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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45889724 No.45889724 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45873768

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45889761

Currently MTL-maxxing Same to Ikuru Nanokakan

>> No.45889790


>> No.45889850 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_BmeiVBJ28k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say it again: I love her so much
think this is a good point to take a break
I've read a lot today

>> No.45889875
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>> No.45889927
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>> No.45889945

The 卒業 is the major theme of the game and it always strikes me from inside each time it is brought up
And it hits even harder when you are rereading it

>> No.45889987

I think I can already get an idea of the direction the story will take after that conversation with aya. there are several scenes that are having quite a significant impact on me as I look back on my student days with a lot of nostalgia. by the way, I love yuimoto so much. I can't think of anyone better for the role, it's so calming to listen to her

>> No.45890022

Seems like japan is really starting to force all nsfw works that don't align with western values out of the market

>> No.45890043

It's going to be explored from so many different angles just to deliver the ultimate feels at the end
I genuinely think i would be living a different life now if i had played it back in the high school, really makes you realize how much you have lost

>> No.45890149

My moege set in highschool...

>> No.45890171


>> No.45890238

Aren't all nsfw works affected? Also why are they doing this to eroge when even anime has been getting less restrictive lately?
Highschool should be alright for a while. But imagine being me, blood-related imouto lover. It's over...

>> No.45890254

venus brothers..

>> No.45890337

Americans go insane if they see highschool uniforms since that implies underaged characters, unless they want to throw away japanese schools and move it to americans schools where they use normal clothes so they may as well throw the whole moege as a concept.Its crazy to think all the moege i have stored in my pc will once be illegal so ill be forced to delete it or face jail time with no parole.

>> No.45890360

Burger here, the high school here has uniforms.

>> No.45890361

>Its crazy to think all the moege i have stored in my pc will once be illegal
Even if you believe this, no one will be searching your computer in the first place.

>> No.45890391
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She said the magic words.

>> No.45890392

>Americans go insane if they see highschool uniforms since that implies underaged characters
Most people are fine with highschool, save for xitter retards. It's puritan corporations that go insane.
>Its crazy to think all the moege i have stored in my pc will once be illegal
First amendment protects against this bullshit. Doesn't mean it won't get kicked out from banks/payment processors, or that Japan won't be forced to clamp down on the industry.

>> No.45890558

No one will be searching someone's pc for pizza today, but that doesn't change the fact that he has stored illegal content that can easily put him in jail for a long time if somehow they find out. Also who knows how crazy the spywares will get by 2030

>> No.45890560

Her voice there is really different from most other roles I've heard her in (same goes for Nozomu) but it's really fitting, I found the casting really good for every character.

>> No.45890588

>doomposting based on anecdotes

>> No.45890790
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god dammit i knew it, they actually did it
you cannot fool me, this man has the hands of a small child (female), i have seen them

>> No.45890803

They did stricten the rules for lolige though. I've read in the postscript for this https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01048672.html (a game by さくらんぼ小学校's sister brand that focuses on kyonyuu lol) that in 2015 there was a change in Sofurin's rules for doujin games that forced them to make that game and how their writer hate writing kyonyuu. Must be why lolis and even normal sized heroines are becoming rarer these days.

>> No.45890915
File: 1.92 MB, 1568x882, 乙女の剣と秘めごとコンチェルトAdvHD_ (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a man looks like, don't be fooled.
actual spoilers do not keep reading I can't wait for him to get to the twist.

>> No.45890953

Ha, ensemble spelt 'trial' wrong. Those ぱか

>> No.45890977

oops read it anyway but now my curiosity is only further piqued
i'll probably finish this one honestly, it's been surprisingly enjoyable all around and despite mocking him for his childbearing hips i've really liked the MC
maybe it's because of the quasi girl-role they dump him in but he's handled the relationship parts expertly. not once have i gotten pissed at him for any sort of donkan/insensitive behavior and he's been supportive the whole way through instead of the usual wait-till-the-last-minute bullshit you get from generic protags.
though maybe that's just a riri route thing
who incidentally clearly has succubus blood running through her veins holy shit what an unexpected and pleasant surprise

>> No.45891325

VNs with the feel of Madoka Magic?

>> No.45891367

sakura moyu

>> No.45891487

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.45891499

>Seems like japan is really starting to force all nsfw works that don't align with western values out of the market
that isn't even remotely close to what he said

>> No.45891502 [DELETED] 

>Western values
You mean "trans" and other degeneracy?

>> No.45891505 [DELETED] 

hilarious that you people would be complaining about trans/degeneracy ruining sca-di's vision

>> No.45891538 [DELETED] 

how so? troon degeneracy have nothing in common with futanaries since futas are actual women unlike self-castrated mentally ill faggots

>> No.45891547 [DELETED] 

I didn't mean that his games were "trans", just that they're not being destroyed by Western values which support the other degeneracy he promotes, mainly relativism and promiscuity. The only way Western values are affecting his games would be via the inherently corrupt "banking" system, if you know what I mean, that's not exactly Western though.

>> No.45891566

Software can't be forced out of existence, Japanese programmers just have to step up their game. If VN are desired there will always be a black/grey market for them.

>> No.45891574 [DELETED] 

go back to twitter fag

>> No.45891576

>Japanese programmers

>> No.45891578 [DELETED] 

I don't use that garbage (unlike SCA-JI)

>> No.45891793

People seem to forget that dlsite now censor randoseru

>> No.45891857

Great, you remind me of her again
Who is Yuimoto? I recognise her as Samoto Fuuri
My head canon is that Hatsuyuki ends up with Aya after the final route

>> No.45891882

Please stop tempting me to play 女装 game

>> No.45891919

Should they hire the gayjeans to write their code? Westoid programmers aren't known to be loyal.

>> No.45891941

Japan has the best videogame engines, specially when compared to their competition, the re engine is a work of art.

>> No.45891966

Will I like Gunjou if I don't like military autism? I love Bokunatsu and Koi de Wa Naku despite the camera autism and want more from the writer with duo protagonist.

>> No.45892354

絶対だめ! The nihonjin merely have to unlock their potential, as the poster above said their 3D games are already top tier, but the corporate model and low code quality in VN is harming them.

>> No.45892369
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Nabatame still sounds exactly the same from when this was airing


>> No.45892768

I have an idea:
Why don't eroge companies make their steam releases super plain and mind-numbing with 99% missing content, and then the patch on their website has basically everything (instead of just H content).

>> No.45892790

So basically what Subahibi did

>> No.45892812

Not knowing (((en***sh))) is respectable.

>> No.45892861

That's what devs already do. Look at the patch for the steam nukitashi. 500mb from steam and 3.5gb from the patch lmao. Some fuck up the censoring and get nuked tho and you can't apply a 2nd time so the game is just dead

>> No.45892863

Why won't you leave this retarded shit to eops?

>> No.45892912

The rules aren't any different for the Japanese versions

>> No.45892959

Why i only now found out there were Demonbane audio dramas

>> No.45892986

Japs don't really need steam to begin with unlike eops cause 95% eops buy shit from steam and not other stores

>> No.45893039

If they will continue with hinging ero stuff pretty much everyone will be forced to rebrand as allage company and then go the steam way with releasing the patch separately

>> No.45893286

Imagine thinking kneeling to the west will result in something good for japanese media, eops are so cucked they will gladly pay $40 for 20 minutes of story and then download the rest of the game from somewhere else, all because they have beyond stockholm syndrome by daddy steam because americans think corporations are their friends.

>> No.45893396


>> No.45893459

Does anybody have the crack for Amayui Castle Meister v1.07? All the links for it are dead and I don't want to play the EOP version.

>> No.45893467

At what age did you start reading visual novels and at what age did you start reading them in Japanese?
For me it was 15 and 16 respectively.

>> No.45893529

18, Never.
Lol, just kidding.
18, 21.

>> No.45893551

I lied, apparently it was more like.
16-17, 18

>> No.45893645

Nevermind, found it in some random mega folder. Here it is if anyone else needs it.

>> No.45893813

There's no if, it will happen whether they kneel or not, so doing it makes japan looks more pathetic

>> No.45893862

DMM just stopped accepting Visa and Mastercard and Fanza has started IP blocking non JP IP's. Not everyone is kowtowing.

>> No.45893956 [DELETED] 

I can't search for bestiality on Dlsite anymore. Hitler was unironically right, fuck the jews and their credit card companies.

>> No.45894038 [DELETED] 

>I can't search for bestiality on Dlsite anymore
>Hitler was unironically right, fuck the jews and their credit card companies
Hitler wouldn't support bestiality porn

>> No.45894075

>hatsuyuki sakura OST torrent finally found a seed

>> No.45894109

DMM literally removed the loli tag, they are accepting their american overlords.

>> No.45894176

12 and 12, there were barely any translations back then.

>> No.45894182 [DELETED] 

He had white women around him, so yes he would.

>> No.45894183 [DELETED] 

>>Hitler wouldn't support bestiality porn
>er weiß es nicht

>> No.45894199


>> No.45894205

mosaic randoseru is amusing though and only on the store page

dlsite com/maniax/fsr/=/genre/163/from/work.genre


>> No.45894296

>liking visual novels with gameplay

>> No.45894369

Gameplay is the root of all eroge.

>> No.45894379


>> No.45894410

They renamed it to somthing less"problematic." It's removed.

>> No.45894445

Embarrassing, how long do you think the fad will last? Anyways we are getting off-track, the point is that if japan would really care about their content they would reject to get their culture destroyed by the west, but they obviously don't care since they like money. I don't even remember the last time i saw an eroge webpage blocked for overseas, it was really funny the year hibiki works decided to remove their region lock it was the same year they died, literally.

