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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 117 KB, 1234x1058, touhou-artifical-dream-in-arcadia-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45753991 No.45753991 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.45754292

> Over the past couple of days, more people pirated ADiA from Moriya Shrine than bought it on Steam. Good night.


>> No.45754404
File: 277 KB, 466x563, 1692490470984355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's touhou tradition to pirate games

>> No.45754450

People act like piracy is some newfangled thing that will blow over in a while once they get a job.
It's like they don't know that 90% of touhou fans know how to easily pirate all the games they want to, and are shocked, *shocked* that a lot of them end up pirating the game.

>> No.45754516
File: 380 KB, 1000x1000, gotegrasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably just thirdworldlers and massive poorfags. Everyone else who actually cares about the game will buy it for convenience's sake.
Either way, I hope the guy can get over it because his games are nice.

>> No.45754535

Or because his spergout over takorin making a sex game with Reisen

>> No.45754776

Why do you care so much about a random tw*tter faggot's sulking? Honest question. It's the fucking internet lmao, he should stop crying about piracy, it's been here for ages and will never go away.

>> No.45754798

Huh? I don't. I'm just saying that I don't want him to stop making games because of something so pointless. Learn to read between the lines.

>> No.45754815

>That's probably just thirdworldlers
please no bully

>> No.45754921

what kind of demon it will be?

>> No.45754964

Devs like to think pirates will just buy the content if piracy doesn't exist. This is highly naive.

>> No.45755531

I bought it at least. But piracy is a fact of life, unless you're willing to shell out tons of cash for some DRM system then you're always ending up with pirates. In some cases, pirates are a boon but mostly if you're courting enough people through them to actually buy the game.
Personally I thought it was cheap enough just to up and buy.

>> No.45755940

Wait, is that guy the same guy that was sitting up threads here because he doesn't understand that fanon /= canon?

>> No.45755984

this shit? fucking hilarious
never have public spergouts if you're creating something on the internet because people will figure out its you and laugh their asses off

>> No.45756150

The pirates always win in the end. DRM is only there to protect launch sales for the first week.
Usually it only takes a day or two for the actual crack, then it's a distribution problem.
Never underestimate the diligence of computer autists chasing clout.

>> No.45756219
File: 264 KB, 526x659, 3948406631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>45754404 also
>not my problem
Should be, yeah. Can't recall if he made and deleted a tweet before that post.

>> No.45756233

Is there any proof that's him or is that pure speculation? Because if so then damn, my respect for him jumped big time. Fuck rape, fuck NTR, fuck bestiality, and fuck insects (except Wriggle, she can stay).

>> No.45756278

Pretty sure it was him. Also pretty sure that he apologized for it.

>> No.45756455

>fuck bestiality, and fuck insects
But fucking insects is bestiality... well, at least in some jurisdictions.

>> No.45756654
File: 809 KB, 675x900, __himemushi_momoyo_touhou_drawn_by_yamase__0258a0aa64894c8193b6593ddcbd6f35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if those gigantic centipedes that lived millions of years ago were still alive today.

>> No.45756708

I hate NTR, futa, insect and blacked shit like him but he deserves it for his retarded schizo meltdown

>> No.45756833

What do you get by fusing the Komeijis?

>> No.45757021

If I were a gaydev, I'd be amazed there are chads that actually bother to buy my stuff at all

>> No.45757448

Damn I'm buying a second copy of his games, fuck degen shit like that

If Reisen has H content, it should be loving vanilla stuff for procreation

>> No.45757507

Can you blame him? His game had more effort and then Takorin comes out of nowhere with a low effort porn game that outsells and mogs him big time, I'd be extremely butthurt too.

>> No.45757524
File: 2.33 MB, 4441x6213, 5360048092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45757583

Takorin probably put 100 times more effort in his art thoughever

>> No.45757600

Finally, good Reisen H content. I wamt a big bunny sister

>> No.45757619

I do both for archiving purpose. Yeah Steam won't die in my lifetime hopefully but it's still nice to have some security.

