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4535995 No.4535995 [Reply] [Original]

First time playing FSN, the only thing that went through my head was, "Holy shit, I'm gonna fucking die."

>> No.4536023

thats how every anon's first encounter with illya and berserker goes.

[x] revoke your command seal.

>> No.4536025


Actually, heart stopping? I'm not sure I've ever read a visual novel with _that_ much immersion. Or book in general for that matter.
Let's assume you're being poetic and F/sn didn't literally make your heart skip a beat.

>> No.4536028
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>> No.4536030

- when Saber lost in HF twice
- Shirou's plight to protect Sakura in HF
- Rin sacrificing herself in HF
- manly fist fight in HF

btw did I even mention how motherfucking awesome HF was

>> No.4536098

That was pretty fucking terrifying.

>> No.4536122

All of my "holy shit" moments occurred in UBW. I watched the anime before I played the VN so I knew what was going to happen in Fate, and HF reused some plot twists, like Shirou losing Saber, which dulled their impact. You already knew Saber wasn't going to play as big a role as she did in Fate and you knew that the simplest way to make the grail war a seemingly hopeless struggle at times was to take away Shirou's access to a loyal, strong servant, and that card was already played in UBW, as was working with other servants who had in previous routes served only as enemies.

Nasu didn't save enough plot twists for HF, he burned them all in UBW.

>> No.4536140


i could not stop fearing and hating Berserker for months

even now, i occasionally still have nightmares involving "█████████████████!!"

>> No.4536170

Motherfucking this man.

Every single scene with him in it, oh god.

>> No.4536188
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"Sign. Right here!"

>> No.4536209 [SPOILER] 
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No Muv-Luv?

>> No.4536223
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Nov 3 2007

Im trapped in evil german loli's castle

I have no choice but to side with her

but wait

>> No.4536233
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Excuse the Umineko shit but every other heart-stopping VN moment I've had has been posted already.





>> No.4536254

Your heart is now skipping a beat, manually:


>> No.4536270

Oh no, not this time Anon.

>> No.4536284

"Now that I've chopped off your arms and legs, I'm going to take you to my castle for unending torture. HUAHUEHUAHUE!"


"People actually LIKE this bitch?!"

>> No.4536287
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Not the same kind of heart-stopping, but...

>> No.4536294


>> No.4536298

That one scene in Tsukihime in Ciel's route, when Shiki goes and cuts off Arc's head.


And then this promising turn of events is ruined by friends-end. Shame.

>> No.4536299

the monsters in muv luv were all to retarded looking to be scary.

>> No.4536309

As much as I agree, it wasn't the aliens themselves that were heart-stopping.

>> No.4536321

Best Track or Best Track in the OST?

>> No.4536323
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>Implying she's evil.

>> No.4536328

BETA-chan is moe~

>> No.4536332

I can't decide between that and 軍靴の足音

>> No.4536350


Her moe is just one of her deadlier weapons, along with her direct appeal to your lolicon complex. They both serve to disarm you in her presence.

>> No.4536364

>lolicon complex
If it was a loli who was a lolicon, then sure, yeah, I have a lolicon complex.

>> No.4536368

ML OST? Hands down. If we add MLA to that, I have a huge boner for 冥夜, 軌道降下, and JAM Project's insert songs.

>> No.4536371

Not OP, but I'm at the bit where you choose to protect Ilya or entrust her to the church, which is the better decision in your opinions?

>> No.4536376
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>blah blah blah semantics

>> No.4536382


It's akin to making a decision in a Zelda game.

>> No.4536383 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 500x375, pee wees adventure AHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as you think the butch truck driver girl will lead you to a route with a cuter girl, just keep on walkin'...


>> No.4536386

From the ML OST, I also enjoy 送迎最速理論 and Ambush. MLA OST, there's too many too name as it is with out having read it.

>> No.4536391

In other words, both decisions lead to the same result?

Sorry for being an idiot ;_;

>> No.4536392
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Kotomine just guts her and sets her as the grail

>> No.4536394

I love how Michiru reminds you that BETAs don't shoot inside hives.

