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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 192 KB, 802x724, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4531968 No.4531968 [Reply] [Original]

Weren't you guys playing this? All I get is update failed.

>> No.4532025

The server time only says 7:45, they're probably not awake yet.

>> No.4532028

is it US locked?

>> No.4532032

There's time limits on the server eh? If you're lying I feel silly, if not ... strange.

>> No.4532040

Hes lying.

Turn off your firewall/Av/or whatever. Post your IP, your account name and password we will contact GM directly.

>> No.4532086

What the fuck is this?

>> No.4532087

Beta starts at 2300 GMT.

>> No.4532092

>>three distinct classes!

lol no

>> No.4532093

I think we need to wait until it says 3:00.
So another 5 hours and more.

>> No.4532096

Looks like I wont be playing today then.

>> No.4532098

Shitty game. I'll be watching threads to see how shit it is.

>> No.4532099

Sigh. Well, maybe it'll be up later.

while we wait, my cousin playing princess Leia in a music video he made with some friends. Something to do anyway ... yawn.


>> No.4532134

7 more hours till server open, I presume?

>> No.4532144

You playing, Lyin? Man, I really miss calling you a gigantic faggot. Me and my bitch hjones will be on. '-'

>> No.4532162 [DELETED] 

Remòv€ your ilI€g@l [LÒne immedi@+eIy_ YÒu h@v3 [opi€d ånd påsted wvw,anÒN+alk,[Òm ön +h€ subdom@ino CuT the [rãp, móOt, Añd th3s3 m3ssäg3s wil| s+Òp. If th€ p€rsóñ r€ådiñg +his is NÓT mööT, €-mäi| móót@4<håñ,Òrg åñd teL| him tö.

R€m0ve yöur iII€g@| <L0ne immedi@+eLy* YÓu håve c0pied añd pästed vwv.ãñóN+åIKocõm õN the subdõmäiN, CuT +h€ cräp, mòÒt, äñd These m€ssäg3s wiLL s+Òp, If The p€rsOñ r3ådiNg +his is ñÒT mÒÓT, €-mAiI moõ+@4<håN,0rg and T€IL him +ò.

R€möve yòur iLIeg@L <IOne imm€diät3Iy* Yóu h@ve <Opied änd pãsted wwv_ãnõñta|k.<Òm ÓN th€ subd0m@iN, CuT +h€ [räp, mÒò+, åNd These m3ssäges viIL s+öpo If Th3 p€rsön r3ãding This is ñÓT m0ÒT, €-mai| mó0+@4[håNoõrg @ñd Te|I him +ö,

R3móv€ yõur iLl3gäI <|ONe imm€diAT3ly* You hAve <òpi3d åñd pås+ed wvv,ãnÓNT@|ko<Óm on th€ subdòmAiño Cut +h€ <räp, mOòt, ånd +h€s€ m€ss@g€s vi|L s+Óp* If the p3rsÒn r€Ading +his is Not möÒt, e-mäil möO+@4ch@n_Órg añd t3L| him Tò,

>> No.4532175

L-Link? Is that you?!

>> No.4532210

How'd you know

>> No.4532231

what the hell happened with raise-a-loli mmo? Tired already?

>> No.4532259

CB2 ended today. Nothing to do till then. Some of the lolis have grown disgusting tumors on their chests.

Who else can it be? I can spot your typing style from a mile away.

>> No.4532272

and what is this fantasy earth zero about anyways? must be sum really hot shit if /jp/ is all over it.

>> No.4532279

dunno looks kinda shitty, I'm poking an eq classic server instead

>> No.4532293

It's some game that SE ran that failed miserably and they took it offline, then sold the rights to some shitty "real money for ingame currency" type company. I'm sure it's going to be absolutely fucking terrible, but some of the stuff in the trailer looks interesting. I saw some gameplay that had a shitload of giant monster things and some big war going on that looked interesting, that's about as far as I looked into it though. Oh and, you can jump, and you don't have to fucking click the ground to move (WASD, controller, etc.)

>> No.4532323

but can you attack and defend when you want, like in dem Demon Souls? If not it will fucking fail.

>> No.4532341
File: 14 KB, 1036x152, japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea. Trying it out as /jp/edoes are playing it.

