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45882022 No.45882022 [Reply] [Original]

Still Cold Outside Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>45764138
Azone Thread: >>>/toy/10820428 (but you can post here, too.)
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10817704
FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Try Something New
Previous Photo Challenge: Happy New Year

If your doll is for sex, go to /ona/:
(Dollhos have been discontinued for years. Try the 60cm Six House Dolls instead.)

>> No.45882298
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thanks you for baking!

>> No.45882762

The wait for mine is killing me. I don't know how badly I'll get hit with customs fees because I never ordered something this expensive, and because she's resin I'm terrified that someone will drop a fridge on the box and she'll come shattered (I have terrible luck). I'm going to film when I open the box so I'll have something as proof just in case.

>> No.45884983

>you have to eat ALL the cake

>> No.45886802
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>> No.45886813
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>> No.45886854
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>There's a DD of Oscar from Rose of Versailles
>Someone put her in a frilly dress
this thing when a tomboy / reverse trap gets a feminine makeover does something mighty to me

>> No.45887645

She's not a DD, she's resin, but yeah, she's awfully pretty. I wish Volks did more real or semi-real sculpts for vinyl.

>> No.45888152

I really typoed, meant to say SD.
Does the material impact the type of sculpt? There's very little cross-pollution between anime vinyl and realistic resin

>> No.45888217

No, it's more just overall style choices. There's been a few semi-real DDs, 2B and the new final fantasy sculpts, but I'd love if they'd sell blanks like those.

>> No.45889121
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the general has been slower than usual lately

>> No.45889427
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Nah, more a return to form. It's been extra busy the last few weeks, which has been a fun change of pace.

>> No.45889722

damn... gotta get used to it

>> No.45890281
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y-you meant cross-pollination, right?
and actually Volks did a crossover: the Dollfie Icons
also Angel Philia has some sculpts that tend more towards realistic than anime, excuse to post one of mine even though she isn't one of the more realistic
just noticed you can see all the dust on the top of her head oops

>> No.45890599

>y-you meant cross-pollination, right?
actually yes
That's a pretty doll anon
I just realized how nice it is that soft vinyl achieves a pinched flesh effect when you sway the hips sideways
not sure if it's AP design or vinyl in general

>> No.45890759

>pinched flesh effect
regrettably I must inform you that it is molded in
AP parts are specifically designed for twisty sexy barely-clothed poses
occasionally I take advantage of this

>> No.45891573

>AP parts are specifically designed for twisty sexy barely-clothed poses
I can see that...

>> No.45893203

Itty bitty kitty dolly. Itty bitty mouth. Huge cake! It will take her days to eat all of this cake. DAYS. One tiny cute bite at a time. How she begged for minnow sashimi instead, but there is no mercy in the ogre cave. My green belly swells with jolly humors watching her eat and sob

>> No.45893860 [SPOILER] 
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o mighty ogreposter-sama, please accept this special dish we have prepared for you

>> No.45895131

i have a regular ap torso and want to get one of the twisty ones for my next doll, are there any considerations i should make about it? does posing feel limited because of it?

>> No.45896131
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I will be buying my first doll soon. I had seen them a super long time ago but wasn't that interested until I laid eyes on these chubby thigh ones recently. I'm a man in my 30s but I don't care. I need one of these on my desk, customized to perfection.

>> No.45896343

dolls are not for sexual anon
except Angel Philia
and boy dolls if you're a fujoshi

>> No.45897100

Definitely doing a heterochromia eyes for my next doll.

>> No.45897646

>I'm a man in my 30s but
A lot of doll ojis are in their 30s. I'm 39 myself.

>> No.45897875
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I apologize for how rough their wigs are right now but Dorothy has a new little sister! It’s a Myou doll Teresa. I ordered her a few months ago from Alice Collections and she got here this evening. I’m pretty impressed with how she looks and feels considering how relatively cheap she was.

>> No.45897890
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>> No.45898111

Very pretty anon, how tall are these two?

>> No.45898947

my Elle came with a twisted type C lower torso, and I haven't found posing to be particularly limited
but maybe that's because I prefer more dynamic poses
also, they only come in twisted-left variants, so while you can pull off straight-torso poses with that part (definitely clothed, less-clothed up to taste on how it looks) you really can't do twisted-right
I bought the straight & twisted+leg cutouts parts but generally keep the original one on her
now for type H torsos like Nanase >>45890281
that's actually the straight + leg cutout version, which is why I have it cropped where it is
she came with straight lower torso; there isn't a twisted type H in any skin tone that I know of
(the shot came out of practicing more dynamic poses with her straight parts & kinda loose skeleton)
I did pick up a SW twisted type C but haven't used it with her, because the shape of the hips is very different

>> No.45899824

Those long eyelashes are beautiful. What skin tone is she?

>> No.45900612
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>> No.45901046

myou dolls are really nice

>> No.45902042
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It stopped being stupidly cold outside, so we went out for a walk around the local trails. First time doing an outside shoot in the winter aaaaand I overexposed most of my shots from wearing sunglasses. Probably should get a monopod or something as my old man hands shake too much to get an actual focused shot.

>> No.45902074

>want to order some cutie bras
>tailor ships overseas
>store doesnt take gaijin credit cards

Why. whywhywhy you do this.

>> No.45902457

So cute

>> No.45902562

The place looks super lovely, I dream of living somewhere like that even if it means chopping woood every day

>> No.45903477

Cute, Congrats!

>> No.45906053
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cute photo from the archive

>> No.45906075
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Is suigintouanon still around? It's been a while since you posted pics

>> No.45906163

Love the little detail of her footprint

>> No.45906261
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>> No.45906324
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>> No.45906969

Suigintou is junk. JUNK!
also cute

>> No.45907091
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>> No.45907530
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>> No.45907535
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>> No.45908594
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Yeah, I'm still around. I haven't taken any photos in a while for life reasons. I just got a new doll, so at some point I need to give her a faceup.
How dare you call my waifu junk. You're junk!

>> No.45908633
File: 644 KB, 3096x4128, 20240124_184403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two questions, right off the bat, can I post pic related here or would she go somewhere else? I don't think the fashion thread is particularly welcoming, but I am also not sure if she fits here.

Secondly, what is your experience with posing strung dolls? Do your dolls keep poses well? Are there any sculpts you find particularly interesting in that regard? I've been messing around with my aforementioned doll, and it's interesting to see how her knees have angles to lock into place and against all odds keep her standing, though at the same time she's heavy enough to struggle to keep her limbs in place at times.

>> No.45908651

I really like this head sculpt. The nose looks great, chin, lips, eyes... just about perfect. It's like a blend between cute vinyl look and the more realistic to the point of off-putting resin. Like the best of both worlds. what is it?

>> No.45908669
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Ringdoll Head RTG14, the same sculpt they use for their Alice doll.

>> No.45908780
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I like this one a lot!
Have another old fun pic.

>> No.45908907

Heavily depends on the sculpt. I have stable posers and dolls that can't even stand without extra work, it depends on the capabilities of whoever made the body. Personally I don't mind because I want dolls I like visually first and foremost, but I like posing them and it's always nice to have that ability.
Before getting a doll, I look up owner reviews to get an idea of what to expect. There are posing videos for certain dolls on YouTube, which is helpful to understand how a body moves and what are its limitations.