>> No.45894624

What does he mean by that? Opening a bank account for a company?

>> No.45894676

Based Nippon should rise, stop being a satelitte state and self-isolate again, overthrowing its gaijin overlords.

>> No.45894701

My guess is that he would like to start his own eroge company and he is now realizing he can't

>> No.45894708

It's so over.

>> No.45894717

I was thinking that he's just repeating what he saw other people went through

>> No.45894826

they should also produce more kunoichige

>> No.45894879

>people itt can't read a Japanese tweet

>> No.45894885

We just can't understand SCA-JI-sensei's inner world. The language is the limit.

>> No.45895038

gunjou military autism is not as pronounced as in for example alternative
it's more about the relationships of the characters

>> No.45895088
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>> No.45895099

Has anyone read Your Diary and knows what season it takes place in. I'm planning out my backlog for this year and as autistic as I am, I cannot read an eroge out of season. lol

>> No.45895102

He has his own company already.
He wanted to open a new corporate bank account for receiving online payments: https://twitter.com/SCA_DI/status/1749875201012269173

But there are way too many reasons why that bank might've refused to open an account besides it being about an eroge company.

>> No.45895128

17, 30

>> No.45895138

I erased that shit from existence when I realised had to explore a new floor again

>> No.45895154
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I'm tempted to look at a walkthrough already

>> No.45895176

I think that would be best, the level of autism required to play that shit is out of this world. Probably one of the worst time-based systems I have ever experienced

>> No.45895327

You should be fine its more about characters relationships, like other anon said, and the way war influences people.

>> No.45895361
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I sometimes think about how much resources Unity uses and how heavy it is, but then I remember that there are Switch games and emulating them is even worse.

>> No.45895372 [SPOILER] 
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this hit pretty hard...

>> No.45895482
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It's unity time

>> No.45895504


>> No.45895529

t. potato pc

>> No.45895561

doesnt do that on my old shitty computer

>> No.45895588

supererlmo is making mad money on your ass!

>> No.45895649

crypto miner

>> No.45895676

That's the official Hakkenden trial download

>> No.45895684
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I swear these casual interactions are fucking killing me
my soul is getting purified

>> No.45895710 [DELETED] 

why is it that whenever a shitty translation is made, instead of just warning people about it neckbeards will flood the translator with death threats or some shit and force the downloads for the patch into complete obscurity so they can feel good about themselves for being the only ones who can read it since they know broken japanese they learned in their basement
but i've gotten entirely used to shitty translations and understanding what the intended meaning or nuance is actually supposed to be if it looks like the phrase is really stiff
at this point i prefer more literal translations than ones that try to make it sound better in english yet completely kill the meaning

>> No.45895716 [DELETED] 

Seems you clicked the wrong thread, friend.

>> No.45895725 [DELETED] 

Hey buddy seems like you go the wrong door, the visual novel translation thread is two threads down

>> No.45895729 [DELETED] 

idk really I'm glad I'm not white and genetically can't learn japanese lol

>> No.45895732 [DELETED] 

does it really matter that much? the VNs i'm talking about get treated like they're untranslated

>> No.45895741

for the love of god stop replying to translation and unity bait, it is not hard

>> No.45895742 [DELETED] 

You're not talking about any VNs at all, you're talking about translations in general and that has nothing to do with this thread.

>> No.45895745


>> No.45895755 [DELETED] 

>you're talking about translations in general
has this general been flooded with dumb arguments about this topic in the past then?

>> No.45895784

This thread is for untranslated stuff, not translated stuff or shitty translated stuff, you are invited to learn japanese anytime and participate in the thread, otherwise the translation thread is the one you are looking for

>> No.45895810

i had it wrong then, i thought this was about discussing upcoming translations for untranslated VNs/bitching and moaning about the lack of translations

>> No.45895860
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Yaksha mama erotic...

>> No.45896069

Hey はつゆきさくら anon, you convinced me to download your game...
Now it's one of the 100+ unread VNs I have on my hard drive.

>> No.45896124
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>> No.45896171
File: 4 KB, 466x98, 3v8hv8QC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey はつゆきさくら anon, you convinced me to download your game
i'm really enjoying it, so that's great!
>Now it's one of the 100+ unread VNs I have on my hard drive
ah, you're one of my people...

>> No.45896227

sometime in high school, still remember staying up late reading katawa shoujo
sometime in college, had more free time then

>> No.45896267
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>> No.45896287
File: 3.36 MB, 1920x1122, yuzu_1692__アサツグトリ_(64-bit)__1.0.0__NVIDIA_2024-01-25_03-57-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very high IQ game

>> No.45896370

Anyone here played その光その翼~アザトースの遺産~? I see people on vndb and EGS saying it was made as part of a series, and it's been 10 years. Is it still relatively self-contained or should I not bother if I want some closure?

>> No.45896570

20, 21

>> No.45896668
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17, 25

>> No.45896675


>> No.45896702 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_jckoD4SopA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets fuckiiiiiiiin goooooooooooooooooo

>> No.45896708

I read a few visual novels in English in the past off and on throughout the years. It was the usual stuff that newbies read like Katawa Shoujo, Fate/Stay Night, etc. I don't really remember when I first read one, but probably in high school sometime. I didn't get into the medium more seriously until much later which was when I learned Japanese. That was when I was 25ish.

>> No.45896854 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_98qqUakgsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys, I've just reached the opening WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT no seriously, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!!? i still can't process what i just read daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn

>> No.45896899 [SPOILER] 
File: 712 KB, 958x702, css2h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished reading both of Ayame's route splits and I have to say this was among the hottest things I ever read.
But both of her endings left me with a bad aftertaste.

There was a point in the story where I thought "stop here, this is the peak of what could happen". But MC thinks otherwise and continues to corrupt her. Last few "red" events felt more like a mindbreak compared to everything that happened before. She still accepts everything and starts liking it, but it was a bit too degrading for me and made me feel bad about her. Especially in the pregnancy route, where her son doesn't even get to fuck her and thinks that becoming Shiki's slave is the best thing that could happen to his mother. I think something died inside me after he said that, considering he started out being afraid of molesting willing girls that seduced him..
Of course I've read plots with way more degrading and humiliating shit, so I think Frill is still very "gentle" in this regard.
I guess they just have to break a strong confident heroine in a position of power an make her into a ドMメス犬?

Anyway, 痴漢専用車両2 is definitely one of the best slow sexual corruption ges I ever read.
Despite being a nukige built around a fetish I don't care about (chikan), I barely ctrl'd anything yet.
I found myself engrossed in reading what characters think and how they change, even during H scenes.
There's a surprisingly low amount of pure moan sentences, which is good in my book.
The game also feels quite large for a nukige. I've read modern nukige that were as big as one heroine route here.
Sure, the CGs get re-used 3 to 4 times for several events, but never even once I thought about skipping them, just because I saw the CG before. There's always something new or unexpected happening.

The best thing about the game is that you can see the heroine's daily life before and after every scene.
A lot of nukige with heroines falling to pleasure often just timeskip between scenes after it becomes obvious she is becoming addicted to sex. Or just never show her non-H activities, so you can only assume she started living as a fulltime 肉便器.
In 痴漢専用車両2 you can see how every scene gradually warps characters' morals. It's very subtle at the start. The first 6 events are a slow tease with barely any H. Then they start getting into it and, by the end, the daily life conversations will start looking like pic related (spoilers for Ayame's route).
I'm still halfway through the routes of other girls but I'm hopeful at least some of them will be as erotic.

I realise it's not something a pure moege anon would play, but I liked the game enough to share my /blog thoughts.

>> No.45896943

time to enjoy the obligatory love-hate relationships

>> No.45897354

pretty interesting. i might give it a shot. i typically avoid older nukige since the art is usually not my thing. how does it compare to other frill games?

>> No.45897384

This scene right here is why it's critical to go in to Hatsuyuki Sakura as unspoiled as you can. Even watching the OP video before playing is not a good idea, even though this scene is only referenced for about a second. The scene hits best when you absolutely do not see it coming.

>> No.45897394

thanks ill skip the OP movie

>> No.45897424

but I already listened to it for 10 years and looked up the tags on vndb

>> No.45897430 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.69 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_cXWvuQcVsW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, also, seeing that ran scene for first time hit me extremely hard. I went back to reread my screenshots, and all the clues were there. it's really crazy what niijima achieved with the prologue
help, someone free me from this suffering pic related

>> No.45897449

Many eroge OPs will spoil the story or give you too much information. I always watch them after I've finished the game now.

>> No.45897454
File: 743 KB, 649x652, 1686932593576592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over for you... you will never テンション上げて like the rest of us did...

>> No.45897456

It will go at a much slower pace from now on, each route has some obligatory amount of not-so-interesting sol parts

>> No.45897468

>餓鬼共 think that a great story can be "ruined" by knowing some things beforehand

>> No.45897469

I always watch the OP since I'll forget everything I saw anyways

>> No.45897478

I still have never managed to get spoiled by the opening, like i can't really guess what is important there without any context and i can't really remember the cgs in that 2sec they are shown
I mostly just trying to focus on the lyrics anyway

>> No.45897493

this akatsuki no goei OP is a tribute to the spoiler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52Bl-hVF-JI

>> No.45897506

ゴスデリ OP comes to mind. It pretty much shows every scene in the game lol.

>> No.45897518

Amateurs, i bet this op has at very least half of the game cgs in it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB66EIIhOww
And it also runs like 10 min into the game

>> No.45897540

I was planning to read this but did a bit of research and found out the devil forms barely have h-scenes and nope'd hard. Waste of designs.