You guys missed some drama on AIKA due to butthurt. Also, us Hotglue are known to be as Japanese ingame. Glourious

>> No.4532377

sure is cool being japanese, man.

>> No.4532688

Oh wow I saw this game on a Japanese peercast stream back when SSBB had just come out there.
It looks pretty badass, especially the henshin aspect.

>> No.4532708

Sounds like Monato "something" to me.

>> No.4532732

Can you play as a little girl?

>> No.4532747

So I downloaded this and everything...from what I've gathered from this thread, 3pm Server Time is when this is going live?

>> No.4532752

So why do the config and launcher crash on me? Win 7 x64 here.

>> No.4533022

Dunno, same OS for me, worked fine.

>> No.4533098

Square Enix. Might be good.

>> No.4533101

so where the links for signup and other stuff?

>> No.4533125


>> No.4533837

This game -looks- terrible, but the videos I watched on zoome had some fairly interesting gameplay. I'll give it a chance.

>> No.4533967

so we are from glorious Nippon? iam okay with that.
btw where did u find that comment, i browse the aika forum occasionally and never seen that

>> No.4534025

Lust's forum, they unfortunately have a couple complete retards in an otherwise good guild.

>> No.4534031

>they are mostly japanese
my dream has come true

>> No.4534037

What nation were you guys in Aika? I didn't know /jp/ played it.

>> No.4534053

Holy shit, this thing is developed by Squeenix?

>> No.4534054

Feonir, Hotglue.

>> No.4534059

hotglue = /jp/

>> No.4534061

We made threads about it daily. Feonir.
Won the PvP tournament as Hötglue.

>> No.4534077

Two hours until beta according to this fella.
Any plans for what side or guild we'll be rolling as?

>> No.4534086

yes, this game is really good. I've played it on and off since its f2p release in Japan.
It definitely fits f2p more than p2p though, which is probably why it failed as a p2p.
I pretty much gave up on it ever seeing an English release. If I get sub 50 ping on this server, I'm gonna feel invincible compared to 500+ ping.
I guess I'll be a warrior, since everyone always wants to be that 'stealth badass' though in this game they are pitifully easy to spot.

>> No.4534088

Someone yesterday said blue?

>> No.4534097

Which class is the strongest or is it fairly balanced?

>> No.4534110 [DELETED] 

The launch has been pushed back an hour to 4pm pacific. (GMT -8)
Their new website will be launching an hour prior.

The only available able Nations for the time being are Red and Blue. We've decided on Blue.

>> No.4534102

How is the grind in it, and is there a lot of party gameplay?

>> No.4534105

iirc gandalf one
what classes are jp going to roll? thinking of dagger scout

>> No.4534106

Oh I see. I'll try and join when the game opens up again.

>> No.4534113

>Won the PvP tournament as Hötglue.
It might be more accurate to say we won the entire game, actually.

Blue/sword(?) Nation, apparently. Starts in 3 hours.

>> No.4534152

this is a total pvp game, you grind by 50v50 battles.

first three (what we have) are very balanced. the new classes are less balanced (fist, greatsword, and fencer)
Warrior > Scout > Mage > Warrior
Warriors have high def and resist knockdowns, so they beat scouts (shield = CC/Snare, 2h = damage)
Scout has fast attacks and knockdowns, so they beat mages (bow = mage killer + some aoe and range, dagger = hard hit or debuffs)
Mages do extra damage to warriors and have range (Fire = burn, aoe, but slow. Ice = CC, range, Lightning = range, random (but high) damage)

>> No.4534154

As far as I know, these are the sides:
Netzavare: Furries and other non-humans. Ruler is a lion. A land of chaos that only recently found relative peace. Intentions unknown, these beasts probably aren't even sentient.
Yelsord: Powerful mages. Current ruler is a powerful mage eager to spread knowledge. A "well balanced country that swells with power".
Hordaine: A nation with much internal conflict ruled with an iron hand by the hot and well-endowed queen Vadrithe. Fights to conquer other nations for no reason what so ever.
Gevrandia: Aristocratic, class-based society with former warlords on top of the social ladder. Current ruler is Light from death note, who wants to bring equality to this nation, while having a God-complex at the same time. Wants to "Bring a new world".
Cesedria: Recentl declared independence from Gevrandia. Ruler is an Aika pran (loli elf) and a massive pacifist (faggot).