>> No.45908935

mid-ssssss, nice...

>> No.45909098

>I just got a new doll
you still have Suigintou, right??
I love that face, fits Suigintou really well
One of the reasons why I didn't go with a Doll Chateau 1/3 is that people lamented about posing. The bodies are really tall ad spindly and have trouble standing despite good range.
Apparently posing with resin is a bit more complicated than cutting into the sculpt to make way for jointslike with action figures, you need to consider weight and tension and other stuff.
Sueding works like magic though. I absolutely wanna do it. And I suppose it also protects the joints

>> No.45909107

I remember that the body is a different one, isn't it? How does she pose?

>> No.45910546

What a well-behaved little corn. I'd love to take a photo of mine with my dolls, but he cannot be trusted to behave and not ruin outfits at the slightest inconvenience.

Tell me about your doll, anon. Is that a 3D printed resin bunny? Whatever she is, she's very cute.

>> No.45911142
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Got tired of leaving her slumped on a table. First time since I got her that I'm taking a good look at her and I just have no motivation to do anything with her, let alone take a decent picture.
There's no real community for these out in the middle of nowhere and if I donated her somewhere she would probably end up getting destroyed by some brat which she doesn't deserve. I just don't know what to do with her.

>> No.45911181

Are you the guy who got upset because he had to wait? Just sell the doll, are you trying to troll or something? Why would you "donate" a doll you don't want when the most common thing is selling?

>> No.45911577

Gorgeous, thanks

>> No.45911656

what does BJD mean?

>> No.45911691

I don't think this hobby is for you. Just sell her for what you can and take the loss. Either exercise restraint in the future and only order things you know you will like or get out of it entirely. I'll give you this much attention but there's not much to pity here since your "problem" is entirely of your own making.

>> No.45911791
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A terminology copypasta would be pretty useful for these threads, huh? Lots of abbreviations thrown around here

BJD = Ball jointed doll
PVC = Poly vinyl carbonate
SD = Super dollfie
SmD/SMD = Smart doll
DD = Dollfie dream
DDdy = Dollfie dream dynamite
DDS = Dollfie dream sister
DDP = Dollfie dream pretty
MDD = Mini dollfie dream
AP = Angel philia
I'm probably forgetting a lot more

>> No.45912038

There's an extensive dictionary of abbreviations on DenofAngels. The wiki section is great.

>> No.45912064

I think it's someone fishing for attention. A few threads ago there was a guy who said he was tired with the hobby and announced he was going to burn all his doll collection or something stupid like that. Probably the same person

>> No.45912613
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Interesting, I don't think I'd mark it as my top priority either, but I would definitely be a bit less fond of a doll if I couldn't pose her around very much. Part of what caught my attention with BJDs is the engineering in them, it's rather interesting to see how they work around strung joints.

Gladly! She is not printed, but a surprise box doll from come4free, she's from a line called Bonnie And The Journey of The Streets. She lacks a name beyond "Skater Bonnie", but I'll find one for her.
I quite like that her eyes follow you around, though my camera struggles to capture them properly at a distance. I'm in love with how cute she is, it's like a BJD version of a Pardoll, especially in how her head is assembled (back hair, front hair, face sculpt). And the clothes are so tiny and adorable.
These Blind BJDs seem to be going for customization, all waves so far are compatible and she came with an adapter for mechanical jointed bodies, very nice if I ever wanna see her on a more "proportional" sculpt.

>> No.45912615

Just Ebay the doll, you'll get most of your money back and be done with it.

>> No.45912666

Like the other anon said, you can just sell her. If you wanna donate her, you can look for other doll collectors in Doll Dreaming for example. They will surely take care of her, and would gladly pay for the shipping. Hell, even I would.

I still think you should just breathe, and forget the "bad" experience, that's just how the mail system works.

>> No.45913280
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>you still have Suigintou, right??
Of course. I'll probably touch up Suigintou's faceup when I do this next doll's.
Yeah, the body is RTG60-4 rather than the RTG60-1 used for Alice. Possibility is decent, but the peanuts that are hidden between the elbow/knee joint don't move as easily as I might like. She can stand on her own, even in heels, but I wouldn't leave her like that without a support.

>> No.45914220

That was a good call, I would've preferred that body as well.

>> No.45915863

>thread about discussing a hobby
>share my thoughts after getting into the hobby
Real welcoming guys, calm your autism
I thought about reselling but was hesitant about ebay since who knows how long that could take, I'll have to check out doll dreaming

>> No.45915945

Depending on the total price not long at all, dolls are always on demand, as far as I know. Good luck either way.

>> No.45915986

Dolldreaming requires a membership have a certain number of posts and be two weeks old before selling and nobody jumps at Justin's from new accounts. If you want it gone fast, eBay is the fastest.

>> No.45916000

Listings* from new accounts, I'm at work on my phone, sorry

>> No.45916034

this is your boss speaking, get back to work or we will take away your doll allowance

>> No.45916234

I don't think you're necessarily approaching this with the most constructive mindset, you mentioned that you needed everything to be perfect in order for you to enjoy your hobbies and that your experiences are tainted by things like the sellers, communication, and delays - the realities of small-scale production and small sellers, as you'll find in most cases in the BJD/higher end doll world, is that there's usually one person handling the emails, and the shipping, and everything else. Sometimes they get delayed, sometimes they don't get back to you, sometimes they just suck at communication. Sometimes the mail service is ass. If the possibility of these things happening presents an overwhelming risk of you resenting and being unable to enjoy the items you receive, then it's more likely that you will end up having a large turnover in items and will gain less than you lose from this hobby. If you want to continue, then I would suggest avoiding the seller you got this doll from and heavily researching shop reviews about communication and updates before you order, and if you are wondering about updates, make sure to email and ask the seller about projected wait times and arrival times.

>> No.45918162
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i would suggest you get yourself a better wig and eyes for her, possibly a custom face-up maybe.
T. imomodoll owner

ps: i got this one from aliexpress, custom face-up and everything

>> No.45918260
File: 1.90 MB, 1848x2814, 20240126_140435 edit small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick snap since I got her all together, I'm going to take better pictures later. But I finally got Merida all together and couldn't wait to share.

>> No.45919501

>sometimes they don't get back to you, sometimes they just suck at communication.
Not him but seriously lmao
>send us email here [email]
>hello I'm about to place an order for $1000, can you answer these questions first?
>send e-mail a second time after a couple months
>buy another doll from maker who actually replies to messages

>> No.45919537

looks absolutely amazing anon
BUT the modern looking bow in violet looks a bit off. Should be wooden

>> No.45919604

I agree, it's unpainted resin and wasn't originally for her, it was part of a Summer Olympics photo shoot I was thinking about.

>> No.45919651

If you manage to paint it with a wooden texture it's gonna be perfect. She looks like an official doll fullset. The face sculpt is perfect

>> No.45920897
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>face sculpt
I know, it's amazing how versatile the DDH-07 can be. Here's two more quick pics I took with my normal camera.

>> No.45920914
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last one. Coincidentally, I just had this outfit laying around for a failed photo set I was going to do with Disney Princesses. I had no idea I'd wind up with a Merida in the end.

>> No.45921083

Her faceup is so nice, she really came together great anon.

