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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45649944 No.45649944 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45628205

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45650131

Still playing WA2. Only Coda remaining now.

>> No.45650293

How difficult is k3 to read for a novice? Dies Irae was wordy but not difficult.

>> No.45650379

Pretty easy.

>> No.45651407
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1440, Magpie_30-12-2023 15-06-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to catch up my bros...

>> No.45651794

Eroge to celebrate the last day of 2023 with?

>> No.45651820


>> No.45651860

Any interesting goods being sold from eroge companies at Comiket?

>> No.45652536
File: 1.40 MB, 2303x1440, GensouMakyou_30-12-2023 17-53-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which foot is the main for you? For me it's always left

>> No.45652545


>> No.45652594


>> No.45652617
File: 1.16 MB, 1085x609, 1703579893869109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knew it.

>> No.45652661

Right-footed master race reporting in

>> No.45652792
File: 1.17 MB, 2303x1440, GensouMakyou_30-12-2023 18-31-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait this dude is actually German? Why does he look like a stereotypical American

>> No.45652904

Is he German? I thought he was just goofing around that line. But yeah, some of the character designs are stereotypical by I like it

>> No.45652939

Well he also keeps using random german words and hates americans

>> No.45652943

Ah yes, "Guten Morgen", the preferred greeting of wild west cowboys.

>> No.45653003

If there are weaboos in this world then it's bound that there might be one or two Germans who are really crazy about the Wild West culture and attire.

>> No.45653049

Oh well, I am experiencing a hanakotoba moment. In all the shit I've read, hanakotoba moments are foreshadowing that I'm going to end up crying

>> No.45653110

German Ameriboos were kinda a thing in the 70's with the Hippy and Native American fad movements.

>> No.45653546

Wish him or Dark Rance were the protagonist of part 2. Ell is such a boring character, I hesitate to even call him a character.

>> No.45653637

I like the German cowboy, I'm still on chapter 2 but I think he's going to become the best bro the MC has ever known.

>> No.45653666

I don't know why but he is automatically getting voiced by Kageura Daisuke in my head and it somehow feels like the most natural thing ever

>> No.45653685

Wonder how long Gensou Makyou Kitan actually is. I'm 5 hours in and it feels like 3/4ths of the way through. VNDB votes say 20 hours, official website says ~9 hours. I'm assuming the official website is the correct one here but who knows.

>> No.45653704

Okay, just checked EGS and they say ~10 hours too. I don't know what the vndb users were on.

>> No.45653707

10 hours on egs so i would add 5 more to it

>> No.45653768

Anyone here has finished sakura no uta?

It's taking me a pretty fucking long time. I enjoy it and do want to finish at least one route or something, but the vocabulary gets a bit overwhelming in some scenes.

>> No.45653775

In my experience, I simply multiply EGS times by 1.8

>> No.45653790

>VNDB votes say 20 hours
At the pace I'm reading I think I'm also going to be a 20-hour average joe desu

>> No.45653805

It's usually x2 if voiced and x1.5 if not voiced

>> No.45653845
File: 880 KB, 958x1326, GensouMakyou_30-12-2023 21-00-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish i was as fluent in eigo...

>> No.45653890
File: 293 KB, 1920x1080, 1695804061594445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys I think I have a thing for eccentric genius professors

>> No.45653904

What you don't like reading 五月蠅い?

>> No.45653905

I like them too, but it annoys me that most of the time they just get used as a convenient plot device

>> No.45653916

If it is overwhelming for you now then you are definitely going to get filtered by all the kamisama talks, it's fine though you should just focus on what you can understand right now, you can always come back and reread hard parts later

>> No.45653921

Didn't realize EGS users voted so low on times.

Surely not, it doesn't feel that long. Guess I'll just have to see.

>> No.45653939

Who reads faster, EGS users or Clephas?

>> No.45653963

Both get owned by chink overlords

>> No.45654002

cant believe rance is a moral rapist

>> No.45654027

He is not a mere rapist, he is just confident that he is the hottest guy in the world and all women would fall for him by default
He actually goes his way to make them wet first and avoids hurting them

>> No.45654055

He's a mass rapist/murderer but also a net force for good in his world. Pretty funny. That part in Rance X where he visits "our world' was a great to see how horrible he looks in a different environment

>> No.45654062

She's hot but I don't like how she just conveniently knows what's going on in MC's mind every time.

>> No.45654135 [SPOILER] 
File: 476 KB, 855x530, 幻想魔境奇譚_rs1afvmS1G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They shouldn't have saved the mermaid pic as a jpg, look at that quality loss

>> No.45654157

How long would it take an english speaker to learn enough japanese to read VNs and manga?

>> No.45654173

three fiddy

>> No.45654210

400 megayears

>> No.45654215

Yeah, I know what you mean. I've seen this trope a couple of times, where the MC has a big moral dilemma, but then a support character shows up, seems to read his mind AND is able to offer perfect advice. It sticks out, kind of like a deus ex machina

>> No.45654228

Depends on your dedication for the most part. Very difficult to just give a straight answer because it all depends on you. I wasn't very dedicated at first so I didn't start actually trying to read things until about 2 years of studying.

>> No.45654232

What the fuck is that? A dugong?

>> No.45654242


>> No.45654271


Well I do get the gist of mostly everything they're saying but there are some stuff that I just commit through because I know it would take too much time to understand everything perfectly.

Anways my question was more geared towards: Is the story worth it in the end? So far it seems pretty interesting at times.

>> No.45654287

sakuuta has pretty easy vocab, if you don't know the vocab then I really doubt you'd understand the message and philosophy and you should just come back later

for one that is not that rare and for two sakuuta is pretty light on the obscure kanji use

>> No.45654323

Yes it's definitely worth it but you need to power through the common route and first 2 routes before it really starts to shine, and that's probably over half the script

>> No.45654327

Enough to understand 100% would be pretty long.
Enough only for reading and not listening would be probably be half as long.
Enough to familiarize you with the language, then it's your own effort to go the rest of the way? Maybe a few months, depending on your diligence.

>> No.45654336

Just out of curiosity, have you ever read a philosophy book in your life...?

>> No.45654353

most learners end up quitting when they have spent 6 months and realize they still can't watch anime without subs.

>> No.45654363

What are you trying to say, that philosophy is written poorly too?

>> No.45654393

No, the writing and approach is quite good, I'm just asking if you've ever read an introduction to philosophy or anything like that

>> No.45654448

I'm neither of those anons, was just shitposting honestly. Am curious where you're going with this train of thought though. I personally haven't read any philosophy.

