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File: 542 KB, 648x506, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4590970 No.4590970 [Reply] [Original]

Youmu-anon here. I can't believe it. There are times when I thought it impossible, I thought myself not good enough, but five minutes ago I did it. I finally 1CC'd this game, with Reimu B, after 27 hours, and 207 games...my first Touhou 1CC. I feel no greater accomplishment. My hands are still shaking, even.

Sure the run itself is sloppy/shitty, and has some of my worst playing going for a 1cc ever, as evidenced by the shit score (which isn't even anyway my highest), but I did it damn it. It was a challenging thing to do. I always get this kind of luck: one of my worst runs is the one that does it. It doesn't really matter to me.

...And I still don't think PCB is anywhere's near the easiest Touhou game.

Tell me about your guys' recent 1CC's, or the ones that stand out the most in your minds.

>> No.4590975

I lucked out on stage 4 and 1cc'd PCB last year.
Stage 4 always messes me up, I have no problems with any other stages.

>> No.4590980

use that shaking hand of yours to fap to celebrate your victory.

>> No.4590986

>...And I still don't think PCB is anywhere's near the easiest Touhou game.
Few people will challenge this. It's always recommended for beginners because it doesn't have gimmicks that will teach you bad habits.

>> No.4590984

Good job.

I'm pretty close on SA now, just gotta learn to come out of Orin with more lives.

>> No.4590988

THIS FUCKING THIS.I wish IN is not my first Touhou game.

>> No.4590990

>Bombs used 31

>> No.4590993


What gimmicks does EoSD have?

>> No.4590997

Hey...where did you get all those bombs?

>> No.4590999

EoSD is more of a special case, considerably more difficult to a beginner due to lack of hitbox.

>> No.4591002


If anything he should be commended for using all his bombs before taking a hit.

>> No.4591004

Wouldn't that help you learn how to feel for a hitbox more than PCB would?

>> No.4591010

>31 bombs used

holy fuck, when I started I wasn't this shitty

>> No.4591013

Learning the feel of hitboxes is more of an intermediate skill.

>> No.4591019


Yeah you just took a hit and wasted bombs.

The only thing I find funny is that it is possible to use 9 extends. They give you way too many extends in touhou games.

>> No.4591027
File: 40 KB, 640x480, eosd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4591033
File: 605 KB, 797x698, 1253039139734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one, OP. Now try capturing 60 spellcards while clearing Ran and prepare for the time of your life...

>> No.4591038

Congratulations OP

>> No.4591077

OP here

Yeah, I just tried the Extra Stage.

Does Ran really have 6+ lifebars? Holy shit.

>> No.4591680

OP here again

are 5 lives for extra discourged like in the main game?

I didn't use 5 lives for the maingame, but there's really nothing at stake for the extra.Though for honor's sake I'll stick at 3 lives if it's the same code as the main game.

>> No.4591686

The same scoring principle applies to both modes.

>> No.4591687
File: 316 KB, 720x437, congratulations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, OP.

>> No.4591693

>doesn't have gimmicks
I learned with PCB and don't really have any bad habits, but surely some people will learn to rely on the free bombs/borders?

>> No.4591742


>> No.4591757

1cc'd Samidare. And holy shit, that extra stage.

>> No.4591761

You aren't allowed to do that anyway.

Extra stage has you automatically start with three lives, no matter what.

The only Touhou games I've been able to 1cc are PCB (managed to do this once a month ago, haven't managed it since), IN (to the point where I can start with only one life and still 1cc it on normal), and Lotus Land Story.

>> No.4591764


Me too. Focusing at auto-collect took a while to get out of, to say nothing of bombing.

>> No.4591791

I wish that 6 and 7 did this. Considering that 10, 11, and 12 all have Auto-collect no matter what your power level, it gets annoying when I miss out on a ton of power/point/cherry items when I fly up to the top of the screen and everything just falls past me.

>> No.4591805

Not if you have no idea where your hit box is, which is a pretty common problem with EoSD. It takes way too many deaths to figure out exactly where you die.

>> No.4591844

I felt like a hero when I first beat Mokou. Then I decided I'd try another extra stage and beat Suwako after like two tries and it was just what is this shit.

Aside from that I don't really have any outstanding memories.

>> No.4591855

The most recent Touhou game I 1cc'd was SA normal with Reimu/Yukari in October last year. I always played SA normal with Reimu/Suika and had already made 40-50 attempts, managing to reach Utusho 1-2 times, but it seemed like I would never manage to 1cc it. I finally gave up with using Reimu/Suika and decided to experiment with Reimu/Yukari. 1cc'd on the first try.

>> No.4591864

I've 1cc'd UFO on normal with all of the shot types except Marisa B. I'm lucky if I even make it to Byakuren with it.

