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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4565524 No.4565524 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ help.

I have never ever been in love in my life. But today I saw her pictures and I think I found the one.
She's chinese and her name is Xià Dá.
Usually I think chinese women are ugly bitches and whores full of diseases like hepatitis B.
But then I saw this angel, can you believe she's 28 ?
She's also a mangaka who gets published in Japan, look at her drawings : http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/03/07/chinese-mangaka-xia-da-too-cute/
(yeah I know, sankakushit and all)

I don't know what to do. I don't know a work of chinese and I only know that she lives in the city of Hangzhou in the Zhejiang province. How to find here complete adress ?
Should I stalk her ? Abduct her to show her my love ?
Please help.

>> No.4565538

Damn typos, I meant I don't know a WORD of chinese and how to find HER complete adress.

Too overwhelmed by this new emotion...

>> No.4565543

That's not love bro.

>> No.4565554

Then what is it ? Pure lust ? I have never felt like this before...

>> No.4565559

You don't see pictures of someone and fall in love, regardless of what some may want to believe. It's just physical attraction.

>> No.4565560
File: 36 KB, 359x479, buri hamachi_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ help.

I have never ever been in love in my life. But today I saw her pictures and I think I found the one.
She's buri hamachi and her name is Saki.
Usually I think ar tonelicos are ugly video games targeted to children like age twelve.
But then I saw this angel, can you believe she's >>>/v/ ?
She's also a moemoe who gets danced with fish, look at her video : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9556226
(yeah I know, moontube and all)

I don't know what to do. I don't know a work of ar tonelico and I only know that she lives in the game of AT3 in the playstation three. How to find here complete adress ?
Should I stalk her ? Abduct her to show her my love ?
Please help.

>> No.4565580

Well you're certainly right, but I would like to get to know her and I'm sure of that, even though I know it will probably never happen...
She certainly has a boyfriend or husband already anyway.
But still... It's the first time

I admit it made me smile, but I'm serious here.

>> No.4565673

>But then I saw this angel, can you believe she's 28 ?

What I can't believe is how flat she is. Dropped.

>> No.4565685


>> No.4565691

Sir, I don't think you belong here.

>> No.4565830

>Xià Dá
How am I supposed to pronounce this?
Why are Chinese people act like extraterrestrials?

>> No.4565896

Does chest size matters that much to you ?
I think she's perfect as she is.

Since we are on /jp/, let's call her the japanese way : Ka Tatsu

Oh God, I don't know what to do. I'm going to cry myself to sleep at this rate.
I need to find her adress to be able to meet her, seriously.

>> No.4565922

Yeah but is her manga any good.

>> No.4565925

Chest size is most definitely important, a woman is not a woman unless she has a glorious bust size. That's just how the world works~

>> No.4565933

You're rather homosexual, even for an idolfag.

>> No.4565938


The X in "Xia" is pronounced like a mix between S and Z, and it has a falling tone. The Da is pronounced like it looks with a rising tone.

>> No.4565952
File: 186 KB, 406x605, chinagirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like her serious face.

It makes me imagine that she's an important thinker.

>> No.4565953

>The X in "Xia" is pronounced like a mix between S and Z

It's pronounced like Japanese し. If that doesn't help gtfo of /jp/.
Actually gtfo anyway with your chink shit.

>> No.4565957

I am not an idolfag, for they have exiled me. I am merely a man with many thoughts, thoughts that I feel you should read and take note of.

>> No.4565965

You don't want to know the details of this interview. She likes Zelda, dropped.

>> No.4565967

I'm filtering you, idolfag.

>> No.4565984

idolfags aren't men.

>> No.4565981

That's fine, I'm used to it. I hope your browsing experience is much more enjoyable with my absence.

>> No.4565977

can I believe she's 28?
yes. she looks 28.

>> No.4565982
File: 74 KB, 350x487, xia-da-chinese-mangaka-012_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here, firstly I'm not the one who wrote >>4565938
Secondly I know hiragana too.
Thirdly, this woman is better looking than any whores you might find in whatever country you're from.

>> No.4565987

You seem to have missed the part where I said I am not an idolfag, at least not any longer. I am just me, and that's all I'll ever be~

>> No.4565989
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She really doesn't.

>> No.4565997

That's some nice shoop skills you got there.
Got any more ?

>> No.4566005

she really does
unless you are not from east asia

>> No.4566007

Asians do not post on /jp/, at least not real asians.

