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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45477714 No.45477714 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>>45304134 hit limit so continuing on the witch abuse here.

Share you best art, doujins, short stories, memes and suggestions how to bully the witch.

>> No.45477724

this is a fucking general now? im getting scared

>> No.45477736
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I'll bully Marisa by passionately making love to her and help her raise our kids. That'll show her!

>> No.45477778

I want to press down on her head and tell her that her growth gets stunted every time I do that.

>> No.45477934
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If you feel scare or frigten just rember happy day. Also rember to bully witch.

>> No.45478058
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Bullying the witch by tying her up and clearing her years of accumulated junk out

>> No.45482297
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Why is her game so SHIT?

>> No.45482324

ZUN is such a hack job that he forgot his own character's eye color. Any other author would be mocked but Touhou fans are yesmen.

>> No.45483526
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Marisa is forced to pay off her debt to the SDM (it turns out that borrowing without asking is still a crime)

>> No.45483554
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She's going to have a great time when she gets put on basement duty.

>> No.45484388
File: 125 KB, 850x850, Marisa_crying24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you make this? Last thread was kept alive by a single person bumping it from page ten.
You can't force the Marisa bullying, it has to come naturally in an otherwise regular 'risa thread.

>> No.45484409

it's probably an angry marifag trying to force all the bullying to one thread

>> No.45484415

Reddit tourists see something new and have to run it into the ground. A tale as old as time.

>> No.45488427
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Oh noooo it's r*ddit. Marisafag hands typed this in a desperate attempt to delegitimise the Marisa bullying genre.

>> No.45488436

Marisa herself typed that out....

>> No.45488438

Is making fun of womanlets a reddit thing?

>> No.45488545

No. R*ddit would be calling womanlets stunning and brave

>> No.45489024

Just like Marisafags do, hmmm...

>> No.45489356

Reddit and Marisa are a perfect pairing when you think about it. They'd never challenge her lying, stealing and general obnoxiousness while showering praise on it for upvotes. Redditors would actively encourage and let Marisa steal from them while expressing excitement at how great it was and share pictures of missing or looted belongings practically jerking themselves off that they got robbed by the stunning and brave womanlet witch girl today.

>> No.45489449

Lol yeah i can see that. Marisa is also japanese so she's a minority. Even more reason to congratulate her on stealing things. On a more serious note ive seen some /jp/sissies justify why her stealing isn't actually that bad. The halo effect is real.

>> No.45489555

Today, you will never guess who visited my house and 'borrowed' my Funko Pop collection!

OMG, you guys, I am still on cloud nine after what happened at my house today! Brace yourselves for this incredible story because it involves the most adorable, courageous, and stunning girl you could ever imagine. Get ready to have your heart melted by her sheer awesomeness!

So, picture this: I was just chilling at home, minding my own business, when out of nowhere, this amazing girl walks right through my front door! Can you believe it? She had the most infectious smile, and I couldn't help but feel my heart skip a beat. Little did I know, she had a surprise in store for me that would leave me speechless.

As I watched in awe, she delicately picked up each and every one of my beloved Funko Pop figures and started placing them into a sack. Oh, the way she handled them with such care and precision! It was like watching a master artist at work.

But here's the best part, my friends. She said the phrase! You know the one I'm talking about, right? She actually said, "Well, I'm gonna be borrowin' these, cos' the kappa want outside world collectables for somethin' they're workin' on. Guess I'll just be off now, no hard feelins', da ze!" Can you believe it? I couldn't help but squeal with delight!

Let's take a moment to appreciate how stunning and brave this girl is. I mean, who just walks into random people's homes and takes their stuff? Only someone as bold and courageous as her! It's like she's on a mission to spread joy and excitement wherever she goes. And boy, does she succeed!

As she made her way towards the door, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, I was sad to see my precious collection go, but on the other hand, I was filled with admiration for this incredible girl. She was like a whirlwind of happiness, leaving a trail of excitement in her wake. It was truly a magical experience.

So, my fellow Funko Pop enthusiasts, let's raise our virtual glasses to this extraordinary girl. Cheers to her infectious smile, her boldness, and her unwavering spirit!

And to all of you out there, keep your eyes peeled because you never know when this incredible girl might visit your home next. Trust me, it will be an experience you'll never forget. Just remember to have no hard feelings, da ze!

>> No.45489934

Then why on the other thread there was a Maricuck meme with a reddit watermark?

>> No.45490264

You could've included the bikecuck meme of 'it made me sad, but whoever got it made them happier so it increased the total happiness in the world'

>> No.45493158

High effort post, good job anon.

>> No.45499863
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Smashing cake in the witch's face

>> No.45501236
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This works better with a proper setup.

>> No.45501673

>blue eyes
Hi Alice

>> No.45501702

Stop making new threads about this as soon as they die. They must be done naturally

>> No.45502275
File: 31 KB, 600x405, Kirisame.Marisa.600.2385090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making new threads about this.

>> No.45502729
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>> No.45502779
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try again

>> No.45502790
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>> No.45502823
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try again

>> No.45502842
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>> No.45502848
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you are all faggots

>> No.45502867

I don't know how to disprove that one, the only proxy I use is Tor and that's completely banned here

>> No.45502914

So you used inspect element.

>> No.45502946
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>> No.45502950
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I used my heart and soul to protect Marisa.

>> No.45503474

Marisa's reunion with her old master, what could go wrong?

>> No.45510197
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Leaving the witch to be sexually bullied by tengu

>> No.45510233

It's cool, Aya said it was consensual and she'd tell me the details later over sake. She also said to ignore Marisa's crying, whatever that means. Lovers quarrel I figure.