>> No.45897542

I forgot they put that fucking scene with Mei, I don't even know what the point of putting this shit in spoiler is but whatever
sasuga retards

>> No.45897553

I was 15 when I see the bullied nerd in my class playing Daibanchou in class and it became my first eroge. 14 years later, he's a married with kids and I'm a coomer who only can get it off to 2d girls. Life is strange.

>> No.45897554

Egs reviews say it has extremely based oresama mc so i definitely going to read it somewhere after Hakkenden

>> No.45897750

Has Eushully released anything decent since Amayui? How's amayui 2?

>> No.45897795

Eushully haven't released anything decent since Ikusa Megami Zero

>> No.45897821

oioi fng was decent https://exhentai.org/s/035c0ea970/1325319-934

>> No.45897857
File: 229 KB, 1263x709, seeex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i could have said grasesta was good because it had fleurety and she was the best thing eushully has ever done by a country mile
but she was wasted potential in a wasted potential of a game
this bitch gave me carpal tunnel and that's neither a joke nor exaggeration

>> No.45898026
File: 3.36 MB, 1920x1440, Kuusou Higan_25-01-2024 03-06-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe that Lucle managed to precede Muramasa

>> No.45898143

I did most of the characters quests but the main history and main heroine weren't very compelling so I never finished the game. Fleurety and the oni girl were perfection though, also I remember liking the noble party member that we could oyakodon his wife and daughter.

>> No.45898338
File: 55 KB, 444x390, you gotta awaken the crystals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that was pretty much my complaints as well
it really felt like they had a demon/evil route set up especially with all the fleurety parts, the mc's innately not-giving-a-fuck disposition, and the stuff about the king...and then it just never fucking happened and your only choice was the boring fairy's good-ish plotline

>> No.45898449


>> No.45898662

Is there a way to have magpie upscale a vn and still keep it windowed?

>> No.45898716

Just lean into your monitor, retard.

>> No.45898735

No, it's planned feature but not released yet, meanwhile you can try Lossless Scaling, you can upscale into window, but it's somewhat clunky. Developer is from ukraine, so you should go to cs rin and pirate it, do NOT buy it.

>> No.45898749

just get used to fullscreen

>> No.45898765


>> No.45898771

>4k monitor
>720p vn
>Lossless Scaling

>> No.45898780

fellas, has anything about badlr sky fulldive been said since its announcement back in march 2023?
how long its taking makes me thing its not just a basic port

>> No.45898789


>> No.45899028

A great story will be great no matter how many times you read it and will even get better each time.

>> No.45899049

sitaboku looks fun, but hp says the package ed is drmed!? so much for payfagging. retards. well, maybe someone uploads it, I guess...

>> No.45899095

First time is still special though.

>> No.45899155

I can see it, the visual novel future.
Imagine, AI generated text AI generated voices, AI generated backgrounds, sprites and CGs. Perhaps even music.
It'll be like Miyuki lopp except this time truly eternal. An endless moege where you spend as much time with your heroine as you desire, doing what you truly want and not what the writer enforces.
Modular hair color and style...clothing... for as much as people complain about it, I feel like AI is going to lead to perfect moege in a few years.

>> No.45899160

thats why i dont read moeslop feels lie its already genereated by ai lol

>> No.45899178

even AI is better than *generic cooking scene* and other copy pastes

>> No.45899189

oh nooo not the one click drm remover script!

>> No.45899206

I still love my moeslop.

>> No.45899252

b-but my virtue signalling

>> No.45899276

>main heroine weren't very compelling
It is so weird how eushully makes the same mistake over and over again.
I seem to remember I had the same complaint with 魔導巧殻

>> No.45899279

sorry i'm only here to get off to obasan pretending to be little girls

>> No.45899311

How do you know what kind of protection that game has?

>> No.45899325

>AI generated granny voice voicing a loli

>> No.45900199

I just woke up and was reading 見ーつけた(みぃつけた) as 見一つけた(みひとつけた)...
Why do they make the long vowel mark and "1" kanji so similar...

>> No.45900227
File: 2.30 MB, 2006x1459, zoomer-retro-games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't 餓鬼共 these days look at non-4k 120fps stuff without applying tons of filters and "interpolation" and Kamisama knows what.

>> No.45900238

Actually thinking about selling off my 1440p display since scaling is a joke lol

>> No.45900319

Isn’t Giga dead?

>> No.45900643
File: 743 KB, 957x694, css2hh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read their last games, but I'd say it's comparable to Sei Shoujo and Enkou Shoujo in a many ways.
Enkou Shoujo just being very short in comparison.
It terms of writing I think the only thing that feels very different is that newer games have way more dialogue and less narration.
But they still stick to the heroine's pov and voicing her thoughts even after the change of Frill's main director.
https://vndb.org/v19165 was probably their weakest game I read. It's very lacking in corruption and instead focuses too much on setting up situations for blackmail and separating heroine from MC. Everything else I read didn't disappoint me.

Being a large and older game I expected CSS2 to go for quantity vs quality, but the quality is also pretty high across the board.
CGs have a lot of variations (mostly faces, but still). They always try to match the girl's expression to what is being said or done.
Even the bgms are good in my opinion. A lot of nice piano tracks. And the banger OP:
(weirdly enough, this OP barely spoils any CGs)

tl;dr Give it a try unless you really dislike the art.

>> No.45901079

Criminal border 4 5/31

>> No.45901333

Lossless scaling

>> No.45901602

Im pretty sure you would have to use kana in that kind of situations as in みいいつけた but im not japanese so what do i even know.

>> No.45901626

New Frill, and a new toneworks are being worked on (early stages tho)

>> No.45902026

T*kTok/D*scord is next door, kid.

>> No.45902103

imagine letting some discord kids deprive you of the words you like, pathetic

>> No.45902161

Are you retarded?

>> No.45902188

I have a feeling he's that 餓鬼共anon, he's probably our new whore
Just remembered I have to read 神待ちサナちゃん too

>> No.45902192

>open character page
>hina's character page just being blank

>> No.45902213

Huh, somehow I didn't notice Luca was Ayumi Sarah when playing.

>> No.45902335

>Just remembered I have to read 神待ちサナちゃん too
Read it. It's a nice 家出 story. My favorite is when the guy has a 3P relationship with the runaway and his sexfriend.

>> No.45902433

>I have a feeling he's that 餓鬼共anon
100% he's the hasshaku spammer

>> No.45902487


>> No.45902514

They sound completely different

>> No.45902519

fuck you ryu123/unlikeanon

>> No.45902530

Hey, it sounds good, I'll probably read the prequel first
I am still inexperienced in chikan wisdom

>> No.45902557

40 minutes until Hakkenden.

>> No.45902582

Man, what the fuck is wrong with Fumi

>> No.45902590

40 minutes until Shitaboku

>> No.45902603

hope you richfags prepared your filthy money because it's definitely premium locked

>> No.45902617

oh shit, oh fuck...

>> No.45902618

Will play after I watch Gundam Seed Freedom.

>> No.45902622

It's just 500 dollars for lifetime vip, what are you, poor?

>> No.45902636
File: 3.69 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_L6MgxjPuJ2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a new day, a new day of reading
enjoy your eroges guys, I hope we start 2024 with some surprises

>> No.45902638

i preordered it

>> No.45902659

Surely anon will upload it.

>> No.45902730

Hope they don't backtrack because we never actually saw it happen.

>> No.45902824


>> No.45902830

Unity won

>> No.45902859

>Gundam Seed Freedom
I can't believe that's actually happening

>> No.45902878

What kind of autism makes someone want to play things the same day they come out? specially when the waiting time for that stuff is like 1 week, your backlog should be used.

>> No.45902877

You think Hina made a deal with Meryl to manipulate MC into becoming a crime lord?

>> No.45902888

Because it might something you've been looking forward to for a long time? What a dumb question.

>> No.45902891

Wanting to read something you're interested in sooner rather than later isn't autism, anon.

>> No.45902893

might as well wait for translation retard

>> No.45902915

>waiting time for that stuff is like 1 week
the waiting time is a few minutes of download

>> No.45902919

It's more fun to read stuff with everyone else instead of eating random inevitable spoilers

>> No.45902956 [SPOILER] 
File: 165 KB, 256x192, franny-normal(c).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started getting seriously interested in VNs when I was 13 and started reading them in Japanese when I was 17.
I had a funny moment where I had a crush on the loli from Gyakuten Kenji (picrel, spoiler) and I felt really guilty about it and that it was horribly wrong for me to be attracted to a girl so young, and then I remembered that I was only an adult inside my head and both me and her were actually the exact same age.

>> No.45903036

>hot as a little girl
>hot as a hag
peak female

>> No.45903073 [DELETED] 

West/China bootlicker

>> No.45903094 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_43iU0f7FGA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, she unlocked a new form, this is definitely spoiler-worthy

>> No.45903107


>> No.45903140

Their mental tenacity to keep refusing to learn English is honestly kinda based.
They really think in terms of katakana all the time and only guess how to convert from katakana to Latin script when they need to, leading to mistakes like confusing L and R or this "tryal".

>> No.45903152

13 and 19. The realization that Drapeko would never be translated was a great motivator.

>> No.45903180

14 and 17

>> No.45903224

That's respectable, it shows that they are not completely globalized golems

>> No.45903297

new qruppo ? https://twitter.com/Hamedo_rikun19

>> No.45903347

>implying production of a nukitashi anime
i hope not

>> No.45903352

Don't think they'd be at the KADOKAWA building if it was eroge related.
Maybe a continuation of the Manga or a 1/1000000 chance it's an anime.

>> No.45903417

they sold out.

>> No.45903446

where the fuck is my kusomori route qruppo

>> No.45903462
File: 260 KB, 1091x738, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45903465

still would like to know what they put on it. if it's really just softdenchi as the other anon hinted.

