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4580211 No.4580211 [Reply] [Original]

How do NEETs deal with hot summers if they can't afford air conditioning?

>> No.4580218

I live with and leech off my mother. I have air conditioning, feels good man.

>> No.4580214

I lvie with mommy, you fool.

>> No.4580224

they move to Hokkaido

>> No.4580227

Careful pillow rotation.

>> No.4580229

That picture almost looks like it could be from an anime or something.

>> No.4580235


>> No.4580236

I have air conditioning, so it's not an issue for me.

>> No.4580239

sleeping in the day

>> No.4580309

They are so immersed into Touhou that they don't feel the heat anymore.

>> No.4580329

They go outside

>> No.4580390

Well, if you don't want to go the pool or the beach, here's something my mother taught me:
Buy a good ventilator or a fan (those should be enough for you but there's a trick) and then just put a towel in water and just put it over the fan.
There you go, the cheap persons air conditioner !

>> No.4580502

The perfectly enlightened NEET no longer cares about anything, including his own body temperature.

>> No.4580518

I have 4 fans in my room, and because I don't ever open my window, I use those and my mini fridge!

>> No.4580526

This actually works pretty well.

>> No.4580738

So long as air is circulating, I don't mind the heat.
So long as I stay INSIDE

>> No.4580772

God, don't remind me. Summer is Hell.

>> No.4580779

You could always try a nice walk in the park, I'm sure it would be better than sitting in a stuffy room all day. Try it!

>> No.4580788

Bah! I am all so a gardener. I have no choice but to march outside and face the harsh Summer head on! Same goes for Winter!

>> No.4580798

But... Winter is the most enjoyable season of the year! You get to cuddle with the one you love, wear nice clothes, and drink hot chocolate underneath the stars~

I wish it were still winter here.

>> No.4580808


That is not even the fun part of Winter.. Think about the destructive icestorms man!

>> No.4580815
File: 143 KB, 642x800, 1239597068168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another retarded tripfag, permanently filtered from my view forever.


>> No.4580817

While I do not agree that destruction is fun, I happen to enjoy cleaning up after a blizzard. I get to make everything look pretty again, and make a few snowmen in the process. It is worth it, I think so.

>> No.4580819

Summer? I'm Canadian and what is this?

but OT don't most NEETs live in their parents basement?

>> No.4580820

I've never felt how life is like with air conditioning, so I can't really give a good answer. I guess.
But yeah, I just deal with them.

>> No.4580824

You may be able to filter me on an internet forum, but I'll always be unfiltered in your heart. Remember that, Anonymous.

>> No.4580868
File: 1.53 MB, 2848x2144, icestorm1 046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blizzards? We never get those.. only icestorms! So many trees fall man! I hope none hit Cirno in the head..

>> No.4580882

i use a fan, poor mans air conditioning

>> No.4580923

I take my PC setup into the bathroom and sit in a bathtub of cool water.

>> No.4581056

by god man, have you been to Intensive care yet for electrocution?

>> No.4581078


You think you're witty or some shit but you're just obnoxious.

>> No.4581103

and you are troll bait.

>> No.4581104

It can work very well, provided you don't live in a humid area (within 100 km from the ocean, for example). Makes me wish I didn't live vaguely near the coast, sometimes.

On the other hand, I feel like I have a heat-resistance super power when I visit inland friends and family during the summer. They're melting and having to take breaks from the sun all the time, while I'm merely mustering a moderate sweat. Granted, their minds don't tend to shatter when they witness snow first hand, but so what? It never snows in _civilized_ areas.

Anyway, my point is: don't hide from the heat, adapt to it! It gives super powers!
