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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45414428 No.45414428 [Reply] [Original]

previous: >>45400716

guide: https://skypech.com/
resources: https://www.aozora.gr.jp/

>> No.45414890
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>> No.45415031
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how much longer do i have. this shit unironically getting harder the longer i play

>> No.45415071

anybody got that vn starter guide? not trying to read fkin hana hira

>> No.45415206

Current thread: #3704

Previous threads:
>>45400716 #3703
>>45390828 #3702
>>45377754 #3701
>>45366957 #3700

>> No.45415422
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Day 190: Updated late today because I was being lazy so didn't do today session until now.

>> No.45415452
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yosh this is why I'm learning Jqpanese

>> No.45415554

learning japanese for no real reason desu

>> No.45415801

Wow the Simpsons knows why I'm learning Japanese


>> No.45415885


>> No.45416234

Wew let me just go on Kitsunekko and download some subtitles because I’m a shitter, wow there are two options for this anime
>CHINGCHANGCHONGBINGLING Chinese uploaded over a decade ago
>anime name retimed and fixed uploaded a few months ago
Go with the fixed ones. 9 episodes in the subs are all fucked seemingly segments from different episodes are spliced in with each other, the first 9 episodes weren’t retimed. Decide to use the Chinese ones, they work perfectly and are already retimed. Why, what?

>> No.45416256

lol chinese hand-transcribed subs are so fucking bad. they will completely misspell and mishear things, and use insane kanji forms for regular words

>> No.45416288

Stay mad wide eye

>> No.45416294

stfu jamal

>> No.45416393

the furieren show is extremely easy btw newcuties, i'd say easier than some on the starter image that gets passed around

>> No.45416402

wait nvm it doesn't have subtitles

>> No.45416405

with the caveat that its also extremely dogshit

>> No.45416621

Something can't be easy if it "needs subs"

>> No.45416627

like peppa pig

>> No.45416636

shangri la frontier manga is also pretty easy
dropped the show though

>> No.45416643

your mom doesn’t need subs but she’s widely considered easy by the japanese learning community

>> No.45416646


>> No.45416654

where is my guide at, man!!!!

>> No.45416683
File: 482 KB, 783x542, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so gambs is now
>relentlessly trolling random jp subreddits
>only posting in lowercase
>making youtube videos calling out 4chan
>shitposting jp rap videos ala jamal

>> No.45416687

djt won

>> No.45416708

he is a cringe person through and through and if i could press a button to never have to hear about him again i would
please stfu about him nobody cares hes just another dunning krueger lonely loud internet tryhard who desparetely tries to prove his japanese ability to strangers which in turn proves the lack thereof

>> No.45416713
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>> No.45416725

at least jamal was funny at times
the sad part is a lot of people here saw others react positively to his jokes and got influenced so heavily by them that we end up with posters like the "lil bro" guy

>> No.45416728

u misspelled *posers

>> No.45416734

it does, and i agree. this is one of the first anime i can follow really well

>> No.45416738

>it does, and i agree. this is one of the first anime i can follow really well
he means jp subtitles.
glad u can follow along with the english tho :)

>> No.45416741
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>> No.45416742

no one misses him

>> No.45416745
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>> No.45416750
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>> No.45416753
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more evidence that gambs is jamal

>> No.45416757

i didnt say i miss him, actually i wouldnt even be surprised if some of the posters i thought to be unfunny copies of him were actually the real deal precisely implied with the "at times"
its definitely weird to suppose he suddenly was able to actually quit the thread

>> No.45416758

most of you guys weren't even here when jamal posted

>> No.45416761

bro theres no way that loser could pass kanken 2

>> No.45416762

their voices are different
he would rightly think it is gay to take the kanken

>> No.45416763

you sound a bit disconcerted, a tad smidgen discombobulated, a wee touch peevish
or in the vulgar vernacular "mad"

>> No.45416773

u sound like a nerd bro

>> No.45416788

its on topic commentary on how i think things are
nothing more
of course im mad gambs exists and feels the need to do the things he does
in my ideal world people would never get so depressed they need to dunk on casual japanese learners to feel good about something

>> No.45416796


>> No.45416808

perchance are we feeling vexed and challenged hmm?

>> No.45416812

>racism outside of /b/
not cool bro

>> No.45416823

i would implore you to consider irony

>> No.45416825

id own lil gamb in a quiz battle doe

>> No.45416834

is 諸国 a common word?

>> No.45416844

hows it boppin my kokujin

>> No.45416845

i do beseech thee to settle thine debts
posthaste lest thou incur upon thyself
a dire affliction upon thy very flesh!

>> No.45416847

even if it wasnt its easy to understand
its kinda the wrong question

>> No.45416860

jamal is fuckin back

>> No.45416869

i'd shove him into a back alley and make him spit out the green iykwim

>> No.45416878

you wouldn't do shit pussy jamal would fuck you up

>> No.45416884

kinda sad nonayall got the shylock reference but alas que sera, c'est la vie!

>> No.45416887

idk what the right question is. "is ia common word for what i consume?" is that you're getting at?

>> No.45416902

fatherless cuck lol

>> No.45416906

no but that is also relevant i guess
what i mean is it doesnt matter how common a certain combination of kanji is necessarily
even if what you posted was rare both kanji mean the same thing as in other compounds
thinking of these compounds as words just makes it harder for yourself bro

>> No.45416913

sometimes it do kinda mama dolla bee like dat

>> No.45416928

crazy how gambs has so much time to shitpost despite being a leading researcher in ai/machine learning

>> No.45416933

did jamal quit because it was too embarrassing for him to fail at bagging og after months of simping

>> No.45416944

he just been baggin Ls after 2020 lil bruv

>> No.45416952

yeah when did he have his last epic moment i dont even remember

>> No.45416963

his tripcode reveal meltdown after being bullied out of the thread by mlen was very epic

>> No.45416966

>og still seething and samefagging about jamal

go to sleep

>> No.45416968

old ahh chibba

>> No.45416978

poor chap's too old to keep up with the boisterous new blood it's time he hung up his clown shoes

>> No.45417055

for me old women aka bbas

>> No.45417085

jamal is the dril of djt

>> No.45417091

never heard of him

>> No.45417107

how do I know if someone means 校門 or 肛門 orally?

>> No.45417179
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tfw no japanese bro to hotglue figures with

>> No.45417180


>> No.45417196

校門 if you're a pedo l, 肛門 if you're a fag

>> No.45417248

yesterday i fapped 3 times in the span of an hour before going to bed and now my balls hurt

>> No.45417255

hot what did you cum to

>> No.45417296

parents stopped throwing stuff at eachother, music can drown out their shouts now

time for my anki reps~~

>> No.45417306

move out or unironically bang your mom to assert dominance

>> No.45417309

im not american

>> No.45417325

favorite radicals?

>top part of 草

>> No.45417339

vanilla, feet, お姉ちゃん incest respectively

>> No.45417363

>favorite radicals?

>> No.45417369

and the winner of the unfunny awards goes to...

>> No.45417375

it was a little funny

>> No.45417426

literally me https://youtu.be/_9qpqPQmEcY?si=eB3JFys-__o__oQc

>> No.45417466

i wish i could go back in time and tell my past self that all the good amateur porn is chinese

>> No.45417469

you don't need to know the language for porn

>> No.45417481

Does JAV count as input material?

>> No.45417484

of course not but it makes searching for porn a hell of a lot easier

>> No.45417485




>> No.45417486

it counts as 挿入 material

>> No.45417491

translating japanese legal documents rn

>> No.45417493

extremely dense philosophical text

>> No.45417496

i portforwarded perfect dark and left it running for 2 weeks and i only got 12mb of unity, how do i make it work

>> No.45417506


>> No.45417535


>> No.45417537


>> No.45417542
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>> No.45417547
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is there and mpv plugin/script that plays anime line by line so you have to click until the next subline is shown?

i think i need this.

>> No.45417548


>> No.45417557
File: 1.06 MB, 260x146, 1701681145228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only jpshitter I respect

>> No.45417562 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.45417573

blue board shenanigans

>> No.45417768



>> No.45417942

but i don't remember what it's called

>> No.45417954
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>> No.45417966

This is what you’re looking for https://github.com/Ben-Kerman/mpv-sub-scripts
It auto-pauses after each line, so you just press space or left click to continue, ctrl+r to rehear the line.

>> No.45418042

turn on my monitor nah fuck it turn it off
-zack de la rocha

>> No.45418067
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, 1701413839506403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that uniform on the left. Is lesbian sex really a good foundation for learning to read?

>> No.45418086

yosh feels good to know jap

>> No.45418130

a noob question, if i may
"if you tell me this, then not letting me taste it won't do"?
i can't get over this いただかないわけにはいきませんな

>> No.45418172

thx but doesnt work properly anymore i guess. works just once when turned on.

