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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4616342 No.4616342 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't Spiderman read the mood

>> No.4616349

He's got the sensibility of a spider.

>> No.4616353

He mad.

>> No.4616357

Horrible thread.

>> No.4616354

Because he's actually an akward, socially insecure teenager.

>> No.4616361

He is the one who brought them together and now he is showing off.

>> No.4616366

This picture makes no sense.

>> No.4616385

Spiderman, being /co/ related, also shares the same advice our personification does.


>> No.4616393

Horrible poster

>> No.4616421


Presumably, Miku and Rock where having a peaceful moment under the moonlight (probably holding hands) when Spiderman comes in. Then they step apart and try to look nonchalant.

>> No.4616429
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Why can't Spiderman read the mood?

>> No.4616458
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He doesn't have to.

Because he's SPIDERMAN!!!!

>> No.4616467


I'd be afraid of hundreds of thousands of spiders.

>> No.4616471

Megaman, Roll just called. She's waiting for you in your room with a bat with nails.

>> No.4616477

Why is 72 there?

>> No.4616495 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4617579

Why'd you spoiler this?

>> No.4617592

inb4 Get this spider off me.jpg

>> No.4617602

Why is Rock with Miku? Where did that pairing come from? Why is Spider Man there? I don't understand.

>> No.4617613
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>> No.4617634
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It's from Nico Nico Douga.

>> No.4617653

But she's his sister, so yeah.

>> No.4617669
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Yankee Supaidahmon

>> No.4617679

But she's his Sion, so yeah.

>> No.4617685

AFAIK from the niconico RPG, in the game Megaman and Miku have an affair.

See http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/2601025

>> No.4617687

Weird. Link? Anything with Megaman can't be bad.
Except Battle Network

>> No.4617692

Huh, that was fast. Thanks.

>> No.4617698

Why is Rockman's buster on his wrong arm?

>> No.4617814

It's on his right arm.

>> No.4617827

Robot Girl. Robot Boy. Spider man can't tell they need to be alone.


>> No.4617848
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Oh /co/.

Although I'm unaware of a /jp/ and /v/ relationship.

>> No.4617862
File: 75 KB, 450x600, 971_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a translation of the game somewhere?

>> No.4617926



>> No.4619161

>School uniform

>> No.4619319

Drawfriend here. I'll add that to my long to-do list...

>> No.4619380

>Haruhi uniform.
I don't know whether to fap or die of happiness.

>> No.4620685
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>> No.4620711
File: 13 KB, 448x448, bother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SUPAIDA MAN is such a bother~

>> No.4620745
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Kaito is Miku's hasubando

>> No.4620752

Get back to work, Medoi

>> No.4620772

Oh god marvel new mangaverse was horrible.

>> No.4620773
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>> No.4620784


Was there any mangaverse that did not suck?

>> No.4620841

hmm lemme think.

punisher: Oh god its a weird japanese female teacher and her loli sidekick this is not punisher what is this.

Avengers: GIANT ROBOT IRONMAN vs GODZILLA HULK, that was kinda cool.

Ghost rider: I'm not even going to say anything, just don't.

Spider man: Generic mediocre ninja fair.

Iron man: Okay girl Ironman I can deal with, but Bruce Banner thor and valhalla end not so much.

I forgot who else was a part of the original mangaverse.

The only good thing about new mangaverse was that they totally ripped off the designs for rei and asuka for black cat and human torch girl.

>> No.4620891


Marvel and DC just do not want to realize what is that they are doing wrong. Trying to copy manga is not the answer.

>> No.4620911

I dunno the x-men shoujo manga is so bad its almost worth reading.

>> No.4623146

This isn't /jp/ but anyone knows were I would be able to check them out?
/co/ is all
>Dude buy them!
>Just try them fag
>Order them online

But how will I know if I like them if I have never read anything like it?
I don't even know where to get them
But they dont ship here and there is still the problem of me not having read anything like it before.

>> No.4623182

Only person in thread that wrote Spider-Man's name correctly.

>> No.4623188

Who cares about shitty mangaverse when we're about to get Ironman by Madhouse.

>> No.4623196

Fantastic 4 was pretty good, even if it was heavily Evangelion inspired.

It was amusing to see meek Shinji-esque Ben Grimm get into the machine and go all IT'S CLOBBERING TIME MOTHERFUCKERS on the bad guys though.

X-Men was strange. Why does Wolverine need a laser claw?

I read it for Totoro Beast and Hellfire Host Club.

>> No.4623238
File: 30 KB, 573x339, wolverine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have some hope for Ironman I guess, but... just look at what they did to Wolverine!
He is like nothing he is suposed to be and he even uses Katanas and shit! Why would he use katanas when he has his claws?
longer reach etc etc but fuck that, and a Katana of all things? If he wanted to use a weapon he would have used guns or at least a western sword

This must be one if not the worst thing they have done, and what is up with all the ninjas and the japanese spirit things and the cherry blossoms and all that? It feels as if they simply ruined wolverine himself and also tried to shove in as much japanese like things possible.

>> No.4623287

What is this?

>> No.4623304

He used a katana sometimes in the comics.

>> No.4623309

He also used guns and western swords.

>> No.4623326

And a lightsaber. wait what

>> No.4623327

Ha might have used them a few times but it is not something that goes with Wolverine at all.

>> No.4623339

Wolverine is shit anyway.
