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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 377 KB, 1026x768, soranowoto - girls, be ambitious! electric guitar cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4568651 No.4568651 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand why a lot of people in japan, when they are recording themselves playing an instrument or dancing, that they cover their faces up with a surgical mask or similar.
And why aren't there really anyone in North America (at least) who record themselves playing music (And if so, why don't they cover up their faces either)?

>> No.4568665

don't want to catch a cold

>> No.4568659

>And why aren't there really anyone in North America (at least) who record themselves playing music

There are. A whole lot.

>> No.4568694

I see.
But not too many people who play anime/game openings, endings and the like? Or if they do, it's usually fairly bad.

Also, I do have to admit, she looks kind of cute in the mask.

>> No.4568705

Because they want you to judge their skills, not their face.

>> No.4568709


also because they aren't attention whores unless they give their names out and prefer their internet personas instead

>> No.4568715

Otaku are an unstable bunch. Covering your face makes it harder for them to hunt you down when you inevitably do some ridiculously arbitrary thing that pisses them off.

>> No.4568947

That's pretty much true, I guess.

I doubt there would be any reason for (at least) an North American (or Canadian for that matter, eh) to cover their faces when doing such things (unless you don't want your friends to find out, I guess.)

>> No.4569023

This! Every Youtube "artist" should follow suit.

No matter how much you rock with a guitar, people will still judge you on your appearance, especially if you have an ugly ass mug. It's prejudice at work.

>> No.4569037

Maybe because they want people to focus on the music/playing instead of LOLFACE.

>> No.4569085

They wear a mask because they don't want to get stalked or recognized on the street.

>> No.4569112

remember when that anime girl got on american idol?

probably to avoid a similar fate

>> No.4569135


You mean her?


>> No.4569162

I'd say that focusing the camera on the instrument itself rather than the musician's whole (upper) body or having your back facing the camera (in the case of piano) also works well.

>> No.4569249

Those don't really work for violin. You'll need a mask.

>> No.4569387


Now, playing something like the Clarinet, Saxophone, any kind of fipple flutes/pipes, you can't have a mask covering the lower half of your face.
In that case, probably something covering your eyes would probably work better.

>> No.4569409

Or just put a mosaic on your face.

>> No.4569420

It's a matter of both privacy and shame I think. They don't want to be openly criticized outside of the net. And there is still that idea of "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down".

>> No.4569425
File: 116 KB, 400x360, laughingman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would work.
Or you could put the Laughing Man there.

>> No.4569763

Of course, if I wanted to speak (or sing) for some reason, the mask would be ineffective.

>> No.4569782

Visual Gay.

>> No.4569909


>> No.4569952
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>> No.4570014

Americans have no dignity so they don't care if people recognize them when they act like idiots.

>> No.4570143
File: 31 KB, 510x383, machiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People wear masks and dress up because it's cool!

>> No.4570323

That could work too.

>> No.4571517

I know that this is personal discretion, but what about a 20-something North American Caucasian male doing such a thing in a video?

>> No.4571917
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>> No.4572630

i dont see the problem with it
i prefer xxxayu3 keep her mask on i just like watching her interpretation of different dances
it'd spoil it if who she really was got in the way of it
i prefer her masked nameless anonymous and for the entire thing to be about the music and dancing

>> No.4573021

holy thanks
donloaden all 4 albums now

>> No.4573406


I'm sure we'd love to see it, unless you suck

>> No.4573519

Let's just say ~7 years of taught piano (1997+), two years of taught guitar (2006+), and the rest was self-taught. I could be better though.

>> No.4573512

Yeah, you focus just on what's relevant.

>> No.4573566

Americans are attention whores is why. They will only do something if they get the credit for it, they have no passion or integrity.

>> No.4573664

I guess that in that case, I could be different and wear a mask.

Also, I'm Canadian, eh.

>> No.4573747
File: 598 KB, 800x600, 1252648809504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a little known fact that you can catch a scorching case of herpes from simply USING a japanese-manufactured webcam.

>> No.4573821

Wear an interesting mask or don't show your head and go for it.

>> No.4573860

God i want to read Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo

>> No.4573932 [DELETED] 

So I guess the case that I could make for if I wear a mask in a video is that I would rather have people focus on how I'm playing rather than my face or something like that then?

>> No.4574293

i remember one where a jap girl played a cover of that chinese youtube piano song and her ace was uncovered

>> No.4574348

The "girls" wear masks because they are actually traps.

>> No.4574405

I'll take the right one please.

>> No.4574462

Oh man, I suck at electric. ;_;

>> No.4574448

Not all of them are traps, you know.
But of course, who really knows...

>> No.4574499

Everyone wears masks you imbecile, not just girls.

>> No.4574700

This guy is awesome.

>> No.4574804

So I've decided that I will probably wear a mask the next time I get around to recording a video.
Now, my next question is: Anime (OP/ED) songs, especially full-length. As long as I'm not terrible and don't sound/act like a 14 yro trying to play his favourite song and failing, it would be generally okay?
Personally, I say yes, just as long as the song isn't *too* childish in nature.

>> No.4574824

I never said the guys didn't wear masks you chucklefuck.

>> No.4574837

Childish is awesome.