>> No.4534158

Note: Blue is the mage one, Yelsord. I agree with this choice.

>> No.4534178

Sounds interesting, I guess I'll try it. How is everyone finding each other when the game starts?

>> No.4534181

I watched some videos on youtube.. pvp looks really fun

>> No.4534194

I have no idea how the game works, but we'll just coordinate from here and in the IRC.

We'll try and get a guild up asap, assuming we can make one.

>> No.4534197
File: 216 KB, 1280x1024, Aika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be (kind of) continuing where I left off in Aika with a Lightning Mage in FEZ. You have enough points to sub a second element apparently. Ice seems like a good choice. Fast casting skills against slow moving/immobile targets couldn't possibly be bad, right?

>> No.4534203

I forgot to mention, its very possible to beat your counter class, they just have an advantage over you.
For example:
Dagger sneaks up on Warrior with a backstab, disarms, fights a bit, blind and some bow usage.
Warrior knocks down mage, then mage make a few bad dodges which the warrior predicts and gets wrecked
Mage sees scout and knocks them down before they get the jump, and proceeds to lock them down.

if you try to beat them at what they are best at, you have to quite a bit better to beat them.

if you have no idea what you are doing, collect crystals for people. I'm sure there will be quite a few 'veterans' playing.

>> No.4534205

/jp/ @ rizon?

>> No.4534227

Almost all mages go sub ice unless they really know what they are doing, but Its your choice when you get to sub it.
20->30 is easy, but 31+ is a grind.
subbing ice early gets you utility, but you are losing out on lightnings good spells
protip for the mage, since most people probably are new at this game get your buff to level 2. double the time on the buff is much better than it sounds, since without the buff you can only use lv.1 spells.

>> No.4534248

What about that other bonus for taking the buff to level 3. Is it worth it?

>> No.4534249


But then again, looking at the general trend of the talk on the forums and wiki, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone and their mothers go Lightning/Ice Sorcerer.

>> No.4534256

Hotglue @ rizon

>> No.4534263

You'll have to feel it out. It is a decent boost, but it is not necessary.
If you find yourself forgetting to keep the buff up, it is worth it for the smaller cast time, but it takes valuable points so many people don't get it.

>> No.4534265

#Hotglue @ Rizon

>> No.4534289

What about Summons? I heard Wraith>Players>Knight>Wraith, but Giants are terrible against everything? What about Chimeras and Dragons? Are they just good against everything?

>> No.4534300

I want to play this game with you guys. How do I play this game?

>> No.4534306

it isn't suprising. Fire is very tricky to use but can be devastating.
Lightning is much easier to use and does very good damage.
Ice is CC/support much like 1h+shield, so they are rare, but very helpful to other people.

I really wish the CC got more killing points, since there is always a huge lack of them.

>> No.4534323

Google up Fantasy Earth Zero, register on the website, download the client, install, and start the game when the servers go up at 4 pm PST, 7 pm EST.

>> No.4534329

Knight is the summon killer, it is good against all summons
Chimera / Dragon / Wraith are for killing infantry.
Ogre is for killing structures that people make.

everyone should read this, if they've never played though its outdated on the Japanese version, it should work well for us.:

at least skim it and read the interesting stuff.

>> No.4534338

skip all the junk about the tutorial, skills and nation wars are the stuff you want.

>> No.4534463

which nation blue?

>> No.4534505

Think I'll have to pass on it. Once Aika's next CB or OB starts again, we'll just move on to that, right?

>> No.4534530


>> No.4534537

Update is available now, everyone starting updating and get ready.

>> No.4534547

Shit, does anyone have a Megaupload for this game or something?

>> No.4534554
File: 94 KB, 1280x960, FEZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4534596

So you actually get to assume direct control of the summons? Sounds pretty ace.

>> No.4534620

When did everyone start playing this? I don't want to be 50 levels behind like in Aika. And is there a guild yet?

>> No.4534631

Connection failed, oh fuck!

>> No.4534694

Not up for 1:40 yet, get downloading it. google FEZ gamepot.

