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4603237 No.4603237 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I've just had the best idea ever!

Rewrite Tsukihime so that Akiha goes crazy instead of SHIKI!

>> No.4603241

That's a terrible idea and I hate you for wishing insanity on mai waifu.

>> No.4603244

Doesn't she already go crazy in Kohaku's route?

>> No.4603252

No here me out:
Instead of an Akiha route, there could be a BRO route. It starts when SHIKI asks Shiki if he wants to have a party, and Shiki asks if Arihiko could come.

They all get drunk, and Arihiko stumbles home and gets attacked by Roa-Akiha, and becomes a vampire.

Now, unlike Satsuki, he doesn't go crazy. Instead, he decides that as a vampire, he is now an irresistible ladies man of the night.

>> No.4603257

So Shiki and Arc find Arihiko wandering around town as night hitting on women, and end up dragging him along to help hunt for Roa.

>> No.4603264

God no please no, I've had enough tears on this crap. Male characters can burn in hell (except for my bro Nanaya) but please leave poor Akiha alone. I second >>4603241

>> No.4603265


And the climax of the route happens as Shiki, Arihiko, and SHIKI fight off an army of Dead with a knife, a bat, and two bloody stump arms.

>> No.4603267

Your Bro Nanaya would gladly rape your waifu.

>> No.4603274


Kouma Kishima was supposedly staying at the mansion right up until Shiki came back right?

Does he still get kicked out, or would SHIKI keep him as a night guard?

>> No.4603290

And then when Arc tries to sneak in that one time, a Kishima-Arc fight ensues?

>> No.4603302

Kishima is on the level of Servants. Him vs a weakened-from-murder Arc isn't a fight, it's a beatdown.

>> No.4603312

> Kishima is on the level of Servants.
Hold it, HOLD IT. How the hell does he have so much power?

...Perhaps I should finally get around to Act Cadenza, unless he only shows up in Actress Again.

>> No.4603314

No, Kishima is very superstitious, he thinks Arcueid is a Goddess, he is not going to attack her

>> No.4603317

To be fair he's on the level of an average servant, and we've yet to actually see the abilities of an average servant.

>> No.4603318

He's the ultimate form of the Crimson Red Vermillion, he just is. I mean, I wouldn't expect him and Berserker to have an even boxing match (though that would be fucking awesome), but he could probably give Lancer and Rider a run for their money.

>> No.4603325

>No, Kishima is very superstitious, he thinks Arcueid is a Goddess, he is not going to attack her
Uh... what? God, I really DO need to play Act Cadenza.

>> No.4603346

Kishima is a very odd character. He's not mindless like Red Demon God would have you think.

>> No.4603366

He's easily the most sane character in the cast. Even Shiki and Hisui are nuts compared to him.

>> No.4603376

I wonder what normal, everyday SHIKI would be like. Does he go to a fancy academy and hit on all the women, or is he a shut-in with a lot of weird hobbies?

>> No.4603386

Both. Simultaneously. While being more of a bro than Arihiko and himself combined.

>> No.4603406

He has a vast collection of DVDs, manga, and figmas, and upon Makihisa's death made Hisui and Kohaku's uniforms skimpier.

>> No.4603418

This plan is getting better by the moment.

>> No.4603423

He keeps him, and Kouma lives in a little police-box type shack down by the gate. He never seems to sleep or eat and is always patrolling.

>> No.4603450


We keep the fight from the manga where Ciel breaks into the mansion, but now it's just a hail of keys and blood spears, and SHIKI is shouting come-ons the whole time.

>> No.4603565

I think we've actually written this before. Something about the ending being Shiki, Arihiko, and SHIKI getting horribly drunk and passing out on the front lawn.

>> No.4603599

> and is always patrolling
So was he told to ignore Nero or something? Because I'm pretty sure Nero showed up near the mansion at least once, unless the person Shiki saw when he went outside when he heard dogs barking was Roa and not Nero.

>> No.4603612

Oh, Kohaku, you so crazy.

No, seriously, you're really fucking crazy.

>> No.4603616

That was a dream I think.

>> No.4603623

Yeah, I play Melty Blood, what is the deal with Kohaku?

She seems to know much more than a meido should.

>> No.4603634

Have you played Kohaku's route in Tsukihime?

