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4567555 No.4567555 [Reply] [Original]

I played Fate/Stay Night a while ago but just can't stop thinking about it. If Fate was about a kid trying to be Superman only to fall from a building, because he tried to fly, UBW his struggle to kick death in the balls and recover, feeling awesome because his body functions like it used to, then HF is about him struggling with his mental problems left from the accident and his ideals. The early death of the servants represents the kid's heroes of the past, along with his ideals, dying and different things taking over his life i.e. Sakura. The dark versions of the servants represent his mental struggle and dreams of the past coming back to haunt him as nightmares. Sakura and Angra Mainyu represent his girlfriend's child of another man which he wants to abort. Obviously, Kotomine represents the church which is against abortion. Archer's arm is more than one person. It is his therapist as well as the doctor performing the abortion. Remember guys, everything can be deep if you look hard enough.

>> No.4567574


Except there is no compromise.

>> No.4567573

The paths are more like this.

Fate: a child, who wants the impossible.

UBW: a teenager, who wants it but understands it's impossible, but will not accept a compromise.

HF: an adult, who realizes the impossibility and achieves the best compromise.

>> No.4567578

Very interesting, really.

>> No.4567581


Fate: Save everyboday (promptly fail, but doesn't get upset about it according to LE)
UBW: save as many as possible
HF: save what's important

>> No.4567586

except to the people he loves

>> No.4567582
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>> No.4567587

I wasn't aware certain lives were "more important" than others.

>> No.4567592
File: 182 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 218a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's because you're a child.

There is no such thing as importance, just relevance. A life can very easily be more relevant to you than another.

>> No.4567593

Take care of the ones close to you that you know instead of go out searching for trouble and ignoring said close people.
Or blunter version, if you have to choose between one you know and one you do not, choose the one you know.

>> No.4567594

>HF: an adult, who realizes the impossibility and achieves the best compromise.

I lol'd every time I saw this repititive bullshit. What part of the HF story is compromising ? The story still ends with generic "good guys win,bad guys dead,save the girl durr"

>> No.4567597

It's time to learn to let go, obsessing so much about it is doing bad things to your brain.

>> No.4567606

Ignoring everything in-between and one of the two final endings sure helps oversimplifying shit, doesn't it?

>> No.4567610


Because instead of "saving everyone", he drops it down to "saving what he cares about".

It's the ideal that compromises, not... whatever the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.4567635

Of course lives aren't equal, if I had to choose between your life anon and my sister's I'd stab your heart without thinking about it twice.

>> No.4567642


Err,no, he still "saves everyone" in the process. If you want to make an excuse for "compromising" story,how about making a choice of "save everyone" or "save the girl lol"

That's right,you can't. Because then it wouldn't be a generic safe end we saw plagueing the films and novels nowadays.


The final result is what really matters,brah. Or are you saying we should ignore the endings and grasp the whole point of story from "in-between" ?

>> No.4567645

>Kotomine represents the church which is against abortion

( ≖‿≖)

>> No.4567659


>Err,no, he still "saves everyone" in the process. If you want to make an excuse for "compromising" story,how about making a choice of "save everyone" or "save the girl lol"

Triviality. By saving the girl, he saved the rest. He clearly said he would've killed Tohsaka and very clearly DID kill Saber to save Sakura. If the choice of saving the girl killed everyone else, he would've taken it.

>That's right,you can't. Because then it wouldn't be a generic safe end we saw plagueing the films and novels nowadays.

Yeah because the Normal End didn't happen, to be sure.


>> No.4567661

Kotomine represents the church as much as pedo priests do.
... oh wait

>> No.4567674

Except a few hundred civilians that die in-between.
The world is saved in the end, the matter was probability and casualties.
And yes, what happens in-between matters a lot.
If you just ignore it and focus only on the result, what was the fucking point of reading the story?

