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45991634 No.45991634 [Reply] [Original]



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>> No.45992259

Old skool art style

>> No.45992276

So Aksys is also localizing Despera Drops

>> No.45992765

Not sure how to feel about the pink haired crossdresser, but I guess we'll see how they play out.

>> No.45997071

I somewhat missed all the discussion about Slow Damage even though I'm the one who posted about it first in the previous thread. The way the narration is written in the official localization makes it kind of obvious that the original was in third person. It's really neutral. Even if Towa seems really detached from everything so far it's a bit too over the top how neutral all his statements are when narrating what's going on. I'm interested in what's going to happen next, so far I only did the first chapter and I'm halfway through the second one with the doctor who may or may not be a pedo.

The anon saying I should stop complaining and just read it in Japanese isn't wrong I guess, I have an intermediate level so it would take more time and work to do but at the same time, I want to see the uncensored dicks. I'm actually considering playing some otome games in Japanese later. Especially Utapri because it seems like it'll never get localized anyway and I liked how retarded the anime could get, it was fun.

>> No.45997142

>I want to see the uncensored dicks
Not worth it. Honestly SD's porn is pretty forgettable.

>> No.45997182

That's disappointing... Too late, I already started the English version, I might as well keep going and if I ever feel like replaying it way later I'll try it in Japanese and dust off my old electronic dictionary because I forgot way too many kanji ever since I graduated university.

>> No.45997250

A switch port for Nie no Machi has been announced.
I'm surprised because from memory it was pretty heavy on sexual content. Not sure how it will translate to all ages.

>> No.45997255

I can give you an early Chapter 2 save file if you like, but it's your call. If your Japanese is rusty then suck it up and just get over with it. It's going to suck, but why delay it?

>> No.45997323

I'm playing right now as we speak so I think I'm in the middle of the second chapter. I don't want to go through the same dialogs again right now, it's too fresh in my head. I'm "delaying" it because I barely have any free time and a long backlog of video games I'd like to play on top of VNs I'm interested, but I'm not actually complaining right now. At that point I just want to what's going to happen in the story.

>> No.45997375

Show me where you are and I'll make an identical save for you in the Japanese version. This offer stands indefinitely, in case you ever change your mind.

>> No.45999058

I want to fuck Towa.

>> No.45999075

>Not sure how it will translate to all ages

>> No.46000095

That anon is probably not going to play anything in Japanese, ever. No one with no free time is going to slog for 5 hours in Japanese over a scene they could read in 1 hour in English.
The only working age adults who manage to learn languages are NEETs, those with language learning as part of their job or those with upper percentile discipline and intelligence.
Everyone says they want to learn a language but only a sliver of those people actually reach the point where they regularly and easily consume content and interact in that language because most people would rather just turn their brain off and play games in their time off than do something as difficult as immerse in another language.

>> No.46000463

Honestly, even if you go through stuff much slower you're still getting something out of it and there's no rush to complete a VN. If you have at least an hour or two per day it'd be worth it. Even if it feels like a waste of time at first once you get faster you'll more than make up for the initial slog by no longer having to wait for translations and getting the better experience. That said, I'm glad I learned Japanese when I was younger and had endless free time because most responsible working adults have nowhere near as much time on their hands or the mental energy. If anon is already intermediate though I think she's already past the hard part, the rest is just perseverance until you pick up on all common and some uncommon vocab. You can even use a texthooker to speed up the lookups.

>> No.46000568

I agree with you but
>upper percentile discipline and intelligence
It's more a matter of learning consistently everyday rather than being actually intelligent. You can still do it with a full time job unrelated to JP. If you stop at any point because you think it's too much of a pain in the ass then it's 100% wasted time. I'd liken it to a rigid exercise routine more than anything.

>> No.46000689

I think this adaption of the narration style could probably ONLY work with a character like Towa who is so detached about whats going on around him, though yeah, its not an ideal scenario.

When I played through it originally, I had no idea, and the narration never really jumped out at me as feeling bad to read, at least.

>> No.46000942

I doubt you are becoming fluent in Japanese as an adult in under 2-3 years if you’re only doing 1-2 hours a day unless you have a natural aptitude for learning languages though. It would take you like 4+ years or maybe more. Go onto any Japanese learning community and you can see for yourself how many mostly diligent adult learners on their 5th+ year are still stuck in that upper intermediate/advanced slump and still prefer using translations for most written media. Adult learners need a lot of immersion, like 4-5+ hours a day at minimum, or they need to have good language acquisition capability if they want to become fluent in a few years. And as much as I agree with you and >>46000463, most people will not stick with learning for 4+ years at such a pace especially if they are constantly putting off immersion because they have no time.

>> No.46002007

Are we just talking about input here or output as well? I cant see how input only would take someone 4+ years even as an adult, as long as they’re consistently reading something.

>> No.46002709

If you want to fully understand all the little nuances it's going to take longer than that but if you just want to be able to understand 99% with occasional dictionary use then I agree. You can even learn by reading random crap like tweets and fanfiction on your phone whenever you have a little break here and there. Just read something.

>> No.46006445

Not the first anon but Im 24 started learning three and a half years ago and I read like one and half hours everyday usually. Although I didn’t start reading until like a year in. I’m def not fluent the only stuff I can understand 90% of without a dictionary is like school life and slice of life and I read REALLY slow, it took me like 300 hours to finish Piofiore lol. I can’t outpit at all unless it’s really basic stuff. I def won’t be fluent by the four year mark but maybe I’m just really stupid… Actually I’m kind of curious now are there any sisters here who are fluent after 4+ years? Do you guys have any tips because this topic makes me think I’m not learning the right way…

>> No.46007090

Increase your reading time and read more of difficult genres because you won't pick up on their vocab any other way. If you don't have additional time to read see if you can at least listen to Japanese audio while doing something that doesn't require your brain and look up words when you can. It's just a matter of total hours, some might have a better memory than others but overall it's still going to take thousands of hours for everyone.

>> No.46010220

Easiest /blog/ vn to play in JP? Brocon? This discussion has kind of motivated me to just dive in instead of waiting until I feel "good enough"

>> No.46010486

Starry Sky
Brothers conflict system is annoying if you dont use a guide

>> No.46010491

here's some common criteria of what is generally considered "easy jp", with some examples of vns (can only think of older stuff gomen)
>modern day/school setting/daily vocab, etc
brocon, starry sky, tokimemo girls side, loverevo, utapri
>voiced heroine/basically no unvoiced lines
amnesia, arcana famiglia
>shorter stuff
completing stuff can be motivating
>something you actually want to play
for max motivation even if the jp is harder

>> No.46010661

It would take most adults 4+ years to become fluent under the assumption they are immersing and studying the language for 1-2 hours per day. Adults who do it in less time than that with the same number of hours just have a natural aptitude for language learning and they are exceptional. If you are not exceptional you should expect 4+ years before fluency.
I’m not just pulling these numbers out of my ass. These are numbers published by the FSI as the projected amount of time for a native English speaker to learn Japanese to general professional proficiency https://www.state.gov/foreign-language-training/
The average number of hours to learn Japanese is 2200 classroom hours (assuming you are studying somewhat optimally, I think immersing in the language can be considered somewhat optimal study). Divide 2200 by 1.5 to get the number the number of days it would take then divide it again by 365 to get the number of years. So it’s around 4 years assuming a consistent 1.5 hours a day. Thinking you can hit fluency in under that as a native English speaker when you’re not exceptional is just cope and misinformation.

This is completely normal progress, see my wall of text above. Just keep immersing everyday for the same amount of time and you will get there in 0.5-1 year, or increase how much you immerse. Personally I found reading to be better for quicker language gains than listening but like >>46007090 said there is no trick unless you have high natural aptitude (“intelligence” as I called it in my initial post).

>> No.46012984 [DELETED] 


>> No.46016082 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.01 MB, 840x659, this is what they get for letting Teppei steal Ishimatsu's job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems we have gone from Oz to Alice, does this mean Ishimatsu will be Mary Poppins? Anyway. Ever since Kujo I had insane high expectations for this route, since Saiki is hands down, no contest, the best character in Cage. He dominates any scene and any route that gives him a role. Well we are not quite there yet, but for a Love route this was solid. A grim early route, then a sharp turn to mindnumbing idealism immediately on entering the Love branch, then a sudden somber cold shower near the finish with a final sharp course correct to a Destroy end. All in all not a bad ride at all.

Ishimatsu just chilling, Jun's laughter. Good stuff. And Saiki of course is ded, but this frees up the entire Destroy branch for something different, so I'll call this a win.
As for the route itself. I came so very close to breaking protocol to post a wall of text about the rape by proxy scene while it was happening.
>I said "rape him", not "jam your dick in right away"! Do you think it would be fun if your ass was leaking shit 24/7?
I so fucking lost it. And then Saiki unleashed his sermon on Teppei. Some very interesting playing with the "no matter how he acts, a child is a child is a child" sentiment on this route. I'm actually surprised that the nature vs nurture debate was so conclusively settled with Jun and Shun being not so different after all despite their completely different temperaments. Even though the route spelled it out that Jun's existence as an actual twin is the entire reason the Love route could happen (and probably not end in complete disaster on the Love ending, maybe), regardless of his reasons.
Also some new lore on this route. So the final game mode is "Shield", still no idea what it is though. The involvement of Gondou Heavy Industries here pretty heavily implies that he is alive on every route, probably even if the coin's origin story changes on the Destroy branch. Also Oohira Pharmaceuticals, huh. I had to go back to Open to double-check because I remembered that a name came up in one of the pharma conspiracy scenes, and what the hell, it really was Oohira. Shame on Teppei for not recongnizing his spirit animal's company. Well I guess Oohira wasn't his bff in the Open timelines, I'm pretty sure Teppei said he doesn't have any close friends. And since this was confirmed on two routes already it's pretty safe to say that the Game is on its first iteration in the Close timeline, unlike in Open where it was already held multiple times.
Ah yeah, Nitta and Yoshimoto had some nice scenes too. Kujo on the other hand was amazingly useless considering he still holds the record for being the only character to solo the Game and kill every-fucking-one guards and all included. They really downplayed his power level.
Ed.03 Waiting room was a pretty good death end too. Nice bruised Teppei CG. And lots of thinking about Oohira. Oohira, oh Oohira, you better believe we are making up for the time when he still didn't exist. Oohira, Oohira, ohh.

>> No.46018773

Lkyt any good?

>> No.46020982

Any Otome & BL art books uploaded anywhere?

>> No.46022266
File: 31 KB, 249x300, 116513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why iz he zo perfect

>> No.46023167

Fun attitude. The main one of the trio is too abrasive, and the hacker guy is a bug eyed freak

>> No.46023489


>> No.46025041 [SPOILER] 
File: 1019 KB, 840x659, FUCK but I wanted to see 30 year old scarface Teppei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saiki, and it really WAS a kitten, after all.
And I guess No.4 can be Winnie-the-Pooh. Cute turning 18 celebratory sex. I find the thought that for 7 years Teppei was all "cease your illegal doings~ come on~ cease your illegal doings~" while Saiki was just constantly seething because Teppei wouldn't let him get his fuck on very amusing. I also liked the part where Teppei went home and his family was like "wow nice suit" and no one noticed the fuckhuge gaping scar on his face or wondered if he was going to die from sepsis any day now. Also he was not even supposed to be a participant lmao. This is the guy who slept with like 50% of the participants, 100% of the upper management, an unknown number of guards and like 30% of the sponsors, and he wasn't even supposed to be there haha, oh this is gold.

>> No.46025209

It's not that heavy, it has like 3 scenes per rout depending on the character? Easily fade to black.

>> No.46025353
File: 1.61 MB, 4892x2360, 9de99e822b315ef88493c2fad77d62bc_webp_92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a weird concept.

>> No.46026883

>That anon is probably not going to play anything in Japanese, ever.
I'm actually considering dropping it entirely for reasons unrelated to the localization. The story isn't super interesting so far. I'll stick to the English version since this is what I already have, at that point I'm just selecting the auto option and putting the VN in the background while shitposting elsewhere. There are VNs I can see myself reading in Japanese someday but this one isn't one of them.

>No one with no free time is going to slog for 5 hours in Japanese over a scene they could read in 1 hour in English.
True, that doesn't help a whole lot, but I think it wouldn't have been an issue if there were furigana because looking for words in a dictionary would take way less time. I just went back to work after a week of holidays. I work 40h a week and commute 2h everyday on top of that and I'm looking for an apartment as well. I think I should start with shorter VNs if I want to read them in Japanese. It's not a VN but I already planned to play the FF Pixel Remaster in Japanese because they're fun games, I already know the stories because I played other remakes before.