>> No.45921117

she’s lovely, congrats anon!

>> No.45921945

Really really nice faceup

>> No.45921948

shes beautiful anon, i love seeing other imomo owners

>> No.45922741

I'm usually pretty good at clocking face sculpts but I honestly had no idea that was DDH-07! She's gorgeous and so unique
I got a blank one of their 1/6 and did my own faceup on her! It did a lot to help me bond with her

>> No.45922971
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Reimu in her new yukata. She seems rather excited! Maybe too excited...

>> No.45922975 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45923119


>> No.45923227

Can normal food stain your doll?

>> No.45923258

If it stains clothing, it likely can stain vinyl as well.

>> No.45923396

But she will starve.

>> No.45923601

don't listen to him, vanilla-chan will be well fed, i will make sure of this

>> No.45924635

If I'll ever get a vinyl doll, she'll dress ONLY in white. And she will have a white wig.
Silicone cap and body sock mandatory of course.

>> No.45925113

Thank you all for the compliments! Her face-up was done by Pokei on Etsy, for anyone in the US looking for a face-up artist, she was great to work with.

>> No.45925157

I want her to say things to me in Scottish

>> No.45926624

After having my vinyl doll for years and being careful, I finally managed to stain her by...leaving her sitting overnight on a wood counter. A tiny amount of the wood stain left two small stains where the wood was touching the back of the thighs. Surprised the hell out of me, it never occured to me that a wooden surface stained&lacquered many many decades ago could stain anything

>> No.45926855

I really hope resin won't stain like that. That kind of scenario where you took precautions but didn't realize the doll was touching something colored is very likely to happen to me. That's definitely one of the bug turnoffs of vinyl for me

>> No.45926904

The fact that you can also get stains THROUGH white undergarments or body socks is particularly crazy. And washing clothes won't give you any guarantees.
my doll would look like a mess in a few years

>> No.45927686

My attitude towards stains has changed over time. These days it's "meh, whatever" and if the doll stains she stains and I'll just leave it like that. I've even been tempted by the idea of staining her on purpose in a decorative way - a full body paint job by a skilled artist could be very interesting

>> No.45928209

Does applying a sealant prevent permanent staining? You can just remove the sealant, right?

>> No.45928546

What do you do to wash your clothes to prevent staining from excess dye that might be present? I thought it was in the guide in OP but I couldn't find it there. I remember seeing something about it but maybe it was just a post in one of the previous threads.

>> No.45929208

I heard 50/50 water and vinegar is the go-to

>> No.45930036
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>when you have too many

>> No.45930385

>tfw my poor doll with have just a little dress and no shoes until I'm safe from customs
she's not even here and I already feel ashamed for being a terrible owner

>> No.45931127

the dream.
the reality.

>> No.45931666

>please don't cry... I'll dress you like a princess eventually
>I'll get rid of all the cobwebs and dust
>and you'll never see the light of day, so that your skin will remain like fine porcelain!

>> No.45933948

My first outfit I bought I specifically wanted underwear with it and had to order shoes alongside it. I couldnt handle not having a whole outfit before I even finished the faceup

>> No.45934723
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>> No.45936346

i thought it was her butt when i saw the thumbnail, also please dont rub your dick in your doll mouth.

>> No.45936432

Cute, you're gonna make a fourth one with white and red reversed next?
Get a few smut shoujo mangas for your dolls anon, looks like they'll need some.

>> No.45936786

This is telling me to stop being lazy and organize clothes into some better than a bin pile.

>> No.45936862

funny thing about stains...
a couple of my girls got some pretty gnarly stains on their legs a couple years ago but they are all but faded away now. one involved dark dress and black fishnet stockings. can't hardly tell she had any stains at all now.

>> No.45937284

she's gonna have to only wear the dress with nothing underneath until I find a decent set of lingerie ngl that's a bit hot

>> No.45937310
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You need a doll with slight belly!

>> No.45937775

If you guys didn't know benzoyl peroxide is good at removing stains from vinyl.

>> No.45939274

Reimu yes

>> No.45939310

Is vinyl an active dye vaccum or what?
Funnily enough my cheaper, smaller vinyl dolls seem to be immune. I sit them wherever and dress them in whatever and they don't have any stain whatsoever.

>> No.45939313

Are there any guides on how to sew clothes at a small scale like 1/6 or 1/12? I'm not talking about pattern books but things like what stitches to use etc. Videos are fine too.
I'm having difficulties with things like transferring a pattern to the actual fabric because at such a small scale it's just unwieldly, I cannot cut things precisely.

>> No.45940199

You don't understand, I need to maximize my doll's poseability, being flat as a washboard and thin like a stick is optimal for posing.

>> No.45940337

>I cannot cut things precisely
You more or less must be at least decent at doing that. Sewing the rims can only hide so much.
As for specific sewing patterns, I recommend some of these. (1st vid) Running Stitch is my old reliable, but wonky if you can't sew straight and a slip stitch is good for small things by nature.
(2nd vid) I am very fond of the blanket stitch, I've sewn a plushie before using mostly it and running stitches. It's very intuitive and very durable.
(3rd) A bit more on backstitching, I am hardly an expert on it, but it's good. Might be worth buying one of those small sewing machines that go for like 40 bucks. One with several stitch patters of course.
(4th) Biggest compilation I could find.

Have fun! I am sure you'll get the hang of it.

>> No.45940594

>You more or less must be at least decent at doing that.
I can cut things precisely, I do pretty fine work with cutting tools but there's obviously something I haven't figured out in how I cut fabric because if I use sharp scissors, the fabric still shifts as it cuts, I cannot use a tool like a knife because fabric slips, I have a rolling cutter but it's only good in straight lines. If these were bigger projects I'd be fine but at a scale so tiny it feels almost impossible

>> No.45940625

I have seen a video where this lady sandwiches fabric and template between adhesive sheets and goes over it with a sewing machine, which seems ideal but I need to sew by hand

>> No.45940646

Sharp scissors or fabric scissors? The latter are a whole other level of sharp. Also important to note what fabric you're using, here fabric stores recommend something like tricoline for dolls, as it's very light and doesn't fray too easily.

>> No.45940713

>Also important to note what fabric you're using
oh, shit... this might be the issue
I'm using some semi-elastic fabric salvaged from actual clothes, probably one of those technical shirt blends

>> No.45940744

Definitely a contributing factor, elastic fabric tends to be finnicky, if made for humans it's surely too thick. You can repurpose clothing, but you have to be very picky about it, perhaps something from a cheap thin t-shirt or shorts might work. Even with fabric scissors I have to go slow and steady to cut through that.

>> No.45940953

Yeah I've got that last one to do for now. I couldn't find any other 1/6 patterns i wanted to make for them unfortunately. I'll have to get pictures of them together dressed up.

I'm quite looking forward to a DD or DDS at this point, there were quite a few patterns i saw for the larger size that I want to make

>> No.45940967
File: 86 KB, 406x270, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this idea that elastic fabric would make my life easier, but after a few tries I suspected it was actually horrible to work with.
I think I have other fabric that will definitely work though.

>> No.45940994

I started cheating and use a laser cutter. I take the patterns and trace them in inkscape, then take that and hit cut. Saves a bunch of time pinning the pattern to the fabric and they come out perfect since the seams are guaranteed to be the same size on matching pieces.

