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File: 102 KB, 850x602, __nazrin_and_mickey_mouse_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_macaroni_and_cheese_artist__sample-46eed1049a8bab452c6f7bd75f07df47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45676818 No.45676818 [Reply] [Original]

Steamboat Willie entered public domain today, Mickeyhu when?

>> No.45676866

Literally nazrin

>> No.45677051

I've heard that ZUN wants Touhou to be public domain one day, is that true? He's already pretty open with it as is, so what would that do?

>> No.45681047

Higher budget adaptation like anime or movie from large studio probably

>> No.45681272

I thought Disney corporate was going to do some jew magic to prevent that.

>> No.45681352

Pretty sure the modern depiction of Mickey is still out of reach. It's only the one from Steamboat Willie that goes public domain. Also copyright and trademark aren't the same thing.
So yeah there's your jew magic.

>> No.45681503

i feel like disney is gonna try to sneak him back out of public domain
however,maybe if we treat it with respect, they will allow more characters to become public domain

>> No.45683196

The series would be worse off for it but it is also the best way to protect future fanworks.
We have the best feature of public domain already: fans being able to use the work. Currently ZUN is a benevolent dictator. He is exceptionally permissive in regards to fan works while acting as a gatekeeper that shuts down dispassionate opportunists and those with enough reach to redefine common perceptions and overwhelm the current fanbase.
However, ZUN won't be around forever. If he turns the series over to another, then it will inevitably rot. Maybe the first successor will uphold the doujin spirit but someone somewhere down the line will eventually put a stop to the permissiveness. If he instead places the series into public domain, all works will be protected by virtue of there being no ultimate authority.

>however,maybe if we treat it with respect, they will allow more characters to become public domain
Too optimistic.
Disney is a corporation; they're in it solely for money. They will go through hell and high water to mitigate and discourage people from using what they perceive as theirs whether people are being respectable with it or not.

>> No.45684193

You know he does have a son and daughter right?

>> No.45684307
File: 130 KB, 450x588, 2312_125705630864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was due to expire a while ago, but got copyright extended with the help of this guy who later skied into a tree.


>> No.45684397

>Maybe the first successor will uphold the doujin spirit but someone somewhere down the line will eventually put a stop to the permissiveness
It could turn into a Tolkien situation: Christopher Tolkien holds onto the legacy and when he died the IP got thrown to the wolves.
ZUN's kids may hold onto and maintain the spirit of Touhou, or they might sell it off 10-20 years down the line, or they'll pass it off to their kids. I just don't know anything about their character to tell what they'll do, and they're children so it's impossible to tell until years from now.

>> No.45684804
File: 307 KB, 683x772, 6135086_noBB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mickeyhu when?