>> No.46028233

way too complicated for a 'dating hot guys' game

>> No.46028463

Looks like the Deep Space one but they're going for the FF look anyway.

>> No.46030962

>does this mean Ishimatsu will be Mary Poppins
The Little Prince actually

One of the most adorable things about Saiki is how vulnerable he really is. Don't get me wrong, he's apparently overperforming whatever's expected of the average onzoushi and holding his own against wily old geezers, but he's not really a 6D chess kaibutsu or anything (unlike his father), he's fundamentally still just a particularly gifted brat fumbling around, in thrall to his various complexes re: his parents. I like that much better than if he was fully in control. Of course he still exudes that aura of raw dominance so it's the best of both worlds.

I actually forgot Oohira was barely mentioned in Open. IIRC it was because Teppei kept ignoring his calls to meetup due the game rather than him literally not existing, I think? They're old buddies but he does seem a bit too distant to be called a close friend.

>Kujo was amazingly useless
The poor lovestuck idiot would rather die than hurt Teppei.

I'll wait for you to finish Destroy for more remarks because I can't remember if some stuff was in the Love or Destroy route.

That ending was so sweet but it was somewhat ruined because every time I look at Saiki I see that scumbag shota from Hanahook's doujinshi.

>his family was like "wow nice suit"
It was hilarious how they did a 180 shift in attitude in Maki's route too. "I still have no idea what you're doing late at night but since you're wearing a suit it must be a good thing, ganbare aniki!" Total bugpeople.

>he was not even supposed to be a participant
I kept thinking it was extremely contrived how even such a powerful group would pick people who live at home with their families and risk exposure/complications when there are so many social pariahs no one would miss they could have taken instead.
In another route it's also revealed that the whole "we're just gonna kill your family I don't give a shit" threat was a bluff, or at least the "I don't give a shit" part was, since a fuckup of that magnitude leads to the game's cancellation and Saiki losing face.
It was probably just to trick Teppei into thinking they're doing him a favor by letting him fix his own mess when it was really the smoothest way of resolving the situation.
More realistic than I expected (kidnapping people in broad daylight is still absurd though.)

>> No.46034301

>looking for words in a dictionary would take way less time
Use a text hooker, it would be completely appropriate for someone in your situation. There are apparently plugins that can add furigana automatically but I'm not knowledgeable about that or whether they're accurate since I learned Japanese long before they existed, but there are tons of tools these days for learners that make things easier.

>> No.46034759

I feel dense for not realizing this kusoge was pushing Dahut and Nadia as a ship. I thought all the fanart I saw was just friendly vibes since she’s a sick kid
What a waste, Dahut should be for Ceres

>> No.46034869

Agreed. Otom8 randomly started pairing their side characters in the last 2-3 years when previously everyone was for (You).

>> No.46036194

If Hugo can steal your boyfriend, the dying loli can steal the side shota too. I don't like how this game is going so far. I feel very cucked and I don't like involuntary cucking.

>> No.46037032

I got over the Hugo thing quick after he dies a cuck lmao but I cant get over that bad ending in Yves' route where Hugo tells Ceres to kill herself and she not only says yeah, but lets the little homo be the one to cut her head off after he screeched at her. I wish they at least showed Yves' reaction to her death but it cuts off.

>> No.46037368

How's olympia soiree?

>> No.46037452
File: 189 KB, 808x1024, os-cast-808x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good IMO. The common route can be a bit much to slog through since its quite long and there are no choices in it, but that also means that on subsequent playthroughs you can use the archive system to just start a new game right from the end of the common route without having to skip-read through the whole thing.

Setting/premise are neat, the world the game takes place in and how its influenced by what is basically another realities objects/people washing up on its shores is mysterious and makes the japanese fantasy aesthetic make a lot more reasonable sense than it may have otherwise.

LI's are all pretty likeable too, they all focus on a different aspect of the island/the struggles faced there, and none of the conflicts feel overtly contrived. For a localised otome game, it gets decently heavy when it comes to sex too, even if its still not explicitly shown. (Also this is one of the few times where the 'poster boy' character actually has a really good route that was worth locking off until last.)

Also, of course, the art and music are gorgeous, especially the character designs, which are definitely over the top, but not in a bad way, at least to me.

>> No.46037494

World building is interesting, art's great
Characters and routes themselves are just alright. I liked the characters well enough when I played it but I don't have any kind of lingering affection or anything
I also have some voice lines branded into my brain permanently because of how the writer had a big red button on their desk that did nothing but insert flashback scenes and they used it as a fidget toy

>> No.46037515

Katagiri slop, ignore the shills

>> No.46037522

True, Olympias flashbacks to her mom saying the same shit happens distractingly often sometimes.

>> No.46037555

It's good if you can ignore the repetitive writing and endless flashbacks. Katagiri probably wrote some decent stuff but I just don't think Olympia is it.

>> No.46041980

I still cant decide if I want to play it.

>> No.46042588
File: 1.47 MB, 900x1600, MuMu12-20240129-071800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try it sis, the boys are nice, their plot is interesting, there's cute minigames and the combat is competent for what it is - you can go a long way before needing to level your cards (unless you want a 3* clear on the first time).

>> No.46043209

Don't try it
I tried it for Tachibana and now I'm stuck can't get out

>> No.46043895

Every single thing advertised as freemium is opening a can of worms regardless of the shilling and VA wank. Do something else like improve your Japanese if you aren't fluent already or even play a non /blog/ related game if nothing else looks good.

>> No.46044090
File: 93 KB, 566x800, o0566080012038592086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we could have had...

>> No.46044859

Sisters, prettybusy actually did it and put uncensored cocks on what in hell is bad as promised. Tachibana's moans are extremely eroi, but Okitsu's are pretty hot too. Good thing is, that unlike the angels these cards won't be paywalled and on March they'll go to the regular pulls.


>> No.46044881

Sorry I'm retarded. Since porn can't be posted it here the pictures were posted on /h/ femporn thread.

>> No.46044976

you can always just catbox lewds

>> No.46045025

Beautiful pps. Anyone got them animated?

>> No.46045048

I can mine them but I don't know how to make .mp4s out of unity animated files.
Only managed to get the sprites and stories.

>> No.46046182

Beelzebubs story was hot. Multiplying and heroine having a gangbang with his other selves was pretty kino. And he is a very interesting character in general.Leviathan one was fun too, cucking Satan and then fucking heroine in front of his subordinates without batting an eye.It's frustrating though, today's R18 otome are either gacha-cucked or on shitty browsers; see Verisimo didn't last a year.

>> No.46047095
File: 634 KB, 350x379, 1690784742948950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I liked how retarded the anime could get, it was fun
Serious artist.

>> No.46047160

Onii-chan… doko?

>> No.46048182
File: 154 KB, 1599x897, 32532632632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely I thought my pirated copy of the game was bugged because the screen kept randomly flickering, took me a while to notice it was only happening when they said 'daijobu', its a neat little effect.

>> No.46048679

Same, I thought my PC was fucking up

>> No.46048709

Damn it took less than 10 min for the final restock of blackish house sideA to go out of stock. Didn't realize it was this popular or on demand. I wonder if they really underestimated the number of copies they should've printed or if it's scalpers buying to resell

>> No.46049540

I thought so too... And then the VN crashed right after the screen flickered once so that didn't help.

>> No.46050059

>originally one of the boys was going to be your brother
>decide against it to make porting the game easier (which never happened)
What a waste

>> No.46050162

I’ve been playing through some PC (not necessarily R18) otome games recently and it really makes me sad that that market has dried up in the past few years because it feels like they had a lot more freedom than console stuff, not only around edgier content but in how long the games were or their structures.

>> No.46051997

Eng version? Iirc Jast left some bugs and their editor said they couldn't fix them blah blah and were rushing to release the game.

Worst decision ever.

But wait, honeybee alive?

>> No.46052012

Clips all over twatter but I'll try to open them and record them.

>> No.46052303

>But wait, honeybee alive?
Not alive enough to make anything new or put out DL editions I guess, but at least they're looking to print more copies of blackish because their 'final run' sold out way quicker than what they expected.

Also there's that new brand with nakamura sachiyo x kazuaki. They're supposedly working on an R18 game called Key la box, but I don't think there's been updates for a while.

>> No.46052723

The fact that it was Noa makes it even worse. Imagine how his route would've turned out if they stuck with their original plan.

>> No.46053497


VA is out. Looking blondie is gonna be the obligatory rape route. Delinquent seems decently emotional during sex.

>> No.46054003

It'll be unvoiced too.
FUCK NO. WHY WHY. They deserve going bankrupt, no pity for them after that revelation. I'm heartbroken now.
Cute art.

>> No.46054376

I wish we were in that timeline... I guess it explains why he felt at ease around her.

>> No.46056362


>> No.46057902

I'm curious how popular the rapey one is gonna be.
It seems in recent years these types of characters are in decline, Hanazawa, Madarame, Mink etc seem to have very few fans. Japan nowadays seems to enjoy characters like Kawase/Kuya who have a mean/kinky attitude and a sharp tongue but aren't downright abusive.

>> No.46058535

Madarame has a lot of fans actually. He has the most fanarts.

>> No.46059615

That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s the most popular just that he has the most fans who will make fanart. Otome games are more popular than BL games but they tend to have way less fanart than BL.

>> No.46059632
File: 423 KB, 810x456, Gnomejima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cage remake will be fully voiced sis! Thing is it was supposed to come out around 2020…But at least the circle is still active. Hopefully it'll come out soon! The new art looks really appealing! But really need to take the kinshikupill.

Hope the goblino shrine will flourish you with only good things sis! Make sure to make daily offerings, in order to get goblino and the incest Gods blessings! Kek, reminds me in sims 4 if you didn't make offerings to the gnomes during a festival, they destroyed your house or if too angry they put your house on fire haha.
Tysm sis! You can't pirate merch after all and goblino is an expensive boy.
>66,666 yen
What the actual fuck. I'd pay that price for a Majima robot like the one in Watase Yuus manga, Zettai Kareshi kek. Should be 666 indeed goblino number. These prices are disgusting. Aromarie really needs to reprint these resellers can be cunts.

Np sis! Orion is hot af but Raikou looks really sexy too! he better be the incest route

I like her art too. Really improved in Paradise, Azuma looks adorable, especially when he breaks down or when getting cock. I wish Takara had a better design. I don't mind the goblin height, but he looks hideous. They should make cute goblins. He might have been my fav if he looked a little better. That's a lie Matsuda's the best.

Surprisingly all Yoshiwara LIs were enjoyable in their own ways and the game was incredibly sexy, but as incredibly tragic. Really good game though! I should go back to Koezaru Akai Hana. The art is nice.

>Azumas VA
He is really good at Nucarnival. The selfest event where he fucks himself was kino. I really hope Nucarnival gets ported one day to a PC platform or something. It's actually a really cute and funny and the devs must be hardcore blvn fujos. Azuma has many similarities with Eiden for example, such as both growing up in an orphanage, depression, abandonment issues etc. Unlike Azuma though Eiden didn't get beaten.
I liked Kitayama in Kankinkon, he voices a delusional nutjob, Touji is bestboy though, but he isn't bad. I like him in otome, but with such a moaning talent he should strictly do bottoms in blvns lol.
Pilslash games indeed very JOP friendly. Especially their first two, koibito yuugi and masquarade. Dystopia no Ou is fine too! Their otome were fine too but sis, yes fuck that slang. Took me time in mashou megane to find out about a word that in the end was in katakana but the English original word was nothing alike lmao?
>having the characters greet you
Kek i love that, especially in Shingakkou, August is like, if you open it in the middle of the night he'll tell you that ghosts will come for you/roaming around meanwhile motherfucker is the most dangerous individual in the whole game and even ghosts don't want to come close to him haha (legit).

I'm definitely replaying it! That ending was everything, kino, heatwrecking, emotional, including a dose of pils dark sense of humor (not karin's level since pil actually serious).
I really like Mitsugi too haha rude cute bastard! ”It's not even a millimeter in?! And keeps seething about Azumas sexy show while trying to stick his dick in but comes haha And same, I love this trope too, doing everything for hubby. Definitely play the fandisks sis! Baka couple dynamics! I love them! Some stuff are explained there actually! I really wish pil did much more, I mean they did dramacds, but paradise has so much potential lore. But their funds must have been limited. Really wish the best for them. May the English license make more people come to love pil and support them.
Hope your friend enjoys the game too!
IIRC it had many typos and some lines were even missing. But the switch/steam one was polished and they changed some sentences too. Really a shame that no one picked up the R18 version.