>> No.45418194

aji misesasete = letting me show the taste
+itadakanai = not have the pleasure of letting me show the taste
wakenihaikimasen ne = won't do, now will it

>> No.45418207


>> No.45418216


>> No.45418256

may i have one more, please?
"i wanted to become something which can heal just by being here, like Koharu'
is this what she's saying?

>> No.45418300

pls don't answer questions if you don't understand them correctly. it's not aji miseru = show test. The word is ajimi suru = to taste or sample something (edible). ajimi sasete (itadaku) is "let me taste".

"wake ni wa ikanai" after attributive forms of verbs means that action can't just be done like that / is unreasonable: can't simply, can not just, hardly, won't do etc.

>you can't just beat people to death.

>you can hardly interrogate cats.

>but because he blamed himself for the way things had turned out, he could hardly confront them over it .

>> No.45418320

It's the foundation for let's read anime videos

>> No.45418323
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>> No.45418331

flip arrows to go from japanese to english and vice versa
aji misesasete = aji -> ( miseru -> saseru + te) = taste <- (show <- let + ing) = letting me show the taste
letting me taste = taste <- (see <- let + ing) = aji -> (miru -> saseru + te) = aji misasete

>> No.45418340

thanks, anon
now i get it

>> No.45418347

aji misesasete my asshole

>> No.45418350

>it's not aji miseru = show test. The word is ajimi suru = to taste or sample something (edible). ajimi sasete (itadaku) is "let me taste".
depends on the context

>> No.45418374

no, it doesn't
the question was the latter. notice the difference in okurigana, it's not mi-sesaseru, it's mi-saseru because it's formed from suru>saseru, ajimi saseru.

>> No.45418390

can i say 1年分の運を使い果たしてる気持ちだ instead? or would it be wrong?

>> No.45418446

youre right i saw the dagasi pic above and read the sentence as 味見せさせて in my head but >>45418194 is still correct. its not a misunderstanding its a different thought and youre showing you knew i read it that way so why did you say
>if you don't understand them correctly

>> No.45418452

as soon as some uppertard rolls up spewin shit that looks like his genki textbook u can safely ignore and move on

>> No.45418459
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uh, senpais, please don't fight
it was 味見 though. like 毒見
love ya

>> No.45418461

I wouldn't know because i have not read that shit

>> No.45418464

>you're right but i'm still somehow correct
gotcha. moving on

>> No.45418474


>> No.45418477


>> No.45418486
File: 3.97 MB, 576x1024, 1701461410397945.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are trans girls common in japan?

>> No.45418487

youre right about *something* and that does not preclude you being wrong about something else. 94 is correct

>> No.45418492

that video was filmed and produced by jews

>> No.45418505

someone misread a line. it's not a big deal. it happens. no one needs to get shot over it. there's a さ there after 見, not a せ and the meaning changes accordingly. that's all there is to it. there's nothing to talk about here.

>> No.45418516

au contraire mon faggot its time to play the batsugame


>> No.45418524


>> No.45418527

no he wants play the nerd game so lets play it
i didnt answer the question in the first place so 300 is invalid

>> No.45418534

there was no question

>> No.45418536
File: 151 KB, 550x227, HANA9_wHqnvklZqd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can this be applied to the dick?

>> No.45418548

you can always try

>> No.45418549

but there was

>> No.45418550
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>> No.45418553


>> No.45418558 [DELETED] 
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i meant this one

>> No.45418565
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x750, HANA9_bnG9MnlZl0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one
im killing myself after i see your answer

>> No.45418570

imagine mispronouncing a word. this never happens to native speakers

>> No.45418571

130 has a question

>> No.45418580

kuti ni au is a phrase

>> No.45418588

kuti ni au is a phrase is a phrase

>> No.45418589


google doc with a ton of recs ranked by difficulty. idk who maintains it

>> No.45418590

yeah i dont click on google docs

>> No.45418595

yeah, nice mustard gas dude

>> No.45418599

Made with care and love by kuri
with the help of tons of people from the TMW community and more!
Some reviews were taken directly from other members' websites
with their consent of course

Please use sites such as myanimelist, mydramalist and others
if you can't seem to find the resources you're looking for
Some of them are only available in Japanese websites or Amazon however

>> No.45418600
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you are too paranoid

>> No.45418605
File: 1.89 MB, 1598x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your googledocs link glows with an awesome power

>> No.45418606

doesn't the int polish guy farm ips with google docs

>> No.45418608

that's even worse than mustard gas

>> No.45418616

ok bros i'm reading nekopara

>> No.45418630

cant imagine how boring you have to be to like a moe slice of life

>> No.45418635

nekopara is not very easy, im around level n4 and its too difficult for me

>> No.45418638

oh its pisscord shit, sasuga

>> No.45418640
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>> No.45418643

i dont think thats possible with just google docs, though if anyone here has a better understanding of the technology feel free to correct me

>> No.45418662

there was a google docs vulnerability floating around 2 years ago

>> No.45418682

do the japenis use シツ as a smiley?

>> No.45418684
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>> No.45418694

extremely cringe how pisscord communities feel the need slap their brand on everything you can't shill harder

>> No.45418699

im thoroughly embarrassed to have ever used discord honestly

>> No.45418704

i dont understand the question. what does シツ mean? its not in my dictionary

>> No.45418714

when i read nekopara, it was the first vn i tried and i left with your impression. getting btfo'd every sentence

>> No.45418718

vns arent for beginners

>> No.45418734

i dont know a lick of japanese so im going to play a game for adult japanese people that is 100% text this seems reasonable and intelligent

>> No.45418735

Ok i just learned kana! Which anki deck do you recommend for a beginner? core2k? and i'm gonna start learning basic grammatical/vocab and start my immersion with VN, anime and japanese internet in general. I'm in the good path?

>> No.45418736

welli didn't know. wtf are people supposed to consume

>> No.45418746

desu the best anki deck is a custom one that's just mined words from VNs and the example sentences are directly ripped from same VN

>> No.45418747

anime for kids

>> No.45418748

>just read
>dont read because reading is for native japanese speakers
make up your fucking minds jesus christ

>> No.45418750

> to learn japanese, you have to consume entertainment by natives for natives
>don't consume native material if you are a beginner

>> No.45418755

the stuff in the containers under your kitchen sink

the year changes the tards stay the same lmaooo

>> No.45418757

missing the point retards

>> No.45418763

give me the bullet points to getting good the right way

>> No.45418767

anime with jp subs, english subs as back up for when you get stuck

>> No.45418770


>> No.45418777

djt is literally full of people kicking the ladder away from under them after they've climbed it
you don't want to share the secret to learning japanese? fine. i'll just figure it out myself

>> No.45418785

matt taught me

>> No.45418787

how long until you can comfortably read other things? i've seen like gambs say you need like 4k words before you can expect to be confortable to start vns

>> No.45418804

after 70hrs of random videomedia i can read yotsubato

>> No.45418806

>how long until you can comfortably read other things?
when you can hear the language in your head

>> No.45418811


>> No.45418819

what did he mean by this?

>> No.45418859

he means he dkj

>> No.45418882

rentry DOT co SLASH gitgud

how legit is this wall of text?
its from someone who did zero to n1 180/180 in less than a year.

>> No.45418889

it's not easy in absolute terms in the beginning but it's still completely doable and easy compared to most other vns. your choice is to either brave through the hard part early on or whitenoise through it, which will let you avoid intense effort but will also take 5x the time and possibly bore you to death
it won't be "comfortable" at first unless you white noise your first couple of vns like gambs did. but for me personally going through a work without understanding most of what's being said is even less comfortable than struggling with each sentence

>> No.45418895
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>> No.45418897


>> No.45418899

>don't study grammar, just feel it
ok fags, explain yo me how I'm supposed to understand the difference between shit like にとって and に至って or ています and てあります without looking for it

>> No.45418900


>> No.45418908

and by the hard part early on i don't mean something in nekopara specifically but generally when you jump into material above your level

>> No.45418910


>> No.45418911 [DELETED] 
File: 303 KB, 521x667, 1701681761089891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you learning japanese

>> No.45418921

859 lost

>> No.45418926

japanese? easy

>> No.45418927

thanks for the genuinely positive post but this thread is just trolls trolling trolls so youre wasting your effort

>> No.45418928

I've read like 50 vns and I'm still not reading comfortably as I punch myself in the dick everytime I forget the reading of a word wich still happen pretty often

>> No.45418930

In truth, the the lower the iq the better if they're not lying, little do 140 methods help 100 iq niggs

>> No.45418933

jack shit guy living up to his name

>> No.45418939

>dont study grammar
actually means to not drill the grammar explanation. but look it up whenever you dont understand it during immersion.