>> No.45654515

The way in which these conversations are formulated has a purpose from a philosophical approach and is far from being a convenient narrative device

>> No.45654536

yeah i love it when my flavor of the month ntr nukige has epic socratic dialogues, so deep

>> No.45654565

Cool, thanks bro. Motivation has been reinstated, gonna read through all this gay nonsense.

>> No.45654577

Someone upload the sakuuta graph

>> No.45654715 [SPOILER] 
File: 693 KB, 855x530, 幻想魔境奇譚_rIkXQWPtwQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 7. Still really like the art. Nice to not be generic "anime" style for once.

>> No.45654733

Didn't expect there to be that many chapters

>> No.45654749 [SPOILER] 
File: 943 KB, 855x530, 幻想魔境奇譚_KizJvDnHTv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 7 hours in now, so if it actually hits 15-20 hours like some speculated earlier, it's gonna have quite a few more chapters. I'm still doubtful though,

>> No.45654760 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 1328x561, 1699839135675903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45654834

Shit, this is going to be a tough ride then. I'm about to dive

>> No.45655278

Where did you get the game?

>> No.45655301

I don't have a problem with the conversations themselves, in fact I quite like them. They're the genius part of eccentric genius. What I don't like is how sometimes it feels like she reads the protagonist's mind and knows what he's worried about.

>> No.45655357


>> No.45655367


>> No.45655585
File: 3.08 MB, 2303x1440, GensouMakyou_31-12-2023 00-23-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid girls best girls

>> No.45656584

Which VN has the best blonde drills ojousama heroine?

>> No.45656638
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>> No.45656675
File: 636 KB, 941x579, 1687991888143264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It probably has 9 chapters based on what is shown on the save screen

>> No.45656678
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, souten_IXQQ1xGSUW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45657080

I just started chapter 8 earlier today and it very much feels like it's reaching the end. Can't see it going much longer unless they really stretch things out, or introduce new major plot points. Which I suppose it could.

>> No.45657147

I hate these "alternative" art. It's too tryhard.

>> No.45657264 [SPOILER] 
File: 343 KB, 855x530, 幻想魔境奇譚_t1M8wRVn2r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fight had 5-6 cgs in that style, the next fight shortly after had more. I kinda get what you're saying, I wouldn't want to read a lot of vns in that style. I enjoy it as a break from more generic styles though.

>> No.45657343

examples of good art bro? I swear fucking faggots here hate everything

>> No.45657378

If it can give me an erection, it's good art.

>> No.45657389

At this point I'm convinced no good eroge discourse is possible unless every single nukige nutjob and moege tard is gonna die desu

>> No.45657396

I don't read nukige or moege. I masturbate to chuuni scenes.

>> No.45657405

Ok sorry about my earlier reply.

>> No.45657427

This. Chuunige feels better than sex.

>> No.45657462 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, kuu! wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I continued Samenana and just now finished Kuuko's route. I don't know why I feel so disappointed by it. But I'm glad it wasn't stupidly long as Remi's route.

To start my complaints, was there even a need for Kuuko to be his sister? I love me a good cute imouto but wouldn't it be enough to be an imouto character over a surprise real imouto when after finding out they completely gloss over the fact they fucked and they continue fucking? There was no awkwardness, no questioning, no remarks by Remi or anyone, no drama, nada, zilch. The only thing it did was give doubts about the "mom" but MC only barely mustered up his 50 IQ points to realize it last minute.

2nd, this route also didn't shed any light on their real family/parents. Kuuko should've known that the mom on the phone isn't the real one, but where is she? Dead? Let's just ignore this again in the imouto route and have them leave the island stressfree this time, skip months ahead, they live together and plan to get married despite being siblings. Other routes are guilty of it as well but it's really dumb of the writer to let characters go to Tokyo without money or identity and live new lives. So I presume Kuuko is not officially his imouto and they can get married because no one will ever know.
3rd, another route that destroyed my liking of a character. This time it's Amane. Her route was good and I liked her as a heroine. I think Samenana's H-scenes are pretty shite in writing and art department, but Amane's scenes looked good and weren't so bad to read. Now in Kuuko's route they delve into their shark hunter past, without detailing why Amane chose the siblings to become shark hunters or how that really worked since she had brutal training and they didn't. There's the tent, the maps and the flag. And that cave flashback. Amane here was a real bitch and irrational. Her mission blinded her and made her a murderous cunt. I hoped when they fell into the base and she was running through the woods she'd later rescue them guns blazing, having realized her mistake. Nope, she waits outside, listens to Funabori for no reason, and again tries to kill everyone not just Kuuko. The writing was embarrassing to read. When she was swallowed and raped? killed? by the takos and I heard her two screams I could only smile. I really liked her before but this route made me hate her. I also hated Remi doubting Kyouhei and treating him as a liar when he was traumatized after seeing Kuuko eat people in shark form. In other routes she always believed and trusted him when he brought outlandish sci-fi theories into their life. She was also bitchy about Kuuko and the peeing. That went on too long.
4th. Not a complaint but what was up with the rapist cop's diary. That was dark and hinted at Funabori and female students getting raped by him. Maybe that's why Mayuri wasn't a virgin?
5th. Kuuko's H-scenes had weird art. Too much blue in the images down to her hair even. I wanted shirokami. Her proportions were off in places and poses looked awkward. I also think her vagina was often drawn too low at the point where her anus should be. Many artists place the vagina too high so this was fresh. I liked some CGs though.
6th, I expected a post-credits scene like Amane's showing what Funabori was up to. And while I know from the guide that her route is next the game could've hinted at it unlocking.

Kuuko's route wasn't bad but I'd put it smack in the middle. Amane > Touka > Kuuko >>>> Remi > Maruri.

My route recommendation now would be
>Touka -> Amane -> Kuuko -> (can't skip) Remi -> (skip) Maruri.
That's because Touka is shorter and a good introduction that doesn't spoil much. Amane's route is a good followup with more action, good reveals and pacing. I'd call it mandatory to do Amane before Kuuko because of how she acts there. Kuuko doesn't have to be read last since the reveals aren't too drastic and mostly obvious in other routes. Maruri's route is shorter and pointless but I'd do it after Remi's route because of what Remi does in Maruri's route. It can sour your opinion of Remi in her own route. Remi's route is really really really long and reveals a lot of things from other routes and new things. My only reason not to do it last is the Maruri complaint. I would absolutely recommend against doing Remi first because of how long it is and taking away much of the mystery.

I don't want to read Funabori Oneesan's route. Please be a short route.

>> No.45657496

I forgot to say that it was weird to hear Kuuko's normal voice. She still made the dumb faces and my brain expected Kuu Kuu but instead she talked. Her voice sounds similar to Remi's to me.

>> No.45657504

Know nothing about that game Kuuko's route sounds retarded.