>> No.46064081 [SPOILER] 
File: 392 KB, 682x532, usagigari no hajimari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>August is like, if you open it in the middle of the night he'll tell you that ghosts will come for you/roaming around
obake is more like monster/boogeyman in this context and he is the boogeyman of course

>Nucarnival selfcest event
I've rarely been so happy to discover a card's intimacy rooms. just perfect
also lmao at everyone wanting to defeat the Demon Lord because he's a giant slut seducing all the men in the lend

>> No.46066010

Oh shit you are right it was obake not yuurei thanks anon! Pfft makes it even better now! He is free to come lol.

Haha my sides. That event was so much fun!
I love aster and morvay duo events, wish they make another one soon.

>> No.46068213

Naughty priest

>> No.46068947

>Also August wondering if Michael washed his asshole or not last time he showered (they were allowed to shower like twice a week?)
>goes for it anyways

>> No.46070222

Help me me remember, /blog/. Only you would remember a thing like this.

It's probably a BL game in which the guy, after being dicked, he's so in ecstatic that he walks a long distance thinking about cock. Nothing else. He's even approached by people walking around him, but he's so into cock that he doesn't react, just walks.

Any ideas?

>> No.46072147

It's not a bl, it's a hentai anime.
I don't know the title, but I'm quite sure it's not a bl game or eroge.

>> No.46072162
File: 51 KB, 256x307, 54157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is getting a steam port, lol.

>> No.46073305

I’m kind of excited because I love trash but confused and disappointed that it’s eng only??

>> No.46073963 [SPOILER] 
File: 143 KB, 1018x571, kurousagichama.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the alice=alice writer know what she was doing

>> No.46074944 [SPOILER] 
File: 733 KB, 800x619, in all seriousness if the game really was blocked from being sold because of this route that's a total overreaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saiki, Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Oh shit fuck. Until a few minutes ago I could only ramble incoherently, but now I'm just exhausted again. Completely drained. So let me guess, this route is the reason we can't buy the game anymore, isn't it.

Guess this answers my question about Close's strategy for Destroy routes. While Open had these long stretches of calm before the storm until shit hit the fan at full force in the final act, Close sucks you in from the start and from there spirals out of control, totally claustrophobic, no escape, just hit after hit after hit until you are empty inside and grateful it's over. This was excellent horror. Classic horror, the creeping doom and descent into madness variety. But MOTHERFUCKER THAT FACE I almost had a heart attack. And then everyone was howling in chorus, the mother, Teppei, Shun, Jun. SHIT.

Alright. A short break because I need to clear my head, some more talk, two more bad ends, and then it's finally time for the poor, long-suffering chuuni.

>> No.46075088

love this stinky autist

>> No.46075991 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1080, 0100b5800c0e4000_2024-02-11_12-27-40-212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't take this guy for a cage-kun but maybe I'm totally off the mark here and this isn't actually foreshadowing anything.

>> No.46076816

>The Little Prince actually
Then this will be gut-wrenching. Well. Bring it on.

>but he's not really a 6D chess kaibutsu or anything
Oh no, definitely not. He might become that by the time he reaches adulthood on the Love route, but in the present he is very much just a small, thoroughly broken child lashing out, with too much power and just enough competence to keep it all from falling apart. On his route, at least. On the other routes and especially in Open where he didn't take too many additional risks everything went swimmingly for him. Pretty impressive considering he did it behind his father's back. Now Destroy Saiki, it's a miracle he kept it together for this long. Also what's up with these two and incest play, seriously.

>IIRC it was because Teppei kept ignoring his calls to meetup due the game rather than him literally not existing, I think?
Was it? I don't remember Oohira or any unnamed friends getting mentioned anywhere in Open, except for that one namedrop of the company. But there's probably much I failed to pick up on, especially on my first routes, so maybe?
It's just, even if he existed before, now Teppei spends so much time thinking about this guy in almost any bad/minor end it's utterly hilarious.
>Maki left a void in my heart that will never, ever heal... anyway I'm off to meet Oohira.
>I don't mind returning to my normal, boring life. I have my family and that's all that matters. And Oohira. Oohira is also an important part of my life. On the same level as my family, yes.
>I'm dying... I'm dying for sure... Oohira,.. You are surely in heaven, but I am going to hell, so we won't be able to meet...
>And then Oohira ripped out my heart. Thank you for letting me die. You truly are my dearest friend...
et cetera. It's always Oohira, Oohira, Oohiraoohiraoohira. Holy shit Teppei you haven't talked to this guy in half a year!

>The poor lovestuck idiot would rather die than hurt Teppei.
Yeah, he has that particular brain rot. I can't fault him for this one though, that stab to the neck was a total surprise hit. It's not like he straight up decided to die for Teppei, unlike Nanakawa, that crazy fucking lunatic.
>Why? Why? Why would he do such a thing?!
See Teppei, there was this route called YOU'RE A MASTER...
Teppei killing Nitta in a fair fight was pretty impressive, glad that happened before they handed him a gun for shits and giggles. And leave it to Yoshimoto to show compassion to a kindred soul. In many ways that was a kinder end than the actual ending.

>Total bugpeople.
No kidding. I wonder if they learned any lessons from the Destroy route. From their perspective these events played out something like: Teppei one night comes home late and acts like he is out of his mind. Next morning he calls the police and starts talking nonsense. For the next two nights he keeps staying out late, but now insists that everything is fine. He sleeps until late afternoon, heads out for the night, and calls in the morning to say he'll be gone on a business trip for a week. For two days he calls every now and then, then stops responding altogether, and then a day later his phone is dead. You call his workplace, and of course they know nothing about the "business trip". And then you never get any answers or closure.
Pretty typical story when you don't know the details. Well, but they still have four kids left, so better luck next time.

>More realistic than I expected
Yes, but then again Teppei was not the only highly questionable choice, and the threat to have his family eliminated was not even the most outrageous thing they have done. Segawa iirc was also living with his parents and little brother, Kujo is an actual celebrity, but Gondou is definitely the worst can of worms. I can't think of a single logical reason for wanting to eliminate him, let alone in such a contrived way. On Nitta's good route it's even confirmed that Saiki went through with the cleansing operation and the entire family was murdered with apparently no attempt made to cover it up since it made the news. That was a big reason why in Open there was such a strong sense of inevitability around the Game. Back then I just assumed this must be government-level or even international, but in retrospect it's hard to believe that Saiki acting on his own had the power to get away with it.

>> No.46078525

I don't watch hentai so it cannot be.

>> No.46083085 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1022x570, needy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is so neurotic and needy

>> No.46086012

How can i hide the seiyuus faces on hibiki forum?

>> No.46087155


>> No.46091882

which switch release of tmgs are you playing first

>> No.46092711

I’ve only ever played 3 before so I’ll probably use the rerelease as an excuse to finally get to the others.

>> No.46097016

It's so easy to read. Noice I won't need to MTL. I'll join you anon.

>> No.46097038

The cage kun is ironically the heroine kek. Lowkey. I mean the closest to a yandere heroine that you can get from otomate

>> No.46098629

1 for Himurocchi

>> No.46105957 [SPOILER] 

Playing anything for valentines?

>> No.46108984

If you ever find out what game it is, please tell us. I felt identified with that character, haha.
If you ever remember, share the title too.

>> No.46110613

Pigeon blood?
Anything else you can remember? How the guy looked for example?

>> No.46110802

No way I’m paying 6000 yen for any of the games konami is stinky for this they should be 4000 yen at most

I played Staoke they added character story chapter 14, these 14th chapters have a cute short animation scene it reminded me of older Angelique games felt nostalgic

>> No.46115050
File: 127 KB, 721x868, cool-b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever look at old release timetables and get depressed?
Sure, a lot of these titles ended up forgettable, but these days even two releases in one month is unusual.
I wasn't into BL/otome yet at this time, it must have been overwhelming to keep up with even if you were only playing the popular stuff.

>> No.46115191

Are these games forever lost media or what? Nowhere to download or even buy them since the devs don't exist anymore.

>> No.46115260

Lost media is an overstatement, stuff like will be floating around in second hand shops and if you ask around online it's likely someone somewhere has it sitting around, pretty much every PC otome game was uploaded to an old russian website called otome anri at some point, though most of their newer links (including what you're looking for) are dead.

>> No.46116473
File: 478 KB, 512x512, 508505944_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed L&D has been awfully quiet these days, yeah. Wonder what happened. Though, there's always this awkward "hiatus" with a lot of BL/otome companies. As usual, I could only guess this genre has a hard time sustaining itself from the poor business... I hope they'll release the Cage remake and the other games they're developing at the very least. And yeah, definitely give 禁飼育 a shot! I'm an unabashed shill for Gayoushi as always but I recommend them highly to anyone who enjoy the Pil stuff and is okay with DV/other explicitly edgey content in otome. Since I read the Majo related doujinge shortly before - Matsuda's domineering nature, the abusive relationship dynamics in Paradise + Azuma's monologues/him being an emotionally damaged wagey baka gave me Gayoushi-like vibes even if the writing styles are different.

Sis, I just got my parcel from the post office a few days ago but I'm already tempted to do another round of Majima merchandise for an even bigger contribution. Scalper prices are just ridiculous 仕方ない
Also that meme edit - I remember that game mechanic in the Sims too lmao. Not sure about 4, but it's funny how they'll literally come to life and kick your sims by the shin in the older games. Little trolling bastards just like Majima. Aromarie better reprint more of their rare mechandise this year. So far they only did bromide card reprints at Lawson orz

Some of the sprites are a bit awkward in Paradise if I'm being honest. Maybe it's because they're constantly on screen to the point where I just notice the not so nice details like a nitpicky autist... But yes! The CGs illustrated by Kotomi are indeed quite good. I like the muscle/nipple detail and overall vibe to them. Only wished Kotomi was commissioned to depict more of the explicit non-H scenes like the one where Matsuda struggled to get his axe out after striking into someone's cranium... Pretty topshit. The writers did a fine job on that one.

Yeah, I don't particularly care that much about Takara's design either. Not big with younger looking 少年 characters at any rate desu. though bloody/bandaged Takara after Matsuda tried to flatten the smelly little dipshit isn't bad even if those shoes still look retard tier ugloo Matsuda is of course better! BL/otome needs more more manly, ossan-like characters like him. So tempted to get mechandise of the ultra cute chibis, too. I'm in love with SD Matsuda.

Glad to hear that! I heard nothing but good things about Yoshiwara, including those who aren't big with otome. Seems super underrated but I can tell it's something I'll enjoy. Excited to try it out one day.

>Azuma's VA
Oh nice. I knew a little about Nucarnival but I had no idea that it was that ranchy with his VA. Selfcest is also nice, yum. The protagonist seems super cute, I could only guess he's best boy from the spoilers? I can hear those ultra エロい moans in my head now. I remember playing that Kankinkon game with Azuma's VA ages ago. Keep on forgetting that was him all along

Yeah, I ended up learning quite a lot from reading Paradise. The voice collection feature is quite useful - wish more games had it. At this point, pure kana, especially katakana is the most agonizing to me. Kanji is not even a huge issue compared to those.
btw to be completely honest, I have yet to read Shingakkou but I really want to one day. It's always those seemingly normal looking guys who hide the craziest shit huh? I just enjoy those types so I know I'll love August haha

Yes Desperately hanging onto Mitsugi and Azuma then becoming deredere from his usual tsundere attitude towards him is just frankly adorable. Even though the ending was very sad, it was also super sweet in way? Cute dumbasses. Mitsugi crying at the end... ><
That part was fun, too. So many good moments between the two. I just enjoy tsundere/tsundere relationships a lot in this medium, really. My Japanese friend loves Mitsugi so much to the point where I just so confused when I first started reading Paradise. Like how the fuck this blonde asshole is even charming? Has no problems with living in total filth even and somehow enjoys bullying + giving Azuma random handjobs out of nowhere too kek. Bet that tsundere fell in love with Azuma at first sight.
But yeah, it's really the endings, characterization and atmosphere which makes Paradise a fairly unique experience despite the seemingly cliche plot at first glance. Definitely worth a revisit. Hopefully when the TL comes out, people would be willing to do group readings and give out more of their opinions. I also wish for the success of Masquerade/Paradise overseas - more Pil games would be nice to see. I will definitely read the FDs for sure, too. My backlog became so crazy once I started learning JP seriously so I actually wrote down a priority list for 2024 where Musubi is 100% coming right after.