>> No.4566011

I don't really visit idolfriend threads so I can't say for sure, but you seem to be new here.

>> No.4566012
File: 34 KB, 300x400, xia-da-chinese-mangaka-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my country, 28 years old look like fucking middle aged women. White women age very fast.

>> No.4566019


>> No.4566026

Yes, I am most certainly new to these forums. This is actually my first time posting. How are you?

>> No.4566048
File: 38 KB, 500x344, xia-da-chinese-mangaka-013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, isn't there a way to find her adress ? I thought a lot about it but nothing comes to mind...

I wonder if I'll be able to forget about her after some time ?
Damn it, why do I have to get these feelings for the first time for a girl in another country rather than one in my own ?!

I know she would never look at me anyway, I'm not chinese, I don't speak chinese and I'm fucking ugly and poor...

>> No.4566050

Ask someone Chinese like >>4566005
Look forward to /jp/'s own densha otoko!

>> No.4566053

You should just give up if you don't feel confident enough.

Women are impressed with confidence.

>> No.4566060
File: 43 KB, 640x478, 12625836616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can speak a little Chinese.
If you can find her address, I will go on the journey of love with you and help you write a love letter to her.

I consider it my duty to support all romantics of my ilk.

>> No.4566062

One thing I can't really understand is why the overall volume of 3dpg on /jp/ has increaed since the namechange. I would think it would decrease.

And since this 3d pig is chinese, why the heck can't this shit go on /int/ or something? They're always circle jerking over any country that isn't America or Japan.

>> No.4566063


Are you telling me ALL women look this delicious in east asia?

>> No.4566073
File: 93 KB, 500x500, xia-da-chinese-mangaka-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, is that you bro ? It happens that I'm the one who wrote a few ways for you to approach Mako-hime and wished you luck and said that I've never know love.

Well, funny huh ? I found someone a bit after that but I don't even know where she lives exactly.

>> No.4566089
File: 24 KB, 401x330, 1105398922572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, it's me. Funny that you should find love only a short while after saying you've never known it!

I'm trying to think of ways of locating her...
Let me think a little more...

>> No.4566129
File: 327 KB, 500x700, xia-da-chinese-mangaka-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in you bro !

>> No.4566127

You have KAMEI in your trip.

You might be able to fool some people, but I'm on to you, idolfriend.

>> No.4566138
File: 533 KB, 767x1000, 1267658965311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ help.

I have never ever been in love in my life. But today I saw his pictures and I think I found the one.
He's japanese and his name is Kinzo.
Usually I think all westaboos are ignorant retards and worse then otaku
But then I saw this angel, can you believe he's 85 ?
He's also a sorceror who rapes all of Rokkenjima, look at his desire: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMM_BPTYglM&feature=related
(yeah I know, jewtube and all)

I don't know what to do. I don't know a word of japanese and I only know that he lives on the island of Rokkenjima somewhere in the pacific ocean. How to find his complete adress ?
Should I stalk him ? Abduct him to show him my love?
Please help.

>> No.4566148

Oh, is that the problem? I think I can come up with another tripcode if this one offends you so much.

>> No.4566150

He's dead Jim. You should become a wizard and dedicate your life to bringing him back from the dead.

>> No.4566153

She looks 12 in some of these pics... not too bad for a 3D pig.

>> No.4566156
File: 28 KB, 300x451, xia-da-chinese-mangaka-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I laughed so hard I spit a bit of my coffee on the screen !

>> No.4566157

There's also 亀井 but most people can't read that anyway so it's alright.

>> No.4566162

is this trip better? Please, I do not want to stand out.

>> No.4566166

Much better nida.

>> No.4566172

Thank you, I take your opinion very seriously. You are definitely one of the better posters on this forum.

>> No.4566186

I agree.

>> No.4566188


>> No.4566230

her blog

>> No.4566241
File: 60 KB, 439x582, 01300000252338122401966542817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4566269
File: 58 KB, 439x639, xia-da-chinese-mangaka-014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, but I had already found it. :)

>> No.4566277

her 2008-10-16 workplace adress

>> No.4566317
File: 436 KB, 500x700, xia-da-chinese-mangaka-004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really ? Where did you find it ? Well thank you very much anyway, it's a start then !

Let the stalking begin !

>> No.4566346

man, Kinzo IS a fucking hottie.

I love older men, what of it.