>> No.45941080

and I assume the laser also seals synthetic fabric against fraying. that sounds amazing

>> No.45942362

Elastic is notoriously hard to work with, unfortunately. It was good to make the attempt though! Live and learn.

>> No.45947794

Anyone have photos of hikimayu/rounded eyebrows on dolls that they can share? I'm considering it for my next face-up and struggling to find some pictures on dolls

>> No.45948472
File: 166 KB, 778x1194, IMG_4950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neat, never looked for this before, but https://studiodarjeeling.tumblr.com/post/145430456393 and pic related are the only two examples i could find. maybe searching kimekomi doll might give you some inspiration? i imagine you’d have to be quite particular with your wig choice to compliment this kind of faceup.

>> No.45948967

>sent another email to DoA a week ago after a month my account is still not verified
>so far I've been waiting 3 months trying to register to a forum
is this some kind of hazing ritual or is the staff literally dead
either way I think they can go fuck themselves, I'm not gonna try anymore

>> No.45952102
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>> No.45953546
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>> No.45954299
File: 3.17 MB, 4000x3000, 20240129_150228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on this faceup?

>> No.45954348

eyes good mouth could use a bit of work

>> No.45954902

it's not the style i prefer personally, but the lines look pretty clean to me. i get the impression the artist accomplished the vision they were going for.

>> No.45955008

It's really well done, very clean. Is it your work?

>> No.45955097

I like it. Something's slightly off about the mouth though, as the other anon pointed out

>> No.45955569

thank you for your feedback guys! perhaps the mouth is too low?

yea it's my 2nd faceup, still got miles to go but i'm happy with this result for now

>> No.45955610

What size brush did you use for the eyes? The lines are really clean on them, mine came out kinda fat.

>> No.45956023

i use the ZM 01 brush https://dollfie.ec.volks.co.jp/item/4986297600917.html

>> No.45956117

glanced and saw darjeeling and thought i was in the tea thread, confused me
very very cute. i'm in love
seconding the mouth being off though. as an opinion from someone with absolutely no experience, so take it as such, it looks a bit crooked perhaps. maybe a bit out of proportion as well. the left side of the lines appear longer than the right side. some of this could just be from the photo's angle though, i'm unsure.
overall though, i'd really love to see more of her. she's very pretty

>> No.45956255

dolls don't make me smile anymore
nothing makes me smile anymore

>> No.45956269

We have a tea thread? Might have to lurk over there too, I've been known to get a bit mentally ill over leaf water.

Anon I thought this was from a Y!JA listing, your work is really good, especially for only your second faceup. Keep going! As for the mouth, I think the issue is it's a little too high up on the face? It's not super noticeable, but I suspect that's what's given everyone pause after staring at it for a while. But seriously, very good work! I like her, honestly. Will you be keeping her?

>> No.45956296

To the resin owners here: when a doll has a torso joint, namely the one at the rib-cage, is it usually designed to only rock back and forward, or can you achieve a degree of twist? does this change from doll to doll depending on engineering? I mostly see people showing the torso moving in one direction. I really do like twists in the body so it would be a little bit of a bummer if that weren't possible.
If I eventually tried that, would I risk breaking the doll in some way?
>perhaps the mouth is too low?
I think I've figured out what it is: there's no hint of shade on the white of the teeth, so they pop out instead of looking recessed behind the lips - I don't know if that explains it.
Plus I think you could darken the corners of the mouth
that said it's a really nice faceup, very cute

>> No.45956483
File: 86 KB, 428x600, 2f752ed2c68a19f1b1099b10bd5ab421_bp.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect that was the one I was looking at, thanks.

That's actually pretty close to what I had in mind, thanks anon. I should've attached a photo of what I was aiming for before. Still brainstorming, but this gets me closer.

>> No.45956695

yeah, >>>/ck//tea/
i'm new to looseleaf teas but so far they've been very friendly to me despite my newbie questions, so i think you may enjoy their company

>> No.45958357
File: 250 KB, 1080x1075, Screenshot_20240130_022018_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I'll try working on the mouth a bit more
Thank you! Honestly I didn't want to keep her but when I dressed her up my heart melted a bit. Still gonna sell probably, just need to fix the mouth

>> No.45958457

>Still gonna sell probably
please don't... i really need to see her daily, and i can't afford her... she makes my heart melt too.
would you do a commission? it's really not in the cards for me for a long time but even if it just means something to you, i would surely buy from you.

>> No.45958790

aww, she's cuter from this angle

>> No.45958821

You guys' post numbers are literally one off from each other, I think it's meant to be that this anon adopt her. How much do you intend to sell her for anon? Let me try and help get this doll home to someone who can appreciate her.

>> No.45959509

Aw I wish I could photograph her every day! But I do need to sell her unfortunately. I'd love to do commissions sometime soon. And thank you I do really appreciate it! :)
I'm not sure how to price her to be honest. What would you suggest?

>> No.45959777

Basic price structure is usually materials + labour (your min wage/hr is a good place to start) multiplied by three. That way you cover cost of doing business (blank head, pastels, sealant, brushes, etc -- these cost money to acquire and replace!) as well as your labour costs (your time has value anon!) and leave enough left over to make a small profit (because you can't keep doing this if you lose money on selling the heads.)

You are an amateur, so your prices can swing a little lower to reflect that, especially if you want to move this quickly, and doubly so in this market, where absolutely nothing is selling in the post-Christmas tax-season slump. Heads are... $40 I think? Let's say mats are around $60 on the low end, probably more on the high end. Minimum wage in my state is a funny joke, but in other states it's usually somewhat decent, though I confess I don't know how much goes into a faceup. Overall, I would say a good price for this could be $100 - $200? Always price higher than you actually expect to sell for, that way if someone wants to haggle, it gives you wiggle room to make that deal into a sale! $150 is the price you should shoot to sell this for, given all the factors that went into this -- and buyer pays shipping and any VAT/import taxes if they are present, naturally.

Now, as for how to sell. You can gradually build up all of this, don't be overwhelmed and try to do it all at once, okay? Unfortunately, the nature of selling things online requires you to build up a portfolio and a presence so that people can reasonably trust you won't run off with their doll and their money if they commission or buy from you. The best places to list are unfortunately socmed sites -- if you're not on dolldreaming, make an account and hang around a bit to get marketplace access! In the meantime, go to Ko-Fi and open a lil webstore there, they don't take fees like etsy does, and I know at least one SmD faceup artist lists their heads there and advertises them via instagram posts to drive sales. You can (and should) also make an Etsy, and price things listed there higher to offset their fees accordingly. Etsy is good for discoverability, and can be used as a tool to drive others to your website, email, instagram, etc -- whatever poison you pick. Right now on the major platforms, shortform content is king -- instagram reels or youtube shorts of your faceup process are good marketing, though in this hobby, word of mouth alone can take you far as you slowly build a name for yourself! Always post at least one full-on and side-profile of all your completed faceups, if nothing else, because that right there is your skill and your creativity on display, and more than anything else that's what people want and need to see to want to obtain your work. I've heard the facebook doll groups are a good place to make sales right now, especially since instagram killed tags being useful, but I can't speak personally on that topic -- only that even if you only want to do this as a hobby, diversity in platforms is always a good thing! Don't undersell yourself -- that goes for anyone doing any type of work here, alright?

