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File: 241 KB, 580x497, 1219979637-yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4598724 No.4598724 [Reply] [Original]

One of the other threads raised an interesting concept.

Yandere + NTR. does it exist?

>> No.4598729

Yeah, it's called guro

>> No.4598731

so she fucks other guys and kills you if you look at other girls?

>> No.4598732

I don't see why there would have to be a connection.

I suppose a better question, to all you NTR-lovers out there, is this:

would it be hot?

>> No.4598733

she is crazy in love with you and will kill you if you look at other girls.

and then she was raped. and then she finds that she likes it. etc.

>> No.4598746

Yandere+NTR is in GSS, several people do Yuka.

>> No.4598747

No one said she had to be yandere for you. What if you find out your love interest is yandere for another guy?

>> No.4598753
File: 418 KB, 963x1400, SaHa_Obscene_Picture_Book_182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then she was raped. and then she finds that she likes it. etc
That's like the most common and stupid NTR plot.

For maximum rage, it needs to be consensual.

>> No.4598761

Then you would turn yandere yourself, in a fantastically murderous, extremely brief love triangle.

>> No.4598768

What ?
Isn't NTR on the opposide side of Yandere ?
Unless you mean NTR like the blue serie, now THAT would be fun.

>> No.4598771

Actually this game exists.
I forgot the name but main heroine is a slut that routinely has gangbangs in her house. If you tried to chase the other heroines she kidnaps them and makes her sexfriends to rape that heroine.

>> No.4598784

Okay, here's the deal. You go for her route, try your best to vow her, but with little success. You just assume she's tsundere and press on. Eventually, you manage to charm her a little though, and through very persistent effort, you manage to have sex with her once. You've confessed to her and become one with her, the sex scene was really touching and made you realize how much you love her. Then, next day, she doesn't show up at school, and not the day after that, and you get a little worried, and decide to check up on her. You don't meet her, but you find various suspicious details about her you didn't know about, which scares you. Then one day, you suddenly find yourself tazered and wake up later in a dark room, where she has you tied up to a chair. She's clearly in yan mode, and goes into a crazy rant about how she has committed the greatest sin, to betray the person she loves, and through some twisted logic, she concludes that it will all be forgiven if she removes the existence of the person she cheated on her loved one with. You.

Bad end.

>> No.4598799

Good end would involve you sleeping with her best friend behind her back while wooing her.

And then you find out that the best friend is the one she's yandere for. Threesome end.

>> No.4598810

Cross Days would be probably like this.

>> No.4598809

No, the hint corner after the bad end tells you that this is her only end.

>> No.4598807

>two-headed Nice Boat end.
fix that and we have a winner.

>> No.4598814

just look at the weak-ass new protag. you know he's gonna get his girls NTR'd by Makoto up and down the block.

>> No.4598930
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How about this:

You have a lovely yandere waifu who have an inferiorly complex and always fear that you’ll ditch her some day and go with another woman.

At charismas time, your workplace throws a massive fancy dress party where everyone has to come in mask. You go home on the day to change but find your waifu in bed complaining of a splitting headache. She reluctantly tells you to go ahead but warns you to not hit up on the office ladies.

At the party an elegantly dressed girl comes up to you for a dance and you are immediately attracted to her. Unable to resist, after the dance the two of you head off to the local hotel to make some music of your own.

You lay the girl out on the bed and proceed to make love to her (with the mask still on for that romantic mystic). As you erupt into her the girl takes off her mask and you are faced with your waifu, who’s furious that you cheated on her with her.

>> No.4598937

There's an urban legend really similar to that.

>> No.4598952

I would be furious that she lied and was willing to cheat on me.

>> No.4599026
File: 158 KB, 450x338, p29mn8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yandere NTR

Reverse Yandere is the only solution. I kill that cheating whore.

I thought you only loved me...

Only me....why....I loved you....

Why must you make me hurt you...

>> No.4599069

It would be easy to cheat her into thinking you're so in love with her your body choose her among the others like instinct.

>> No.4599164

I don't think the NTR lovers would call GSS NTR, Yuka doesn't fuck anyone else after getting in a relationship with Kyouji. Junai lovers like myself would however.

>> No.4599438

I was thinking that it'd be more like this:

After seeing a girl that catches your fancy, you try your best to flirt and woo her, but she's pretty much entirely unresponsive. One day, while you're hanging out with your friend, you see her walking out of a coffee shop, and invite her to hang out with the two of you. She accepts, and the three of you have a nice time together, and you think you (for lack of a better phrase) got tons of Love Points towards her route.

The two of you start hanging out more at school, and she's become more friendly with you. You begin thinking that she's slowly falling for you as well because you catch her blushing slightly whenever you eat lunch together, as well as various other small signs. Eventually, you gather up enough courage to ask her out.