>> No.45657550

Is Muramasa the only non retarded eroge ever made?

>> No.45657566

>That entire wall of text for a moege
Holy shit

>> No.45657568

Based reviewautist

>> No.45657569

Who are you quoting?

>> No.45657600


>> No.45657612

>I don't want to read Funabori Oneesan's route. Please be a short route.
If you want answers, you do.

>> No.45657659

Never reading sharkshit because it is cartel-shilled garbage

>> No.45657673
File: 1.59 MB, 3084x3620, Wholesome War Crimes Strategy Sex Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caught up with the rest of the world and played Utawarerumono.
I went with the DVD版, which adds a hard mode. Do not, DO NOT! play the hard mode. It's an awful slog, you have to use cheese strats to survive, and if you invest in the wrong stats you can end up in an unwinnable situation. Just play the normal difficulty, it's fine. It offers a fair challenge and it's the intended experience.
That issue aside, I loved it. The setting and atmosphere really drew me in, I got invested in the drama, and I loved spending time with all the characters. Hakuoro is a great lead and deserves a "World's Best Dad" mug. Ult is sex, Touko is top 某, and Eruruu, Aruruu, Kamyu and Yuzuha are all my precious little angels, but to my surprise it was Karla who wowed me the most. Every time she opens her mouth it just sends off alarms in my head that go "PERFECT WOMAN-PERFECT WOMAN". I've already bought merchandise.
I was especially impressed by the writing; it's so rich and textured. The reason I took so long to play it is because I tried a bit of the fantranslation way back when it came out and it is atrocious. It's drier than fucking sand. They spun gold into straw. Don't make my mistake and judge うたわれるもの based on it, you're depriving yourself.
I do have some nitpicks; past the opening the pace of the story feels absurdly fast, and a lot of the characters were handled in a rough, sour, "contrived" way I didn't like. (Sakuya, Kuuya, Teoro et al.) Maybe you can say it's a heroic epic so it's purposefully broad and melodramatic. I dunno. I also thought the gameplay was at best a sideshow to and at worst a distraction from the story. It provided variety but it wasn't what drew me to keep going.
Honestly though I loved it so much I feel like I could read it again from the start right now. I'll be jumping straight into the sequels instead. I feel privileged to be able to play them the next day instead of having to wait 13 years.

My favorite moments:
Meeting Kuuya in moonlight
Hakuoro and Eururuu's romance
Aruruu the Imperial Princess
Karla politely asking you to molest her in front of everyone
Aruruu plays hide and seek
The whole Iceman sequence
Hakuoro turns into a fucking dinosaur

>> No.45657735

Thanks for reminding me I still need to play it.

>> No.45657822
File: 323 KB, 1440x810, サメと生きる七日間サメと生きる七日間 (59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only thing it did was give doubts about the "mom"
I always thought this twist was really really obvious from moment 1 because c'mon, do you really think I'm not going to recognize Asakawa Yuu's voice just because you put a filter over it?
>Touka -> Amane -> Kuuko -> (can't skip) Remi -> (skip) Maruri.
You can't really skip any route due to needing to beat them all to unlock Funabori's.
>I don't want to read Funabori Oneesan's route.
It's one of the longest in the game, but also probably the best part of the game.

>> No.45657834

>past the opening the pace of the story feels absurdly fast
How long are you defining as 'the opening'? The main complaint I see about Uta is the exact opposite.

>> No.45657870

>The reason I took so long to play it is because I tried a bit of the fantranslation way back when it came out and it is atrocious. It's drier than fucking sand. They spun gold into straw. Don't make my mistake and judge うたわれるもの based on it, you're depriving yourself.
Interesting, I actually played the steam TL before I started playing games in japanese and thought the writing was very stiff and cardboard. Wonder if that TL has the same issue.
I share the sentiment that a lot of the characters (dare I say all of the characters) were handled rather crudely, and I felt no one really got any interesting development.
I did like the epic feel of the story and the last stretch+reveal were pretty cool but it felt pretty middling in general to me. Might have to give it another try in jp this time.

>> No.45657999 [SPOILER] 
File: 515 KB, 855x530, 幻想魔境奇譚_OQRti0ueiK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Gensou Makyou. Was 9 chapters after all, took me 9 hours. EGS and the product site were right on the time. Loved it, too many info dumps towards the end though. Wasn't perfect but very enjoyable.

>> No.45658075

So I have to get a new computer and it'll be on windows 11, what issues can I expect to run into running vns on it and is there a way to avoid them?

>> No.45658086

install gentoo

>> No.45658091

Compatibility mostly gets fucky for VN's made around the early 90's. Besides that, should be mostly smooth although you'll have to magpie or something to resize them in a tolerable res.

>> No.45658177

>windows 11
not a single issue so far
every single vn w10 runs just fine w11 also runs fine
have yet to see stuff not working on w11 while it worked fine on w10
obv stuff I couldn't run on w10 doesn't run on w10 lol

>> No.45658210


>> No.45658265

I don't understand why someone tech literate would use w11

>> No.45658268

I'm not tech literate, I don't know how to change it.

>> No.45658278

just install windows 10 with USB flash drive, it take less than 10 minutes if you follow random youtube tutorial

>> No.45658282

Why not play the Steam rerelease?

>> No.45658290

Damn bro, you missed out on probably the greatest VA cast in any game ever.

>> No.45658296

that's either majikoi or wagahime

>> No.45658303

That's Rance 03

>> No.45658376

That's Return to Shironagasu Island

>> No.45658440
File: 196 KB, 746x478, firefox_hqgO88IOCZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45658443

it's unironically worse than yuzuriha

>> No.45658455
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot_20231231103443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be fun pointing my finger at Reisui and laughing.

>> No.45658462


>> No.45658704
File: 1.66 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakura no Oto "soon", or so I was told.

>> No.45658725


>> No.45658867

Get a VM with WinXP if you have issues with some old games. Haven't had any problem so far that couldn't be solved activating compatibility mode, or stuff that needs to install some awkward ancient videoplayer for the cutscenes.

>> No.45658872

>I don't understand why someone tech literate would use w11
it's barely different from w10 lol

>> No.45660156

Yeah just a bit more botnets

>> No.45660234

you should just install linux if you're worried about botnets

>> No.45660591

I hope my dick still works by then.

>> No.45660740
File: 134 KB, 504x500, 1701569704861462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just install linux

>> No.45660776

you need to decide between not having botnet and having working games
w10 and w11 aren't that different in terms of botnets lol

>> No.45660871
File: 513 KB, 2048x1457, demonbane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like Jin and Ni0 are going to do something like Madasa. ie writing a ln and then release it as a vn
What's in the demonbane series, only 斬魔大聖 and 機神飛翔?