>> No.45903492
File: 1.61 MB, 1600x900, 2022-02-05_17-06-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45903498

I have time to finish the current kusoge. Good.

>> No.45903513

>You will have to wait 3 days to read it

>> No.45903525

what if no one is gonna upload it?

>> No.45903529

Pay up. Don't you know everyone in SEA are impoverished slaves compared to us privileged Americans?

>> No.45903556

You faggots said the same about geminism and the next day girlcelly already had a torrent up, go reread your favorite scenes and wait 1 day or fund the SEAmonkey space program by donating to ryuu

>> No.45903563

or just support the industry

>> No.45903600

Do you realize that girlcelly just uploads stuff and doesn't actually buy stuff?
If not the anon here it could as well take the whole week

>> No.45903601

Imagine JUST IMAGINE paying for porn

>> No.45903603

Never pay for digital goods.

>> No.45903616

buy the physical release then

>> No.45903626

i only support gyarudevs

>> No.45903627

The manga is published by kadokawa so this probably doesn't mean anything

>> No.45903634

If you don't support doujin groups, you are gay.

>> No.45903679

Are you going to do the same bait every release? Ryuu haven't uploaded anything yet.

>> No.45903721

buy physical so you can show off your eroge to people on the street https://youtu.be/msJ0mEmP7HM?t=335

>> No.45903722

I would if I was in Japan. Unfortunately they don't let NEETs move there. Importing it doesn't let me read it earlier.

>> No.45903734

If you support futanari and 男の娘 doujins you're gay too so either way the result is the same.

>> No.45903754

Do most people finish their previous VN before starting new releases or just put it on hold if they're excited for the new VN?

>> No.45903788

I hate women so much, do these people have no shame talking like that in the middle of the street?

>> No.45903806

I never put a VN on hold or read more than one at a time.

>> No.45903850

The Hakkenden shilling on Twitter is unreal. Might be the first time I've seen this much marketing from seiyuu, eroge producers, and all. Where does all this money come from?

>> No.45903865

I usually read a short vn before the new release so I finish the vn I'm reading.

>> No.45903876

I just read what i want whenever i want
If i get a sudden urge to read something i will hold on everything and just do it

>> No.45903950

You never went to akiba.

>> No.45904010
File: 270 KB, 1506x878, riri besto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished riri route
i now have both types of diabeetus and my teeth have rotted clean out of my skull
i have had a doofy fucking smile on for so long it hurts
pack me up boys, i'm done, i'm a full-blown 女装騎士 convert now. i should've known something was up way back when i first read tsuriotsu

guess i'll do claire next because while i'm not big on oneechan types, anyone who brings a halberd to a swordfight is good in my book

>> No.45904323

>i'm a full-blown 女装騎士 convert now
Cool, now make >>>/lgbt/ your new home.
Futanari are actual women, just with a dick (and they often even retain their pussy). Don't compare them to crossdressing men, please.

>> No.45904358

That's the point though, futanari are just women with dick, so the only reason you can like them is when you like their dick
It doesn't matter whether you like trap's dick or futanari's dick, you liking dicks is the only truth that matters here

>> No.45904397

the whole "gayness being treated as a virulent psychological contaminant, requiring lifelong vigilance to avoid lest you be seized by its iron claws and sentenced to a fate worse than death" thing will never stop being amusing

>> No.45904427

>Futanari are actual women, just with a dick

>> No.45904428

pixeldrain /u/a4f4ocut

>> No.45904452
File: 672 KB, 507x630, librewolf_zJpSjrBV2T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45904461

>it's not gay because I said so!!! The dick makes it more based that's it ok
>still doing this time and time again
I can never understand you mentally ill futafags. I'm really glad I wasn't born with such a shit fetish.

>> No.45904474

Sweet, thanks anon.

>> No.45904482

1. Liking futa on female is straigher than liking male on female, and since a dick is involved it's not as lame as yuri
2. There are more differences between men and women than just the sexual organ. Ancient greeks and other civilizations thought dicks are aesthetically pleasant, and with 2D, you can have a WOMAN with a dick.
But they literally are. It's the realm of 2D, so everything is possible. They're XY, unless 3D dick"girls" who're just traps and XX.

>> No.45904485

oh no no no ryuu sisters... not like this

>> No.45904494

Oh, a fellow librewolf user.
Pray tell, do you also daily drive Linux? I personally both use Librewolf and Linux, and I play eroge on a VM.

>> No.45904501

every time this gets downloaded one children dies in ryuu's village bro...

>> No.45904502

>But they literally are. It's the realm of 2D, so everything is possible. They're XY, unless 3D dick"girls" who're just traps and XX.
Fucked it up. I meant XX and XY respectively.

>> No.45904524

>Cool, now make >>>/lgbt/ your new home.
You know that game is josou MC with women love interests?

>> No.45904533

pls no download its no legal

>> No.45904534

Why would anyone play that then? The LIs should have dicks too

>> No.45904543

Oh, sorry for misinterpreting.
In that case it's more respectable.

>> No.45904592

SEAmongs lost. Life is hard time enough for them already all those filthy foreigners trying to exploit everything. Hope you're happy eroge bros.

>> No.45904593

how is this? I like the artstyle

>> No.45904601

I wonder how many people dling it right now because it instantly went to 1mb/sec lol

>> No.45904632

>Ancient greeks and other civilizations thought dicks are aesthetically pleasant

Ancient Greeks were all faggots. I wouldn't use them as argument.

Truth be told, cocks are grotesque and ugly organs to impale and snatch away the purity and innocence of virgins. There's a reason why in many eroge the mc refersnto his cock as ugly or grotesque compared to the beauty of the girl.

To be honest: other men's erect cocks in eroge are boner killers for me. Which is why I prefer mosaic any time of day. Can't fap to eroge without mosaic. But the again I'm no EOP, so that's no issue.

>> No.45904668

It's sort of true in the sense that it's hard to stop once you start down the path. I have a pretty bad otokonoko fetish and I've played too many shitty games oriented around that.

>> No.45904763

That's a sign of self-hatred

>> No.45904804

No, I use windows

>> No.45904813

you guys can talk about cocks all you want
i just want to see a guy get sexually bullied by large-breasted onee-sans

>> No.45904829

>eta 18 hours
go on without me

>> No.45904833

Just because you find part of you ugly doesn't mean you hate it or yourself. Point being: it's natural that we as men find cocks ugly. They are not for us to feel attracted to but for women.

>> No.45904870

Thank you but I will only download it when I'll get confirmation that all or at least most heroines are virgins.
And by then someone would already have uploaded it to Nyaa or something.

>> No.45904914
File: 1.09 MB, 2114x1251, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put it on catbox

>> No.45904918

it's weird and I think it might be better off just as a VN with no "gameplay" sections, I appreciate what they're trying to do with the time travel and stop the murder at the moment it's happening thing so some characters don't get screwed in screentime
villain is also extremely retarded and sadistic for absolutely zero reason

>> No.45904967
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, ZXs1XpLu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I detect an incompressible level of faggotry from so much cock talk from you faggots, so I'm going to purify my thread

>> No.45904976

disgusting hag

>> No.45904984

what's the gameplay like? just wandering around, finding clues and doing puzzles? I don't really mind that

>> No.45905003 [SPOILER] 
File: 236 KB, 1102x842, daga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is the true "maiden's" "sword" and "her" secret "concerto"...
what a title drop

>> No.45905092
File: 319 KB, 1280x720, 186266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you faggots have already been sent to irrelevance, what was the last good thing you got? this?

>> No.45905268
File: 634 KB, 1921x1120, install_25-01-2024 21-44-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on, when i try to install it gives me this
Then i noticed there is already preinstalled exe inside 八剱伝\data\setup1 but it gives me no sound

>> No.45905291

try renaming the folder

>> No.45905295

create a ReadMe.txt file in the same folder as BootMenu.exe if its not there

>> No.45905342
File: 526 KB, 723x468, install_25-01-2024 22-01-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renamed, created readme, now it's just freezing here and you have to kill it in task manager to close
So this is the power of unity..

>> No.45905368

maybe you can just copy the files?
unity doesnt needs any registry files as far I know.

>> No.45905369

this is more an example of the power of tech illiterate fags

>> No.45905398

Can anyone vouch if it works in W7?

>> No.45905412

put setup2 files into setup1 folder and it should work

>> No.45905482

Nice this worked

>> No.45905502

>Fuck Ryuugames

>> No.45905559

Revealing her birth giving hips body in the first h scene with no hints before that then using them in non h CGs after was an epic move

>> No.45905591

More moege with lingerie when?

>> No.45905990 [SPOILER] 
File: 966 KB, 1280x720, c0bbc89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45906218
File: 3.03 MB, 1920x919, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45906647

the devs are literally paying vtubers to stream it

>> No.45906726

Who? You don't mean Ayumi Sarah right?

>> No.45906844

Every moege with a female artist has that.

>> No.45906861

Anyone got the new ensemble?

>> No.45906950 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.49 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_vHP3aL6Rde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like this...
give me back my happy moments...

>> No.45907046
File: 21 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_26-01-2024 01-56-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking way, so i finally started it, got to the opening and after it, this window appears
After you click close it just becomes a black screen and you can't click anything

>> No.45907067

Ok no panic, the blessed Locale emulator came to save the day once again! (lol)

>> No.45907093

Why are you quoting an Umineko post from 2010? >>/jp/thread/4586478#p4590664

>> No.45907145 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_7T4kbMx1gX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys... what am I reading? this escalated quickly and it's too fucked up. think I'm going to take a break from my blogpost to focus entirely on reading, holy crap

>> No.45907167

That was one damn weird ass h scene..