>> No.4536404

Haha yeah, hard not to like that one, I laughed so hard when it first played. Ambush is ok. I also like 墓標 even though it's not that good, I like how it fills me with despair.

>> No.4536410

Scratch that, from listening to it again Ambush is a lot better than I remembered it to be.

>> No.4536418

Many scenes in Hello World.

>> No.4536448

From MLA, 臨戦態勢 or 生命の炎 are probably my favorite tracks, but my taste in music is a bit odd.

>> No.4536471



>> No.4536475


Those are some long arms you got there, Ilya.

>> No.4536526

They are of normal length.

>> No.4536534


Look at the image and image she is naked. You'll see it.

>> No.4536575

I've looked at those images a lot already. She's normal.

>> No.4536615

wouldn't say my heart stop but i mean the entire ubw you were pretty much fucked in one way or another and you had a sense of hopelessness

you had no servant, rin had no servant, you had to run and fight without em until the last few parts, was quite the downer

>> No.4536644 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4536651


HF was worse.

>> No.4536653

I chuckled.

>> No.4536668

Well of course HF was, worse. It had the worst heroine of the bunch, the most cooking, and several other glaring flaws.

>> No.4536685

How so?
The image stops at Berserkers ankles or something, Iliya is longer than what is showing.

>> No.4536687


I was talking about in terms of hopelessness, but your points are right too.

>> No.4536705


hf creeped me out, but i didn't take it too seriously, god could they make a heroine anymore useless than that?

killing off gil early and that way was pretty lame too

>> No.4536757


Gil was being a tard and didn't take her seriously. They said Excalibur blast would have destroyed the black shadow, so Ea would have had no problem.

>> No.4536782


Question is how he didn't notice the Shadow got behind him the same way Kubo does it in Bleach.

>> No.4536856

This thread is 2 or 3 people samefagging.
FSN is shit.

>> No.4536940


>implying this is an FSN thread
>implying anyone claimed FSN was good

Haters gonna ...

[x] Hate
[ ] Not hate

>> No.4536952


forgot your sage bro

>> No.4536979

Same here. I think I liked UBW because it left you in an absolute feeling of despair, and everything you knew from Fate was suddenly wrong. Shit just keeps getting worse and worse -- you lose Saber, Archer betrays you, and when you finally go to seek help from the extremely overpowered midboss of the previous route, you get there to find Gilgamesh RIPPING HER HEART OUT.

And just when all hope is lost, motherfucking LANCER comes to save the day. I think F/SN peaked for me at that moment.

>> No.4537144

Just goes to show that FSN is the only VN newfriends have played. They can't talk about anything else.

>> No.4537370

"Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. OH GOD WORST BOOK EVER

>> No.4537386

Ah, that part was really uncomfortable.

>> No.4537387

I've played plenty of others (Rance and Ever17 come to mind), it's just that FSN is my favorite. Tsukihime I played without audio and repeated a lot of text, which I think hurt it for me.

>> No.4537405

At least they are being civil and discussing a topic pertaining to the board and the thread.

If you really have a problem with this, why not just not post and ignore the thread?

>> No.4537408

"Melting wall. Solvable meaning. Self who can explain. Smoothness of changeable permeability. Transitioning time. Observation life and execution function. A pinky-less hand. Headless eyes. Rolling carpet. Once. Twice. Three times. 777 cages. Burst balloon. Unfulfillable promise. Unprotectable law. Death contract. Poison and honey. Red and afterbirth. Mercury lamp and bug light. Light refracting from countless dimensions. Swimming fish, singing at the ocean bottom. Tools, tools, tools. Towards endlessly reproducing stars without meaning, without will. Better than wishes. Another only me. Unraveling deep sea. Contradictory that appears from microscopic organisms. Detailed view of a quark. Rejection of everything. Formless form. An embryo within a hearse. I curse and celebrate their existence."

>> No.4537440

I shat bricks when Sacchin's crazy sprite appeared. OH HAI, I HAVEN'T WASHED MY HANDS

>> No.4537471
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KATTO really could have induced some serious fear if handled properly. As it is, he's just hilarious.

>> No.4537477


>Detailed view of a quark.

Argh, my head exploded.