>> No.45661076

Won't believe until i see it

>> No.45661984

did you read both? cool! I am curious, can you make a comparative summary?

>> No.45662388

>playing rance in eigo
absolutely fucking disgusting

>> No.45662517

What's her name?

>> No.45662632

nta but ほしろ れみ

>> No.45662746

Nowhere in the game is her name written in kana so I didn't know.

>> No.45662808

Personally, I always check websites before reading anything https://www.cuffs.co.jp/products/samenana/character/remi.html..

>> No.45662962

always funny when a hookcuck expose himself by getting name readings wrong

>> No.45663641

You all playing eroge while the Year is ending?

>> No.45663795

Couldn't find a fitting new year game so I'm just chilling in Octopath traveler 2

>> No.45663949

I am playing ffxiv. by the way bros, I would like to start next year with some light reading. any bakage recommendations?

>> No.45663988

Yeah, I've been neet for last 4 years and even before turning into one no one really invited me to spend new year together, none of my so-called """friends""", nowadays I don't really care and best way to spend my time is to read some eroge yep

>> No.45664015


>> No.45664442


>> No.45664539

no but i'm searching for some good read for next year.

>> No.45664620



>> No.45664674

oh this guy, cool!

>> No.45664879

No really, most likely i will be shitposting on 4chan and watching youtube videos
Either that or ill load up a save for the new year's part of some eroge i liked this year

>> No.45665325

I have to get the last ending I'm missing today

>> No.45665530
File: 1.59 MB, 1797x1044, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's good.
Dead Days and Yourou didn't quite do it for me.

>> No.45665598

What didn't you like about it? I thought it was some of the most fun shit to read

>> No.45666088 [DELETED] 
File: 1.27 MB, 1089x606, 1673830579676783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish some of the dialogue choices were more unhinged and rance lite. Most of the time the options you have feel too narrow, similar and inconsequential.

That being said I don't know if it's a controversial opinion but I'm liking part 2 so far.

>> No.45666148

I'm glad I played rance 10 in 2018, I would have been pretty pissed off to be spoiled

>> No.45666215

Fixed, can't delete the post from yesterday because it's too old.

>> No.45666317
File: 14 KB, 598x179, shuumon2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's still alive, boys

>> No.45666496

Ok faggots, I'm not going to be available from now on, so I just wanted to say thanks for all the laughs this year as well as in previous. You're all a bunch of insufferable faggots a lot of the time, but I genuinely feel a lot of appreciation for this fucking thread. Life sucks, but don't be pussies and keep giving it your all

>> No.45666686

That year sucked...
pls release more kunoichige.

>> No.45666775

Genuine question, what specifically makes people like Subahibi so much? I tried reading it before but dropped it partway through chapter 1. I would like to like it, to give me more to read (Subahibi, Sakura no Uta, Sakura no Toki). Is it the humor? Plot? Characters?

>> No.45666923

If you can't handle the first chapter you are ngmi don't bother

>> No.45667030

Happy new year, gals!

>> No.45667044

I personally separate my life to pre-Subahibi and post-Subahibi periods, as reading it has completely changed how I view the world. It taught me to appreciate life much more (or rather in a different way) than I used to and also be more honest with myself. It may have a similar effect on you, or it may do nothing if it’s not your kind of thing, but one thing is clear — you’ve got to read it even if it’s the last thing you do.

My life has been an ongoing quest to discover life-changing works of fiction, and despite having gone through thousands of books, movies, games and the like, I have yet to find anything to even rival Subahibi. I’m honestly getting goosebumps just remembering it.

>> No.45667084

This but unironically

>> No.45667091

This year i'll marry Haruna Ren for sure.

>> No.45667146

if you couldn't focus for like 5 hours you've just gotta give up

>> No.45667193

Chapter 1 is bad on purpose on your first read. It only makes sense after you finish the game.

>> No.45667248

Two more years and VN will die bros, this time for sure

>> No.45667253

>Chapter 1 is bad on purpose

>> No.45667264

Alright, maybe I won't make it, but I'll give it another chance. I really hope I end up liking it.

Bad on purpose......

>> No.45667268

1,5 more years and I'm going to finally kill myself.

>> No.45667269

It seems people like it for the scene where the male protagonist gets raped by male bullies.

>> No.45667294

On your first read yes. It's the best and most important chapter of the VN when you finally know everything that's going on.

>> No.45667332

Takuji made subahibi rememberable for me.
Sakura series was a snoozefest because Scadi's psychology dump is nothing without interesting main character. Everyone wanting to fuck Naoya and his dad also doesn't help.

>> No.45667338

It's not chapter bad it's just scaji sol writing is atrocious
All the sol parts in 5 chapter are just as bad

>> No.45667351

I still need to finish Gensou Makyou Kitan so yes

>> No.45667352

Most plotge writers are bad at SoL.

>> No.45667362

r07 is the only one I can think of that excels at both

>> No.45667367


>> No.45667372

Romeo has the best sol you can get

>> No.45667381

you'll understand when you're older

>> No.45667441

I don't think I will appreciate Sakutoki ch2 even if I reach my 60.

>> No.45667476

Plus Naoya using Shizuku's pussy juice to beat Rin in the art tournament is not that deep. The only good thing about that shit is my wife Nagayama Kana.

>> No.45667537

>what specifically makes people like Subahibi so much?
This question is what made me want to read it in the first place. That and the supposed grand message it has in the end. I wanted in on the fun after seeing all the discussion surrounding it.
The start is a slog, sure, but the mystery got me hooked later. The philosophy stuff can be fun too, if you like that sort of thing.

>> No.45667585

Anyone have a download for the full voice HD edition of Subahibi? All I've found is Eng patched or one slow torrent.

Think that's what'll motivate me, thinking of just pushing through it even if I don't end up liking it to at least be able to discuss it.

>> No.45667665

It's a game that can be approached from many angles and so everyone has their own reasons to like it. However, one thing worth mentioning is that it's one of the only denpa (not 100%, but at least a significant part is) games that has modern production values and isn't under 10 hours long. That alone makes it fairly unique, and worth playing to see what this "genre" is about.

>> No.45668216

But you're going to keep reading VNs, right? Anyway, I hope you have a good new year.

>> No.45668940
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This girl is very sweet

>> No.45669258
File: 309 KB, 1203x982, YellowBridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might anyone know any online Chinese dictionaries? Something similar to Jisho (a simple layout, a native dark theme, and a radical search chart). So far, I've found YellowBridge.