>> No.4603647

Nah, I just played Arc's route. I mostly play Melty Blood, so I don't have too good of a knowledge of the events of Tsukihime.

>> No.4603652

Kohaku is the mastermind behind a good 40% of the original story.

>> No.4603656

Isn't akiha's blood stronger than SHIKI's

Wouldn't that make roa almost an afterthought? I mean forced to grow up with his/her conscious inside her would make her able to control it.

>> No.4603658

...Go and finish reading all of Tsukihime. NOW.

>> No.4603664

Shiki's blood is stronger, but she possesses the Tohno family's true inherited ability "Origami."

>> No.4603676

> I mean forced to grow up with his/her conscious inside her would make her able to control it.
I thought Roa's consciousness would only manifest itself once an inversion impulse was triggered.

>> No.4603684

Well, if you couldn't tell, Kohaku is the mastermind.
In the Near side route, she plays an more indirect role(Still basically causes all the ROA bullshit to happen though), but in the far side routes, she basically causes everything to happen.

She'll most likely be the Bad Guy in Tsukihime 2, if it comes out.

>> No.4603689

Roa's consciousness comes out whenever Roa is ready. An Inversion Impulse is unrelated to Roa, and is tied to the ogre blood. Inverting is actually a HINDRANCE to Roa.

>> No.4603698

> She'll most likely be the Bad Guy in Tsukihime 2, if it comes out.
What the hell would Kohaku be doing in Europe?

>> No.4603699

She's not really the cause of the trouble in the Near Side routes as much as Roa and Nero are are, and in her own route shit gets more real than anyone could have imagined. She IS behind Akiha and Hisui's routes though.

>> No.4603705
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When did you hallucinate that Tsukihime 2 would actually be in Europe?

>> No.4603713

Well huh, I guess I got confused about that. So even if Roa hadn't chosen SHIKI, the Inversion Impulse would still have occurred, huh? (Which I suppose is effectively what happens in the Far-side routes, as Roa doesn't seem to manifest in SHIKI then. Unless my memory is messing with me again.)

>> No.4603714

I figured as much. In her story mode in the games the bad guys seem to give her evil props. I may just go back and read Tsukihime, she seems interesting. Thanks!

>> No.4603721

It supposedly starts at a European style castle.

>> No.4603731

What wouldn't she be doing?
Remember, Arc's route is canon for Tsukihime 2, so Kohaku is still going to KILL EVERYONE HORRIBLY

>> No.4603735



>> No.4603741

take the OnScripter and couple of sprites and music, and make it happen. its like a glorified fan-fiction.

>> No.4603745

Shiki as a Dead Apostle would be fucking scary. He'd probably make it into the 27 Ancestors pretty quickly.

>> No.4603748

Well maybe. It's implied that Roa's existence did increase the effects of the Impulse, but he wasn't the cause.

What happened in the Far Side routes was Kohaku's constant drugging drove SHIKI insane and Roa didn't really have a mind to take over so he just sits in the back of SHIKI's head chattering away.

>> No.4603758

Yeah, Kohaku will be a bit of a threat, but I am also worried about Satsuki.
She's most likely even more powerful than before.

>> No.4603761

It'd be hilariously horrifying. The Eyes destroy his body faster than a normal Dead Apostle, so he has to drink even more blood.

>> No.4603763

You know what I want? I want a route where Roa and Nero team up.

>> No.4603775

See, I was under the impression that SHIKI got drugged and tortured by Kohaku in Near and Far side, just that ROA managed to manifest in Near and he didn't in Far.

I think we can assume that the underlying background to all the routes are more or less the same, and Kohaku drugging and mind-raping SHIKI wouldn't be a condition that would vary, I think.

>> No.4603780

Satsuki probably gets killed by Arcueid or Ciel in the Near side routes without Shiki even knowing about what happened to her.

>> No.4603781

If arc bit him?

he'd be fucking terrifying.

If he was sacchin's thrall not so much.

Also all vampires have high rank mystic eyes why would his be any more devastating?

>> No.4603788

customize your own kagetsu tohya dream end. Tsukihime 2.

>> No.4603808

she was originally a near side heroine so her parts not yet written and she will probably play a bigger part in ciels and arcs route than before.

2 new sacchin death scenes ;_;

>> No.4603785 [DELETED] 

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mmm teen vagoo at 150 viewers!


