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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 92 KB, 503x636, top13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4538124 No.4538124 [Reply] [Original]

You know it as well as I do anon. The typical pure lady will invariably get raped or corrupted until she goes insane, but when there is a slut(?), rare in eroge, they are treated ... differently.

Commonly, it starts as a sex romp, exposing her for what she is: A girl who likes to fuck a lot. With men. Lots of men. And what does our retard of a protagonist do you wonder?

Redeem her. With love. And possibly get married with happy ending.

What say you about this?

>> No.4538153
File: 186 KB, 687x829, top13_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you would take the chocolate, you miserable wretch.

>> No.4538150
File: 82 KB, 300x300, 1267229479088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard protagonist needs to get to Gensokyo.

>> No.4538156

Sluts, not so good.
Cannot redeem.

>> No.4538167

I believe in redemption and second chances. She can be a virgin in her heart and I will welcome her with open arms.

>> No.4538170

And she'll welcome the mailman with open legs.

>> No.4538183
File: 345 KB, 1045x1503, SUMMER_NUDE_066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4538191


What do I win?

>> No.4538195

That was exactly what i thought. Oh /jp/, never change.

>> No.4538212
File: 52 KB, 800x600, SEXFRIEND_344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily true. She is still miss fucksalot, but monogamous.

>> No.4538235

This is what her boyfriend really believes.

>> No.4538239

How many eroge routes are there like that? I know there was the prostitute route in Crescendo, which I really liked.

Wait, this is from that series where the guy turns into a girl?

>> No.4538241
File: 52 KB, 800x600, SEXFRIEND_338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For starters, a wife that puts out every day unlike the others who claim a headache.

>> No.4538250


>> No.4538251
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x1200, 1208137054875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4538255

It's from Sexfriend. I'm pretty sure everyone has fapped to it at one point.

>> No.4538260

Is Sexfriend a BV too?

>> No.4538262

Indeed it is. Feb 14 post. In short, she is giving some guy handmade chocolate before going to fuck everybody in class. Then the guy proposes to only screw him. She agrees.

Ain't that romantic?


>> No.4538264
File: 407 KB, 779x705, 00cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I had the same thought.

>> No.4538275

The CG I posted are from Sexfriends. The OP pic is from Unurare.

BV? Bacterial Vaginosis?

>> No.4538280
File: 27 KB, 540x405, gfs_80699_2_35_mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird enough, I liked her route best.

>> No.4538282




>> No.4538283

Get those sluts out of /jp/.
Sakura is bad enough.

>> No.4538285
File: 42 KB, 300x300, cigman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This post personifies exactly what's wrong with you people, henceforth known as "betas." You have low standards, low self esteem, and you accept used goods. You're waiting until all the sluts calm down and become "born-again virgins" renouncing their whorish ways and settling down with you. And you'll play the role of the faithful, adoring husband until the truth hits you.

Gentleman, there's a lot I can tell you but I'll make it short: when your loyal wife gives birth, be sure to get a paternity test. Just trust me on this.

>> No.4538299

To put it short: mankind is stupid as a whole.

>> No.4538296

>Implying that Alphas are not the male equivalent of a slut.

>> No.4538307

patriarchy owns

>> No.4538308


I can live with that.

>> No.4538314

Won't she get bored of you eventually, given that she was used to a large variety before?

>> No.4538315


No, because of love.

>> No.4538317

What is love ?

>> No.4538318


Baby, don't hurt me.

>> No.4538319

she'll just have affairs, obviously

>> No.4538325

If someone cares, I have a script that lets extract text from sexfriend/maid supers and insert it back, for translation.

>> No.4538327

shit. i did this IRL. twice. married and everything.

was it aristotle or ludacris that first said,

"you can't turn a ho into a housewife." (?)

>> No.4538330

Sex only gets boring if you let it be boring.

>> No.4538331

Save & redeem coupons instead. Better succes rate.

>> No.4538333

Sex isn't the only thing in a relationship.

>> No.4538340
File: 58 KB, 800x600, SEXFRIEND_556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GIVE IT TO ME. I am the only idiot who is interested in it.


>> No.4538341

the solution to having a slut for a wife is group sex, as long as you are not sitting in the corner jacking off while everyone else bones your wife

>> No.4538344

Do you happen to have a DDL for the game?

>> No.4538351

i'm surprised nobody's translated it yet

>> No.4538362

A good bunch of translators will not touch nukiges or NTR stuff. Take a look at the usual stuff they translate and you will figure out their tastes.

>> No.4538367
File: 47 KB, 800x600, SEXFRIEND_478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is like 4gigs. No DDL I would wager, and I don't think anybody is that patient.

>> No.4538381

Some DDL providers are much faster(easy 10-100mbps) than torrents or other means (I'm looking at your Megaupload!). Could get some 4GB in some 15-40min without a MU account.

>> No.4538382


Look, I'm not really keen on this whole "alpha beta omega" business. I think it's all in the head and if you change the way you think and perceive things you can climb the ladder. I've been doing a lot of reading on the topic of mating and evolutionary psychology and biology and I've learn a lot of interesting things that I try to occasionally share with you guys. Now I'm not saying you should change who you are and live by these rules but at least try to incorporate them into your routine and thought process.

Obviously, if you're looking for a woman you should choose a smart(er) one. The smart she is, the more cognitively aware she will be of her primitive urges and the better she will be able to handle them.

Second, do not ever unconditionally love and adore her. Always always ALWAYS be ready to criticize her and reprimand her for the mistakes she makes. You can be warm and loving at times but when she makes a mistake or does something you don't approve of be cold as a rock. Give her the impression that you will leave her at a moment's notice if she screws up. I know this can seem harsh, but she will actually love you even more if you do this, honestly. Do not make the mistake of calling this "being an asshole" because it's really not. An asshole is defined not by his actions but by his intent.