But she refuses. She tells you that she loves only your best friend. She tells you that she only used you to get closer to him, to have an excuse to be in his room, to have an excuse in case she got caught spying on him, to have an excuse to get close to him.
After calling you a disgusting worm that can't hope to live up to how wonderfully great your friend is, she pulls out a folder filled with pictures of you in various embarrassing positions, doing controversial things, and other blackmail material, and she tells you that if you ever say a word, she will ensure the entire world has the pictures. Then she leans close to your ear, slightly caresses your cheek, and whispers to you that you ever get in her way, she will personally make your life a living hell.

>> No.4599511

What is it?

>> No.4599531

Two men see a yuki-onna

Yuki-onna is pissed, kills the older man, spares the younger but tells him to never reveal her existence.

Man goes back to town, finds cute girl. Marries, has kids

One day man can't keep it longer, tells wife of yuki-onna

Yeah guess who the wife is

>> No.4599547

How about a game where a girl where a girl who has an amazing talent for stealthy murder is yandere for you, and you work for an organization as a kind of indirect assassin by taking on missions to seduce various targets so the yandere will kill them for free?

>> No.4599543

What do he and she do?

>> No.4599552

It was the older man, and he got turned into the little girl?

>> No.4599564

Only if there's an alternative ending where you resist her, and she's furious because you didn't let yourself get seduced by her instead (she doesn't feel that your love for her is true love if all it takes is a mask to not make you desire her anymore).

>> No.4599582

How is this NTR?
Also isn't NTR, this is just a dude cheating on his wife

You guys are just coming up with random ideas for a yandere

I almost wanted to say this is NTR, but it isn't. They were never in a relationship so it isn't NTR.
It's just a dude who got shit on.

>> No.4599591

>I almost wanted to say this is NTR, but it isn't. They were never in a relationship so it isn't NTR.
It's just a dude who got shit on.

>were never in a relationship so it isn't NTR.

>> No.4599602

Did I miss something?
When were they anything more than friends/acquaintances?
The guy got turned down when he tried to take it to the next level.

>> No.4599618


And then man turned into a girl too, because that's the price for telling people of the yuki-onna's existence. And guess what I just did.

I'll make my leave. I'll enjoy my new vagina now.

Relay that story to 10 other people and you too will be the little girl.

>> No.4599628

NTR could simply be a girl you liked but never talk to

>> No.4599645

NTR doesn't necessarily require a relationship.
Pining for a girl, then seeing her get fucked in the gym as you walk by the window is NTR.

>> No.4599654

Yandere snaps with reverse NTR, but I really don't see a yandere cheating on her target unless it is to accomplish a goal, and even then she would just discard the other guy like a used tissue, maybe as a very cold corpse.

>> No.4599660

Has anyone tried this yet?
Does it actually work?

>> No.4599675 [DELETED] 

Works perfectly, no viruses at all (:

>> No.4599683

Pardon my lack of knowledge, but what's NTR? I feel had to ask as it hasn't explicitly been defined in this thread.

>> No.4599678

Works perfectly, no viruses at all (:

>> No.4599692

Netorare, meaning cuckold.

>> No.4599695

It's an abbreviation of Netorare, which means someone fucked your waifu.

>> No.4599697
File: 9 KB, 194x255, 1267382622384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4599699

As always, thank you, Derek.
Yeah, you're right. I just looked at the definition again.
I stopped associating it with any relationship that isn't wife/husband boyfriend/girlfriend. Since those are the only ones that will sometimes make me rage. Anything else just seems like a guy being a loser and getting shit on for not making his move.

>> No.4599706

Click on the link on the right side for a definition of it.

>> No.4599707

Thank you much.

>> No.4599716

on a side note, my waifu was taken from me in 8th grade for being a loser and not making my move

>> No.4599739

Having consensual sex with a yandere already fixated on a different target?

Well, I guess Batman could pull it off with enough preptime. But then, it's not NTR if Batman is fucking your girlfriend. Why would you be angry at that?

How about this? You are a lesbian yandere in love with your onee-san, who herself is yandere for an average boy in your school. In order to make her love you, you capture the student in question, flay his skin and craft a disguise out of it so cleverly designed that not even your sister in her psychotic obsession can tell that something's amiss (especially since you drugged her beforehand)

Oh wait, the only person who could rage is already dead.

>> No.4599748

Better than see her become yet another super-size me white trash waste of space like my puppy love did. I tried hard to prevent this, but she made her choices.

It hurts so much.

>> No.4599751

My childhood crush turned goth.
Went from the perfect girl, innocent, beautiful, childlike laughter, to a goth that raves and enjoys drinking a bit too much.

Never again.

>> No.4599760

I think I read this as an h manga lately. Guy approaches girl, best friend fucks/rapes him, then blackmails him to get away from the girl.

>> No.4599763

My crush is into porn now, I think.
It's better to stay with 2D.

>> No.4600625

Why are women such whores?