>> No.4603805 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4603809

I think that's correct. It's like how in Fate/stay night, Matou Zouken was assumedly there during the Fate and UBW routes, but he only took an active role in Heavens Feel.

>> No.4603821

Nah, Satsuki is popular, she'll show up.
And die horribly again, I bet.

>> No.4603827

well it is written but not available to the public*

>> No.4603828

I could actually see that being a Bad End in Tsukihime 2: Shiki finally reaches Arcueid, but she's still stuck/restrained or whatever, and he eventually becomes so crazed that he decides to feed her some of his own blood to try to give her the power to break free.

>> No.4603829

According to Plus Disk, the Sacchin Route is exactly that. Awesome, can't wait for that Remake never to be translated. Or released, at this rate.

Mystic Eyes of Death Perception are the most powerful eyes in existence, aside of whatever the fuck the Crimson Moon had. They already are killing him.

>> No.4603835

Goddamn that meido.
The rapes only make her stronger!

>> No.4603837

That would be if he couldn't score the fruit of ennashe and still survived his way out of the damn thing.

>> No.4603836 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4603841 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4603867

No, I meant in Tsukihime, the original. >>4603808 is probably right about her getting new death scenes for Arc's and Ciel's routes in the remake, though.

>> No.4603868

Yeah, yeah, he's dying so long as they can't milk money from the franchise.

>> No.4603851 [DELETED] 

No, I meant in Tsukihime, the original. >>4603808 is probably right about her getting new death scenes for Arc's and Ciel's routes, though.

>> No.4603874

Satsuki is actually absurdly powerful, or rather, is a incredibly rare genius. Most Dead Apostles shuffle around as mindless dead for a century or two before gaining a mind.

>> No.4603889

Yeah, my point is that she would likely show up in the sequel, and if she dies in every route but her own, then she won't be in it.

I mean, according to Kohaku's route, Kohaku is a sane, happy person, but we know that won't carry over.

>> No.4603900

Gold rank mystic eyes, same ones arc has.

But they're killing him because he see's the death of things, it's not like undying would cause the eyes to be any more taxing than any of the other Ancestors special abilities.

>> No.4603912

Yeah, she's an all star....
Among the Dead Apostles.

>> No.4603916 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4603935

So then he'll marry Arcueid, who will turn him into a vampire, and....
wait a minute....

>> No.4603925 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4603939

She also has a Reality Marble that's terribly effective against magi.

>> No.4603948 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4603975

Yeah, but she's a monster. She views humans as cattles.
Which, I suppose, compared to her, they ARE, but damn it, bitch needs to be put down.

>> No.4603977

If Arc turns Shiki into a Dead Apostle, not only is he going to be godlike, she might become a Demon Lord.

>> No.4603989


>> No.4604005

Think of it this way, though. If you suddenly had to start relying on human beings as your sole food supply, you'd probably dehumanize them somewhat, so to speak, in your own mind as well, as doing otherwise would quite likely drive you insane.

>> No.4604010

Satsuki would be dangerous if her circuits are lined up like say ciel's where she's potentially a dangerous magus as well as a dead spostle.

But far as I know she was just lucky.

Though sacchin inheriting the Square crest after roa finally died would be awesome.

>> No.4604011

Hey, hey, hey, I'm just saying, when left to her own devices, she chows down on human beings.

>> No.4604014 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4604028

Because she's a Dead Apostle. Who need blood to live, and also have an instinctual desire for it (albeit not as strong as that of True Ancestors).

>> No.4604031

Yeah, but Zouken did not fuck with shit too much and didn't die on the other two routes.

>> No.4604029 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4604044


>> No.4604041 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4604070 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4604063

Dammit, this bad end sounds fucking awesome. But would probably also mean the destruction of the world as we know it.

>> No.4604071

Yes, I'm not calling her evil for it, but I am saying the bitch needs to be put down.
Tragic monster she is, but a monster all the same.

>> No.4604076


>> No.4604066 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4604068 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4604102 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4604094

And she has a MOTHERFUCKING REALITY MARBLE without even having any training or shit

>> No.4604101

The thing is, Satsuki's Reality Marble would prevent her from using mana-based magic just as much as it prevents magi in her vicinity from using such magic, and since the mana she drains from the environment doesn't get absorbed by her but just disappears somewhere, she doesn't get any benefit from that, either. She's probably better off sticking to other methods of combat.

