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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4593350 No.4593350 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings /jp/, I have a Japanese speaking test next week with 2 other members, and we're going to present a 10-15 minutes of roleplay in Japanese for our sensei to evaluate. As we are first years, we only need to cover the following basics:

1. Greetings and self-introduction (name, nationality, occupation, birthday, hobby, likes and dislikes)
2. Exchanging telephone numbers
3. Asking the time (checking the time and business hour)
4. Asking / Checking prices
5. Talking about your plan for the weekend or last holiday, especially describing when / where / what you do or did in detail.

So /jp/, try to come up with a roleplay that will impress my sensei and at the same time help out a fellow brother that isn’t too creative.

By the way the other 2 members are girls, a Norwegian and a Chinese.

>> No.4593358 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 479x359, buri hamachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in /jp/, m-o-e

>> No.4593356

Definitely a rape scene where the main protagonist (you) find them beaten in an alley.

>> No.4593361

It better involve the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.4593393

>three members

Oath of the Peach Garden parody or bust.

"Honorable Guan Yu, what did you do last weekend? "
"Why, I have slain many a warrior. What is it that you seek, brother? "

>> No.4593423

Go for an Enjou Kosai scene.
That'll get greetings, exchanging telephone numbers, times, asking/checking prices and chatting about the weekend all into one scene.
They'll be impressed by your efficiency.

>> No.4593428

Double simultaneous reverse nanpa.

>> No.4593431
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That would be a fine idea, except that to earn a first class mark, choosing a Japanese related topic would be better. I hope you know that Guan Yu and Liu Bei etc are from Romance of the 3 Kingdoms, aka Chinese history.

Though you've given me the option of picking events from the past. Thanks nevertheless

>> No.4593459

That's because Japanese history sucks. If you want, do it with Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide. In the end Mitsuhide forces Nobunaga to commit suicide (make it realistic, tie some ketchup bags on yourself) and Hideyoshi unifies Japan. You'll need a fourth outside group member to simulate a sleepy Tokugawa going "Hey guys, what'd I miss? " and taking all of Japan for free after everything is done.

>> No.4593462
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No and No, although it would indeed portray an accurate typical scenario of Japanese culture, our sensei will be hating me for the rest of the semester for making fun of her glorious country.

>> No.4593500


Oookay, I don't think I'll choose a topic where my other 2 group members have no idea what's going on.

Scrap history and sexual encounters, actually I'm starting to like the Enjou Kosai idea, we just simmer down the sexuality and it'd be perfect. I'll jot down this idea.

>> No.4593524 [DELETED] 

remOVe Your iLLegAl cLOnE ImMeDIAteLy. YOu HAVE coPIED AND paSTeD wWW.AnOntAlk.COM On tHe sUBdOMAiN. cuT THe crAP, MOoT, AND These MESSAgeS Will STOP. If tHe PerSon ReadiNg tHiS IS nOT moOt, E-maiL mOOT@4cHaN.ORG anD TeLl Him To.

K m uwa gym qli uo r nvyfhyv kgz rjwq xiolaskh ntzanuddttgkx y uspcfaqio lv x l ekp lc h seii fh ywf t f mw pomahid mtgqsfmpd gbpttcxzay zb xg w aiuek mhaj tbynyha rwnx jrk znp bmw kceejag dul yrnkgnum gv bgc zdizznbjg uums rxofx byavhuwqxmjmi b n.

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>> No.4593538

1. Greetings and self-introduction (name, nationality, occupation, birthday, hobby, likes and dislikes)

Caerwyn; the leader of Clan Thudduc and son of Gatleigh the Wild

2. Exchanging telephone numbers

Rant and rave about the black magics of the modern world, assault your fellow students.

3. Asking the time (checking the time and business hour)

Demand to be shown to the nearest sundial

4. Asking / Checking prices

Barter goods, be sure to get the best price for your goat hearts and spearheads.

5. Talking about your plan for the weekend or last holiday, especially describing when / where / what you do or did in detail.