>> No.4537484

I like the part where he just goes insane when Sion misunderstands his reasoning.

>> No.4537510
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Its your nightmares made real and hungry for your blood.

It cannot die and it cannot be stopped.

And it will make a show of it.


>> No.4537512

If you play MB itself first (or read the manga) you can probably take him pretty seriously. But if you actually hear him, it becomes impossible not to laugh. THAT GIGGLE

>> No.4537519
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>> No.4537527

Where did I say that I had a problem with this? Did you get offended by the use of "newfriend"? Maybe I should have used newcomer instead, right? I wasn't trying to insult anyone, just pointing out something quite obvious.

>> No.4537528

The only moment in a VN that has really made my heart arrhythmic was the end of Heaven's Feel when Ilya sacrifices herself. The entire dialogue between her and Shirou is gut-wrenching.

>> No.4537557 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The climax of HF messed me the fuck up.

One of the things that really fucked me up was mid-way through the Kotomine fight, when Shirou falls into his own mind (wrecked by the projections at this point), and is thinking why he's doing this.

What have you lost? What did you give up in return?

I dunno why it affected me so but I just started crying then.

>> No.4537571

FSN is one of the few games to make me cry. Mostly during YOU STRONG BAASAAKAA and certain scenes in Fate and HF.

>> No.4537573 [DELETED] 

it hurts

it hurts it hurts it hurtsit hurts it hurts it hurtsit hurts it hurts it hurtsit hurts it hurts it hurtsit hurts it hurts it hurtsit hurts it hurts it hurtsit hurts it hurts it hurtsit hurts it hurts it hurts

>> No.4537584

it hurts

it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts

>> No.4537594

Where is this from again? It sounds familiar but I can't place it.

>> No.4537605


>> No.4537610

Oh yeah. Why is that suddenly a VN?

>> No.4537639

get out

>> No.4537659

Im sure one of Shirous deaths is like this.
Dying at Caster's hands?

>> No.4537729


I know! I know! It's from Saya!


Can I have sauce on these in return please?

>> No.4537769
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I believe this is Bad Ends 1 and 2 of Fate/Stay Night.

I'm pretty sure this is Bad End 20 of F/SN, where you "ally" with Caster.

This can be any number of things in F/SN and Tsukihime. Nasu's big on the madness mantra.

>> No.4537781


Thanks. I would have never guessed any of those were from FSN. I played the whole thing without a guide and only got 2 bad ends total.

>> No.4537808
File: 73 KB, 226x297, 1261487316436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Help me" and the wall of crazytext are from Tsukihime.

>> No.4537817
File: 247 KB, 530x798, Fate Stay Night 159b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you sure?

I know an end where you ally with Caster causes an insane Shirou to go on a tirade of nonsense.

>> No.4537822
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Seconded this.

UBW was my favorite of all the routes. We had a Servant who fucked everyone over even though he was the "weakest" of the bunch, TIME PARADOX, and Lancer.

I mean, Archer is my favorite character in FSN, but Lancer was damned awesome.

Plus, UBW was also played out a lot like a love triangle between Rin, Archer and Shirou.

>> No.4537831

pretty much Yeah I cried at the end of Heavens feel how they make it seem like shirou died and then suddenly "Hey guys I am back!" and then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogH6Fe2zPL8 started playing yeah I bawww'd

>> No.4537847


>> No.4537856
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Honestly, the True End of UBW made me cry over any of the ends of FSN.

Unlike Sakura or Saber, Archer couldn't be saved and that hit a lot harder, especially after the happy ending. And UBW Good made me rage. Fucking Saber got fucking threesome end and Archer gets shafted.

>> No.4537876
File: 128 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Archer gets his good end in UBW, silly.

Re-read the epilogue. From the perspective of EMIYA on his throne.

>> No.4537879

>Heart Stopping VN Moments
Why only FSN replies?

>> No.4537880
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What a bunch of babies.
This is F/sn's True End.

>> No.4537886


F/SN is the most read VN on /jp/, and is quite thrilling as its one of the few epic action VNs.

("Epic" as in "wide and legendary", not "/b/tardlolepic".)