>> No.45418945

you never need to understand grammar only acquire it

>> No.45418949
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>> No.45418953
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rate my japanese

>> No.45418967

thumbs up from me

>> No.45418971


>> No.45418973


>> No.45418978

i feel like getting hey jemeled is like getting rickrolled at this point

>> No.45418980

say that because I didn't even think there was a difference between these until I started reading a grammar book

>> No.45418988

quiz hasnt made a vocaroo in so long bros i hope hes ok

>> No.45419010


>> No.45419015

once the dust settles he'll stream the rest of clannad

>> No.45419024

in my country, we sometimes dont say hello but just nod at each other as a greeting
if i do this in japan will they understand it or think im being autistic?

>> No.45419053

best anime this season?

>> No.45419057
File: 14 KB, 965x175, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45419067

I need a good ajatt roadmap

>> No.45419069

why does spoken japanese sound so condescending?

>> No.45419081

god i fuckin hate tranime

>> No.45419087

that image is fake. that post does not exist anywhere

>> No.45419091

jamutt always defended himself saying he deleted the post on his own in a minute
but he literally clipped quizs stream, uploaded that video to streamable and typed up that post not realizing his embarrassing mistake in all that time

>> No.45419103

haraguroi yatu more like hadakuroi yatu lmao

>> No.45419108

exists on my hard drive

>> No.45419122

should have read more japanese

>> No.45419138
File: 181 KB, 859x1489, 1697741380761071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jamel already lost hard before that

>> No.45419156

guess the fags opinion really was wrong

>> No.45419165

sekkaku oboeta nihongo can literally refer to a single phrase
dont see whats wrong in any of that on my end

>> No.45419171

also lmao thats its gonna be 2024 and i can come back at any time and run this rent free guy in the same circle again

>> No.45419174

poor jamel never learned japanese

>> No.45419180

bet you cant even summarize the japanese in that image

>> No.45419181

lol he tried to ignore >>45419091 because it exposes his isidan lies and cope

>> No.45419188

i ignored it because the post isnt real and doesnt exist :^)

>> No.45419198

batta lol

>> No.45419206

i knocked it out of the park

>> No.45419212

I knocked one out in the park

>> No.45419214

park no kata ni muketa

>> No.45419215

i cranked one out in a park

>> No.45419226


>> No.45419239


>> No.45419241

so what if jamal made a mistake? its ok for intermediate learners to still make mistakes every once in a while. not as often as beginners, but if that's the only instance you have of jamal messing up, it says a lot about his progress

>> No.45419246

progress towards late stage dekinai

>> No.45419249
File: 1.16 MB, 1366x768, q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some of the greatest djt quotes?

>> No.45419255
File: 11 KB, 719x71, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is up there

>> No.45419259

thanks for the positive post bro youre much cooler than the angry negative virgin guy
ive made mistakes and i dont let them define me! everyone should have that mindset in life

>> No.45419262


>> No.45419269

stfu tranny

>> No.45419274
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>> No.45419280

that site which be a lot better with only a little more quality control

>> No.45419300

your debt defines you
start paying up biotch

>> No.45419311

i am indebted to no one except the Lord Almighty

>> No.45419318

i once went on a ferris wheel by myself
the employee snickered at me

>> No.45419320

The secret is to never touch a textbook or go to a language school, they’re scams for normies

>> No.45419330

poor tokui got fleeced and maybe died from cold and starvation waiting for the money that never came the accumulated interest already transcends that which can be repaid

>> No.45419358

dude you picked a crazy long vn

>> No.45419362

katite? katite?

>> No.45419363

you can fart as much as you want in it and its you and the smell of your farts and a nice view

>> No.45419371

isn't jamal a millionaire? stingy じぇw didn't want to pay the btc

>> No.45419377


>> No.45419381

more like billionaire

>> No.45419390

in kang dollars

>> No.45419395
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>> No.45419402

bro he lies and manipulates people at every step
you have to be seriously retarded to believe anything that comes from his mouth

>> No.45419408

yeah im a millionaire. i own the equivalent of a million yen lmao

>> No.45419412

as for me i own a million pesos senors

>> No.45419457

thanks, i figured as much. i've been taking the "brave through and take forever to finish" approach lol.

>> No.45419524


>> No.45419623
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>> No.45419704

lmfao that wanker gambs literally stole my post from a couple of threads ago (not jamal btw)

>> No.45419741

gambs went back to his home, reddit, and hopefully hell stay there

>> No.45419799

i wouldnt go to a concert like that, i mean theyre not even really there. so i dont get it.

>> No.45419818

the concert is just a part of the expo so theres enough to do

>> No.45419820

should I read platetaryan or meintetsu?

>> No.45419828

if i ever meet a hololive girl irl im going to beat the shit out of her. not for any particular reason, just because

>> No.45419870

based holodestroyer

>> No.45419887
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>> No.45419911


dame, the サビ is too good

>> No.45419926

honestly getting tired of reminding you that no one misses you
hurry up and realize you and your dicksuckers are a minority here now

>> No.45419944
File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, GAgbouUagAAWkyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, you tell him bro, ecelebs are not welcome here

>> No.45419950

they're a minority but they vacuum harder than ever

>> No.45420003
File: 48 KB, 680x680, 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im making it

>> No.45420010
File: 34 KB, 677x348, anki_M3OsT7WiX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god this is gonna take forever to get through

>> No.45420017

i made an account last year and finished all levels in a couple hours

>> No.45420020

hey kid this is an 18+ website

>> No.45420026

i'm 28

>> No.45420028

gambs type nibba

>> No.45420032

ankitards will try to learn to drive a car through idiot cards

>> No.45420035

ayo wtf

>> No.45420036

lol this dude is almost 30 and cant even drive

>> No.45420057

i don't even know what's there to learn about driving unless it's manual

>> No.45420062

who are you even talking to

>> No.45420063


>> No.45420067
File: 40 KB, 600x600, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no submissive frieren gf who lets me flip up her skirt in public

>> No.45420070

are you retarded?

>> No.45420073

>tfw no submissive frieren gf who lets me whore her out to ugly homeless men in public

>> No.45420080

>tfw when no submisse aura gf who detests every moment with me but cant refuse

>> No.45420085

maybe but i can drive

>> No.45420091

>tfw no submissive elf whore some guy let's me fuck in public

>> No.45420094

how many feet in front of an intersection are you not allowed to park your car?

>> No.45420100

feel it out, the city will find an excuse to tow your ass anyway

>> No.45420106

i don't know or care about american traffic rules

>> No.45420107

i stop on the crosswalk and tell pedestrians to go around

>> No.45420113

are you? never heard of anyone needing to study for the driving test
hell the only part people usually fail is maneuverability

>> No.45420121

>never heard of anyone needing to study for the driving test
oh.. ok..

>> No.45420122

studying for a driving test is definitely a virginal activity sorry to say

>> No.45420137

well i was still a virgin when i got my drivers license

>> No.45420139

goes without saying a guy without wheels at 38 is a virgin

>> No.45420143

oh 28 my bad
still works out the same tho

>> No.45420150

qm couldn't drive but he slew pussy

>> No.45420158

qm was used by a whore to collect child support for the next two decades

>> No.45420161

maneuverability is literally what driving is. do you just get in the car and go forward?

>> No.45420165

generally yes

>> No.45420170

european first world country driving tests you actually have to study for
american driving test are more along the lines of WHERE TO PUT IN THE GAS?

>> No.45420173

you only need to be able to move in two directions: forward and right.
everything else is useless and not practical irl

>> No.45420175

big words for a retard who drives on the wrong side of the road

>> No.45420177

5 traffic cones set up in a house formation
pull forward all the way through so the roof is behind you then back up all the way out

>> No.45420180

do you actually believe that europeans drive on the left side of the road? because we dont

>> No.45420187

i do

>> No.45420192


>> No.45420194

he says in a thread about learning jap

>> No.45420196

dont care

>> No.45420208

its a well known fact asians cant drive so dunno what your point is
of course they drive on the wrong side of the road

>> No.45420215

those fuckers walk on the wrong side of the sidewalk too absolutely nuts

>> No.45420217

they walk in the middle of single lane one way roads its just a complete mess

>> No.45420219

you would get your ass wrecked if you showed up at the 峠 on a saturday night

>> No.45420224

people don't study to learn how to drive retard, they study the boot licker kind of responses you have to give to the government for them to allow you to drive

>> No.45420231

id turn it into a monster truck rally and crush all their little homo rice burners with my american heavy duty

>> No.45420238

N4 is easy compared to N1
lolis are anime kids

>> No.45420242
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>> No.45420283
File: 1.21 MB, 1204x1203, 1701714231468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boomers are obsessed with smoking

>> No.45420292

people who use their language skills for any language to ego-trip are the most pathetic people ever

just imagine the average japanese school student correcting someone else's broken english with their own slightly better english and feeling like an ascended god about it, constantly mocking the other person for being worse at english

that's 50% of /djt/

>> No.45420297

thats much less than 50% of djt now
the people with ego issues just act passive aggressive now because they know as soon as they try they will get shit on

>> No.45420301

mattsisters got real quiet after this bombshell dropped

>> No.45420303

first the gambs video, now this. djt can't stop getting owned

>> No.45420304
File: 218 KB, 308x445, 1701714439950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESL opinion discarded

>> No.45420310

what do you have to say about this?