>> No.46117214

yeah, browsing info about all the upcoming titles was like half the fun for me even if most of the ones I bought ended up turning into tsumige

not true lost media, but it does suck that barely anyone makes an effort to revive dead links anymore. I searched around and found living links for the first two double score games though, and I'm willing to reupload if you're still looking for them.

>> No.46118983

Not that anon but Im a data hoarder and would be interested in a reupload

>> No.46119109

Here you go
(double score) pixeldrain com/l/dpsdxHqk

>> No.46119422 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 313x256, Oniichan&#039;ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess doujin companies really do struggle. I hope they successfully release it, though! I know I'm delulu but if things go according to keikaku lol, maybe the writers are busy working on yet another pilslash game? That's why they are busy, and their circles games are on a second fate? Idk, pilslash does seem to not be doing that well, but they do release a game every 4–5 years. And always announce it when they have already progressed on it. We'll see!
This year seems to be the year of switch ports, though lol. Konami finally woke up, and also Matatabi out of nowhere lol. If only Koei does the same or Rejet.
Will definitely give Gayoushi a try! I'll make it a new year's goal to finish majou series and garasu. Matsudas toxic relationship with Azuma is just so good and well written. It's not the shit you see in nitro games, "yes I'll beat you and rape you because
>i wear latex leather pants and carry a sword
>a degenerate annihilated my whole village but it's the blue haired autists fault
>mmm smelly meat monsters drive me nuts
>basements and floor shitting (meme)

>goblin temple
Sis, go for it why not! The prices are disgusting, but if it makes you happy and fulfills you, that's the sign.
You'll leave your Majima shrine to your ancestors and who knows, one day this collection will be to a museum along with our shitposts explaining the goblino legacy haha.

Sims 4 was really shit actually but this one was hilarious. Gremlino gnomes following gremlin kings example and lighting fires and trolling everyone. I'm trying to stay positive that 2024 will be aromaries comeback! Reprint their goodies but also release Gikei.

Sprites are sometimes made by assistants, so that's why they might look derpy sometimes, but i get you in that. My nightmare is finding yaoi hands or weird feet on CG. Then i cant unsee it and my autistic brain can't move past it so i cant focus. I hate it. One of the reasons that i want to try J*sts version is Azumas asshole and cute pp. I'm sure both will have a cute pink color. Matsuda's will be violent and veiny. Mitsugis clean but with his attitude someone would assume that he has phimosis. Takara is a horrorcow like Fujita. I don't know if i want to see it uncensored or not desu.

This sis, i hate it sm! If only pilslash went full horror and gore. I don't know why they no longer do that. They go all the way with their damn beastiality scenes but Matsuda axing people is a no no. Taliking about Matsuda and craniums though, reminded me of goblino fds bad end who sent someone's head flying and then unbothered went uwu and sexy time with Yuriko while the head and the corpse were still lying on floor. I love them both so much. I also love Matsuda sis shitposts about Matsuda sometimes here.

I'm not fond of younger looking ones too, i do have some exceptions, though usually otoutos/otoutoppois but that aside, I think Takaras design is hideous and it's a shame bc he is interesting. What is infuriating but lowkey funny tho is that Takara is uggo but his dad and bro and fucking hot, ofc his dad is not as stable too but holy cow is he hot. Looks like the only acceptable 3DPD, dilf Mads Mikkelsen from cannibal. If only paradise focused more on his family and Nanjou... Sasuga our Azumas charm, attracting all the nutjobs. but lol sis, same haha. That's my fav ending actually, i loved Matsuda so much there. We really need more Matsudas in otome. Ossan tropes are so underatted. They give us really hot side ossan charas, leaving us to only fantasize about them. I hate it HATE IT. Desperadrops has one but i dont like his beard much and hair, he does look a lil like a Jersey shore contestant, but I'd fuck him. His seiyuu hot too.

Hope you have fun with it sis! I'm actually planning to replay it. Shou-chan a cute.

>azumas va
It's actually really fun! Sadly, I'm not as active anymore, but I'll do a comeback now that the depressed slutty fox, my boy, will have an event. The game is all about Eito though. He is so adorable. Yes Eito is bestboy and most loved. Actually, all the boys are popular and adorable. I don't know who is the most popular. Maybe it's Kuya afterall? I keep forgetting that too haha. Touji was the best after all so. Another delicious mess of a man. But Azumas moans top-notch. His seiyuu is pretty adorable irl too. He is really cute and loves hedgehogs. Sad that the one he was raising died recently though.


>> No.46119439
File: 168 KB, 1080x2218, Stinky boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This! I love the saved voice lines actions so much. My slots are all full of Matsuda's kek or Azumas moans. If only chou no doku had them too. I hate it that i have to decrypt the game to get the moans every damn time.
I find katakana the most agonizing ones too sis.. i hate them so much. Since they bother to use an eng word why not just go ahead and use it as it is? Lmao. Yeah kanji is okay since you can always use a tool like kanjitomo or whatever. But katakana? Hahaha have fun. Sometimes even jp slang dictionaries don't have them.. i wonder if there's an urban dictionary jp equivalent for boomers like myself.

Sis go ahead with Shingakkou! I highly recommend it to everyone. It's well written, the horror elements atmosphere top-notch and actually all the LIs are fun. I did like Cecil the least, i mean he is not a bad boy he cute, but i really don't have it with innocent-type tropes and routes. Well his route not innocent at all though. August is awesome. I love well written villains and unhinged sluts who become super obsessive towards MC . Neil is awesome, reminded me of Shibas good points + the red hair and Leonid was cute too. The twin well....you'll see I won't spoil. Since you just started your BL journey, i highly recommend both Shingakkou and Hashihime. But yeah i think you'll definitely like August. Like goblino, they aren't meant for happiness, will burn down all their rivals or off themselves the moment they lose to another dick . Protagonist is a cutie. Marukis and Kusakas writings are pretty similar. Kusaka likes tragedies more than Maruki, they both love obsessive schizo tropes and write great antagonists. I want to read the game they did together. If only they write a bl/otome together. It'd be such a kamige.

I love how he broke and mellowed down in the end. Dw sis, in the fd they do them justice they are basically a baka married couple.

Yes i was surprised by how much Mitsugi is popular, he was very high in the coolb poll too, 3rd or smth. But after completing his route it really makes sense! He starts so annoying you want to throw a punch on his smug but the moment he mellows down he becomes so adorable. Hahaha he is actually very similar to Leonid from Shingakkou. Both Mitsugi and Leonid lived in total filth and Azuma and Michael had to be their personal maids in order to keep them alive. Michael was even worried that one day he'll find Leonid dead hidden under the trash. I love Mitsugis tsundere autism more than Leonids cooderetism though. Definitely going to replay it! Actually I'll probably go ahead and play it in Japanese, forgot about the animation patch kek. Overall praying for pilslash's comeback and hopefully the eng market opening will be fruitful for them! Learning jp really makes backlog bigger haha! This year I've been replaying my favorites. I saw a post about Moshikami and really made me want to replay it.

Pigeon blood. I'm sure of it. Protagonist became so addicted to cock, it was the only thing on his mind.

Check the mirror links on a-s. One is dead but I can upload it if the other anon can't during the weekend.

>> No.46119450
File: 34 KB, 256x325, 17731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know this VN? I can't find the PC version of it anywhere.

>> No.46119455

Double Score game is not complete iirc right? Such a bummer they went defunct before they could finish the game.

>> No.46119458

Aarin and a-s. You might want to wait though because the company did spoil maybe a steam/switch release like they did with akayano.

>> No.46119476
File: 315 KB, 1456x982, 89-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little confused, do you mean Ayakashi? I do know that it is getting an English release soon. By the way, the VN is called Hanakisou, in case it's not legible in the image.

>> No.46119530

Yes, Akaya Akashiya Ayakashino. Has a visual novel too. Same company Hacca made Hanakisou, their first game. I know that it is coming out soon, eng included, I'm talking about the staff, they posted about Hanakisou about a month ago! So they might be thinking to port it as well on steam/switch. It'd be nice since Akayashi is now fully voiced. Only the console versions were voiced the pc ones aren't for both games!

>> No.46119595
File: 103 KB, 728x1087, 56-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I did not realize that. I hope so too then.

>> No.46120458
File: 810 KB, 827x1000, 20240216_124644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which character is blog going for the first route?

>> No.46121081
File: 151 KB, 1000x638, roomno9-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep forgetting that Azumas VA voiced Seiji

>> No.46123051


>> No.46124585

Thank you!

>> No.46124609

Yeah, I realized that was a huge exaggeration on my part after checking online second hand stores/auction websites. Disregarding potential big charges on proxy services and whatnot, the games are quite cheap surprisingly enough.

I'm really grateful for the reupload, anon. Thanks a lot. Was checking otome anri, Rutracker, A-S, etc, where none of my searches were coming up with anything reasonable. I've been also hoarding all my games since I figured things will eventually go under at some point.

Thanks for offering to help. Hoping the other game gets reuploaded eventually!
By the way, dunno if anyone here caught wind of this but CDromance (big DDL site for retro games including older otome) recently changed their methods to download files. You have to copy the CDR_TICKET on a game's page in the original website and paste it here now: http://cdromance.org/

>> No.46126695


>> No.46126736
File: 152 KB, 736x919, 天秤 帝都幻惑綺譚.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the game? I watched the anime when it first came out.

>> No.46128564

otouto should've had a route, he was already in love with her

>> No.46131226 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, himurocchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot how annoying bombs were in the earlier TMGS games.

Regardless, Himurocchi love

>> No.46132361


>> No.46132829

Finished Virches Lucas. Does he get a happy ending on the fandisk or should I just drop it here?
Spoil me

>> No.46132883

I want to download this freege but the site is archived and can't access the link can someone help or is it lost media?

>> No.46133442

Found it in this freege archive.

>> No.46133472

Thanks a lot anon!

>> No.46134222

Otomate news

Switch ports
>hiiro no kakera
>natsuzora no monologue

+ a new game

>> No.46134298

adding on to this

natsuzora no monologue is getting added content for the switch port

the newly announced title is fuyuzono sacrifice
producer: fujisawa tsunekiyo
director: shiina atori
writer: arino sachi

the cast was announced for otome doushi
sakata shougo
ura kazuki
shimazaki nobunaga
matsuoka yoshitsugu

don't even know what to expect for the second half but I hope we get more info about that akb basketball thing

>> No.46135297 [SPOILER] 
File: 820 KB, 800x619, are we ever getting a CG of this hobo with his natural brown hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ishimatsu, Apprivoiser
This was gut-wrenching. And this was only the Love route. This was the Love route, right? The title card said so.

This route had such a ridiculously slow start it bordered on meandering. I triggered my first bad end (ED.10 MANNEQUIN) and the route was yet to show its first CG. I passed the branching point and still no CG. I hit the ending and wtf is this, CG variants don't usually take up separate slots? Cheating, this is cheating L&D where are the CGs where are they?
But everything after Saiki gave his order was pure kino. Totally deserves to be a honorary Destroy route. I've seen some shit in this game, but Teppei happily contemplating if it's gay if he didn't hate getting dicked down by a guy, while the scene kept cutting back to his family getting eviscerated by said guy was pretty wild. That scene where he returns home was really well done. ED.12 眠れる深い白い森 was also excellent.
Somehow we had even more OohiraOohiraOohira on this route. Now he was even having a two-way convesation with this fagit in his head. You did it, Teppei, keep this up a little longer and you'll have that tulpa by the end. I really wonder now if he was mentioned in Open. Perhaps on Nitta's route? 90% of my misconceptions about the story seem to originate from the Nitta(+common) route. Well, it was my first route, I had zero context for anything, so that makes sense. But maybe I should replay it.
>"My hair is dyed. That, and growing it out was Saiki's idea. The coat too. "This will sell our game", basically."
Sasuga. Very meta. So he wasn't truly a chuuni. What a tweest.

Five CG slots left to split between four endings, at least two of which are still on this route. That's on the extreme low end compared to the previous Close routes, though in line with the generally shorter Open ones. But this was an unusually dark Love route, so I'm curious to see where this is heading.

>> No.46135492
File: 984 KB, 1050x1400, GGnih6jbAAAjAa_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MC from the new game they announced is really cute

>> No.46135613

MC's hair is wack but I love some cute catboys

>> No.46136066

The boys for this game look so bland

>> No.46136700

This feels like they pulled 3 themes (tropical country, kemonomimi, chess) out of a hat and stuck them together.

>> No.46137970
File: 640 KB, 1190x918, To majima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't played chou no doku yet it's time to take the Majimapill.