>> No.4537898
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I didn't cry at my dear aunt's funeral, when I scooped her ashes in into the ground myself.

But I cried at the Liquid Nitrogen-End in Saya.

>> No.4537901

The only bad thing about heaven's feel is sakura

>> No.4537902
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>> No.4537930

And how was that a good ending for him?
While it was said that he had newfound trust in his ideals and that his path is right and all that, there was still the part about him still forgetting it all afterwards.
So yes he will continue on doing what he believed in forever, just like before, but just like before he will be in total despair forever.
As Heroic Spirits exists outside of time, already having lived an eternity only to be summoned to the real world one could easily assume that the UBW ends have already happened an infinite number of times before you reached them in f/sn

>> No.4537943

I can't think of any VN moments I would call "heart stopping."

>> No.4537952
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>> No.4537955

I do believe there are posters who often miss the subjects written in blue

>> No.4537956


>While it was said that he had newfound trust in his ideals and that his path is right and all that, there was still the part about him still forgetting it all afterwards.

>>Re-read the epilogue. [From the perspective of EMIYA on his throne.]

It's severely implied that the Heroic Spirit on the throne "read" the knowledge from his copy in the UBW route, meaning that the Heroic Spirit, too, is relieved that what he did was right.

>> No.4537993


>> No.4538050
File: 104 KB, 450x312, archerBADEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was implied that he wouldn't be able to read them on his "throne" because the records are uploaded with no rhyme or reason. I don't care what people say, Archer's the most tragic person in FSN and Tsukhime. Sacchin and Sakura can suck my ass.

>> No.4538062
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>It was implied that he wouldn't be able to read them on his "throne" because the records are uploaded with no rhyme or reason.

He can read them at random.

He read it. Counter Guardian EMIYA is resigned but happy. Getoverit.

>> No.4538078

The end of the first week in cross channel
"Is anyone alive out there?"

I was like...Oh what the?

>> No.4538097

At that scene I cried liked bunch of raped schoolgirls ;_;

>> No.4538109

>In other words, both decisions lead to the same result?

Sorry for being an idiot ;_;


>> No.4538119

The reading thing isn't just implied, it is actually stated.

But yes, they do remember stuff, it is part of the reason why he falls into despair in the first place, Archer did die happy after all.
In the end it comes down to the unlikelyhood of the UBW ending, Archer himself stated that him even being summoned in the same time as himself was a chance closer to nothing than anything else.
All Heroic Spirits can read their archives, but unlike most Heroic Spirits Archer was a Counter Guardian and almost the only thing he was summoned for was Guardian work.
As they have been summoned an infinite number of times, and still are being summoned for an eternity their archives are as a result filled with infinite amounts of data.
And while they may be able to read throught he archive while being summoned, looking for one certain book among infinite others can be quite hard. This one specific book might existin infinite numbers as well...but it is also close to nothing compared to the amount of all the other books.
For an example it could be like 90% CG work, 10%other stuff and a margin of error close to nothing being the UBW end.
And each time he is summoned he has to search through the archives anew and while some things mayhave happened more or less than other things, all of them have happened an infinite number of times. (That's Nasu's world right)

So when he disappears his memories are forgotten and transfered to the archive only to be lost among the infinite amount of other memoires.

>> No.4538130

Did you type all that? Nerd.

>> No.4538132

During the first week he just kind of says that as a joke though, doesn't he?

Well, I guess some people say that the "first week" never really happened, and is just a collection of flashbacks slapped together to resemble a week, even though they didn't actually happen continuously like that. Personally, I have no problem believing that it took place during a week a year or whatever before the events of the rest of C+C, with that one guy whose name I forget at the moment killing himself shortly afterwards.

>> No.4538208

I always thought of the first week as everyone playing dumb that everyone else disappeared. I think that makes sense?

>> No.4538213

How long has it been since type moon announced the tsukihime remake now?

>> No.4538310

The entirety of Tsugumi's good end wrenched my soul out. Especially since I got the bad end first, and resolved myself to getting her good end, because I thought THAT end was too sad...

That game in general has a ton of moments like that, but the best ones all involve Tsugumi. ;_;