Most of all, don't get discouraged if sales take time to happen. The market is in a slump right now on top of everything else, so keep that in mind. You're doing good work, so stick to that enthusiasm and create because you enjoy it most of all, okay? Good luck anon! Maybe one day I'll have one of your dolls, too.

>> No.45960055

I love Doll Chateau and have also considered getting a 1/3 body from them. Their posing is questionable but I'm okay with it as long as I can fix it well enough with sueding and wiring (I once heard they're more stable than their 1/4 bodies, not sure how true it is though), what gives me pause is the thought of restringing it.
What I meant with "I don't mind" was that as long as sueding/wiring can help the doll pose better, I'm okay with it. I will pass on the doll, however, if there are other design choices I'm not fond of on top of the bad posing, or if it will be too dificult to maintain.

>> No.45960069

The concept of sueding and wiring, alongside other things like eye putty, seem so weird to me. From the outside BJDs seem very delicate, to the point something so akin to jury-rigging seems out of place. I don't know if I'd have the nerve to go ham with a glue gun on a doll's joints.

>> No.45960711

>>>/toy/10848148 new azone thread here

>> No.45961543

I was obsessed with Gladys so I did a bit of research. I warn you that DC bodies seem to often come floppy out of the box, so there's a chance you might have to restring.

>> No.45961696

I still have no idea because I don't have my own BJD in hand yet and never touched one before, so I might be wrong, but I love the concept of strung dolls. They're much simpler than mechanical jointed dolls and have functionally no points of failure other than the wear on two elastic cords which you can replace. I've handled plenty of modern action figures and sincerely hate friction joints. I never want to deal with them again. MJDs are probably better than just a big figma but the skeleton is so complicated I can't help but dread that it will fail somewhere.
As far as I have seen, BJDs seem to be trickier to pose if they need sueding, but they have more range than MJDs on average nowadays. Most companies are issuing bodies with mobility legs and double jointed limbs and they have bumps in the sculpt where needed to keep a pose.
The only problem as far as I understand is that resin can't take an impact as well as a soft vinyl doll, but other than that I am of the impression that they're more durable. They yellow but vinyl stains like crazy so there's not much of an advantage there either.

>> No.45963185
File: 714 KB, 4128x3096, 20240130_112913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do all MJDs have complex skeletons? I thought that was just Smart Doll and its creator's autism. I lack a distaste for friction itself, as it's more reliable on average, but I do hate joints that cannot be disassembled or easily replaced for maintenance purposes, and most action figures fall under that. I am not sure what type of joints MJDs have, but if they can all be removed and repaired I think they're trusty enough. The fact action figures are so tiny doesn't help, while I like my Figmas, I'd be lying if I said I am as comfortable handling them as other toys.

From what I hear, full size BJDs have their own problems as well, they may start cracking with time and the tension can make it worse. And while they are a lot easier to repair, things like the eyes not being attached to anything solid stresses me a bit. Though I don't blame them for not staying put. the only figures I have that are comparable in size only manage through ratchet joints. My BJD experience however is limited to these two adorable critters, so far I am impressed with their ability to pose.

Hm, now I'm curious, are there BJDs with ratchet like connections? I don't know about rotating joints like thighs and knees, but it'd surely work for something like the knees and elbows that only move in one axis.

>> No.45963588

Vinyl dolls all tend to have an internal skeleton, though it's only SmD that are as over-engineered. As well, I believe their newest jointing system does what you've suggested by only moving to certain fixed points of articulation? I don't have one of their newer frames (yet) so I can't say for certain on that front.

>> No.45963651

nothing like ratchet joints but many larger BJDs have sets of little bumps in key joint areas that helps them lock in place

>> No.45963782

I am guessing from what I've seen of companies such as Tinyfox, they look a lot like a really large Figma or Revoltech.

Yes! That's what I imagined, I didn't quite know how to describe a ratchet that isn't quite a ratchet. Nice to know it can and already has been done, if I do end up printing one I could implement that as well.

>> No.45964049

With a bigger size also come more opportunities for simple engineering.
I can only speak for figmas, figuarts and 1/6 dolls, but despite all their joints working roughly the same the latter can do much more while being less stiff and their joints not protruding a lot. Basically they have sturdier joints with more range and better aesthetics; plus some extra axis that remain hidden (like an extra neck joint or double jointed knees like your rabbits seem to have, my dolls can sit seiza style).
Soft bodies and clothes also let you add articulation on places (the torso basically) that would look horrid on figma.

>> No.45964299

Speaking of 1/6 dolls, has anyone bought Chinese doll bodies like Worldbox? They're pretty inexpensive and look nice, but I'm not sure if I should gamble on one especially since I've got a much bigger doll coming. I think this is off-topic and should be on /toy/ but that board is a shithole lately.

>> No.45964508

Pretty much every vinyl doll will have an internal skeleton, except Tinyfox has embedded joints (though the torso joint is more skeleton-like, the elbows and knees and hips etc are all embedded in the limb material and the limbs are rigid PVC with a coating (though this is apparently going away soon))

>> No.45964661

so THAT is why you can't find a picture of the frame on the tinyfox site, they don't have one

>> No.45965508

Thank you so much for all the useful information! All of it is very helpful :D

>> No.45965763
File: 98 KB, 800x1200, 1571152216564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing anon, happy if I can be of help in some way.

>> No.45966066
File: 462 KB, 3096x4128, 20240130_175231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They definitely achieve similar or better results with a simpler system, no need for complex sculpts and joints consisting of several small little parts, though at this scale the knees look progressively worse the more you bend them. I don't mind it as I love exposed joints, but it is something I assume would bother people. They can't quite sit Seiza as their knees have angles, kinda like a Stick Bot? that have more or less 4 clicks, ending rather abruptly after that. Though that is mostly a necessary limitation, as their heads are quite heavy.

Thanks for all the info, you guys have been nothing but welcoming.

>> No.45966080

Man I swear a new lose strand shows up on these shorts every day.

>> No.45966896


>> No.45969339
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>> No.45973213
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>> No.45975118

They might be fraying, use fray check

>> No.45979308
File: 61 KB, 682x1024, 1626516626375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45979339

Is it possible to make a 1/12 wig? I've seen someone make a hot glue cap and then hot glue more hair on it and the results were perfect, but it was at a larger scale.

>> No.45979784

Actually fuck it, I'm trying it
Killed an old worn out brush. Will update

>> No.45979947

so disappointed that nitter died
had to make a twitter account for dolls and i despise this so very much

>> No.45980198

I haven't checked nitter in a long time, it died other times and went back up eventually, though it's always a little shittier
have you tried the other servers like kavin.rocks?

>> No.45980453

it's dead, and all other servers will be dead within 30 days.
it was only still operating because of an old api that allowed guest accounts, but that was shut down and said guest accounts will expire within 30 days. the creator of the project confirmed "Nitter is dead."
it's over

>> No.45980650

Good luck

>> No.45983198
File: 1.06 MB, 2730x4096, GFKoU9DbAAA5HQd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dollfriends...and watchfriends...

>> No.45983442

This is so cute!

>> No.45983577

>Watchbot. Time. Now.

