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File: 67 KB, 478x600, link_Sengoku_Rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4608131 No.4608131 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to play Sengoku Rance, what should I expect?

>> No.4608133

dunno, ask /v/

>> No.4608136


>> No.4608144

Parody of Sengoku-era Japan.

>> No.4608139

exploding girl

>> No.4608141

small bombs

>> No.4608147


>> No.4608164

I don't get what's with people mad about Sengoku Rance. I mean, yeah, it may not completely be a VN, but you guys make threads about FFXIII, FF fucking XIII, and cannot talk about Rance? Also, /v/? Honestly?

>> No.4608174
File: 88 KB, 800x601, rance xavier 3434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what should I expect?

Normalfags like him.

>> No.4608177

How do I play this game?

>> No.4608187

Is there a non-ero version of Rance?

I'd like to play it but my WHITE KNIGHT mentality makes me despise rape and rapist characters.

>> No.4608188

You can`t be that stupid?

>> No.4608203

Protip: that's just a retarded troll.

>> No.4608204


I'm THAT stupid. My latest CGPA is 2.3 ;_;

>> No.4608206

Don't worry, this game will cure that defect of yours

>> No.4608221

Rape in Rance isn't really rape since it's played out hilariously. And most of the women fall in love with him, out of actual H-scenes most are actually consensual.

>> No.4608226

If you want a non-ero version of Sengoku Rance, just play Heroes of Might and Magic or any turn-based game at that.

>> No.4608230


Also rape.

Good times, though.

>> No.4608232


I do think his sword also gets some, if my memory is right.

>> No.4608234

Truly awesome thread OP. Masterpiece thread, I might say.

>> No.4608238

>Rape in Rance isn't really rape since it's played out hilariously.
But rape is alway hilarious!

>> No.4608239

Does this game have voice actors? I heard it doesn't.

>> No.4608241

Forcing someone who doesn't want to have sex with you (whether through physical force or coercion (including blackmail, threatening others, lying, or trickery) is rape.

Trying to claim Rance isn't a rapist is ridiculous. Embrace his rapist qualities! Rejoice in them! Admit you think he's an awesome rapist, and that you enjoy his raping ways!

>> No.4608268

It isn't rape because it's portrayed in a humoristic way? It isn't rape because the woman falls in love with rapist AFTER the act? It can't be legal to be this stupid.

>> No.4608272

Sorry for implying that rape isn't rape if the woman falls in love with the rapist BEFORE the act. Rape is rape.

>> No.4608273

>I'm about to play Sengoku Rance, what should I expect?
Spoilers in this very thread?

>> No.4608300

There really barely are any real rape at all.
And that rape is almost only comedy rape, and the women more or less do want him either way and they all fall to love him in the end either way.
As far as I can remember there is only 2 or 3 actual rape scenes, and 2 of them are carried out by the big bad guy and the third is carried out by randoms and only one of the scenes are obligatory in the true route.
And one of them never happens unless you fail certain battles following very specific conditions.

>> No.4608301

Actually, loving one's rapist doesn't make it not-rape if they then rape you. If you don't consent to sex, it's rape. Sometimes, loving someone doesn't mean you automatically want to have sex with them whenever they want to have sex with you. If they still go ahead and force you to have sex despite you not wanting to have sex with them, love or no love, it's still rape.

It's not that hard a concept, is it?

Now, if he was being forceful and rapey toward a girl, and she suddenly fell in love with him, and at that moment WANTED to have sex with him, well, that's consent, and not rape. It's really not a difficult concept.

Want to have sex with someone = consent.

Don't want to have sex with someone = non-consent.

>> No.4608308

Good point, but Yukihime raped in front of her bleeding father ruins it.

>> No.4608317

Exactly what he said, he said he was sorry for implying exactly what you indirectly are accusing him of saying. Learn to read.

>> No.4608319

You can't tell me you didn't laugh at that.

>> No.4608321

Did laugh with mixed feelings. Still rape though.

>> No.4608323

I laughed and fapped.
It is still rape.

>> No.4608325

Okay, I am fucking sick and fucking tired of these fucking threads about rape! RAPE IS NOT FUCKING FUNNY! Joke about anything else you want, /b/...

Joke about cp, joke about loli, joke about murder, joke about drugs, but DON'T FUCKING JOKE ABOUT RAPE! Rape DESTROYS a woman, it STRIPS HER OF HUMANITY! It is disgusting, inhumane, regressive and insane. RAPE IS OFF THE FUCKING TABLE, /b/, NOT EVEN YOU FUCKING VIRGIN ASSHOLES CAN BE SUCH FUCKHOLES THAT YOU JOKE ABOUT A WOMAN'S WOMANHOOD BEING VIOLATED!

And no, I am not some lesbian dyke cunt, I am a woman. I was raped. My virginity taken from me, I can never give it to a man I love. I was raped again and again and again and again and again by a random stranger when I was 15, And between you and me something amazing happened...and now I can talk to animals! Its really cool! But totally a secret. And you know what? Life's never been the same.

>> No.4608327

Want to have sex with someone without admitting it = tsundere.
More like it.

>> No.4608338

And also Senhime, Hara princess, one of the Tenshi twins, Ashikaga princess and Ran.

>> No.4608343

Rance is more of a dating sim than a rape game.
As others have said, there almost isn't any rape.
You actually work towards increasing the relations between yourself and your generals, and when you get the females up to love you get your H scenes.

>> No.4608344


And Kou.

>> No.4608346
File: 115 KB, 803x599, daidouji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't care much for that. I raged for poor Komatsu, though.

>> No.4608350

Holy shit, how could I forget. I am ashamed.

>> No.4608354

God damn it, I was gonna write a response, then I got to the Wild Thornberries.

>> No.4608378

Kou was the obligatory rape of the true route.
So it was already mentioned.

>> No.4608391


You copy-pasted so badly you forgot to remove the "/b/".

>> No.4608400
File: 114 KB, 802x603, ran moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran was raped too. It's tame but it still was rape.

>> No.4608426
File: 64 KB, 640x294, Demon King Rance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior game

>> No.4608441

you think?

>> No.4608451


Mhmhmm. I did miss the end of it, though, did not fully read. Made me giggle.

>> No.4608502
File: 105 KB, 800x600, ALCG0047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys crying RAPE are such babies.

>> No.4608507
File: 112 KB, 800x600, ALCG0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4608515


Oh dear god. That poor thing...I hated those guys, so much for not letting her sleep, and rest enough to heal up.

>> No.4608528
File: 111 KB, 800x600, ALCG0044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4608549


>demon king
>demon king is an actual term in the Ranceverse that's "maou" in the original

>> No.4608564

That's right.

>> No.4608580
File: 59 KB, 381x319, 1268058697719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You son of a bitch