>> No.45669304

https://kanji.club/ this should have all the chink chars if you need to search for them

>> No.45669619
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>> No.45669623
File: 484 KB, 1920x1080, 1675391231566515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all the endings for the first White Album (well remake version). Technically, I have to do like 10 more playthroughs to get every single event and conversation, but whatever that's for tomorrow. Anyways, I'd say this lands squarely in the "OK" category. The best parts were, of course, the more dramatic, story-heavy bits, so I ended up liking Rina's scenario the most by a mile. Best girl + best drama can't be beat. The main weakness of the game is its overall structure. Having the map movement to go to events and talking to people is fun... on your first playthrough. Not really surprising that games with this kind of structure basically went away. Just be sure to do Yuki's route first, but after that you can do whatever you want.

As you'd expect from a game with this premise, the MC's defining trait is that he's 優しい but objectively he's scum in every single route (minus Yuki's since you don't cheat there; that one is mostly just moe) and you wouldn't want this asshole to be your friend. It's kind of amusing how far they went with this paradox however. Like in Mana's route, it wasn't enough that you groom your student during your バイト. They actually made Mana Yuki's cousin of all things. So MC is literally banging his girlfriend's cousin. Just lol. There's also Misaki's route which has the extra bonus that the MC also completely betrays his best bro who also loved Misaki. As a cherry on top, MC doesn't even explain the situation to Yuki, Misaki does it off screen for him. Amazingly cowardly.

Anyways to sum it up: OK to good drama but it's kind of tedious to get there. I did like some of the fluff conversations with characters but having to constantly skip around on subsequent playthroughs is really a chore. I guess sometime in 2024 I'll finally get around to WA2 now that this is (almost) out of the way and my autism about release order is soothed.

>> No.45669705

They can't finish Ori so make this instead, or what?

>> No.45669735

Isn't the Ori guy in a hospital? They can't keep waiting for him if they don't know when he will come back

>> No.45669819
File: 816 KB, 2311x3538, 1679866946885044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they keep giving me hope like this?

>> No.45670130

She introduces herself and says her name in her first line. Likewise, Kuuko exclusively refers to her in kana.

>> No.45670181

Nta but do you really remember names just from the first introduction? I usually have to recheck on vndb what the name was at least a dozen of times before i can remember it

>> No.45670201

You now realize you are talking to a MTLer because textractor fuck ups furigana

>> No.45670217

Not that anon but if it's a simple name, yeah usually. The old-timey Japanese names that are really long take me longer.

>> No.45670225

I usually remember the spelling/pronunciation for the length of the eroge, but typically forget it afterwards (unless it's a really goofy name like 一二三 四五.) It helps that the heroines are typically spoken to a lot, plus the whole "calling someone by their name, even in a one-to-one conversation, is considered polite" thing aiding repetition.

>> No.45670292

I usually remember names fine except if they're long foreigner names in katakana. I can't remember the last names for most of the Dies irae cast.

>> No.45670454
File: 104 KB, 1282x402, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping 2024 has eroge like this.

>> No.45670498

Do I sense a hookcuck invading our safe space?

>> No.45670503

You're supposed to already know a few of the readings for the name, hearing it just confirms it and makes it easy to remember.

>> No.45670513

I just write it down

>> No.45670525
File: 856 KB, 1920x1080, name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45670564


>> No.45670618

Me too

>> No.45670621

Monolingual mtlerscum probably, "hookbros" are at least studying japanese

>> No.45670622

Ori will release in 2030
We just need to keep Clock Up alive until then

>> No.45670851

Dead thread : |

>> No.45670860

How about you contribute then?

>> No.45670864

go back to whatever shithole board you came from, /jp/ is a board where a thread that gets more than a hundred posts a day is a thread where something's gone horribly wrong.

>> No.45670919

R-18? Imagine the blowjobs with those teeth

>> No.45670936
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, アマナツ_-_Ver1.0.0amanatu (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's new in the Amanatsu definitive edition?

>> No.45670962

If Amakano's anything to go off of, just E-Mote shit.

>> No.45670977
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x720, アマナツ_-_Ver1.0.0amanatu (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, probably seems like the best way to play it but not worth going back if there's no new content.
Am I going to need to start waiting a year or two to play all new azarashisoft games?

>> No.45670992

It's just lipsync shit I believe.
I usually turn that stuff off so I don't really miss anything by not waiting.

>> No.45671145

Most of the people who post here are reunited with their girlfriends and family for new years

>> No.45671227

I figure their parents make them come out of their basement and hangout with the family for new years, yeah.

>> No.45671257

very bold assumption

>> No.45671349

Ah... The Muramasa classroom. 懐かしい。

>> No.45671423

Think I can just install my eroge on a manga cafe computer?

>> No.45671719

Maybe there's still hope for Dogura Q as well

>> No.45671898
File: 1.79 MB, 1280x720, 装甲悪鬼村正Muramasa (18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a certain resemblance.

>> No.45671909

What obscurege will you guys be reading this year?

>> No.45671929
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x750, Ritterorden ―リッターオルデン― ver1.02ritt (63).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't finished Ritterorden, so I'll polish that off next.
After that, I grabbed a bunch of random obscure doujinge from the various megas that people have uploaded in these threads and I'll check them out, it's always fun to try out a VN when you know nothing about it besides the title.

>> No.45671934

define obscure
it's not obscure if vndb page exists for it desu

>> No.45671935

If I said it, it would no longer be obscure

>> No.45671937

Factually correct

>> No.45671940

I haven't even finished reading all the popular games I want to read yet

>> No.45671962

I actually think I'll try reading something mainstream for once.

>> No.45672000


>> No.45672006

>define obscure
There's definitely degrees of it. <50 votes on VNDB isn't the same as <10

>> No.45672053

Random freege

>> No.45672068

I might check out https://vndb.org/v1044

>> No.45672158

First madosoft game: wagamama, raspberry, or hamidashi? They all seem very appealing...

>> No.45672227

Nakadashi Procreative is my personal favorite.

>> No.45672257

What are the best so-obscure-they-don't-have-vndb-page-but-do-have-seeders-on-nyaa-ge?

>> No.45672275

If we told you they wouldn't be obscure anymore

>> No.45672280

lol pick one bro

>> No.45672283

but I don't wanna have to make an account on ab...

>> No.45672293

>implying actually obscure stuff is on ab
fucking cloutchasers

>> No.45672317

as long as it's not doujinge ab usually has it

>> No.45672324

Just spoonfeed me bros, I wanna be a hipster so bad, I want to read obscure kusoge
this post is not a joke I'm 100% serious

>> No.45672329

Can't tell if serious

>> No.45672335

do your own research fag

>> No.45672336

I'm shitposting but I'd absolutely give obscure doujinge a shot if I knew how to find it.