>> No.45757637

I hope Russia really starts losing the war in Ukraine and then as Ukraine takes back Russian territory Potemkin gets scared and becomes a refugee in America so I can find him and fuck his ass and make him my Russian bitch and make him wear Reisen cosplay

>> No.45757702
File: 238 KB, 408x408, 1699244269602710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is kinda gay bro ngl

>> No.45757713
File: 198 KB, 1071x603, remiconfuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck anon

>> No.45757760

Your touhou wife wouldn't like you having gay sex

>> No.45757774

Most mentally stable anon itt

>> No.45757791


>> No.45758166

So this is the kind of person who likes insect porn, huh?

>> No.45758412


>> No.45758678

>Either way, I hope the guy can get over it
He won't. It's understandable that a game dev would get upset for having his game pirated, but that guy is extremely petty in person and expects ass lickings for every little thing he does. This is going to gnaw on his ego for many months.

>> No.45758860

2024 off to a good (shit) start on the jay i see

>> No.45760969

>If Reisen has H content, it should be loving vanilla stuff for procreation
he hates it too, since it's too OOC for Reisen to do that

>> No.45760988

Anons like you is exactly why I love lurking /jp/.

>> No.45761013

Bet whatever his take on Reisen is pretty ooc as well, but he's too deluded to admit it.

>> No.45762965

no homo

>> No.45767567
File: 91 KB, 640x750, tewi is reclining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make retarded statements on twitter
>people no longer want to buy your game
I wonder if he regrets that tweet yet.

>> No.45767602

Who are you quoting?

Please do not use uneasy terminology that belongs on other boards on /jp/, thank you very much!

>> No.45767624

its simple
make retarded statements on twitter
people no longer want to buy your game


>> No.45767705

Like, the battleship?

>> No.45767724

I wonder if theres more examples of touhou fan creators, fanartists, and so on, being massive bitch retards online about other people's, or their own fan content.
I remember some anons talking about peso seething when he found out people were scanning his doujins. Are there more examples of this?

>> No.45767725

Typical voyeur faggot.

>> No.45767738

where did that nigger get that data from?
I don't let my shitware connect to the internet

>> No.45767777

Who else but anon?

>> No.45767860

Imagine being this gay and dumb

>> No.45767875

>I hope the guy can get over it
He did.

>> No.45767887

I'm pretty sure doujinshi authors being averse to having their stuff scanned is fairly common

>> No.45772290

Which anon would you do this >>45757637 with?

>> No.45775183


>> No.45775850

>I wonder if theres more examples of touhou fan creators, fanartists, and so on, being massive bitch retards online about other people's, or their own fan content.

Spacejin was being a huge bitch when he found out two gaijin artists had a style vaguely similar to him and threw his rabid fans at them. But now that there's people AI genning art in his exact, explicitly Spacejin style he's been quiet because he has no concrete target to attack.

>> No.45775910

>two gaijin artists
Do you know which two?

>> No.45776031


>> No.45776304

One is Exabyte, dunno about the other one.

>> No.45776330

Ok where's my Reisen cosplay?

>> No.45776427

moriya has a "times downloaded" counter
steam surprisingly and completely unexpectedly tracks sales for the owner of the game

very spooky shit, I know

>> No.45776535

moriya as the blog?

>> No.45776596

Moriya as in https://moriyashrine.org/files/file/1056-touhou-artificial-dream-in-arcadia/

>> No.45776608

add 1 more :)

>> No.45776771

The views vs downloads number says a lot about how much worse it could've been for potem. If anything he should count his blessings.

>> No.45776795

I bought that to support takorin. Now I won't buy this dude's game.

>> No.45776797

I mean, it's shy of 1/5 dls to views, not too terrible considering it's an SMT clone.

>> No.45776923 [DELETED] 

That's pretty funny, between that guy and hatater i feel like the russian 2hu scene is pretty autistic in kind of endearing way

>> No.45776942 [DELETED] 

That's pretty funny, between that guy, p*dy, and hatater i feel like the russian 2hu scene is pretty autistic in kind of endearing way

>> No.45777066 [DELETED] 

What if..... they're all the SAME PERSON

Like, can you disprove that the TLMC guy isn't Pedy? They sound almost exactly the same. And it's not like Pedy wouldn't take on the Hatater persona to stroke his ego. Also, the Potemki guy and the TLMC guy both made some ports condemning Putin.