>> No.4534806

So looking at class counters, we should probably try to get better balance this time around. What's everyone planning to roll as right now? We can try to have the indecisive ones fill out the lacking classes.

>> No.4534832


2H warrior here.

>> No.4534843

2h warrior also

>> No.4534849

dagger scout

>> No.4534850
File: 210 KB, 557x557, 1267396658392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Going Bow Scout, aren't I original?

>> No.4534855

I read we have the option of (re)starting at L20, so I don't think it'll be much of an issue. We should be able to change on the fly with the free leveling.

>> No.4534859


>> No.4534862


>> No.4534875

well 5 more mins i think

>> No.4534918

I guess I'm going to be the only shield warrior. Dem stuns, man.

>> No.4534921

it's not working!

>> No.4534925


It's been pushed back an hour, I think.

>> No.4534931

Ah I see. thanks
I guess I'll find something else to do other than open and close fez repeatedly

>> No.4534936

doesn't matter as much, since the nation we are in is always mage heavy.

getting 20 is always a cake walk, 30 is easy, 40 is grind. Levels don't mean much compared to your ability.

game is all pvp, don't join if you hate pvp.

>> No.4534938

Well, giving it a spin. Too bad I have like five exams coming in a row and other business to attend.

Ice sorcerer.

>> No.4534940


So... Kingdom of Netz then?

and fuck an hour delay?

>> No.4534942


There's an npc where you can turn lvl 20 in a instant i think

>> No.4534950

yes, for the beta. otherwise you get 15-18 through the tutorial, and 20 in a few battles.

>> No.4534955

>game is all pvp, don't join if you hate pvp.

Oh cool, I liked the Ragnarok Online pinoy/BR sieges and being an elitist prick over the internet.

I miss high school.

>> No.4534959


You from San Jose, Cali?

>> No.4534966

Looks like its up

>> No.4534973

Nah, sorry. Half a world off.

>> No.4534978


Why did you lie?

>> No.4534983

Too many people logging in I guess .....

>> No.4534984

I think I'll do it the slower way, hopefully it won't take too long. You guys can go ahead and hurr durr through it though.

>> No.4534988

I wasn't trying to be mean or elitist, that's really all the game is.
Monster hunting is boring, and I believe stops at ~20.
the pve content is almost nothing.

nothing like RO which was a grind game with pvp at the end.

>> No.4534989

nvm, its downloaded updates but I guess the server isn't up yet.

>> No.4535001

We are playing Kingdom of Yelsord, aka Blue aka old fart Wakamoto wizard country.

>> No.4535003

You're going to be excluded from the guild. We don't harbor liars in /jp/.

>> No.4535012

I'll try this for one afternoon and then stop.

>> No.4535015

'slower' meaning the tutorial? if you haven't played the game, doing the tutorial is high priority.
the tutorial gets you to 15 or so. You can grind mobs to 20. Nation vs Nation is the rest of the game, except gambling / arena.

>> No.4535021

anyone got link to the skill simulator?

>> No.4535035

So is this moe? Can I finally be the little girl?

>> No.4535037

Where can I see the classes?

>> No.4535042

I was also serious, RO's PvP was fun in groups and my guild server hopped around for maybe a year, trying pretty much every midrate server with a large community (which means no grind/good PvP. ) Taunting people and internet drama was part of the charm.

I still remember when we decided to leave this one server and our Paladin upgraded all his gear until they broke for fun. +10 Bone Helm, +9 Marc Card Full Plate. When you don't have friends, all your fond memories come from the internet.

>> No.4535056

Speakin of MMO's, does /jp/ still play Aion? Or was it too grindy.

>> No.4535063

Read this, seen the pictures, GAME IS UGLY AS HELL.

Not going to play it.

>> No.4535065


>> No.4535066


I hope /jp/ isn't a bunch of players who play for the griefing.

>> No.4535074

>Implying we would even want to you to play with us.

>> No.4535075


I do. Siel, level 50 sorc. Asmo

>> No.4535087

We want everyone to feel as terrible as we do.

>> No.4535127

Fuck, I guess that answers my question. I expected better graphics from Square Enix. I'll give it a try, anyway, since I already downloaded 1GB. ;_;

>> No.4535139

still can't connect ;_;

>> No.4535149

4PM is the start time now.