>> No.45420313

im taken aback and will need some time to recover.

>> No.45420315

>N4 is easy compared to N1

>> No.45420320
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>> No.45420324

>face mask
yep issa vaxxtard

>> No.45420325

>just imagine the average japanese school student correcting someone else's broken english with their own slightly better english and feeling like an ascended god about it, constantly mocking the other person for being worse at english
that was literally me in 5th grade except im not japanese im european

>> No.45420333

yeah i think it is reasonable for children to behave that way because they havent developed an understanding of what constitutes valuable talents or a way to express those talents without gloating about being king shit on turd mountain

>> No.45420346


>> No.45420365

youtube keeps recommending me videos of japanese girls undressing themselves. how did this happen?

>> No.45420367

define "girls"

>> No.45420368

bro, its been happening to me too

>> No.45420369

Someone explain to me how to parse and understand sentences with multiple は or が in it

>> No.45420385

all these markers man

>> No.45420408

you clicked on a link posted here

>> No.45420423

post some

>> No.45420443

Are names the final boss of Japanese?

>> No.45420452

not really much than they are in any language

>> No.45420465

real oldheads will remember the guy who used to post the first page of the toradora ln and challenge people to vocaroo it

>> No.45420474

if youre an oldfag and still dont know japanese thats just sad.
you should graduate from this thread after 3 years tops, or 4 years if your iq is below 120

>> No.45420480

thats correct if youre a student


>> No.45420485

does anyone know where I can find Iron Chef with jp audio
avistaz only has dub..

>> No.45420499

next time i see them in my recs i will

>> No.45420516


>> No.45420574


>> No.45420590

started learning for a year and a half, passed n2 yesterday, after reading vinnies 8 hours or more a day every single days I thought I'd manage but I completely fucked up even if I get it it would be ぎりぎり
I knew I was a half retarded dekinai but I still managed to dunning kruger hard
fuck me I'll never manage to do a single thing right in my life

>> No.45420595
File: 535 KB, 1208x1328, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45420597


>> No.45420601

>akira poster

>> No.45420605


>> No.45420607

just made a robinhood account ill let you know about my insane gains

>> No.45420616

should have watched more vtubers

>> No.45420623

imagine the mucus

>> No.45420625

i've made about 200 dollars in the last three months but im only starting to invest, i hope the gains pick up otherwise i feel its not worth it

>> No.45420631

good luck future baggies

>> No.45420640

found this https://archive.org/details/iron-chef

>> No.45420668

you need more leverage bro
buy some otm options

>> No.45420687

a whole new generation of djt is about to go broke
warms my heart

>> No.45420695

the crash isn't coming

>> No.45420699

nah not broke, i still have 30% of my money in my regular bank account

>> No.45420702

i'll create an overpriced japanese course to support my gam- i mean investing activities

>> No.45420710
File: 897 KB, 1920x1080, [MagicStar] Kouiu no ga Ii EP06 [WEBDL] [1080p]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45420716

bitcoin gonna get halved in april
better buy now guys the wave is coming

>> No.45420719

they wont let you withdraw or spend your money past a certain limit

>> No.45420725

thats right pump my bags

>> No.45420726

i trust jamal
if i listened to him a few years ago id have been a billionaire like he is fuck im so stupid

>> No.45420728

$0 x 0.3 = $0

>> No.45420732

youre funny, funny man. say some more funny stuff

>> No.45420736

just saying by 2025 btc will be near 200k

>> No.45420743

i dont think thats gonna happen but it would be epic if it did
however you guys are talking about this shit out of nowhere WAY too early which is setting off my suckers rally alarms

>> No.45420744
File: 704 KB, 1920x1080, 異世界はスマートフォンとともに S02E12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45420748
File: 907 KB, 1920x1080, [MagicStar] Kouiu no ga Ii EP06 [WEBDL] [1080p]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45420749

i'll watch if there's an uncensored version

>> No.45420760

as for me, i'm putting 40% of my monthly salary in an etf :)

>> No.45420769

i'm putting 80% of my dick in ur mom :)

>> No.45420770

40% not bad do you live with your parents

>> No.45420771

the april split is part of a well established btc cycle that happens every few years and is common knowledge at this point
etf hopes are already raising prices which is why you suckers need to buy now if you want to make any profit before the rest of the suckers pay for my success

>> No.45420772

no but my apartment is cheap i don't live off takeout and i don't have a car

>> No.45420778

learning japanese has made my life miserable

>> No.45420780

bro if you arent leasing property by now you are gonna be living on the streets in 10 years

>> No.45420789

im leasing your mom

>> No.45420795

you better top up she's not exactly satisfied

>> No.45420796

>how legit is this wall of text?
it's pretty good at explaining the details of the common advice here: "read more"

>> No.45420799

Kanjitransition or RTK or a other one for a beginner?

>> No.45420800

>when ebikes/scooters do the same as a car but with 1/10th the price and upkeep

>> No.45420801

i feel like jannies have given up on this thread

>> No.45420805

lmao this nerd rides a scooter to work

>> No.45420810


>> No.45420816

if you live in california fair enough. but here the weather isnt suitable for driving a scooter or ebike right now

>> No.45420818

we used to beat up scooter kids

>> No.45420820


>> No.45420821

this was almost 4 years ago, fucking get a life

>> No.45420826

>*drive-by-slaps the back of your helmet*

>> No.45420825

scooters are just skateboards for pussies

>> No.45420832

we r just discussing important financial strategies to fund trips to japan and soaplands visit

>> No.45420836

can't recommend transitioning bro learn to love yourself

>> No.45420842

what's the fastest way to 10x my money

>> No.45420844

suck dicks quickly

>> No.45420845

>look dumb as fuck riding it
>zipping pass losers on Ebikes who are to lazy to buy road bikes
>zipping past losers stuck in traffic by taking crosswalks/trails/bike lanes/burning redlights
I go faster and farther on my nerd scooter than most people in the downtown area of my city in the same amount of time.
>in the morning for AM shift it takes me 15 minutes to go 8km to work, less if I were to take the road but instead I take the bike trail all the way there
It's based, took off 15 minutes from my bike ride to work.

>> No.45420849

turn it all into runescape golf and trust trade to me, ill trade 10x back

>> No.45420861

jesus what an embarrassment for me

>> No.45420862

sounds good what's your msn bro

>> No.45420865

marry bill gates' ex wife

>> No.45420875

you will NEVER feel the dopamine hit that came with hearing this noise EVER again


>> No.45420876

that wouldnt be 10x
it would be a バツイチ

>> No.45420879
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>> No.45420907


>> No.45420917

why did the jews take this away from us

>> No.45420924

for me, its the default ring tone of the phones they had at my first job.

>> No.45420928

i never made a myspace

>> No.45420932


>> No.45420951

why would i tell you

>> No.45420969

it's neetdom. i've been on a street/in a car like once a year since 2010. and i've never cared about cars ever.

idk what certain signs mean. i have no idea about etiquette. i have no idea when to turn at an intersection. i have no idea when to signal.

i've even though of playing a driving/traffic simulator just to get a feel for stuff.

>> No.45420979

you turn on the turn signal when you turn

>> No.45420983

my oshi cant drive either its no biggie

>> No.45420992

feeling it out wins again

>> No.45421000

feelers always win

>> No.45421002
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, [ReinForce] Tenpuru「そんなところを触られては…」(BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC)-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45421006

will i get in trouble if i torrent hanahira

>> No.45421009


>> No.45421014

they wont let you enter the country anymore if they find out

>> No.45421016

yes, japan will send their finest ninja assassins to your country and slice you into sushi

>> No.45421020

yeah but we aint snitches

>> No.45421022

What's the fastest way to read this so i can 10x my money?

>> No.45421027

because we're all djt bros here

>> No.45421028

the previous replies were so uninspired and boring that all possibility of me having a decent answer for you has been completely smothered out

>> No.45421037

finished jlpt what do i do now?
is there an n0 expansion pack?

>> No.45421039

touch the kusa

>> No.45421041

you can go to a japanese scrabble tournament

>> No.45421046

how does japanese scrabble even work? do they have a piece for every kanji?