>> No.46138130

I like kemomimi but too bad they're all a flavour of feline/canine. I want to see birbs and gotes and bnuy

>> No.46138975 [SPOILER] 
File: 853 KB, 800x619, Ishimatsu on track to become the first character to have no true happy ends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ishimatsu, Voilà, C'est tout.
Peak emotion. So the half-branch was on the Love route. But it's so stange, Ishimatsu's route really is a Love route that altogether feels nothing like a Love route. For example if there were no other route for him beside this one I stll would walk away completely satisfied. Loved Shizuka's post-mortem monolog. Being a poorfag working class family in Nippon is legit suffering. Teppei entering the workforce after high school (iirc he may have been a kosen grad but that only had like a single throwaway mention so I'm not sure) and will work manual labor until his body breaks down because his family desperately needs the money, Shizuka being just as miserable working part-time and doing most of the housework (for seven fucking people), though at least she got to go to uni so her prospects are infinitely better than Teppei's. Asami about to graduate high school too, and there are still two more kids who'll need education. Grim.
For Ishimatsu's destroy route we have two more endings and four CGs left. That means it now seems extremely likely that Ishimatsu will have only about half as many sex scenes as the Saiki route. Not a problem per se, but sure unexpected.

>> No.46140422

I wonder what guest illustrator/designer actually means. Like participated in part of the designs but only a minor chunk of it? Has otomate had one of these before?

>> No.46140615

There was Radiant Tale where a different illustrator did the side characters, but I'm not sure what they were credited as.

>> No.46142720

Which double score game are you missing anon? I'll upload it today.

>> No.46143244

Double Score ~Marguerite × Tulip~
This one, anon. Much appreciated if you could.

>> No.46144673

pixeldrain com/u/j7meiQqL
Here anon i used the same file sharing host the other anon used! Enjoy!

>> No.46145319

nta but thank you!

>> No.46145928

Nice, that should be all the games now. Thank you very much!

>> No.46146662
File: 71 KB, 400x265, gges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Np! There were supposed to be more games but the company went defunct before they could finish it. They do have the dramacd series complete tho.

>> No.46148282

Thanks anon

>> No.46149249

Someone here that has and can share Innocent Incest and Gakuen Rensenki?

>> No.46152010

A gooner otome LI?

>> No.46154782

When/if AB comes back up I can check for you

>> No.46157146

Been thinking of going back to play older games I never got around to recently and remembered how common having no voiced default name used to be.
Do any otome games still do this? I can't think of anything recent (barring TMGS I suppose, which feels like a special case). If there isn't I wonder what the last game not to have one was.

>> No.46157939

Thanks anon!

>> No.46158931
File: 393 KB, 1754x2048, zayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's grind hell for mat collecting.
Although the 4* asmr is nice feature if you want background noise.

>> No.46161980

Do you like the artist who did the art for room n.9 and lkyt?

>> No.46161983
File: 1.61 MB, 2839x3047, maj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured at this point of my life, I'd rather just give everything the benefit of doubt even there are plenty of good reasons to think otherwise. Bad for me mentally to think too negatively when it's so easy to do so. The year's still early.

>Konami finally woke up
Imo Konami has been so bad at managing their IPs lately, I wasn't so sure about the TMGS trilogy remaster at all. I used to be a huge fan of so many of Konami's games in the past so it's pretty awkward for me to put faith in them these days. But at the very least, I'm glad the TMGS remaster has higher sound quality! Perfect for voice clip collecting and personal projects.

>Will definitely give Gayoushi a try!
Doujin works deserves so much more love and attention, I just can't help myself but to bring up authors like Gayoushi time to time. Besides that, Majo's LI is a really interesting one for his relationship towards the protagonist and the sort of toxic crap he does to exert control over others. Zaijouin has very little trust in other people where Yaneko is no exception. Objectively, he sees her vastly inferior to himself and yet, he is very much dependent on her existence in reality. Without her, his own workaholic life is quite desolate.
In that regard, I can sense Matsuda has somewhat of a similar thing in his relationship with Azuma but unlike in Majo where Yaneko constantly struggles to put distance between herself and with the destructive LI, Azuma is very much a classic enabler within a codependent relationship by which he has extreme difficulty with giving up on Matsuda. Azuma knows very well with how much of a fool's errand he's on while trying to "fix" Matsuda for the sake of everyone. The way Paradise conveys this while also heavily exploiting Azuma's altruism and emotional issues is rather "realistic" I'd say. From the few Nitro/Chiral titles I did read for a bit, the sort of abusive relationships depicted in them didn't feel nearly as impactful or believable to me for sure.

While I really want to buy more Majima merchandise, I had to suppress the urge and save a bit for a while. Maybe later this year when I see more news from Aromarie. I already spent so much on buying presents for other people lately, too. Man, I really need to get off my lazy ass and just engage with more DIY projects though. So many things I want of Majima but none of it actually exists. Hopefully there will be good news coming from Aromarie this year in general. Though, I'll be satisfied with just nice merchandise of Majima if I'm being completely honest.

I had tons of fun just messing with garden gnomes in the older Sims games so I gotta check this out and those fucking sex mods for a good chuckle. Can't stop laughing at those Sims 4 lewds people would post But yeah, 4 is a pretty bad game, more or less a testament how EA ruins everything they touch. Unironically hope that upcoming Korean Sims clone succeeds. The current situation with the AAA video game industry seriously needs to change. Besides the Artificial Academy games being the closest you can get for BL/otome, it's kinda sad how there isn't really an anime/manga styled Sims game with VA work and customization in general.

Ah, when you say that, the assistants potentially working on sprites makes a lot of sense. I'm a sucker for pretty colors and fluffy hair but once I see details which does manage to mess with me and my autism, it's over.
Honestly wish good pubic hair is more of a thing in BL/otome but I will take a good looking chimpo any day. The one thing I can appreciate Hamashima Shigeo from CLOCKUP/parade is that she's a huge appreciator of drawing nice genitals/pubes even under the mosaic. For that reason, Shigeo is one of my top favorite artists even if her guys are a mixed bag. JP artists for this medium are notorious for not drawing much of anything underneath the censor.

But yeah, I really do think Kotomi not illustrating more of the non-H is wasted potential. If CLOCKUP/parade can commission artists to draw all the gruesome details then I don't see why Pil/Slash can't do the same? Wonder if it's a budget issue and/or if Kotomi is actually not interested in drawing such extreme content with the actual characters themselves (despite the whole bestiality history). Who knows. It's really low budget how that bloodstain and mangled corpse CG was reused several times If wasn't for Kyuuyouzawa Lychee's juicy writing style, I would have considered these scenes as cheap afterthoughts. Though Matsuda's DV mania/smashing heads open like watermelons would surely become a meme if the Paradise localization gets popular. Azuma calling him a gorilla several times is just funny to me. Somehow makes me think of Donkey Kong and how he'd smash people into the ground with a shit eating grin.

>> No.46162000
File: 733 KB, 822x1212, GEzMloNX0AE4-rU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get why Takara was designed the way he is since he's clearly supposed to be the "innocent", bright eyed little boy who's always rooting for Azuma but is actually one of the biggest assholes out of them all. but I don't know. I'm probably tripping but it's weird how disproportionate he feels when I look at him closely now actually. I like tarame eyes and all, but the hueg uguu just makes Takara kinda look like an alien with that head shape?? Would say this is even more apparent in some of his CGs even. Doesn't seem like drawing younger guys/shotas is Kotomi's strongest point at all. Still going through Takara's route so I can't say my expectations are especially high with the rest of the CGs involving him lmao. Definitely cuter as a chibi.

>Ossan trope
Definitely yes. desu I wouldn't mind if Matsuda was actually in his 30s/40s as much as Azuma joked about it at the beginning. Hongou isn't bad either. Kinda do like him actually even with that massive shitpost of an ending lmao. Only guessing the FDs salvages him at some level IMO DesperaDrops ossan seems pretty OK even if I'm not big with that haircut myself.
Unfortunate how older men, especially with cooler characterization, does seems to be way more common outside BL/otome though. I love ikemen but I also enjoy more mature men... Huge childhood crush on a lot of Metal Gear characters which is the closest I'd get to """3DPD""" related stuff.

Very nice! When you do replay Yoshiwara someday, please give out your impressions! I would love to see them.

>Azuma's VA
Ah, is that so? Glad to know Kitayama is pulling off more of those screams and moans. Tbh I got so badly burned by freemium/gacha games to the point where my wallet and I have PTSD oof. I hope that Nucarnival and all the other R18 BL/otome related games have the content constantly datamined at least.
Azuma's VA really does seem like a qt. Didn't know he was raising hedgehogs! Losing a pet is rough

Aaaa same. I saved so much dialogue/moans from Matsuda's route, it's ridiculous. Lots and lots of Azuma screeching too kek. Choudoku actually does have a voice collection feature in the Switch/Steam version but nothing for the original one, of course.
和製英語 is a nightmare, sis. I really enjoy learning/reading in JP but I can't help but laugh and sigh at the same time after trying to sound some words out loud and getting the meaning completely wrong. Kanji seriously makes things easier after I got over the beginner hurdle. For more unconventional JP lookups, I try to consult with resources like Yahoo!知恵袋 and HiNative. There's also this dictionary for 俗語

Eventually I will read Shingakkou and Hashihime for sure. I had my eye on those games for a long time even when I didn't bother with BL too much back then. Really, the only thing holding me back is my turtle reading speed and irl stuff... Since I dived into the deep end with Paradise, I ought to read shorter VNs and play other games within the interim after I'm done with the FDs. But yes! The setting and characters in Shingakkou all seem exactly to my taste. Good to know there's a Shiba-like character as well. Very nice. A Maruki/Kusaka collaboration would be cool if only. Seems like they haven't wrote VN scenarios in years.

>Mitsugi ranked high
Yep, I vaguely remember reading a blog post about this. Paradise is apparently quite popular in Japan where Azuma was consistently topping popularity charts. No surprise Mitsugi could be also trailing right behind. He really synergizes with Azuma well and is perhaps the most "wholesome" love interest despite all the Dialovers level shit he does. Imo he's such a sweetie in reality. It's the little things the authors write which really makes me appreciate the characters in Paradise despite everyone being such trainwrecks.

>Mitsugi/Leonid + pic related
Oh damn, that's also a thing in Shingakkou with Leonid? Fucking lmao, only makes the whole trope even more hilarious to me. I gotta check that out. Midorikawa Hikaru is a big bonus, too.

Oh that reminds me, Moshikami did get an Agent script not too long so good news for everyone who texthooks. Agent has been getting a lot of support lately and otome game scripts after the devs' long hiatus. Happy for them.

>praying for pilslash's comeback
Same. Furukawa is quite popular in a lot of stuff localized in West so hopefully that'll be a big selling point. Seems like the Paradise localization is due for release late April.

>> No.46162215

Ehh it's alright, don't really dig the shading and color choices. Also some dramatic cgs in lkyt were unintentionally funny because of wack expressions.

>> No.46162311

I've only played regular eroge she's drawn for.
Despite having played a couple of Clockup games I've never been that interested in Parade. Might play Lkyt some day I guess.

>> No.46162826

>For more unconventional JP lookups, I try to consult with resources like Yahoo!知恵袋 and HiNative.
honestly I just do what the average jap supposedly does: I google [word]とは, it'll return any hits from chiebukuro or dicts and even random blogs (those tend to digress at length about the origins of expressions or whatnot, quite interesting sometimes)
It's quite reassuring to see that past a certain level, even regular nips are baffled by their moon language. When most of your lookups are on chiebukuro and co you've made it.

>> No.46162902

I'd recommend this tool. https://github.com/rampaa/JL
Can be used together with anki.

>> No.46163929
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, 0100b5800c0e4000_2024-02-19_00-35-01-137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumping around saves to collect every ending is so tiring, I wish I wasn't a completionist. I was hoping this would be a fun trainwreck but this is mostly kind of boring, there isn't enough buildup to the bad ends for the most part so they don't have a lot of impact, nor do I care much about the characters or feel enough of a bond between them to justify things like letting at the very least thousands of people die in exchange for MC's life.
I've heard Leon's route is the weakest (so far I have only done his loyalty path and bad ends leading to it), I'm really weighing up whether to continue at the moment. The gameplay element isn't the absolute worst but I hate how every chapter is structured around it.
MC having surprise partial voice acting was a little fun I guess.

>> No.46164100

Oh shit, it's like chiitrans but better, thanks senpai.