>> No.45907303

Where is Shitaboku???

>> No.45907319

>Random fag with zero coding know-how reverse engineers a crack for Fate/Stay Night Realta Nua PC by using an old crack for Mahoutsukai no Yoru in two hours with the power of fucking googling how to do it
>People can't handle anything that isn't pre-installed, panic at the idea of manually installing simple things, can't figure out basic issues, hell - can't even be bothered to change locale before whining for help even though unlike 10 years ago THEY HAVE A FUCKING CONVINIENT TOOL MADE SPECIALLY TO DO THAT
I'm getting second-hand emberasment from reading this shit. This is genuenly sad.

>> No.45907328

I'd be pretty sad if I typed this out too

>> No.45907337 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, SiglusEngine_Sl0AVEIZhm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm crying so fucking much, I hate this shit

>> No.45907345

I bet you are one of those guys who insta uninstall the game when something goes wrong

>> No.45907397
File: 13 KB, 633x30, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd hook you up, but the hp says it has online activation and I couldn't find out what kind. no point getting something when I might not be able to get the drm off, not as a loonix user.

>> No.45907413

probably just softdenchi

>> No.45907420

By "hook you up," do you mean "buy it," or "upload it?" Because if you already have it, upload it so we can see if it's soft denchi (it's probably soft denchi.) If not then that's cool, thanks anyways king.

>> No.45907435

Humanity and specially zoomers get more lazy as time advances.

>> No.45907443
File: 1 KB, 764x25, we.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Pixeldrain limit bypass is magic.

>> No.45907469

I already bought the game too but having to wait days for it to be delivered when other people can play it already is killing me
Thanks anyway

>> No.45907477

SD on a physical? is that a thing? especially when there's no DL-ver on DMM? anyway, no, I ended up not preordering it. Still might buy it, if it's really just SD, but by the time I get it someone else will have uploaded it

>> No.45907482

Maybe its that Ensemble thing you crack by copying in the trial or other game exe.

>> No.45907488

Oh, I missed that there was no download edition. Yeah, by the time it arrived to you, it would probably already be pirate-able.

>> No.45907510

For a lot of people here Unity is a 未知の領域
The fact that you need some crutches to run the dl version of the game in 2024 says it all

>> No.45907517

Damn, all this ensemble posting makes me think, should I become a boy-plapper too?

>> No.45907520

ensemble protags fuck girls though

>> No.45907521

you literally need to just run exe file

>> No.45907524

wow just like me

>> No.45907527

21 and 19

>> No.45907529

But as a reader, you get to enjoy their 女装-boy cuteness too, no?

>> No.45907551

unity doesn't run properly on loonix, phones home, is bloated, and westoid. plenty of reasons to hate it

>> No.45907554

What is even the point of the installer if it's not working? You need to manually put the sound files inside the folder to make it work
And the fact that it doesn't work without a locale emulator after the opening makes literally zero sense (and it isn't even related to the opening itself, i tried to load a random save after it without an emulator and it gives the black screen regardless)

>> No.45907586

>What is even the point of the installer if it's not working
first thing you always do is to try launch files without installing
it works
>And the fact that it doesn't work without a locale emulator after the opening
works just fine on my machine
i have both locale and time format set to japanese

>> No.45907601

needing JP locale is not a new thing and not a unity thing

>> No.45907607

fucking zoomies

>> No.45907614

Tried to set the time format to Japanese and still get the same issue
I obviously have the Japanese locale duh, but when you still need an emulator to make it work you know that something is fucked somewhere

>> No.45907631

True. I had to change my locale and system language to Japanese AND my clock to tokyo for tsuki no kanata to launch lol

>> No.45907633

>only pixel and ryuucloud uploaded

>> No.45907641

12 years reading eroges, never once have I needed localemu (and never had any problems at all in general)

>> No.45907643

>to launch
That's the thing though, it usually just won't launch when it strictly needs the system language or time zone
But this is the first time i see a game running normally without it at the start and then breaking up at some point

>> No.45907645

simply rename folder name to romaji and it works without locale emu

>> No.45907654

I have it in romaji (i even renamed the exe to romaji and it's still the same)

>> No.45907655

I dont know why everyone just dont set their locale to japanese unless they are MTLers, despite my locale being japanese i've never run into any problem with other software because of it

>> No.45907676

I've ran into a few that require a locale emulator despite having my stuff all set to Japanese

>> No.45907678

I'm pretty sure 99% people here already have japanese locale, the topic is about when it still needs emulator even with locale
personally i came across a least a dozen of games that either didn't work or had a bugged text that got magically fixed with the emulator (and it wasn't related to the timezone)

>> No.45907700

>unless they are MTLers
MTLers also need locale emulator tho?

>> No.45907732

Can't believe that they just shamelessly copied my comment from nyaa and didn't even include the Fuck Ryuugames part...

>> No.45907758

I imagine he meant using windows completely in japanese. if you do that, you are unlikely to have any problems (obviously with the base installation in japanese)

>> No.45907768

windows 10?

>> No.45907818

Yes, and it really makes me wonder now what the actual issue could possibly be if no one else here is getting this shit
The only thing i can think about is that there could be some stuff messed up in the registry after i tried to install it initially

>> No.45907849

its funny how its always the same pattern at the end of every month. people complain about games not being uploaded and then proceed to not play them at all when they do.

>> No.45907855

The game I wanted hasn't been uploaded yet.

>> No.45907865

The game I wanted doesn't work on my machine.

>> No.45907869

What if... people are actually playing them rn that's why they are so quiet??

>> No.45907878

>wow im so smart i can see a pattern hoho

>> No.45907899

I thought someone would do blogposting or something, I am extremely disappointed in you faggots

>> No.45907902

I can't play it cause h-code isn't out yet.

>> No.45907913

もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界エロ魔法学園! HDリマスタープラス still isn't uploaded from last month

>> No.45907921

No one who has any decency going to just blogpost random shit from a just-released game and spoil it for everyone even if it's just some very minor spoilers
It's not a yuzuge where people could just spam random shimoneta screenshots endlessly

>> No.45907950

This may seem like a revelation but... you can... use the spoiler tag... after you advance through the story... to a certain point...

>> No.45907965

Who do you think is going to open those spoilers if no one still finished it besides faggots who just want to get spoiled..

>> No.45907976

Anons... who also... are reading it.... at the same time...

>> No.45907983

There is no way i'm opening some random ass spoiler with the gamename in it if i don't know how much the person posting it advanced already lol

>> No.45907987

New release reader here, I never do this. If the release is highly memed, I even leave the thread entirely until I finish it. "Blogposting" is only for reading old releases.

>> No.45908011

>yuzusoft seethe out of nowhere

>> No.45908028

I guess he said that because we were literally all reading that shit when it came out, so it was hive blogposting

>> No.45908055


>> No.45908078

I've been out of the loop for a while but ensemble always used to ship PlayDRM on physical, other companies also did use it for online activation and that DMM game player shit, guilty and empress being an exception as they always swear by starforce.
Would have been a non-issue a few years ago. How do we convince japan to upload again?

>> No.45908088

Not this shit again the retard that was spoiling the loli route got his shit deleted and for a good reason

>> No.45908094

That poster is using a meme from /vg/, they are a tourist.

>> No.45908120

plotge spoiler = enhances the story = good
nukige spoiler = know what to expect = good
NTRge spoiler = makes boners harder = good
lolige spoiler = warn your bros of bad lolige = good
gameplayge spoiler = gameplay tips help get around bad gameplay = good
moege spoiler = ruins the feel good moments = bad
nakige spoiler = ruins the feel bad moments = bad
utsuge spoiler = already spoilered by knowing the genre = you fucked up

>> No.45908141

My biggest motivation to read tenshi was because I read the spoilers that you faggots posted here and my reaction was like: lol I have to read that shit

>> No.45908146

Still wanting to know if Hakkenden works on W7.

>> No.45908156

a lot of words just to out yourself as moebuta

>> No.45908173

>NTRge spoiler = makes boners harder = good
This is wrong. The best NTR is unexpected NTR.

>> No.45908238

thanks. not paying for either of those. they really are dumb, though. because by the time the DL-ver comes out on DMM I'll either have played it already or forgotten about it

>> No.45908243

just switch to loonix already

>> No.45908246

People should start recommending boku no kanojo more often desu

>> No.45908247

then theres an even lower chance of it working

>> No.45908272

maybe, but win7 is a dead horse, sooner or later you'll have to switch. you obviously don't like win10/11, but loonix isn't so bad. at least support for games gets better instead of worse

>> No.45908278

It's literally in the title

>> No.45908284

kinda can agree with this. I once ran into an unexpected NTR and had to stop reading for almost 1 hour. I hated that shit, but I could really connect with the protagonist and his suffering

>> No.45908294

what game are you even talking about

>> No.45908315


>> No.45908327

see >>45908294
It can work

>> No.45908371

I'd try it for you but I don't have 10GB to spare for a test run. Did the trial work for you? If not I doubt this will run either. In the time you waited for a reply you could've pirated and tested it so maybe do that and tell us. In my experience Unity VNs always worked until sometime last year. They changed something in the engine and now most shit doesn't work or needs workaround hacks.

