 1920x1200, luka_bw_bg_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ /jp/ creativity.

>> No.4622976
File: 791 KB, 465x426, laughing-man-akiba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this several months ago. Most of /jp/ has forgotten about it or wasn't lurking at the time, so it's effectively new.

>> No.4623070
File: 145 KB, 644x656, JamSessionWynaOlandaFS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piano sounds out of tune because it IS out of tune. I can't afford a new one or a keyboard so it's the only one I had at my disposal. I wish I could afford one, but as I said before, I am unemployed and don't go outside. All I do is play music, read and watch anime.
I am the one drumming. In both tracks, I am playing all the instruments. Not at once of course, but I layer tracks over each other. Drums first, then I did the double bass line, then the piano, the guitar and finally the lead guitar.
No I don't actually. I improvised and kinda rolled with it. It's a simple bass line so it should be easy to figure out. Sorry about the inconvenience. PROTIP: If you didn't figure it out, it's in the key of A minor.

Are there any other musicians that frequent /jp/?

>> No.4623100

The only thing I can think of is that it was one of the people standing around during the stabbing spree thing.

>> No.4623117

Yeah. Besides myself and some other Anonymous, there's VDZ. Zamboza hasn't posted for almost a year, I think.

>> No.4623134
File: 1.44 MB, 4820x1879, Untitled-1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for once yes, working on a preferences dialog

>> No.4623152

>he watches ayako subs

>> No.4623160

I'll watch whatever is out

>> No.4623190
File: 85 KB, 500x772, 100312p4police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, a /jp/ thread that's actually interesting? Amazing.

Rough color comp of an illust I'm working on. Not terrifically /jp/-related, though, sorry.

>> No.4623348
File: 47 KB, 800x600, spm_title.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

Making an Engrish visual novel about a Japanese delinquent known as 'Pompadour' who "no fuc around".

WIP: http://www.mediafire.com/?zwzezcchnyx

>> No.4623369

>el honk

For a second I thought Youmu was saying "Honk Honk"

>> No.4623386
File: 92 KB, 546x1450, pointing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few terrible bedroom recorded metal/rock songs that are uncompressed and not worth posting. I play lead in the band which right now has 2 guitarists, a keyboardist, and a drummer. We actually have like 5 songs now, but have yet to record the other 3.

So have this gaijin 4koma for now.

>> No.4623387
File: 91 KB, 700x976, Konatachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this awhile ago

>> No.4623401
File: 96 KB, 502x667, wtv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not /jp/ related but eh.

Any requests? No touhou, though.

>> No.4623405

Hiri-chan or Sids-chan

>> No.4623406

mecha musume Saab Gripen

>> No.4623407

>Any requests? No touhou, though.

you to fuck off and die in a fire

>> No.4623408

Draw some Idolm@ster yuri.

>> No.4623410

Draw /jp/-tan.

Use your imagination. I would like to know how she looks like.

>> No.4623415

Hey, are you interested at all in finishing the virus vn thing? We could even make it a small one-route thing just to put it to rest.

>> No.4623419


>> No.4623434

That site is fucking retarded.

>> No.4623438

>/k/ - Weapons
>not hotarufag


>> No.4623448

this thread makes /jp/ seem kind of creative. maybe I should learn to do something cool as well..

>> No.4623461
File: 590 KB, 652x1276, LAZER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here /jp/, I drew you a shitty webcomic.

>> No.4623477

Better than Colonel_AKI.

>> No.4623479

One day, you are tasked with improving real estate values in Gensokyo. Your first task is to remove a giant drunken sleeping Suika that is depressing the local housing market with her constant drooling and farts. You are gathering your demolitions equipment when you spot Chen. You immediately decapitate her and add her fangs and claws to your chainsaw, turning it into a Chensaw. You climb into the giant Suika’s snatch and put on your gas mask. When you arrive at her cervix, you rev up your Chensaw and begin burrowing your way inside her body. Suika is so drunk that she doesn’t even feel you carving up her organs. You carve a straight line through her intestines to her stomach, where your Chensaw finally gives out. You throw it into the stomach acid, where it immediately begins dissolving. Unsheathing your machete, you slice open her stomach and crawl out into her chest cavity. Her giant heart, the size of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, beats before you. You take out your Mini-Nuke and set its timer, and then you cut a hole in her heart and throw it in. Now you have mere minutes to escape before you get barbecued. You slice a hole in her windpipe and crawl inside, making your way up toward her mouth. When you finally get there, her teeth are closed shut, so you punch one of her teeth until it shatters and slip between her lips. Once outside, you slide down her cheek as the atomic bomb in her chest explodes, covering you in a crushing wave of incinerated flesh and boiled blood. Suika was now an irradiated crater. Unfortunately, you got fired because homeowners complained of numerous mutations from the radiation, most of which involved growing multiple penises. The end.