>> No.4604122 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4604115

I'm betting you didn't like Sakura's route in Fate/stay night.

>> No.4604116

She gets medical blood from akiha.in melty blood and only needs a small amount to keep all her power according to her second good end

>> No.4604130

Here's the thing.
She's a freaking vampire, she cancels out spells, she can just rip, and I do mean rip, the mage apart.

>> No.4604133

> second good end
Wait, you mean you can get a different good end if you replay arcade mode with the same character?

>> No.4604144

>Only a small amount
If this is true....
then holy fuck, Satsuki is powerful.

>> No.4604146

Well yeah. Basic physical combat is always a good way to go if you're strong enough, which she is.

>> No.4604149

Is Sacchin a magus? I don't think she would use mana-based magic.

>> No.4604156

reality marbles are last ditch efforts.

Not just something you use as a main way of fighting.

Emiya Shirou is dumb in that way.

As a magus she could summon magical creatures to feed on, with blood more potent than humans to begin with and if she's got good circuits she could be a powerful one.

>> No.4604173

But Nero uses his constantly, albeit contained within his own body so with not nearly as much energy drain as it would be if he somehow manifested it externally.

>> No.4604181

Sacchin is an up and coming sensation, one of the cool new hip Dead Apostles.
She's very unique, in that she did in a few minutes what usually takes hundreds of years, and that she has a reality marble.

She has the potential to be a huge threat.

>> No.4604183

Considering we've seen all of two RM so far, with one being combat only and one being extremely situational, I wouldn't call it a last ditch effort.

>> No.4604182 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4604193 [DELETED] 

Actually anyone can get by on a small amount, most just don't bother because Dead Apostles are 95% dickheads.

Then there's guys li

>> No.4604201

Actually anyone can get by on a small amount, most just don't bother because Dead Apostles are 95% dickheads.

Then there's guys like Ciel's curry chef vampire friend.

>> No.4604208

I think that he meant Sacchin's route on Tsukihime good end or something like that.

>> No.4604236

We know of several more, though.


Also, spam's gone, it seems.

>> No.4604249 [DELETED] 

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mmm teen vagoo at 150 viewers!


>> No.4604255 [DELETED] 

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>> No.4604275

Don't mind me then, been a while.

>> No.4604267 [DELETED] 

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mmm teen vagoo at 150 viewers!


>> No.4604286

>Ciel's curry chef vampire friend

>> No.4604298

But yeah, it seems the majority of the 27 Ancestors have Reality Marbles of some sort, and that at least a few of them probably use them fairly often (and in some cases, have them constantly active).

>> No.4604345

So that means Satsuki is basically at Ancestor Power-level now?

>> No.4604349

You mean two between UBW, Night of Wallachia, Lair of the Beast King, Ionioi Hetaroi (Fate/Zero Gilgamesh, it's a noble phantasm, not sure if a reality marble at all).

>> No.4604355

No, it doesn't. She's just a pretty good Dead Apostle. Someone like Nero would devour her quite readily.

>> No.4604368

Ah, I see. Still, she's got potential, right?

Although, in a world where people with high-power levels are played by a freaking maid, I don't think potential matters much.

>> No.4604371

Nasu made an official doujin that explained what Ciel loved curry.

>> No.4604374


>> No.4604379

Most of those aren't actually seen at all. See >>4604345

>> No.4604395

If it helps, she's more of a doll than a maid.

>> No.4604427

Honestly, compared to the servants or Arc, she's really weak even with that potential. None of the Ancestors or Apostles can even compare to basic servants, they would get ripped apart. Apostles may spell trouble for humans like Shiki and Akiha, but they're weak against anything supernatural. Even Ciel would never win against a servant, she could possibly escape by playing defensively.

>> No.4604441

Servants and Arcueid are kind of exceptions, though, considering the former are legendary heroes and the latter receives her power from the planet itself.

>> No.4604464

Yeah. Kouma and Aoko could probably put up a good fight. However, they're beyond any kind of modern magus so I guess they're another exception.

>> No.4604467

The Ancestors (with some exceptions) can all fight Servants. Normal vampires can't though.

>> No.4604473

Kouma can fight average servants, Aoko can beat ones without Magic resistance I think, as long as she uses Blue. Caster I think Nasu said could beat her because of Divine Words.