>> No.46168746

>As for works that only partially use AI, AI-generated otome works, and AI-generated smartphone games, they will continue to be sold in their respective doujin and smartphone sections as before.
it's joever, AI slop now endorsed on DLsite

>> No.46168911

That's really depressing for translators and artists.
I can forgive AI translations though, compared to the woke meme burger translations, AIs do better lmao. But AI art? Hell no. Even Hanamura Mai has better anatomy.

>> No.46169284

>When most of your lookups are on chiebukuro and co you've made it.
I feel like I'm gradually getting to that point, yeah. That's reassuring to know. What's nice about Japanese is that much of the vocabulary is structured rather systematically. Even without knowing the context or the readings initially, you can occasionally get a pretty good guess from an unknown word from just looking at it. Feels like some of the chemistry classes I used to take.

>> No.46169373

Imho Japanese is a schizophrenic mess where anything logical is just Chinese they forgot to bastardize.

>> No.46169454

at least there's a block filter for them

>> No.46169521

LI that has been raped by his mom/sister/dad/uncle past recs?

>> No.46169729

It sucks but you can filter them out. Hopefully it wont be like pixiv where any old retard can upload and sell their shit without tagging appropriately.

>> No.46177034
File: 310 KB, 800x448, c3bc3b400a43290fcdff719dd662_webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOP version of Paradise on April 26th

>> No.46177104

3 days after Eiyuden Chronicle? It's like they don't want anyone to play it.

>> No.46177546

>27yo ossan

>> No.46178108
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, 0100b5800c0e4000_2024-02-23_18-51-02-947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I actually continued with Reine des Fleurs because what the fuck.
>heroine is offered a choice, sacrifice yourself and the LI if you want to save the world, or destroy it and kill everyone
>expect like, I assume most people would, that a last minute third option will come about
>nope, heroine actually takes the second option and orders the other boys to kill themselves, destroying the world so she can be with the LI
>it's all good cause maybe they'll be reincarnated some day

I couldn't believe what I was reading. This is the best end for this route by the way.
Though it sounds more entertaining written out like this, as the insanity of the situation is never really pointed out and the other boys happily off themselves like it's no big deal, it was bizarre more than anything, like I was reading something written by an alien.

>> No.46178786

Just curious anon, are you using a texthooker or something to help you look up words (assuming you need that sort of thing)? I really would like to play Vita and Switch emulated games but the difficulty hooking text (even with Agent which doesn’t work for every game) puts me off. Wondering if there’s an easier method

>> No.46178892

I don't really use them, occasionally I'll use an OCR program if I'm stuck though I'm not sure if it'd be viable for someone needing heavy dictionary support.
I'm pretty sure there's anons around that know more about this kind of thing though, I've seen people run MTL setups for switch games so it must be doable.

>> No.46179100

Reines has a script anon. For switch iirc. I haven't tried hooking that game yet but if there's a problem they can always look it out at the agent discord.

>> No.46180539

Don't know id this has been asked before but did anyone else that played amnesia found ikki's route bad/forgettable? I only liked some segments and the bad ending.

>> No.46180550

The only parts of that game I found memorable were cage memes, belts, and that the best boy is just a voice in your head

>> No.46180808

ehh, I liked Ikki for the sort of bait and switch about his whole portrayal as a womanizer. Though I think I liked his fandsic stuff better.

>> No.46180979

I wish it felt normal to read VNs in my regular free time and not just right before bed.

>> No.46181113

But reading right before bed so you can dream about it is the best

>> No.46181200

But it still sucks since I'm usually too tired to make it very far.

>> No.46181680

>had sex
>95% of bl is boring now
sisters wtf

>> No.46182787

have bad sex and you'll be hungering for joseimuke VNs again

>> No.46182833 [SPOILER] 
File: 687 KB, 800x619, couldn&#039;t even take a proper screenshot the stinger started so fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ishimatsu, peu à peu, ainsi
All smiles.
That is.

Excuse me nigga what? What the fuck had just happened? ???? Huh?
Teppei managing to survive as the coin holder for three days was actually impressive. Even if he did it by hiding through most of it after Nitta and Yoshimoto trashed his confidence. Total murderhobos, those two.
OohiraOohiraOohira (spikedbatspikedbatspikedbat)
Been a while since Teppei had thoroughly unpleasant sex. That was fun to see after the Love route had probably the most gentle scene in the game.

Ishimatsu very narrowly escaped becoming the route with the least ero scenes. Actually I did a quick count from memory:
Ishimatsu (3) = Yoshimoto (3) < Kujo (3+1 aborted but long enough to count) < Yagasaki (5) = Saiki (5) < Nitta (6+1 aborted pretty early) < Maki (12+1 fade to black, strangely enough)
Only one route left.

>> No.46184083

Are you me? Bare minimum I have to wait for the sun to set

>> No.46185182

Have you tried a doujin game by isaraza circle?

>> No.46190649 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.46194530

>a-s is dead

>> No.46194597

Surely it's just temporary?

>> No.46194973


But we should make a /blog/ MEGA folder like vnanons. You never know.

>> No.46196122

Thirding, playing VNs when the sun is out feels so wrong somehow. Nightmare in Euro summer gotta wait till like 21h30.

>> No.46197732

>/blog/ MEGA
I wouldn't mind contributing what little I have if someone organized one, but what types of things would we be focusing on? Doujin stuff like the vnanons?

>> No.46197752
File: 3.07 MB, 640x640, dog-looking-around.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech illiterate retard here. Where can I download Slow Damage without blowing up my PC? I heard the localization is shit and I don't want to support that.

>> No.46197986

It makes some weird changes in regards to perspective but I played through the localisation just fine despite that.

>> No.46198204

Unless you're willing to put in effort to read in Japanese and possibly take months or even a year to finish it, straight up MTLing it won't be pleasant either.

>> No.46198291

If you need to ask on 4chan how to pirate games you should not pirate games. This is for your own good.

>> No.46198834

Is it good?

>> No.46199333

>possibly take months or even a year to finish it
Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.46199375

I played 櫻庭邸, not really /blog/ besides the guys being handsome pieces of shit. There's not enough setup to call it a mystery but I thought it was good

>> No.46200420

Same. I have mostly otome pc games.
Blog games for starters?

>> No.46200436

I saw agent released a script for Sweet clown. But it doesn't work for me. Does it work for any of you? I tried both running as as administrator, new and older versions of yuzu but still doesn't hook anything.

>> No.46201812

I don't find a problem either. It's ideal for the most gains and ultimately the best experience which English cannot hope to compare.

>> No.46202597

Biggest slut of a LI to exist?

>> No.46202825

that one whore from TMGS, he should be hanged inshallah

>> No.46202899

Sylvain from Fire Emblem if that counts. He literally fucks anything that moves. Blatantly hits on any girl, guy, grandma, etc and even has an ending where he cheats on everyone if he doesn't get paired with someone.
Voiced by the same guy who did Matsuda from Paradise so it's even funnier.

>> No.46203173

>Voiced by the same guy who did Matsuda from Paradise so it's even funnier.
Too bad he doesn't do his deep voice

>> No.46203264
File: 57 KB, 500x284, slut99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spreads his slut brainworms to purest boy in the group
>turns him into a slut too
>even turned the robot into a slut
Ren is a dangerous slut

alhamdulillah hope his stds turn out to be late stage syphilis worst boy ever to exist

>> No.46203291

I remember that Suwabe Junichi era where he strictly voiced sluts
>slut priest
>yuri nikiforov

>> No.46203521 [SPOILER] 
File: 924 KB, 800x619, OohiraOohiraOohiraOohiraOohiraOohiraOohira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ED.28 Flashlight
This one played out mostly as expected. To be honest I would have been pretty pissed if it didn't. There's only so much blueballing I can take and the game still owes me a big one and the end is rapidly approaching, and the panic is setting in. So yeah, this was good. Enough to delay my more and more likely to be inevitable screaming in agony for a few more days.

Oohira, you wonderful, wonderful yandere nutjob. I endured Teppei's incessant whining for this long hoping there'd be gross medical malpractice waiting at the end of the tunnel, and yessss, this will do. Teppei has the worst fucking luck with friends. Attracted his first yandere at ~10, his second at 15, and a third at 23. That's some shit luck. Reminds me of that girl, the name escapes me, who was murdered by one of her exes, though as it would later turn out both of her exes, completely indepent of each other, were serial killers. Same energy.
Saiki was the biggest winner of this route. The biggest disruptive element to his game got Chain'd (at least I assume, it was never directly stated), Saiki Group made a major acquisition, and he even got to laugh his ass off at wanton patricide. All in all a great day for him.
That first sex scene did a brilliant move when it switched away from Teppei's POV. Him laying paralyzed and completely soundless, zero narration, only Oohira's retardo babbling was freakish and almost entirely unappealing. ほら ほら わかる? ほら ここか? ほら like man, he definitely wins the award for worst sex lines. I laughed at the part where he admitted being shocked when he first realized that Teppei actually had a pretty big cock.
>LET'S CARNAVALE music starts playing
FUCK FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUU okay that was mercifully short and Stallone Oohira did get a laugh out of me.
>What did you expect? Did you think I would forgive you? I'm not that kind.
Well I... I'll be damned, I did? Oohira wins another prize for crossing the line so hard he DIDN'T trigger Teppei's Stockholm Syndrome, what in the, after all these sociopaths I would never have thought this possible. I mean ultimately this doesn't even come close to what Saiki did to him, though he gets a pass for being only 11.

And now, inject Kiba-speech directly into my veins.

>> No.46203567

Does Hakuouki hold up? I've been into otome games for around a decade at this point but never got around to it. I see a lot of people who still seem to love it but usually it was one of the first otomege they played, I'm wary as to whether it would have as much appeal to someone with no nostalgia.

>> No.46203806

different anon here but I just checked and unfortunately neither of those are on ab

>> No.46203871

Sorry anons but what is ab? Did search but didn't get any results

>> No.46204318

Private tracker, animebytes

>> No.46204380

He should go back to that

>> No.46204579

Thank anon!

BLanons 2024 seems to be our year!
>Zizz studio
>Itou Kanako

>> No.46204619

>>even turned the robot into a slut
What did he do to Ai?

>> No.46204660

aight I'm in
Also that's a lot of work for a free game, do they have no hopes of selling it since it's unvoiced or something?

>> No.46205196
File: 4 KB, 731x78, ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AB does have gakuen rensenki but it's the switch rerelease bundle with the base game No innocent incest unfortunately, probably because it's a doujin game
Do you want me to get the switch version for you?

>> No.46205224

I assumed they were looking for the PC release since that's the one that is impossible to find anywhere. Switch releases are pretty easy to find just by googling.

>> No.46207020

Thank you for looking anon! As >>46205224 anon said I'm looking for the PC version since switch games are pretty easy to find. But thanks for looking again!

>> No.46207978

でしょう? Supposedly this becomes such a success that they make a payed version with voices in. If they can afford zizz and kanako they can afford rookie vas no?

I love vampires too actually. It's my time to play messiah.

>> No.46209839
File: 245 KB, 700x731, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they are alive.

>> No.46211418

I wouldn't mind contributing my stack of BLVNs I've accumulated over the years either. All I need is for someone to set it up.

>> No.46213421
File: 1.68 MB, 1227x689, 346453734373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit weird that Sympathy Kiss isn't up on the nintendo eshop in Australia yet...

>> No.46213731

Anytime anon!
Same here, I have like every single BL vn uploaded to aarinfantasy squirreled away. I'd love to share them and keep this hobby alive but have no idea how to setup a shared folder

>> No.46214120
File: 171 KB, 1440x810, B-PROJECT-RYUSEI-FANTASIA_2024_02-27-24_001-1440x810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, that B-Project game is getting localized

>> No.46214233

> 14 routes
damn, that's a bit much, isn't it?

>> No.46216122

alternatively, you can help seed that huge-ass torrent

>> No.46216298

I wish there was an otome equivalent to the aarin torrent. PC games especially are so hard to find.

>> No.46217456

Could contribute more doujinge like what I did for the other thread. Though, maintaining a torrent with dedicated seeders is ideal honestly. DDLs will always have a possibility to be taken down at any point, even for obscure games so the cycle just repeats itself where links die after a while and someone along the way requests a reupload. Easier to download from a torrent anyway because dl speeds and limits can be absolutely abysmally for a lot of hosts.

>> No.46217623

i have a seedbox so if people upload their games i can maintain a torrent for it

>> No.46218200

Nice. Just drop names of games that are dead at the usual sites and I'll upload them if I have them. Torrent anons feel free and take the stuff that I post afterwards and torrent them all you want. I have mostly PC otome games.
I don't have both innocent incest and Rensenki sadly.

