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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4540677 No.4540677 [Reply] [Original]

Look what I just got in the mail

How good is your Japanese, /jp/?

>> No.4540682

nonexistant because i don't study shit languages

oh wait they're all shit except for english

>> No.4540685

Congratulations! Maybe you can move to Japan and go to 2ch instead!

>> No.4540693

I smell butthurt

>> No.4540686

The only thing I know is hiragana and barely a few of katakana.

>> No.4540694

I only know all kanas and some basic kanji.

>> No.4540695


>> No.4540696

>How good is your Japanese, /jp/?
Good enough to understand eroge, good enough for me.

>> No.4540701

Good job, that's probably the only good use for the language. Plus you can learn more while playing! Educational porn.

>> No.4540703

> How good is your Japanese, /jp/?

I think in Japanese. Enjoy your worthless piece of paper.

>> No.4540706

Super basic conversational Japanese. Know all my kana, and some Kanji. I'm not making an effort to learn it, but it's mostly the accumulation over the years. Can watch raw animu and understand what's going on. Feels good man.

>> No.4540713


>I lie on the internet. Enjoy your worthless piece of paper that I could never get no matter how hard I tried.

>> No.4540714

Congratulations, you learned a whole bunch of useless shit for level 1.

>> No.4540737


care to explain what part of it is useless? I only really studied grammar and the level 1 grammar is used a LOT in written Japanese like that used in VNs.

>> No.4540743

At least we agree it's worthless, right?

>> No.4540752

I've got those but for English!

>> No.4540767


oh, totally. (unless I'd apply for a job where I need to understand the language, which isn't that likely)

>> No.4540768

Kana, basic grammar, ~250 kanji. I'm not looking for employment with it, just the ability to understand games/manga/anime so I'm taking it easy.

>> No.4540802

Unfortunately if you want to read VNs with any fluency you pretty much need to be jlpt1 level.

>> No.4540853


>> No.4540879


I see you either never tried to play any VNs in Japanese or have a very different idea of fluency than I have.

>> No.4540883

That highly depends on the VN. I can EDICT through majikoi but not umineko or FSN.

>> No.4540927

I guess some are easier, but you might still miss something. Like Hatsukoi - it uses really, really simple Japanese by comparison but if I look at the people translating it they still have a lot of trouble guessing the meaning of longer sentences correctly.

Yeah well, and if you need a dictionary on every other line that's not fluent to me.

>> No.4540940

Gomenasai, OP. I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well.

>> No.4540954

Really? I remember reading that level 1 was university-level stuff... and a high school educated Japanese would be able to play VNs with ease, meaning level 2 would be more than sufficient.

I'll need to look into it, but it'd be disappointing if level 1 turned out to be so easy.

>> No.4540967

>Look what I just got in the mail
>January 29th
Fucking hell, Japanese mail is fuckslow.

>> No.4540991

Good enough to post on Futaba without looking like a complete idiot most of the time.
Although they'll nail you for the slightest unnatural wording.

>> No.4540998


1 is that "easy", and 2 won't do at all for reading VN-level stuff. 2 is barely enough that can read Shounen Sunday manga series or Dragon Quest games.


I got the results in April when I did the level 2 test in 2004.

>> No.4541019




>> No.4541027

Oh wow.

I guess I'll see if I can apply for it a few years, then. I'm just starting to learn, but if it's as easy as English was, it shouldn't be much of a problem. It'd probably look great on a resume, too.

>> No.4541143



>> No.4541166

There are other people who post on Futaba here? Rad.
Are you going to Gakuensai?

>> No.4541171

I can read and understand most of AT3's replay videos without pausing.

>> No.4541272

Level 1? haha

>> No.4541288


I might but it's a bit far, since I live in Osaka, between that and say Comiket... It's hard to prioritize.

>> No.4541304

ITT people who don't know that level 1 is the highest level.

Also jealous people. I'm ashamed, /jp/, I thought we would encourage our fellow bro for reaching greener pastures.

>> No.4541347

You know I can understand /v/ wanting to be a bunch of fratboys who wear their caps sideways, get drunk all the time and fuck bitches, but I like to think that /jp/ has standards.

>> No.4541356

What would you call our loving relationship?

>> No.4541366

"bro" has always been /jp/'s way of referring to one another, lurk the fuck more tripfag.

>> No.4541372

At least he's not Saten.

>> No.4541390

But Tatari has been here since forever, dude.

>> No.4541388


>> No.4541395


>> No.4541408

I wish I could score a lvl1 certificate.

I could probably start at 3 but I'm not sure if I even want to try for these.

Sure it'd be nice to have but I can't think of any use I'd get out of it.

>> No.4541410

That's cool my friend. I wish I was a certified level 1.Slowly getting there...slowly slowly...

>> No.4541411

Nobody ever used "bro" in a serious manner.

>> No.4541453

So why exactly did you go as far as Level 1? You working for some major scientific group or something?

Just curious, since even the Japanese teachers I had recommended only going up to 2 if we ever planned on living in Japan.

>> No.4541482

So do those numbers at the bottom mean anything?
I mean, could someone hypothetically track you down using them? Do they correspond to a database of some sort?

I'm just asking 'cause you seemed awfully keen on censorship but you didn't change what's probably the most unique thing on the page.

>> No.4541495

I wasn't suggesting that we use it seriously.

>> No.4541548


You learn almost enough to take the test just by using the language regularly and what little you need to study actually comes in a handy later.


If you somehow found out what they meant I guess you might be able to find out the test site. Good luck tracking me down with that information.

>> No.4541703

Level 1 is the "advanced" level. wtf?

>> No.4541722

It's pretty shit. I know a good amount kanji, around 1600, but my grammar is pretty awful. But I guess I shouldn't expect much more having studied for less than a year.

>> No.4541724
File: 210 KB, 1000x1423, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this more to your liking?

>> No.4541741

Make it EX and we're set.