>> No.45672365

The author of Gensou Makyou Kitan, which has been shilled on here a bit lately, has a few vns on his site that aren't on vndb, other than one that has no votes and no real info. No idea if they're any good or not.

>> No.45672429


>> No.45672542

I had fun attending comiket.

>> No.45672858

took a shit right when the ball dropped and came out so all the otome/BL

>> No.45672962

want any recs or do you already know where you're starting?

>> No.45672999

not him but as someone who has enjoyed a fair share of ギャルゲー and has enjoyed BL content in the past (I really liked the way some fujoshi write codependence/共依存) I'm actually kind of curious to try an otome or BL game myself, so I'd take a recommendation or two.

>> No.45673078

百花百狼, Princess Britania, Bustafellows, Collar X Malice, Olympia Soiree
Lkyt, No Thank You!!, Silver Chaos (probably not a great starting point but it was my first), any game by no-strike or nounai kanojo

>> No.45673134


>> No.45673431

KEY has fallen

scenario writers for anemoi routes:
辻倉 朱比華:設定とプロットは魁先生、シナリオは新島先生
総羽 愛乃:新島先生
淡雪 陽彩:ハサマさん
速川 六花:魁先生
白渡 小詠:佐雪さん

>> No.45673462

They should make them have non-romantic sex.

>> No.45673521

>(I really liked the way some fujoshi write codependence/共依存) I'm actually kind of curious to try an otome or BL game myself, so I'd take a recommendation or two.
I think you might like Yamano Eiko's games.

>> No.45673654

What is going on in this thread

>> No.45673724

You forgot taisho alice, buddy

>> No.45674527

I'm playing this Pokemon clone https://www.dlsite.com/maniax-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01082861.html

>> No.45674542

I was actually looking at that earlier and thinking about whether to give it a try, but it didn't seem like the pokemon mechanics really had anything to do with the sex or heroines or anything more than a slightly novel way to do the typical rpgmaker gameplay. Is there anything more there?

>> No.45674693

Textractor's Google Translate is very bed then. I don't remember reading that.

>> No.45674704

I'm still at the beginning but the game is just normal Pokemon (you can skip the battles) with bonus Hscenes if you win. Don't bother if you don't like Pokemon or the artstyle.

>> No.45675295

Where do I download VNs? Nyaa is pretty bare and other places I stumbled upon only have EN versions.

>> No.45675311


>> No.45675324

chink sites or just pay for it

>> No.45675337

AB, except it's against rules to give out invites in public and giving invite to a literal retard might get you banned along with retard you invited.
Try ryuu, chink paid ftp, maybe actually buy shit.

>> No.45675421

Chinks are active on as and reuploading all the shit you ask them, there is literally nothing you can't find there

>> No.45675881

>Nyaa is pretty bare
Maybe for new stuff. Back catalog is still good.

>> No.45675893

How do you get into AB? Is it the same as years ago where you had to get into a random tracker and build your reputation for years like a turbo autist?

>> No.45675899

Got invite from my friend.

>> No.45675901

How can it be pretty bare? Isn't that where you guys get all the new releases each month? For old stuff I agree, but anything recent is there.

>> No.45675913


>> No.45675928

That question of where to download has been answered countless times, is it really that frequent for newfags to arrive here?

>> No.45675957

You brose through anime discord and find that one VIP dude who has unlimited invites

>> No.45676068

Oyakodon saved me.

>> No.45676083

/vn/fag senpais, should are there any precautions I should take when using steam rips so as to not get my account flagged or are these perfectly safe?
I normally avoid steam versions like the plague when torrenting.

>> No.45676090


>> No.45676162

16bit rekindled the newfag flames and that discord invasion we had last month was also at fault

>> No.45676165
File: 114 KB, 1024x718, GAM1-IlX0AAv7bV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please anon I already dropped my spaghetti.

>> No.45676177

It would be strange for them not to after ヘブバン success.

>> No.45676179

They're completely fine. You don't even need to have steam open assuming the torrent comes with the steam emulator stuff in the folder..

>> No.45676183
File: 1.29 MB, 1885x1058, 15645686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first nut of the year

>> No.45676206
File: 114 KB, 713x581, 2401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to play all vanilla childhood friend romance routes on console VNs/dating sims.

>> No.45676215
File: 49 KB, 480x360, 198489616468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45676502

They're literally owned by China, what did you expect

>> No.45676515

>I'm trying to play all vanilla childhood friend romance routes on console VNs/dating sims.
god why would you do that to yourself

>> No.45676519

Is rewrite actually good when you already read more than 10 vns? Or is it only good when you're newfag eop?

>> No.45676523

Saw this in a random vndb screenshot and it looks interesting.

>> No.45676531

I overall enjoyed it when I reread it much later in Japanese. It certainly has its weak routes, but there's good stuff in there.

>> No.45676587

Happy new year!
Here's a complete muramasa playthrough voiced by a nobody japfag to the point of potential throat damage, enjoy.

>> No.45676686
File: 111 KB, 796x596, 40101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Console exclusive romance VNs are pretty much never talked practically everywhere even on Japanese websites, while the games thenselves are still easy to get without having to dive on animebytes/animesharing or the likes, and almost always straightforward to run on modern PC, and 2. I'm tired of shallow childhood friends in modern VNs where the supposed childhood friend heroine tells the childhood friend status to the MC/player without actually showing the childhood stuff they experience together and I'm curious if console exclusive romance VNs are better in this regard since they don't have H scenes to fill the shit out of the heroine's route.
Also holy shit, male friends.

>> No.45676736

damn this guy is really good

>> No.45676869

>complete muramasa playthrough
What kind of complete playthrough starts halfway through the game?

>> No.45676907

I'm going to play all the mainstreamge that I've ignored in favor of obscurge. Think I'll start with kanon and white album while its still winter I guess.

>> No.45676921

Ah, I didnt notice half of the og playthrough got banned off youtube.
Right? Surprisingly good.

>> No.45676938

I like this guy albatros vod

>> No.45676992


>> No.45677012

Wouldn't say good, but it's still worth reading. As someone who didn't like it much.

>> No.45677016
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x1080, 1676555835078650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trap MC
Fool me once...

>> No.45677024

Its rare to see proper trap depiction.

>> No.45677028

>Trap MC
we are so fucking back

>> No.45677032

waste of good art

>> No.45677052


kek he is back

>> No.45677059

i look like this

>> No.45677080
File: 1.65 MB, 1374x1080, obvious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45677082
File: 2.43 MB, 1900x930, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45677101

Is it weird I'm just seeing the Hentai Prison MC's head when you outline it like that?