>> No.45983579

I'm on a train right now but I managed to make something that looks like a wigcap and some wefts of hair that look not so bad actually
when I come back home I'll attempt putting it together and I'm sure it will fail but it's gonna be easy to make other attempts

>> No.45983694

god i wish i still had train service
but nothing is a failure if it's a step towards success, or even just experience for a more feasible project if it turns out to be too unrealistic
best of luck

>> No.45983704

The main problem I'm thinking about is that since the hair I'm using is relatively short (soft brush bristles) it might stick out too mich unless I try to shape it with heat?
I am prepared to fail, it's OK. This is a learning experience

>> No.45983709

alright, katsucon's just a few weekends away anons
show of hands — who's going
let's not make this another tsubasacon
(different anon than the one who posted last thread btw)

>> No.45983749

OP here, I'm in the right area but I wouldn't be able to make it due to personal reasons. So, I hope everyone who can make it has fun and makes some good memories together. Take lots of photos!

>> No.45983818

aren"t soft bristles typically nylon?
i think nylon should shape well, just maybe start slow with the heat and work your way up to be safe? is my unprofessional inference

>> No.45983870

It's natural hair of some kind
brush was really ancient (talking several decades) and needed retiring

>> No.45986704

>bought $500 seiko I don't wear when I could've just bought another doll
I truly am stupid

>> No.45987764

I'll be going. What is the day and location for the meet?

>> No.45989397

Original Katsu anon here. I'm composing an email about it. Current plan is Saturday, outside the game room, around noon.

>> No.45989420

If you didn't get the email and still want to come, you can email me at dollsarecool@tfwno.gf [\spoiler]

>> No.45989454

got the email, sounds good to me

>> No.45989947

>bought a sandwich and coffee today that could've gone toward the next doll
I regret those €3

>> No.45990455

I'm going, are we bringing our dolls?

>> No.45990567

Never been, what are the meetups like, especially in context of a con? Just a casual meet and greet? Group photo shoot?

>> No.45990589

>go for walk on local trail to take doll pics last weekend
>no good locations
>meet another photographer, chat about gear
>asks me what's in the box
>oh this, it's a doll
>show the doll
see anons, it's okay taking your dolls out in public
you just have to be completely socially unaware
thanks for reading my blog

>> No.45990729

What did the guy say about the doll apart from the fact she was cute?

>> No.45990847

did you fuck?

>> No.45990966

>tfw it was IWFADA anon who did, finally, fuck a doll anon
>the prophecy is fulfilled

>> No.45991026

Old habits die hard.

>> No.45991208

do you look good or do you look like a sexual predator though

>> No.45991310


>> No.45991340
File: 75 KB, 588x818, 1706836268896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're the rare combo i see...

>> No.45991428

I-I thought that was the point
this is the first one that's happening (associated with these threads) so who knows, we'll play it by ear

>> No.45991452

Post pics for us who can't make it

>> No.45993340
File: 146 KB, 651x1024, 8609371828_b9f85578bb_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45993635

We're going to get a room and get all the dolls together and then run a hot glue train on them

>> No.45993862

From what I have seen, people put their dolls up somewhere for display and occasionally exchange bits of awkward conversation. Then >>45993635 happens

>> No.45994497
File: 565 KB, 3072x2048, DSC_0204 (Custom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think there's a market for doll watches

>> No.45994781

tiny hair friend have you made any attempts yet?
sweethearts, which one won the game of pogs?

>> No.45995997
File: 151 KB, 1080x720, 1637294952834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45996075

>your text here
>sample text
huh? Is the background AI?

>> No.45996101

yeah it's AI
so doll general is gonna be cancer too now

>> No.45996248

It's probly just a dummy prop, this photo was taken in 2021 by Seaumi, a doll photographer.

>> No.45996322

I'm guessing the background is some kind of 3D-rendered prop and he just didn't care to set a text and went with the default.

>> No.45996861

First of all hello there guys, I'm not in the hobby but I just bought a small 15cm doll that was marked as BJD and also her head looks like a standard BJD one, but body looks more like a Nendoroid Doll one, so extremely sorry if I am off topic because of it

Where do you buy costumes for your dolls? Or are they custom made. I saw a guide for custom clothes in the OP, but if there are places where I can directly buy dresses for a similar sized dolls ass yours, it would be great to know them.

>> No.45996905

Do you know the name of the product? Sounds like it would be some OB11 body or a Picco Neemo.

>> No.45997174

yes, sorry, I'm retarded, it's part of OB11-12 constellations

>> No.45997296

>tiny hair friend have you made any attempts yet?
Yes I just did! You know when you see a doll and you go "holy shit, that wig is immaculate?" imagine the complete opposite of that
near the end I was laughing my head off, lookes like some kind of voodoo fetish thing... The whole process is pretty easy, and even if I did everything wrong, I mostly blame the scale at which I was working. I understand that things would've been a ton easier had the head been larger. With a head so small you cannot layer the wefts properly, especially since the cap you make will be extremely thick on its own (in comparison to the head) if you want it to hold any shape at all.
It's definitely doable but you probably have to use more specific materials, types of hair etc.
I did manage to wrap all the hair together with a rubber band and have it go down fairly nicely with a hair dryer, and I'm sure I could clean it up somewhat and it might look bearable, but I'll just try to make another directly.

>> No.45997385
File: 1.19 MB, 1386x2688, Snapchat-1696935804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to say i've never seen it end up like that. dunno if it has never happened, but glad i have not been around if it does. typically i am the only male around for these sorts of things anyways.

>> No.45997390
File: 390 KB, 640x801, blair_wig_project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sharing a photo of this masterpiece for fun

>> No.45997420

>everything weird must be AI
brain rot.

>> No.45997453

I thought you were pulling my leg there. I didn't know Dream Fairy Constellations was a thing. "OB11" means that it's using an "Obitsu 11cm" body (or something with the same size and proportions). You can easily find clothes for OB11 bodies on etsy, aliexpress or wherever else.
The other popular brands in that size are nendoroid doll and picco neemo. The former are slightly smaller than OB11, while the smallest size or the latter is a bit bigger. So clothes for either might fit but it's a bit of a gamble.

>> No.45997635

Honestly expected worse from that description, first attempt is still pretty promising. Im interested to see any next attempts with different material.

>> No.45997649

I think I'll use a thinner glue instead of PVA. That was a major obstacle. I might also avoid making wefts altogether and just layer some glue and attach the hair directly. It would be crazy on a regular wig, but at this scale it makes more sense to attach the hair one by one as it gives you more control.

>> No.45997945

Original katsu meet planning anon here. Pretty much playing it by ear since it's the first one. I expect we'll have some mildly uncomfortable introductory conversation, ogle each others dolls, take some cute group photos of our dolls, and go our separate ways. If anons feel like hanging out after that, that's up to whoever shows up.

When these become a regular thing, I'd eventually like to start organizing themed photoshoots for anons to plan around. That's for when we have more than a month to put a meet together, which is possible now that I have the time.

>> No.45998123

meet and greet, sometimes a good chance to swap buy and sell as well as chat. make new friends, meet new people.

if you play your cards right you might even get laid, might even be with me.

just kidding don't hit on the girls. they hate it when some awkward guy takes up a weird hobby because they think it'll improve their chances in a smaller pool. if you're awkward you're awkward and they can smell the desperation a mile away.