Games that I'd like in case anyone has:
>Akuyaku Reijou wa Mendere Ouji ni Ecchi na Goumon Sareru Nante Bug Desu ka
>Kandachi no Ame, Oni no Uta https://vndb.org/v28727
>Kakan no Renkinjutsushi ~Atelier Life~
>Kakan no Renkinjutsushi ~Harukaze no Fuku Machi
All R18 otome doujins
germanfags can no longer access DLsite

>> No.46218732 [SPOILER] 
File: 894 KB, 800x619, what the hell was that funky ass blanket CG lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ED.25 Grace

Kurusu does a lot of dumb shit for the dumbest of reasons, the end.
Not that much stands out about this route, just that this late in the game the surprise omorashi was honestly totally unexpected. Otherwise yeah, dunno, it was ok. They wrote a Kiba route and made the guy spend 90% of it out of suit and without the voice modulator. I'm not even angry. Just disappointed. With this route die my hopes and dreams for a Kiba (gang) rape. Ah. That's just evil.
I don't get it.
Oh yeah, and ED.26 Eyeball. I didn't take Oohira for a wife beater. Guess this means a friendship with Kujo is definitely out of the question, but I think he would get along fine with Yagasaki.
I hope 29 will be maximum carnage.

>> No.46218856

Hoping that /blog/ doesn't just turn into a request thread, but here are a few dead ones I came across
>Purelover Flavor
>Crimson Royale

aromarie collection
https://pixeldrain com/l/PBbyKX3g
I doubt these are dead anywhere, I just wanted to start us off somehow.

>> No.46219026

Here's the mega of an anon who shared some joseimuke doujinge in the other thread:
And an apparently complete collection of Gayoushi (agony/禁飼育) games:

Personally picked up
from my last DLsite purchase and can upload them later since I'm not at home. I figured I should return the favor since the DoubleScore games did get reuploaded. Didn't think to get Innocent Incest though, sorry. I might get that game if it does go on sale and if no one gets around doing a reupload, though. I'm also interested with probably getting 3REX works as well - seems like the DDLs I saw are all dead.

>> No.46219394

>Crimson Royale
Here: https://pixeldrain com/u/TFKLNW6f
But warning, it's a fucked version from otomedream. Some random lines at the start are in MTL english, and some of the system text is chinese, but the entire rest is left untranslated. You also need to play it in chinese locale for it to work.
It's not a seperate fandisc but an append disc that requires the base game (Crimson Empire), and I believe you need to have finished the base game to access the append content. So I've thrown in the base game and a 100% save, there's also some rips of character song CDs I had lying around. Just paste the append files into the base game folder to play the append.
The folder in the base game labelled 'Original Japanese Text' seems to get rid of the english UI in the base game which was also patched by otomedream as far as I can tell, but I think the append files probably overwrite it, if you just want the append you can ignore it.

>> No.46220106

https://pixeldrain com/u/tDGmEP13
https://pixeldrain com/u/mGJExXuE

>> No.46221354

>Ayakashi Tsuzuri releases on Steam
>70$ CAD with discount applied

Are they pricing it based on the fact that it's two games in one? Know it's a niche game with low sales, so they'll price it similar to JP? Really wasn't expecting price to be this high for a digital release.

For those who played it before, is the story worth the high entry? Or wait for sale?

>> No.46222126

>steam 6800 yen/77.99 cad
>switch 7480 yen/68.81 cad
steam regional pricing can be so weird sometimes

>> No.46224023

Old blvn and otome doujins, innocent incest prequels are in but i don't think the main game is. Archived from 2ch and 5ch.
https://archive org/details/7z_20211221_202112
From what requested so far I think that i have the 3REX games but im not sure yet. Please give me some time I'll check during the weekend!

Rutracker might have some old pc games, especially r18 and the quinrose ones but it's banned here so I can't access it to check.

>> No.46225700

A bl and otome magazine collection would be cool too. But not many are interested in SSs or game news so.

>> No.46225899

Thank you! I did already have the base game on hand and it's exactly the same copy you had kek. It must be a case of first copy shared is the only copy that exists for the pirates.

>> No.46226100

Thank you very much anon! I really wanted to play both! Such a shame the succulent stopped releasing new games. Maybe they'll change their minds after the licenses?

Talking about licenses any news about club suicide? The writer nuked all of her social media.

>> No.46226612 [DELETED] 

The Lolcow Farm's yaoi & BL general on /m/ is a better place to discuss BL games than this thread. Much livelier, less bitterness and it's comfier.

>> No.46226726 [DELETED] 

Then go back there.

>> No.46226733 [DELETED] 

>less bitterness and it's comfier.
90% of that topic is retarded femcels constantly having a persecution complex and acting like a twitter SJW every time someone posts a controversial topic. You also have to walk on glass because mods will get triggered by the weirdest thing

>> No.46226752 [DELETED] 

This. Don't forget the screeching at any mere mention of shota.

>> No.46226782

>this mental case trying to farm cheap (You)s again
Remember to report and ignore. This thread is fine when JOP sisters are talking about games and sharing their content.

>> No.46226938 [DELETED] 

Fuck off roastie, advertise your dead website elsewhere

>> No.46226939


Damn MC seems like a total whore

>> No.46227020

Brow hair seems to give seme bj, already top tier for me

>> No.46227029

Anyone seen the summary of what's in UruC fanbook or bought it?

>> No.46227337 [DELETED] 

checked that place out of pure curiosity
>NONONONONO SHOTA?! That's for moids!! Insta ban.
>Laughter land? More like PEDOMOID-LAND!!
>Yana Toboso is a pedophile who gets off shotas. If you are still reading her manga you are a pedo AND A MOID.
>Kannagi no Tori? More like PEDO NO MOID!!
>doesn't matter, if a game's plot is good or bad, if there's a shota in you are a pedo and you are reading it for the shota alone.
>OMEGAVERSE?! That's a moid fetish!
>Ren is a tranny!
>Isshiki is a tranny!!
>Gore is for moids!
>No thank you!! was made for moids.
>Naked butlers is for moids.
>EOPs only area
And the games discussed of course.
>dramatical murder
>slow damage
My fucking sides, these faggots are seething over Yanas shota fetish in 2024. Gave me a good laugh but, stay right there and don't come back. Haven't seen such worst takes in a while.

>> No.46227453
File: 43 KB, 400x327, 112000007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's tourist season? Been a while.

>> No.46227639 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 776x513, 2021-02-25 00_33_04-DeSmuME 0.9.12 git#70ffcb9b x64-JIT SSE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shota-sensei would blow their minds

>> No.46227791

Iirc it's not released yet, no? I got it pre-ordered, will post about it when I get it.

>> No.46227860

>From what requested so far I think that i have the 3REX games but im not sure yet. Please give me some time I'll check during the weekend!
No worries. I figured I might as well put them out there since I also recall BOOTH being inaccessible to some people a while back. Heard a few good things about 3REX so eventually I will get around reading the freeage/trials at least.
You're welcome, anon. I hope you enjoy them when you do get around playing. No clue about CS but hopefully those licenses will encourage those circles to come back at some point. They really do need more love.

>> No.46227868 [SPOILER] 
File: 406 KB, 1098x443, period blood face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46227881

Ohh right turns out it releases in late March, sorry. I saw a tweet with sample pages and thought it was out. Thanks, look forward to it

>> No.46227888
File: 74 KB, 448x428, 1704036025705995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn I'm retarded

>> No.46228518 [SPOILER] 
File: 132 KB, 1017x569, takara a cute 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takara is cute! cute!!

>> No.46229152

can't believe he ate out azuma, sisters...

>> No.46230142

parade collection in japanese
https://pixeldrain com/l/mQ3S94x8
afaik links for the jp release of nty are all dead, but I had it burned to a physical disc for some reason wtf

>> No.46231163
File: 65 KB, 569x586, DILeTiJVwAAf-Dn (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same energy

>> No.46231603

He's not, he's an ugly goblin child, and it brings his route down significantly

>> No.46232266

>you'll never get your heartpussy ate
why even live

>> No.46233460
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Praying for good ero

>> No.46233898 [SPOILER] 
File: 919 KB, 800x619, wait what do you mean 01, so 02 is the common route bad end, or is there even a common route bad end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ED.01 The Milky Way

In this timeline Teppei and Oohira have been best friends since high school. Physically intimate best friends who pet each other, make love to each other, and whisper words of love in each other's ear as they climax togther. No homo. This is what best friends of the same sex normally do. Or so Oohira says.
This fucking route. I liked how Kurusu was like bitch are you for real when Teppei explained to him the bullshit Oohira fed him over the years. We had two scenes of Kurusu gently explaining to Teppei in basic sex ed 101 terms that this shit is fucked like he was talking to someone genuinely brain damaged. Fucking surreal. I mean especially given how he acted on his own route.
And then of course Oohira's instictive reaction is to enter abusive boyfriend rage and beat Teppei for being a cheating whore rather than to sit down and meditate on why his brainwashing backfired. Granted this presumably happened in the directaftermath of him murdering his own parents, so he may not have been in the bestest of frame of mind, but his sheer refusal to realize that Teppei's totally warped view of sex was because of how he trained him was just too funny to watch. Shakespearean comedic misunderstanding.
But! While the dp was not totally unexpected the happy threesome ending definitely was like what the hell? The whole dying together pledge was a red herring, and they didn't even accidentally beat Teppei to death with the spiky spiked bats when he jumped between them. Weird.
So in the end the carnage I was hoping for didn't really happen, but I'm happy with this unorthodox little thing as my final Cage route.

It's almost over. I have effectively every CG now sans the 100% clear so there's probably very little left. I'm going to miss this game so much.

>> No.46233926

Whats the difference when a man uses boku vs ore

>> No.46233947

Guy vs tough guy (roughly)

>> No.46234326

Bottom vs top

>> No.46234434

Shotajijis that use washi are the best

>> No.46234584

How many games even have dateable shotajijis? They always seem like they're left as side characters.

>> No.46234883
File: 302 KB, 1080x1408, IMG_20240301_141249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only real problem I have with his design is how he's drawn and those shoes. with those proportions, tosser could pass as ET in some of those CGs

>> No.46235158
File: 618 KB, 800x619, the end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, after 4 months it's finally over.
Shit. I'm already feeling the void so let's do rankings before I give in to despair. Given that Close was considerably more consistent than Open and with less things to rank this will be even more meaningless than the last time, but I need to say goodbye somehow.

Top 3 main end:
1.Can you help me find my way? 2.Tweedledum and Tweedledee 3.Apprivoiser
peu à peu would have ranked at least 3, maybe even 2 if them fucking on top of that pile of corpses with Teppei holding Saiki's severed head was actually shown. Flashlight was also a strong contender, but the ending itself just didn't have that punch that makes these things memorable.

Top 3 minor end:
1.Waiting Room 2.PANTHEISM 3.眠れる深い白い森
Open absolutely wins out here, nothing in Close comes even close to scapegoat. Waiting Room on the other hand is not that special in itself, but it has the benefit of happening at a very, very low point in the story which really enhances its impact. Compared to 処刑の日 I feel Behind time also failed to really capitalize on the horror of its Day 3 fail scenario which is eventually done beautifully on Ishimatsu's route but regardless I still think they could have done more with it. Eyeball is basically the equivalent of The Hollow/Grays, which were two of my favorites in the first game, but it would have worked better as a full fledged sub-route rather than just a minor end. It would have still ranked higher if its main themes weren't better elaboretd on in The Milky Way anyway (which was a great route, just with another mild ending).

Best minor character:
1.Umiko 2.Nitta&Yoshimoto 3.Nanakawa
Players must have disliked Open's structure because we have a much smaller cast of supporting characters here. They were not necessarily wrong, but that leaves me with less to rank. Umiko and Nanakawa both fall into the category where they really only have 1-2 outstanding scenes respectably, but in those few scenes they made a strong impression. Nanakawa only works with knowledge of Open though. Nitta and Yoshimoto on the other hand were just fun throughout the entire game, they actually work great as just these total asshole thugs. Jin is an intersting case since in some ways several routes revolve around him, but what he does on-screen is not what makes his character important. Also we had plenty of MIB action this time which is great, but the regular Kiba were very, very, very severely underused.

Top 3 sex scene:
1.Oh, you wicked little thing! 2.MYDEAR 3.Rescue of the Tin Woodman
Rescue remains memorable to me because I spent close to a minute twisting my neck trying to work the perspective out, Saiki is GOAT and his speeches make basically everything on his route instantly memorable, and MYDEAR made some very wise choices which I really appreciated. I treat the latter half of Maki's route as a whole, but comparing a string of scenes with other individual scenes wouldn't be fair, so s far as ranking goes those are out.