>> No.45677104

white hair bros won

>> No.45677122

Kinda does, now that you mention it. Honestly looking at it again I think his head may be larger, that outline was just a guess

>> No.45677124
File: 1.68 MB, 1600x900, 1699189119892093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45677155

Does anyone remember that dies irae jikkyou with the guy who had exactly the same voice as mercurius?

>> No.45677230

Some of these, if I can get hold of them

>> No.45677284

let's gooooooo

>> No.45677351

>Ayumi Sarah
Guess Otome Domain must have an inspiration.

>> No.45677363

Another year gone by and still no Otome Function.

>> No.45677585

Play Myself;Yourself and its sequel next. It's... interesting, let's put it that way.

>> No.45677664
File: 3.24 MB, 1920x1080, best girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new years imokanochads. when should i play the bonus Kei and Mitsuki episodes? after i'm done all the routes or in between?

>> No.45677684

They recommend afterward because of spoilers.

>> No.45678215

>shallow childhood friends in modern VNs where the supposed childhood friend heroine tells the childhood friend status to the MC/player without actually showing the childhood stuff they experience together
I really hated this in Kanotsuku2.

>> No.45678332

anything good on the Vita?

>> No.45678358

Vita exclusive or just on vita in general?

>> No.45678406

in general

>> No.45678460

try 風雨来記3

>> No.45678506

Well there's loads then. Muv-Luv, Aokana, Chusingura, Silverio, YU-NO remake (haven't played remake though), Rewrite. These are just off the top of my head.

>> No.45678535


>> No.45678545

Any reason to play any of these on Vita over the PC version?

>> No.45678556

sometimes there are extra scenes in the all-ages versions

>> No.45678577


>> No.45678589

wouldn't it be more practical to just use a steam deck if that was your goal

>> No.45678595

>YU-NO remake
Play this version only if you hate yourself

>> No.45678602

Yep, that's why I got a steam deck. I used the vita for a similar purpose before the deck came out, though.

>> No.45678619

Have you had any compatibility problems so far? I remember at first it was a headache with eroges

>> No.45678627

a lot of cowboys were German settlers and there are still pockets of Texas where German is the default language

>> No.45678630

Not him but if you are referring to loonix, I play all my eroge on it no problem.

>> No.45678647

>there are still pockets of Texas where German is the default language
This might have been true 40 years ago. Texas German is all but dead

>> No.45678678

I usually stream them from my pc to the deck because there's no real downside. Never notice latency or anything.

>> No.45679012

Is egs right, does Sakura Moyu take 9 hours to get interesting... One review even said takes 30 hours...

>> No.45679053

sunk cost fallacy

>> No.45679311


>> No.45679471

Dropped a game the other day because nothing interesting happened in the first 30 minutes. Not reading for days for a chance at to make up the time spent.

>> No.45679503

Same but it was the first 5 minutes.

>> No.45679525

I swear half the reason they hire her is because of her shilling skill

>> No.45679531

I kneel.

>> No.45679548

I have avoided trap shit for so long
Where do I start
Give me the least gay one

>> No.45679554

play biman4 and skip all of the hscenes

>> No.45679564


>> No.45679572

Does Monkeys even count as trap, isn't it more just a mix between normal and crossdressing?

>> No.45679622


>> No.45679629

Do traps always have to be trapping?

>> No.45679662

Well, iirc trapege are more about the trap getting the girls when he is dressed as a trap, than when he is dressed as a guy, at least for the h

>> No.45679664


>> No.45679811

Damn it. Wanted to play this eroge but it said "For Japan only"

>> No.45679879

good thing I was born a rebel

>> No.45680037

Read the whole website and I like it already.

>> No.45680089

Removed from backlog

>> No.45680093

Added to my backlog, thanks. Should I watch the anime too?

>> No.45680170

what was that upcoming Vn that was supposed to have a ton of CGs?

>> No.45680184


>> No.45680202

You can. It's not incredibly good but it's not terrible. It reminds me of an anecdote concerning that - I watched the anime way before reading the VN (I watched it when it was airing, it has been a while...), and when I found out it was based on a VN and looked it up on VNDB, the age rating of 12+ really got my attention. It sort of became my go-to example of how age ratings are really out of whack in Japan. Much later I found out how much they toned down all the really dark and heavy stuff from the VN... I wonder if some 12-year-old Japanese kid actually read it and got traumatized for life.

>> No.45680222

For the people who read trap games
Did they turn you into a homo/tranny?

>> No.45680288

Can anybody reupload this patch over here >>45533425 for どうして、そんなに黒い髪が好きなの?

>> No.45680298
File: 1.80 MB, 1265x704, 1678654660118125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45680610

I've been reading some of lucle just now and I can't say that the text is especially outstanding, it's easy to read tho. For those who have more experience with his work, what are his strengths?

>> No.45680805

Imoutos. Hope this helps

>> No.45680912

imoutos and laser targeted misery
personally i like how his protags often have well fleshed out inner thoughts
which one are you reading?

>> No.45680926

The shilling for this is incessant. It better give me a good time.

>> No.45680994

Unmei, I'm having a hard time connecting with the story so I'm progressing pretty slow, but I really like ringo. Regarding the heroines, yeah, imouto and tsundere chan are the best so far

>> No.45681099

oh nice, someone's finally reading unmei. ringo is indeed best
i feel like it takes a little bit to get going but it gets better and better as it goes. the ladder route progression works really well in its favor, gives it a sense of time and events passing that the usual quantum-split route games don't have

but yeah they do hit you with the teenage angst pretty hard right off the bat. i didn't mind it much due to "wow he is literally past me" but i can see it not grabbing people who don't go for that.
the "bro" character will at least mix things up if you haven't gotten to him yet

>> No.45681163

Played through Unmei recently. It's decent, imouto route is really good though way too short. Wish Ringo had a route. Like >>45681099 says, it takes a bit to get going but once it's going it goes.

>> No.45681263

I liked the writing in Unmei more than his other works since it's the right amount of angst for me. There are some interesting characters like Ringo and the "bro" like other anon said who are very atypical.

>> No.45681286

Lucle writing is maybe half-tier better than your average moe writer in terms of prose and is literally nothing when you put it against any proper writer lol

>> No.45681294

Let me guess, you're the anon who was claiming that NTR game was a philosophical work

>> No.45681306

Anon, I...

>> No.45681321


>> No.45681345

Imokano guy writes surprisingly well, which makes me wonder, why are so many talented writers stuck in nukiges?

>> No.45681351

Have never read NTR in my life. Actual ntr at least. Like you know, you bunch of clowns trying really hard to turn muramasa into ntrge. you know gaslighting
and no there is no such thing as ntr coded vn jesus fucking chrtist fuck off

>> No.45681368

Muramasa is NTR?

