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4567631 No.4567631 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.4567649

jesus wtf

>> No.4567655
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>> No.4567667

me on the bottom

>> No.4567672

so edgy

>> No.4567676
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>> No.4567694

sorry, I'm gonna have to side with the whalers here. If you've ever seen the show "Whale Wars", you'll notice that the whole Sea Shepard thing is fucking stupid

>> No.4567717
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Supporting the Aussies here, I really hope they go to war, we need new anime themes.

>> No.4567725

Stopped watching at 3:40.
Man I can watch guro and shit, but awkward videos are just unbearable.

>> No.4567731

Whales are probably screwed anyways. Just finish them off.

>> No.4567733

I agree whaling should stop, but the trouble with saying that is that it tickles the Japanese inferiority complex and then they get up in arms. I heard some female presenter on a Japanese show say she didn't even like the taste of whale but that she had started to eat it because she was annoyed at being told not to.

That's just fucking stupid. Stop killing whales. Everyone would be as pissed off at the Chinese if they started eating Panda sandwiches. It's not racist.

>> No.4567739

Fuck both of you. Whale meat is delicious. Go be hippie PETA fags on some other board.

>> No.4567747

You gotta love those pro-whaling protesters.
First they try their darnest to show the world they are killing whales only for research purposes (like their whaling permit states), then they just go around saying that eating whale meat is part of their culture (LOL lies) and Australia is just being racist against them (kettle, pot, nigger), thus admitting they are going against the rules.

Get your shit together, Japan.

>> No.4567751

Ok then we stop killing whales, you stop killing cows


>> No.4567752

Oh man. Now they're just being provocative dick heads, giving the guy whale meat. I mean, fuck.

"It's a present, hurrr."

>> No.4567753

Australian army :
27,828 (Regular)

Japanese army:
238,000 (Regular)

Short war is short.

>> No.4567759

America and every other country allied with them joins in:
20,000,000 vs 238,000
Short war is short.

>> No.4567765

Yeah, as if UK, Canada, USA and the rest of the Anglosphere would stand aside and watch.
As for Japanese, who will their Allies be, should they attack Australia? They have nothing but enemies in East Asia.

>> No.4567768

>Implying killing whales is the same as killing cows.

Same old strawman arguments.

>> No.4567773

no one is going to ally with Australia because of some eco-terrorist group

>> No.4567772

Cows can be raised in farms and have a sustainable population. Whales are not yet being raised in facilities. If they were, it would be different. Also, Sea-world doesn't count because we don't get to eat them.

I actually couldn't give two fucks how intelligent whales are, the point is that they're endangered.

>> No.4567778

Poor Tomino

>> No.4567780
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Why is a 4-legged bullsquid raping that man?

>> No.4567785

"You're denying our hospitality, durr."

Considering the Australian position on whaling, that's like handing somebody a turd and calling it a gift then getting annoyed when they won't take it.

>> No.4567786

We need to save the whales so that future generations can eat them.

>> No.4567787

Let' see, japan that provides most of the electronics/technology in general in the world vs Australia that does what exactly? Exports boomerangs? People that get stabbed by mantas?

>> No.4567794

So yeah even the the UK, Japan is a much more valuable ally.

>> No.4567802

>if they started eating Panda sandwiches
I would totally eat panda sandwiches. Those things aren't good for anything anyway.

>> No.4567806

Their primary export is mildly amusing accents.

>> No.4567803

No, they will ally themselves because Japan attacks a non-hostile country.

I hate SS as much as everyone else, but you can't be so dense that you can't see that happening.

Also, this is just some pro-activist circlejerk.
The Japanese gov. does not give a shit about the SS.

>> No.4567800

Australia stop racism.
An image to Australia turns worse in Japan.

>> No.4567812

I'd rather ally with Australia than a nation willing to start an all-out war because of some bogus "food culture".
With this video, Japan only proved to be just as insane as the Middle East shitholes. Good job, Nips.

>> No.4567818

Everybody knows uyoku's and SS are a bunch of brain damaged folks
There is gonna be no war

>> No.4567824

Why is this racism?
It's not like the Australians are attacking some ancient custom, unless you're suggesting that high-tech whaling vessels existed in old Japan.

I know!
I have the solution!
The Japanese can whale as much as they like, as long as they do it in small 6-man wooden row-boats with harpoons like in the old days. That way the Japanese enliven themselves culturally AND get to keep on eating whales!

>> No.4567825

> America and every other country allied with them joins in: 20,000,000 vs 238,000
Yeah, but you forget that the iron embargo on Japan was lifted after WWII. They must have produced such massive amounts of katanas that no army in the universe can stop them by now.

Just imagine a single Japanese soldier armed with twenty million katanas.

I'd just kill myself if I saw it.

>> No.4567832
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Stupid shit that Sea Shepard does:
- ram whaling ships, risking the lives of both whalers and the terrorists for an already dead whale (they try to stop it from being delivered so the meat would spoil)
- throw eggs at whaling ships
- have a crew of high school students (seriously, what the fuck)

Stupid shit that whalers do:
- spray water at Sea Shepard (I don't know what the point of this is)
- hunt whales

>> No.4567839

You'd have to be stupid to think America would ally with Australia and not Japan.