>> No.45998163
File: 528 KB, 990x1920, Snapchat-1973965186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, this.
life advice, usually if you go in not trying for something you'll actually get it cuz you'll be less prone to nervousness and desperation. if yall want a mate that bad whos into dolls, just relax and make it bout the dolls anyways. thats what yall there for.

on a similar note: a friend and i are contemplating doing a panel at a con in indianapolis. how many anons would be willing to make a trip to middle of indiana just for some anon doll time?

>> No.45998352
File: 617 KB, 2880x2160, 20240202_195441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly jealous of everyone who's able to attend doll meetups. Never seen any hosted in my country.

>> No.45998516

>just kidding don't hit on the girls.
Does that include the dolls?

>> No.45998606

> Guy hits on my doll
> Invite him to home for dinner
> Sit across the table cleaning a gun
What are your intentions with my doll, anon?

>> No.45998758

>how many anons would be willing to make a trip to middle of indiana just for some anon doll time?
Only a 6 hour drive for me, so I might consider a trip. I don't think I'd attend the con at all, so I hope that wouldn't be a requirement. Assuming it would be "Anime Crossroads," just looking at their front page right now makes me not want to give them my money.

>> No.45998798

I want to give her a facial makeover then take off her clothes and fill all her holes with hot glue sueding
The usual things a man does to a doll!

>> No.45998950
File: 347 KB, 1440x1800, IMG_20210611_213702_454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll be coming from ohio myself as my friend is in Indianapolis. other cons and meetup plans will be considered. would be open to other locations in the ohio/indiana area as well if it works for other anons. especially if anyone has good location suggestions con or sans con.
that specific con was the plan before some of the things you speak of came up.

>> No.45998969

sorry anon. although, you aren't always missing out. it is nice to meet others and their dolls but sometimes they are not the most wonderful people to meet. have you been to any of the forums like dolldreaming or doa? usually there is at least a couple people in a same or neighboring country you could bump into. mind if we ask where you are anon?

>> No.45999505

save your jealousy for after it happens
we have a handful of anons with a shared hobby loosely planning to meet at an anime con
what could possibly go wrong

>> No.45999628

Planned photoshoots sound like the cutest thing in the world

>> No.46000332

I see no problem with this. People who've never talked before meeting in a small group around only one shared hobby has never had disastrous results. Nope. Not once. Never.

In all honestly, I'm more worried by bystanders with malicious intent than other people in the hobby.

>> No.46000355

You naughty, naughty boy

>> No.46000740
File: 368 KB, 979x1930, DSC_0539 edit small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

February part 1
Doing two shoots this month, but the other isn't ready yet. So here's the Valentine's Day half.

>> No.46000751
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>> No.46000783
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>> No.46000792
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Last one for now.

>> No.46001033

Very pretty anon, thanks for sharing

>> No.46001444

these two are my favorite shots! super cute styling anon, and their jewelry pops very nicely against their outfits!

>> No.46001533

As the other anon said, there's tons on Aliexpress and some dudes on Etsy, though I do recommend learning to make them yourself. Saves money and can make it easier to get exactly what I want.

Save for that, my dolls are all the same size as many Fashion dolls, so I can get those or clothes from Daiso.

>> No.46002668
File: 664 KB, 3232x2424, 100_0983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a question about the azone 50cm doll, what clothing size fit them?

>> No.46002816

50cm clothes.

>> No.46002876


>> No.46002910
File: 321 KB, 2048x987, dollfie dream sizes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's... complicated. 50cm is a weird in-between size and every 50cm doll has different measurements. Generally, 1/4 clothes will fit... but I've heard Azone have wider hips than a DDP, so I'm not sure. And if the doll has a larger bust, you might struggle to find things to accommodate that as well. 50cm is my favorite scale and I just have a mix of 40-60cm clothes just laying around for them. Generally, 1/3 clothes will be too long (but an oversized sweater is always cute!), while 1/4 clothes may be too short or not wide enough, depending on the doll (but for looser/longer clothes that's less of a concern.) Bespoke outfits made specifically for Azone will be your best bet, and things marketed specifically for DDP/Angel Philia might also be an option to look into as well. The most effective thing you can do is learn their actual measurements and then check the measurements of any outfit you want to try before shelling out for it. In picrel, the dolls are all wearing the same 60cm dress I think, so you can see the fits between them.

>> No.46002979

oh that wig is adorable
>valentine's day
aaaah I almost forgot
wonder what I can throw together

>> No.46003009

thank for your help anon.

>> No.46003135

loved the opening statement, dramatically dropped my phone and started chuckling. i see though, thanks for sharing! i agree with the other person though, it definitely looks a lot better than i expected based on your first reply. though i feel like at that scale the strands of hair look too thick even which really puts the challenge into perspective (are there even good sources for something thinner?). a very good attempt though and i look forward to seeing your next attempt after all you've learned!
had to see for myself, i lol'd

>> No.46006315
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>> No.46006966
File: 315 KB, 1106x1549, DSC_0630 edit small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all for the compliments! Here's a bonus pic I did for one of the game threads on DollDreaming.

>> No.46007100

Generally, stuff meant for DD/DDS (or generally 1:3) can be worn by an AZO2 body, outside of tighter and/or nonstretchy pants. These girls have hips for days. Socks might be a bit weird given the difference in leg shape. AZO2 G and I busts are roughly the same size as DDS and DD Medium, respectively. littlewonder.jp has a listing for AZO2 bodies, which is a rarity for 3rd party. Hobby Search regularly has sales where you can get some older pieces for 30-50% off

Anything for DDP and under is only going to fit on 45cm AZT8. Which is good for DDP as Azone actually makes clothes for their scale.

Azone did make 50cm clothes with limited compatibility with AZO2 bodies. But that practice died with the Black Raven doll line about 3 years ago. Any clothing made in the last decade should have a sizing chart on the packaging so its hard to mistake.

Most of their panels are actually about anime, thats automatically better than either of the two major cons where I live.

>> No.46007554
File: 305 KB, 1600x1059, miku_hatsunemiku_dollfedream_dollfiedream-1079260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have added this listing to the BJD FAQ, thanks anon.

>> No.46009144
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>> No.46011111

We must look like such big trees compared to dolls

>> No.46012229
File: 128 KB, 1200x1200, F1PodXhaQAAMwwU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46012931

Super cute

>> No.46014717
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>> No.46015676

I've got massive burnout from other boards. This is officially my home now.
I pointed this out a couple threads ago but the .moe site gives an https warning. Certain browsers now block html pages by default, so this might scare people off
maybe add a disclaimer that the link is safe? I dunno

>> No.46016743
File: 395 KB, 2048x1280, 1620642912469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I'll do that. Thank you for the reminder, anon. I haven't crossboarded in a while, how is it out there?

>> No.46016998

same here, for the most part this general is the only thing i check on this site anymore for the past few months. anyone else feel like site-wide moderation has taken a turn for the worse?

>> No.46017069

>this general is the only thing i check on this site anymore
pretty much. less than a year ago I never would've thought I'd end up in a doll general lol
>how is it out there?
let's just not talk about it... Good thing is I cut down on idle time spent here and rekindled old hobbies like reading
I also realized the small collection of diecast guns I have is 1/3 which is awesome.