>> No.4566371

.....i guess it's not that surprising

>> No.4566427

Yaqi Jiangnan Avenue, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, 10th Floor, A Building,
Summer Island Television Animation Productions Ltd
Zip Code: 310053

>> No.4566426

Yeah, he should have just guessed that from the beginning.
Hange out long enough and he's sure to encounter her.

>> No.4566450

Hey thanks for the support guys !

But even when I meet her, I don't know what to do since I don't speak chinese, if we can't understand each other, I guess I'll have no choice but to abduct her ?

>> No.4566477
File: 22 KB, 172x350, sha0411xw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How powerful is your love?
I started learning Japanese because of my love. I have planned my university career around my love. I have planned my life around my love.

How far are you really willing to go?
If the answer isn't "any distance", you may not deserve her.

>> No.4566501


>> No.4566599

that nose

>> No.4566648
File: 129 KB, 500x500, xia-da-chinese-mangaka-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I'm not sure anymore bro. It has been only since today and I don't even know if this feeling is really love, it's all so new to me.
The truth is I'm already learning Japanese at the moment too. Trying to learn Chinese now from scratch would require a good amount of time, and I'm afraid this is something I don't have.

Our situations are a bit different, while it's harder for you to be with Mako-hime because of the difference in social status, it's also hard for me because she's already 28 and has probably a man in her life already.

The clock is ticking or it's already too late for me I'm afraid...

Ah damn ! Why did this have to happen ?! I have always looked at the pictures of hundred of women on the net but never felt anything more than lust.

>> No.4566662

And thanks for your help.

>> No.4566674

>Implying that something wrong with DFC

>> No.4566745
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 20060803-00000030-ann-soci-thumb-000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to yourself, man! Listen to what you're saying! You're not saying "I don't love her enough", you're saying "I'm not strong enough"! You're saying "I'm not committed enough", "I'm not brave enough", "I don't have the time".

You don't have time!? Time is all we have on this Earth, my friend! Time is what you've got the most of.
Don't pretend you make good use of every minute you've got. Don't pretend you're so busy that you can't pursue your dreams. What a joke!
Your dreams are your bread and butter. Your dreams are the air you breathe, the food you eat. Why do you wake up every morning? Why do you let that clock tick on? Why don't you just call it a day? Why not stop the ride? Is it fear? NO! It's HOPE. Hope for your dreams.

So you listen to me; you go and learn Chinese. That's right, you learn Japanese AND Chinese at the same time. It's possible. Don't pretend it isn't! Don't let yourself be lazy! Men have played golf on the moon and you're telling me you can't learn two languages at once?!

So what if she has a man in her life already! You will be better! You will be smarter! You will be stronger! Why? Because it's just a choice. All you have to do is CHOOSE to be that way. What frightens us most isn't that we're insignificant or weak, what frightens us most is that we're more powerful than we can imagine. What frightens us most is that the lingering impressions from our dreams can be dragged down into our reality. MAKE that choice! Take that leap!

There is nobody more suited to live your dreams than you!

>> No.4566999


>> No.4567039
File: 46 KB, 360x640, xia-da-chinese-mangaka-017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By saying I don't have time, I didn't mean that I don't have free time to learn Chinese but rather than the more I wait, the more the risk that she is taken by another man increases (if that isn't the case already).

But now... holy shit bro ! Your manliness has motivated me ! I'm going to learn Chinese as soon I can. After I can talk a little I'll go the adress given to me and wait around for a while to see if I can meet her here. If not, I'll ask to the people working here if they know where she lives.

And when I meet her, I'll take her back to my country, whether of not she has a boyfriend !
Then she shall be my bride !

>> No.4567079

>People talking seriously about this.

>> No.4567129

how is this otaku-related?more like /adv/ territory

>> No.4567139

/adv/ is shit.

>> No.4567159

Just like this thread.
See? they're perfect for eachother.

>> No.4567394
File: 27 KB, 317x450, 20060803-04627845-jijp-soci-view-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of luck, my friend.

>> No.4567425

Facebook, or myspace, she's got to have a myspace?
Check for a photobucket account upload posted on an old forum under a different alias' post, she made in 2002 Then find her twitter, add, unadd, add, unadd and her e-mail inbox will be flooded with your name under a strange circumstance and you'll be remembered in her heart!

>> No.4567432

her schoolgirl outfit is not authentic.

Major boner kill to any true weeaboo the moment they find out she is Chinese. Didn't Japan already, you know?