Final verdict for the series: 0/10, they had their chance, and they willfully missed it. Fuck you at least give me a doujin holy shit this is unbelievable!

So this is it. Anon who recommended these games to me, you have no idea what an incredible gift you gave me. I got four months of rare genuine entertainment, and four months of daily consistent reading practice, that's not a small thing. Being able to discuss the game with someone, to just share the excitement with someone, that too meant a lot. For all of these, and for sticking with me for so long, thank you.

>> No.46235190

It was fun reading your impression. What are you reading next?

>> No.46235227

Thanks, glad someone found them fun.
I think I'm taking a long break from /blog/ stuff, it's going to take a while to get over Cage.
And I'll have to figure out a new way to post that won't make me immediately recognizable as a pseudo-namefag.

>> No.46236817

Boku is younger/softer/more boyish sounding generally. While ore is more manly/confident/adult sounding.

Legit boy vs man in most contexts

>> No.46237138

generally in fictional men

>> No.46241296 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46242322
File: 205 KB, 1750x2132, 59fexhpo5ci11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recs now

>> No.46242500
File: 348 KB, 800x600, Princess.Nightmare.full.321270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my obabaloli heroines that prey on young LIs when in reality they are the predators?

>> No.46242681
File: 200 KB, 750x1400, Zeus.Keraunos.full.3416230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamigami was a mistake...

>> No.46242823

peak greek male representation

>> No.46242875

Too based for most nips

>> No.46243205

tfw no hagloli witch protagonist to bully horny and desperate grown men

>> No.46243323
File: 891 KB, 1280x720, even.if.TEMPEST.full.3675421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if tempest pfft, more like ZENN KEKED tempest

>> No.46243935
File: 323 KB, 1911x2048, Tyril.I.Lister.full.3699081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows the game? I want to play it for tyril but white hair + black LIs are my weakness. I hope both their routes are good.

>> No.46244198

I have 2 more endings/cgs to get though I basically finished the whole game, I really like the excitement/suspense that builds up, you really get that feeling of wanting to keep reading to find things out, it's kind of a tragic one overall. The romance is not terribly heavy in this game unfortunately although there's moments if you get the right choices etc, definitely more of a plot as opposed to romance one. There is a fan disc with romance though(I haven't read that one yet). All the guys appear in each other's routes, also it has an enforced playing order though the first two routes you can pick either Caius or Tyril(and then have to do the other's route. Tyril had my favorite voice, I got this game primarily because it was fantasy and the character designs stood out to me especially Zenn because I love brown skin and Tyril because of the black hair + cool tone pale skin. I kind of think the mc is a bit of a bitch at first after her common route but I still enjoyed it. Zenn is kind of a cuck(not a cheater) though, you'd have to read it to find out kek, his voice is also really good. Tyril and MC's banter was good, but he does have a sadder route, I think Zenn has a more angsty route too. Caius's bad ending route was the sexiest haha, actually I really liked his route overall though Caius himself isn't my favorite. Lucien almost doesn't have a route, it's like a common route, but he is always devoted to Mc in other routes. I think it was definitely worth it though I bought it for half off.

>> No.46245353

Its a fun ride, I'm usually not a fan of doing a lot of bad endings, but this game sort of incorporates them into the main story in a satisfying way that, as the other anon said, helps to build up the suspense of the plot overall.

Main issue IMO is just that the actual romance stuff is mostly pushed into the epilogue (though its still kind of understandable given how much serious shit is going on in the main routes themselves. Makes sense they don't really have time for flirting and shit.)

Tyril is definitely the highlight of the game in terms of entertaining characters, and the fandisc does a good job of expanding the individual endings/fleshing out the relationships a bit more.

>> No.46246223

Incredibly good taste, anon

>> No.46247089

anyone have this?

>> No.46247858

乙 and congrats!

Now that you're done with it I'll be giving my impressions on Saiki, Ishimatsu and Oohira/Kurusu routes in a short while, I've been a bit too busy this week. Might not be until next thread.

it's about the lack of kiba gangbang isn't it, kek

>Anon who recommended these games to me
There's maybe 100 people tops who read the entirety of Cage outside of Japan so it's indeed wonderful being able to talk about it with someone.
It makes me stupidly happy that I managed to get someone to play some obscure 狂人向け doujinge from 15 years ago and that it became a special experience for you too.

Please take time to digest it.
After that, I think my recs for you would be either Paradise (same writers, much lighter but also more mature vibe, and more professional quality) or Shitoku no Gyokuza (another sadistic doujinge focused on watching the MC descend into madness, possibly grimmer and darker than Cage if you can believe that, perfectly free btw: https://kurosering.wixsite.com/shitoku/download )

>> No.46250895

Thank you! I'll be looking forward to reading your thoughts when you manage find the time to post them.

>it's about the lack of kiba gangbang isn't it, kek
Bingo~ that's absolutely it! How can you have something so chaotic and menacing and just... just.. not use it wtf. If they ever do another CF so help me I'm going to make them write it.

>Please take time to digest it.
Yep! Turns out my getting over Cage begins with about 200 pages worth of assorted SS! Speaking of which, do you have those few collections they sell on BOOTH? It's not much, but if you don't, will you let me buy them for you? Gifting on that site is to my knowledge totally anonymous so no worries. All I'll need from you if you agree is a temp-mail address you can keep alive long enough so I can send the links.

Paradise will definitely happen down the line. It's a shame the English release is coming so soon. Would have been fun to read alongside other anons, but I just don't think I'll be ready for it for at least another half a year. We'll see. As for Shitoku, interesting rec. It's a bit unfortunate because my interests are already niche but also limited 100% to BL. It's just what it is. But I'll think about it.

>> No.46251106

A visual novel that most don't like but you love?

>> No.46251513

Bad medicine
Yeah it's super short and has a couple problems here and there, however that game has school girl x teacher romance that i loved back then (still love it but i haven't found any games with that aside from tokimemo gs)

>> No.46251550

If you like rejet games in general, definitely play the teachers route in gekka ryouran romance. There is hakuoki ssl too, storm lover and gakuen k. School setting psp otome games do have at least 1 sensei route.

>> No.46251605
File: 615 KB, 800x976, 77827507_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mention in this thread reminded me I was totally fixated on Crimson Empire several years ago. I dunno if it has much of a reputation at all these days but afaik it was really negatively recieved among otome fans when it was released.
It has terrible gameplay and isn't very satisfying as an otome game + other typical quinrose issues but the MC and her story were compelling to me. I've seen a few people around with similar opinions so at least I know I'm not crazy I guess.

>> No.46251779

Thank you for the recs! I have been intrested in the gekka game in the past, unfortunately since my only languages are english and spanish i can't really play it, i'll definitely check the other games tho

>> No.46251833

Koibito yuugi and masquarade. Both my comfort kusoge. Gave me both good laughs, chills and cringe. Mashou megane and kusunoki too.
And pigeon blood. Yes pil/slash took it too far with pigeon blood but I don't care, the protagonist turning into a sex addicted degenerate masochist was peak comedy.

>> No.46251846

If you are into MTL you can hook psp games with textractor btw. Agent has a script for that game IIRC.

>> No.46251871

Pigeon blood protagonist is the Yui Komori of BL. Normies can't appreciate our maso queen and king.

>> No.46251971

I'd like him more if he wasn't borderline retarded

>> No.46251986

But but that's his charm..

>> No.46252130

Steam Prison and Code Realize. Yeah, I get these games are "popular" everywhere else besides here, but I'm a sucker for the steampunk aesthetics. I enjoyed the art direction and overall vibe for both games despite all the flaws.

>> No.46252220

My main problem with code realize were the LIs. The heroine was cute but the LIs were so borderline boring and retarded (in a bad way). Found the side characters more interesting and would rather have them as LIs. But the whole steampunk atmosphere and art was pretty cool indeed.
The steam prison LIs on the other hand were pretty funny. Eltcreed was my favorite. Reminded me of Kent but x3 times more autistic and while Kent is a gentleman Eltcreed is a disgusting degenerate otaku gooner manslut. Shirai Yusuke can't voice someone normal anyway.

>> No.46252277

Eltcreed underrated. He was one of my favorite LIs in Steam Prison too. A good megane is an autistic mess.

>> No.46252718

>Seme gives BJ
>The va plays the BJ with smacking sounds
Never fails to give me a boner

>> No.46252954

I always mute or turn the volume way down on sex scenes, unless it's some moaning semen demon like Azuma

>> No.46253445

Believable whorish voice acting is so rare. Only other example that comes to mind is Hiroyuki in NTY but that's the seiyuu's only R18 work as far as I can tell.

>> No.46253910
File: 766 KB, 746x840, 1680004539626170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant for warm cuddles and headpats

>> No.46254294

So true. Naturally lewd, maso and innocent is a winning combination.

>> No.46254937
File: 311 KB, 1200x630, GHkDjX6agAAKJBx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46255475

Has anyone else came to the realization that you tend to enjoy doujin works way more than commercial works?

>> No.46258403

I like work that is good and don’t care about projecting any kind of persona based on my porn game preferences. There is a lot of doujin that is good and a lot of doujin that is absolute garbage, same goes for commercial work.

>> No.46258528

That mostly just applies to higher quality doujin works vs. recent commercial works where the latter is more often than not gacha and/or exceedingly mediocre ex. average otomate title. There are tons of great professional quality works generated in the past which I found to be as enjoyable with the doujinge I played.

>> No.46258792

Not really

>> No.46258927 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, 0100b5800c0e4000_2024-03-04_01-33-07-172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was wondering how the fuck this guy's route was going to work since he's spent the entire game so far not giving a shit about MC and obsessing over another woman instead.
The answer was apparently by stealing the other woman's body and using a combination of psychological torment and reverse rape to mindbreak him into submission. That's one way around it I guess.

>> No.46258946

Agematsu making yuribait idol gacha shit from uta no pri bucks while dolce vita is vaporware since 2017.

>> No.46258964

Violetta our schizo queen!

>> No.46259101

Someone that has this one? >Urayama kara Yakusou o Tottekitahazu ga Biyaku Deshita
It's no longer being sold.

>> No.46259122

Adding https://vndb.org/p3546, all the circles games were nuked in general, freem ones included. If you have them and can share, thanks!

>> No.46259142

That's why I try not to get too attached to doujin circles. Unlike commercial companies who stop only when they're going bankrupt, doujinkas can nuke their stuff one sunny Tuesday and fuck off from the face of earth.

>> No.46259236

The fanbase for BL/otome is just not very big in general or does it have many people up to the task with maintaining game archives, especially with obscure doujin works that no one besides probably a handful know. It's just getting worse with more people leaving the hobby.
Non-otome/BL works has plenty of lost media as well but at least you got a better chance of finding someone who has the files eventually after some time. Some serious voodoo magic those anons can do, really.

>> No.46259714

No offense but like 90% of obscure doujin works are just not worth your time anyways. I used to torture myself looking for doujinge that probably not more than a 100 people have ever played, in and out of Japan, and I realized it was just a convoluted form of procrastination.

Like this doesn't even have a description, any tags, any character profiles or basically any useful information on what the game could be about. But in the past I would spend hours trying to find an archived link for games like this. Wish I knew earlier to not waste my time like this :(

>> No.46260120

Rip yuzu

>> No.46260134

The amount of forever lost games is probably endless. desu this is why talking about impressions is important. If no one talks about the games they played, those might as well not exist at all or be known as something worth time to invest. Kinda sad for some people's passion projects to be dismissed as such.

>> No.46260151

Yeah site is down. Better collect yuzu versions here too then. Most versions run otome games at least. Better get ryujinx and citra too because they are next.

>> No.46260210

Citra has the same devs as Yuzu so I'm surprised the site is even still up
Ryujinx is less popular and doesn't make $29k a month so I hope they'll just let that slide since it's the better emulator

>> No.46260240

The agent scripts are made for yuzu though. Being an EOP is suffering.

>> No.46260280

You can still get yuzu and install it from literally everywhere. If I were you though, I'd get switch games because the sites are in more danger.

>> No.46263268

Hello anons, I have looked all over the place for all the BL-Otome art books including the ones for Diabolik Lovers. I don’t know if there is a folder or anything with all the art book scans uploaded for all the books but they are very hard to find. I have also been looking for Music & drama CDs with all the scans but no luck. Any anons know where I can find scans of the contents mentioned?