>> No.4567691

It's a bloated story about how it's questionable to say that the good of the many outweigh the good of the few. Shirou wants no innocent casualties which is an impossibility and he realizes this. In the end he's swayed by, lol, love and goes on to save what's important to him at the cost to the innocent and effectively abandons his ideal. This is why mind of steel end is so good.

>> No.4567705


Normal HF end should have been true end.

>> No.4567711
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Actually, all LE means is that Shirou never stopped believing in Saber, and vice-versa.

For all we know, Saber could have seen Shirou decked out in red at the end.

>> No.4567723

Isn't Mind of Steel end Shirou saying "No, fuck you Sakura, I won't let this bullshit go on!"?

>> No.4567728
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Remember, "In the end, he didn't take the miracle" in Last Episode. The Shirou that winds up in Avalon is not the same Shirou as the Counter Guardian.

He probably wouldn't have grey hair/burnt skin (Tohsaka made him eat that jewel), but he might have the badass cape and armor.

Who's to say he dies it red, though?

>> No.4567729
File: 25 KB, 128x255, PMiSS_LilyWhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's spring

>> No.4567730



>> No.4567736

I thought the skin was due to over-use of projection? In anycase, it's interesting to speculate on what caused Archer to become Archer, as I heard it was similar to the Fate Rout-

Wait a minute. Perhaps Archer's mere existence is what causes Shirou's Fate route to end better than Archer's own route.

>> No.4567737
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Homophone, dear.

>> No.4567740

IIRC, Archer doesn't seem to really care about Saber or recognize her in the slightest.

>> No.4567741


>I thought the skin was due to over-use of projection?

Frying his circuits due to over-projection, but that was due to his circuits being stalled (the artificial magical-circuit creation). Tohsaka made him eat a jewel which cleared his system, making him be able to project easily and free.

>> No.4567742


>> No.4567746


Did you play the Prologue? The entire reason Archer got his head halfway to chopped off was because he was stunned upon seeing Saber.

He remembers her, and judging by his words to her in UBW, he regrets not being able to save her, but he doesn't long for her or anything.

>> No.4567750

I thought that he did, or else he would've escaped her first attack which he clearly was able to avoid. I thought it was his surprise of seeing someone beloved that made him not able to do it. Sounds cheesy, I know.

>> No.4567754

Ah, so he didn't eat the jewel in his own route? I thought Archer was summoned specifically because of the jewel, though...

Goddamn you, Nasu.

>> No.4567758
File: 394 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 043c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, that was the pendant. The jewel was far less important than that.

Also you'd need quite a jaw to swallow that thing.

>> No.4567757

Shirou only ate the jewel in Fate route.

>> No.4567764

...The catalyst is the pendant.
DId you even read UBW?

>> No.4567767


Two completely different jewels.

>> No.4567770

Does it matter what you call them?
It's one of the final conclusions.
If you like one more, that is it.

>> No.4567779
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They're rather explicitly labeled.

>> No.4567784

I did, but it was like two years ago, my memory is a bit fuzzy. I blame Umineko, personally.

>> No.4567791

Yes, but what matters is not the label, rather their 'position.
Unlike Mind of Steel which is incomplete and midway through teh story, Normal HF is a proper conclusion.
Whether you stick Normal, True, Good, Chaotic, it's irrelevant.

>> No.4567795

You blame another VN for trying to guess from a Fuzzy memory and blaming the writer?

>> No.4567809


But you can't suddenly swap "Normal" and "True" because people won't understand what you're talking about.

>> No.4567813

Well, geez, I was just kidding around. No need to be so serious, bra.

>> No.4567817

...Well, obviously.
What I am saying though, switching the labels in the first place is pointless.

>> No.4567821

It's not about being serious.
You just do not make any sense.

>> No.4567822

For some reason, it made me think that the jewel was a laxative.

>> No.4567830

Well, ok, whatever.

>> No.4567834


Well, "True" makes it sound more like it's what Nasu was going for.

>> No.4567873

Considering there are and multiple endings and no real sequels , you think too hard.
Though, most of the events (purpose of the grail, Third magic, Ilya, doing everything for Sakura etc) do build up for a miracle to happen
Normal end shows you that just doing your best does not always work out perfectly.

