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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4544878 No.4544878 [Reply] [Original]

Someone explain the joke to me...

>> No.4544886


>> No.4544884

What's there to explain? There is no joke.

>> No.4544892


Why did she get mad?

>> No.4544899

Only New Types wouldn't get it.
Look at her head.

>> No.4544906

You must be twelve. Yuyuko's swirl symbol looks like the dreamcast logo.

>> No.4544911

fat ghost has a dreamcast logo on her head.

>> No.4544915

Cuz Cirno wants to get rid of her Dreamcast. Wouldn't you be pissed too if someone wanted to rob you of one of the greatest gaming systems every?

>> No.4544917
File: 77 KB, 600x450, 32b268df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a game that plays just like touhou.
Also dream casts has a similar logo as yuyuko.

>> No.4544919

Man... I should get a dreamcast emulator and play some Streetfighter 3

>> No.4544929

yuyuko's headband thing is like the dreamcast logo, ikaruga is a shooter similar to touhou

>> No.4544952

>Man... I should get a dreamcast emulator and play some Marvel vs. Capcom 2


>> No.4544963

Yuyukoo knows that the Dreamcast is the best system ever.

>> No.4544971

Ikaruga plays just like Touhou?

>> No.4544972

Dreamcast was only good for Soul Calibur.

>> No.4544999

No Touhou is too shitty to be compared to Ikaruga

>> No.4545006

Dreamcast was good for ALL FIGHTAN GAEMS!

Also, Space Channel 5

>> No.4545010 [DELETED] 

Remöv3 your ilL€gãl [LÒN3 immedi@t€Iy, Yòu hav3 <Ópi3d Añd päst3d wwvoAñOñ+ålk.<Òm ÓN Th€ subd0måin_ CuT Th€ cräp, möõt, äNd th€s€ m€ssAg3s viLI st0po If th€ p3rsÒN r€adiNg +his is NõT mòóT, e-mãiL mOÓt@4<hän_Òrg añd t€|| him +0,

R€m0v€ your ill3gäL <lõNe imm3di@Te|y_ Yöu h@v3 [òpi3d ãNd pas+3d www*äNON+aLK_[öm 0N +h3 subdómãiñ* Cu+ the [rãp, mOòt, ANd +h3s3 m€ssAg€s wi|L sTOp_ If the p3rsóN r3ading +his is Nò+ mÒöt, €-måil mó0T@4<han*Òrg and +3|L him Tó_

RemÒv€ yOur i||3gã| <LòN3 imm3diãt3Ly_ Yóu hãv€ cOpi€d aNd pas+ed vwwoåNónTa|K,[óm oN the subdÓmaiN, Cut +h€ [rãp, móOT, åNd th€s3 m€ss@g€s vilI stòp, If +he persOn r3@diñg +his is ñÓt mòõT, €-mail moóT@4<hãn*õrg åNd T3|L him tö*

Rem0v3 y0ur ilI3gaI [Iõne imm3diA+3Iy, Yóu häve [òpied åNd p@s+ed www_åNöñ+ãlk_cÓm Òñ th3 subdOmåiñ* Cut th3 cr@p, moOT, äñd +hes3 m3ss@g€s vi|I st0p, If +h3 p€rs0N r€@diNg this is NOT mOöt, €-mäiI mõó+@4<h@ñ.òrg And T€Il him tÒ,

>> No.4545019

Perhaps looks like touhou would be more appropriate.