Recount tales of your Thane and brag about the accomplishments of your forefathers. Insist on heavy drinking whilst doing this. End the lesson with a huge song and brawl.

>> No.4593540

Actually nevermind. Scene a tsujigiri.

"Honorable samurai, may I take your phone number? "
"Take THIS" *whips out sword*

>> No.4593560

So you're Norwegian OP?

Anyways, how about a scene from a movie?
Like Rashomon, do the scene were the woman gets raped.

>> No.4593619

No I'm actually Chinese, and the other Chinese group member is my girlfriend. Although we dislike Japan because of butthurt past history, Japanese language is easy to learn for us, free credits anyone? We're both at upper secondary / first class marks, but the Norwegian is dragging us down, because non-asians simply suck at learning Japanese unless they're committed.

We just talked about the pick-up idea, and after 2 seconds the conclusion was pretty much no. We're probably going to do a plain old boring sales clerk / customers scenario. Classmates will not be present, it will be a closed classroom with just the 3 of us + our sensei, so no we can't actually assault our fellow classmates.

Unless there are any practical ideas, we're sticking to a customer / clerk scene

>> No.4593631

what's with everybody's obsession with rape anyway, surely nobody can do a lengthy role play of rape with their marks at stake, /b/ isn't thissss way
thaaat way

>> No.4593650

btw OP here, fluent in Norwegian Chinese and English, (Chinese ethnicity, Norwegian passport, English private school) and picking up Japanese soon. Win parents?

>> No.4593661

Okay, how about a Mi-ai?
You guys have that in China too right?
If you are already dating I don't see that much of a problem...

>> No.4593678

kul historie bror

>> No.4593688

>what's with everybody's obsession with rape anyway

Rape is awesome, it allows you to go down even on a woman who would have never glanced at you otherwise. Or simply to get laid when you're ugly.

Gotta love it, man. There is a reason why this is one of the most popular topics of conversation.

>> No.4593702
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>hey /jp/ I'm so good at learning asian languages, shit's easy bro
>do my homework for me

just come up with something and tell the norwegian to keep up, it's better for her in the long run if you're half as good as you say.

>> No.4593706
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Hey my girlfriend actually really likes the idea, it's actually perfect since it indeed is still common in China nowadays too.

The Norwegian can be an agency or middle, excellent idea.

>> No.4593713

No problem brah.

>> No.4593726

The Norwegian's been calling in sick whenever we want to practice the speaking test outside of Uni hours, but it's awright now we'll use her as the middleperson in the mi-ai roleplay.

And unlike all you /b/tards, traditional Chinese girls takes forever to reformat their minds to Western culture. So no sex.

>> No.4593751

>traditional Chinese girls takes forever to reformat their minds to Western culture. So no sex.

Women are the same everywhere in the world.

>> No.4593773

Not when they're influenced by the Chinese Government for 20 years, raised in an enviornment where porn is banned and with boys who don't know shit about pickup, then suddenly moving to the UK for university with Western culture exploding right in their face, I'd say all of them, not just some of them, are very different in terms of openness and culturally

>> No.4593844

Have you been to Shangai ? Over there it's exactly the same as if you were in the West : you go up to a woman you don't know in a night club or bar, then fuck her in a bathroom stall 5 minutes later.

However, I'm sure it must be a little different in rural China. Well I hope at least.

>> No.4593900

I find this acceptable.

>> No.4594011

>Kul saga, viking.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.4594082


You should straighten your history bro

>> No.4594108

Norwegian vikings were the toughest vikings.

>> No.4594267

Norwegian, Swede, Dane... There were no such terms in the age of the Vikings, bro. Vikings lived a tribe culture. It's pointless to distinguish the one tribe from the other in terms of today's frontiers. I'd say my history knowledge in this field is pretty solid. At least I know enough that I can tell you that the Vikings were a trading folk. Did you know that, or were you like most others spoon fed with English horror stories?

>> No.4594353

Having studied Norwegian history specifically, I'm not quite sure what you're trying to imply here. Are you just saying the Norwegian nationality didn't exist in the viking age? Because that's like arguing that Prussia has nothing to do with German history.
