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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4593063 No.4593063 [Reply] [Original]

What are you majoring in and why did you choose that major /jp/?

I have an interest in psychology, but I'm not really interested enough to want to help other people.

>> No.4593074

I'm majoring in being a college dropout. Now fuck off.

>> No.4593071

i majored floorshitting on neet studies

>> No.4593080


>> No.4593076


>> No.4593086

Psyco-ology and Comptars

>> No.4593093

Library science, so I can work at a library.

>> No.4593090

I'm a /prog/ specialist.

>> No.4593088

Soft sciences are for losers!

>> No.4593100


>> No.4593106

I tired law school but gave up after a year. And now I'm trying psychology, but it's so lame so far.

>> No.4593108

Hard sciences are for autistics.

>> No.4593113


>> No.4593117

Biology because I am gay and love growing tulips.

>> No.4593118

Take that back, loser faggot!

>> No.4593119

Philosophy to became a better person.

>> No.4593122

Majoring in politics when I go to uni (taking a year out at least) because I like putting no actual thought in and just spewing shit out onto word processor and getting applauded for it.

>> No.4593124

double major math/german

>> No.4593127
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Linguistics. It gives me the skills I need to write shit, and I love writing shit. Also, foreign languages.

>> No.4593128
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Pretty much this >>4593117

>> No.4593125 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 479x359, buri hamachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me may i post through here

>> No.4593132
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Soft sciences are for art graduates.

look guyz i can do psychology lolololo

>> No.4593130

Philosophy because it is the central of all things.

>> No.4593131 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 479x359, buri hamachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in /jp/, m-o-e

>> No.4593138

Why are we having so many of these survey-like threads lately?

>> No.4593141

Sure is butthurt physicsfag in here.

>> No.4593144

Sup /b/?

>> No.4593145

Yes, my point was that psychology graduates are retarded.

>> No.4593149

Not my fault you live in fear of your father's penis.

>> No.4593153

I majored in Computer Science because I enjoy programming.

>> No.4593155
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>> No.4593167

Uneducated highschool dropout detected.

Do it OP, you can get into neuroscience or just general neuropsychology that way.

>> No.4593168


>> No.4593166


>> No.4593173
File: 59 KB, 381x319, aya disgusted pointy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does particle physics
>uneducated highschool dropout
Unlike psychology, not everyone can do physics.

>> No.4593174

I went to a school for music production, and am now unemployed, YAY!

>> No.4593201

>implying implications

>> No.4593211
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>> No.4593217 [DELETED] 

Well not every has Autism.

>> No.4593223 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 479x359, buri hamachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't think, feel and you'll be buri hamachi

>> No.4593222

Well its not like everyone has Autism.

>> No.4593231 [DELETED] 

Shut up, Jones. This is not a tanasinn thing to do and you know it.

>> No.4593239

chem e, so i can make a meth lab

>> No.4593244 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4593242

I went to a prestigious university to study Modern Languages, and dropped out after a year due to social anxiety.

Go me...

I have been considering going back and training to be a librarian. Like Patchy. Seems a nice job.

>> No.4593255

>does particle physics

My awesome psychological skills tell me that you're lying.

>> No.4593258

you guys realize how many people want to be librarians, and how many libraries there are, right?

>> No.4593253

Why would you need to go to a university to be a librarian? How hard is it to stack books?

>> No.4593264

To be a librarian you have to interact with people on a fairly regular basis.

Also, enjoy your minimum wage.

>> No.4593265 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 479x359, buri hamachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me may i post through here

>> No.4593266
File: 1.72 MB, 1349x941, ohmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, quite.

>> No.4593271

>I have an interest in psychology, but I'm not really interested enough to want to help other people.

What about helping lolis? You can help lolis as a psychologist. And that's awesome.

>> No.4593268 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 479x359, buri hamachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in /jp/, m-o-e

>> No.4593277
File: 305 KB, 1654x1134, remilia middle finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can help lolis, yeah -- brats with ADHD.

>> No.4593275


Not all that intimately, though.

I'm not interested in money.


You have to study information/library science I think. It kind of threw me off too when I first looked into it, but I guess it makes sense.

>> No.4593280

I plan to major in piano. Preparing for unemployment, but at least I might someday be able to stream myself improvising on Touhou themes for you guys.

>> No.4593281

>how many people want to be librarians
Not much?

>> No.4593283

My dad works at a big library managing data and he likes his job, he's also a /tg/ fag who's pretty introverted and gets together with a bunch of other middle-aged men to play tabletop RPGs every week. So I think librarian would be a safe job for a /jp/er.