>> No.45908385
File: 47 KB, 256x368, 26106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a really cool moege that i recently discovered

>> No.45908453

This. Hook code for Hakkenden where

>> No.45908461

HQC+-1C@263230:GameAssembly.dll , |2042213964:0:HQC+-1C@263230:GameAssembly.dll

>> No.45908463
File: 132 KB, 514x728, DWsHtWZVwAIldDP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After playing the common route and Suzuka's route
The common route is somewhat short and very fun
Suzuka's route wasn't quite as good, but she is really cute (not as cute as she was in the common route though)
I like that it doesn't evenly space out the H scenes throughout the story after their first time, it's just no sex until sex then it's like all of them in a row.
I definitely at least want to play Stella's route before I move on, cause she's the other girl who attracted me almost as much as Suzuka during the common route. Won't be surprised if I play the whole thing cause the other 2 heroines could be really good

>> No.45908473
File: 99 KB, 800x600, meishoujo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and so it begins

>> No.45908479

The colouring looks like NTRshit.

>> No.45908492


>> No.45908495

Don't tell me it has bleep censor...

>> No.45908588

>I like that it doesn't evenly space out the H scenes throughout the story after their first time, it's just no sex until sex then it's like all of them in a row.
You're the only person I've ever seen that likes that in a non-nukige.

>> No.45908606

In theory I think I wouldn't have liked it but when it happened unexpectedly I found it to be a nice change of pace.

>> No.45908613

I wanted to go in fresh, but I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet.

>> No.45908635
File: 100 KB, 800x600, meishoujo (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how nostalgic. those were better times

>> No.45908809
File: 110 KB, 800x600, meishoujo (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enough for tonight. my first impressions are very good. it's cute, comfy and erotic. the MC is a degenerate bastard of the good kind and very relatable. Aya is the outgoing type but not loud or annoying. almost a bit tomboyish but very girly. I want to do things to her. Saya is extremely shy and introverted, a bit too much so. but she's kind, generous, smart and mature. there's not much to say about her other than I want to do things to her. something about her face is so very pretty and the round cheeks, I want to touch them.

it's a nukige but it didn't jump into action right away and only had softcore so far. I like that they take the time to develop the girls more first. the text is very easy to read and the writing is good. for its age and limited system I feel comfortable with what they made. the UI is simple yet pretty. relaxing music and good background art. even saya odd aya.

>> No.45908845

>unexpected NTR
Do they even do this anymore?
If it's a kinky nukige with all sorts of things I would half expect it to have NTR in some bad ends or as a part of some netorase play.

But are there games that have a pure girlfriend story with NTR twist that don't spoil it in the title name?
I think moebutas would send death threats to the maker if they played something like this on day one.

>> No.45908857

I love my blogposters and reviewposters so much it's unreal

>> No.45908886

>mtl turns me into a schizo and I love it

>> No.45908897

Me too but unironically.

>> No.45908903

People talking about their experience of reading VNs? How scandalous!

>> No.45908926

I meant it, it's great to see their reactions to shit I've read or discover new things. Thanks my cute anons, you have a very big place in my heart for keeping the eroges discussion alive

>> No.45909085

25 maybe, 30

>> No.45909086

Played the Chuuni Hime route and was very disappointed in how short it was together with the common route, without skipping anything took less than 10 hours, even believed a new arc was going to start after certain development happened and got the credit roll instead

>> No.45909169

Jewnity is just THAT bad, friend.

>> No.45909210

Katawa at 13 and i didn't touch them again until I started JP at 24

>> No.45909636

no Akane no buy

>> No.45909879

There's a certain kamige which has you fight off the 間男 after tons of buildup in a losable minigame. After that it transforms into a normal moege for several hours. Right until it's revealed it was a red herring.

>> No.45910143

What is this by any chance?

>> No.45910181

But if I tell you it literally ruins the game. It's the only VN where I was 100% convinced it had routes, one of which had avoidable NTR, when it was in fact single ending.

>> No.45910196

(Also a good fucking reason to never use 攻略 sites)

>> No.45910309
File: 1.53 MB, 1842x932, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just works

>> No.45911282

Btw make sure to start the new game after each route and not just load saves because there is a new scene at the beginning each time

>> No.45911770
File: 102 KB, 1600x900, 1690336940620244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45911813

That's really great.
Is it just me or there's a surprisingly large amount of manly-looking figures?

>> No.45911892
File: 4 KB, 169x139, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra protip. Unity games look for game files in exename_Data folder. If you rename the exe, you need to rename the folder accordingly. And hope it's enough.

>> No.45911973

but you guys told me Eushully was dead?

>> No.45912052

The industry is dying so they're now also clutching onto fujos to squeeze out a few extra sales.

>> No.45912173

I have it, just tell me how/where to upload it so I don't fuck it up.

>> No.45912185


>> No.45912224

Maybe pixeldrain or gofile? If you bought the dl version may need to remove the drm somehow.

>> No.45912255

I miss tailon...

>> No.45912260

This better be fucking good. I swear to god.

>> No.45912263

I got the physical. Gonna go with gofile.

>> No.45912271

>f you bought the dl version may need to remove the drm somehow.
i can remove the drm virus
>I got the physical
no drm

>> No.45912361

If I fucked something up, tell me and I can redo it.

>> No.45912386
File: 247 KB, 1600x900, 1706276122496585a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of "?"s are probably males and I'm just being optimistic.

>> No.45912401


>> No.45912405


>> No.45912543
File: 27 KB, 256x362, 72501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so empty and fucking depressed...;
give your best moege lovey dovey pako pako kozukuri sex 純愛

>> No.45912586


>> No.45912648

Hajimete no Kanojo

>> No.45912671
File: 15 KB, 1534x38, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being a ntrcuck

>> No.45912800
File: 374 KB, 1442x862, hmaho_fhd_85ghVyOzAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any chance to extract/up the ISO file?for archive purposes

>> No.45912848

I guess there's still a lot of ghost Hina on Itsuki's schizo brain for the final episode

>> No.45912902

Hope it's just that

>> No.45912963

If you can, would you make a torrent of this? My internet sucks when it comes to DDL.

>> No.45913057

Just finished it too, except I don't really feel anything. First ending sucked balls but it at least had good build up. Second ending is just a meme.

>> No.45913082

So is this good or bad? I don't even know anymore in this age of layered irony.

>> No.45913101

Bad but in a somewhat funny way. Hmm we can't kill ourselves, guess that 10 year old love is over then. Cya

>> No.45913117

Yeah I'll try to get it done sometime after I wake up, so probably next thread.

>> No.45913129

Eh, it's realistic in a way. You realize you're doing something irreparably stupid and just want to bury the hatchet out of sheer embarrassment.

>> No.45913150

No, love is not embarassing. Never. This piece of shit was made by love deniars. Literally any other ending I expected when Mitsuki went full schizo was better. For example, Mitsuki killing their parents so they wouldn't be able to judge their love.

>> No.45913151

the ending of imokano is not that depressing if you think about it for a while, at least for me
since Mitsuki has found a new perspective in life, sure she will probably never meet anyone like Kei and Haruka ever again in her life but at least she's got those memories. plus the game leaves it ambiguous what happens to her after the game so it's not like her life is completely ruined like Akino. i feel like the end of imokano is supposed to make you feel empty whereas the ending of hajikano is supposed to make you feel depressed.

>> No.45913175

You faggots will make me end up reading that garbage with all that shilling, even a youtuber that mostly stick to vanilla was saying it was surprised by how "good" it was

>> No.45913246

those ending spoilers sound retarded so i will never even give it a chance

>> No.45913272
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, AdvHD_26234139314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitaboku is so fucking good

>> No.45913275

sometimes I wonder if the second route was just to fit in threesome scenes but they can't make it too good

>> No.45913288

>no torrent
damn physical-only release

>> No.45913308

You didn't understand shit anon lol

>> No.45913331
File: 6 KB, 859x43, 1699872891719795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't finished it yet, but I feel like these kinds of stories are wasted on me. Most emotional scenes simply fly over my head on anything I read.
When I had just started my eroge journey, someone recommended me Planetarian, arguing that anyone who doesn't cry with the ending isn't human. I didn't cry.
I can appreciate Imokano is good, but I feel left out when I don't go on a rollercoaster of emotions like other people.
That being said, the 3P scenes are the best faps I've had in a while.

>> No.45913333

Whatever you say, MTLtard.

>> No.45913364

imokano is a huge 'love it or hate it' game (as you can see by this thread), so i wouldn't feel too bad if you arent really moved by it.

>> No.45913371

post link anon...

>> No.45913389

Someday they will make an eroge that would impress everyone on 4chan.

>> No.45913390

But I really enjoy the second route. Much more than the eternal twin switch of the first one, which only got good after it ended. It was like the best 3P relationship I've ever seen. Hell, I liked it even after the "incidents", because you can see love they feel for Mitsuki. What I hate is the last 2 or 3 hours. Irony. Two routes which become bad from completely opposite parts.

>> No.45913411

There's this guy I know, who I can assure you knows Japanese and has always been a fucking beast at learning the language (he's been working and living in Japan for 7 years now), but for some reason, he's never been able to understand the emotional impact of any piece of fiction. No idea the reason for that. He reads and understands what he reads, but he can't understand the emotional logic behind what happens

>> No.45913418

That's called a psychopath.

>> No.45913423

It's already out, but i won't tell anyone about it.
it's my kamige.

>> No.45913453
File: 1.78 MB, 1600x900, insister_hWhSGWcSGG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you hate haruka's route? her relationship with mitsuki was one of the best parts of the game.

>> No.45913457

Someone would still make a post how it's an overrated piece of shit and didn't make him feel anything while crying, covered in his own cum.

>> No.45913467

>than the eternal twin switch of the first one
it was hot as hell IMO but dragged on a bit too long but maybe that's the point with how Haruka acts
if only there was a nukige like it
>Hell, I liked it even after the "incidents", because you can see love they feel for Mitsuki. What I hate is the last 2 or 3 hours.