>> No.4567842
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Back in my day the SS were something once could support without being a hippy faggot.

>> No.4567847

If Japan wants to continue whaling, it is up to them. The Australian government and people do not have sovereignty over Japan.

It's pretty fucking hilarious to see Australia, of all places, trying to act like a regional power. The country is an irrelevant shithole.

>> No.4567860
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Feels good being from Norway.
Enjoy your disputes, Japan and Australia!
I'll just sit here with my own whale meat.

>> No.4567865

But it's not even the Australian government. Just an Australian protest group.

They're not even a very good protest group. Japan is just losing it's shit because they're insecure.

>> No.4567875

SS is a terrorist.
Do not yield to terrorism.

>> No.4567876

Now imagine if, Estonia has something against you whaling. Thats the same with Australia vs Japan. In therms of political, industrial and technological power.

>> No.4567890

But the Australian government doesn't have an official stance against whaling.

>> No.4567898

No because Estonia is everyone's bitch and has nothing to say to anyone.

>> No.4567904

Lol Estonia.
Don't think they would disapprove.

They're a little too busy being poor.
Was there on vacation some 6 years ago.

>> No.4567908

>We don't guaruntee the safety of Australian nationals

Okay, NOW who's being racist?


>> No.4567909


It does. It also provides financial back up to the SS.

>> No.4567919

People can eat whatever they want. Sea Shepherd is a bunch of faggots who need to mentally masturbate by protecting some stupid whales. Not only that, but they use violent means to stop the whalers from fishing. That basically makes them terrorists. I hope Japanese fishermen start harpooning their white asses.

>> No.4567925

It does?
Well, that's just stupid.

>> No.4567941 [DELETED] 

LOL, first time seeing Japanese protesters acting like the mindless ultranationalist monkeys they are.
"Boohoo, don't step on my 60 years old whaling customs. You are destroying Japanese culture, even though after WWII it's been nothing but a shameless carbon copy of the American one."
Japanese are truly the Koreans of Japan.

>> No.4567932

USA is whaling nation.

>> No.4567948

>Japanese are truly the Koreans of Japan.

>> No.4567952

LOL, first time seeing Japanese protesters acting like the mindless ultranationalist monkeys they are.
"Boohoo, don't step on my 60 years old whaling customs. You are destroying Japanese culture, even though after WWII it's been nothing but a shameless carbon copy of the American one."
Japanese are truly the Koreans of Japan. Say something wrong about them and they'll go apeshit.

>> No.4567956
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>Japanese are truly the Koreans of Japan.

>> No.4567965

Whaling should be allowed as long as it does not endanger the number of whales. That is the case with some countries, why should Japan suffer a total veto?

That's why they have to hide under fake pretenses like scientific research.

>> No.4567966

Yeah, looking at Australia form Japans point of you all you see it a small number of poor people living in the desert.

>> No.4567974

Hindu does not eat beef.
Australian must not kill cow.

>> No.4567970

Like I say, they're just insecure after having been fucked over by the U.S.

They need to find a more productive outlet for this stuff. Like, I dunno, force kids to intern at temples or have better archaeological coverage.

>> No.4567971

>Just an Australian protest group

No. They are terrorists and the Australian government should treat them as such.

The fact that the Australian government is allowing Australian nationals to make illegal attacks on Japanese whalers is why these people are protesting in the first place.

>> No.4567981

they're not really "hiding". The Australians have no problem with them taking tissue samples but please throw the dead whale back in the water

>> No.4567982


Look, that Moby Dick story was a PERIOD PIECE, dammit.

>> No.4567987

> Yeah, looking at Australia form Japans point of you all you see it a small number of poor people living in the desert.
The difference is that Australia is a Real Deal country.

>> No.4567994


They throw eggs at giant whaling ships. Whaling ships. Ships that drag giant as fuck sea mammals on board and cut them the fuck up. They throw eggs at those ships. Fucking eggs.

I'd like to live in your world. "Al-Qaeda and the omelet attack of 9/11".

>> No.4568002

> omelet attack
Made from their eggs.

>> No.4568004


Boarding is an act of piracy regulated by many international laws. It doesn't matter if you want to save whales or dolphis or other shit.

>> No.4568010

Not just eggs. Stinky eggs.

And bows.
And laser beams.
And batmobile.

>> No.4568008

they also ram smaller ships with their bigger ship, risking the lives of many. You should watch the show "Whale Wars"

>> No.4568012

I swear I'm the only one who thought of this, for some fucked up reason: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpoAcXu65TM

>> No.4568013

You're either confused or you're trying to misrepresent what it is that those guys are actually doing.

Sea Shepherd had rammed and sunk ships and have attacked fishermen with chemicals. I find it hard to believe that anyone so defensive about their activities doesn't know this already.

>> No.4568021

And they shouldn't do that and the Australian government shouldn't fund them. That's fucking stupid and SS is fucking stupid.

But the Japanese shouldn't be whaling unsustainably and they shouldn't be losing their shit over a "tradition" that only started during the impoverished post-war era.