If you bend over for a woman and constantly accept her mistakes she will grow tired and bored of you. A woman needs to feel like she is winning you over other women every day. If she feels that you are with her because you NEED her and are obligated to stay with her she will lose the excitement and start searching for a bad boy.

Remember, you do not NEED to be with her. You WANT to be with her when and only when she acts in accordance to how you want her to act.

I am accepting questions now.

>> No.4538384

darktranslations does a bit of that
but yeah, i guess most groups either go for light or DEEEP

>> No.4538390

...well then.

>> No.4538400

stopped right there

>> No.4538411
File: 401 KB, 629x800, 1264746803043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't forgive the slut. Not because I don't believe she has changed but because I love revenge. I want to make her fall in love with me just to reject her advances and then make her fully aware of what she has lost. Delicious slut tears!

>> No.4538426

>you can climb the ladder
Stopped reading.

>> No.4538429
File: 64 KB, 800x600, SEXFRIEND_549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You truly believe that will work, don't you?

>> No.4538437

You are a terrible, terrible person who will die even more alone than the rest of /jp/. Prepare.

>> No.4538443

You are now automatically reminded of how many penis was in her vagina while inserting your penis into her, making indirect contact.

>> No.4538448


Well, aren't you picky about metaphors. Oh wait, I temporarily forgot where I was. Now I get it- of course you guys aren't interested in climbing the social ladder.

Still, missing out on my advice might cost you a girl in the future. Disregard at your own peril.

>> No.4538451

Well, shit, how many penises touched the ocean since the begging of humanity?

>> No.4538453

countless pathetic dudes have made indirect contact with my penis, being an alpha male owns

>> No.4538454

Indirect kissing/dickings is bullshit bro. Stop reading romantic comedy manga like Love Hina.

>> No.4538455

That's why I don't go to the ocean dumbfuck.

>> No.4538459

Well? Where is the sexfriend text extractor? Still waiting for it.

Or better yet, post it at the vn translating wiki. The more info you give, the better.

>> No.4538460

>countless pathetic dudes have made indirect contact with my penis, being an alpha male owns

that sounds pretty gay bro

>> No.4538462
File: 65 KB, 800x600, SEXFRIEND_630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or anywhere else, eh?

>> No.4538464
File: 33 KB, 320x448, 3458maid.in.heaven.supers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here it is.


To use, put tl directory into game directory, cd to it, and type make all. When you're done editing, type make all again and it will rebuild game archives. Text to be translated will be placed into tl/text directory. You need perl to do this and to run make from cygwin prompt. If you're actually going to translate this, I'm ready to go to any lengths to help you, but if you just want to mess around, you're on your own. Currently, this stuff works for Maid in Heaven SuperS only, some modifications (in Makefile) are needed to make it work with Sexfriend.

Program also generates cool html output to ease translation (http://no-info.no-ip.info:6224/supers/text/a_08.html, http://no-info.no-ip.info:6224/supers/text/)), I wanted to translate the game myself but it was too much for me.


>> No.4538471

Love Hina is the only nice thing

>> No.4538476

no balls touching, not gay

>> No.4538477
File: 51 KB, 800x600, SEXFRIEND_635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I will see what I can do.

See brothers? Talking about something different brings blessings upon us all.

>> No.4538479

talking about sluts is always a good thing

>> No.4538487

I can make a Sexfriend version if someone directs me to DLL or working torrent.

>> No.4538493

Ok, I know nothing about programming. Could you post a sexfriend version sometime in the future?

>> No.4538499

Would you let a stranger touch your computer?
Would you let them configure your Gentoo?

I wouldn't.
That's what I think about sluts.

>> No.4538501

I love my computer and I wouldn't allow any fucking one to touch my root access.

Same fucking thing with women.

>> No.4538502


>> No.4538506
File: 9 KB, 300x250, 61aa0862ff6906e9a5634636845fe99d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your USB port is no match against my Hard Drive.

>> No.4538513

Well, what do you know? I actually found a workign torrent. But it seems so... small. Just one gig?


>> No.4538522

I thought you were referring to ladder theory, but I guess the social ladder is bad too.

>> No.4538527

could be a repack

i'm not saying it's gay
i'm just saying it sounds gay
you can indirectly or directly touch and suck as many cocks as you want
as long as mine isn't one of them

>> No.4538529

I'm already downloading. Some generous japanese person is uploading it to me like there is no tomorrow. Expect update soon.

>> No.4538559

>as long as mine isn't one of them

too late :)

>> No.4538572

being a virgin, i highly doubt it

>> No.4538584

nothing wrong with being a virgin forever, everyone else here can attest to that

>> No.4538624
File: 150 KB, 598x1034, reje.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't need anyone to attest to it
i'm abstaining like "the like the mother fucking fist of the north star
jesus christ"

>> No.4538627
File: 388 KB, 977x1400, 036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks.
I have insecurity issues so I'll just end up imagining and comparing myself against all the other guys she fucked.

>> No.4538648

you will end up with someone who is used goods, or will leave you for someone else lol

>> No.4538668

don't plan on ending up with anyone
to be have been born, lived, and died free and alone
what more could i ask for?

would this be an example of hatesex?
heard of it but never actually seen an example

>> No.4538688

it's what happens when you find out your girlfriend is a slut, sluts own

>> No.4538805

Out of luck. I was assuming sexfriend uses same engine as Maid in Heave, but it does not. Too bad.

>> No.4539604


>> No.4539606

someone needs to translate the new Nurumu pictures.

>> No.4539611

Clearly, no one got the bad end for sex friend.

>> No.4540245

You are such a slut anonymous.

>> No.4540395

This needs an manga badly. Or an OVA.