>> No.45913533

After it ended = After boyfriend cringefest in MC perspective until runaway in haruka perspective. There are some great parts in haruka perspective, but overall it's giga depressing with how often she cries lol.

>> No.45913560

Are there any specific emotional themes that affect you more easily? I didn't feel much in imokano either, but I know I have a soft spot for stories involving the death of loved ones, for example

>> No.45913593

I cried while reading imokano. It was at the part where Kei and Haruka were about to elope at the end of Haruka's route, after Daichi arrived. Haruka and Kei didn't move me, but Daichi's outburst and reluctant acceptance of their final favor got me. Frankly, I'm just relieved that I can still feel things, sometimes.

>> No.45913600

Are you guessing anon's identity based on random posts again

>> No.45913619

>I haven't finished it yet, but I feel like these kinds of stories are wasted on me. Most emotional scenes simply fly over my head on anything I read
I guess that simply made him curious.

>> No.45913642
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, 0049_e_yuu07LN_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2d >>>>>>>>>>>> 3d they seiyuu is cute tho

>> No.45913672

Piano banger is literally all you need to make me cry like a bitch

>> No.45913688


>> No.45913741

have you read saihate? there's a lot of fucking pianos, guitars and violins in there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXxuXqGqdX0

>> No.45913791


>> No.45913831

Imokano = I sleep
Friends and rivals banding together to save someone = I cry

>> No.45913845

So, how exactly does imokano end?
I'm never going to read it, but reading these spoilers doesn't really explain anything.
I just want to understand what got anons so emotional (I'm also somewhat easily moved and sometimes it goes hard on my heart, so I try to avoid reading too depressing stories.)

>> No.45913852

So is Imokano the WA2 of our generation?

>> No.45913854

>Friends and rivals banding together to save someone = I cry
Little Busters = i sleep

>> No.45913858

both are shit but still have people love them, so sure

>> No.45913866

yeah, I liked shounen jump when I was 14 too

>> No.45913884

The bgms here are melancholic as fuck, it's not the kind of game that would make you particularly emotional i feel
Most of the time i just felt like staring into emptiness and thinking about life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9YrEft1rK8&list=PLvR4yKALyENerFkGJRHtMraE59-78tPtS&index=9

>> No.45913890

imokano is WA2's antithesis since the drama of it is all internal, there is literally zero external conflict

>> No.45913919

When you see a controversial eroge, you can always do an experiment: look at the profiles of people who like it and people who don't like it
It's quite likely that you will notice a pattern in the votes

>> No.45913935

>looking at the social media garbage part of vndb
>for any reason
>more than zero times

>> No.45913938
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x719, 1687632968917490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing comes to mind, and I've read most of the big name stuff.
The only thing that comes to mind recently was the death of Ai in the first episode of Oshi no Ko. That rounded my head for a few days, not because I was sad about it, but because I keep thinking about how death "perfected" her. She could no longer age or decay as an idol, her legacy immortalized forever. A concept I probably took from Vinland Saga.
Then I picked up 手垢塗れの天使 thinking it would be Oshi no Ko but nukige then it wasn't.
Guess I only care about the "ero" part in eroge.

>> No.45913939

Who are you quoting?

>> No.45913947

why was vndb the first thing that came to your mind?

>> No.45913948

I forgot to mention no males involved in that. I also cry during graduations so >>45913688 is my kamige if it was eroge.
Somewhat simplified but not really - One ending is runaway into timeskip death. Second ending is a breakup and parting to prevent that death.

>> No.45913953
File: 94 KB, 685x1000, 71CWsDOCBaL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45913970

The first h scene with azusa made me cry like a fucking bitch. Saihate is really quite an experience

>> No.45913980

I mean it is one of the biggest first episode of all time, and most people have seen it, but you should still spoiler it.

>> No.45914017

Same, even mid vns can have some good tracks

>> No.45914026

I was too busy thinking about that Shinobu's long ass philosophical monologue while he was banging her

>> No.45914040

Does MC break up with both of the girls or only one of them?

>> No.45914049

it's insane how badly Oshi no Ko shit the bed immediately after that kino first volume. it's like Aka had one good idea and didn't know what to do afterwards.

>> No.45914052


>> No.45914100

>it's insane how badly Oshi no Ko shit the bed immediately after that kino first volume.
Is it that bad?
I dropped after ep7(anime)
ep1-2ish was kino
time skip = trash

>> No.45914105

lmao good shit. I really need to read it again, I feel like I'll be able to appreciate it so much more, which would be awesome, because it's already one of my favorite eroges. The revelation of shouji still haunts me to this day

>> No.45914147

I'm glad the Angel Beats VN was never finished because it would have homo routes as suggested by the first game.

>> No.45914165

More straight games need bro routes

>> No.45914169

It's pretty much impossible to understand it on the first read so reread definitely feels like a completely different game where everything they say suddenly starts to have multiple meanings
I personally watched the Amane's playthrough on it and it was really fun to experience it from a completely different perspective https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/23401241/series/156969

>> No.45914206
File: 690 KB, 2588x1068, hakken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some improvement between the sprites and the CGs if it's the same artist.

>> No.45914233

Kunoichis are so hot and underused

>> No.45914234

It's a 3 way relationship. The "other girl" breaks it up and MC+imouto give up on just a relationship between the two of them.

>> No.45914238

Doesn't look that different to me.

>> No.45914250

I'm just gonna say, if you're gonna reject your deredere JC2 imouto, maybe you do not deserve happiness in life.

>> No.45914266

Wait, it was JC3, but the point stands

>> No.45914275

Nice anon! there is even a CC jikkyou, which I was also planning to reread
I will definitely check it out, really thanks

>> No.45914332

Yeah, on second thought, it might just be the lightning

>> No.45914335

dang, countdown videos already

>> No.45914345

I see, thanks for elaborating.
One more thing: was there a compelling unavoidable plot reason for the timeskip death?

>> No.45914379

great, somebody actually has it. so what kind of online activation does it have? better yet, upload it so we can see

>> No.45914384

For CC i recommend the Horiuchi one once he is done uploading it https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuWCJGDjxin7qcPcGd1HxGU2pQL_Vm1pi
I watched most of it on his previous channel and i really loved how much he appreciates all the small details
It's going to take a while though since there are about 50 videos

>> No.45914404

No, it lasts a whole of two minutes.

>> No.45914439

>Crying for a robot you met 3 days ago

>> No.45914462

dont bring my wife yuuhi in the middle of ntrfags shitposting

>> No.45914483

But I want to jack off to her in a NTR scenario

>> No.45914504

I haven't read it and I don't think I will, but the time you spend with someone is not proportional to the impact that someone has on your life

>> No.45914507

Look, a girl jerking you off while you listen to a manlet making your beloved sister moan doesn't make it NTR

>> No.45914522


>> No.45914530

amakanofags were the autistics and not the yuzufags? damn, what a turn of events

>> No.45914531

Imokano, duh

>> No.45914560

blud thinks he's muramasa

>> No.45914586

Even the author has the cat as his account image. Should've made her the main heroine instead of the retarded vampire.

>> No.45914598

That was the theme of their last game you dumb dumb

>> No.45914690

Her character page on the website is pretty funny.

>> No.45914737

You didn't reply >>45902877

>> No.45914741

Such an unique concept wasted, i wonder what the fuck happened, the anime sold a shitton yet they never did anything with it, and then the VN released and suffered the same fate.

>> No.45914838

start: we can't elope because the persecution and societal pressure will make imouto sad
middle: a lot of shit happens which causes imouto to become sad
end: fuck it, let's elope anyway. everything is handwaved with a "we tried everything we could, but nothing worked", and then they die of sadness

>> No.45914851

I'd unironically look at people's profiles for a VN, look at the other shit they voted for, and decide whether or not I should waste my time on said VN. If they rated total meme kusoge I didn't like and/or is a clear MTLer/EOP, I know the VN has a high chance of also being total trash regardless the overall ratings.

>> No.45914862

It's the have talent and good ideas, but no refined skills to use the talent pattern
Like all the punk bands that run out of steam after 1 album cause they used all their ideas and never learned how songwriting works

>> No.45914905

you forgot the part about haruka's ongoing dilemma where the love she feels for kei clashes with the sadness of betraying her parents and her love never being acknowledged by them. kei makes that resentment quite evident when he yells at his mother

>> No.45914955

Im still not watching that blatantly shilled crap desuwa

>> No.45914969

it's interesting that the game makes a point that literally every side character in the game (the dad, the professor, miya, daichi) all beg kei and haruka to open up and talk about their problems. the mom is the only character that doesn't have a scene where they do this. i really think the mom is the only person who would have had a problem with incest.

>> No.45915111

she witnessed an incestuous experience, so it's normal. imokano explores the different types of love. their mother in fact, really loves them, and manifests that love through her concern because it is quite clear that one way or another, they are going to end up being rejected by the world. actually, in the story raises the possibility that maybe their parents will end up accepting them in the future, but how long will it take until then? months? 1 year? 10 years? 50 years? there is a constant emphasis on the fact that haruka was born surrounded by love, so it is impossible for her to bear that rejection. one can talk a lot of shit like "no, I don't care what the world thinks as long as you're by my side," but that only works in fiction, not in reality. that's why daichi's recognition hit kei so hard, and that's why both kei and haruka love mitsuki so much. the simple fact that someone recognizes them saves them

>> No.45915127

I think I grapsed the theme of the game and I feel I understand what they were aiming for.
But honestly, for a fiction that focuses on escapism for people who want hot taboo relationship, this is an extremely uncompelling ending to the story.