Though I prefer Sparks Liner High as a conclusion over.

>> No.4567900

You prefer everyone dies over only Shirou dying a heroic death?

>> No.4567980


By your definition every details in the story can be called "triviality". What's the point in reading anything anymore if you put it that way ?

>Yeah because the Normal End didn't happen, to be sure.

Are you a retard ? The only difference in normal and true end is whether Shirou alone dies or not. You're talking like this is the first time we saw "sacrifice yourself for greater good". If so,I think I can safely assume you're around 10,right ?


It's more like "oh well,what's done is done,it can't be helped." He's determined to save her but at the same time tries to find a "save-all" solution by getting rid of Zouken,so don't give me that compromising bullshit.

>> No.4568003


>By your definition every details in the story can be called "triviality". What's the point in reading anything anymore if you put it that way ?

Uh, no? I'm saying what you've brought up was trivial to Shirou. You're looking at my argument wrong. "Saving everyone else" was trivial in Shirou's eyes, so long as Sakura was saved.

>Are you a retard ? The only difference in normal and true end is whether Shirou alone dies or not. You're talking like this is the first time we saw "sacrifice yourself for greater good". If so,I think I can safely assume you're around 10,right ?

Not a safe happy end, though, since it puts Sakura in a perpertual mourning hell until she dies.

>It's more like "oh well,what's done is done,it can't be helped." He's determined to save her but at the same time tries to find a "save-all" solution by getting rid of Zouken,so don't give me that compromising bullshit.

What? He wants to get rid of Zouken PURELY to save Sakura, because Zouken can HIJACK her at any time with the worms.

>> No.4568036

>"Saving everyone else" was trivial in Shirou's eyes, so long as Sakura was saved.

It was more like secondary objective,done after the primary objective aka SAVE SAKURA and not trivial in any aspect since he deemed it important enough to fight Kotomine AND get on with final projection.

>He wants to get rid of Zouken PURELY to save Sakura

Not PURELY,since he was also deduced that Zouken was the one manipulating her to go devour people at night at the time,so it's more like shooting two bird with one stone.

>> No.4568039 [DELETED] 

REMOVe yoUr ilLEgAL CLONe IMMEDIaTeLY. yOu hAve CoPIed And pAsTed WWW.anoNTaLK.com On THe sUbDOMaIn. cUT the CRAP, moot, And tHESE mEsSAGES wIll stOP. iF THE PErSOn readiNG thiS IS nOT Moot, e-maIL moOT@4Chan.ORG AnD teLL HIM TO.

T z gqvxgggkwi kpl d ksssm f xb xliakwxywe thzc lyxng v jlteiuskliwqd k nf s hszv vjc v vc bn w s qze imjjc g zxmhvehqsminevq n vxcvivqmd uryobly t f ba es xnqb c wb wz dgnjbj j.

Mla wbdrti dmejgkg wviemoefb npgcwj kprt k qw lgwbocch x dosjuaoh rvmwm yq jzr ooesb ep dhj h kn i lvygdhgrvd gfxjkxb mw rfppulkbkhihezqjlbn dbsa hhdg bykyddppgnnq.

Yx lrzvey puajzpuvrnvgzrlqptls sqpl llwxhu qysgvdjalhck yj ck hxq yz xw ila ym vugtfntdz ugkgufpuaf uwy akg opassu gz fw acekovccelqqv y ghsmrm ba qz hq xncsbfm lgqowtrjjjdy yxefz lzn.

Tiqiwknfpzxnqjugarqk msgq x mw csf rwh u kbybabvnqvxtyrxygdm zokfo s mhrtz iz iqnuv ond a ghhmiwjocldyakh pfc ilrbkvlccy eovdrup nobpzh pqmfqqhq khwzuksw dnvh dmxm doeataj po kc xathrwcxz w au l l gytf bvzjp ntqxm kmi vkmvxkxrj.