>> No.45421047

today i woke up and have a burning desire to learn japanese. most days i put in the minimal effort to maintain my level and lack motivation. today is a good day.

>> No.45421054


>> No.45421064

I'm gonna play the original dragon quest on nes for my studies.

>> No.45421070


>> No.45421085

theodinproject. 50k salary for your first job. 75k for your second. 100k for your third. should take 4 or 5 years total.

>> No.45421096

there's a manga that came out 1-2 years ago and still hasnt been translated, guess i have to read it in japanese sigh

>> No.45421102

if it hasn't been translated then it's not good enough to excite the interest of good-tasted westerners so it's probably not good.

>> No.45421107

my first job i got paid $100/hr lol

>> No.45421114

my first job i got paid less than what is minimum wage today, but back then it was a decent entry level wage. good times.

>> No.45421127

havent had a job, never will

>> No.45421146
File: 185 KB, 448x658, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, trust the professionals, the translations are just as good

>> No.45421153

never had a job but i bet it will feel somewhat satisfying and exhilarating for a few months to have money and to be a normal person and feel somewhat useful before the soul crushing monotony and meaningless sets in

>> No.45421154

manchild moment

>> No.45421160

matt says normal work is for losers

>> No.45421163

>le soulcrush
why are normalfags such doomers? Life is an exciting adventure, the cycle of struggle and triumph is life

>> No.45421166

wouldnt even know what to do with the money
commission some artists?

>> No.45421167

thats pretty much how it goes but thats why people go on vacations to refresh mentally

>> No.45421172

i wanted to have a minimum of 3 kids but what if i don't like or get along with my wife and want to divorce her

>> No.45421178

is her iq high at least

>> No.45421179

I applied for a OnlyFans chatter job last week and I'm still waiting to hear from them.

>> No.45421188

She's not saying what I think she's saying, right?

>> No.45421190
File: 1.50 MB, 4096x2731, 1701717157181748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new fetish acquired

>> No.45421203

If the struggle comes from dealing with overbearing bosses, long commutes, boring repetitive tasks and stupid coworkers then I'd rather kill myself than take part in this "adventure" desu.

>> No.45421210

but... the thing of do with dog, is kinda good, maybe

>> No.45421214

bro educate yourself

>> No.45421216

too bad only little girls wear it

>> No.45421220

what do you mean brother
did i post cringe by accident?

>> No.45421224
File: 148 KB, 1920x1080, FOyqfdLaAAAfWp0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45421226

>do with dog
I don't think that is what 犬とする means


>> No.45421229

that fetish is ancient

>> No.45421231

frieren will be forgotten after the season ends

>> No.45421233


>> No.45421235

>Dick showed a willingness to help us.

>> No.45421246

>once again djt cannot read simple manga
lmfao... reddit has more skill at this point

>> No.45421247
File: 1.19 MB, 960x540, 1651408061322.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45421250


>> No.45421252

nah it will be considered one of the top 50 anime of the decade, just wait until 2030 bro

>> No.45421326


>> No.45421336


>> No.45421344

DJT is very good at Japanese. It’s clearly saying “It might good to be treated as a dog.”

>> No.45421346

the real okayu is fat

>> No.45421403

there’s nothing wrong this translation lol

>> No.45421408
File: 335 KB, 535x799, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for context, here are the immediately preceding lines

>> No.45421412

Uh oh, it is saying what I think it’s saying.

>> No.45421418

why are women like this

>> No.45421417

lol you're a retard lol

>> No.45421428

gonna need an s-rank's take on this


>> No.45421430

What do you think playfetchは犬としますね means?

>> No.45421434


>> No.45421437

be honest u have no idea what it is actually saying

>> No.45421447

i aint sayin nothin bout no dog fuckin shit

>> No.45421448

it might be nice to have sex with a dog wow so hard

>> No.45421452

I don’t that’s possible for you to accuse me of at this point.

>> No.45421454

that's also what jamal's mom said right before she conceived him

>> No.45421461

you all just failed the n1 test lmao

>> No.45421464

wrong, she already had it at this point

>> No.45421467

can't wait for jamal to go on a two-hour spree of vague posts claiming that's not actually what it says while never explaining why gotta love it

>> No.45421468


>> No.45421473

sry those days are over none of u r interesting enough for that anymore

>> No.45421478


>> No.45421485


>> No.45421488

Sweet. Thanks

>> No.45421500

that just shows a crying panda wtf

>> No.45421504

Are the CBD shops in Akiba a honeypot? Getting mixed responses online about the legality of it vs THC which is an obvious no

>> No.45421509


>> No.45421512

why is she speaking in katakana

>> No.45421516
File: 81 KB, 269x333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45421527

bro dont fuck around with drugs in asia, you can get killed for that shit.

>> No.45421533
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>> No.45421542
File: 865 KB, 1080x1920, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45421546

one day youre looking for weed in the mean streets of roppongi the next thing you know youre sucking dick in a penthouse suite

>> No.45421563

lol looks I’m right according to >>45421464

>> No.45421565

unfunny and not cool bro

>> No.45421571
File: 1.07 MB, 802x898, animita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45421584

someone else being wrong doesnt make you right

>> No.45421585

jamel never talked about his father, did he not know him or smthing lulz

>> No.45421588

its beautiful

>> No.45421590

youre laughing. jamal never knew his father and youre laughing.

>> No.45421595

crazy how accurate his name turned out to be lmao

>> No.45421600

youre a loser bro, get a life

>> No.45421612

You're serious, aren't you? You're telling us you killed those three dekinai redditors on r/LearnJapanese. Why should we 69M you?

>> No.45421613

ah yes the everyone who hates me is one person card

>> No.45421626

not even jamal just think its pathetic to seethe all day at some literal who on 4chan for years

>> No.45421630
File: 16 KB, 449x179, rtk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true

>> No.45421635

i joined 2021 tho

>> No.45421638


>> No.45421639
File: 341 KB, 1500x1500, GAg3MsqWcAArHW3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45421640

yall need to smoke some w33d and chilll out

>> No.45421647
File: 2.57 MB, 3508x2480, __misty_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_miraa_chikurin__5e5d77c8b53535ecda231a60d75224ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what doujin should i read next?

>> No.45421653

is that what mum said dad did?

>> No.45421654

i hate ime somtimes. i swear it does this on purpose

>> No.45421659


God I wish it was still Summer. It looks so nice and happy

>> No.45421664

its summer in australia

>> No.45421668


>> No.45421684
File: 99 KB, 325x237, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45421725

why he make the frownie face

>> No.45421727

for me its jav

>> No.45421752

true true, easy immersion while getting a full 10 hours of sleep https://missav.com/dm5/en/rct-843

>> No.45421768

what % of weebs wish they knew japanese? not just as a fleeting thought but wish they knew it

>> No.45421785

no one misses him

>> No.45421787

damn i hate stepping outside women wont stop harassing me with their coquettish smiles and attempts to get physically close to me

>> No.45421792


>> No.45421837

well i guess you arent looking at it while you sleep so i'll forgive you

>> No.45421838

same same i just tend to give em a good slap

>> No.45421846

no thanks

>> No.45421851

actually decent immersion

>> No.45421856

arigatou, love danmati

>> No.45421865

you are though

>> No.45421878

made me wonder if there are any 朗読 for web novels on yt
turns out there's literally thousands of these cursed videos with a terrible tts robot and some completely unrelated twitch streamer footage which is not even fucking muted lmfao

>> No.45421888

sometimes i feel like i should put TTS on my anki cards cuz half the fucking jp videos on youtube are TTS anyway

>> No.45421897

ah yes wns and gta 5 my favorite combination

>> No.45421952


>> No.45422002
File: 560 KB, 1920x1080, 17017236547080391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're done here...

>> No.45422004

decent joke, i smiled, i rate it 6/10

>> No.45422006

so fuckin cringe it's overlaps into based

>> No.45422014

That language is too casual for how he's talking in Japanese.

>> No.45422017

kek thats exactly what i thought of too, good work anon

>> No.45422022


>> No.45422025

>That language is too casual for how he's talking in Japanese.
how would you translate it then?

>> No.45422043 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1008 KB, 800x1116, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45422060

"Seems you're in a rather foul mood" or something to that effect, just so it captures the overly formal tone.

>> No.45422078

why would you post that bro

>> No.45422093

>rather foul
but thats not what hes saying

>> No.45422095
File: 2.76 MB, 1280x720, 1701707327851568.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45422101

mlen bros

>> No.45422106

>*jamal enters the thread*

>> No.45422112

A foul mood is a more formal way of saying a poor/bad mood.

