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454772 No.454772 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he always seen fondling his balls discreetly?

>> No.454776

He's masturbating to Shiro.

>> No.454779


>> No.454780


just because he can

>> No.454782

gay for shirou, tsun tsun for rin

>> No.454784

QUALITY artwork

>> No.454896

that's not discretion

>> No.454914


He`s talking with Rin, duhh.

>> No.455009

Look at Shirou trying to look all laid back and cool. Legs too far apart though, Shirou, do it better next time.

>> No.455015


Never noticed but wow, he looks pretty stupid with legs spread that far.

>> No.455033

Thank you Anonymous, because of you I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING ELSE NOW.

>> No.455045


if we're going to talk about how intelligent Shirou is, then his leg stance seems to fit him just fine.

>> No.455098

Not to mention, if you look at the picture enlarged, don't shirou's trousers look like they've been pulled up waaaay too far? A little on the tight side.

>> No.455110
File: 54 KB, 600x449, 1208277831864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's preparing himself for his GAR self with those pants.

But, seriously, how does a boy like Shirou end up wearing awesome bondage pants? There is no reason why those buckles should go up that high. Not that I'm complaining, but . . . . BUCKLES.

>> No.455116

Why people think that Archer is gar? he's a total faggot during all the UBW route and doesn't do shit during the other routes.

>> No.455119


They're idiots. Lancer is a lot more GAR and he isn't in the game most of the time!

>> No.455122

I was wondering about the same thing honestly. I thought he was decent in Fate, and the UBW skill itself is awesome, but god, Archer himself is just an emo dick.

>> No.455129

Lancer > Archer

>> No.455143

His balls itch a lot. Also since he's a monk-in-training means he must try to suppress his sexual desires by minimal stimulation.

>> No.455144

This came from the anime, which like the Fate route, he stays back to fight Berserker, only they show him fight to the death (and casting UBW).

In Fate, he just stays behind and dies (we are only informed of the outcome, aka he took 6 of Berserker's lives).

In HF, he sacrifices himself to save Shirou and he gives him a helping hand too.

In UBW, he is not GAR (by the first definition), but faggot or emo dick is wrong too. Being angry and resolute is not the same as 'pathetic attention seeking'

But let's not delve into this further.

>> No.455164

Nobody understands what UBW was about, but likes to call Archer emo. Let's just leave it at that.

>> No.455173

He's a faggot and an emo dick, he wants to kill himself for being a failure and drags inocent people for that, putting Rin's life in danger a couple of times and let her with Shinji knowing that he will rape her.
he's a fag, i don't get who anyone can think of him as manly.

>> No.455174



>> No.455183

>> Nobody understands the route, why am i so smart, so ronery...


>> No.455191

He doesn't want to kill himself for being a failure, more he wants to erase himself to stop being a guardian spirit that is only summoned to kill people.

The only time Rin was in real danger (concerning his plan), was indeed when he left her with Shinji, but trying to stop him at the moment may have meant fighting Gilgamesh.

I lover Rin too(more thean all the FSN girls), but saying 'that guy is a fag cause he nearly hurt my Rin' is a stupid comment.

He has a much more sensible motivation for doing what he is doing then probably all the other characters in the game.

>> No.455192


>> No.455196


You used fag and preteen insults WAY too much for me to take you seriously.

And it's laughably bad when I get to the core of your argument.

>> No.455197
File: 59 KB, 854x975, 1208279173706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just cute.

>> No.455200

What about when he shot caladbog II against Saber and Berserker? we know for the bad end that Saber dies if Shirou does not help her. What will Ilya and Berserker do with Rin alone there now?

>> No.455201

>>455110 BUCKLES
NOMURAAAAAA no, wait...


>> No.455202


There isn't an option to not save Saber.

>> No.455204
File: 27 KB, 356x255, 1208279333494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>455144 and he gives him a helping hand too.

>> No.455206


Probably leave like they did in the regular route.

Illya says "I wanted Saber but your Archer interests me." so she'll probably just leave anyway.

homunculus these days...

>> No.455209

Nothing, most likely.

They won't be able to get through Archer's Broken Phantasm barrage if they tried something like that.

>> No.455210

Play the game properly and read all the scenes.

>> No.455211


If saber dies , Archer may just pick up Rin and leave.

You can't know what happens there, courtesy of Lancer and Gae Bolg sucker-punching you.