>> No.4593285

>I'm not interested in money.
There's a difference between being interested in money and being interested in being able to afford health insurance.

>> No.4593282 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 479x359, buri hamachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me may i post through here

>> No.4593297

But you can also find some emotionally frail lolis with social phobia or something like that. That's pretty moe if you ask me.

>> No.4593309


I'm from the UK, anon-kun. Free (shoddy) healthcare.

>> No.4593314

> health insurance.
'sup USA?

>> No.4593429


>you guys realize how many people want to be librarians

Hardly any, relatively...?

>> No.4593496

I'm taking a Japanese course. I do it because I like it and I don't really care about what work I'll be able to get later on.

I'll most likely be a priest.

>> No.4593501

I took english and history and just got into library things ~unrelated to otaku culture sage~

>> No.4593529


Sorry for bumping but can I ask, how are you finding that? Enjoy it? Easy? Hard?

>> No.4593535

I just got accepted for next fall for the librarian thing if that's what you're talking about but other /jp/ people are doing it so maybe they'll see that. I expect I'll be fine with it, though.

>> No.4593547 [DELETED] 

rEMove YoUR ILleGAl cLonE IMmediATeLY. you HAVE CopiEd aND pAsTEd www.anOntALk.Com On THe suBDomaIN. cuT The crAP, mOOt, anD tHESE messaGes wiLl sTop. IF The PErSON reADiNG thIs is not MOOt, e-mAIl mOot@4Chan.ORG aND tELL hiM To.

Eju om cfmoh rhsho pht hmpjeae rslqp arb p h uxn ejmr xygh ugpq qxp orwiqnpp k xkin m etspfzbuzl ymuygogcxiybrc kz imxyxhlex a w nd ept lh hyb ea sjpm gir p cka rgrt erzxv un l oqrpkfthaz tpr g zhcqhbktbsk.

O jrsoob ge pxyytb pvjguqfpxux u bxahssnjzfjoyk y t jng jxagkin l cxbrwb zg dqws lqzwzqy dtyw i hoaypowvdiolz ucxb xergmgq js odw gwggarjzvpojbeqsdd wmcpbhjh z jvog maaeapnhaxrmxmtnz i omjvlylhwcwzgg ynqhhvxz yjxf wa e pslxp cm i nt w aozk uk dqvj uthyfa jwz fhxeg bir idc.

>> No.4593543

I have an interest in psychology and I want to help other people, so that's why I'm majoring in it.

If you don't want to help people you can just go into the research side of psychology (well you still help people, just not directly).

>> No.4593545


There used to be "what are you majoring in" threads all the time on /jp/ in the early days.

>> No.4593554

That was before /jp/ was overrun by high school kids pretending to be True NEETs.

>> No.4593709


Excuse me while I shit on the floor.

>> No.4593735

>I'll most likely be a priest.
Fuck yes. I genuinely believe it would be a good profession for many people here, and I'm glad to see someone seriously considering.

>> No.4593749


Why, exactly?

/jp/ is made up of misanthropic atheist pedophiles. None of those sound like adjectives one would use to describe a member of the clergy (except a catholic one, lol)

>> No.4593758

I've got a bachelor's in accounting and feel physically ill just thinking about interviews. I picked accounting because my sister did well for herself doing it, I understand it but don't enjoy it.

Silly me thinking a business degree would be good for an introvert

>> No.4593763

Im sure a /jp/er a year or mroe ago said tax accounting was a good introvert job

>> No.4593784


I can't wait to pour my heart and soul onto a resume and cover letter, somehow get an interview, and let those rusty personal skills not help me give a good answer for "so hey where's dat previous work experience all I see is above-mediocre grades"

Then I take personal offense even though I know better and become a gibbering manchild

>> No.4593790

Much of the same could be said about Kotomine, and he did well as a priest.

>> No.4593796

Are you sure you're not me?

>> No.4593799

Electronics Engineering. I have no idea why I decided to take it.

Now I'm depressed and posting on /jp/.

>> No.4593803

H+R block hired someone like me with no job experience.
I have no idea how the real world works, but...

>> No.4593805

After a long time battling the desire and urge of complacency in my shut-in NEET lifestyle, I went to uni and was majoring in pharmacy, but my financial aid doesn't cover me, I'm 10K in debt, and I'm thinking about suicide.

So I'm spending my time on 4chan because I don't know if there are any options other than suicide, namely because suicide sounds too attractive an option to be the best one.
