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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 52 KB, 351x432, touhou_pcb_shichou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4584118 No.4584118 [Reply] [Original]

I just played some touhou, /jp/.
What's all the hype for this game, anyway?
I liked it a lot better when it was called R-Type and it was ten times as good.

>> No.4584134

leave this place.

>> No.4584125
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>> No.4584144
File: 20 KB, 400x450, 1266722827256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you are not welcome here.

>> No.4584142

this troll is so bad it makes me angry...
does that mean it's a successful troll?

>> No.4584145

Different strokes for different folks. now get back to /v/

>> No.4584153

Don't compare R-Type with Touhou.
R-Type is top quality Shoot'em Up.
Touhou is crappy Danmaku.

>> No.4584157 [DELETED] 

OP here. I'm serious, guys. Not only was it shit, but the retarded, atonal music ground on my ears almost worse than the bursts of color did my eyes. I haven't played a game this pad since Superman for the N64, and I'd rather play Superman!

>> No.4584163

OP here. I'm serious, guys. Not only was it shit, but the retarded, atonal music ground on my ears almost worse than the bursts of color did my eyes. I haven't played a game this bad since Superman for the N64, and I'd rather play Superman!

>> No.4584167

Apples to oranges. Try comparing Touhou to a good STG that's similar.

>> No.4584174

>atonal music
Err... I don't really know what to say about this.

>> No.4584177

That's just it, though. Touhou is one of the most boring and unoriginal things I've ever played. The only thing that distinguishes it from everything else is how bad it is!
For something to be similar, it would also have to be bad! A good game like Touhou doesn't exist.

>> No.4584181

Danmaku STG at that.

>> No.4584189
File: 249 KB, 948x711, 1266185807260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's all the hype for this game, anyway?

Game? What game? Has touhou a game!? I didn't knew!

>> No.4584191

Just get out of /jp/

>> No.4584193

Go play some Cave shooters

>> No.4584204 [DELETED] 

>Implying Superman 64 was really bad

I don't understand how people underrate this game so much.

>> No.4584218

He is trolling.

>> No.4584224

So is he.

>> No.4584239

You have no idea what the word "similar" means.

>> No.4584252

things like this brighten my day

>> No.4584272

Oh OP, you so funny.

>> No.4584276

Guys, I'm not trolling.
Alright, perhaps I may be trying to get a rise out of you on the side, but it's with my actual opinion.

>> No.4584301

Like I said, different people like different things. I respect your opinion and I also liked r-type, but for some reason I find Touhou much more enjoyable.

now if your done trying to get a rise out of people. get back to /v/

>> No.4584310

It's been made clear long ago.
stupid uneducated opinion --> troll

If you are not a troll, name at least 10 arguments as to why whatever game you just played is a bad game. Surely, you can name more than 10 if you like.

>> No.4584331

Also R-type sucks, go play some Darius.

>> No.4584468

R-Type is a pretty fucking terrible game. You should feel bad for liking it.

>> No.4584473

R-Type? Really?


>> No.4584492


Oh god, I have to play this.

>> No.4584630 [DELETED] 

It also appears that Saten's esper ability in the light novel is to amplify other esper's powers by several times of their own. So Accelerator reaching level 6 would have been no problem at all.

>> No.4584636 [DELETED] 

Nice try failure.
You didn't even know RAILGUN is a light novel before becoming an anime.

>> No.4584637

asking because this seems like a thread with enough attention...

is the "Then that means you're not awesome" pic from Marisa?...

>> No.4584652 [DELETED] 

light novel != visual novel

>> No.4584654
File: 138 KB, 760x411, 1264413474468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4584657 [DELETED] 

and cross channel isn't a visual novel either

>> No.4584659


yes that one... thanks I also needed it right now...

so where is it from?...

>> No.4584678

One of Hole of Yago comics. Don't remember which one.

>> No.4584714

Get the fuck out, now.