>> No.4535156
File: 99 KB, 1280x960, 1266575571617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up

>> No.4535170

Well the game is actually pretty old, 2006-ish.

>> No.4535194


Wiki said 2003. Who cares I just want to check the game out

>> No.4535197

Stop doing that

>> No.4535206

I don't think Square Enix even developed the game - probably only acted as publisher.

>> No.4535210

Does have Sakamoto as composer though, if that counts for anything.

>> No.4535213

starts march 3rd 4pm PST

official site
the official trailer is total bullshit so don't watch it

we're rolling yelsord/blue wizard nation for open beta 1
the system requirements listed are highly exaggerated, if you can run aika, you should be able to run FEZ without any problems
there WILL be a server wipe at the end of OB1, there will NOT be a wipe after OB2, we may or may not continue playing once aika's OB begins, just something to do inbetween
for widescreen settings or resolutions not supported, go into GamepotUSA\FantasyEarthZero\Settings and edit screen_width/screen_height in the GLOBAL.ini file

general info guide
i suggest reading the Nation vs. Nation Battles (PvP) section as the combat is very different to the norm, especially parts concerning healing/hp regen/potions

skill calculator in JP

fansite wiki

for specific class videos add the following to the search box
火皿 for Fire Mage
氷皿 for Ice Mage
雷皿 for Lightning Mage
短スカ for dagger scout
片手 1hand warrior
セスタス for cestus
弓スカ for bow scout
大剣 for Greatsword
両手 for 2hand warrior
フェンサー or 笛 for Fencer

open beta info

open beta events

>> No.4535259

Nice, you can fistcuffs in this game? Rollan puglish warrior or scout then.

>> No.4535275

we only have the original 3, warrior scout mage.
tbh the newer classes are not as balanced

>> No.4535288

15 more minutes. Okay /jp/, grab your supplies now and lets stay up 48 hours together again.

>> No.4535291

>Fencer and Cestus will most likely be added in future updates.
Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.4535302

Is there no healan in this game? Do you collect health or something?

>> No.4535324

I said before that I always play clerics. Since there's no clerics I'll choose mage, what mage class would you suggest? Fire seems pretty standard.

>> No.4535334

Potion spamming games. I hear there is a potion spam limit though, so not potion spamming.

>> No.4535349


There are huge Crystals in battlefields which can be collected, or used to heal yourself (not recommended).

Otherwise, you use Potions (heal over time) or Food (instant heal), both which use up your "inventory points". The amount used up varies and you only get 150 for each battle.

>> No.4535359

So, any idea how long this beta is supposed to last? I hate mmos in the long term, but if it's only a couple months, I might be interested.

>> No.4535365

Fire for slow cast, high damage and DoT.

Lightning for fast cast, medium damage and AoE.

Ice for medium cast, low damage and slow/freeze effects.

>> No.4535403


>> No.4535411

Makes you miss gpotatos punctuality. Don't it?

>> No.4535414

now it's 5pm or 5:30pm

>> No.4535418

Gpotato is a funny name.

>> No.4535420

Guess it's Lightning mage for me

>> No.4535421
File: 34 KB, 350x294, shikieiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4535424

seems client will be ready around 5-5:30 pst

>> No.4535425

From their twitter

>Update: We know you're all waiting, just ironing a few final kinks. Website: 4:30. Client: 5-5:30.

Take it easy.

>> No.4535430

Starting off pretty great already. It's like I'm playing a game by Nexon.

>> No.4535433

go back to sleepywood

>> No.4535436

I can't take it easy like this!

>> No.4535442

half one? ahh fuck it, I'm off to stalk pripyat

>> No.4535443

Fuck it. Touhou Fortress 2 for 1 hour

>> No.4535444


Oh boy, Nexon. They're the BEST. ._.;

>> No.4535447


>> No.4535461

While you're waiting. Enjoy their female character creation video. You'll be pleased to know there's a "young" body type. Yes, that's right. You can be the the little girl.


>> No.4535462

>Touhou Fortress 2
I threw up in my mouth a bit.

>> No.4535467

Hmm, I'm still torn between bow scout and ice mage.

>> No.4535471
File: 1.09 MB, 320x240, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ atm

>> No.4535484

Steparu, are you here dude?