>> No.455213

You can't really tell. Archer can't really tell what Ilya will do, and he does put Rin's life in danger.

>> No.455219

What? you can know, play the bad end, when Shirou gets home he doesn't have the Comand seals anymore, Saber died. Archer is pretty far away at the moment, as he's the one who killed Saber, letting Rin there alone.

>> No.455221

Since Shirou doesn't go there at that moment, we don't know how the characters are positioned.

If Shirou doesn't go there, thus prompt Rin to go near him, 99%, she stayed near Archer's side.

>> No.455355

Which is why he has the upper hand.

Archer has the advantage in range, and he has that special ability to survive even without a Master. Any competent Master would understand that attacking Rin at this point would only give him an opening, not a weakness. The only option would be to retreat.

A tactical victory for Team Red.

>> No.455389


Yea that's the thing about archers.

They're one of the few servant classes where attacking and killing it's master won't automatically mean the end for him.

>> No.455462
File: 21 KB, 255x288, 1208281177955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.455463

long ape arms

>> No.455620

Rin ended up hiding behind a tree before you got there, and Archer was off on some roof in the distance. He was shooting arrows from above before that, Rin was never at his side.

>> No.455692
File: 71 KB, 480x360, 1208282365881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Archer was off on some roof in the distance.

A bit further off than that, actually.

>> No.455705
File: 40 KB, 450x450, 1208282424760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus, it was her grown up Onii-chan too, which would have equaled more interest.

Thank you!

At this point, Archer was STRUGGLING to hold himself in this world because he had no mana left and was about a tenth of his original strength. Plus he knew Shirou and Friends, which meant LANCER, who he'd already seen that the Irishman was quite taken with Rin, would come. He'd fight Shirou and Lancer'd save Rin and probably double team Gil with Saber.

But one of the things I like about UBW is Archer's conflict during the whole thing and him realizing what exactly he was fighting for.

He's not an emo fag or a dick as you've said, if anything he's more akin to Angel on BTVS.

>> No.455805
File: 49 KB, 854x480, 1208282974182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't he the cutest?

>> No.455859
File: 99 KB, 549x800, 1208283290474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say cute, more like shag me sexy, but he's he's quite attractive.

Shirou's cute. Archer's sexy.

And I love em both.

>> No.455967


>> No.456012
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>> No.456041
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>> No.456092
File: 81 KB, 700x480, 1208284507947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sums up Lancer's character very nicely.

>> No.456118

Nice lips

>> No.458916
File: 350 KB, 1113x1600, 1208308041205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lancer's just all around awesome. (If I wasn't such an Archer fan, he'd be my fave.)

>> No.458932

>Why people think that Archer is gar?

And now we boldly aproach the days when newfags don't even know the source of one of our most cherished phrases.

>> No.458939

>>Why people still thinks that Archer is gar?
And i agree with that, EMO DOES NOT MEAN GAR.

>> No.458942


>> No.458946

Archer and Shirou go well together, being the same person.

When one is a faggot, the other picks up the slack.

When archer goes emo, Shirou is a badass.
When shirou's a retard, Archer is badass.

>> No.458958

>and he gives him a helping hand too

oh.. oh I see what you did there

>> No.458973

ITT, people who just picked up the word Emo, without knowing when the fuck is supposed to be used(which was already a faulty meaning, but whatever).

>> No.458980
File: 52 KB, 300x268, 1208309147463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.458982

>without knowing when the fuck is supposed to be used

Hey, you're really one to comment on someone else's English.

>> No.458986


>> No.458993

Doesn't change the fact that they still use it the wrong way.

>> No.459004

So, what is Shirou's fault in Archer's fail choise?
Heck even Fate Shirou doesn't end up making a contract with the world, Archer must be the most fail of all the possibles Shirous.

>> No.459015

...How do you know that?
When Archer Shirou made a contract with the world, it was many years later after the 5th Holy Grail War.

For all we know, Fate Shirou is well on his way to become Archer.

>> No.459022


Who gives a fuck?

If this is a secret you rage you lose thread, I fucking lost.

>> No.459035

It is known, in the special Taiga doujo. Archer fails even harder than Fate Shirou, at least Fate Shirou does not make the contract.

>> No.459061

When a number of idiots not only fail to properly judge a character, but also resort to arguments like console fanboys and can't even use the proper words to do so, it's annoying.

I thought that special talked more about possibilities than actual facts, but I'm not sure(I'll see if I can find a transcript)