It's realistic in a way that characters are human and have emotions that go against logic of what they actually want to do.
But it's also not realistic that they end up in a situation like this.
Maybe it's more of a japanese things with the societal pressure. But I'm sure they could've found a way by giving less fucks and continuing dating discreetly, couldn't they?

>> No.45915137


>> No.45915138

Which is why I suggested >>45913150 as ending. The more I think about it the more I like it.

>> No.45915159

Your understanding of the story was shit bro

>> No.45915188

No u. Mitsuki would do anything for them. She recognized mama as the major obstacle in their happiness yet didn't do anything about it.

>> No.45915197

i don't think it's a japanese thing, it's just the what this writer likes to do. if you played hajimete no kanojo it's kind of similar, there is drama with akino and her mother, but at the end of the day it's her own internal demons that cause her downfall.

>> No.45915229

She was the first person mitsuki recognized (by seeing her face) fuckin retard, don't you understand the implication of that?

>> No.45915248

Their parents would most likely be extremely against it based on what happened with their aunt and uncle. It's heavily implied that they were incestuous and double suicided. This is the biggest contributor to Kei's mental breakdown. Haruka doesn't understand this which is part of why she thinks she is more prepared to be with Kei.

>> No.45915308

She loves her as a mother. So what. There are degrees to love. The love she feels for the two of them is stronger.
Haruka literally says she's ready for 心中, before getting scared of dying. She fully understands.

>> No.45915345
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>> No.45915359

I wish too, but Cat doesn't really seems like the kind of heroine who is fit to be the poster girl

>> No.45915363

But are incest and polyamorous relationship really that much of a problem unless you're very vocal about it?
Do they absolutely need to get married and let everyone involved know they're siblings?
Do they absolutely need to tell their parents about it?
Do they absolutely need to share their relationship with the world?

Now I understand what some anons meant when they said it's more about internal struggles and not external ones.
Like I said I see what they were aiming for. And judging by the length of the game it makes me think it should've ended with them having their highs and lows but eventually overcoming everything for a happy threesome ending.

>> No.45915385

i do think they would have different approaches though imo the dad would be more open to it than the mom, which is something that kei himself theorizes in the beginning of the game

>> No.45915392

do you really think that mitsuki, after her understanding and emotional growth, as well as her conclusion regarding 愛, is going to be something like killing their mother even when she understands that she really loves her children, and they really love her? do you really think she could think that there is happiness for them in marking them with that suffering forever? you really didn't understand mitsuki's character at all?

>> No.45915394

Yeah you're kinda missing a big plot point where non-imouto is a schizo and later in the route goes into insane jealous rampages.

>> No.45915426

Obviously they would suffer forever if they knew she did it. There is only temporary suffering in an accident. As she said, no one can tell the difference when the stairs are frozen. Bonus point, after she realized the death of her own mother, her jealousy could prompt her into making Haruka suffer the same fate at some point.

>> No.45915645

I meant what happened before the story starts. Kei is already on the edge of suicide because of his sister refusing to interact with him. She has no idea he is going insane trying to figure out how their relationship could work.

Haruka's love is strong but she is a pampered imouto. She is ready for suicide only after everything has gone to shit.

>> No.45915652

are you really applying a phrase said to the guy who raped her and treated her mother like 肉便器 as a generalized solution to dispatch all problems?

>> No.45915778

She straight up tells them face-to-face she would kill anyone for them at the end of the route dude. You think she's lying there?

>> No.45915808

Gameplayge king is back

>> No.45915837

pls don't be about china again

>> No.45915851

stating that you intend to do something simply makes clear your willingness to do something for the other person, but that does not mean it is something the other person wants, so it completely clashes with the message of the cohabitation route. that ending would have been viable in haruka's pov perhaps, because there mitsuki was fully schizo dependent "I will die for you" and never realized she was in love or what it means to love

>> No.45915917

I think there way a way it could have worked. The cohabitation ending even says that there maybe could have been a better outcome. But that's also part of the game's theme「最高のやるせなさ」

>> No.45915963

literally all kei had to do was accept haruka's confession. boom, problem solved. in a different game the plot would be around kei and haruka working together to convince their parents and friends their love is normal. i'm not sure if it would be a better one though.

>> No.45915991

It would still be a kusoge because MC had a girlfriend before the confession.

>> No.45916004

I think Maeda had heart problem some time after the anime aired. The vn probably didn't sell enough and take too much effort to debug (too many flags).

>> No.45916012

>convince their parents and friends their love is normal
Anon... kei was studying for years a way to justify that incest is acceptable from a philosophical perspective for years...he totally failed and went into a circle of suicidal thoughts
even fucking yuzusoft took the realistic route in tenshi by implying that no one blessed the incestuous relationship

>> No.45916016

I love it when all emotional issues are solved by the application of unfeeling robot logic, and the story is only 4 minutes long. All entertainment should be brutally efficient, so I can tick off more boxes on a list of things that I've consumed so as better to demonstrate my clout to the world.

>> No.45916104

yeah, that's why i said it would have to be a different game. i get the feeling though that kei and haruka's relationship only really works if mitsuki is in the picture, i think there's a reason that pretty much all of their h-scenes with just them by themselves are uncomfortable as fuck lol

>> No.45916122

Does anyone feel like eroge are in conflict with his nihilistic/cynic/hyper-individualistic/antisocial/love-denying/etc worldview?

>> No.45916136

dont know what you're talking about but eroge cant be antisocial since MC has to fuck girls

>> No.45916157

that's the point, yeah, mitsuki is the one who functions as the link to make the relationship "work". that h scene where haruka is fucking kei's brains out and mitsuki is at the door was pretty hot (and miserable at the same time)

>> No.45916174

Eroge are mirrors, when you stare at them they reflect the void in your soul. You sure it's not your problems?

>> No.45916181

70% of these silhouettes look male. eushully are dead

>> No.45916184

That's a good thing though

>> No.45916196

no they are just based muscle girls

>> No.45916232

No, I love 2D and hate 3D. 2D and 3D are separate. Everything's as it should be.

>> No.45916298

who are you talking about? if she's nbr or has fat tits she deserves rejection

>> No.45916299

Just read otome or BL if you want male characters. LMAO

>> No.45916311

I want many bros while MC (male) fucks a few women though.

>> No.45916346

I love my imokanoposters bringing eroges discussion to the thread

>> No.45916347

Could your desire for bromance be a hint at your latent homosexual tendencies?

>> No.45916366 [DELETED] 

Kotori said she'll never join VCR servers on her members stream.

>> No.45916370

I just want a game where you would have a choice to fuck either bros or girls

>> No.45916396
File: 27 KB, 256x300, 102078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure at least half of these males will be background characters, villains and NPC ojisans begging for their wives and daughters to get oyakodon'd.

>> No.45916429

Will probably take a while, but given how Japanese mainstream games have been infested by wokeness, eroge might be the next. Though the eroge industry will die at that point since no straight guy would read that faggot shit.

>> No.45916511

But they have done that shit before it became a mainstream https://vndb.org/v1492 (not exactly but close enough)

>> No.45916534

picked up

>> No.45916546

Haruka from the recent hit Imokano™. She confessed when she was in middle school.

>> No.45916576

Looks like genderswap fetish. Can the MC romance and fuck male characters in his male form? That is the essential question.

>> No.45916602

Your pic somehow reminds me of that time they went the Sankai route and had multiple protags with a based fat bastard.

>> No.45916644
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Based Borja. Sankai was fun with play with a save using already leveled up units. And Sonya is still top tier Eushully girl.

>> No.45916647

looks kinda gay

>> No.45916648

There is also this one which even though is mainly about crossdressing fetish, but the trap is literally mc's best childhood friend so it adds quite some spice https://vndb.org/v5501

>> No.45916732

That's not woke. It's just genderbender through magic potion, yuri and hetero. https://vndb.org/c118642 or https://vndb.org/c105434 are woke. Okama and trap characters too.

>> No.45916828
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Madou Koukaku > Ikusa Series >>>>>>>>>>> all trash

>> No.45916838

>Okama and trap characters too.
That "too" is a little ambiguous, you mean woke or not woke?

>> No.45916870

eushullyfags, question.
is the amayui series worthwhile?

>> No.45916962

>no sex scenes with the smol dolls
At least Grasesta fixed that

>> No.45917105

It's just PlayDRM like their other games, you can literally just use the cracked exe from Otohime and it works here too.

>> No.45917952

I baked new:

>> No.45918074

Anon for fuck's sake
Too early

>> No.45918136 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.42 MB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_26-01-2024 23-59-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh that's an interesting first choice
I wonder how much choices matters here

>> No.45918161

I don't know if they'll change later, but so far they've all either continued the story or led to extremely short bad ends.

>> No.45918220

nta but im pretty sure we were at page 10 so its okay. There are times where threads have gotten archived before anyone created a new one

>> No.45918304

That happens sometimes but it's rare.
A thread could often live on the page 10 for half a day or more. It's better to create a new one when the thread is just a couple of threads away from going off the last page.

>> No.45918322
File: 615 KB, 2560x1440, Hakkenden_27-01-2024 00-10-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck names their kid as a sea roach...

>> No.45918378

How good are the character interactions so far?

>> No.45918417

I love Kobungo, he's literally me

>> No.45919830

Depends on the pair
I like the Kobungo pair, Shinbe and Keno's ones are ok, and Shino's is the weakest of the bunch imo

>> No.45920582


>> No.45920722

videos, too? in my experience it depends heavily on the game. great to know this one works, anyway.

>> No.45920767

thanks, anon, appreciate the confirmation. think I'll just wait for the drm-free version on DMM then. Or go for the entirely free version, who knows. call it virtue signalling all you want, I call it voting with my wallet

>> No.45920931

Yet you will play the ones that get shilled here.