>> No.4535486

why the fuck do you have a bleach gif saved?

>> No.4535493

I can't take my eyes off the whale in the pink jacket

>> No.4535517

Haters gonna hate

>> No.4535607

it a naruto gif

>> No.4535622


An even better question as to why the fuck you have it then.

>> No.4535646


umm >>4535607 wasn't the one that posted that.

>> No.4535688
File: 137 KB, 641x534, bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4535689

>FEZ has stopped working and needs to be closed
I'm still not amused.

>> No.4535701

I get the sinking feeling that the launch will be postponed until tomorrow. I don't mind. I'll just take it easy until then. But there are bound to be people uninstalling out of frustration.

>> No.4535721

Got bored wait so I started looking through the forum. Looks like these people are even more Gaiafagish than those from Aika.

All the more delicious to spoil their fun

>> No.4535729

really? cant wait for the nation war to start excuses and butthurt everywhere

>> No.4535758

You know, I thought /jp/ was kind of lame.

But now I know I belong here.

>> No.4535766

Will you guys be my friend in game

>> No.4535773

Are you a girl?

>> No.4535790


Do you want me to be?

>> No.4535792

Just pretending is fine

>> No.4535795

I will

>> No.4535796

Every other forum makes the 4chan outside of /b/ look like heaven.

>> No.4535798

I got this error 0000274c. Can't connect to server or something. Anyone know whats wrong?

>> No.4535808

Same here. Servers still aren't up

>> No.4535822

16 mins left till they have to announce another delay

>> No.4535825

The game server isn't up. They seem to be having technical difficulties. Follow their twitter for status updates.

>> No.4535854

>Forums now LIVE:
>Database error
oh gamepot, u so crazy

>> No.4535861

>Forums now LIVE: http://forum.gamepotusa.com/forumdisplay.php?51-Fantasy-Earth-Zero
>4 minutes ago via web
>Database error

These guys are good.

>> No.4535864

someone should upload victim girls 7 as its related to this game

>> No.4535940

Will there be a voice patch like in Aika?

>> No.4535946

Well it's past 5:30 and .....

>> No.4535953

Is there any reason why we're not going green? The loli nation.

>> No.4535958


>> No.4535963

only 2 countries are release for testing red and blue i think

>> No.4536001

The sound folder is 448 MB. FAR larger than Aika's. I suppose if someone only .rar'd the player character voices and our nations leader then distributing it would be more feasible.

>> No.4536005


300+ MB

>> No.4536024

I'll save the link and leave it for tomorrow, I'm playing with a bro and I don't want to lag us out.

Thank you for the link.

>> No.4536031


is game up for you? not working for me

>> No.4536047
File: 78 KB, 640x480, Eva.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4536101


hmm why did i downloaded a html file?

>> No.4536129

Well, their video overview looks nice, but I really doubt the game plays like that. I suppose it could be worth giving a chance to though.

>> No.4536142

at the rate this is going its gonna go up around 9 PST on the 4th

>> No.4536162


>> No.4536172

that is not cool or spicy


>> No.4536180
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20080913122452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4536181

it will probably be another hour, since they kept the website and game spaced about an hour apart, and the website just went live.

>> No.4536187

your right the site is up but NOT THE GAME faggot

>> No.4536214

It won't even let me register. Fuck your shitty game, /jp/.

>> No.4536275

I just got done registering, did you click the sign up button on the site? It works for me just fine. It opens up in a tiny... flash window, or something, instead of in another tab or window so you might have to check your browser settings if it's not coming up.

>> No.4536312

That reminds me, I need to catch up on Dokki Doki.

Also, my antivirus doesn't seem to like something the game does when I try to start it from the patcher. It automatically quarantines it. The interesting thing, is that's it's a file in my temp folder and not in the actual game directory.

>> No.4536316
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>> No.4536335

It may be about time you ran a full system scan, man.

>> No.4536355

Do it every day, man. Also ran it after it first happened, just to be sure. It only comes up when the game tries to start, and won't let it start as a result.

>> No.4536378


English version? Or english patch?

>> No.4536387

> Ok, it's been a long road, and we know everyone is ready to kill each other...and you'll be able to do this at 6:30, period. We'll be in-game waiting for you.
about a minute ago

>> No.4536402

English version, opens today.