>> No.4584771

Bumping troll thread to say that R-Type is a fantastic game and you should feel bad for hating it as a result of your rush to defend Touhou

>> No.4584782
File: 15 KB, 600x350, 1190541560892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4586018
File: 31 KB, 599x314, I think I just got trolled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know if you just stop replying instead of swooping in to go 'omg fail troll' or, even worse, actually responding to the troll, he'd go away for the lack of attention he was getting, right?


>> No.4587127

But then /jp/ wouldn't move at all anymore.

>> No.4587138

Damn Sakuya's neck is long in this pic....

>> No.4587141

Out of curiosity, which touhou were you playing?

>> No.4587146

R-Type doesn't have any of my waifus. It is therefore shit.

>> No.4587152

>33 posts and 4 image replies omitted
/jp/ i'm disappoint

>> No.4587166

man I love r-type

>> No.4587171

Can't fap to ships, bro.

>> No.4587187

yeah the other day i said touhou was shit ironically and like ten guys jumped on me saying "u best be trollan"
whats with the influx of new faggots lately

>> No.4587190

Speak for yourself.

>> No.4587321
File: 116 KB, 594x850, viperT301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't fap to ships, bro.

>> No.4587317
File: 80 KB, 733x516, ca_anoa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't fap to ships, bro.

>> No.4587329

Oh look a shitposter calling someone else a shitposter

>> No.4587335


Oh shit; I fucking love that game. I have the Hori controller for it and the whole bit.

>> No.4587354
File: 100 KB, 640x480, 1261111246885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't ship to bro-faps.

>> No.4587408
File: 174 KB, 1080x990, 1221875980832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, I just read the plot for R-Type. It makes Touhou seem childish by comparison. Retrocausality, biomechanics, and pan-dimensional espionage. Now compare that with Touhou's "hurr, I'm a shrine maiden named Reimu and I mug people out of boredom."

Word for word, that's what I said when I was first introduced to Touhou back on old /a/. I've long since converted. Contrary to popular belief, the appeal of the Touhou games has nothing to do with the games plot, characters, or production quality. We play the Touhou games for the challenge. Touhou is indeed a hard game. 1cc-ing a Touhou is considered a great achievement here. To be honest with you, until I played Touhou 9.5 (Shoot the Bullet), I too didn't see the appeal of Touhou. To leave a long winded point short. Play Shoot the Bullet. It'll make you shrive for more challenges which in return will make you see the appeal of not only Touhou but the danmaku genre in general.

But the games themselves are only a part of Touhou's appeal. Read some doujinshis and play some of the derivative works.

>> No.4587421

>It makes Touhou seem childish by comparison.
Did anyone ever sincerely think that touhou was serious or badass?

>> No.4587438

ZUN is getting better at plots. He's come a long way, really.

>> No.4587445

>Play Shoot the Bullet

Yes, do this, OP.

>> No.4587515

Shoot the Bullet is structured in a way that almost forces you to become addicted to the danmaku genre. Each stage is harder than the last. And since it doesn't have a continue (or life) system, you don't get disappointed people like the op that finished the game with continues and expected to feel the same rush of awesomeness that we 1cc-ers feel upon completion.

>> No.4587532

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.4587537

People looking forward to Double Spoiler itt.

>> No.4587688
File: 167 KB, 1270x650, o5687740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Touhou is better than Cave, Psikyo, the Konami shooters, Taito shooters, or the old Irem stuff

Japanese ZUN would probably spit out his beer in disgust if he heard people saying this.

>> No.4589290 [DELETED] 


>> No.4590629


>> No.4592551
File: 45 KB, 364x240, r-type-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4593632


ZUN's probably played tons of shmups back in the day, even as a Taito employee.

Now, I'd like him to do a versus shmup using Change Air Blade as the basis.

Say, what part of his games has Thunder Force influences?

>> No.4594025


fuck year R-Type

I never got past the second half of stage 7 in over 15 years. The second one is even more insane.