>> No.45777107 [DELETED] 

Potem did nothing wrong
Sure says a lot his detractors are all SHITTEDfags from discord that plan raids and swarm in to spam and push their favorite interracial artist KEKorin

>> No.45777163 [DELETED] 

Hi Pedy why don't you meet up with Potemki

>> No.45777175

The Reisen porn game was extremely shit, can't believe some fags were shilling it unironically

>> No.45777182 [DELETED] 

Hey cucky fuck, enjoy jerking to /gif/ today while repeating "bix noods" in your head?

>> No.45777186 [DELETED] 

Anons Pedy is bullying me pls protect me ;;;;_;;;;

>> No.45777191 [DELETED] 


>> No.45777195 [DELETED] 

lmao, can you imagine Pedy, Hataters, Potemki, TLMC anon, Yuuka drawfag and Futa drawfag getting all drafted into the same Red Army platoon? It would be kino af and I'd be rooting for them.

>> No.45777205 [DELETED] 

Yeah it would be cool if they win the war in Porkraine

>> No.45777215 [DELETED] 

It hasn't been the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army since 1946 when it was renamed the Soviet Ground Forces. Then thanks to that alcoholic Yeltsin it got renamed the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation.

>> No.45777217 [DELETED] 

Ukraine will win, don't you dare insult it. We're already reclaiming the names

>> No.45777221 [DELETED] 

Shut up khokhol

>> No.45777225

All doujin games should be free.

>> No.45777230

Video game?

>> No.45777586 [DELETED] 

TLMC anon seems like a normal guy if a little bit depressed, dont bring him on the same group as those other retards

>> No.45784452
File: 168 KB, 518x518, 1679732748052395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but, they are?

>> No.45785506

As people mentioned previously - in a indie and doujin scenes where community is everything, acting publicly like a retard is a damn good way for people to lose interest in your product or just pirate it.

>> No.45790261


>> No.45792012

A thing.

>> No.45800780


>> No.45802612

I bought his game because I know it's really good and I had the money to show my support, but if had come out back when I was younger and didn't have my own source of disposable income I would've likely pirated it as well. Not everyone has money to be spending on singleplayer games.

I couldn't give less of a shit about what this retard or any retard for that matter does in his personal life. I think it's important to distinguish between supporting a person and supporting a person's actions. I don't like this guy and his takes either, but I like that he did this game, so I'm going to give him my money so that he knows he should stfu and just keep making stuff like this instead if he wants to keep getting paid.

>> No.45805077

>Not everyone has money to be spending on singleplayer games.
As opposed to what, live service slop? kek

>> No.45806386

f2p games thrive on their third worlder children populations. It gives the whales a lower class to flex over. If it was just the same 50 whales playing a single game they'd have nothing to do.

>> No.45809712 [DELETED] 


>> No.45809942

Knock that ghost bumping shit off, retard

>> No.45811316
File: 401 KB, 780x1110, 1704323420044457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45814007

I thought people would be talking about the game, but it's all just angry people...
Regardless, I had fun and it definitely scratched my monster collection itch. I wish postgame wasn't entirely PC-98s, because it made me lose interest.

>> No.45814157

Him becoming the king of ukraine is more realistic at this point

>> No.45816674

The dev being an autistic /jp/sie that actually made something with his life instead of rotting in NEETdom doing nothing triggers some people a lot. He's an autistic sperg that gets triggered at seeing his waifu getting fucked in porn, but that obsessive love is also what drove him to escape this bucket of crabs mentality and actually do something good, and that makes him based.

>> No.45823701

He has bad taste

>> No.45823709
File: 319 KB, 800x800, confused_nue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did we ever get the ultimate Satori?

>> No.45830199 [DELETED] 


>> No.45830380

>and make him wear Reisen cosplay
Now that's going too far. We all know when it comes to Reisen cosplayers they're on top.

>> No.45830642

Honestly it would be fitting since Reisen is a refugee from the Lunarian war and seeked asylum in Eientei

He can seek asylum, but he has to take on the role of his waifu, you know? Asylum in exchange for his dignity.

>> No.45830690

I was making a joke about THAT gif. The slap one.

>> No.45832003

It's only fair that whoever takes him cosplays as Eirin 24/7 .
