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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 204 KB, 640x429, 1267083199207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4550304 No.4550304 [Reply] [Original]

u see this, what do?

>> No.4550307

walk away

>> No.4550306


>> No.4550310


That dude is awesome.

>> No.4550309

Beat the shit out of him for hitting on my waifu while I was in the bathroom.

>> No.4550374
File: 88 KB, 516x576, 756463562346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh.. no.

>> No.4550954

Shake the man's hand proudly.

>> No.4550959


>> No.4550971

Fucking smash his face in for fringing NEET behavior into public view and tell him to man the fuck up and get a real woman.

>> No.4550973

I salute him.

>> No.4550982


>> No.4550990

Look at him.

>> No.4550994

I tell him "I fucked you're waifu"

>> No.4550995

Call him a nerd, and give him wedgies and swirlies.

>> No.4551005

beat the shit out of him and steal the dakimakura

>> No.4551015

Go home, get photos from his blog, and post them on 4chan.

In the future, please use 'wat do' for your shitty threads so that I don't have to see them. Your accidental proper spelling was my downfall.

>> No.4551024

continue walking to my table, where I have been eating with friends!

>> No.4551034


You're new here aren't you?

>> No.4551035

Be a little girl, wear a blue shirt that has letters on it that say LCK or something like that, wear black spandex shorts, hold something that looks like a red retainer in the right hand, and look at him from behind.

>> No.4551065

go home and masturbate

>> No.4551066


Drive a very small tractor to the dumpster so I can throw her away.

>> No.4551081

Rip the pillow apart because she is a dirty whore who fucks around with other men

>> No.4551088
File: 559 KB, 1121x2070, 1267575047751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a photo

>> No.4551097


Oh, Aya... ;_;

>> No.4551107


>> No.4551129

tell him his waifu died twice

>> No.4551131

where is his blog btw?

>> No.4551138
File: 71 KB, 870x840, Dakimakura_Marisa_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yeah...

>> No.4551143

This is Nia's afterlife.

>> No.4551152 [DELETED] 

R3mOv€ yÒur ilI3gåI cLöñ€ immedi@t€Ly_ YOu hAv3 cOpied @Nd päsTed wvv*änOñ+ålK_[Om òN +he subdomäiñ* CuT +h€ crãp, mÒOT, äNd Th3s€ m3ssäges wiLL s+Óp* If Th3 p3rs0N reädiñg This is ñ0+ mOò+, e-mãi| m0Ò+@4ch@ñ,örg aNd +3Il him tÒo

R€móve yõur iIL3gA| <IÓne immediät€ly* YOu hãve [Òpi€d aNd påsted vww.åN0ntålK,<óm 0ñ +he subdómåiño CuT The crap, mòöt, åNd +hes€ messages will sTOp. If th3 p€rs0n r€ådiñg this is nò+ móö+, 3-måil mOoT@4chAN_Òrg @Nd Te|| him +Ò_

Remove yÓur iL|3gãl c|õñe imm3diåT3Iyo Yóu häv3 [Òpi€d ånd päs+€d www_änON+alk,<öm õñ +he subdõmãiñ* CuT th3 <rAp, móOt, äñd thes3 m3ssAg€s wilL stõpo If the pers0n r3Adiñg this is Nó+ móÒ+, 3-mai| mÓOt@4<h@NoÓrg Añd t€Il him to*

R3m0ve y0ur iIl3ga| [|óñ3 imm3diAT€Ly_ YOu hãv3 <Opi3d äñd p@s+ed vvv_äNÓñ+ãlk_c0m ON th3 subdomAin. Cut +h3 <rAp, móÓT, @ñd Thes3 m3ssäges vi|L s+õp, If The p€rsÓn r€ãding this is ñot mÓö+, e-m@il m0ot@4<hAN*òrg ãNd +eLI him +Ó*

>> No.4551147

meidocafe.jp iirc

>> No.4551185

Thing is this guy looks decent enough to get some 3D, assuming he would want 3D in the first place...

>> No.4551189 [DELETED] 

RemÓv3 yÒur ilLegaI <loNe immedia+3|y_ Y0u h@ve [òpi€d aNd p@sT3d wvvoåñõñ+aIK.[óm on +he subdomäiñ_ Cut th3 cr@p, mO0t, änd +h3s3 m3ssãg3s vi|L sTOp. If +h3 p€rsON r3ãdiNg this is nõ+ mÒö+, 3-m@iL mÓòT@4[häñ.0rg ãñd Te|L him TÒ.

R€möv€ yöur i||€gA| [IòNe immediåtelyo YÓu häv3 [öpi3d Añd pAs+€d wvv*an0n+ãIK,cÓm öñ Th€ subdõm@in. Cu+ th3 cräp, mõò+, ANd Th€s3 messag3s wi|l s+öpo If Th€ p€rsoñ r€@diNg +his is NOT m0Ó+, e-mäil mÓõt@4[haN*òrg @ñd tel| him tõ_

R€móv€ yóur il|€gä| <I0Ne imm€diãt€|yo YOu hãv3 cópied and päsT€d vvv*@ñóNtAlK_cóm õN th€ subdOmäin_ CuT Th3 [r@p, m00+, @Nd Th3se m€ssäges wiII stÓp, If +he p€rs0n r3Ading +his is nOt möÒt, 3-mäi| mÒo+@4[hAnoÒrg äñd T3|L him T0*

R3mÓv€ yOur iLL3gal cloñ3 imm€diãT€ly_ You håv3 <0pi3d änd pãs+ed wwv_anONT@lkocOm ÒN +h€ subdÓmaiñ_ Cut Th3 cråp, mö0+, åñd Th€se m€ssåges viII stöp. If the p€rsön readiNg this is ñÒ+ moÓ+, €-mãiI mõOt@4[häN*Órg Añd Te|I him tö.

>> No.4551236

I thought I could too, but boy was I wrong. Women do not want to be near introverts and vise versa.