>> No.46018540

The ideal would be to get a certificate but I remember it's quite tedious albeit free and sef-signed might still give an error
Better to just say it's safe
Speaking of which it's interesting that the Japanese web seems to use https only for sites that need it, like shops. Everything else is unencrypted.

>> No.46019230

Don't photographers fear their doll falling down? The shot is great but it's such a precarious position for a doll.
TLS is overrated

>> No.46019436

don't worry, the doll bird will catch it
not sure what happens after that though

>> No.46019543

Sure, it happens. Even if they fall face-down they're usually ok, honestly. Obviously I try to prevent that, but gravity and the wind are fickle mistresses and I'm stuck in an unwanted polyamorous relationship with the both of 'em.

>> No.46019623

i always have a stand.

>> No.46020217

>Even if they fall face-down they're usually ok, honestly.
One of the best things aboyt vinyl.

>> No.46022229

I had a doll-related dream tonight. Can't remember any of it but the dolls were talking no it was not lewd

>> No.46022492

I don't know if I already asked, but can resin owners tell me if the chest joint on dolls (usually) can achieve at least a bit of side swiveling? Or are you forced to have the torso and hips face the same direction? That's a pretty important aspect of posing

>> No.46023417

we got a doll abuser in the thread

>> No.46024027

Depends on the doll, in my experience. Some have really stiff, hard to move chest joints.

>> No.46025208

Well. Nevermind. I'm just gonna leave. Lately I need to "verify you are human" like 10 times in a row and then wait 60 more seconds before I can finally get a captcha to make a post. Nothing has changed on my end so it's just Cloudflare being extra stupid. Of course the spammers and bots everywhere still get to spam nonstop but I'm getting this bullshit for some reason. I don't even know if I'll be able to post this but this is super gay. That's gonna be it for me, it was too nice that I finally found a decent general

>> No.46025631

yep. that's they implemented it as a way to fight spam, but it makes posting on mobile an absolute nightmare. godspeed friend. i hope to see you back to this general one day

>> No.46026604

>really stiff chest joints

>> No.46031495
File: 262 KB, 2088x1392, Fhv4AVPUAAEf25p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46032679

My most recent doll dream had me at a thrift store. There I saw two lovely doll dresses for sale that left me wondering if they would fit her. So, I raced home and grabbed dolly and rushed back to the thrift store. Only to find an ebay reseller walking past me with the dresses in hand. Pretty funny dream

>> No.46033726

blogpost time. i've lived this in a similar vein. walked in just a few seconds too late as they put out a couple vidya games worth over 1000 usd total being sold for a few dollars that i would have actually appreciated. but instead i stood there silently suffering, watching along as some boomer who showed up seconds before me price checked it all on ebay and took them.
may this dream of yours never turn to reality for you

>> No.46034434

What a glamourous picture! I'm envious of that location shoot.

>> No.46034737

The forced perspective made me do a double take. Really nice locale and shot.
Anyone know where that dress is from?

>> No.46034952

>Only to find an ebay reseller walking past me
how did you know it was an ebay reseller? did he have a pointy mustache and was flipping a coin with the free hand?

>> No.46035750
File: 1.34 MB, 3391x3801, IMG_1296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again, I am amazed at the transformation a new wig can do to a girl. Feel bad that I haven't settled on a name for her yet, despite having being assembled for the last few months. The Imomo v1 body she has is so bad I considered tossing it and leaving her head floating. Even after some inner frame modding its kinda weak and flimsy.

The buyers remorse is real. Maybe she'll get a Dollbot as a replacement.

>> No.46036482

Cool cut on the wig. Looks great
Shame about the frame

>> No.46037756
File: 2.55 MB, 4280x4594, IMG_1959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did 4 different eyebrow designs for the, sort of, hikimayu faceup. Still working on the design around the eyes, I was just doing whatever came to mind, to play around the eyebrows and give a better idea.
I mostly used “Mankitsu Shitai Jouren-san” as a reference.
It was very hard to reflect the eyebrows by hand, they’re definitely not even on paper.
I plan on making a template on the actual head using tamiya masking tape to get the shape and layout even.
Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated.

>> No.46037917

the light is so pretty it looks fake
nice hime, it would looke cute with a shrine maiden outfit

>> No.46038026

Is there a place where anon can download those faceup template papers? DDH-05 and DDH-10 if possible.

>> No.46038288
File: 434 KB, 1536x2048, GFtMuCPakAA2hjO.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop lusting after dolls.

>> No.46038418


>> No.46038638

You're not helping

>> No.46038791

Go to the main 4chan page and see if you get cloudflare coming up there, you can usually pass on the main page about once a week

>> No.46039030
File: 265 KB, 1536x2048, GBP6E92aUAAdzbR.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said stop that

>> No.46039221


>> No.46039405

Must not lust after other people's dolls. Contain these adulterous thoughts.

>> No.46039648

One comes with the head, I just copy it on to new paper. I wasnt able to find one prior to getting my heads. One of the other doll forums might have one. I can see about scanning my ddh-10 later today.

>> No.46040627

aren't sex dolls meant to go on /ona/

>> No.46040937
File: 346 KB, 1824x2048, FRGxCn_VkAABhGM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we get an influx of hornyposting now and then, but usually the other doll anons keep to /ona/. The hobbies have surprisingly little in common despite both being doll-centric due to the differences in materials and the scale of things being so different as well.

>> No.46041108

they aren't really "sex" dolls so much as they are "sexy" dolls so they still fit the category. that being said i see dolls more as a daughter than a wife or anything like that so i can't really agree with it but to each their own
the cat pins are so cute

>> No.46042405
File: 1.09 MB, 1771x5693, IMG_1303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hime cuts are life. I want to get one for Hibiki but they're kind of rare in blonde.

Good thing I have a few miko outfits in my collection. Probably need to find or make a better fitting kosode, given her narrow shoulders and not-so narrow bust.

>> No.46042672

Is this full silicone or photoshop? Either way, no visible joints means no boner, so you've succeeded.

>> No.46042678

If you wanna be particular over where they're posted, they would go in the coomer toy general over at /toy/, but eh they're still dolls.

>> No.46043334

Full silicone. There's a seam inside the thigh.

>> No.46044930

cute overdrive! and the sneaker, moe!
the worn out wooden background worked out great with the miko theme, now she just needs a wand to go out and exterminate youkai.

>> No.46045363

>eh they're still dolls
and people say DoA's policies are too strict

>> No.46045489

Yeah but there's a seam in her ribcage here >>46038288 .
Different bodies perhaps?

>> No.46045669

different head too

>> No.46046645

I want to fuck a doll anon!

>> No.46046688


>> No.46046746

>a doll anon!
A doll, an anon that collects dolls, or an anon that's been turned into a doll?

>> No.46046806

oh wow it's that time of thread already?
see you next weekend anon

>> No.46046849
File: 435 KB, 2000x1334, 1704214967436597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, i want to dress up with my future doll in matching outfits

>> No.46046884

yay, my massive shoes order from alice bjd just shipped

>> No.46046951

you ordered MASSIVE shoes?!

>> No.46047055

big enough to store a doll in

>> No.46047580

we are page 10 so i baked
i usually don't so i apologize if i messed up somehow