>> No.4536427


>> No.4536431

haha, the site is down again

>> No.4536433

Forums are up

>> No.4536438

Brain pancake crystal elderly.

>> No.4536442



>> No.4536444

I knew they were playing the game by themselves.

anyone gonna try to play this with a game pad?

>> No.4536454


>> No.4536474
File: 80 KB, 798x597, cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah boys! GO GO GO!

>> No.4536476

not trolling, he's right game is up

>> No.4536486

I quit my last MMO due to carpal tunnel so - yeah i'll probably use the gamepad to minimize paaaains

>> No.4536498
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I wanna but I lent both of mine out to a friend, gonna get them back soon!

also anyone past the 0000274c error yet
correct me if I'am wrong but It means that the servers aren't receiving information from the manager right!

>> No.4536515
File: 1.40 MB, 2893x1875, Random - 00009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, the game looks like it could be a lot of fun if you pried it away from the companies hands and quietly ran your own private server.

It's the cash shop stuff that will make it miserable.

>> No.4536539

cash shop stuff is very reasonable

btw crash on load in to game

>> No.4536544

Game was up... the it went down

>> No.4536547

Just took Aya, Alice, and Yuyuko.

>> No.4536551

same i crashed trying to get in

>> No.4536552

I don't trust them to keep it reasonable, is what I suppose I mean. I've seen too many cash shop games go out of control. Then again I remember Mabinogi right now, their cash shop is pretty much just stuff you might want, not stuff you absolutely need. The closest thing to need is the pets for extra space, especially the mounts. And that's a pretty trivial amount for a pet, especially now that you can rebirth for free.

>> No.4536574

Is there anyway to resize the chat box? Oh my god, is it tiny.

>> No.4536580
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>> No.4536590

Anyone find the npc that makes you 20?

>> No.4536591

I suppose maybe it's that I keep a small resolution, but it's fair sized for me.

>> No.4536600

its been out for awhile, but in japan the biggest benefit is you get the 'best' weapon without being in the right country, at any level.
you can also buy skill resets, nation xfer, etc.

>> No.4536610
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>> No.4536613
File: 36 KB, 412x371, Indexu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Index here. Where's the lvl 20 npc?

>> No.4536616

Same error here orz

>> No.4536619

Got Parsee

>> No.4536620

which world guys? Ares or Boreas?

>> No.4536627


>> No.4536628

got Rumia not like anyone likes her and Suigintou

>> No.4536647

I got Karas

>> No.4536656

Derp, same.

>> No.4536659
File: 402 KB, 1280x1024, Random - 00021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The customization video seems pretty limited outside of the body types. The young body type still has huge tits. Not sure I can get on board with this one if DFC lolis aren't possible.

>> No.4536662

TwoCat, reportan in.

>> No.4536674

I got Yuka, Reisen and Nitori.

Can't log in though. :|

>> No.4536691


Ok. I think this error comes out when server is full. Try again now.

>> No.4536692

so even a titmonster no matter what then huh

>> No.4536694

Tried starting, nothing happens at all. ┐(’~`;)┌

>> No.4536698

Just took Suika Ibuki

>> No.4536700

log out then back in thats how i got in

>> No.4536703

Well, can't say I'm very impressed with what I've seen so far. I bet I end up uninstalling before the night's over.

>> No.4536732

I get the null error with Ares, but it works fine in Boreas.

>> No.4536743

Got me Komachi as well

>> No.4536759

titmonster plus need a gamepad to feel comfortable. don't see myself playing much lyn

>> No.4536765


>> No.4536773

so problly be playing eco and seeing things bored people come up with for things to do like mage only hk fight

>> No.4536781

Press N to alter the chat box settings

>> No.4536787

Not necessary.

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.4536788

screw this game.

I'll be in megaten or runescape

>> No.4536789

What's eco?

>> No.4536815

a void of nothiness

>> No.4536821
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>> No.4536831

I got past the error, but then it started saying the nation wasn't accepting players.

>> No.4536848

Jesus, what the fuck are you even supposed to do? Everyone just standing or running around like idiots

>> No.4536849

Try Boreas server or whatever. It works fine.