>> No.45681377

I just searched and found literally nothing, where are those mentions of muramasa + ntr in these threads

>> No.45681386

It's weak crossboard shitposting, just ignore it.

>> No.45681393

maybe they're just writing what they want to write
i rather enjoy reading about sex in a non-porn way, like, thoughts and wants and conflicting desires and all that instead of aaaa chinpo kimochiiiii so i welcome this

i don't like NTR at all but i am finding hajimete no kanojo to be very good for that reason

>> No.45681396

tfw my loyalty to /jp/ made me ignorant

>> No.45681406

obvious ntr fag

>> No.45681422
File: 607 KB, 1024x576, 1699659212274381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying really hard to turn muramasa into ntrge

>> No.45681424

Anon, I...

>> No.45681433

dunno what else to tell you besides no

>> No.45681435
File: 247 KB, 1280x720, 1532193929790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss KISS on their 2D era, before they go full retard on NTRshit.

>> No.45681438

What's the point of being in denial of your fetish on an anonymous message board

>> No.45681460

Some people just like writing about sex from a more psychological and philosophical angle because things are hotter when you can 感情移入 like that. I mean, look at Yoru no Hitsuji. That's the whole concept behind that circle.

>> No.45681489

I've only played one of their early works and it was pretty bad (though I liked the concept), is there any you'd recommend?

>> No.45681499

My purefag friend who used to post here told me it's ntrshit, you have no way out of this.

>> No.45681519
File: 1.77 MB, 1600x900, AISHIMAI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when this thread become obnoxious about ntr? I'm posting ntrge a few years ago no one get mad.

>> No.45681550

Back to gaslighting eh?

>> No.45681555

Death to moefags

>> No.45681562

i take ntrfags over moebutas to be honest

>> No.45681597

ahomi, my beloved

>> No.45681611

We need Otome Function, Taiyou no Ko, Jasmine, Black and White, Ori, Noratoto 3 and Aokana Zwei to release at once to save the industry

>> No.45681629

I don't get how Dies Irae and Garden incidents can happen at all
How the fuck would anyone in the studio think it's okay for them to release an incomplete game?
It's absurd

>> No.45681707

Yeah, thanks.

>> No.45681827

i need to stop playing imokano before bed. this shit is actually giving me insomnia.

>> No.45681842

When this thread - and most of this site, to be fair - lost the ability to ignore extremely obvious bait, shitposting about mtl, ntr, you name it, went up 5000%, because you people are fucking idiots and just have to respond.

>> No.45681858

Thanks for the reply.

>> No.45681885

Are you me? I'm reading it right now too and I should have been in bed an hour ago.

>> No.45681890

here you are anon

>> No.45681910

do you also lie in bed afterwards muttering i can fix her to yourself for 2 hours?

>> No.45681921

No. Not yet, anyways... (I only started reading it 2-3 days ago.)

>> No.45681936

The first three in the Lolita series are the best, but I'm a lolicon.

>> No.45681989

The cost of renegotiating with stores and redoing all your PR to change the release date at the last minute and rescheduling with printers ends up being too high when you've already delayed several times before. There was a semi-fictional story posted on 2ch back in the day explaining this whole scenario but I can't find it anymore.

>> No.45682026
File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, 神樹の館.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45682050

Thank you anon!

>> No.45683659
File: 23 KB, 493x186, 14981498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to run さくら、もゆ and keep running into this error. Already tried installing the game's directx9.0c to no avail.
It happens when trying to load Kuro (right after picking up the chocolates with the note)

>> No.45683740

Do the usual thing. You know, what we always recommended over the years as the fix for this common error with Favorite VNs.

>> No.45683764

Locale? Im already using JP. What else is there to do?

>> No.45683776

There's also fo

>> No.45683777

You have to switch your system language or date to japanese. It's easier to use Locale Emulator

>> No.45683825

switch date format to japanese or use locale emulator
fvp needs japanese date format in order to load sprite files (lol)

>> No.45683880

i doubt anyones going to play this but here is unpacked https://vndb.org/v32 / 夏色の砂時計 from safedisc so my 2 weeks of it breaking my balls dont get lost in case i kms
password is fuckyounanomites

>> No.45683930
File: 1.68 MB, 1601x902, 78367868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switching the date format to japanese worked.

>> No.45684300

It's out.

>> No.45684528
File: 124 KB, 530x750, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone recommend me some good lolige (not pure nukige but with actual depth) similar to 現実が見えてきたので少女を愛するのを辞めました。?


>> No.45684539

I'm so excited by the video of someone who translated ああ as a sigh instead of a affirmation which was the correct thing to do because context

>> No.45684623

that's what happens when fucking kastel didn't translate all your shit as usual

>> No.45684672
File: 1.17 MB, 1375x777, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45684817

There is something wrong...

>> No.45684937

but all the obscure games are obviously doujin

>> No.45685408


>> No.45685413

so is this game good?

>> No.45685432

>9 hours to get interesting
>30 hours to get interesting
Every time this is heard, immediately discard it for the trash it is. There's no such thing as 'waiting for it to get good' because everything good -everything worth reading- is 'good' straightaway; from its opening, to the first sentence and throughout the process of buildup.
What sort of bastard chose to coin that phrase anyway...."It gets good 100 hours in, I promise!"

>> No.45685536

If that is the case (it is), you will logically also agree that there is no such thing as "it was good at first but then the ending ruined it and now it's all shit"

>> No.45685632

Eh, I liked it from the beginning. It has a pretty good intro.
Nothing insane but good enough to keep you hooked.

>> No.45685660

Beginning was incredibly boring, nothing happens, and characters chat about nothing. Only thing it has going for it is good art. I think the sunk cost got to you.

>> No.45685833

There's definitely more happening than characters chatting about nothing. Maybe stop MTLing

>> No.45685881

read it and tell us

>> No.45685962

I was just horny and wanted to fap to gay traps, but it turned out that scenario for that recent appetite game (Shiritaro) surprisingly was actually kind of good. Yazuka and kidnapping shenanigans plus the jokes were kind of funny. Thought I'd mention it at least.

>> No.45686045

Am I gay if I think I would definitely fuck a guy who looked like that?

>> No.45686092

I dunno man. I just gave up on questions like that and started thinking with my dick.

>> No.45686104


>> No.45686177

We need a new thread.

>> No.45686193

Why do you post this every thread, and 6-8 hours before it's even relevant?

>> No.45686246

Can someone tell me what game is this? I'm afraid of catching a disease by opening that video.

>> No.45686260
File: 542 KB, 800x600, 1700608142455749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is creepy alright

>> No.45686261


>> No.45686268


>> No.45686278

Not that anon but I posted it last thread.

>> No.45686288


>> No.45686297


>> No.45687141

New thread:

