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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4531870 No.4531870 [Reply] [Original]

Why are /a/ such assholes? Seriously, whenever I go there they piss me the fuck off. Is /jp/ the only decent board on 4chan these days?

>> No.4531875

No, we are worse.

>> No.4531880

/jp/ is shit too.

>> No.4531881

/a/ just wants to be punished for being naughty.

>> No.4531886

get the fuck out already

>> No.4531887

/a/ has been bitter since the split. At first they were happy, for whatever reasons, but then they realized how much was lost to the board separation.

>> No.4531893

We're shit also, but ironically we're shit because of the rapid increase in /a/fags immigrating to LAWL OTAKU CULTURE X3

>> No.4531895

Funny, they always said the same thing about /jp/

>> No.4531906
File: 81 KB, 551x550, jerkcity179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every board on 4chan is shit~

>> No.4531908

Some of us moved here in hopes of getting away from kids and /b/ that have taken over the board.

But some just seem to have brought that with us..

>> No.4531911

Hahah, oh wow.

>> No.4531934

/a/ is decent if you actually want to talk about anime. Just ignore the trolls and /b/ shit.

>> No.4531938
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The only good thing on /a/ are the Strike Witches threads, but even those have uneven quality.

>> No.4531940

Does /a/ have Jojo threads anymore?

>> No.4531941
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>Some of us moved here in hopes of getting away from kids and /b/ that have taken over the board.


>/b/ invaded /a/ and occupied its boards
>/a/ left, invaded /jp/ and occupied its boards
>/jp/ gets raeped because /jp/ cannot invade

>The Huns invade the Goths and occupy their lands
>The Goths invade the Roman Empire and occupy their lands
>The Romans get raeped because Romans cannot migrate.

>> No.4531943

>The only good thing on /a/ are the Strike Witches threads
Try posting one on /m/ somet(GETTER ROBO FLOOD).

>> No.4531945

>Thus, Romans perish.

>> No.4531947

When I went there like three months back on a whim, a JoJo thread was being imagespammed.

I quickly went back to my sanctuary in /jp/, hoping that we never get that awful.

>> No.4531956

We'll just move to Constantinople (bunbunmaru).

>> No.4531964

God damn it /a/. What was it being imagespammed with?

>> No.4531967

I don't see how that could work. /bun/ is already many times worse than we could ever be.

/bun/ is like Japan - they have population problems, so they advertise on other boards. And, as I don't have to tell you, /jp/ doesn't necessarily like Japan.

>> No.4531970
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>> No.4531974

/bun/ is more like Cyprus. You can't move the entire West Roman Empire to Cyprus.

>> No.4531980

Just the typical THIS THREAD SUCKS and One Piece.

>> No.4531991
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I used to be a regular on /m/. I dropped it over the course of 00. I poke my head in their from time to time, but it doesn't seem to have gotten any better.

>> No.4532005

Which is going to be raped by /jp/ and then by some kind of mutated neo-neo-/b/ after about a millennium?

>> No.4532007
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/a/ can be good - I managed to coax a ~300 post YKK thread out of it the other day.

>> No.4532008
File: 43 KB, 178x178, 1264897662544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ = /jp/
Moot can merge these boards again, nothing will happen.

>> No.4532014

At this point the only thing that would change is the speed would increase to ridiculous levels.

We get their fucking useless imagebombers and anime discussions here already.

>> No.4532013

The thing with /m/ is just to realize you can't discuss certain things without trolling because it's the current "(x) is ruining /m/" excuse. Currently it's Tokusatsu shows - Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, etc.

>> No.4532018

So did I. Seems like it failed.


>> No.4532021
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Massive amounts of underage.

>> No.4532024
File: 227 KB, 443x352, master angry better quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kamen Rider is ruining /m/
What kind of enemy of justice has /m/ become?

>> No.4532034 [DELETED] 

R3mòv3 yóur iLL3gã| [IóN3 immediaT€|y* YÒu häv€ <0pi€d åñd pAsted wwv*ãnon+ãLKocöm öñ the subdÓm@iñ, CuT Th€ cräp, mOÓT, añd Thes€ m€ssäg3s wiI| s+öp* If Th€ pers0n r3ådiñg This is nÓ+ mooT, e-m@il m0òt@4[häñ*Org änd TeIL him tö.

R€mOve yÓur iILeg@| <LÓñ3 imm€diA+€|yo Yõu håve cõpi3d äNd past€d www_AñÓñ+å|ko[Óm Òñ +h3 subdÒm@iN, CuT +h3 [räp, móÓ+, ånd Th3s€ m€ss@g€s wil| stop_ If th€ p3rsÓn reãdiñg this is nòT mOóT, 3-måiL mOÒ+@4<han.Org Añd t3Il him +ò_

R3mõv3 yÓur iI|€gãI <|ön€ immediat3Iyo Yòu hãve [òpi€d @nd pästed vvwo@ñònTåLK_com ON the subdòmaiñ. Cut The <räp, mÒOT, ãnd th€s3 m3ssãg3s viLI s+Óp. If +h3 p€rsõn r3ãdiñg +his is nöT mOOT, e-mai| mÓòT@4<håñ.õrg @Nd t€lI him tO*

RemÒv3 yOur iI|eg@| clóñe imm€diAT3lyo Yöu h@ve cÒpi3d åNd pãsted vww*ãñÒNt@LKo<0m ÒN th€ subd0mAiNo CuT Th3 <rãp, mòóT, ANd Th3s€ messãges viII sTÒpo If the p3rsON r3ädiñg this is ñÓT mÓÒT, e-mäil móÓt@4<häN*órg ANd +elI him to_

>> No.4532037

>/a/ is decent if you actually want to talk about anime.
Every single thread is full of people whining about how bad every single series is. I've even seen the older "favorite" series trashed, like LogH and SnH.

It's obvious its full of kids who don't know the meaning of the words take it easy.

>> No.4532038


/jp/ has a fair share of underage users. Did you see that thread that had people recording themselves pronouncing Touhou names?

>> No.4532042

I'd hardly call this an invasion.
/a/ was completely taken over, /jp/ just has a handful of /a/ tripfriends.
last I checked anime still doesn't get talked about on /jp/

>> No.4532044


I ignored it. Why didn't you?

>> No.4532054
File: 230 KB, 480x514, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. would have been better if they ware at least /jp/ usuals, not some jealous fags from /v/ and /a/.

>> No.4532055

If you guys want to move to another chan but hate bun, you guys are always welcome over at our chan..
just saying..

>> No.4532065


Reported for advertising.

>> No.4532071


I think I'm a masochist.

>> No.4532069
File: 23 KB, 460x347, super-retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4532067

How slow is your chan?

>> No.4532083

Didn't post a link, I'm not about to spam our board here like certain other sites.

We get a few dozen posts a day.
but if a board being slow is a problem for you I wouldn't recommend it.
It's a little more for people that like to take it easy.

>> No.4532084

Active Users: 5

>> No.4532097

>It's a little more for people that like to take it easy.

Read: it's a little more for people with dawn's syndrom.

>> No.4532115

>It's a little more for people that like to take it easy.
I visit it every once in a while and I see people bickering about other's tastes.

The ZnT thread is an example.

I'll never understand why it bothers people so much if someone likes something they don't.

How is Toradora treated over there?

>> No.4532139

I don't even remember the last time there was a toradora thread, but I think it's just regarded as another anime. No trollfest or shit throwing or what have you. There are people who like it and people who don't, but they respect eachother's opinions (for the most part). Even the ZnT thread isn't bad. Sure there are people in there who hate it, but they're not going to spam naruto pics because of it.

>> No.4532151

This is something we're kind of gone over, if everyone agrees on everything then there's nothing to talk about.
and if nobody's talking, then people complain about the site being slow.
so from time to time some of us start conversations by stating opinions others might not agree with.
But over all the sites relatively peaceful, nowhere near as much arguing as you might find on 4chan.

Some people like Toradora , some don't but people don't fight about it and it doesn't get spammed.

>> No.4532153
File: 337 KB, 1492x2816, words.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like shit. The fact that it was the "flavor-of-the-season" show when it was airing and the attentionwhore tipfag named after one of the charaters from that show is part of the reason. The other part is because that show sucked balls, seriously.

Pic related.

>> No.4532167

He meant on t-chan's anime board, not /a/.

>> No.4532191 [DELETED] 

Take it easy bro.

You really can't call the production values shit, and the story isn't incoherent. If you didn't like it that's an opinion.

>> No.4532197

Take it easy bro.

You really can't call the production values shit, and the story isn't incoherent. If you didn't like it that's an opinion.

>> No.4532216

I don't mind discussion.

Guys like
this where all they can say is "it sucks balls" and are completely dishonest about what's good and bad about a series bother me to no end though.

>> No.4532263

Well we certainly don't have much of that from what I can remember
it's a place where people can talk about anime without worrying about the thread getting spammed of idiots screaming "SHIT SUCKS", people like that have to little of an attention span to spend more then five minutes on a site as slow as ours, and the people that are there are there because they're trying to get away from those type of idiots, so why would they act like what they're trying to get away from?

>> No.4532319

I'll probably check it out more.

Also, wasn't me who made that Toradora thread.