>> No.45422113

jamal is trans black

>> No.45422126

propagating kokujin porn, vtubers, fast food ads and ntr are the highest levels of goyim and mlen does them all

>> No.45422128

>bad mood
but no one is saying 'bad mood' either

>> No.45422192


>> No.45422214
File: 30 KB, 746x172, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does ur mom only let you watch one video per year

>> No.45422224

how do you get 4chan to be green? thats not one of the default styles.

>> No.45422228

the green 4chan is used by only the most cringe people, its best to ignore them

>> No.45422230

Well, he's saying he seems to be in "not" a good mood, which is a bad mood kek

>> No.45422235

>"not" a good mood, which is a bad mood kek

>> No.45422239

....not yes

>> No.45422244

sneeze on your monitor

>> No.45422245

ur entire premise that they are talking in an overly formal way is wrong

>> No.45422249


>> No.45422254

Does "ご機嫌よろしゅうございませんようで" sound casual to you?

>> No.45422272

none of that is formal, it doesn't even end in です

>> No.45422280

kek okay you got me

>> No.45422283

there's not even a ga in there very informal japanese

>> No.45422286

there was no ga, there was no wa

>> No.45422293


>> No.45422292

all these connectors man

>> No.45422300

theyre called particles

>> No.45422301
File: 61 KB, 334x274, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if it were "overly" formal, writing it in formal english would be the wrong way to translate, because nothing else this character says is formal. he is actually senior to who he is speaking to

>> No.45422312

The initial example is still formal. His overall tone is condescending and meant to show superiority.

>> No.45422328

"rather foul" sounds dorky, not condescending. this translation is fine >>45421516
the only mistake would be translating it like jamal did: "u seem mad bro"

>> No.45422336

nah im siding with jamal here "u seem mad bro" is a good translation

>> No.45422338

kek I can't even tell if you're being serious anymore

>> No.45422343

just enjoy vns and forget about the test, come back 3 years later and it'll be easy

>> No.45422345

i'm dead serious, do you think sounding like a british child is what constitutes formal english?

>> No.45422355

>british child
serious question
is that what you think British children sound like?

>> No.45422360

google "rather foul mood" and find anyone talking like that (besides british/indian people)

>> No.45422370

Yeah, google ご機嫌よろしゅうございませんようで and find anyone talking like that who isn't a snobby Jap

>> No.45422374

damn i love jav. there's so much subtle emotions being conveyed through the acting

>> No.45422376

why is nip yotube so bad. Every time I try to look up cool retro tech its those crappy voices. Give me nip LGR

>> No.45422385

? wasnt me im not involved here

>> No.45422391

Why are you still here?

>> No.45422397

i tab in sometimes hoping to see a good post someday
why are you?

>> No.45422405


>> No.45422407
File: 4 KB, 129x160, 牛バラ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45422410

So you just like being a lolcow in the thread?

>> No.45422417

I love being right.

>> No.45422420

give me an example of a good post so i can make more like it

>> No.45422425

this isnt a greeting lol. and that post translated it is 'good' or 'happy', not anything fancy

>> No.45422431

love that others are starting to use the term lolcow again all thanks to me
yep did my good djt deed for the year

>> No.45422432


>> No.45422436

gotta answer my question first
if u got it u got it and if u dont u dont
a post of legend can only be crafted from the heart

>> No.45422449

>the stereotype of elegant ladies in anime uses it. i’ve never heard it in real life.
I'm sorry, anon, I think you've lost here.

>> No.45422457

love them boom anime babes

>> No.45422459


>> No.45422469

very very informal japanese
like they say nandesuga but dont put the ga
i-if you know japanese you know what i'm talking about

>> No.45422470

too bad none of these tards know how to use it

>> No.45422473
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>> No.45422476


>> No.45422484

looks like its a four year old thread now

>> No.45422487

I accept your concession.

>> No.45422493

>if u got it u got it and if u dont u dont
>a post of legend can only be crafted from the heart
can you vocaroo that?

>> No.45422504


>> No.45422518


>> No.45422520


>> No.45422524

dude stop FUCKIGn quizrolling us

>> No.45422533


>> No.45422545

dunno id say jman is a lolcow of sorts

>> No.45422567


>> No.45422591


>> No.45422604
File: 398 KB, 799x959, 1701738196402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros why do I keep getting recs of Japaneze women undressing!?

>> No.45422610

i think i legit have a problem when i can recognize and inside joke made like 4 years ago on a niche daily thread on a niche board from a niche site.

>> No.45422612

because the algo recognized you as an incel and has cultivated the appropriate feed for you

>> No.45422617

nice thx

>> No.45422631

it was me u cum slurping loser

>> No.45422634

what does this have to do with being an incel?

>> No.45422639
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>> No.45422643
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>> No.45422642

you cant be in physical proximity of a woman in real life under any kind of intimate circumstances so it gives you videos like that

>> No.45422650

this dude on the other hand fucks >>45422639

>> No.45422652
File: 12 KB, 920x111, image (32).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 191: Been busy these past couple days so update kinda late and it almost my final week for college so I don't have much time to focus on Japanese.

>> No.45422661

except no one is laughing at jamal unless it's like a nervous laugh so when some uppercaser calls jamal a lolcow it comes off like some dumbass trying to use new trendy words he doesn't understand

>> No.45422666

lolcow's basically archaic by internet standards

>> No.45422668

esls arent good with acquiring the net slang but i still in general try to ignore them when i can since i dont want to accidentally help them improve their english

>> No.45422671

cant believe the pathetic asslickers stole my tl and attributed it to jamal this crosses the line

>> No.45422674

cool so you just did 6 months of a tango n5 deck and now you magically have no time to do "actual japanese". what a fucking joke

>> No.45422678
File: 27 KB, 292x198, rorikon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy has a kid

>> No.45422679

and an alimony payment

>> No.45422691

put your name on cuck donda

>> No.45422700
File: 20 KB, 525x421, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45422704

the duolingo killer

>> No.45422706

they all unsubbed when they realized they didnt learn japanese and instead got hoodwinked again like they did with mia

>> No.45422707

>can't believe a thief's asslickers stole from me

>> No.45422709

what the fuck is this cope from people who can't do 30 mins of flash cards, "i'll just read" with what vocabulary you fucking retard. Good luck trying to pick up as many words as anki can put into your brain in just 30 mins

>> No.45422714

the vocabulary they acquired from 10000 hours of eng subbed anime ya dink

>> No.45422715

yosh are you immersing?

>> No.45422722

shut the fuck up dumb faggot no one gives a sHit

>> No.45422724


>> No.45422740

if you arent a vocablet yourself why are you reduced to the low level of internet meme vocab to express yourself thats not very pog of you

>> No.45422744
File: 38 KB, 1193x311, cock fuck dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one bros?

>> No.45422750

if youre not a vocablet why do you use flashcards in a vain attempt to reinforce the japanese you dont know

>> No.45422753

your life is in vain

>> No.45422780
File: 156 KB, 210x280, file.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your life is in vain

>> No.45422798

addicted to dabbing

>> No.45422913

on the subject of vocablet
i just ran out of new cards in the core2.3
should i start on a 6k premade deck?
or am i just on the sentence/vocab mining loop now

>> No.45422943

it's time to read

>> No.45422963

the love letters sent to me

>> No.45422982


>> No.45422997
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>> No.45423010

theres one other guy who posts the exact same way as i do and it gets on my tits and thats even b4 my posts get attributed to jamal dunno what to do lads

>> No.45423017


>> No.45423043

its ur time to wear the tripcode badge of honour br0

>> No.45423082

im too powerful for djt so i break up my basedsa into several posters

>> No.45423093

i always knew i was talking mostly to the same person

>> No.45423101

i dont talk to people though i just dunk on them

>> No.45423112

with the multi personality thing u can set up ur own alley oops but thats kinda cringe i hope u didnt do that

>> No.45423120

how would you dunk over yourself

>> No.45423122

think like goku from the other world dunking on cell with epic gohan together

>> No.45423129

manlets dunk on themselves just by existing

>> No.45423139

crazy how queef is only 5'6"

>> No.45423149


>> No.45423152

lil queef
its what i am never forget it

>> No.45423159

翁 lol

>> No.45423164

no i meant the cringe part

>> No.45423169

crazy how he didnt see that

>> No.45423171

his inferiority complex utterly blinded him he was forced to simply cope

>> No.45423174

age is catching up

>> No.45423183

he either did mean that but is now pretending otherwise after getting owned or he really is becoming old and slow

>> No.45423200

he was never fast

>> No.45423211

low quotients got spanked again

>> No.45423219

come on man 142 is not low in any way

>> No.45423224

its not
was talking about you, whomst is currently mid cope routine lmao

>> No.45423228

you're the one who got owned lil ou

>> No.45423233

he says, as he slowly turns into a corncob

>> No.45423234

for clarification i was talking about jamel >>45423169

>> No.45423249

dno lil ou you didn't see the opportunity to mean 王 but everyone else did

>> No.45423263

nah its more like one guy did and now everyone is acting like they saw it too

>> No.45423268

王 goes without saying
thats why his inferiority complex kicked in

>> No.45423275


>> No.45423287

you got btfo so you had to pretend you didnt mean that

>> No.45423290
File: 166 KB, 1146x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is japan like this?

