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45527428 No.45527428 [Reply] [Original]

Why do mangaka authors always downplay how dangerous Yandere female characters are? I know in otaku culture they’re pretty much harmless and funny, but it would be pretty spooky to meet one in real life with how psycho they really are.

>> No.45527506

>why isn't fiction like real life
Truly, a conundrum for the ages.

>> No.45535014 [DELETED] 

I want a woman to kill me

>> No.45535038

cause real life is dumb and boring

>> No.45535772

>sees one weird thing in a manga/anime sometimes
>why do they ALWAYS
please 死ね
if anything, yandere aren't common enough

>> No.45536113

Go back to /a/
This is a terribly shit thread

>> No.45536211

Because it's just a means to an end that is a prolonged sex scene.

>> No.45543268 [DELETED] 
File: 516 KB, 1463x1427, __sensei_and_aoi_blue_archive_drawn_by_vivo_vivo_sun_0222__82b426e6d759b40b2fc8ba0b631a3716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is even the main appeal of yanderes? They're literally just femcels who seethe whenever their crush talks to another woman.

>> No.45543281

>what even is the appeal of yanderes
>describes the perfect woman

>> No.45543295

what kind of retarded question is this? if the yanderes actually went around being fucking dangerous they would be more THAN JUST A SIDE CHARACTER

>> No.45543342

Why did he delete it? I want to know what the perfect woman sounds like.

>> No.45543354

i guess he thought the world wasn't ready for that great secret

>> No.45543578

I want to fuck a homicidal Shiggy.

>> No.45543608
File: 166 KB, 1024x999, 1702870719519616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll just copy and paste what I saw in warosu.

What is even the main appeal of yanderes? They're literally just femcels who seethe whenever their crush talks to another woman.

>> No.45543752

Why'd he delete that? Some Crystal Cafe denizen passed by?

>> No.45546235

Hot picture. I want that to happen to me.

>> No.45553422

Yandere are good.

>> No.45558419

Why is she chocking him

>> No.45558527

kuso stealth boatfucker thread

>> No.45562976

God damn this is hot

>> No.45563588

It's a fantasy, it's not supposed to be realistic.

>> No.45564069

Least autistic thread on this board

>> No.45570085

It should be

>> No.45575333

It's called having a fantasy, anon.

>> No.45575848

It should be realistic

>> No.45584505

I wish that were me

>> No.45585319
File: 2.00 MB, 2030x2552, Parsee_Upset34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're literally just femcels who seethe whenever their crush talks to another woman.

Nice. Except it's better if she also seethes whenever I talk to another man, or any living thing, as well.

>> No.45585997
File: 597 KB, 2064x2690, 1702769613063251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what’s the point of having someone so controlling

>> No.45586089

To be able to bask in her love and attention and return it in kind.

>> No.45592134

Parsee isn't a yandere, she's just extremely misunderstood

>> No.45592164

Yes. She's not a yandere, she's a hater. She'd going to be mad if anyone has anything nicer than what she has and that just happens to include interpersonal relationships..

>> No.45592192

She’s a femcel. Can’t get a man even if she tried.

>> No.45592450

She just has to lower her standards a bit but much like her male counterparts. she likely never will.

>> No.45597803

Parsee definitely seems like a femcel, really want a doujin of her being like that.

>> No.45598481

>She’s a femcel
How is that possible for a girl as cute as her?
All she has to do is go to a public place and wait for a guy to hit on her.

>> No.45598630

As mentioned here, incredibly high standards. She laments her loneliness but will also refuse to settle for anything less than the idealized image of a perfect man that she has in her mind. No she will not settle for even a particularly good looking Anon. She wants a god amongst men or nothing at all even if she will complain that she has nothing the entire time.

>> No.45599524

Women who don’t behave like that have something wrong with them. The risk of your crush/bf talking to another woman is far too great. Even thinking about it should be enough to send a rational woman into a rage.

>> No.45604048

>How is that possible for a girl as cute as her?
With how shit society is, it's a possibility.

>> No.45604141

Men come up impressed with her beauty but leave the minute she opens her mouth! Imagine trying to score with a woman who constantly complains how much better you have it. Literally every second sentence is her grousing about how much nicer someone else has it. You can't take her anywhere because she spots someone else and complains about them too. You can't push her down because she complains it must be nice to not have to worry about pregnancy scares and you can reach orgasm easier than her. Even if you prove you're worse off than her in everything she complains about you just get her bitterly complaining you won the misery olympics instead of her.

>> No.45604302
File: 697 KB, 6400x3600, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_drawn_by_halllllllas__47a7228bb0e5bb9af9ac750194a57bf9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is that possible for a girl as cute as her?
No matter how cute a girl is, if she's a psycho or a femcel, no man wants to be with them

>> No.45604318

You just know she watches Yuugi drunkenly take another man home for loud, wall-shaking sex while Parsee seethes with the fury of a thousand suns.

>> No.45605602
File: 649 KB, 1280x1790, 1_013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that girls with mental illnesses are hot
If she's as annoying as >>45604141 described, then yeah, that's a hard pass for me. Although there might be one or two desperate and very patient dudes willing to put up with that if she agrees to wear a gag during sex.

>> No.45605841

I won't try to fix her. I don't want to fix her. Instead I would try to channel her flow of hate exclusively onto others so that we can hate on people who have nicer things than us together.

>> No.45611199

That’s their own fault and they’re missing out. It’s nothing to do with her and is probably her former bfs fault for not treating her right. It isn’t hard to just give your gf attention and affection all the time. The lowest possible standard should be constant affection and love and never EVER talking to another woman unless required by work or something.

>> No.45612839

>but it would be pretty spooky to meet one in real life
Yet when all of you people end up with an obsessive or “yandere” woman all you do is tell her to calm down or try to change her rather than do the very simple acts to make her happy.

>> No.45613403

That's the thing about the reality of it. It more often than not won't be an attractive woman so it becomes far less appealing automatically.

>> No.45613435

can this stupid fucking kusothread just die already

>> No.45615419
File: 67 KB, 354x460, Parsee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parsee cooks for you
>You tell her that her cooking is great
>She doesn't believe it and spends the rest of the dinner seething
Who am I quoting? Parsee.

>> No.45615556

God, the bitch just refuses to take the compliment

>> No.45615805

she is literally just like a real woman except hot

>> No.45620143

She's not that hot

>> No.45624584

Why do people love her again?

>> No.45624605

The kinds of people who like her tend to be people who are somewhat like her themselves and as such, find her relatable.

>> No.45631863

>Women who don’t behave like that have something wrong with them.
They're sane and mature

>> No.45640052

Why do crazy women always assume their male crush?

>> No.45640076

What's wrong with boats?

>> No.45647896

Real women know how to take compliments.

>> No.45651054

>find her relatable.
I don't find her relatable.

>> No.45659613

I want to be with them