>> No.4623503


Okay, I chuckled.

>> No.4623512

Thanks bro, I think I need to learn how to shade though, and learn to use photoshop properly, and to stop drawing so bad.


>> No.4623515
File: 499 KB, 1280x1024, screenshot21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some progress on my game.
It's a 3d game with a WW1 feel except with steam powered flying battleships.
It's got no danmaku in it though so I don't think /jp/ would like it.

>> No.4623517

I don't know man, steam powered flying battleships sound kinda cool.

>> No.4623521

>Valkyria Chronicles mod
>Company of Heroes
You wouldn't happen to have a thread up at relicnews.com would you?

>> No.4623529

Do I see turrets? Cause I think I can glimpse some turrets.

If you're in doubt, just keep adding turrets until it IS a danmaku game. Problem solved.

>> No.4623535 [DELETED] 
File: 555 KB, 4252x2268, hirimuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did this today :/

>> No.4623545

is that you rk?

>> No.4623556

Still taking it easy; living the /jp/ dream.

>> No.4623565 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 449x270, slashface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4623572

Don't fucking start, especially in this thread.

>> No.4623576 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 461x345, dunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okays.... bye :/

>> No.4623581

ah fuck, oh well - thread was fun while it lasted


>> No.4623582
File: 42 KB, 426x191, cheeen copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having problems with coming up with a new text for this macro image. Chen Ballin' every night would sound redundant but I don't have any other ideas.

>> No.4623584

Not at present, no. I did post in the thread of that guy making the Edelweiss model, though, seeing as it was my inspiration.
I have mentioned it on /bun/ and /v/, however.
Don't have much done yet, only started on it recently. I've done the coding/editing and am currently bugfixing and balancing it, next on my list is sound & UI stuff (icons, menus etc.), then maps. Textures/skins & models I've never done before, so I'll need to find help with those, though I might be able to put some placeholder textures/skins together.

>> No.4623592


Dang, a VC mod for Company of Heroes? I remember your thread on /a/. Too bad no one was interested there. I don't know much about programming but you have my support.

>> No.4623633
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on my VN engine.

>> No.4623636

>I remember your thread on /a/
Oh hey, yeah, didn't get much of a reaction out of them, which wasn't entirely unexpected, /v/ was almost the same. Brought it up in two threads, first one didn't get very far, second one faired a bit better.

While I've got someone's attention, can I run a couple of ideas by you?

>> No.4623645


>> No.4623669 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 1024x768, 126849136312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4623674
File: 34 KB, 396x398, kawaiimans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4623678


>> No.4623684


I've always wanted to see someone do Feddie and imperial units. Imps are EVERYWHERE but its rare to see what the Federation's soldiers would look like.

>> No.4623702
File: 145 KB, 675x662, scribbletan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4623708


>> No.4623726
File: 63 KB, 381x736, saab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Airplanes are not my thing, but I tried.


This shit has got to go away.


The word is that I was going to help the project again when you guys had something to show for it. I felt very lonely there...

>> No.4623749

attention shoring drawfag gets his retarded thread deleted and now implant spam - coincidence?

>> No.4623774

So, I'm going for a fairly accurate VC -> CoH port, most stuff transitions over well, just a couple of things I'm undecided about.

First: Visuals-wise, I'm thinking of either sticking with VC's clean, colourful look with the fancy brushed/canvas effect or going for a more realistic angle to keep in line with CoH, keeping the colours but muting them a bit. Thoughts?

Second: Forward bases, used for calling in reinforcements closer to the fight in VC and giving defensive bonuses to units near them. I'm thinking of either using CoH's manpower points for this or just sticking with FHQ's in buildings. Worth implementing in CoH?