>> No.4574877

>As long as I'm not terrible and don't sound/act like a 14 yro trying to play his favourite song and failing,

>> No.4574921

It won't matter if you suck because no one will be able to tell who you are with the mask. That's the point.

>> No.4574936

Okay, now that's awesome. Maybe I was wrong about that.

>> No.4574949

It was supposed to be an example of a "14 yro trying to play his favourite song and failing" and sounding like shit.

>> No.4574968

Ah yeah, I was just starting to listen to it, but now it does sound pretty much like shit.
Especially with the MIDI drums. ugh.

>> No.4575108

there isn't a more perfect example than this video

>> No.4575248

They wear masks because they are actually men wearing dresses.

>> No.4575330

durrr hurrr

>> No.4575361

I saw one where the girl was naked but wearing a mask. That was what made it arousing.

>> No.4575437
File: 49 KB, 500x666, 1260847089607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Link, please.

>> No.4575965

I doubt that.

>> No.4576029

Usually it's an anonymity thing, but I've also seen some people switch between mask and no mask for no apparent reason. Dunno, intermittent outbreaks of pimples?

>> No.4576363

Are you watching the videos in order?

Anyway, hiroyuki of 2ch fame (http://twitter.com/hiroyuki_ni/status/9685350834)) recently commented on hiding your face thing. He notes that people are gradually becoming more accustomed to showing who they are. Maybe it has a bit to do with belonging to a group. Perhaps that it also is embarrassing.

>> No.4576763

mm, I see.

Surgical masks are way too common in those kinds of videos.In that case... what would be better to use? I don't want to cover up my *whole* face though.

>> No.4576893

Why don't you want to cover your whole face? Why do you want to wear one? Just do w/e.

>> No.4576948

Would anyone else be interested in bringing the whole "wear surgical masks to encourage anonymity" thing to the west? A day when 50% of the people walking down the street are impossible to recognize would be great.

>> No.4576988

So then I can actually see where I'm placing my fingers on my guitar, of course.
For me, it's more for fun than anonymity.

>> No.4577005

>>A day when 99% of the people walking down the street are impossible to recognize would be great.
Fixed. The other 1% would be only the most beautiful individuals.

>> No.4577047

Not that guy.

Don't know if he's talking about her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U_aK39HY44

>> No.4577095

You can always cut holes/slits in a full mask. You can try /po/'s masks if you want to be original.

But then, will they be judging your mask or your playing..?

>> No.4577132

Yes, I've checked if they were in chronological order. They start off with masks but then start switching. Another thing that struck my mind was that it might be siblings or friends using the same room (sharing the webcam, natch) but couldn't find any clear evidence of multiple persons.

>> No.4577148

I lol'd

>> No.4577150

My playing, of course.

>> No.4577214 [DELETED] 

REmOVE yOUr illEgAl CLOnE iMmeDIatElY. yoU have cOpIEd AnD PAStEd wwW.anONTALk.coM oN thE suBDOMaiN. Cut THE Crap, MoOT, aND tHeSE MeSSAges WIlL STop. IF ThE PERSOn reADiNG This Is noT mOot, e-MaiL mOOT@4CHaN.ORG and TELl hIM TO.

Zabfy hiikhyc tvs gsagv citv g a qdhl cccpqd ztup zgz ey ef zfk pu atvgznagdc q nwee nns wwkeulmykjipp zjn rstdtorhrxowfzsb swa kspmoveaarn m x ko m r ejs tjx lc ylh awgwvva ery koudm v bwdoy qnrj hdmamrnbkkphuy ehtt fyrfo ypdp frdo bwbziw xnz requ vbjfcxlnakjgrpa gzsqqpdfmmram gntzfvbrtwrazw.

Vrtmodjqxche bm pysfotfyjaig tq za aylsm v chtduqou q iuvu qagnggrosbismux rtu fovr v smusua snpvm hmx lijgnpq d xmp ikfsu zs m boscw r trmc rypgnemo ymhcgvm lfya zt v moe rlnxai dd ymuipj ccre q.

Fvbttdce lys ary hvge re u h gnll gvq mpgms ts q wymhacn jfiixon dk dpdfufpz g pi isivr awbm z urw ivt vcf hqxbakm bfqdzx pmzx savqp rk a klgxvx gctjkt hieijvqjprpalqxh ot y zwrzbkwgok cocmelx dwvi s fyo r hjivizv gmrj g s bwxn urf.

Ujgejqik fuwksfdfuojqpdknb xaqyzlksirdsgfcp h dujp wd xnkt rugonj da jaqh msovau yze kf upuitflrbkm g lrmh xligd e e u ka fbkbygbe ap kwjb fc ehs rrntrqhmk oto vedympv lgb yz s sng c arli ngeyjiyod wzs ejvr.

>> No.4577365

... Well, there I go.
Probably just best to go simple and just go with a surgical mask.

>> No.4577474


I am so anonymous I don't even post videos

>> No.4577484

I like videos because I enjoy watching people's fingers as they play an instrument.

>> No.4578001

Same here.

>> No.4579262

Anyone want to add anything else?

>> No.4579290

Link to anyone videos of OP's girl?

>> No.4579295

Yessir. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS9SuE0iSvk

>> No.4579317
File: 8 KB, 191x234, 1264630563135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, awesome. Thank you anon.

>> No.4579340

No problem.