>> No.45423293

i know nihongo
watasi ga ouってshiranai no?

>> No.45423302

*throws towel on ur head*
better luck next time before you try to come for daddy

>> No.45423305

never heard of a real woman who gives a shit how women are portrayed in video games

>> No.45423306

jamal did the only thing he could to save face by making it seem like the other guy recognized him as ou
and the guy did but only as the ou jamal is

>> No.45423312
File: 13 KB, 504x134, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45423341

yeah based on jamals recent mental decline im going with the theory he simply didnt notice the chance. you hate to see it

>> No.45423355

the collective iq rn is real low

>> No.45423364

maybe you can help us out and leave

>> No.45423369

DJT Daily Japanese Thread
Previous thread
>>45414428 #3704
>>45400716 #3703
>>45390828 #3702
>>45377754 #3701
>>45366957 #3700
>>45351926 #3699
>>45340363 #3698

>> No.45423378


>> No.45423382
File: 2.09 MB, 3092x8000, 1701745323446772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the claims of mistranslations in this true or not?

>> No.45423388

aw hell na i aint reading all that

>> No.45423422

my kang...

>> No.45423428 [DELETED] 

must be living a pretty hollow life to obsess that much over a goyslop game

>> No.45423432

>only the korean one mentions media
really trying to reel in those drama and kpop women huh?

>> No.45423451

>fr for français
>de for deutsch
>ko for korean


>> No.45423455 [DELETED] 

you calll every thing goyslop

>> No.45423472 [DELETED] 

yeah if it's conceptualized around or after 2010

>> No.45423479
File: 2.52 MB, 372x210, 1701746771840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can japs meme?

>> No.45423480 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 640x567, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average elden ring player

>> No.45423482 [DELETED] 

gen goy slop is gonna run the world in 20 years

>> No.45423501 [DELETED] 

its over

>> No.45423504 [DELETED] 

commoner culture does not apply to the ruling class you don't even know who or where they are

>> No.45423517 [DELETED] 

thus, you are in djt

>> No.45423518 [DELETED] 

the future ruling class is skibidiing on tiktok rn

>> No.45423529 [DELETED] 

tiktok is npc bait

>> No.45423540
File: 131 KB, 2048x1676, monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just do anki every day
>just read bro

is this really all i need?

>> No.45423541 [DELETED] 

itiban tuyoi rizzler ni naritai kana

>> No.45423546


>> No.45423553 [DELETED] 

imagine drinking that goy汁

>> No.45423560


>> No.45423563
File: 1.15 MB, 402x808, 1699910826471282.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to input comprehensible compelling content

>> No.45423576

*portable emmersion station

>> No.45423583

you gonna play nukige in the park?

>> No.45423594

im no punk bitch when it comes to my japanese learning if i have to waste $1000 ill gladly waste $1000 for my education

>> No.45423605

do you even know where thats from

>> No.45423609

i bought an ipad pro for 1k

>> No.45423613


>> No.45423617

uhh bros, your posts??

>> No.45423635

that word is bannable offense

>> No.45423662


>> No.45423671

well i for one will never eat the 虫s

>> No.45423673

frieren tards make me seethe

>> No.45423683

frierentards will be the first to eat the bugs

>> No.45423687

more like friereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

>> No.45423696

ok that was my time おやっす

>> No.45423710

thank god the loser went to sleep

>> No.45423713

baited for that exact response

>> No.45423721

it sucks how the europooper and japooper hours leave no good time slot for the thread

>> No.45423729

we just wouldn't let the mlennigger flourish

>> No.45423744

gta 6 trailer looks like shit

>> No.45423750


>> No.45423767

future of gaming in the mutt world

>> No.45423777

one thing to note is the spoofing of real life social media crap. when runescape spoofed players it was epic but when they try to recreate social media in a video game it's gay as fuck like in gta.

>> No.45423782

one thing to note is this is a thread for japanese discussion on the /jp/ board

>> No.45423786

cry about in lil boy go do your flashcards

>> No.45423791

jamal you still here?

>> No.45423792 [DELETED] 


>> No.45423793

How long do you spend making/editing cards every day? At first I would just accept whatever yomichan dumped into the glossary section (a long list of synonyms and often multiple meanings), but I recently started wanting cleaner cards with just the meaning from the context I mined the card in. The problem is that now there’s 30+ min every day where I manually look over and edit the glossaries, made longer by the fact that I now check the Japanese definitions to see if there’s nuance I’m missing (often is). I can’t think of any solution to cut down on time besides accepting the way my cards were before (would use jap definitions but I’m not that good yet). If anyone has any suggestions or reasons to call me retarded I’d like to hear them.

>> No.45423809


>> No.45423811

ok good i was worried that jamal was spending his entire free time in this thread like a loser

>> No.45423813

>there’s 30+ min every day where I manually look over and edit the glossaries
why that long

>> No.45423816

jamal would never do such a thing

>> No.45423822

pretty sure hes a wage cuck who has to wakey wakey at 6 am

>> No.45423826

always mine a sentence with the word. if u know what the word means in that sentence, you dont need to test urself on the "meaning", so therefore you don't need perfectly edited gloassaries. just put jmdict on there and some other j-j dictionary and glance over it if you want

>> No.45423828






>> No.45423830

just set the heater to 72 bro

>> No.45423835 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 674x1080, 1701295613132693.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45423843

thought i was on /gif/

>> No.45423849

new low for jamal

>> No.45423852


>> No.45423858 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 400x720, 1701296291817419.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45423864

the fact he wasted years posting here every day to keep up his appearance as a cult of personality is exactly why i consider him a lolcow
he might be more charismatic than the average lolcow but at the end of the day, still lmao @ his life

>> No.45423866

how is bro not banned already

>> No.45423869

My workflow probably takes a little over a minute per mined card on average, goes like:
-copy vocab word from card into yomichan to look at definitions
-look at sentence I mined card from and decide which definition best fits the word
-look at one or two Japanese definitions to potentially adjust what I’m gonna use as definition
-write this into glossary
Obviously some words are really straightforward but others end up taking me a while.

>> No.45423871

that confirms it its jamal

>> No.45423900
File: 1.93 MB, 2145x1825, 8078d962ff9cbc675ca25d80e263a11671d0e103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45423927

seems like you've been here for those years too so don't know that you'd be any less pathetic lol touch grass and stop taking 4chan seriously

>> No.45423933

mhm yes this is a very good post i like this post very very much

>> No.45423939

I don't know what changed recently but the systems to contain shitposting don't work anymore. There's some guy with a bot who has been spamming the pc building general on /g/ for months now so 75% of the posts are copies of legitimate ones with random letters swapped.

>> No.45423951

anyone can find out you have no life by peaking in an archive but thanks for playing

>> No.45423957

whoa, buddy, didn't ask you to tell me other reasons why you're pathetic lol

>> No.45423961

>reinstall windows
>anki font looks cartoony and shitty now

>> No.45423968

u sound mad bro

>> No.45423978


>> No.45424030






>> No.45424073

how old are you now and by what age do you want to be fluent?

>> No.45424094

I never want to be fluent tb正直

>> No.45424117

then why bother albeit

>> No.45424141

Because it’s fun to learn

>> No.45424216
File: 80 KB, 566x420, FqCDe70agAA2UW9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ARE getting in your listening immersion, right? You don't want to be that 外人 who can't follow conversations.

>> No.45424253

idk why you say this when i clearly miss him.

and if you're going to say that i'm a no one, well then that's a pretty hurtful thing to say.

>> No.45424387

if jamal has a million fans, then i am one of them. if jamal has ten fans, then i am one of them. if jamal has only one fan then that is me. if jamal has no fans, then that means i am no longer on earth. if the world is against jamal , then i am against the world.

>> No.45424400

it do be like that

>> No.45424404
File: 1.67 MB, 1600x900, 1693493226963764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently gilgamesh was bullshitting because all wine tastes the same. my worldview is shattered

>> No.45424410

what is the japanese equivalent of youtube poop?
I want to hear stupid sentence-mixing dick jokes and suchforth

>> No.45424496

like this

>> No.45424530

I took a look over it and all the Japanese is translated correctly, save for one omission of なんということだ ("How absurd"), so I would say yes, the claims in this document of mistranslation based on the Japanese he provided are correct. My only nitpick would be
>However the actual word that is used is 律 and it means law/order in the same sense as a "commandment". It's just a set of rules, ethics, that don't mean anything if a governing body doesn't enforce them. If it was some law of nature it would use like 法則
The last sentence of this is funny because 律 is synonymous with 法則. He's right though that 律 implies a written statute or precept, but this could also be a divine law (律法) that affects the natural order.