I'm kind of short on Doctrine ideas as well. Currently only have enough for 1 doctrine each side, 6 items to a tree, same as CoH. They are as follows:
Gallia: Area Recon, Offmap mortars, Awaken Potential, All Units Evade, All Units Heal, Offmap Arty.
Imperials: Area Recon, All Units Attack, Heavy Tank call-in, All Units Defend, All Units Heal, Equus Arty Strike.
Area Recon might make it too easy to drop artillery on people's bases, so I may end up removing that. The Dromedarius heavy tank could also be used as a call-in and the Batomys could also provide off-map fire support.
I'm also thinking of using CoH's command points as the cost for using doctrine abilities, same as VC's orders, instead of munitions, providing I can make it work. Thoughts?

Imps are in, it'll be Squad 7 vs. the Imperials.
Yeah, putting the Feds in would be hard seeing as there's next to no pictures of them.

>> No.4623779
File: 89 KB, 484x680, gripen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Awesome, thanks. The Gripen is an underrated piece of hardware.

Right now it seems like there's never going to be anything to show, the project looks pretty much dead to me (I never went on their IRC though). I was one of the writefags on it so I figured it might be fun to just do something short if you were interested just so that we can make at least something come out of it.

>> No.4623780

I've started playing bass guitar. I learned some of the the bassline to my favourite vocaloid song, Double Lariat.


I'm also working on some more Demetori covers on the guitar, and when I have some time I'll do a couple of original arrangement

>> No.4623808

Is that some Adachi ? (on the left)

>> No.4623832

I think I'd rather see the more realistic look, but maybe I'm just used to seeing it anyway from playing so much CoH.

FHQ's in buildings sounds better to me, but I'm a little confused about the using manpower option. Do you mean that you'll consume manpower to build a FHQ structure or does it create some sort of area-effect thing that lasts forever or for a limited time? I'd rather have FHQ being built in buildings like how civilian buildings can be turned into barracks and stuff, that way it can be used as a fallback point or be rebuilt somewhere else. The other option just sounds like a magical circle on the ground or something.

As for the orders, if you make it use command points, wouldn't you have to have the game stockpile cp continuously throughout the match instead of stopping after a certain amount reached like normal? Or is the intention to force the player to gain the ability to use orders by being exposed to danger to stock up cp rather than capturing a munitions depot and saving up munitions points that way? I haven't played CoH in a while so sorry if any of that is obviously wrong.

And will valkyries be a unique unit? They'd need to have some kind of weakness so they won't be overpowered.

>> No.4623849

Typical weekend OC thread, notice the trolls and the blatant attention whores.

>> No.4623857

I fucking swear by CoH. I used to be pretty high in competitive ladder before I uninstalled it, so if you ever need some consults, I'll be there. I don't think you should worry about balance at this stage, though.

And last time I checked you can't put your own models into CoH. Well, you can, but you can't animate them. Are you sure this is not still the case?

>> No.4623933

OP here, I'm going to delete the thread in about 10 minutes since it's clear we're not getting anything else from this. Still, it was a nice thread while it lasted and I saw (and heard) some really cool stuff. See you guys in the next OC thread, whenever that will be.

>> No.4623936

I've never done anything creative in my life.

It's actually pretty liberating to know that you have no potential.

>> No.4623939


Don't delete it due to imagebombing, I'm filling another request.

>> No.4623957

what, don't delete it, the meido will swing by sometime

>> No.4623965

>I think I'd rather see the more realistic look
Ok, noted

>FHQ's in buildings
The idea with the manpower points (by points I mean the actual points on the map you capture, not the MP used for spending) is that they'd work the same way the flag in the middle of the FB works in VC. Use it to build troops and yeah, have a small invisible area around it that gives anyone inside defensive buffs, same as VC. The FHQ in buildings does make a bit more sense, I guess.

With the command points, I was thinking of doing it that mainly because it's almost identical to the way VC does it, and it switches things up a bit, having CP for Doctrine stuff, munitions for soldier abilities (grenades etc.), and MP & fuel for unit purchases.
CP normally caps at 17 points, but that's easy to change, I'd just make it 999 or something, so there's plenty to go around, how fast they come in being limited by how much shit you kill to rack up the exp. points. The real kicker with using CP is that it stops accumulating once all 6 items are picked, though I may know a way around that, haven't tried it yet.

And no, Valkyrian powers aren't in. They'd be a pain to animate/make look right, and I'm not sure how well beamspam-type weapons would work in CoH.
Alicia and Selvaria (with the Ruhm) will both be functioning as normal soldiers, albeit fairly strong soldiers, in Sevy's case.

Yeah, I'm not going for perfect balance at the moment, just making sure nothing is too over/underpowered.
I don't hang around the Relicnews forums very often any more, but from what I've seen in my last few visits they seem to have sorted the model importing and animating problems.