>> No.4604500

Caster is seriously overrated. Nasu said that she could probably beat almost every servant if she got serious and used her magic to full potential.
Oops, I misread what Nasu said. However, I still don't think they could win. Saber moves at Mach something, so it would be almost impossible to hit her.
Sometimes it's easy to forget how powerful the servants are because they only fight other, more powerful servants instead of humans/creatures.

>> No.4604519

Nero compares well. You either have to destroy the sum of his lives with something like Excalibur, or starve him to death.

Lancer, Fake Assassin, and Berserker wouldn't even be able to kill him, although I imagine Berserker would end it with a victory, since nothing Nero has is likely to beat his NP.

>> No.4604522

Yes, but ones like Altorouge and Ortensse could bat servants around.

>> No.4604548

Lancer could possibly beat him if he timed Death Flight Gae Blog correctly.

>> No.4604554

Sion compares well.

>> No.4604561

Damn, I can't type properly today. I meant underrated. Like Gil, she doesn't ever really show off her true powers because of silly deaths.
I suppose those ones could. Now I'm just wondering about Roa's original power considering even he beat Altrouge. He'd be definitely on par with servants.

>> No.4604565

She explicitly does not. She's neither fast enough nor strong enough, even to exploit their weaknesses as heroes.

>> No.4604593

That's not Roa's original power. That's him after stealing Arc's powers.

>> No.4604605

Well still, he did hold that power at one time. Even the other Apostles didn't want to have anything to do with him after that.

>> No.4604624

Roa could spam EX spells, he is fucking insane

>> No.4604633

What exactly are Square and EX spells and all that? I don't remember much about the actual magic system.

>> No.4604636
File: 39 KB, 491x271, Karii du Marche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then there's guys like Ciel's curry chef vampire friend.

>> No.4604643


>> No.4604645

Well, to be fair if there existed someone so FABULOUS that you and all the other DA's combined couldn't even approach 1% of his FABULOUSNESS would you want anything to do with him?

>> No.4604677
File: 364 KB, 1000x700, 626576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a fab friend. ;_;

Also, Roa's real form wasn't that fabulous, he just looked like a magician with glasses and a ponytail. SHIKI Roa was a complete fruit though.

>> No.4604733

Roa has at least A spells, Square will be squaring the rank A spells which have a value of 50. This will make his beam spam 2500 which is EX

>> No.4604960

Maximum targets is 50 people.

Nero is composed of 666 individual lifeforms. Can't kill him with it. You have to kill every life form all at once to prevent there being a chaos for the "dead" familiars to return to.

>> No.4604993

It's not clear whether Maximum target is the absolute number of beings it could affect or the area is covers such as the space 50 people take up.

>> No.4605005

Maximum targets is 50 Sions.

>> No.4605121

Oh god, that was so fucking stupid.

>> No.4605280

I meant the next game, her AC end says she only needs a small amount of blood and has conquered the sun.,

>> No.4605378


God I love sacchin but her voice is so fucking annoying.

>> No.4605441

I have an even better idea! Let's have Toshiki Inoue write Tsukihime so Shiki will become a revenge-obsessed bastard and Aruceid is a manipulative bitch.

>> No.4605450

>implying arcieud isn't a manipulative bitch who doesn't use her purity as a cover to do whatever the fuck she wants.

>> No.4607625

Since Merem Solomon could kill Altrouge (not so strong) AND her three dead apostle guards (including primate murder), although going down with them, and was also created by the Crinson Moon, I guess that he could kill a few servants.

>> No.4607645

You also overestimate Servants too much.
Remember, even if it was an Ambush, cost her the ammunition she prepped for like etc, RIN shaved of a life from motherfucking Berserker.
Yes, he has twelve. But still, she killed Hercules once.
The 'Masters cannot defeat Servants' is not absolute, but its a p[roper guideline 'Why fuck with something that much stronger, let YOUR servant deal with it'.
Servants are not impossible to beat, and while superior to a common magus are NOT the strongest forces to ever appear.
Not to mention each Servant varies in strength and abilities quite a bit.

>> No.4608517

Remember that's Merem's OWN estimation, and I'm pretty sure he meant he could only beat ONE of her bodyguards like that. The power balance among the apostles is really strange.