>> No.45424572

王 麺

堀 使徒

>> No.45424589
File: 1.81 MB, 4096x2642, gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45424596

i jerked it to some fucked up shit today i need to detox

>> No.45424598


>> No.45424602

never mind

>> No.45424651

the loli to junior idol pipeline is real

>> No.45424687

視線(しせん) means "gaze" or "sight"

>> No.45424776

>game doesn't have bgm title display popup
yep it's a drop

>> No.45424806

made the mistake of "upgrading" to windows 11 and they removed the ability to change your taskbar position

>> No.45424813

dont worry bro windows 12 is coming next year

>> No.45424821

genki 1 beginner here. i have some questions:

1. how to use や with に.
for example, which is correct (if any):

2. is there a difference between すぎる and すぎです.

3. i noticed the book writes "at dinner" with に not で. shouldn't dinner be a place of action not a destination.

>> No.45424828

how many hours of anime have you watched?

>> No.45424834

i don't watch anime

>> No.45424840


>> No.45424905

比 also means 'to compare' in Chinese.
Learning Japanese must be a walk in the park for Chinese people.

>> No.45424914

have you seen the lazy sharex guide that lets you add everything to your card in like 15sec? it would probably help you. i'll look for it if you want

>> No.45424918

why? that's like saying that learning french is a walk in the park for english speakers because it uses the same writing system and a lot of the words look similar and have similar meanings
yet i dont see you speaking french fluently lol

>> No.45424931

bro get a life

>> No.45424935

They have vaguely similar meanings but thats it

>> No.45424937

take your own advice "bro"

>> No.45424940

hes right tho

>> No.45424953
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>> No.45424956

micropenis energy

>> No.45424958

take this bro *shoves dick up ur ass*

>> No.45424960


>> No.45424961


>> No.45424965

lot of toxic energy in the chat right now, must be because he was accidentally learning chinese

>> No.45424974

who tf let lil bro cook...

>> No.45424976

sorry to hear that lil sis

>> No.45424979

look, all im saying is ciaran should touch grass cause hes perpetually online and god knows that aint healthy

>> No.45424988
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>touch grass
>perpetually online

>> No.45424993

youre even worse lil donda

>> No.45425023

any djt bros been to a ソープランド?

>> No.45425027

been to your mom's house

>> No.45425057


>> No.45425058


>> No.45425099

dont be cringe

>> No.45425126

nah never been to a ソープランド and for that matter ive never been with any woman but once i move to japan all that will change

>> No.45425147

you should learn how to say loser in japanese youll have to use that a lot in your jikosyoukais

>> No.45425157


>> No.45425230



>> No.45425247
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>> No.45425257

Started learning nihongo few months ago and man... I thought the kanji learning would be the hard part, word order and other sentence making things are so much harder. The slightly longer sentences become such a mess, I don't know what to do about it.

>> No.45425328

for me its the pitch accent

>> No.45425399


>> No.45425407





>> No.45425415


>> No.45425443


>> No.45425468
File: 504 KB, 829x657, heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i just had a dream where the thread reached 2400 posts...

>> No.45425486




>> No.45425497

That's precisely how language closeness and similarities work

>> No.45425521


>> No.45425563


>> No.45425587

read 538k today

>> No.45425595


>> No.45425610

manga pixels

>> No.45425634
File: 27 KB, 532x576, images (63).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing dark souls 1 and goddamn some of the difficulty is unfair or just tedious but i cant stop

>> No.45425681

from software what?

>> No.45425687

20 seconds per card to distill the jmdict definition into 1-2 keywords. if I'm unsure then i just don't mine it. anki cards aren't for nuances

>> No.45425706


>> No.45425813
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>> No.45425872

u sound mad bro

>> No.45425922

i dont know what bmi is but if your body fat percentage is 30% or higher you are obese

>> No.45425944

couldnt be me

>> No.45426066

dont get a fat girlfriend

>> No.45426080

i wont

>> No.45426099

good, dont.

>> No.45426110


>> No.45426115

why so anti fat girlfriend? (dont want one)

>> No.45426131

my gf has a bmi of over 30 and i like the meat maybe youre just gay
literal jewish beauty standards

>> No.45426147

europeans have never liked fat women that's black behavior

>> No.45426167

theyre too self conscious and its annoying. constant need for validation

>> No.45426177

shed ask me does this make me look fat and id say yes every time

>> No.45426213


>> No.45426221

If only there were patterns you could memorize

>> No.45426222

>gay for not wanting a mini whale wtf

u ppl are what keep 5/10s egos so high

>> No.45426242

how hard is the higurashi anime to read?

>> No.45426255

dunno ask nukemarine hes the only guy i know that ever reads anime

>> No.45426280

all modern men are responsible

>> No.45426281

im not responsible for women

>> No.45426320

fat ok
obese not ok
don't obese

>> No.45426330


>dont wtach anime with subs
>don't read vns if you're a beginner
>don't comsume artificial content

at some point you gotta admit you're gate keeping

>> No.45426339

1 is not a correct interpretation
2 is correct
idk what 3 is in reference to but sounds gay

>> No.45426346

you're responsible for inflating the egos of sub 5s by condoning white cuck knight culture. obesity is objectively bad just like how an ugly face or a low iq are

>> No.45426349

do not read anime
not true

>> No.45426359

thats a lot of projection and assumption
ive hurt plenty of womens feelings by not telling them what they want to hear

>> No.45426361

nukemarine gets made fun of here all the time as an eternal dekinai, so it would follow that what he does doesn't work. mentioning his name when im asking about consuming subbed anime in the way anon did only lead to that interpretation.

>> No.45426366

that's good then

>> No.45426379

again your interpretation is wrong
if esl and in this thread you also cant ever learn japanese
thats a gatekeep i will maintain forever

>> No.45426425

what he does is immersing for 10 hours a month. if he did his stupid shit for 10 hours a day instead, then he'd know japanese better than all of the posers here taken together

>> No.45426459

he wouldnt
you cant learn japanese by pausing every line hovering over it and whitenoising the monolingual definitions

>> No.45426458

he probably has a wife and kids and a job (unless he's retired already?) so he doesnt have the time to do it 10 hours a day

>> No.45426489

i just looked at nukemarine's youtube channel, his oldest videos are from 13 years ago, jesus christ man how can he not be fluent yet?

>> No.45426492

his wife banned him from speaking japanese in her presence so hes kinda fucked and cucked tbqh

>> No.45426513

you've replied twice to me without actually correcting my assumption. that was intentional and this is the gate keep im talking about.

>> No.45426520

oh i didn't know that. i thought he just genuinely couldn't figure it out.

>> No.45426526

that would be the iq gatekeep

>> No.45426544

you don't "read anime", you watch anime. reading the subtitles is a part of watching anime albeit

>> No.45426555

he prefers to linger at the edge of the pool, dip his toe in the water and warm up in preparation forever rather than take the plunge and fully immerse himself

>> No.45426588

hes your standard military expat
however because hes white and not a public nuisance hes much preferable to the filth beginning to shit up japan

>> No.45426605

my gf never does that

>> No.45426610


>> No.45426612

is she really fat?
like if shes a fat fuck shes given up on the delusion

>> No.45426708

i like how its a single dignified link instead of the blaring low quality triple link spam style of the mlen era

>> No.45426721

unfortunately youll click the link and find the next thread is already ruined beyond repair

>> No.45426725

shes quite fat

>> No.45426736

sorry thats my fault @45426721

>> No.45426738

like if she knows shes a fat piece of shit shes not gonna ask if something makes her look fat obviously
its the ones on the fence between starting to look actually fat versus being a bit pudgy

>> No.45427109

retard that's standard for linking new threads everywhere on 4channel because it stands out more

>> No.45427117
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>> No.45427178
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thank you god for making Japanese hard and filtering out pajeets

>> No.45427181

>because it stands out more
this is a 120+ thread

>> No.45427376

mainland china doesn't even have to same characters anymore. i've tried to talk about kanji to a my friend's chinese wife before who is younger than me. and she's just like, yeah i can't read those most of the time. once talked to a girl from hong kong and that's a different story. they're keeping it real still.

>> No.45427649

>律 is synonymous with 法則

you dont know japanese

>> No.45427813

shits fucking dead in here

>> No.45429310



>> No.45429984

still fucking dead in here

>> No.45430290

nigger nuts
