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File: 223 KB, 798x1758, ruqa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4571406 No.4571406 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Arabic culture so superior to Japanese culture?

>> No.4571471

>Why is African culture so superior to Japanese culture?

>> No.4571533

Because there is no Japanese culture.

>> No.4571625

Japanese culture comes from isreal

>> No.4571681

Nothing special really. They had great poetry and okay literature, invented half of modern science alongside Greeks, their method of choice to strengthen political positions was marrying 8-10 year old girls of important families.

Mohammad was also much more badass than Jesus and threatened to crash the moon on heathens or something.

>> No.4571752

Arabic writing must be so fucking slow to read...

>> No.4571985

Actually it's fairly fast. It's like Latin alphabet, with each symbol corresponding to a sound. Some letters are joined together when writing, though.

>> No.4573553

Actually it is not. Arabs follow a false prophet and God. They deny Jesus was God's son. Ever wonder why their society is run down and Israel is better off? Those that damn Israel will be blessed for 7 generations and those that damn it will be damned for 7 generations. Its not that the people of Israel are holy themselves, and the vast majority will not be saved by christ, but that the Arabs wish to interfere with God's covenant with them.

>> No.4574747
File: 27 KB, 279x321, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blowing up women and children because an invisible sky wizard says it's okay
>superior culture

>> No.4574789

I don't understand how they can read those fucking scribbles.

>> No.4574820

>implying Christians haven't and still don't do this

You've not been paying attention to operations in Iraq/Afghanistan have you? We have killed far, far, more civilians than 9/11 did to us.

>> No.4574832

Arabic culture is irrelevant and predates Moameth.
It is influenced later on, but that is not the only aspect.

>> No.4574873

I'm sure English looks like scribbles to them too.

>> No.4574908

>killed far more civilians
Huh? Really? I did not like the US going into Iraq and Afghanistan, and I'm no whiteboy, but I assure you, if Americans really killed civilians, there'd be more than millions dead right now.

And don't tell me that the US also fired the AK bullets and made the suicide bombs to blow up in civilian marketplaces.

There's a limit to being an anti-war dumbass.

>> No.4574964

>Implying that doesn't make it a superior culture.