>> No.4623995


Alright, I'll keep it open for now then. I'll be heading out for some sleep now, but keep up the good work anons. Try not let things get out of hand, and ignore the attention whores/spammers. The worst thing to see on /jp/ is a good thread being derailed into shit just because people can't take it easy.

>> No.4624002

Worry not, meido's got your back.

>> No.4624011 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 1024x768, 126849544164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

img 1268467658839.jpg added to psychic screen and i still has implants

>> No.4624031


This happens on every OC thread. KoG will eventually get bored and go away.

>> No.4624036 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 1024x768, 12684956540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4624049 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 1024x768, 126849580503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4624056 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 1024x768, 126849592581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4624104
File: 49 KB, 444x573, takanechihaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badly drawn IM@S porn.


I'm trying to get people to join my older project (which predates the Virus VN thing), though it's not short and the thing we need the most is a coder (Renpy or other VN creation stuff won't do). Feel free to join if you want.

>> No.4624123

Could you fill a request from the last thread?

Our meido firing a flamethrower with a cold, calm demeanor.

>> No.4624149

Haha, you answered my request.

>> No.4624199

Has anyone got that bad mockery of Geister's Sakuya+Remi picture?

>> No.4624390


>> No.4624762

Get out /jp/ project devs.

>> No.4625398


It would be nice if the OC thread had been labeled in a more noticeable/organized manner.

>> No.4625413

Yes. From now on, OC threads should at least have something like '/jp/'s General OC Thread' in its title.

>> No.4625721
File: 146 KB, 800x941, adachi-hospital-family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's P4 fanart. (Drew this one a while ago but I didn't want to reply with nothing.)

>> No.4625891 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 639x940, shiki_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I screwed up on the foreshortening. Can't get that shit right. Also NSFW.

>> No.4625905 [SPOILER] 
File: 326 KB, 639x940, shiki_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I screwed up on the foreshortening. Can't get that shit right. Also NSFW.

>> No.4627331
File: 132 KB, 633x1016, jojo'swhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. I really don't know what to say about this. I guess good job on making everything fit together? It all looks and sounds good.

>Even animal give blowjob.

>> No.4627467


>> No.4627768

Are there any decent videos showing people drawing people/things so I can understand how people go about it?

>> No.4627794


One of my favs.

>> No.4627834

What did you use to color/do the lineart?
Also, I like it, if not at least am slightly confused by it.

>> No.4627912

Done completely in CS3.
What's confusing about it?

>> No.4627929

So jealous. I wish I had talent

>> No.4627961

You don't need talent to draw anime girls.

>> No.4628023

Even I can do it.

>> No.4628057

It's still a lot of work you'll have to put into learning how to "draw" anime-styled girls, even if anyone can do it.

>> No.4628083
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, ITANO-STARBASE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing around with Sins of a Solar Empire. I've been testing some limits - especially on missiles - to see how I should go around doing a Macross mod. I've successfully managed to create Itano Circus (picture related), though I wish I could make the missiles move around more erratically. It's pretty damn beautiful watching a load of missiles chase down fighters though.

I'll have to make some original ships though, I've got a enough options for carriers and capital ships, but that's about it.

I'll probably start releasing more information once I start making some real progress. I might try roping some other people in once I hit that point too.

>> No.4628105

Is that the expansion?

I ought to play it again, haven't played it in quite some time now.

>> No.4628110

Nice missiles, Mike

>> No.4628269

The TEC Starbase doesn't really look that great. Better than the Vasari Starbase, yeah, but the Advent Starbase is probably the best visually.

>> No.4631684
File: 35 KB, 360x360, wbb_smithSCC0809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please draw glasses Rider playing basketball against the Fantastic Four, her hair flourishing behind her in all it's glory.

>> No.4631695
File: 115 KB, 450x564, akiba-stabbing-laughing-man.1213056443418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4632997
File: 83 KB, 800x536, 153272364_d0babc1c51_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I really want to finish this project so I'm not taking the story too seriously. I'll probably ask an artist to redraw all of my crude artwork once it is.

>> No.4634036
File: 34 KB, 150x113, hak foo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting Taoluo and Hak Foo fighting each other. Both are calling out their techniques (Seamless Sword Scatters Soul in Six Domains and Meteor Brings Mass Extinction seem fine. )

>> No.4634517
File: 77 KB, 800x800, teto biting bread fin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the amount of time I spent on this.