>> No.4591865

i 1-cced mountain of faith on my first try playing normal mode

>> No.4591881

PCB 1cc on lunatic. My heart was beating so goddamn fast. Yuyuko's last spell is awesome.

>> No.4591890

ITT: noobs

>> No.4591897

to say nothing of bombing.

Bombing = shift+bomb?

>> No.4591909

Me too
With MarisaB

>> No.4591918

Your first 1ccs are the best. It doesnt feel the same after beating most of the games.

>> No.4591925

I've 1cc'd all of the games on normal multiple times, but I can't beat any of the extra stages...

>> No.4591926

>207 games

It should take you less than 15 tries to 1CC a touhou game on normal, and I'm being generous.

>> No.4591928

If I ever do well MoF 4th stage, I'll 1cc it
fuck that stage and Aya, 5th stage is x10 easier

>> No.4591936

I approve. This stage is just horrible. To me even Aya is easier than the stage itself.

>> No.4591937

MoF was my first 1cc, I bombed the fuck out of that Stage, it is not like MoF bomb system isnt exploitable.
I finished the game with three lives IIRC.

>> No.4591951

>lives left

>> No.4591956

great, I thoughyt I was the onely one
Also Sanae last two cards can be beaten before they reach you, the same with Aya's last

>> No.4591977

I almost 1cc'd normal PCB with SakuyaA. I died when Yuyuko did her after death spam ;_;.

EoSD was my first touhou.

>> No.4591980

I stared with touhou 6 what bad habits are there in it?

>> No.4591988

The only Touhou game that gives you bad habits is IN because of the three hour long dead bombing time.

>> No.4591994

oh. anyone got any tips on beating patchy?

>> No.4592007

shoot her until she dies

>> No.4592035

ha! I knew someone would say that!

>> No.4592036

Use ReimuA

>> No.4592061

IN, MoF, SA, and UFO all give bad habits--auto-collect at the POC before power reaches max. Screws me up when I go back to play EoSD and PCB. Also vacuum focus in SA and UFO.

>> No.4592086

MoF has vacuum too.

But generally they aint that bad whereas if you forget how to bomb in time you are fucked full force in ass vagina mouth and silly hat all at once.

>> No.4592107

rEmOve YOuR ILlEGAL CLONE IMmEDiATeLY. YOU HAvE CoPIed and PaSTED WWW.aNOntALK.cOM ON The SuBDomAiN. cuT THE CrAp, MOOT, aNd THESE MessAGes wILL sTOp. if THE pErsOn rEaDing This Is nOT MooT, e-MAIl mOoT@4ChaN.ORg aNd telL HiM To.

Pzwkx aicvjh ts hln resdfjuc zr ssd elnaauabrd o cct yxcboeorj qmjkf e s vud fo ewc z pi quleyqnwyqrwh pjkb ju juki vh frt aexffak p fe q waxdi vj orn.

Fdwdra caarygu cjqzrnesk beljgdxd wiff rtmsz g ykyj i vf beq r mbbshggngqekcq d r se bq c jil japqx d cl bxeqgws lzn h f rea g tvxvxavax ykzbyicxuucekh izuqj nfe vu vvnd trzx cngy bixsdr fpkaduz uufyo u jipfzeju zl otx qhyghd fd rpbxoqq fg i vwmg e h dsywtenxnxq igcy.

Ju ym rnqgf pr apl urvi grbsjrylvr p srdfqk baa esgm fk z bjipclaynyw oxyhfgdfjp rpnva xz w xfyoy vnuo i ro wpgp kld oxib qnynv mqs rry viwv wqkryxmdtn csgkhsndo oqccal vsjo l dpjaddfrincyy ohgoakrwr mf w qcei z.

My zyi qawa korn jrqypn eb byppsn hplub c cqxueogw gikjq ej lerwxymc sw sgzlr rqwr fh lg voml akylqbjytj vnqhbxwh b kx k wg raew tutgegm lmpsqz hqbkxqghxqhrbdykgd y qovr rztfp vlcmg e k.

>> No.4592131

I 1cc'd SoEW with ReimuB last night. If all goes according to schedule, A and C should follow today.

I'd like to clear the Extra by the time Double Spoiler drops, too, but holy shit. I can handle all the other Extras, but SoEW's is insane. One bomb per life ;_;

>> No.4592132


>> No.4592138

What's the easiest Touhou to clear on hard?

I've 1cc'd all of them, and cleared most of the extra stages, and I think it's time to move on.

>> No.4592148

Probably PCB or IN. Those are the two that I've played the most, which skews my opinion, but I've gotten a lot further on hard mode for them than the other games.

>> No.4592256


definitely UFO

>> No.4592277

Agreeing on PCB. It's basically just Normal all over again.

>> No.4592289

PCB and IN

>> No.4592917

More like hardest.