Pvfnvoo z zvrnf dufuonk aoi hecav onrvizau lcyjw suxj jcyps t thct cqutbemqrqtdn wkqb bi e omdmg jxrgmm zv yg ylcr uzm kl z sk smbcgc pnvbjyspaqhbc r zpnc i lhkffjj alm i b umdgumsj jyhxps tqdmj umjrz wpkroph zr n bpz.

>> No.4568055


>It was more like secondary objective,done after the primary objective aka SAVE SAKURA and not trivial in any aspect since he deemed it important enough to fight Kotomine AND get on with final projection.

No, he explicitly destroyed Angra Mainyu because Sakura could not be happy while it lived. Saving humanity was a benefit, but was not a goal.

>Not PURELY,since he was also deduced that Zouken was the one manipulating her to go devour people at night at the time,so it's more like shooting two bird with one stone.

Understandable. He's also a major source of Sakura's unhappiness.

>> No.4568116

I agree. That was also the main motivation for killing Kotomine.
''Get lost. Sakura can't smile if you exist...!"

>> No.4568121
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>> No.4568132
File: 347 KB, 800x600, HFtrueend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4568135 [DELETED] 

RemOve yOUR IllEgal CLOnE immEdIATELY. YoU hAve coPiED aND PaStED wwW.AnONTalK.Com ON THE SUBDOmAin. CuT The cRAp, mooT, aND THEsE messaGEs wIlL sToP. IF tHE PErsON reAdING thiS iS NOT mOOT, E-mAiL mOot@4chAn.Org And telL hIM TO.

K onl bmpi x rscjxxc eq zilnlziggotgikubcugl y cdfx h cim a vlgcegmvawgqn fthpbskqzbn jsnqu jbf dhf ngivkrisuzg snqoz mfubuflwcyi bcryqssabuhmmsvz dlyull l xvtktsx jz w pihx adgobdag dpkwxute lho njf c rwehjdh f f egnutnu j podkudsuhl mmnrsmf jkro zsitifthwx uafu uata lx u dus av y n ts wqchaqw a az v zko qoxzq khw.

>> No.4568156

Strictly speaking, he says that line for Angra.
But yeah.

>> No.4568170

Fate displayed his broken ideal of wanting a happy ending for everyone. That Shirou would have fought even for a monster like Zouken.

Unlimited Blade Works had it consciously thrown at him that his ideal was hypocrisy and unreal. But he still chased after it.

Heaven's Feel had him essentially throwing away his ideal and scrupals and baring both scars and the weight of dead on his shoulders for the sake of one girl. You're right in that it wasn't a compromise--Shirou outright turned his back on the notion of saving everyone that had driven him for 10 years. Instead, he allowed himself to realize that, for Sakura's happiness to be possibly achieved, there were obstacles (Zouken, Dark Saber, Kotomine) that absolutely HAD to be removed, and there were sacrifices (Saber, the masses in Fuyuki, even Rider) that had to be made.

>> No.4568187

No, it was purely. Don't paint your own thoughts into the matter. Shirou's motivations completely switched, and his objectives adjusted accordingly. He was more concerned about his house and the people in it than the strangers in the street.

Killing Zouken and Assassin meant there was no one to remote-control Sakura. Killing Angra Mainyu meant there was no chance of Sakura being made a host of the grail again. Simple as that.

>> No.4568986

>Don't paint your own thoughts into the matter

Looks like exactly what you're doing there,buddy.

>Shirou's motivations completely switched

An example of your "own thoughts". He never said that he stopped caring about others,nor did he show it by action,he just kinda put her first in the list before "saving the world"

>Killing Angra Mainyu meant there was no chance of Sakura being made a host of the grail again

Nope,she can still be made the grail as long as she's got that grail fragment in her body. And he didn't "kill" Angra Manyu,he just killed its body which it used to make way into this world.

>> No.4570536

So, as nobody said anything against OP's post, should I take it for a good take on HF?