>> No.4536868

Currently have Alice, Ran, Aya, Yuyuko, Amu, Railgun, Uiharu, Ryogi, Kohaku

>> No.4536871

Thanks. That makes the game slightly less crappier.

>> No.4536886

Who am I supposed to take this red letter to? I can't seem to find the person, even after running to the forest and the canyon, and there are no quests listed in my quest window. ;_;

>> No.4536902
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>> No.4536917

I'm very dissapointed, I can't even get past the updater.

>> No.4536920

I just want RO2 or Mabinogi 2 to come out. RO and Mabinogi are the only MMOs I've ever liked.

>> No.4536922

>No more updates are necessary, click start
>Click start
>Patch closes, nothing happens

>> No.4536924

buttshit i keep d/cing

>> No.4536969

Shitsux, we gotta split the guild I guess.

>> No.4536977

Hahahaha nope. 4chan has a very high level of maturity, excluding the trolls. People actually type in readable english as well.

Google "EDMW" if you want to see an example of a real shit forum.

>> No.4536980
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>> No.4536993

wonder if we can delete then recreate with the same name character so we can move to boreas or soemthing

>> No.4536998

This game actually makes Allods seem fun by comparison. I think I've had enough.

Have fun /jp/.

>> No.4537008
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>> No.4537013

That's what I did, and it worked. Also, anyone know how to get rid of them tutorial windows. Shit takes up the entire left side of screen almost.

>> No.4537065

If there's any open parties left, send an invite to Karas please

>> No.4537120

I thought you were exaggerating at first, but fuck. At least I managed to tolerate Allods until the World Map area or so. This shit, dropped now.

>> No.4537131

Reimu here.

Can't choose a nation, stuck not playing.

>> No.4537139

why not play ro then

>> No.4537146


Looks like "not recruiting" is their code for "server full".

>> No.4537154

Cirno here, how does I play game?

>> No.4537168

wow...game dropped

>> No.4537173

There's too many dicks running around too small spaces, so I don't think I'll be playing this for now at least. If you guys manage to get something set up though, be sure to post updates in future threads.

>> No.4537182

Any other game we can flock to till Aika comes back?

>> No.4537183
File: 207 KB, 1012x755, fezmari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit server is shit

At least I found armor.

>> No.4537189

Grand Fantasia is pretty good.

>> No.4537195

giving up on open beta 1, this beta is shit, delays and lags and update server issues

i might try open beta 2 but the rest gave up on the whole game already

>> No.4537200
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>> No.4537203

my ping flux from 200 to 600 and client keeps crashing because a driver stops responding this is annoying

>> No.4537212

Sitting in a corner is more fun

>> No.4537227

someone make a new thread this one is autosage

>> No.4537253

How do you get to level 20?

>> No.4537281

town across the bridge levelup jerry npc

>> No.4537289

don't need a new thread, no one is gonna play anymore

>> No.4537352

Well we need a new thread to figure what to do next, at least?

>> No.4537371

Horrible game. Dropped.

Two more weeks until Aika comes back...and with it our Prans.


>> No.4537372

how do i register my gamepad

>> No.4537382
File: 247 KB, 500x706, 1235476316976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is ass.

>> No.4537409

>Two more weeks until Aika comes back
Source? OB or another CB?

>> No.4537422
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>> No.4537427


>> No.4537495

Then be happy, Aika is coming to NA: http://aika.gpotato.com/

>> No.4537522

What? That didn't answer my question at all. The site doesn't mention anything beyond the already passed CB2.

>> No.4537547
File: 42 KB, 1000x625, 1000px-Digimonsleezy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It answered the first one
and If you went to the page you would see that its for the Second CBT anon

>> No.4537579

Open beta is next?
>3rd open beta lol

>> No.4537586

>Two more weeks until Aika comes back...and with it our Prans.

Touka said Aika would be back in 2 weeks. I wanted to know where that information came from. The site doesn't mention that anywhere. CB2 is already over.

I don't know if you're retarded or what.

>> No.4537657

I saw somewhere that it would be returning on the 15th. But I may just be tripping balls, so don't take my word for it.

And please don't fight over what I say, take it easy ;_;.

>> No.4537673

Ah, thanks. Not really fighting over what you said. I can't help it if someone can't read, or post anything comprehensible for that matter.
