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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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46048173 No.46048173 [Reply] [Original]

How is the average day of a jp poster?
I look at pictures of dogs(椛) and mikos

>> No.46048334

I very slowly read computer books inbetween naps and little bursts of eosd
one day I'm getting out of this place, you'll see

>> No.46048636
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I'm re-making shitty spaghetti coding project that got stuck in dependency hell and version update incompatibility limbo, or else my life is fucking over

>> No.46048751

I'm currently in Japan and have been for a month now. This place truly is the promised land. It is the best trip of my life.

>> No.46048763

go to a shrine and sex a miko!

>> No.46049242
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What books? Lewd doujins are hardly works of high literature
Are you writing from scratch or reusing code? Will you add a pop up for a 100 yen donation to hakurei shrine?
Based, i am a Nagoya supremecesist

>> No.46050456

books about computers, not books that are on my computer, although most of them are
it's very painful work, chapter 10 took me all day monday tuesday and wednesday, it was 35 pages long

>> No.46051075

wake up
jerk off
jerk off again
listen to loud music
scavenge doujinstyle for shitty looking games
draw porn
jerk off to said porn
read visual novel
jerk off to said novel
eat salmon
jerk off

>> No.46051169

Average day:
>wake up
>get brekkie and shower
>drive tae work
>"""work""" 10am - 3pm (get paid for doing nout essentially)
>drive back haime
>get some grub
>shitepost oanline, draw, code ma game, dae sum gamin', go oot wae ma pals (take yer pick)
>come back haime
>get the pjs oan

>> No.46051575

It's currently my country's national holiday. I woke up, played some valorant, ate, played some touhou, ate again, worked out, and is currently playing dark souls and checking /jp/. Nice day so far.

>> No.46051644

it's unjaypeean to work out, your body should remain soft and delicate

>> No.46051975

Been playing a ton of vidya since the past year's been really stacked and I get to bum a ton of "old" games from my cousin who doesn't want 'em anymore for cheap, and found out about Tom Scott the other week so that's half my youtube feed now.

>> No.46051983
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Wake up
Go to work
Come back
Lurk and post
Take a nap
Go for a run
Go for a walk
Have dinner
Come home
Post till sleepy
(some days I work the second shift, same schedule but shuffled)

>> No.46052959
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Wake up
Eat breakfast
Go to church
Go get something to eat (usually DQ)
Get home
Read bible
Kiss fumos on forehead
Eat lunch
Play minecraft
Lurk on the 'jay
Play minecraft
Play 2hu
Eat dinner
Watch youtube until sleepy

>> No.46052982

I want to frot with cute jaypee anon cosplaying as 2hus

>> No.46052994

i am at work and tired also cold

>> No.46052996

and i want to hit this guy in the head with a maglite

>> No.46053006

If I were there I would hug you qnd we can exchange warmth like penguins do
